2014 & 2015
Š UITP (International Association of Public Transport), 2016 Any opinions expressed in the chapters are those of the authors. All rights reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher. Suggested citation: UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015 Legal deposit in Belgium: D/2016/0105/1
“ Transport is vital for everyone, and with the
right mix of solutions, sustainable transport will help us to realise a better future by helping to reduce poverty while protecting the planet and driving economic growth.
Ban Ki-Moon, United Nations Secretary General, June 2014
4 26
4 6 8 10
KNOWLEDGE 28 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
16 18 20 22 24 25
40 54
42 44 46
FOREWORD The last two years at UITP have seen the Association undergo a major transformation. We listened to your thoughts on our Association and knowing change was necessary we worked hard to make our shared vision the reality you see today. A key factor in our transformation involved giving the Association a fresher and more dynamic feel with our new logo and visual identity. We also chose a deeper change in the form of new membership services packages and a fee structure more in line with the needs of our diverse membership. Our advocacy work with the business community and at the international level (United Nations and COP21) has been stepped up and we opened three new offices in Astana, Casablanca and New York to be closer to our members.
These new developments were also “undertaken because our sector is facing
marked taxes, land value capture and private partnerships. Furthermore, new players have entered the mobility scene and are trying to become integrators of those new ecosystems. That is the real challenge today: the public transport sector needs to remain the backbone of the mobility system whilst also leading the transition and, as the natural integrator, provide our citizens with doorto-door mobility solutions by partnering with other modes of sustainable transport. Becoming more entrepreneurial, anticipating the changes, having more appetite for risk and being more agile: these are the skills we need to develop every day within our organisations in order to help develop a citizen-centric mobility system that is a fundamental part of sustainable communities and cities.
significant change, with the emergence of new mobility ecosystems.
Your Association, supported by all its members, has made significant progress over the last two years. We trust that you will continue to offer us your support in the next two years, with a view to making public transport even more successful.
Faced with decreasing public money, the sector has been reinventing itself by looking into more diversified sources of revenue through operational excellence, costs reduction or secondary revenue development (advertising and retails in stations and hubs), as well as creative funding mechanisms such as ear-
Alain Flausch, UITP Secretary General
UITP (International Association of Public Transport) is a passionate champion of sustainable urban mobility and is the only worldwide network to bring together all public transport stakeholders and all sustainable transport modes.
We are working to enhance people's quality of life and economic well-being by supporting and promoting sustainable transport in urban areas worldwide. Every day, we make a difference for our members and for the wider sustainable transport community, guided by our three missions: Advocacy, Knowledge and Networking.
Our members are public transport authorities and operators, policy decision-makers, research institutes and the public transport supply and service industry coming from the whole spectrum of public transport disciplines and modes.
130 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE On 17 August 1885, Europe’s 50 main tramway operators came together in Brussels to create the “Union Internationale de Tramways/Internationaler Permanenter Strassenbahn-Verein”. The association we now know as UITP was born with 63 member companies from nine countries. Over the years UITP has adapted its structure and broadened its focus to become more inclusive of the entire public transport sector... and the story continues!
UITP members by sector of activity:
% 6% 5
The Association
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
UITP members in the world:
WHERE WE ARE While our main office is located in Brussels, Belgium, various regional divisions exist throughout the world and three new offices opened in 2015.
●B russels, Belgium | UITP Main Office, Europe Regional Office, Central & Eastern Europe Liaison Office ● Rome, Italy | Liaison Office ● Istanbul, Turkey | Liaison Office
● Hong Kong, China | Regional Office ● Bangalore, India | Regional Office ● Singapore | Centre for Transport Excellence
● Melbourne, Australia | Regional Office
● Moscow, Russian Federation | Regional Office ● Astana, Kazakhstan | Liaison Office NEW
● Abidjan, Ivory Coast | Regional Office ● Johannesburg, South Africa | Liaison Office
MIDDLE EAST & NORTH AFRICA ●D ubai, United Arab Emirates | Regional Office & Centre for Transport Excellence
LATIN AMERICA ● São Paulo, Brazil | Regional Office
● Casablanca, Morocco | Liaison Office ● Tehran, Iran | Liaison Office
NORTH AMERICA ● New York, United States | Regional Office
The Association
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
GOVERNANCE UITP is a non-profit international association. The UITP governance structure is made up of the following bodies: The General Assembly
The PresCom
The General Assembly is composed of all the members of UITP and meets at least once every two years on the occasion of the UITP Global Public Transport Summit (ex- World Congress & Exhibition, see p. 42-43). The General Assembly is the ultimate authority of the international association.
The PresCom is a sub-group of the Policy Board (see p.7) made up of Chairpersons of Committees, Commissions, Regional Executive Committees and Boards, Platforms and Centres for Transport Excellence (CTE) representatives. PresCom sets out and steers the Integrated Global Work Plan of UITP which is approved by the Policy Board.
The Divisions and Division Assemblies The UITP Divisions are the meeting point of UITP members based in a specific region (Africa, Asia-Pacific-Australia-New Zealand, Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, Middle East and North Africa, North America) or working on a specific sector or mode (Authorities, Industry, Bus, Light Rail, Metro, Regional and Suburban Rail). All UITP full members are automatically part of at least one division. Every Division Assembly meets at least every two years.
The Executive Board UITP is managed by the Executive Board, which implements the decisions of the General Assembly. The Executive Board is competent for all decisions relating to UITP administration and finances, and decisions which are not the exclusive competence of the General Assembly or the Policy Board. The Executive Board is composed of UITP President, Vice-Presidents and the Secretary General.
The Association
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
The President The President is elected by the General Assembly for a non-renewable maximum period of two years.
The Committees The Committees actively work on key issues related to modal and sectoral divisions and prepare related actions. The Committees function as the active working entity of the divisions, setting their goals and strategies as well as developing a wide range of projects and initiatives with the support of ad-hoc working groups.
The Commissions The UITP Commissions are centres of competence on topics of general interest to UITP members. UITP Commissions are jointly established by the Executive and Policy Boards.
Sir Peter Hendy CBE, 2013-2015 UITP President
Masaki Ogata, 2015-2017 UITP President
The Secretary General The Secretary General is responsible for the dayto-day management of UITP. He or she manages the General Secretariat as well as all entities, offices, subsidiaries and branches of UITP.
Other Expert Groups Besides Commissions and Committees, other expert groups, namely platforms, work on the specific centres of competence in a less formal structure. These platforms are nevertheless represented in the PresCom in order to comply in their work with the Integrated Global Work Programme.
Alain Flausch, UITP Secretary General since 2012
Regional Divisions and Offices: Africa, Asia-Pacific, Australia & New Zealand, Eurasia, Europe, European Union, India, Iran, Latin America, Middle East & North Africa, North America and Turkey.
The Policy Board The Policy Board has exclusive decision-making powers over UITP working programme and all the position papers adopted by UITP in transport policy, subject to any powers granted to the Regional Committees for the position papers in transport policy of an exclusive regional nature. The Policy Board meets at least twice a year.
The Policy Board is composed of Executive Board members, Chairpersons of Committees and Commissions as well as of national or regional representatives.
Sectoral Divisions and Committees: Industry: Vehicles and Equipment / Information Technology and Service Industry and Organising Authorities.
Modal Divisions and Committees: Bus / Trolleybus, Light Rail, Metro and Regional & Suburban Rail.
Thematic Commissions: Business & Human Resources Management, Information Technology & Innovation, Marketing & Product Development, Security, Sustainable Development, Transport Economics and Transport & Urban Life.
Other Expert Groups: Academic Network, Exhibitions Commission, Combined Mobility, Design & Culture, SmaRT (Small and medium sized agglomerations and Regional Transport), Taxi and Waterborne Transport.
Members of the UITP Policy Board, mandate 2013-2015 (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) . See the full list of members on p.56.
The Association
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
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RELEASED IN 2014-2015
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Developing your expertise.
N° 3 - 2015
Masaki Ogata, 2015-2017 UITP President
Karlsruhe | 1 – 3 March 2016
Visit us: Hall 1 | Booth E2
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members are creating policy proposals, exchanging opinions and information and expanding personal networking.
Here is a sample of the main services we offer to our members:
Bruxelles - Price
There is no other association like UITP that “includes operators, authorities, suppliers and others, where its
Dépôt à 1080
Our magazine, freely available for members, offers global coverage of public transport issues.
STANDARD PACKAGE Offers our members access to the main services of UITP, including discounts for events and products.
ADVANTAGE PACKAGE Includes all the benefits of the STANDARD package but also gives our members the opportunity to actively participate in discussions within the Committees, the Commissions and their Working Groups and to obtain preferential access to data and expertise. Advantage members are eligible to help set the direction of UITP through its Boards or Executive Committees.
PREMIUM PACKAGE Includes all the benefits of the ADVANTAGE package and recognises the main contributors by giving them more exclusivity, visibility and representation in UITP’s activities.
The Association
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
The one-stop-shop for everything public transport-related. Our extensive online database contains a wealth of information covering all aspects of public transport and sustainable mobility.
4 TOOLBOXES The toolboxes offer members inspiration and guidance on specific topics:
►F inancing Toolbox to provide advice for developing alternative public transport funding streams.
