6 minute read
your time
1 Describe your favourite person.
a Complete the mind map.
e.g. My favourite person is tall. She has long hair. e.g. She is funny, because … e.g. She makes me feel happy. Who? Physical appearance Personality This person makes me feel … My favourite person b Write down what you want to say when you talk about him/her to the class. Proefhoofdstuk©VANIN
c Report to the class.
a Write down a question about each emotion to ask your partner. Use the present simple.
e.g. Who makes you happy?
e.g. When do you feel sad? e.g. What do you do when you are angry?
1 3 b Ask your partner the questions. c Write down the answers that your partner gives. 1 2 3 d Answer your partner’s questions.
What to say when you don’t understand something?
If you don’t understand what the other person is saying, you can use the following strategies: • Ask the person to explain. • Ask the person to repeat. • Ask the person to speak more slowly. • Ask the person to speak louder.
STRATEGY e.g. What do you mean by … ? 2 Proefhoofdstuk©VANIN e.g. Could you repeat that, please? e.g. I’m sorry, could you speak more slowly? e.g. I’m sorry, I can’t hear you very well. Could you speak up a bit?
How to speak to a group?
To speak to a group, you can use the following strategy:
Before speaking:
• Who are you talking to? - Is your speech informal? Start with ‘Hi’ or ‘Hello’. - Is your speech formal? Start with ‘Good morning/afternoon/evening’. • What do you want to say? - Write down key words so you know what message you want to give the group. While speaking: • Make eye contact with the group. (Don’t read everything!) • Speak slowly and clearly. After speaking: • Did everyone understand your message? Check if there are questions: e.g. Does anyone have a question? • Think about what you would do differently next time. 3 Compliments are free. a Your teacher will give you three cards. Each card has a classmate’s name on it. Write a compliment on each card. Try to keep the compliments anonymous. b Return the cards to your teacher. He/she will correct them and return them to the person whose name is on the card. c Tell the class which compliment you liked the most. Read the compliment as follows: e.g. I am friendly. 4 Go to the website your teacher gives you to look for a pen pal. Write an email or letter in which you introduce yourself. Start your letter or email as follows: Dear *name of your pen pal*. Describe your physical appearance. Use positive words. Proefhoofdstuk©VANIN Describe your personality. Use adverbs of frequency. e.g. I am helpful, because I usually help my mum. Say at least one thing that you like about yourself. Ask at least three questions to get to know your pen pal better. End your letter as follows: Kind regards, *your name*.
a Let the class listen to your favourite song.
b Answer the following questions and report back to the class. 1 What is the song about? 2 What is your favourite line in the lyrics? 3 When do you listen to this song? 4 How does the song make you feel? 5 Why do you like it so much?
emotional interesting boring intelligent
light inspiring funny
serious stupid heavy 6 You’re not alone. a Your teacher will give you five pieces of paper. b Every time your teacher asks a question, write your answer on a piece of paper. Then, crumple the paper into a ball. When the teacher counts to three throw your paper at the blackboard. c Your teacher will discuss the answers with the class. 7 Watch the video FAT by ClickForTaz. a What kind of text is this? a rap song spoken word poetry slam poetry a hip hop song b Highlight the words that describe this type of text for you. c Write down two lines from the text that speak to you. Proefhoofdstuk©VANIN
d Discuss the following questions with your partner. 1 Which message do you think Taz wants to give you? 2 Do you think Taz is the right person to deliver this message? Why (not)?
e Read the five tips for how to write spoken word poetry.
5 tips to write Spoken Word Poetry
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Some poets make it seem so easy, but easy it is not! You have to have a way with words if you want to reach people with your poetry. Use the following tips and explore your talents for spoken word poetry! 1 Write what you know. If you want to be a convincing poet, choose a topic that you know a lot about. You can look very silly if you talk about things that you know nothing about. When you are passionate about a subject, it shows in your poetry. 2 Reading is writing. You can only learn how to play with words, if you read a lot. Reading how other writers use words in different ways can be very inspiring. It will also help you find your own style. 3 Bring it back. If you keep coming back to a certain idea or catchy phrase by repeating it, you can emphasise that idea. It also gives the poem a certain rhythm. 4 Practise. Go over your poem until you know it by heart. This way you will be able to put more feeling into what you are saying. 5 Speak to the audience. Look at your audience when you are performing your poetry and let them interact with you. It is typical for the audience to snap or whoop when they hear something that they like a lot. If you make eye contact, you give them the feeling that you are talking directly to them. 1 Proefhoofdstuk©VANIN
Adapted from: www.risenzine.com, www.masterclass.com, thewritepractice.com
f Make your own spoken word poetry as a pair, a group or individually. Follow the steps.
Tips: - use an online rhyme dictionary to help you. - click on the interactive picture for more tips to make your own spoken word poetry. 1 Choose an appearance that people are often body shamed for.
e.g. fat
2 Write two negative things people say or do about someone with this appearance. Try to rhyme if you can. e.g. You are fat and all you do is eat. People laugh at you in the street. 3 Say two positive things about someone with this appearance. Try to rhyme again. e.g. Who cares if you’re thinner, thin, fat or fatter. With a beautiful heart, size doesn’t matter. 4 Read your poem out loud. Be expressive. g Extra: if you are up for the challenge make a video with a nice song in the background. Checklist: your time Ik kan in het Engels het uiterlijk van iemand beschrijven. Ik kan in het Engels positieve en negatieve zinnen maken in de ‘present simple’. Ik kan in het Engels zeggen hoe vaak iets gebeurt. Ik kan in het Engels iemands persoonlijkheid beschrijven. Ik kan in het Engels gevoelens beschrijven. Ik kan in het Engels vragen stellen in de ‘present simple’. Proefhoofdstuk©VANIN