Student Family Child Care Subsidy Program, AY 2018-19

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Student Family Child Care Subsidy Program, AY 2018-19

Administered by Family Services, a unit of University Human Resources

HUMAN RESOURCES FAMILY SERVICES 121 University Services Building Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1911 319-335-3558 Fax 319-353-2384


Cathy Wilcox, Senior Associate Director, Scholarships, Athletics & Ext Programs Dr. Melissa Shivers, Vice President for Student Life Cheryl Reardon, Chief Human Resources Officer and Associate Vice President Cynthia Bartels, Chief Investment Officer and Director, Treasury Operations Angie Reams, Interim Associate Vice President and Dean of Students


Diana Kremzar, Manager, UI Family Services


Student Family Child Care Subsidy Programs Academic Year 2019


July 1, 2019

Please find enclosed the Executive Summary and Full Report of the Child Care Subsidy programs that assist student parents with child care expenses. The value of the program is best demonstrated by this parent’s words. “I cannot express how much I appreciate this resource. I would likely not be able to pursue graduate school without this subsidy, or would be under an unimaginable stress without it.”

Thank you to the staff of the Office of Student Financial Aid and the University Billing Office for their assistance with implementing these programs. We are proud to report that we were able to provide child care subsidy to 152 student parents, both graduate and undergraduate, in AY19. As we continue to explore opportunities to reach student parents, we welcome your input. Enhanced communication efforts for AY19 included outreach to the listserv for Graduate Department Heads and DEOs, Office of Academic Advising and members of the Family Issues Charter Committee. Plans to further communication in AY20 include exploring collaborations with University of Iowa Student Government, Graduate & Professional Student Government and the Student Success Team; in addition to an Iowa NOW feature. If you have questions or comments, please contact Diana Kremzar at Thank you for your support. CC: Joni Troester, Assistant Vice President for Total Rewards, University Human Resources Sarah Hansen, Associate Vice President, Division of Student Life Tammy Smith, Director, Billing Account Services & ID Card Programs, Treasurer’s Office 1

Executive Summary Unique number of University student families receiving funds Number of students funded the Regular, On-going Child Care Subsidy the Evening/Weekend Child Care Subsidy Total Number of Unique Students Funded

Graduate/Professional Students 98 4 102

Undergraduate Students 47 3 52

Total 145 7 152

Sources of funding and the allocation amounts for AY19 Funding Source Financial Aid UI Family Services TOTAL

Amount Funded $223,812 138,479 $362,291

NOTE: In AY2019 graduate students were awarded $262,215.05 in child care subsidy and undergraduate students were awarded $102,871.78 in child care subsidy.

Program Outcomes Academic Success 97%

agreed or strongly agreed that their school performance improved while using the program


agreed or strongly agreed that the program helped them to take the classes they wanted


agreed or strongly agreed that the program helped them to study more effectively

Financial Assistance 100%

agreed or strongly agreed that the program helps them financially


agreed or strongly agreed that they borrowed less money because of the program

Satisfaction with University of Iowa 95%

agreed or strongly agreed that the program improved satisfaction with the UI experience

Campus Partnership Spotlight: TRIO Student Support Services (SSS), Center for Diversity and Enrichment A long-standing partnership with UI Family Services and TRIO SSS provides match funding of up to $5,000 to support student parents who demonstrate academic need and are first generation, lowincome, or have a verified disability and are active participants in TRIO SSS. “TRIO’s partnership with UI Family Services provides valuable awareness to the unique challenges faced by student parents completing a degree in higher education” –Cody Pritchard, Project Director, TRIO Student Support Services, Center for Diversity & Enrichment


Full Report, UI Family Services Student Child Care Subsidy Programs Academic Year 2018-2019 The child care subsidy programs are designed to:  give priority to students who have the least amount of reported financial resources,  assist students so that they will achieve academic success, and  contribute to the recruitment and retention efforts of the Colleges, the Office of the Provost, Graduate College, the 2 Plus 2 Program and Center for Diversity and Enrichment.

Sources of funding Funding Source Financial Aid UI Family Services TOTAL

Amount Funded AY2019 $223,812 $138,479 $362,291

Amount Funded AY2018 $223,812 $138,479 $362,291

% Change 0% 0% 0%

NOTE: In AY 2019 graduate students were awarded $262,216.05 in child care subsidy and undergraduate students were awarded $102,871.78 in child care subsidy.

