5 minute read

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once upon a time

once upon a time

time to catch up

1 Write down the word about physical appearance that fits best. Choose from:

blue eyes – chubby – curls – cute – curvy – freckles – a moustache – short – tall – thin Proefhoofdstuk©VANIN

Score ex. 1 < 7 >/= 7

Well done!

2 Describe the teenagers in the picture. Use a verb from the box to complete the sentences.

Use the positive and the negative form of the present simple.

to be – to have (2x) – to like (2x) – to look (2x) – to seem See p. 44

Morgan Lee Ching Wilson Ali Dario Nathan Sam Layla Grace

1 Ali and Dario blond hair. 2 Sam PE. 3 Lee Ching sad. 4 Nathan tall. 5 Morgan chewing gum in her mouth. 6 Wilson comfortable. 7 Layla very confident. 8 Grace and Wilson PE.

Score ex. 2 < 6 >/= 6 Well done!

3 Where do you put the adverb of frequency? Draw an arrow to say where.

1 usually We eatdinner together. 2 never Mum islate to work. 3 always Josh andStacyvisit onSundays. 4 often I playvideo games. 5 rarely You are mean to people.

See p. 16 Proefhoofdstuk©VANIN

Score ex. 3 < 3 >/= 3

Well done!

4 Write the correct word about personalities and feelings below each picture. Choose from:

depressed – friendly – happy – mean – sad – serious – shy – worried

Hi there!

You are so ugly! I can’t smile anymore.

Score ex. 4 < 4 >/= 4 Well done!

5 Match each question to the correct answer.


1 Who is Julia’s father? 2 Where do you live? 3 Why do they look so sad? 4 When does she go to bed? Where are their books? 6 How does she do her homework?


At 9 o’clock. His name is Miguel. Because the party is over. We rent a house in Bristol.

I miss No laughing, Don’t look at me! please.my sister. See p. 45 5 Proefhoofdstuk©VANIN In her room at her desk with the music on. They are under the bed.

Score ex. 5 < 4 >/= 4

Well done!

Klaar? Speel een spel. Vraag het materiaal aan je leerkracht.

time to get ahead

6 You are going to watch the clip Everybody's free (to wear sunscreen) by Baz Luhrman.

a What do you expect to see after reading the title?

b Watch the clip.

c Read the descriptions. What did you see? Tick off the description that fits best.

Spoken word is a form of poetry that is to be performed for an audience. It includes all kind of poetry that is performed aloud, such as jazz poetry, hiphop music, poetry slam ... Some examples are: a poetry slam: a competition in which poets perform spoken word poetry before a live audience and a panel of judges. Slams are often loud and lively, with audience participation, cheering and dramatic delivery. a rap song: a form of music that blends rhyme, rhythmic speech and often slang words, which is performed or chanted in different ways, usually over a backing beat. a spoken word song: a performance art in which lyrics, poetry or stories are spoken instead of sung. The emphasis lies on the speaker and his word-based performance. d Write down four bits of advice the speaker gives.. e Which piece of advice spoke to you most? Explain why. f Surf to the website www.futureme.org. Write an email to your future self.

Give yourself advice and say what you expect from yourself in the future.

Things you can write about: - What is important in life at the moment? - What do you want to change about yourself? - What do you want your future self to remember about you?

Remember to always be kind to yourself.

an emphasis: een klemtoonProefhoofdstuk©VANIN

Score ex. 6 This was very difficult. I had fun with this exercise.

7 Put the words in the correct order to make correct sentences. Don’t forget to start each sentence with a capital letter and end each sentence with a period.

1 don’t mean children like teachers

2 love Jess other and people David to help

3 enjoy I sad don’t feeling

4 very you are your friends are quiet you when with

5 we best Jake friends secrets don’t I have and are because

b How often do you feel these emotions? Write a sentence for four words in the box. always – never – often – rarely – sometimes – usually e.g. I don’t often feel sad. Score ex. 7 < 4 >/= 4 Nice try! Well done! 8 How often do you feel ... a Fill the cloud with words about emotions. sad Proefhoofdstuk©VANIN

Score ex. 8 < 3 Nice try! >/= 3 Well done!

a What do you think the people in these pictures will talk about in the video?

Write a sentence for each picture.




b Go to the interactive picture and click on the information screen.

c Choose a video to watch. Your teacher will give you a worksheet with questions.

d Watch the clip and answer the questions.

Score ex. 9 < 8 >/= 8 Nice try! Well done!

10 Go to the interactive picture and click on the information screen.

a Choose a video to watch. b Write down five questions you would ask the person in the video about their daily life. Use the present simple. Try to use different kinds of questions and question words.

321 Proefhoofdstuk©VANIN

Score ex. 10 < 3 Nice try! >/= 3 Well done!

Klaar? Speel een spel. Vraag het materiaal aan je leerkracht.

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