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Lincoln’s Political Generals
Ben Shahn’s American Scene
David Work
Photographs, 1938
The End of Amateurism in American Track and Field
Winner of the Hay-Nicolay Prize of the Abraham Lincoln Association and the Abraham Lincoln Institute.
John Raeburn
Joseph M. Turrini
“Adroitly analyzing the complex visual dynamics in Ben Shahn’s photography of small Ohio towns, Raeburn offers a useful and compelling reading of an important but neglected group of images.”—Cara Finnegan, author of Picturing Poverty: Print Culture and FSA Photographs
“Broadly conceived and thorough in its analysis, The End of Amateurism in American Track and Field examines the power relations in track and field and shows how track athletes successfully negotiated labor issues.”—David K. Wiggins, author of Glory Bound: Black Athletes in a White World
208 pp. 10 x 8.5. 100 B & W photos. 2010. 4 *Cloth 978-0-252-03530-2. $75.00. 5 Paper 978-0-252-07715-9. $30.00
288 pp. 6 x 9. 12 B & W photos. 2010. 9 *Cloth 978-0-252-03515-9. $75.00. 10 Paper 978-0-252-07707-4. $25.00
“Demonstrates convincingly that these generals’ efforts significantly aided the Union war effort in their capacity as administrators, political supporters, recruiters and organizers of troops, and advocates of the Union cause among key political and ethnic constituencies.”—James M. McPherson, author of Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era, winner of the Pulitzer Prize 320 pp. 6.125 x 9.25. 16 B & W photos. 2009. 1 Cloth 978-0-252-03445-9. $34.95
The Baltimore Bank Riot
Race and Radicalism in the Union Army
Robert E. Shalhope
Mark A. Lause
Political Upheaval in Antebellum Maryland “An exhaustively researched, richly textured account of an important and understudied event of the Jacksonian period. This is a book that all scholars of the period will consult.”—Thomas Summerhill, author of Harvest of Dissent: Agrarianism in NineteenthCentury New York
Sport and Society
College Football and American Culture in the Cold War Era Kurt Edward Kemper
208 pp. 6 x 9. 2009. 6 Cloth 978-0-252-03480-0. $50.00
“This wonderful work . . . exposes the significance of race as a force in the society of the late 50s and early 60s. It demonstrates the power of Cold War rhetoric as a political device for the defenders of the status quo.”—Richard C. Crepeau, past president of the North American Society for Sport History and author of Baseball: America’s Diamond Mind
208 pp. 6 x 9. 14 B & W photos, 4 line drawings, 4 maps. 2009. 2 Cloth 978-0-252-03446-6. $45.00
Life Flows On in Endless Song
288 pp. 6 x 9. 6 B & W photos. 2009. 11 Cloth 978-0-252-03466-4. $35.00
Paradoxes of Prosperity
Robert V. Wells
Wealth-Seeking Versus Christian Values in Pre-Civil War America
“A historian with a deep interest in and knowledge of folk music, Wells provides interesting insights about folk songs’ potential to make American social history more accessible to students and general readers.” —Norm Cohen, author of Long Steel Rail: The Railroad in American Folksong
“In this study of an obscure but important group of radicals, Lause includes cameos of fascinating figures largely ignored in standard accounts as well as coverage of battles beyond the frame of nearly all Civil War texts.”—Bruce Laurie, author of Beyond Garrison: Antislavery and Social Reform
Lorman A. Ratner, Paula T. Kaufman, and Dwight L. Teeter Jr.
“This original and enjoyable work will stimulate debate on an important issue and era: the conflict Americans faced in the 1850s between righteous behavior and the drive for financial success.” —Ronald T. Farrar, author of A Creed for My Profession: Walter Williams, Journalist to the World
Folk Songs and American History
272 pp. 6 x 9. 1 table. 2009. 7 *Cloth 978-0-252-03455-8. $65.00. 8 Paper 978-0-252-07650-3. $25.00
Music in American Life
168 pp. 6 x 9. 2009. 3 Cloth 978-0-252-03453-4. $40.00
Sport and Society
Hard Luck Blues Roots Music Photographs from the Great Depression Rich Remsberg Foreword by Nicholas Dawidoff Afterword by Henry Sapoznik Published in association with the Library of Congress
“Anyone who thinks they know something about American music could stand to spend a few hours pawing through Hard Luck Blues, Rich Remsberg’s stunning collection of Farm Security Administration photographs.”—Amanda Petrusich, author of It Still Moves: Lost Songs, Lost Highways, and the Search for the Next American Music 248 pp. 8 x 10. 240 B & W photos. 2010. 12 *Cloth 978-0-252-03524-1. $75.00. 13 Paper 978-0-252-07709-8. $34.95
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T h e W orkin g Class in A m eri c an His t ory
Spirit of Rebellion
Making Capitalism Safe
Labor and Religion in the New Cotton South
Work Safety and Health Regulation in America, 1880-1940
Jarod Roll
Donald W. Rogers
Winner of the Herbert G. Gutman Prize from the Labor and Working-Class History Association.
