University of Illinois Press 2022 Annual Report

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The University of Illinois Press is a founding member of the Association of University Presses.

On the cover: Images from the newly redesigned University of Illinois Press website.


As the world has slowly reopened in the wake of the global pandemic, we at the Press continue to integrate virtual with physical and in-person presence. We are excited to be cultivating new and ongoing initiatives and partnerships in our books, journals, internships, and public programming.

Our two publishing symposia were again presented virtually, with sessions on accessible writing and targeted marketing for audiences beyond the Academy; as well as a pair of sessions considering best practices for anti-bias and antiracist research and publication. In addition to broadening our audience, virtual presentation translates into high quality video resources that are of ongoing benefit to prospective authors and others.

The launch of the Scholarly Publishing Collective, a journals platform hosted by Duke University Press, brings new visibility and marketing energy to UI Press journals. We are proud to be founding partners in this new go-to resource for journals scholarship. Our own journals stable continues to grow, with the Journal of Finnish Studies and Italian Americana coming on during the 2022 fiscal year. Each of these represents partnerships that anchor us more firmly in the community of scholarly publishers and in areas of importance to the Press and our University.

Other partnerships also bring new synergies. We partnered with the Prairie Research Institute, housed at UIUC, in publishing a definitive and spectacular guide to reptiles and amphibians of Illinois; and with the American Institute of Architects Chicago in publishing its updated, authoritative guide to the city. Partnerships with the National Women’s Studies Association and the Labor and Working Class History Association support UI Press’s publication of the highest quality first books in their respective fields.

UI Press was awarded a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities of a whisker under $200,000 to support materials and staff needed to expand our catalog of e-books. NEH also provided grants to publish open access editions of two UI Press books whose research and writing were supported by earlier NEH fellowships.

We are delighted to welcome seven new staff members to departments across the Press, including acquisitions, manuscript editorial, marketing, journals, and IT. Our student roster also remains robust, with interns in marketing and business, as well as our signature ’Round the Press internship program.

You can find out more about all these programs in the following pages as well as on our brand new website: We look forward to your visit!


Established in 1918, the University of Illinois Press publishes seventy new books per year and forty-two humanities and social science journals. The Press invests in the tools and practices of responsible pub lishing. We work with scholars to deploy their research in the service of a more nuanced understand ing of the past and present; and we market and disseminate this transformative scholarship to local, national, and global audiences. We hold scholarly publishing to be an essential component of the active, applied cultural literacy required by a healthy democracy. It provides a launching pad for discussion, engagement, and activism. It provides tools for interrogating power structures and tools of oppression. It shines a light on histories of oppression and injustice, resistance and protest, organizing and commu nity building. The Press is proud to serve the state and University of Illinois and the broader scholarly community in advancing the twin goals of scholarly communication and an informed citizenry.

Photo credit UI News Bureau, L. Brian Stauffer

UIP Expands Its Outreach


During the 2021–2022 academic year, the University of Illinois Press continued its series of publishing symposia. The twice-annual events bring together industry professionals, authors, and scholars to discuss aspects of academic publishing. Each symposium featured a pair of 50-minute panels and each reached over 150 participants. Both the Fall and Sping symposia remained online due to the ongoing pandemic.

Joanna Groden, Vice Chancellor for Research at UIC, and Avijit Ghosh, Interim Executive Vice President and Vice President for Academic Affairs at UIUC, gave welcoming remarks at the fall 2021 and spring 2022 symposia, respectively. Cosponsors of the symposia: the UIC Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Institute for the Humanities; the UIUC Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs; the UIUC Humanities Research Institute; and the UIUC Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation.


Session 1: Beyond the Monograph

Panelists: Elena Rebeca Gutiérrez (chair), associate professor in gender and women’s studies and Latin American and Latino studies at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) and member of the Press faculty board; Zizi Papacharissi, professor and head of the Communication Department and professor of political science at UIC; Nadine Naber, professor in the Gender and Women’s Studies Program and Global Asian Studies Program at UIC; Robert Johnson, professor of history and director of the Teaching of History Program at UIC.