► ‘UITP Direct’ offers a monthly round-up of the sector.
► NODES Toolbox to benchmark and improve urban transport interchanges.
► Regional newsletters keep our members informed about the latest developments in their region. ► Thematic newsletters enable our Advantage and Premium members to receive news about their topics of interest.
+600 COMPANIES TOOK PART IN UITP TRAINING The portfolio of training programmes developed by UITP meets the mobility challenges of today and tomorrow.
►C ombined mobility Toolbox to show members how to integrate combined mobility services in a public transport offer. ►H R absenteeism Toolbox to help UITP members deal with staff absenteeism.
11 PUBLICATIONS RELEASED IN 2014 & 2015 We released 11 expert publications in 2014 & 2015 and many more reports which analyse key topics affecting the sector, provide helpful recommendations and showcase best practice examples.
Promoting the public transport sector. BECAUSE ONE SIZE DOESN’T FIT ALL
20 SPEECHES ON THE ECONOMIC CASE FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORT We represent public transport operators and authorities towards decision-makers and major international organisations.
350 MEMBER PLEDGES ON CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION We engage with the European Institutions, the United Nations, the World Bank or the World Health Organization so that we can influence their policy agenda and their decisions.
We make our members’ own advocacy efforts as effective as possible, with ready-made communications campaigns: ‘Grow with Public Transport’, ‘2015 UITP Mobility Week’, Y4PT (Youth for Public transport) campaigns.
14 POSITION PAPERS RELEASED IN 2014 & 2015 We make policy messages and recommendations to local and national governments.
Meeting your peers to develop your business. +16,000 CONTACTS We provide access to MyUITP: the private professional social network for our members, which allows them to discuss and stay in touch with their peers.
16 EU-FUNDED PROJECTS IN 2014-2015 We are a leading partner in a wide range of research projects. When we are looking to select consortium partners, wherever possible, we give priority to UITP members.
We offer on-request services to meet our Advantage and Premium members’ specific needs and requests: customised training, peer review, benchmarking, study tours, technical expert support, library research and Y4PT (Youth for Public Transport) actions. UITP members can always upgrade their membership package according to their specific needs and objectives.
...AND MANY MORE SERVICES! For more information:
► +32 (0)2 663 66 66 (Membership Hotline) ►
We offer special discounts on the registration fees for attending our events and renting stands.
The Association
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
During the UITP New Year Reception, the Association reveals a brand-new identity with a new logo and a portfolio of enhanced services.
The Association
of scheduled transport defined as the collective within urban and suburLocal public transport, short distances, mainly the EU. The passengers, over relatively of urban mobility within
the backbones buses – INTRODUCTION ban areas, is one of were made by lo– urban and suburban passenger journeys – and via either road transport suburban heavy rail service is provided Approximately 57 billion light rail, metros and in 2012. National latest year for or rail modes – tramways, in the European Union 2012 in the EU, the billion passengers in cal public transport amounts to it carried nearly 57 of demand for public States is available.This of the 28 Member variation in the level which data for most working day. data show significant the evolution in journeys on the average just under 182 million in the countries. Furthermore, per urban inhabitant transport in different period takes public transport journeys undertakes an There are 150 annual transport over the 13-year denizen in the EU the ‘regular’ urban the demand for public EU. In other words, Europe. The number using public transport. journeys every week in different parts of average of some 3 different trajectories where data in 11 of the EU countries of journeys has increased are available. YEAR 2012 MODE FOR THE BREAKDOWN BY 14% 7.8 billion journeys
16% 9.2 billion journeys
56.8 billion journeys
56% 31.7 billion journeys
14% 8.1 billion journeys
Figure 1 Breakdown
UITP and KMK (Karlsruhe Messen und Kongresse) co-organise IT-TRANS, the International Conference and Exhibition on IT Solutions. Key players meet to explore new trends and innovative technologies to improve public transport (Karlsruhe, Germany).
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
Y4PT (Youth for Public Transport), the UITP Foundation, launches the Healthy Mobility Campaign and encourages citizens to change mobility habits.
UITP and RTA (Dubai Roads and Transport Authority) host the first UITP MENA Transport Congress and Exhibition. The event focuses on all aspects of urban development and infrastructure which have an impact on people’s mobility in the MENA region (Dubai, United Arab Emirates).
At the annual summit of the International Transport Forum, UITP co-organises a side event focusing on the importance of national transport policies in achieving sustainable development goals (OECD, Leipzig, Germany).
Suburban rail
transport journeys in
2012 in the EU.
rail modes transported via urban share of passengers Germany. tries having a higher Republic, France and Croatia, the Czech States than buses: Austria, – 16 of the 28 Member metro networks exist transport Furthermore, where the number of public a significant share of journeys make – they tend to attract for example, metro France and Spain, journeys. In Austria, the respective countries. of all the journeys for up over one quarter
UITP launches the Statistics Brief, a new tool which gathers local public transport ridership data by country in the EU.
11-12 June
The creation of UITP Trolleybus Committee is approved by the Policy Board in Abu Dhabi, UAE (United Arab Emirates). UITP and ETF (European Transport Workers' Federation) sign an agreement to strengthen women's employment in urban public transport.
per mode of local public
via urin the EU are undertaken transport journeys 56% of The majority of public account for approximately bus systems, which rail sysban and suburban rest: tramways or light modes make up the makes the total. Rail-based 16% and suburban railway metro systems for in the tems account for 14%, There is wide variation of the total of journeys. five counup the remaining 14% Member States, with for each mode in the corresponding shares
27-30 April
UITP recommends a Sustainable Development Goal for sustainable transport with public transport at its core to the United Nations in order to drive the economic, social and environmental development agenda.
JUNE 2014
18-20 February
UITP launches ZeEUS EU project (Zero Emission Urban bus System) with 40 partners (Jan 2014 - Apr 2017).
During the European Mobility Exhibition, UITP co-organises the 'Moving Together' conference on the theme 'Europe's future mobility' (Paris, France).
UITP MENA and the World Bank jointly organise the 'Capacity Building Programme', a training course aimed at developing leadership capabilities in urban mobility planning.
The UITP project SORT ('Standardised OnRoad Test cycles') is revised to include a protocol for hybrid buses.
UITP Secretary General Alain Flausch is appointed by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon to take part in a United Nations high-level Advisory Group for Sustainable Transport, on behalf of the public transport sector.
Pictures: UITP
- STIB - Stephane
Mignon (Flickr)
UITP’s training portfolio is extended to include more topics, more regions and more languages.
5-7 November
13-16 October UITP Secretary General Alain Flausch takes part in the United Nations Climate Summit. With members' contributions from the UITP Declaration on Climate Leadership, he tells heads of government that investment in public transport is key for reaching emissions reduction goals.
Africa Transport Congress & Exhibition focuses on 'Growing Africa through an effective public transport system' (Johannesburg, South Africa).
UITP presents the 'Combined Mobility Toolbox', aiming to show its members how to integrate combined mobility services in a public transport offer. The Secur-ED EU-project, which aims to improve security conditions of urban transport, comes to an end (Apr 2011 – Sept 2014).
Experts explore emerging trends and topics in the bus industry during the 8th UITP International Bus Conference (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).
UITP urges Juncker Commission to get Europe growing again by investing in Public Transport through an EU Committee Position Paper.
UITP creates the Taxi Platform since this fast-growing sector is considered a complement to public transport.
29 October-1 November UITP meets Neelie Kroes, Vice President of the European Commission in charge of the Digital Agenda for Europe, to discuss the Smart Cities Initiative.
UITP co-organises the 3rd ExpoCityTrans, a regional exhibition where more than 100 transport companies gather to discover the latest sector trends in the Eurasian region (Moscow, Russia). The Association
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
At the UITP New Year Reception, UITP members discover inspirational ideas with keynote speaker Jean-Christophe Victor.
UITP is invited to the annual 'Transforming Transportation' conference, organised by the World Bank and the World Resources Institute. UITP Secretary General Alain Flausch argues that public transport agencies should be working in tandem with local businesses for their mutual benefit (Washington D.C., USA).
UITP EU representatives meet the new European Commissioner for Transport, Violeta Bulc, who expresses her interest in urban mobility issues and digitalisation.
First UITP CEO Summit: a new working group is created to push for recognition of public transport's economic potential (London, UK).
UITP opens a new liaison office in Casablanca, Morocco.
The Association
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
The 'Centre for Training' is established to coordinate and consolidate UITP's vast global training portfolio. The EU-funded project 3iBS is completed (Oct 2012 - March 2015). UITP coordinated this survey of bus systems strategies (intelligent, innovative, integrated bus systems).
Y4PT launches Healthy Mobility 2.0, the second part of the Healthy Mobility campaign, launched in March 2014.
/JUNE Press kit
UITP and ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) sign a joint recommandations to combat violence against staff in local and urban public transport.
www. uitpm ilan2 015.o rg
8-10 June
UITP World Congress & Exhibition takes place in Milan, Italy. It is the biggest event in public transport.
Supporting Organisations
UITP launches the Absenteeism Toolbox, to help UITP members deal with staff absenteeism.