Academic year award level comparison for regular, ongoing care Award amount child under two years of age in child care child two years to five years of age in child care school-age child

Award Level AY 2019 $340 per month or $3,400 per academic year $230 per month or $2,300 per academic year $90 per month or $900 per academic year

Award Level AY 2018 $340 per month or $3,400 per academic year $230 per month or $2,300 per academic year $90 per month or $900 per academic year

% Change 0% 0% 0%

Evening/Weekend Study Child Care Award amount Students with one child in the home Student with two or more children in the home

Award Level AY 2019 $60 per semester

Award Level AY 2018 $60 per semester

% Increase 0%

$100 per semester

$100 per semester



Program Utilization Data Unique number of University student families receiving funds Number of students funded the Regular, On-going Child Care Subsidy Program the Evening/Weekend Study Child Care Subsidy Program Total Number of Unique Students Funded

Graduate/Professional Students

Undergraduate Students


98 (AY19) 114 (AY18)

47 (AY19) 54 (AY18)

145 (AY19) 168 (AY18)

4 (AY19) 6 (AY18)

3 (AY19) 1 (AY18)

7 (AY19) 7 (AY18)

102 (AY19) 120 (AY18)

50 (AY19) 55 (AY18)

152 (AY19) 175 (AY18)

* Participation was down from FY18 by 13%. Enhanced communication efforts for FY19 included outreach to the listserv for Graduate Department Heads and DEOs, Office of Academic Advising and members of the Family Issues Charter Committee.

Academic Areas Served Area of study Business Dentistry Education Engineering CLAS Law Medicine Nursing Pharmacy Public Health Social Work Other Total

Graduate/Professional Students 7 10 6 3 34 4 11 6 10 5 1 5 102

Undergraduate Students 2 2 4 6 29 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 50

Graduate/Professional Students 58 44 102

Undergraduate Students 34 16 50

Graduate/Professional Students 3 10 14 12 62 14 115*

Undergraduate Students 2 1 13 1 32 3 52*

Total 9 12 10 9 63 4 11 7 11 6 3 7 152

Sex Sex Female Male Total

Total 92 60 152

Ethnicity Ethnicity Am. Indian/Alaskan Latino/Hispanic Black, not Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander White Not specified Total

Total 5 11 27 13 94 17 167

*Some students selected more than one ethnicity


Reported household income Income 0 to $15,000 $15,001 to $25,000 $25,001 to $30,000 $30,001 to $35,000 $35,001 to $40,000 $40,001 to $45,000 Total

Graduate/Professional Students 34 28 17 7 10 6 102

Undergraduate Students 21 13 4 10 2 0 50


Graduate/Professional Students

Undergraduate Students


77 25

49 1

126 26

55 41 21 17 12 6 152

U.S. Citizenship U.S Citizenship Yes No

Recipients of Financial Aid Federal Aid Loans Pell Grants

Graduate/Professional Students 57 0

Undergraduate Students*


29 34

86 64

* Graduate Students do not qualify for Pell Grants. Some undergraduate students received both Loans and Pell Grants.

Household by family type Household Type Single Parent Two Parent

Graduate/Professional Students 29 72

Undergraduate Students 35 14

Total 64 86

*2 students did not report family type

Program Evaluation Data Of the 152 students receiving an evaluation, 42 returned evaluations, the return rate equaled 28%.

Academic Success 97%

agreed or strongly agreed that their school performance improved while using the program


agreed or strongly agreed that the program helped them to take the classes they wanted


agreed or strongly agreed that the program helped them to study more effectively

Satisfaction with the University of Iowa 95%

agreed or strongly agreed that the program improved satisfaction with the UI experience

Financial Assistance 100%

agreed or strongly agreed that the program helps them financially


agreed or strongly agreed that they borrowed less money because of the program


Overall Comments When asked to comment on the programs, students said:

”I cannot thank you enough for helping us. As a single mom, I do not know how else I would have afforded my little girl’s after school program. Thanks for the peace of mind while taking afternoon classes.” “This program was truly a life saver. Being a single mother while also finishing my coursework and studying for comprehensive exams, the child care subsidy program enabled me to have time to do well in my classes and have a babysitter so I could prepare and write my comps exam. This is really an invaluable program.” ”Absolutely amazing program. I am so pleased with the Child Care Subsidy program and can honestly say it played a vital role in my success as a graduate student. THANK YOU!!”

Community Partnership Spotlight: Free, Finals Child Care, Little Angels Learning Center At the end of fall and spring semesters, UI Family Services collaborates with Little Angels Learning Center in downtown Iowa City to provide free child care for all UI student parents. Care takes place on the two Saturdays and Sundays prior to final exams week. The additional support of this program provides student parents time to study for exams or work on projects without the added time and expense of arranging child care. “I could not be more grateful for this program. The care for my children was exceptional and I felt at ease with my children there. I am a single mom and would have done very poorly on my exams had it not been for this program.” –UI Student Parent “Little Angels loves the partnership with UI Family Services and the students. Families often tell us how grateful they are for the program and the quality care. I can tell it relieves a great deal of stress for them.” –Cathy Stange, Director, Little Angels Learning Center


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