The opening session offered advice on how academics can connect with non-scholarly audiences through their writing and other work. The panelists discussed how to take advantage of media outlets, including social media, to reach new readers and amplify their work; write in other genres; and the influence of new media forms of communication on academic work today.

To watch a recording of the full session, go to:

Session 2: New Directions in Marketing Academic Work

Panelists: Michelle Sybert (chair), assistant director and head of marketing, sales, and development at the University of Notre Dame Press; Martyn Beeny, marketing and sales director at Cornell University Press; Jocelyn Dawson, journals and collections marketing manager at Duke University Press.

In the publishing session, a group of marketers delved into how they have adjusted to constant changes in market conditions. They provided examples from their experiences finding new platforms and audiences for academic books and journals and laid out ways authors can work with marketing departments. The panelists also examined the pandemic’s effects on the need for digital resources at academic libraries.

To watch a recording of the full session, go to:


Session 1: Against the Grain: Recognizing and Countering Bias in Scholarly Research

Panelists: Isabel Molina-Guzmán (chair), professor in the Department of Latina/Latino Studies at UIUC; Jenifer Barclay, assistant professor of history at the University at Buffalo; Toby Beauchamp, associate professor of gender and women’s studies at UIUC; Lisa Elzey Mercer, designer, educator, and researcher in the School for Art + Design at UIUC.

The spring event opened with an interdisciplinary panel looking at issues focused on countering bias in research. Taking a nuts-and-bolts approach, the panelists began with how to use antiracist and inclusive frames in developing research questions and topics. The conver sation then ranged into weighing sources overlooked or discounted by traditional research methods. In discussing archives, the panelists provided advice on identifying unconventional kinds of archives and how to account for what is missing from the usual archival sources.

To watch a recording of the full session, go to:

Session 2: Opening the Blinds: Practicing Inclusive Publishing

Panelists: Christie Henry (chair), director of Princeton University Press; Mike Baccam, acquisitions editor at the University of Washington Press; Sara Jo Cohen, senior acquiring editor at the University of Michigan Press; Dominique J. Moore, acquisitions editor at the University of Illinois Press.

The evening session featured a wide-ranging discussion of how scholarly and university presses have developed antiracist and anti-bias practices in acquisitions, copy editing, design, promotions, and other stages of the book and journal publishing process.

To watch a recording of the full session, go to:


UIP Books Make an Impact

This year, several UIP titles appeared in national and regional news outlets. The high-profile articles demonstrate the impact of the scholarship we publish on shaping the understanding of our world and history. Additionally, UIP authors provided critical expertise that added to our understanding of current events and cultural conversations.

Shana Goldin-Perschbacher’s book Queer Country shined a light on the contributions queer and transgender country music artists have made to the genre with interviews in Pitchfork, Southern Review of Books ; reviews in Library Jour nal, Americana UK, Gay and Lesbian Review ; and an excerpt on PopMatters. The author also hosted an hour-long program on BBC Radio 6 about queer country.

Ayana Contreras’s book Energy Never Dies: Afro-Optimism and Creativity in Chicago used the power of storytelling to show how optimism and courage fuel the dreams of Black Chicago. The book was the subject of interviews on WBEZ The Reset, WILL The 21st, WTTW Chicago Tonight, and in NewCityLit and the Chicago Defender; reviews in the Chicago Reader and Chicago Magazine; excerpts in Literary Hub and Belt Magazine; and a feature in the Chicago Tribune

Wazhmah Osman, author of Television and the Afghan Culture Wars: Brought to You by Foreigners, Warlords, and Activists, contributed her expertise and insight after the crisis in Afghanistan in the summer of 2021 with an op-ed in the Washington Post Made by History section. The op-ed was picked up by twenty-five other papers around the country, and Osman was interviewed on NPR’s Weekend Edition