The OSIRIS rail EU research project comes to a close. The project, in which UITP was a key partner, identified innovations that reduce energy costs in running a rail system (Jan 2012 - Apr 2015).
UITP starts as a coordinator of the new EU-funded project EBSF_2, focusing on making bus systems more attractive and more efficient (May 2015 - May 2018).
Local Hosts
Masaki Ogata, Vice-chairman of JR-East (Japan), becomes the new UITP President: he takes over from Sir Peter Hendy (UK).
SETRIS UITP starts as a partner of IT2Rail (May 2015 - Oct 2017) to develop solutions for multimodal seamless travel and SETRIS (May 2015 - May 2017) which federates all major transport related European Technology Platforms.
UITP launches the ELIPTIC project, aiming to optimise existing electric infrastructure (June 2015 - May 2018).
rates UITP celebS OF
137 organisations from 5 continents take part in the UITP Mobility Week campaign and share the 'Celebrating Mobility Week' message.
31 July
Metro factors: of Delhi two basic “The success ed to ction attribut to constru can be ce focus adheren a thorough strict es and lass service schedul world-c on ensuringns.” n in operatio
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of Secretary Federation Mrs Sabine General Deputy Transport Workers’ European
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allow ogy mightjump directly technol ies to “Mobile ing econom management.” develop mobility Mr Jean-Chris Think of the Founder
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RT 2015
UITP Australia & New Zealand and TTF (The Tourism & Transport Forum) hold the 4th Australian Transport Summit where speakers focus on case studies and best practice.
UITP releases 'Public Transport Trends', a publication set to become the reference for the sector.
UITP and ECF (European Cyclists’ Federation) sign a Memorandum of Understanding. The agreement will see the two work more closely on policy initiatives in order to strengthen the voice of sustainable urban transport.
UITP aligns its Sustainability Charter to the Sustainable Development Goals set by United Nations.
Peer review: UITP experts commissioned by the city government of Moscow travel to the Russian capital and assess its public transport network.
UITP opens a new liaison office in Astana, Kazakhstan.
UITP releases the 'Mobility in Cities Database', a report investigating mobility in metropolitan areas worldwide.
UITP shows at COP21 Paris governments there are real opportunities to scale up efforts on climate action with public transport and that the sector can be a catalyst for action through the UITP’s Sustainability Charter network.
WHAT’S NEXT? 1 - 3 March 2016
IT-TRANS (Karlsruhe, Germany)
25 - 27 April 2016
MENA Transport Congress & Exhibition (Dubai, UAE)
UITP opens a new liaison office in New York City, USA.
28-30 October The EU-financed research project NODES (New Tools for the Design and Operation of Urban Transport Interchanges) comes to an end (Oct 2012 Sept 2015) with the launch of the NODES Toolbox.
UITP International Rail Conference 'Go Smart, Go Rail' brings together 240 participants, who discuss different aspects of the planning, operation and maintenance of urban rail networks around the concept of a smart city (Munich, Germany).
19 - 21 October 2016
SITCE Congress & Exhibition (Singapore) November 2016
ExpoCityTrans (Moscow, Russia) 15 - 17 May 2017
UITP Global Public Transport Summit (Montréal, Canada) January 2017 Launch of the 2017 Public Transport Trends report (2nd edition)
The Association
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
Engaging with decision-makers. Promoting the public transport sector. Highlighting public transport benefits beyond the mobility sphere.
Six specific advocacy objectives have been pursued during 2014 and 2015: • • • • • •
Campaigning and mobilising for PTx2 strategy ngaging for a sustainable world and participating in the climate negotiations E Making the economic case and securing funding for public transport Making the voice of members heard at EU institutions Engaging with international partners Unveiling the health benefits of public transport with the Y4PT Foundation
PTx2 is the ambitious goal adopted by UITP that means doubling the public transport market share worldwide by 2025 in comparison to 2005, in order to make cities more liveable and more productive. Mobility in Cities Database: inspiring cities to become better places to live
In 2015, UITP released a report investigating the urban policies that are moving cities closer to the PTx2 goal: the Mobility in Cities Database (MCD 2015).
This publication provides key insights into transport patterns and trends for 60 metropolitan areas worldwide. The modal share of public transport is growing in cities which demonstrated a long-term commitment not only to improving public transport supply, but also to managing demand for individual mobility and controlling urban sprawl. Data presented in the Mobility in Cities Database report shows that reaching the objective of doubling the market share of public transport by 2025
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
would require increased efforts in terms of public transport supply improvements, private vehicle demand management and integrated urban planning policies. This study also highlighted the need to improve the availability and comparability of urban transport data, and to develop new methodologies to better describe new mobility habits and intermodal travel.
37.0% 27.2%
20% 10%
The results so far show great cause for “optimism but also highlight the work
that still needs to be done in order to reach our ambitious 2025 objective Alain Flausch, UITP Secretary General
0% 2001 Developed cities
2012 Developing cities
Since the turn of the millennium cities in developed countries have generally shown an upturn in the public transport modal share. With concerted actions addressing urban planning, managing the demand for private car travel and improving public transport supply, this growth can be sustained over the coming decade. Similar actions are needed in developing cities, where fast growth – both in economic and demographic terms – puts additional pressures on the transport system.
UITP translated the PTx2 strategy into a communication campaign called ‘Grow with Public Transport’, for which members joined forces to promote the benefits of public transport for the economy, the environment and society around the world. The success was impressive: 27,982 vehicles and 25,292 stations showed the ‘Grow’ campaign images, from 90 member participants in 32 countries on 5 continents including 21 capital cities.
For the Mobility Week from 16 to 22 September 2015, UITP invited all mobility stakeholders and people supporting the development of public transport to show their commitment by displaying the same ‘Celebrating Mobility Week’ message. With this campaign, UITP aimed to highlight the vital role that public transport plays across the globe, transporting millions of people on a daily basis. Once again, our advocacy campaign demonstrated how united the sector is around a common objective: making cities better places to live and work.
137 46
Twitter 15,861 views
Facebook 2,042 people reached LinkedIn 15,581 views & 121 interactions
Shenzhen Metro Group, China and CUTA / ACTU, Canada, actively participated in the campaign.
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was adopted at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 as the international political response to climate change. In December 2015, for the first time in over 20 years of United Nations (UN) negotiations, the Paris Climate Conference COP21 achieved a legally binding and universal agreement on climate, in order to keep global warming below 2°C.
UITP’s role in Paris For the first time in COP history, UITP was given a prominent role in the official Paris COP21 programme in December 2015, illustrating to governments how UITP member efforts can support parties and will help put the world back on a less than 2°C track. The UITP Declaration on Climate Leadership presented by Alain Flausch at COP21 demonstrates that public transport solutions are a key mitigation source and that UITP members are delivering action in this area, and so will be fundamental to governments if they are to realise their emission reduction pledges. UITP took part in the Transport Action Day, a high-level event including the European Commissioner Violeta Bulc, transport ministers from around 10 countries, and mayors from London, Rio, Santiago and Johannesburg. The Transport Action Day identified how key public transport solutions can be part of the international agenda in 2016 and beyond.
All countries, regardless of size or wealth, have committed to a new climate agreement and now have to make and implement solid commitments to fight climate change. Importantly, around a quarter of all countries made commitments after Paris to scale up efforts on public transport.
UN Sustainable Development Goals include public transport
Here, UITP stressed that the world needs a dedicated target on urban sustainable transport based around expanding public transport. The OWG’s proposals were signed off by world leaders at a UN Summit in September 2015. All nations agreed to work towards the SDGs for our planet. The 17 goals include a specific target to expand public transport for the cities of the future over the next 15 years.
Santiago Mayor Carolina Toha, co-chair of the UN High-Level Advisory Group.
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
Never before has public transport received such focus at the international and national level, which will lead to action on the ground. This is why UITP has been strongly making the case in the global climate and sustainable development policy agenda, because this work can directly benefit our members. 2015 was a unique opportunity to raise the profile of the sector. Our voice has clearly been heard and will continue to be so as an adviser to the UN.
In January 2014, UITP addressed the Open Working Group (OWG) of UN Member States which was tasked with developing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
in sustainable transport is one of the most effective and powerful “toolsInvesting we have today to advance towards more inclusive societies. ”
Unprecedented focus on transport
UITP was given a prominent role in the COP21 programme.
“ I urge members of the International Association of Public Transport to bring bold pledges to the Paris Summit. Innovate, scale up, cooperate and deliver concrete action that can help close the emissions gap and put us on track to support a meaningful global climate agreement in 2015. ” Ban Ki-Moon, United Nations Secretary General, June 2014
UITP has worked hard over the last two years in order deliver its messages at COP21:
► In May 2014, in support of the UN Climate Summit, the UN Secretary General hosted the 'Abu Dhabi Ascent' where the UITP Declaration on Climate Leadership was launched.
UN High-level Advisory group on sustainable transport.
Actors like UITP are playing a major role “in the COP21 conference. UITP can share positive
experiences, particularly with developing countries, which must still build large parts of their infrastructure.