“Full of new information on the woefully overlooked and understudied state-level industrial safety apparatus of the twentieth-century United States. This study will be required reading for scholars in fields ranging from business and political history to law, political science, and more.”—John Fabian Witt, author of The Accidental Republic: Crippled Workingmen, Destitute Widows, and the Remaking of American Law
“A terrific book. Roll’s emphasis on agrarian protest as a labor struggle is refreshing and informative, and his reading of the religious terrain of this important social movement is pathbreaking.”—Ken Fones-Wolf, author of Glass Towns: Industry, Labor, and Political Economy in Appalachia, 1890-1930s 256 pp. 6 x 9. 6 B & W photos, 4 maps. 2010. 14 *Cloth 978-0-252-03519-7. $70.00. 15 Paper 978-0-252-07703-6. $25.00
296 pp. 6 x 9. 12 B & W photos, 5 tables. 2010. 18 Cloth 978-0-252-03482-4. $55.00
The Working Class in American History
The Working Class in American History
Good, Reliable, White Men Railroad Brotherhoods, 1877-1917
NAFTA and Labor in North America
Paul Michel Taillon
Norman Caulfield
“In this excellent study of a neglected topic, Taillon . . . shows how the running trades progressed from labor organizations stressing fraternalism and mutual aid to sophisticated and aggressive trade unions.”—Colin Davis, author of Waterfront Revolts: New York and London Dockworkers, 1946-61
“A very important, timely book. This study has monumental and provocative implications that are sure to stir debate among scholars in labor history, industrial relations, and public policy.”—Gregg Andrews, author of Shoulder to Shoulder? The American Federation of Labor, the United States, and the Mexican Revolution, 1910-1924
296 pp. 6 x 9. 10 B & W photos. 2009. 16 *Cloth 978-0-252-03485-5. $75.00. 17 Paper 978-0-252-07678-7. $25.00
James P. Cannon and the Origins of the American Revolutionary Left, 1890-1928 Bryan D. Palmer
264 pp. 6 x 9. 2010. 19 *Cloth 978-0-252-03492-3. $70.00. 20 Paper 978-0-252-07670-1. $25.00
The Working Class in American History
Winner of the Wallace K. Ferguson Prize by the Canadian Historical Association. “An excellent portal through which to experience and better understand the radical Left in the United States.”—American Historical Review 576 pp. 6.125 x 9.25. 27 B & W photos. 2010. 21 New in Paper 978-0-252-07722-7. $35.00
The Working Class in American History
The Working Class in American History Cover photo: Stockbyte/Getty Images
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W o m en ’ s His t ory
Beauty Shop Politics
Contesting Archives
A Parisienne in Chicago
African American Women’s Activism in the Beauty Industry
Finding Women in the Sources
Impressions of the World’s Columbian Exposition
Edited by Nupur Chaudhuri, Sherry J. Katz, and Mary Elizabeth Perry
Tiffany M. Gill
“A tremendous contribution to African-American history. Beauty Shop Politics demonstrates the central role of black women in the history of black business and shows how black businesswomen challenged the dictates of black male leaders.”—Lynn Hudson, author of The Making of “Mammy Pleasant”: A Black Entrepreneur in Nineteenth-Century San Francisco 208 pp. 6 x 9. 7 B & W photos. 2010. 22 *Cloth 978-0-252-03505-0. $75.00. 23 Paper 978-0-252-07696-1. $25.00
Foreword by Antoinette Burton
Finding that women’s voices and their texts were often obscured or lost altogether, the contributors of Contesting Archives have developed many new methodologies for creating unique archives and uncovering more evidence by reading documents “against the grain,” working collectively to reconstruct the lives of women in the past. Contributors are Janet Afary, Maryam Ameli-Rezai, Antoinette Burton, Nupur Chaudhuri, Julia Clancy-Smith, Mansoureh Ettehadieh, Malgorzata Fidelis, Joanne L. Goodwin, Kali Nicole Gross, Daniel S. Haworth, Sherry J. Katz, Elham Malekzadeh, Mary Elizabeth Perry, Kathleen Sheldon, Lisa Sousa, and Ula Y. Taylor.