Ray Long’s political biography of former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, The House that Madigan Built: The Record Run of Illinois’ Velvet Hammer, arrived just as news broke about Madigan’s federal indictment. The author did dozens of interviews, from WTTW’s Chicago Tonight and NPR’s Illinois State Week to WBUR’s Here and Now. An Associated Press article on the book ran in more than eighty regional and national outlets. An excerpt ran in the Chicago Tribune, and reviews of the book appeared in Washington Monthly, the News Gazette, Illinois Times, The Pantagraph, and NewCity. Dick Simpson’s book, Democracy’s Rebirth: The View from Chicago, called for a revival of our nation’s democracy with interviews in the Chicago Tribune, Chicago Reader, WTTW’s Chicago Tonight, WBEZ’s The Reset, Le Monde, WGN, WLS, the Chicago Sun-Times, CBS Chicago, and an event with Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot at the Chicago Public Library.


Journals Highlights

Scholarly Publishing Collective Launches

New Journal Hosting Platform

The University of Illinois Press, along with other top rated uni versity presses, has joined the Scholarly Publishing Collective, hosted by Duke University Press. The platform fulfills digital access on behalf of the University of Illinois Press, Michigan State University Press, Penn State University Press, and the Society of Biblical Literature.

“We are excited to be among the founding participants in this venture, which will significantly enhance the impact and reach of our journals on both a national and a global scale,” said Laurie Matheson, director of the University of Illinois Press.

“We look forward to working with our colleagues at Duke University Press in this proactive and visionary initiative.”

By partnering with the SPC, we are excited to be working with a state-of-the-art platform that offers an intuitive interface, full-text HTML and PDF reading formats, and robust supple mental content hosting opportunities, along with the library relations networks and agents that will help our journal titles succeed in a competitive marketplace. The University of Illinois Press is proud to be part of a collective with other UPs that will help extend university press content to greater audiences.


Journal of Finnish Studies

The Journal of Finnish Studies (JFS ) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal that has published scholarly articles about Finland for an international audience since 1997. JFS publishes the best and most timely articles regarding the study of Finnish and Finnish-American topics from interdisciplinary and traditional perspectives.

Both the editorial team and the editorial board adhere to the Journal of Finnish Studies’ mission: to publish cutting-edge research about topics related to Finland, the Finnish diaspora, and Finnish culture (history, literature, language, art, music, social sciences, political science, and education).

Italian Americana

Italian Americana is dedicated to exploring the Italian emigrant/immigrant experience through both scholarly and creative works that explore the topic of Italian Americanness from a wide variety of perspectives. The journal publishes innovative articles by historians, social scientists, literary critics, and visual artists, among others, and also presents orig inal works of fiction, poetry, and memoir. Each issue features a book review section that introduces readers to the most recent contributions to the field of Italian American studies.

Journal of Finnish Studies Volume 25, Number 2022 1206-6516 978-1-7328298-2-4
Italian Americana Cultural and Historical Review Italian Americana Volume XXXIX Number Winter 2021 Italian Americana Volume XXXIX Number 2 Summer 2021 Non-Profi Org. Loyola University Chicago Chicago, IL Permit 5539
An initiative of Duke University Press

Our Internship Program


UIP’s interns contribute to all areas of the Press. In 2021–2022, this work included essential help with the Press’s new NEH-funded e-books program (see the next page). Interns Jesus Chavez, Ashley Miller, Eyitemi Omatsola, and Gabriella Trani assisted UIP’s Angela Burton with securing rights and permissions and performing other tasks. A number of these e-books have already entered the production process.

Some of our interns during the 2021–2022 school year

Jesus Chavez is a sophomore pursuing his Bachelors in consumer economics and finance. His interests are running, reading, and watching the Fighting Illini basketball team.