Prof. Jean-Pascal Van Ypersele, Climate Scientist, Vice-Chair of IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)
► In June 2014, Mr Flausch was invited to meet Mr Ban Ki-Moon and was appointed to the UN High-Level Advisory group on sustainable transport, with is other famous figures worldwide.
► I n September 2014, at the UN Climate Summit, UITP told Ministers and Heads of State that 110 companies have signed the Declaration and have pledged 350 future actions on climate change from 80 cities.
► I n May 2015, Alain Flausch presented UITP’s Declaration and its role in COP21 at an open Ministerial meeting of the International Transport Forum.
► In September 2015, UITP and the International Transport Workers’ Federation made a joint declaration on climate leadership in support of the UITP Declaration.
► In October 2015, UITP urged its members and gathered 125 of them to make new commitments through the UITP Sustainability Charter.
► I n November 2015, UITP published the report ‘Climate Action with Public Transport’ showcasing delivery of around a quarter of the commitments pledged at the UN Summit and detailing recommendations for scaling up action with public transport.
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
UITP sets out to demonstrate the contribution of public transport to the attractiveness and competitiveness of cities. Highlighting the benefits of public transport outside mobility supports its alignment with other policies and players at local and national level. Making the economic case for public transport UITP has the ambition to change the perception of public transport from being a big spender of public funds to a creator of value for citizens, businesses and governments. Those indirect beneficiaries of public transport potentially constitute an alternative source of funding for public transport. Evidence and good practices were gathered by UITP, showing that public transport helps unleash the economic development potential of cities, supports access to wider training and jobs opportunities for citizens, and attracts private investors in cities. This evidence was presented at 20 international policy forums worldwide, reaching local leaders, national governments, notably at the International Transport Forum’s annual summit, and representatives of the business community.
Engaging with the business community On 27 February 2015 UITP, Transport for London and the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry invited CEOs from 14 European public transport organisations and chambers of commerce to talk about their mutually beneficial relationship and their combined role as major drivers of city economies. This first-of-its-kind event highlighted that the key to a fruitful relationship with business is for public transport to use the language of investor relations and talk of potential return on investment. Building trust also requires working on detailed aspects of relevance to business. Tangible projects are good opportunities to initiate or strengthen the collaboration between public transport and business, and speaking with one unified voice could help the push for investment in cities. UITP CEO Summit gathers CEOs from 14 European public transport organisations and chambers of commerce.
“ The economic case for public transport: it’s not only the government, it’s not only public funds. We need the business community to be ‘in’. ” Alexandra Van Huffelen, CEO of GVB Holding, Amsterdam, Netherlands
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
Retails in stations, a secondary revenue development (MTR, Singapore)
Securing alternative funding for public transport The 'New Ways of Funding Public Transport' conference, held in Malmö, Sweden, in March 2015 and supported by UITP, was used to present and discuss the different tools public transport bodies can use to finance infrastructure projects and the revenue sources available to them. Over 125 participants and speakers gathered to discuss the need to invest and to seek new funding sources. UITP also organised a session on 'Investing in Public Transport Infrastructure' at the TBLI European conference in November 2015 in Zurich. This helped to profile public transport as an attractive asset class for private investors and to better understand their own expectations of public transport.
If you engage businesses, they will cooperate. They will cooperate “because there is a blindingly obvious economic benefit in public transport. ” Colin Stranbridge, CEO of London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, United Kingdom
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
Representing 57% of the Association membership, UITP's European Department plays a crucial role in ensuring that their interests are represented and upheld within the European institutions. Its main advocacy achievements were in four key areas: the 4th Railway Package, the digital agenda, the new opportunities for infrastructure funding and the European social dialogue. EU-funded projects led by UITP are covered in the ‘Knowledge’ Chapter (see pages 26 to 39).
The 4th Railway Package, proposed by the European Commission in January 2013, has two parts: a ‘political pillar’, focusing on further opening of the railway market and a ‘technical pillar’, dealing with safety and interoperability of the railway sector.
Service Contracts for Rail and Road Passenger Services: Where Do We Stand?' with the participation of the European Commission’s DG Move, influential Members of the European Parliament, and many national and sectoral representatives.
The European Parliament agreed on a first reading agreement in February 2014. For two years, the texts were heatedly discussed in the Council and between the European institutions. Over the years, UITP met with all relevant actors and closely monitored the ongoing discussions, where we were successful in many critical areas, among which the importance of preserving the ‘package approach’ and the necessity to limit the changes to those necessary to open the rail passenger market to competition, without impacting on the urban and local public transport.
The 4th Railway Package is expected to be formally approved by the European Parliament in spring 2016.
As the process was close to its end, UITP organised on 3 December 2015 a large conference in Brussels: 'Public
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
DIALOGUING WITH SOCIAL PARTNERS UITP and the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) joined forces to improve the visibility of the public transport sector as an employer. We signed a joint statement on the application of the European Directive on initial qualifications and continuous training of professional bus drivers in urban public transport. In April 2014, we signed a landmark agreement to strengthen women's employment in the sector, including a series of joint recommendations aimed at increasing the share of female employees, as women are particularly under-represented in leadership and technical positions. In early 2015, UITP and ETF applied for the establishment of a full Social Dialogue Committee for urban public transport enabling the representative social partners to have a working structure to effectively accompany the major changes in the sector.
Another closely followed area was the allocation of protected frequency bandwidths, which are necessary for the automation of urban rail lines and using Communications-Based Train Control systems (CBTC). In 2015,
UITP prepared material to support the work of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute and the Electronic Communications Committee, in order to secure the access for public transport operators to adequate bands. Open data has been an important focus of the EU Commission in 2014-15, with the objective to improve the availability of good quality multimodal travel and traffic data, chiefly on harmonised data formats and exchange protocols. In 2014, UITP agreed on a policy brief on open data. This document underlines that “UITP believes that the global transport sector should be proactive in supporting the provision of Open Data, preferably on a cost-free basis and with limited or no restrictions.”
Following Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc’s expressed wish to enhance the potential of digitalisation in Europe, the European Commission adopted in May 2015 a Communication on a Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe. In June 2015, UITP met with officials of DG MOVE to better understand the potential impact of this document for railway passenger operators, and made contributions to this work. In parallel, the European Commission set up a group dealing with ‘digital railways’. Given the growing importance of digitalisation, UITP decided to take leadership of the ‘digital railways’ group, with its member SNCF as Chair.
The European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), also known as the ‘Juncker package’, is the European Commission’s instrument to boost growth and investment. Managed by the EIB (European Investment Bank), it aims to co-finance projects able to attract private investors, i.e. with a quick return on investments. UITP started a dialogue with the EIB to underline that urban transport projects are key to achieving economic growth. UITP also published in July 2015 a guide on how to apply under EFSI, and regularly updates it with the latest practical information. Another EU funding source is the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), in which urban nodes have been granted a €50 million envelope in 2014 and 2015. UITP regularly meets the relevant people in the European Commission and in the Executive Agency responsible for the CEF fund, in order to highlight the importance of urban nodes in a well-functioning European network.
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
Over the last two years, UITP has invested significant time and human resources to be part of international debates on urban development and to become a key partner for the largest international institutions. UITP works closely with key actors amongst others:
Transforming Transportation: UITP at World Bank event in Washington
International Transport Forum (ITF) gives the floor to UITP
UITP builds relationship with local leaders at Mayors’ Day in Milan
Habitat III: Linking Public Transport to the New Urban Agenda
UITP was actively involved in the 2014 and 2015 editions of Transforming Transportation, the World Bank’s flagship transport event which brought together key players of the transport and development community. UITP’s Secretary General had the opportunity to promote a new vision of the city, based on shorter travel distances and public transport-oriented communities. He shared UITP’s views on the governance of urban mobility and argued that public transport agencies should be working in tandem with local businesses for their mutual benefit. During the 2015 event, UITP and the World Bank announced their intention to collaborate on the improvement of urban mobility data in support to decision-making.
The annual summit of the International Transport Forum gathers transport ministers from their 54 member countries and experts from many different areas. UITP organised side-events during the 2014 and 2015 summits, on national policies for urban transport and the contribution of public transport to business and tourism in cities, in collaboration with ITDP and the World Bank. At the 2015 summit, UITP was also given the opportunity to explain how to plan, organise and fund public transport in multi-polar metropolitan regions and to present in an open ministerial meeting UITP’s climate commitments and its role in the COP21 process (see p.18-19).
Together with the Mayor of Milan Giuliano Pisapia, UITP invited 30 mayors from some of the world’s largest cities to attend its World Congress in June 2015. The invitation heralded the beginning of a process of regular engagement of local decision-makers, and emphasised the political and economic dimension of public transport. The mayors were invited to participate in a roundtable event as well as the Plenary Session ‘Public transport sector strategy towards 2025: where are we now?’ During the day, the mayors were able to network, exchange good practices and create lasting and useful relationships. The day ended in the release of a Declaration of Mayors on Mobility in the Urban Agenda.