Women in American History
Birth Control on Main Street Organizing Clinics in the United States, 19161939
256 pp. 6 x 9. 1 B & W photo. 2010. 28 *Cloth 978-0-252-03542-5. $70.00. 29 Paper 978-0-252-07736-4. $25.00
Cathy Moran Hajo
“This useful, practical history of birth control approaches the topic from the unique perspective of the clinic. Cathy Moran Hajo offers a complete picture of how ideas about birth control affected everyday women.”—Wendy Kline, author of Building a Better Race: Gender, Sexuality, and Eugenics from the Turn of the Century to the Baby Boom
The Politics of Planned Parenthood, 1939-1966 Edited by Esther Katz Cathy Moran Hajo and Peter C. Engelman, Associate Editors
“This volume provides accurate, dramatic context to the often conflicting struggle to make birth control acceptable in American culture and to make it a global movement.”—Allida M. Black, editor and director of The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers Project
Science on the Home Front American Women Scientists in World War II
584 pp. 6.125 x 9.25. 30 B & W photos. 2010. 30 Cloth 978-0-252-03372-8. $80.00
Jordynn Jack
“Jordynn Jack is the first to tell in splendid detail what opportunities existed during World War II for scientific women, what they accomplished, and what barriers remained. No other books are comparable to this excellent text.”—Londa Schiebinger, author of Nature’s Body: Gender in the Making of Modern Science 176 pp. 6 x 9. 2 B & W photos, 1 table. 2009. 26 *Cloth 978-0-252-03470-1. $60.00. 27 Paper 978-0-252-07659-6. $20.00
Translated and with an introduction by Mary Beth Raycraft, with an essay by Arnold Lewis
“An excellent foreign traveler’s account of Chicago, the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition, New York City, and travel by ocean liner and train. The book provides wonderful commentary on gender relations and the contrast between Americans and the French.” —Perry Duis, author of Challenging Chicago: Coping with Everyday Life, 1837-1920 264 pp. 6 x 9. 20 B & W photos, 2 maps. 2010. 33 Cloth 978-0-252-03513-5. $50.00
Universal Women Filmmaking and Institutional Change in Early Hollywood Mark Garrett Cooper
The Selected Papers of Margaret Sanger, Volume 3
264 pp. 6 x 9. 3 maps, 2 tables. 2010. 24 *Cloth 978-0-252-03536-4. $75.00. 25 Paper 978-0-252-07725-8. $25.00
Madame Léon Grandin
Breadwinners Working Women and Economic Independence, 1865-1920 Lara Vapnek
“The best history we have of the class tension between elite women reformers and wage-earning women. Vapnek adds a strong, new perspective to interpretive debates over the meaning of dependence, independence, protections, rights, and citizenship.”—Eileen Boris, Hull Professor and Chair, Department of Feminist Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara
“With rigorous focus, admirable economy, and wideranging research, Cooper outlines a sophisticated strategy for investigating how and why Universal Studios hired women as directors and then stopped doing so.”—Kay Armatage, author of The Girl from God’s Country: Nell Shipman and the Silent Cinema 264 pp. 6 x 9. 31 B & W photos, 1 chart. 2010. 34 *Cloth 978-0-252-03522-7. $70.00. 35 Paper 978-0-252-07700-5. $25.00
Women & Film History International
Jewish Feminists Complex Identities and Activist Lives Dina Pinsky
“Delightful to read, this book provides an underrepresented perspective in Jewish women’s studies and significant evidence about the ways individuals negotiate changes brought about by social movements.” —Rebecca T. Alpert, author of Whose Torah? A Concise Guide to Progressive Judaism 152 pp. 6 x 9. 2010. 36 *Cloth 978-0-252-03486-2. $60.00. 71 Paper 978-0-252-07677-0. $20.00
232 pp. 6 x 9. 11 B & W photos. 2009. 31 *Cloth 978-0-252-03471-8. $70.00. 32 Paper 978-0-252-07661-9. $25.00
Women in American History
University of Illinois Press