Mauricio Jimenez is a recent UIUC graduate who majored in political science and minored in business. His interests include supporting the Chicago Bulls and he hopes to work in intelligence, international security, or compliance. (Journals)

Charrice Jones is a senior in the College of Media, where they are majoring in journalism with minors in history and public relations. They are graduating this year, and they like recognizing voice actors in their favorite cartoons. (Marketing)

Eyitemi Omatsola (“Temi”) is a graduate student at the College of Law where she is majoring in criminal law. She obtained her law degree in Nigeria in 2018. Her interests include traveling and photography. (NEH grant–Marketing)

Aileen Roman is a senior in the College of Liberal Arts and Science with a double major in sociology and gender & women’s studies and a minor in informatics. She enjoys travelling to new places and hopes to visit Europe in the near future. (GWS–Marketing/Acquisitions)

Alexis Schmidt is a PhD student in English. She studies turn of the century U.S. literature primarily written by or about women, and her research interests are gender, work, energy, and exhaustion. She is also interested in publishing as a future career and looks forward to learning more while visiting each department as the ’Round the Press intern. (’Round the Press)

Gabriella Trani is a junior in journalism with a minor in art history. She also is interested in theater and astronomy. (Marketing)

Madeline Udelhofen is a junior creative writing major and French minor. In her studies, she is largely focusing on poetry, playwriting, and screenwriting. As writer and director, her debut student film The Waiting Room, or Eggs in Purgatory was released during the 2021–2022 school year. (Editorial)

Claire Wang is a junior in engineering, where she is majoring in systems engineering with a minor in computer science. In her free time, she likes to play with mechanical keyboards, drink boba, and play Hollow Knight. (Marketing)


Spotlight: NEH Grant and Backlist

Of the more than 2500 books in print from the University of Illinois Press, only a portion are currently available as e-books. As the global pandemic lockdown made clear, resources available only in print form have limited to no accessibil ity for many readers.

In October, 2021, UIP received a grant of $199,794 from the National Endow ment for the Humanities to expand its e-books program. These funds will enable UIP to add 200 titles to its e-books list. The funding provides support for:

• Salaries for staff and student workers;

• Permissions fees to reproduce rights-protected material in e-book form;

• Scanning and cleanup of electronic files;

• Addition of alt-text descriptions of illustrations to aid print-impaired readers;

• Converting books to various e-book formats;

• Promoting our expanded e-book catalog.

Director Laurie Matheson developed the grant proposal, in collaboration with Press staff Michael Roux, Kris Ding, Jennifer Comeau, Angela Burton, and Tamara Shidlauski, and with Maria Gillombardo in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation at UIUC.

The proposal went through a rigorous vetting process at the University of Illinois before moving forward to NEH as the sole representative of the UI System. Angela Burton is the principal investigator for the project, ensuring that we have rights and permissions to proceed with e-book publication, while Tamara Shidlauski coordinates scanning, conversion, and production. Kristina Stonehill leads promotion for the initiative.

Student workers Jesus Chavez, Ashley Miller, Eyitemi Omatsola, and Gabriella Trani provide additional support.

NEH Fellowships Open Books Award

The Press is taking part in the NEH Fellowships Open Books Program. This initiative provides funding to university presses to publish open access books of recent scholarship that were developed as part of a prior NEH fellowship. In 2021, the UIP title Photographic Presidents, by Cara A. Finnegan, was among the winners. Transforming Women’s Education, by Jewel A. Smith, was one of the first twelve awardees in 2020.

The program awards a publisher $5,500 per book to support digitization and marketing for the title and provide a royalty for the author. The NEH will announce the next round of winning projects in March 2023.


Spotlight: Publishing Partnerships

National Women’s Studies Association/University of Illinois Press First Book Prize

Since 2011, the National Women’s Studies Association and the Press have partnered to award the NWSA/UIP First Book Prize to the best dissertation or first book manuscript by a single author in the field of women’s and gender studies.