The third United Nations Conference on sustainable urban development, known as Habitat III, will take place in October 2016. It aims to define a new global urban agenda. UITP has played an active role in the lead-up to this conference in order to push for a better inclusion of mobility and public transport in the frameworks and policies designed at the national and international level in support to cities UITP also co-chairs, jointly with the German Association of Cities, an Expert Group on urban mobility that contributes to the drafting of the document which will form the basis of the Habitat III negotiations.
one of us has tried to learn from good practices around “the Each world, without being competitive, because that would be harmful. ” Giuliano Pisapia, Mayor of Milan 24
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
Unveiled in 2014, the Y4PT #HealthyMobility World Campaign served as a general framework to lead various interconnected actions addressing transport-related health concerns, namely:
►Y 4PT Modal Shift World Challenge Hundreds of people from all over the world dared to switch their travel options from the car to active mobility (e.g. walking, cycling) in combination with public transport, for several weeks.
► Y4PT #BreathableCities World Campaign Early in 2015, Bogotá, D.C. was the first host city where this field experiment was performed to measure users’ exposure to and inhalation of air pollutants, across different modes of urban transport, in order to estimate the impact on human health. The campaign is still in progress.
► Y4PT #iCOmmit2 World Campaign Starting in the second half of 2015, people have been asked to estimate their personal transport-related carbon footprint based on their current mobility habits and to reflect on what their own respon-
Over the last two years, Youth for Public Transport (Y4PT) has turned to young people and their boundless creativity to launch activities that aim to promote heathy lifestyles, especially those involving transport activities. sibilities are in terms of climate change and global warming. Each of them is invited to deliver a feasible and firm individual commitment, in line with the aim of COP21.
Y4PT is for me the right tool for adopting “behavioural changes, giving us the freedom to express a positive vision of public transport. ” Daniel Pérez, Y4PT Colombia
In 2015 Y4PT celebrated its 10th Anniversary and released the first version of the Y4PT Idearium, a collection of inspiring ideas, projects and stories from all the young people who have contributed to developing Y4PT into the leading international youth organisation advocating for sustainable mobility.
More info:
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
Growing your expertise. Developing knowledge. Inspiring ideas.
Over the last two years, UITP was particularly active in developing knowledge and leading research in a broad range of fields: • The bus sector inspired many projects, in particular the shift to electric power • The rail divisions continued their innovative work for boosting capacity, controlling operations and saving energy • Integrated smart mobility, taxis and waterborne developed their links with traditional public transport modes • HR, security, information technology and contracting were key discussion subjects • The trends of 2015 were compiled in the first Public Transport Trends report • Training public transport specialists became a core UITP priority with the setting up of a dedicated centre • UITP remains a key partner for EU-funded research projects
BUS SECTOR ACCOMPANYING THE PARADIGM SHIFT As demonstrated at the UITP International Bus Conference in Rio (see p.44), the urban bus sector is changing fast, turning its back on diesel propulsion and welcoming hybrid and fully electric propulsion. In addition, as shown in the European projects, the poor public transport mode of the past is becoming a system with a bright future.
CREATION OF A NEW COMMITTEE The trolleybus has existed since the 1880s, reaching its peak in the post-war period before suffering a slump that lasted until the 1980s. As a public transport mode of choice, it tends to come in and out of fashion depending on the prevailing technological, economic and mostly environmental conditions of the time. Reflecting this resurgence of interest in the trolleybus, in May 2014, the ten-year old UITP Trolleybus Working Group and its members were granted their
own line in UITP activities and agenda with a new Trolleybus Committee. The priority of the Committee was given to the publication of a new UITP Brochure on ‘How to build and operate a new trolleybus system.’ This document and many recent experiences were presented at the first UITP Trolleybus Workshop held in October 2015 in Malatya (Turkey), a city that introduced a brand new bi-articulated trolley in 2014.
The bus industry is pushing the agenda for “low-emission technology. ”
Philippe Grand, Institutional Relations, Iveco Bus France
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
In the last decade, hybrid technology has undergone many developments. The 2014 edition of UITP’s SORT brochure therefore expands upon previous editions (2004 and 2009) and proposes an additional protocol for hybrid buses, called 'SORT-Hy'. The document provides definitions under accurate and explicit measuring conditions to compare fuel consumption at the tender stage. This tool is now available for diesel and hybrid buses, and is in preparation for electric and trolley buses. The SORT (Standardised On-Road Test cycles) project is an initiative of the Bus Committee and a result of cooperation between VDV, public transport operators and the leading European manufacturers of vehicles and transmissions.
The ZeEUS project is one of the largest electro-mobility projects ever funded by the European Commission. ZeEUS tests innovative electric bus technologies with different charging infrastructure solutions in ten demonstration sites across Europe to extend the fully electric solution to a wider part of urban bus networks. By the end of 2015, the project successfully launched half of the demonstrations. Apart from the Core Demonstrations, the ZeEUS Observatory is collecting the widest set of direct experiences with electric urban buses to provide a global picture of the electric bus market in Europe. More info:
UITP has been recognised by the European Commission as a key partner in this endeavour because of its connections with the authorities and operators on the one hand, and with the suppliers and technology developers, as well as research bodies, on the other. Three projects related to the bus system are presented here, other ones can be discovered under the relevant thematic pages.
The 3iBS project conducted a survey on European Bus System Strategies on around 70,000 buses and trolleybuses. It provided a significant snapshot of bus fleets in operation in urban areas across Europe. The results of the survey served as a starting point for the release of a five-point priority plan to improve bus systems in Europe. The partners called for financial mechanisms to accelerate the renewal of the oldest parts of bus fleets. For alternative propulsion technologies, additional resources should be made available for the further testing and market uptake of alternatively fuelled buses as well as their infrastructure. More info:
UITP has been actively involved in promoting public transport stakeholders’ priorities through EU-funded research projects. Thanks to versatile approach and focus on multiple mobilityrelated issues, UITP can address the most urgent aspects and quickly respond to the stakeholders’ needs. High-quality results produced within the projects are mostly scalable and modular, thus ready for application by public transport stakeholders.
The second phase of this large EU-funded project, launched in June 2015, will test and validate a subset of innovations for urban bus systems in 12 European cities. The project investigates six key innovation areas: Energy Strategy and Auxiliaries, Green Driver Assistance Systems, IT Standard Introduction in existing fleets, Vehicle Design, Intelligent Garage and Predictive Maintenance, Interface between the Bus and Urban Infrastructure. The new generation of bus systems designed within the project is expected to answer the future needs of cities and their residents. More info:
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
RAIL: REMOTE CONTROL & ENERGY OPTIMISATION Developing, maintaining and managing modern urban rail systems has always been a major goal for many UITP members. The UITP rail divisions enable them to continue doing so.
In 1885, the founding bodies of the UITP’s ancestor Union Internationale des Tramways were Europe’s main tramway operators. 130 years later, tramways and light rail operators are more active than ever in the Association.
OUTLOOK every year y 13.6 billion passengers East systems proximatel daily). Regions like the Middle (LRT) and tramway million are developing Light Rail Transit majority of (45 (MENA) and Asia in 388 cities, the & North Africa while Africa are in operation (93), followed ure at a fast pace, LRT (206) and Eurasia new infrastruct which in Europe are starting to consider and (36). Germany South America North America to metro (31% of and by Asia (41) and complementary feature 123 systems suitable solution, a total of as and Russia alone for lines 2,300 Bus Rapid Transit. total). This represents LRT carries aptrack. Together, 15,600 km of
14/10/2015 16:04:51
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The Light Rail division recently published the first Statistics brief ‘Light Rail in Figures’, in which we can read how dynamic the sector is: “Light rail transit (LRT) and tramway systems are in operation in 388 cities, the majority of which in Europe (206) and Eurasia (93), followed by Asia (41) and North America (36). Regions like MENA
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
and Asia are developing new infrastructure at a fast face, while Africa and South America are starting to consider LRT as suitable solution.” Apart from Committee and working group meetings as well as active participation in the UITP Rail Conference in Munich (see p.45), UITP organised a special workshop in Vienna in March 2015 on the theme ‘Can Driver Assistance Systems (DAS) deliver safer LRT?’ For the first time, this UITP workshop enabled the rail and automotive industry to engage in a fruitful dialogue on the topic. DAS is a major breakthrough, with the potential to make LRT even safer and to boost its uptake; it can also be more widely adopted in rail systems, more so than many participants had expected.
A DISCUSSION PLATFORM FOR STRATEGIC GUIDANCE In 2015, the Urban Rail Platform (URP) was relaunched and adopted a revised mission statement: ► the URP is a transparent independent discussion platform gathering experts from operators (members of UITP), manufacturers (members of UNIFE) and local organising authorities; ► it ensures a strategic steering of all European Commission-related issues affecting urban rail in the fields of legislation, standardisation and research. In one year, URP namely closely examined legislative work, intervened in standardisation discussions, screened European Commission calls related to urban rail and identified research and innovation outcomes potentially interesting for further developments.
UITP DRIVES AUTOMATION FORWARD UITP Metro Division is one of the Association’s pillars: it has 96 member companies from 85 cities with metro systems in operation or planning, representing 52% of the world’s metro systems in operation, and over 60% of the world’s metro infrastructure.