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Camp Harmony
Issei Buddhism in the Americas
Recovering the Commons
Seattle’s Japanese Americans and the Puyallup Assembly Center
Edited by Duncan Ryûken Williams and Tomoe Moriya
Democracy, Place, and Global Justice
Louis Fiset
“In expanding the geographical frame of scholarly narratives and appealing to new primary sources, Issei Buddhism in the Americas opens bold new conversations about Buddhism in the western hemisphere.” —Thomas Tweed, author of Crossing and Dwelling: A Theory of Religion
“This very welcome and timely effort lays foundations for thinking our way out of the epistemological errors and related politics that have plunged us into the present ecological crisis.”—Mary Hufford, author of Waging Democracy in the Kingdom of Coal: OVEC and the Struggle for Social and Environmental Justice in Central Appalachia
“With a narrative style that is consistently crisp, clear, and cogent, this book brilliantly fills a significant void in the study of the Japanese American detention in World War II.”—Arthur A. Hansen, editor of the Japanese American World War II Evacuation Oral History Project 232 pp. 6 x 9. 14 B & W photos, 5 tables. 2009. 37 *Cloth 978-0-252-03491-6. $65.00. 38 Paper 978-0-252-07672-5. $25.00
The Asian American Experience
Chinese American Transnational Politics Him Mark Lai Edited and with an Introduction by Madeline Y. Hsu
“A remarkable collection that shows the dedication, diligence, and accomplishments of Him Mark Lai. . . . Lai’s command of the sources and his commitment to a faithful recording of Chinese American history are extraordinary.”—Renqiu Yu, author of To Save China, To Save Ourselves: The Chinese Hand Laundry Alliance of New York 296 pp. 6.125 x 9.25. 1 B & W photo. 2010. 39 *Cloth 978-0-252-03525-8. $75.00. 40 Paper 978-0-252-07714-2. $30.00
The Asian American Experience
Hong Kong Movers and Stayers Narratives of Family Migration Janet W. Salaff, Siu-lun Wong, and Arent Greve
“The thoroughness of this longitudinal research provides a highly nuanced account of how changes in family life over a period of fifteen years have affected motivations and outcomes for migration.”—Nicole Newendorp, author of Uneasy Reunions: Immigration, Citizenship, and Family Life in Post-1997 Hong Kong 296 pp. 6 x 9. 1 table. 2010. 41 *Cloth 978-0-252-03518-0. $80.00. 42 Paper 978-0-252-07704-3. $30.00
Studies of World Migrations
Radio’s Hidden Voice The Origins of Public Broadcasting in the United States Hugh Richard Slotten
“Impressively researched and clearly written, Radio’s Hidden Voice recovers a lost and important chapter in American broadcasting history.”—James L. Baughman, author of Same Time, Same Station: Creating American Television, 1948-1961
224 pp. 6 x 9. 1 table. 2010. 44 *Cloth 978-0-252-03533-3. $70.00. 45 Paper 978-0-252-07719-7. $25.00
The Asian American Experience
Herbert Reid and Betsy Taylor
288 pp. 6 x 9. 2 B & W photos, 5 line drawings. 2010. 49 *Cloth 978-0-252-03495-4. $80.00. 50 Paper 978-0-252-07681-7. $25.00
Marcha Latino Chicago and the Immigrant Rights Movement Edited by Amalia Pallares and Nilda Flores-González
New in Paperback
“Marcha brings together a diverse array of complementary analyses of the key actors, ideas, and institutions of the spring 2006 immigrant rights mobilization, the largest single wave of street protests in U.S. history.”—Jonathan Fox, author of Accountability Politics: Power and Voice in Rural Mexico
History by Hollywood The Use and Abuse of the American Past Robert Brent Toplin Second Edition
Contributors are Frances R. Aparicio, José Antonio Arellano, Xóchitl Bada, David Bleeden, Ralph Cintrón, Stephen Davis, Leon Fink, Nilda Flores González, Caroline GottschalkDruschke, Elena Gutiérrez, Juan R. Martinez, Sonia Oliva, Irma M. Olmedo, Amalia Pallares, José Perales-Ramos, Leonard G. Ramírez, Michael Rodríguez-Muñiz, and R. Stephen Warner.