The nonfiction projects exemplify groundbreaking intersectional feminist scholarship. While open to scholars from all disciplinary backgrounds, the sponsors encourage interdisciplinary work and new perspectives.

Recent winners include SeungGyeong (Jade) Ji (2021), Meztli Yoalli Rodríguez Aguilera (2021), and Shamara Wyllie Alhassan (2019). In late 2022, the Press will publish The Sexual Politics of Empire by 2015 winner Erin L. Durban. The following spring, we will publish Care Activism, by 2014 winner Ethel Tungohan, and Gender, Race, and Performance Space, by 2017 winner Nicosia M. Shakes. The three titles will be the latest releases in the UIP series NWSA/University of Illinois Press First Book Prize. Dominique J. Moore acquires books in the series.

Herbert G. Gutman Prize

Since 2008, the Labor and Working Class History Association (LAWCHA) has awarded the Herbert G. Gutman Prize for Outstanding Dissertation in U.S. Labor and Working-Class History. The projects chosen for the award reflect the sponsors’ dedication to the study of working people and their lives. In addition to promoting a diverse and cross-cultural understanding of labor history, the award looks for innovative, theoretically informed, and interdisciplinary approaches.

The Gutman Prize was established in partnership with UIP. Acceptance of the Prize entails publication in the Press’s Working Class in American History series. A list of past award winners is here: Alison Syring acquires books in the series.

Acquisitions editor Alison Syring secured the Press’s first grant from Toward an Open Monograph Ecosystem (TOME). The funding, along with support from University of Colorado Boulder Libraries, permits the open access publication of Vilja Hulden’s new 2023 release The Bosses’ Union. Open access allows any interested reader to download the book for free.

The Association of American Universities, the Association of Research Libraries, and the Association of University Presses have created TOME in 2017. With TOME, the organizations committed to finding a more sustainable way of meeting the costs of publishing scholarly books. Participating colleges and universities commit to providing baseline grants of $15,000 to support the publication of open access books. UIP is one of the more than 60 university presses involved.


Madam C. J. Walker’s Gospel of Giving: Black Women’s Philanthropy during Jim Crow, by Tyrone McKinley Freeman

Dan David Prize

The Association of Fundraising Professionals/ Skystone Partners Research Prize for Scholarly Work Surrounding Philanthropy of People of Color Terry McAdam Book Award, Alliance for Nonprofit Management

Journalism and Jim Crow: White Supremacy and the Black Struggle for a New America, edited by Kathy Roberts Forde and Sid Bedingfield Best Journalism and Mass Communication History Book, History Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication American Journalism Historians Association Book Award

For a Just and Better World: Engendering Anarchism in the Mexican Borderlands, 1900–1938, by Sonia Hernández Philip Taft Labor History Book Award

Being La Dominicana: Race and Identity in the Visual Culture of Santo Domingo, by Rachel Afi Quinn Isis Duarte Book Prize, Haitian-Dominican Republic Section, Latin American Studies Association


Purple Power: The History and Global Impact of SEIU, edited by Luis LM Aguiar and Joseph A. McCartin

Supported by the University of British Columbia Scholarly Publication Fund.

Musical Landscapes in Color: Conversations with Black American Composers, by William C. Banfield

Supported by a grant from the Henry and Edna Binkele Classical Music Fund.

Reading Pleasures: Everyday Black Living in Early America, by Tara A. Bynum

Supported by a grant from the Howard D. and Marjorie L. Brooks Fund for Progressive Thought.

The Sexual Politics of Empire: Postcolonial Homophobia in Haiti, by Erin L. Durban

Supported by a grant from the University of Illinois Press Fund for Anthropology.

Dyed in Crimson: Football, Faith, and Remaking Harvard’s America, by Zev Eleff

Supported by a grant from the Winton U. Solberg US History Subvention Fund.