The Division’s work is structured around five Subcommittees and the Observatory of Automated metros. In 2014-2015, the Metro Division held 22 technical meetings, four steering meetings (Metro Committee), two Assemblies (high-level meeting of all metro division members) and one workshop dedicated to ‘Refurbishing ageing metro infrastructure’ (Berlin, 17-18 June 2014).
The UITP Metro Division published 14 reports in 2014 and 2015, namely: ► Metro statistics brief 2014-2015, presenting the worldwide metropolitan railways landscape, complemented by a database of key selected indicators including network extension and ridership. The 2015 edition includes a world overview on metro automation ► Internet connectivity in underground rail systems ► Measures to reduce energy consumption and secure energy procurement ► Platform track protection systems ► Commissioning of new trains ► Passengers' door systems design and maintenance criteria ► Trial runs criteria for automated metro lines
Led by UNIFE, this project, started in September 2013 for a 3-year period, includes UITP, together with some of its key EU members, the main EU industrial signalling suppliers and academic representatives. The main scope of NGTC is to analyse the commonality and differences of the required functionality of both ETCS (European Train Control System) and CBTC (Communication Based Train Control) systems, and to determine the level of commonality of architecture, hardware platforms and system design that can be achieved. The project seeks to allow economies of scale for suppliers and to offer customers the benefit of being able to choose the most competitive supplier, based on standardised functions and interfaces. More info:
The OSIRIS EU-project identified operational and technical innovations that reduce energy costs in running rail systems. The project designed a modular duty cycle system to suit the needs of urban operators (modelled on UITP’s SORT standard - see p.28). These duty cycles help to measure and validate the energy consumption of rolling stock. OSIRIS developed innovative methodology for simulating and optimising energy consumption in urban rail systems, with the objective of reducing the overall energy consumption of Europe’s urban rail systems by 10% by 2020, a target that has been met. The project also developed and tested a series of operational and technical innovations, including auxiliary energy converters, on-board energy storage and technical room cooling systems. More info:
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
SECURITY AN EVOLVING CHALLENGE FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORT Terrorism was back in the spotlight in 2015. The UITP Security Commission therefore flew into action with its work on both anti-terrorism and routine daily operational problems.
As a result of threats posed by the evolving face of terrorism, the UITP Security Commission has prioritised its work to tackle the risks head on. It is making available a variety of anti-terrorism resources and services to its members, including on-demand customised training courses, a newly launched range of e-learning modules, as well as coaching services and a host of reports and guidelines. A workshop on anti-terrorism featuring a table-top exercise is also planned for the first quarter of 2016. Whether for terrorism or daily operational security, video surveillance is one of the cornerstone technologies for safety and security. UITP conducted an international survey in 2015 which resulted in a Statistics Brief and a final report entitled ‘Video Surveillance in Public Transport – International Trends’. It looks at usage today and tomorrow in terms of technology, intelligent analytics and real-time help to assist public transport organisations. Cyber security was first explored at a special session at ITTRANS 2014. Subsequently, a working group was set up to produce a high level awareness-raising report to encourage members to address cyber and information security in a systematic way.
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
A number of security training programmes were conducted in 2015 in Brussels, Rome and Kazan. Developed by the SECUR-ED project, a series of computer-based training courses were refined and are now available for members. Besides terrorism, the UITP Security Commission continued its work on the top 5 daily operational security priorities it identified in its latest annual survey. These priorities range from graffiti, vandalism to pick-pocketing, as well as anti-social behaviour, aggression and fare-evasion. With the new and growing trend of international professionally organised graffiti and crime gangs, UITP organised a number of workshops in 2014 and 2015 to exchange views on how to deal with the phenomenon and develop preventive measures.
SECUR-ED was a demonstration project based on best practices with the objective to provide a set of modular, interoperable and scalable tools to improve urban transport security in all aspects. A key project result is the training package that enables operators to prepare security-related training courses and exercises for all employees. The project’s other main results can be found in its ‘White Paper for public transport stakeholders’, a guideline for the public transport security organisations. It considers the daily operations, optimised procedures, as well as the vision of the future security systems. Moreover, the industrial and research communities will also find clear directions for their future relevant activities. More info:
HUMAN RESOURCES PRACTICAL TOOLS & SOCIAL DIALOGUE Over the last two-year period, the Commission on Business and Human Resources Management (BHRM) mainly focused on three topics: international social dialogue, attractiveness of public transport companies as an employer and staff absenteeism.
International social dialogue
Further to this signature UITP was invited by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the International Organisation of Employers (IOE) to take part in the Tripartite Sectoral Committee on health and safety in road transport. UITP and ITF pledged at the Trade Union Climate and Jobs Summit (14-15 September 2015 in Paris) to strengthen climate leadership of public transport.
Absenteeism: a new toolbox available from UITP Mobi +
In March 2014, the Commission organised in Hannover a workshop on ‘How to become an employer of choice? Strategies and practices to retain and attract coveted talent’ and in November 2015 on ‘How can training help drivers to be more customer-oriented and efficient?’
UITP collected good practices in a new toolbox available in our online library to help our members decrease or stabilise their level of absenteeism. The different categories of good practices relate to managerial techniques, organisational structure, communication, training and health conditions.
On 27 May 2015 in Brussels, ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) and UITP signed joint recommendations to combat violence against and insecurity of staff in local and urban public transport.
Attractiveness of public transport companies as an employer
Training is now fully recognised as a powerful lever to change the business culture, enhance employees’ skills and bring value to jobs.
In addition, it should be noted that the social dialogue led by the European Department resulted in an agreement with the European Transport Workers' Federation (ETF) signed in April 2014 to strengthen women's employment in urban public transport.
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
Staying up-to-date, choosing the right technology, using all the potential of collected data, etc.: our sector faces some huge challenges. Over the last two years UITP, with the help of EU funding, has accelerated the work providing its members with the most effective IT solutions so that they can improve their services.
since 2013
SETRIS The ITxPT (Information Technology for Public Transport) Association aims to increase the cooperation on implementing standards for plugand-play IT systems for public transport. It has an integrated test bench for services to specify, test, qualify and showcase IT solutions. More info:
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
This project, involving UITP and 26 other partners, aims at providing a new seamless travel experience, giving access to a complete range of multimodal and tailored travel connecting the first and last mile to long-distance journeys. More info:
OPTICITIES aims to develop and test interoperable ITS solutions in six different cities. The goal is to provide urban citizens with the best possible journey conditions and to optimise urban logistics operations. More info:
The SETRIS project brings together for the first time all major transport-related European Technology Platforms (rail, road, waterborne, freight and aviation). The project aims to produce a cohesive approach to innovation and research strategies for all transport modes at the European level. More info:
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Dr Mangu Singh, Rail Corporation CEO of Delhi Metro
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Delhi Metro “The success of to two basic factors: can be attributed to construction strict adherence thorough focus schedules and a service on ensuring world-class in operations.”
As the leading source of worldwide knowledge and expertise on public transport, UITP is uniquely placed to provide insights into the innovations and megatrends with an impact on the public transport sector.
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The bigger picture in a changing world To share this knowledge, UITP and its various multi-disciplinary bodies of experts launched the first edition of Public Transport Trends in 2015, with contributions from senior executives of companies active in the sector and chairpersons of UITP working bodies. The report details the most significant developments already having an effect on the mobility market in general and on public transport in particular. With case studies, interviews with key industry leaders and groundbreaking data, it illustrates just how much public transport will need to change to perform better, meet changing expectations and be more customer-oriented. The report highlights how public transport can contribute to jobs and growth and make cities both more competitive and more liveable for everyone.
should take more care of what is new rather than going on with “pastWeways. This is feasible by being mindful of trends and concepts. ” Georges Amar, futurist, expert in urban mobility and ex-Director of the Prospective and Innovative Design Mission (RATP)
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
PUBLIC TRANSPORT IN THE BROADER MOBILITY PICTURE With the development of new mobility services based on smartphones, real time information and shared vehicles, the public transport sector needs more than ever to position itself as a part of the inter-modal chain.
Considering the dynamism of the mobility services market, with more and more solutions, platforms, acquisitions, apps and websites popping up, there definitely is a market for integrated mobility. Market pressure will hopefully encourage the different mobility actors to overcome current barriers and enhance cooperation to offer citizens an integrated mobility platform that will be the key to a competitive alternative to private car use. Actors from outside the public transport sector are already working fast to develop these solutions and therefore public transport should continue its efforts to place itself at the heart of tomorrow’s mobility model.
COMBINED MOBILITY The UITP Combined Mobility Platform presented in autumn 2014 the Combined Mobility Toolbox aiming to show how to integrate combined mobility services in a public transport offer. The following classification makes information very easy to find: ► Modes & Services (car-sharing, car-pooling, taxi and shared taxi, cycling, bike-sharing, integrated mobility platforms) ► Themes (branding & communication, legislation, financing and economic aspects)
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
► Observatories (observatory of the car industry, observatory of the autonomous vehicle) The 5th Combined Mobility Workshop: ‘Growing the integrated mobility market’ was hosted in Hannover (Germany) in October 2014 by Üstra, a pioneer in providing integrated mobility solutions. The workshop brought together 75 mobility actors from 14 countries. Barriers, branding and business models for integrated mobility with examples from Hannover, Paris, Gothenburg, Stuttgart, Lyon and the Deutsche Bahn were presented and discussed.
