Interview Rubric First Impressions Guide

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In-Person Video Call Phone Call

Initial Greeting Give a handshake to the interviewer(s) and introduce yourself. Maintain good eye contact!

Give a wave and introduce yourself to the interviewer(s). Thank them for their time today.

Introduce yourself if there is anyone new on the call, thank them for their time today.

Eye Contact

Giving eye contact throughout your answers will help build connection and trust with the interviewer(s). If there are multiple people on the panel, make sure to look at everyone on the panel at some point throughout your answers.

Even though on a video call, it’s easy to tell if you are looking around the call room. As you answer questions look at everyone on the panel at some point or look directly at the camera. Avoid looking down or looking around the room.

Body Language

Open body language is best. Avoid crossing your arms, hunching over, keeping your head down, or not squaring your body towards the interviewer(s). Talking with your hands makes you appear more conversational and relaxed.

Angle your body to be straight on with your computer and have the camera level with your face. Allow enough room in the bottom of the frame to allow interviewers to see your hands as you talk. Studies have been done that being able to see your hands on a video call instills trust.

Even though the interviewer can’t see you, your body language makes a difference. Try putting the phone on speaker to give yourself freedom to talk with your hands –this adds inflection to your voice to make you sound more conversational. You can also try walking around the room!

Answer Delivery

Ensure you are enunciating your words and speaking at a pace that is conducive to someone taking notes. Enunciating and pace are especially important for video/phone interviews. Practicing answers for common questions in advance can reduce filler words such as ‘like’ or ‘um’. It also will give you more confidence in answering questions and allow you to deliver your answer in a way that is easy to follow for the listener. Ask the interviewer at the end if they need any clarification for any answers.

Background/Setup Setup: Bring along a notebook and pen to take any notes if you need. Also bring a folder with additional copies of the resume you applied with for those on the panel. It also doesn’t hurt to bring a water bottle with you, dry mouth during interviews is real!

Locate yourself somewhere private and quiet where you won’t have any interruptions. Ensure your Wi-Fi connection is stable and strong to avoid glitches during your interview. Your background should be free of clutter or personal items. Keep water nearby.

Locate yourself somewhere private and quiet where you won’t have any interruptions. Feel free to have your resume and notes in front of you if you find it helpful. Keep water nearby.

Good First Impressions: Interview Edition! 208-885-6121 ISUB Vandal Success Center

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