Ballad Hunting with Max Hunter: Stories of an Ozarks Folksong Collector, by Sarah Jane Nelson Supported by a grant from the L. J. and Mary C. Skaggs Folklore Fund.

Movie Workers: The Women Who Made British Cinema, by Melanie Bell Best Monograph Prize, British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies

Punks in Peoria: Making a Scene in the American Heartland, by Jonathan Wright and Dawson Barrett Russell P. Strange Memorial Book of the Year Award, Illinois State Historical Society

Exploring the Land of Lincoln: The Essential Guide to Illinois Historic Sites, by Charles Titus Superior Achievement Award, Illinois State Historical Society

Dangerous Ideas on Campus: Sex, Conspiracy, and Academic Freedom in the Age of JFK, by Matthew Ehrlich Superior Achievement Award, Illinois State Historical Society

Television and the Afghan Culture Wars: Brought to You by Foreigners, Warlords, and Activists, by Wazhmah Osman ICA ACJS Outstanding Book Award

Aaron Copland in Latin America: Music and Cultural Politics, by Carol A. Hess

Supported by grants from the Iberian and Latin American Music Fund and the General Publications Fund of the American Musicological Society; supported in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and from the Henry and Edna Binkele Classical Music Fund; supported by the University of California, Davis Office of Research and Letters and Science Dean’s Office.

The Italian Opera Singers in Mozart’s Vienna, by Dorothea Link

Supported by a grant from the General Publications Fund of the American Musicological Society, supported in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Play Like a Man: My Life in Poster Children, by Rose Marshack

Supported by a grant from Illinois State University.

Quinoa: Food Politics and Agrarian Life in the Andean Highlands, by Linda J. Seligmann Supported in part by the University of Illinois Press Fund for Anthropology.


New Faces at the Press

In September of 2021, Martha Bayne joined the Press as a senior acquisitions editor. Martha comes to the Press with a wide-ranging background in both book publishing, most recently with Cleveland-based Belt Publishing, and journalism, as a longtime newspaper editor and freelance writer in Chicago. In addition to developing the 3 Fields Books regional trade imprint, she is also actively acquiring books in Chicago politics, food, architecture, and natural history.

In April of 2022, Megan Donnan joined the Editorial Department at UIP as the new associate editor. Megan completed her bachelor’s degree in English with a focus in publishing at Illinois State University. After graduation, she worked in the journals department at a local publisher where she gained valuable academic publishing experience. She will work as a project editor and shepherd manuscripts through the editorial stages of the publication process.

In May of 2022, the Press welcomed Damon LaMar as the new IT technical associate. Originally from the Danville, Illinois, area, he earned an associate’s degree in computer programming and web design and his bachelor’s degree in engineering technology. Excited for the opportunity to work with the Press, he is ready to help and eager to learn everything he can to help improve Press staff’s daily work!

Dominique J. Moore joined the Press as an acquisitions editor in February of 2021. She acquires books in American ethnic studies; Black studies; and women, gender, and sexuality studies at the University of Illinois Press. Previously, she worked as an assistant editor at the University of North Carolina Press and was the 2019 Mellon University Press Diversity Fellow at the Ohio State University Press. She also came to the university press world with three years of publishing experience, working primarily in production. Her academic background includes a BA in English with a minor in gender and women’s studies at UIUC and an MA in African American studies, with a literary focus, from UCLA.

In June of 2022, the Press welcomed Gary Smith as assistant to the director. Gary holds an MA in English from Ohio University and an MFA in creative writing from the University of Kentucky. Before joining the Press, Gary worked for three years as an editorial and acquisitions assistant at the Wisconsin Historical Society Press. He will be assisting with acquisitions and development while working remotely from his home in central Kentucky.

In April of 2022, Kristina Stonehill joined the UIP marketing department as its inaugural digital marketing manager. Kristina comes from Wayne State University Press where she served as promotions manager and was responsible for publicity, digital marketing and social media management, and author relations. She is thrilled to be at the helm of content creation and online promotion for UIP books and journals, and loves being a part of such a compassionate and collaborative new team. Kristina works remotely from Michigan.