PLANNING SMART CITIES On 22 January 2015, around 70 participants from 20 countries came together in Brussels to share best practices on turning Integrated Mobility Plans (IMP) into reality and how technology can help to make cities smarter by making them more compact, connected and sustainable. The seminar was organised jointly
by the Transport and Urban Life Commission, the Sustainable Development Commission and the Organising Authorities Committee. IMPs provide a vision for successful urban mobility, so that people and places can connect, now and in the future.
Interchanges play a key role in the integration of urban mobility systems and in enabling good intermodal solutions. Their efficiency is therefore essential to achieve sustainable transport objectives in Europe. The project NODES has developed a toolbox to allow practitioners to assess and benchmark their new or upgraded interchange and to improve its performance. These tools were identified under five topics: land use and infrastructure, design, inter-modality and ICT, management and business models, energy and environment. They were tested in nine European sites distributed around Europe and evaluated. More info:
A MAJOR ISSUE FOR ORGANISING AUTHORITIES Amongst UITP members not fewer than 200 are Organising Authorities (OA), which form the OA Division. In 2014, the OA Committee created a working group on public transport quality and contracting practices: its first task was to send a survey to its members with the aim of getting a first overview of these practices. The report, published in May 2015, is illustrated by many interesting infographics and gives an overview of how authorities work to provide the best possible public transport service for serving people in an area. They use many different forms of contracting and the division of roles and responsibilities between authorities and operators can vary considerably.
89% 83% 56% 56% 47% 35% 33% 17% 6% 0%
11% 17% 44% 44% 53% 65% 67% 83% 94% 100%
Distribution of responsibilities between authorities and operators
Share of each type of contracts
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
EXPERT GROUPS: FOCUS ON THREE PLATFORMS Besides UITP Commissions and Committees, other expert groups, namely platforms, work on the specific centres of competence (see p.6-7). Here is a focus on their main achievements in the years 2014-2015.
Taxi transportation is an essential part of the urban mobility puzzle. To recognise this role, UITP first created a Taxi Working Group in 2011 and converted it in November 2014 into the UITP Taxi Platform. Its members are authorities, operators, academics and industry companies. The Platform serves as a forum for contacts, knowledge exchange and professional discussions amongst UITP members interested in new developments for taxi transport worldwide. Amongst others, the Platform achieved: ► The second International UITP Taxi Conference, held in Doha, Qatar, in November 2014 with the participation of 200 delegates from 17 countries of different regions of the world. ► Two Taxi Study Tours, one in New York and Chicago in 2014 and another in London and Milan in 2015. ► A n International Taxi Seminar in Mumbai, India in November 2015 to address the latest developments around business models and mobile apps. ► T he publication of the second UITP Global Taxi Benchmarking: completed at the end of 2015 with the participation of 30 cities, this survey gathers and compares no fewer than 40 Key Performance Indicators defined as essential for taxi transport in cities.
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
AN ENTIRE PART OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT SYSTEMS The Waterborne Transport Platform is a platform of exchange and knowledge for UITP members active in waterborne passenger operations. It currently gathers 20 member companies, contributing especially to waterfront redevelopment initiatives. In September 2014, the Platform published the report ‘Accessibility of Waterborne Transport’, which presents good practices from UITP members and discusses accessibility in all stages of a journey. In October 2015, the Platform organised a workshop in Venice, dealing with ‘Seamlessly connecting waterborne transport to land public transport’ and presenting the elements that are to be taken into consideration to succeed with a waterborne system.
THE UITP SMART PLATFORM The Small and medium sized agglomerations & regional transport (SmaRT) Platform deals with issues specific to companies which serve regional, suburban and low density areas. It currently has 15 member companies. During the last two years, the Platform organised two workshops: ► ‘ New intercity bus lines: market for the bus, competition for the rail?’ (Brussels, May 2014). The workshop aimed at presenting different cases where EU regulation 1073/2009 has been applied across Europe, as well as market opportunities and challenges for regional and international intercity bus and rail operators. ► ‘ Mobility in regional areas: challenges, trends, solutions?’ (Brussels, March 2015). Providing efficient, flexible and affordable transport in low-density areas is a challenge. The workshop aimed at presenting the current situation in Europe and the main possibilities offered by new mobility models like shared cars, taxis and rides.
TRAINING: ADVANCING TALENT IN PUBLIC TRANSPORT Over recent years, the number of training programmes organised by UITP has grown exponentially with courses being held in more than 40 countries and attracting participants from as many as 90 countries so far. More than 600 companies sent their staff to UITP Training courses already. In this context, UITP recognised training as a strategic field to establish its Centre for Training in June 2015.
UITP’s last two years have been marked by training developments: ► T he portfolio of training programmes has been extended to meet the mobility challenges of today and tomorrow. ►N ew training methods were introduced: e-learning, mentoring support in daily work, case teaching, project assignment, job attachment and pre-post knowledge tests.
development of customised in-house training programme contracts with UITP members. ► A trainer scheme was introduced for the selection, qualification and continuous performance monitoring of trainers.
Disseminating knowledge through strategic partnerships
►A new pricing policy was also introduced integrating all training courses worldwide and offering discounts to developing Nations in some programmes.
There was a specific focus on the development of strategic partnerships with international organisations, universities and regional bodies, in order to improve the quality of the courses and to disseminate them on the five continents.
►U ITP Training Programmes started to be organised in different languages other than English including Russian, Arabic, Turkish, French and Spanish. This helps an increasing presence in different regions of the world and allows the
A partnership was established with Oxford University in 2014 to organise the Executive Education Programme for High Levels in Urban Transportation. In addition, some lec-
tures in courses have been given by professors from the Poly Technical School of Lausanne (EPFL).
An increased focus on training
UITP works with the World Bank for the organisation of the LUTP (Leaders in Urban Transport Planning Capacity Building Programme) and the development of case studies. ITP also collaborates closely with UNDP (United NaU tions Development Programme) and organise training programmes in Kazakhstan in 2014 and 2015 and a contract was signed in 2015 to organise nine different training programmes in Russia. Thanks to Regional Partnerships with RTA Dubai and LTA Singapore, UITP continued to organise training programmes in the MENA and Asia-Pacific Regions via regional Centres for Transport Excellence.
is the most powerful weapon “whichEducation you can use to change the world... ” Nelson Mandela, South African President, 1994-1999
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
Bringing people together. Exchanging ideas. Forging business partnerships.
All over the world, UITP creates opportunities for knowledge exchange and helps professionals to make valuable new business links, at different levels: • The World Congress and Exhibition (to become the Global Public Transport Summit in 2017), the biggest public transport event in the world • International thematic conferences • Regional events • MyUITP, the UITP online professional network, which overcomes all geographical barriers and allows member to meet and discuss all subjects with ease
Press kit
The biennial UITP World Congress & Exhibition is the biggest event in the public transport sector. It is the only worldwide meeting that covers all urban and regional transport modes, combining a full programme of Congress sessions with an Exhibition displaying the latest industrydefining products and services.
This 61st edition of the UITP World Congress & Exhibition took place in Milan on 8-10 June 2015, focusing on the theme ‘SMILE in the city’ (SMILE = Sustainability, Mobility, Innovation, Lifestyle, Economy). The cast of panellists came from a wide range of backgrounds. They debated and exchanged views on many questions: financing, new mobility services, infrastructure needs in smart and growing cities, IT technologies, customer service, etc. Alongside the Congress sessions, the huge Exhibition presented and demonstrated the very latest innovative products and solutions from the world’s leading manufacturers, as well as the emerging trends set to shape the future of urban mobility.
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
www .uitpm ilan2 015.o rg
Supporting Organisations
Local Hosts
THE UITP AWARDS The UITP Awards aim to inspire the public transport sector by highlighting innovative and successful ideas and projects implemented around the world that help the sector reach its ambitious objective of doubling its market share by 2025.
►P ublic Transport Strategy Award Federação das Empresas de Transportes de Passageiros do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
► Customer Experience Award Wiener Stadtwerke & Co KG (Vienna, Austria)
► Operational and Technical Excellence Award Transport for London, Barclaycard, Cubic (London, UK)
► Design Award Solaris Bus & Coach S.A. (Owinska, Poland)
► Mobility Demand Management Award Land Transport Authority (Singapore)
► Smart Financing and Business Model Award Kayseri Ulaşim (Kayseri, Turkey)
► 3rd Y4PT International Youth Awards Transportes de Lisboa (Lisbon, Portugal)
To reflect the growth in stature of the biggest event in public transport, the World Congress & Exhibition will become the ‘Global Public Transport Summit’ in 2017. See you in Montréal! More info:
In 2015 an international jury of public transport experts evaluated the projects and made the following awards:
Local hosts:
In collaboration with:
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
INTERNATIONAL THEMATIC CONFERENCES In addition to its World Congress, UITP developed three international thematic conferences which were intended to give its members and stakeholders a complete overview of the evolution of the IT, bus and rail sectors.