304 pp. 6 x 9. 9 B & W photos. 2010. 51 Paper 978-0-252-07689-3. $25.00
376 pp. 6.125 x 9.25. 10 B & W photos, 24 charts, 1 table. 2010. 46 *Cloth 978-0-252-03529-6. $75.00. 47 Paper 978-0-252-07716-6. $30.00
Winner of the Weatherford Award for Nonfiction from the Appalachian Studies Association.
A Hard Journey The Life of Don West James J. Lorence
344 pp. 6.125 x 9.25. 22 B & W photos. 2010. 52 Paper 978-0-252-07733-3. $25.00
Latinos in Chicago and the Midwest
How Free Can Religion Be?
Illinois Politics
Randall P. Bezanson
A Citizen’s Guide
296 pp. 6 x 9. 2010. 53 Paper 978-0-252-07699-2. $20.00
James D. Nowlan, Samuel K. Gove, and Richard J. Winkel Jr. Published in collaboration with the Institute of Government and Public Affairs at the University of Illinois
“The best book on Illinois politics and government. With inside information and interviews never before available, Illinois Politics: A Citizen’s Guide will be used by scholars, students, and citizens for many years to come.”—Dick Simpson, former Chicago alderman and author of Inside Urban Politics: Voices from America’s Cities and Suburbs 288 pp. 6 x 9. 9 B & W photos, 2 maps, 7 charts, 9 tables. 2010. 48 Paper 978-0-252-07702-9. $19.95
344 pp. 6 x 9. 32 B & W photos. 2009. 43 Cloth 978-0-252-03447-3. $50.00
The History of Communication
University of Illinois Press
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bla c k s t u dies
African American History Reconsidered
Extending the Diaspora
Foot Soldiers for Democracy
New Histories of Black People
Pero Gaglo Dagbovie
Edited by Dawne Y. Curry, Eric D. Duke, and Marshanda A. Smith
The Men, Women, and Children of the Birmingham Civil Rights Movement
This groundbreaking volume discusses a wide range of issues, themes, and paradigms for understanding and analyzing African American history, including the twentieth-century black historical enterprise, the teaching of African American history for the twentyfirst century, the hip-hop generation’s relationship to and interpretations of African American history, and the social construction of knowledge in African American historiography. 280 pp. 6 x 9. 2010. 54 *Cloth 978-0-252-03521-0. $75.00. 55 Paper 978-0-252-07701-2. $25.00
The New Black Studies Series
Freeing Charles The Struggle to Free a Slave on the Eve of the Civil War
Foreword by Darlene Clark Hine
“These essays effectively define (or redefine) the black diaspora and Atlantic world studies. In this volume, we are witnessing the exciting birth of the next generation of diaspora studies scholarship.”—Thomas C. Holt, author of The Problem of Race in the Twenty-first Century Contributors are Iris Berger, John Campbell, Afua Cooper, Dawne Y. Curry, Eric D. Duke, Fatima El-Tayeb, Stephen G. Hall, Joel T. Helfrich, Beatriz G. Mamigonian, Yuichiro Onishi, Cassandra Pybus, Micol Seigel, Marshanda A. Smith, and Matthew J. Smith. 328 pp. 6 x 9. 3 tables. 2009. 58 *Cloth 978-0-252-03459-6. $75.00. 59 Paper 978-0-252-07652-7. $30.00
The New Black Studies Series
Activist Sentiments
“In this magnificently conceived and subtly rendered book, Christianson . . . brings to life the men and women of the Underground Railroad as they carry out one of the most dramatic rescues of a fugitive slave on record.”—Fergus M. Bordewich, author of Bound for Canaan: The Underground Railroad and the War for the Soul of America
Reading Black Women in the Nineteenth Century
240 pp. 6 x 9. 19 B & W photos, 3 maps. 2010. 56 *Cloth 978-0-252-03439-8. $65.00. 57 Paper 978-0-252-07688-6. $24.95
280 pp. 6 x 9. 7 B & W photos. 2009. 62 *Cloth 978-0-252-03474-9. $75.00. 63 Paper 978-0-252-07664-0. $25.00
The New Black Studies Series
The New Black Studies Series
Black Europe and the African Diaspora
Africans in Europe