Michelle Woods began work as the Journals Marketing and Communications Manager in July, 2022. Michelle has an MA in English from the University of Pittsburgh, an Editing Certificate from the University of Chicago, and a BA in Writing (Cum Laude) from Grand Valley State University. Michelle works remotely from Pittsburgh.

Top to bottom: Martha Bayne, Dominique J. Moore, Gary Smith, Kristina Stonehill

University of Illinois Press Staff

Laurie Matheson, Director

Gary Smith, Assistant to the Director


Daniel Nasset, Editor-in-Chief

Martha Bayne, Senior Acquisitions Editor

Dominique J. Moore, Acquisitions Editor

Alison K. Syring, Acquisitions Editor

Mariah Schaefer, Assistant Acquisitions Editor


Michael Roux, Marketing and Sales Manager

Angela Burton, Intellectual Property Manager

Kevin Cunningham, Copywriter and Catalog Coordinator

Heather Gernenz, Senior Publicity Manager

Denise Peeler, Information Manager

Roberta Sparenberg, Marketing Assistant and Awards Coordinator

Kristina Stonehill, Digital Marketing Manager


Damon LaMar, IT Technical Associate


Kris Ding, Production Manager

Dustin Hubbart, Art Director

Jennifer Argo, Managing Editor

Lisa Connery, Desktop Publisher/Coordinator

Kirsten Dennison, Desktop Publisher/Coordinator

Megan Donnan, Associate Editor

Jennie Fisher, Designer

Jim Proefrock, Desktop Publisher

Tad Ringo, Senior Editor

Tamara Shidlauski, Production Coordinator


Clydette Wantland, Journals Manager

Jeff McArdle, Associate Journals Manager

Shelly Bolen, Journals Fulfillment Associate

Kristen Dean-Grossmann, Journals Production Editor

Kate Kemball, Journals Production Editor

Heather Munson, Senior Production Editor

Michelle Woods, Journals Marketing and Communications Manager

University of Illinois Press Faculty Board


Antoinette Burton (chair), Director, Humanities Research Institute Christina Bashford, Associate Professor of Musicology

Daniel Gilbert, Associate Professor of History Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, Professor and Coordinator for Information Literacy Services & Instruction, University Library Erik S. McDuffie, Associate Professor of African American Studies


Sharon Graf, Professor of Sociology/Anthropology

Hinda Seif, Associate Professor of Women & Gender Studies and Anthropology




Alice Ennis, Business Operations and IT Manager

Jenn Barbee, Accounts Payable

Aaron Clark, Accounts Payable/Royalties


Sandra Sullivan, Accounts Receivable


Sofiya Affey, Editorial and Marketing Staff

Jesus Chavez, Marketing Staff

Miah Emano, Production Staff

Pascale Grant, Journals Marketing Mauricio Jimenez, Journals Staff

Charrice Jones, Marketing Staff

Julia Marsaglia, Marketing Staff

Ashley Miller, UIC Graduate Student Intern

Eyitemi Omatsola, NEH Grant – Marketing Staff

Aileen Roman, Gender and Women Studies Intern Alexis Schmidt, ’Round the Press Intern, Spring 2022

Gabriella Trani, Marketing Staff

Madeline Udelhofen, Editorial Staff

Claire Wang, Marketing Staff

Allison Wasielewski, Marketing Staff


Darius Bost, Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies

Anna Romina Guevarra, Associate Professor of Global Asian Studies and Director of the Co-PI, AANAPISI Initiative

Elena Gutiérrez, Associate Professor in Gender and Women’s Studies and Latin American and Latino Studies

Robert D. Johnston, Professor of History Gayatri Reddy, Associate Professor of Gender & Women’s Studies and Anthropology


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