In focusing on contemporary intellectual currents and themes, the contributors theorize and re-imagine a range of historical and contemporary issues related to the broader questions of blackness, diaspora, hegemony, transnationalism, and “Black Europe” itself as lived and perceived realities. Contributors are Allison Blakely, Jacqueline Nassy Brown, Tina Campt, Fred Constant, Alessandra Di Maio, Philomena Essed, Terri Francis, Barnor Hesse, Darlene Clark Hine, Dienke Hondius, Eileen Julien, Trica Danielle Keaton, Kwame Nimako, Tiffany Ruby Patterson, T. Denean Sharpley-Whiting, Stephen Small, Tyler Stovall, Alexander G. Weheliye, Gloria Wekker, and Michelle M. Wright. 368 pp. 6.125 x 9.25. 15 B & W photos, 1 map. 2009. 60 *Cloth 978-0-252-03467-1. $75.00. 61 Paper 978-0-252-07657-2. $30.00
The New Black Studies Series
Introductions by Robin D. G. Kelley and Rose Freeman Massey
“This outstanding work is an enormous contribution to the literature on the civil rights movement, and it will provide rich material for debate as well as inspiration for years to come.”—Paul Ortiz, author of Emancipation Betrayed: The Hidden History of Black Organizing and White Violence in Florida from Reconstruction to the Bloody Election of 1920 264 pp. 6 x 9. 7 B & W photos, 1 map. 2009. 64 *Cloth 978-0-252-03478-7. $75.00. 65 Paper 978-0-252-07668-8. $25.00
Harlem vs. Columbia University Black Student Power in the Late 1960s
Scott Christianson
Edited by Darlene Clark Hine, Trica Danielle Keaton, and Stephen Small
Edited by Horace Huntley and John W. McKerley
P. Gabrielle Foreman
“Foreman rereads nineteenth-century women writers with fresh eyes, vividly demonstrating how they were interpreted both then and now.”—Carla L. Peterson, author of “Doers of the Word”: African-American Women Speakers and Writers in the North (1830-1880)
Stefan M. Bradley
“This dramatic narrative effectively shows how black students at Columbia, even those from more privileged backgrounds, joined in an alliance of racial solidarity with Harlem’s black working-class community. Bradley adds a new dimension to this story by emphasizing the actions and aspirations of the black students.” —Wayne Glasker, author of Black Students in the Ivory Tower: African American Student Activism at the University of Pennsylvania, 1967-1990 272 pp. 6 x 9. 15 B & W photos, 1 map. 2009. 67 Cloth 978-0-252-03452-7. $40.00
The Culture of Exile and Emigration from Equatorial Guinea to Spain
New in Paperback 25th Anniversary Edition with a new introduction
Michael Ugarte
Down by the Riverside
“A thorough examination of the African nation of Equatorial Guinea and its complex political, cultural, and literary history.”—Silvia Bermudez, author of La esfinge de la escritura: la poesia etica de Blanca Varela
A South Carolina Slave Community Charles Joyner
Co-winner of the Chicago Folklore Prize. Winner of the Eugene M. Kayden Award.
224 pp. 6 x 9. 2010. 66 Cloth 978-0-252-03503-6. $60.00
416 pp. 6 x 9. 10 tables. 2009. 69 Paper 978-0-252-07683-1. $25.00
Studies of World Migrations
Herbert Aptheker on Race and Democracy
Race Struggles Edited by Theodore Koditschek, Sundiata Keita Cha-Jua, and Helen A. Neville
A Reader Edited by Eric Foner and Manning Marable
“A provocative, integrative approach to looking at race that takes capitalism seriously. The contributors utilize a range of methodological tools to discuss and analyze race, arguing that race and racial divisions go hand-inhand with the political economy of capitalism and with globalization today.”—James Jennings, editor of Race, Neighborhoods, and the Misuse of Social Capital
296 pp. 6 x 9. 2010. 72 Paper 978-0-252-07726-5. $25.00
352 pp. 6.125 x 9.25. 4 tables. 2009. 68 *Cloth 978-0-252-03449-7. $75.00. 69 Paper 978-0-252-07648-0. $30.00
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