Karlsruhe (Germany), 18-20 February 2014 IT-TRANS proved for its second edition that it was answering a real need in the sector, with the latest industry updates. Like many UITP events, IT-TRANS is divided into two parts: NETWORKING
â–ş T he conference sessions for global knowledge and strategic decisions. â–ş T he exhibition with its Market Update Forums for specialist knowledge and operational decisions from all over the world.
The programme offered a range of interesting topics to explore such as travel information, social media, mobile ticketing and Intermodal Transport Control System. Security related to information & communication technology was also especially highlighted: besides CCTV intelligence and computer-based training, cyber security was discussed with experts. The 2014 IT-TRANS event demonstrated above all that a future-oriented public transport system needs intelligent IT solutions. Co-organised with:
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 5-7 November 2014
As bus trips represent 80% of all public transport trips in the world, the way they are provided has the greatest impact on bus users.
Professionals from all over the world joined Brazil, the birth country of BRT and third bus market after India and China, to think, discuss and exchange about the best ways to modernise bus transport. The Conference provided a complete panorama on how to improve the quality of service, the business case for bus companies, and the local and global environment. MORE THAN
Four sub-themes were covered
► Grow with operation solutions: visitors could see the strength of the BRT business case for operating efficiency, ridership numbers, cost-effectiveness and regeneration.
Munich (Germany), 25-27 October 2015
► Grow with new and innovative technologies: many new technologies are available on the market, for informing passengers, guiding buses and improving security. As most people now have a smartphone, there was a discussion on who should be the provider of information. Opening data access therefore seems to be the best way of informing people as they want to be informed.
240 participants discussed different aspects of the planning, operation and maintenance of urban rail networks around the concept ‘Is the smart city concept driving change in the rail industry?’ The speakers presented the latest state-of-the-art practice and development in terms of maintenance, energy, safety, mixed mode operation, system design, project management, financing and cooperation between suppliers and operators.
►G row during special events: held between the football World Cup and the Olympic Games, the conference benefited from the highly experienced Brazilian managers of crowd movements.
The event was hosted by Munich multimodal operator MVG, a strong and loyal UITP member and a ‘best practice’ case in Germany and Europe. To wrap up, the ‘Munich Declaration’ highlighted the importance of rail to cities, and called on policy-makers to keep a focus on urban rail and encouraged planners to review conventional design practice in order to keep costs under control.
►G row sustainable with E-Bus: Over the last few years, we have seen electric buses running longer and re-charging quickly on the road or by induction. The current discussion was about autonomy, range, life-cycle cost and battery life. Trolleybus operators are looking at convergence strategies for electric buses and electrification of bus systems in general, and they presented their approach at the conference.
► T he rail market is booming in cities everywhere on the planet
► Rail is the backbone of transit, without which peerto-peer mobility options cannot develop
►M ore capacity to meet the growing demand is becoming a priority, not just in the ‘new world cities’, also in Europe and North America
► T echnologies offer positive perspective: energy storage and saving solutions; predictive maintenance strategies; driver-assistance systems and automation
►A utomation is the trend of the future as one option to generate additional capacity ►S ecuring robust fare and non-fare smart funding mix is key to sustain rail development and not put too much strain on public funds
►H owever, technologies are not without significant challenges: obsolescence of electronics and software as well as the availability of reserved safety-critical broadband communication Networking
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
The UITP MENA Division was created in 2005 and is located in Dubai. Since then, major changes have been made in many of the region’s cities that are facing population growth. Public transport is now increasingly integrated into urban development and planning. In addition to the main MENA division activities, the Centre for Transport Excellence provides a full range of training and research activities.
Held in Dubai in April 2014, the MENA Transport Congress and Exhibition is one of UITP’s largest events. For its fourth edition, the congress slogan was ‘Grow your city with public transport’. It was the largest ever, with 26 sessions, 80 speakers from 30 countries, 600 delegates, and 2,000 visitors for the 6,000 m² exhibition.
Office head: Mr Sherif Tharwat “My personal challenge is to lead the UITP MENA division to become the beacon for advancing public transport and better mobility in our region.”
In preparation for World Expo 2020 in Dubai and FIFA World Cup 2022 in Doha (Qatar), UITP organised its second Public Transport for Large Events Summit and second Taxi Conference and Showcase, in Doha in November 2014. In November 2015, the third MENA Bus Seminar took place in Cairo, with 100 delegates and 12 speakers, an opportunity to discover the recent BRT developments in the Egyptian capital.
A new UITP office in Maghreb In February 2015, the City of Casablanca hosted the sixth UITP MENA Assembly and Seminar. This meeting was the first UITP event in Morocco and only its second in the Maghreb.
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
UITP chose this occasion to open a new liaison office in a region where important urban rail projects have been recently completed (Rabat, Casa, Oran, Constantine, Alger and Tunis) and extensive new developments are expected.
UITP Iran: PTx2 in sight Over the last two years, the Iranian office has run a great campaign to promote PTx2, the strategy to double public transport market share by 2025, with wide support from major cities. The wide-scale public investment in infrastructures is now happening: Tabriz, Shiraz and Mashhad recently opened their first metro lines, while Tehran already has five and is planning three others by the end of 2017, in addition to eight recent BRT lines. In this dynamic context, training courses for managers and UITP keynote speeches at the yearly International Conference in Traffic and Transportation Engineering in Tehran were warmly welcomed.
SOME UITP MEMBERS IN THIS REGION Abu Dhabi Department of Transport (DOT), Casablanca Transport, Entreprise Métro d’Alger (EMA), IETT, Federal Transport Authority Istanbul Ulaşim, Greater Amman Municipality, Kuwait Public Transport Corporation (KPTC), Ministry of Interior Morocco, Ministry of Transportation (Riyadh), Mowasalat, Road Transport Authority (RTA), Saudi Public Transport Corporation (SAPTCO), Tehran Urban & Suburban Railway Co (TUSRC), United Bus Company of Tehran (UBCT). well as the main actors of the Bus, Rail & IT industries.
WHAT’S NEXT? The next MENA Congress and Exhibition co-organised with RTA (Roads and Transport Authority) will take place in Dubai from 25-27 April 2016. ‘Urban Mobility: Think Big, Act Smart’ is the theme.
AFRICA On the fast-changing African continent, UATP (the African Union for Public Transport), part of UITP, organises meetings, training, seminars and congresses to get public transport higher on the political agenda.
UATP Congress & Exhibition The main activity over the period was the Third UATP Congress and Exhibition of African Public Transport, held from 13 to 16 October 2014 in the Gauteng Province, South Africa.
“I would like to devote myself to the implementation of sustainable public transport systems in main and secondary African cities through capacity building, good practices sharing and project development.”
At the end of the Congress, the Declaration of Ekurhuleni was signed, where African transport leaders agreed to advance effective public transport systems for an emerging Africa.
...And other events Three other important events were organised by UATP in the period:
► March 2014, Johannesburg (South Africa): an international workshop focused on the transformation of informal public transport to a more formal form.
SOME UITP MEMBERS IN THIS REGION City of Johannesburg, Conseil Exécutif des Transports Urbains de Dakar (CETUD), Gauteng Department of Roads & Transport, Gautrain Management Agency, Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (LAMATA), National Transport & Safety Authority (NTSA), Société des Transports Abidjanais (SOTRA), Transport for Cape Town (TCT). well as the main actors of the Bus, Rail & IT industries.
Office head: Mr Yssoufou Cissé
Hosted by GDRT (Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport), the Congress attracted delegates from 20 countries to look at the theme ‘Growing Africa through an effective Public Transport’. The theme was in line with the Province’s vision of radically transforming and modernising its transport system in order to reindustrialise Africa and ensure that the continent takes its rightful place in global politics and economy.
sionals and covered topics such as public transport policies to achieve sustainable mobility, contractual arrangements between authorities and bus operators, pricing and ticketing, corporate management, service quality management, public transport regulation and organisation.
► May 2014, Libreville (Gabon): technical workshop on the emergence of BRT systems in African cities.
► October 2015: Transport for Cape Town (South Africa) hosted the UATP Workshop entitled ‘Best Practice in Public Transport, Africa for Africa’.
As part of the Congress, a two-day international training programme was organised by UATP, GDRT and the City of Johannesburg, on Bus Transport Fundamentals. The training brought together 34 profes-
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
ASIA, INDIA & PACIFIC Based in Hong Kong, the UITP Asia-Pacific Division is supported by a regional office in Melbourne and the Centre for Transport Excellence of Singapore. In this fast-growing region, the public transport sector attracts significant investment and UITP activities are popular with many delegates looking for training and exchanges.
UITP Asia-Pacific Assembly meets twice a year, with some 200 delegates attending different academic sessions.
UITP Australia & New Zealand organised two major gatherings:
In April 2014, the 13th Assembly was held in Tokyo on the theme ‘Growing with Public Transport: Striving for Innovation, Quality and Efficiency’.
Office head: Ms Sue Chan “With Asia’s rapidly growing economies and urbanisation rate, my challenge is to allocate our resources in developing key markets to widen UITP’s footprint.”
In October 2014, the 14th Assembly took place in Hong Kong on the theme ‘Growing with Sustainable Mobility’, with notably a session on ‘Efforts in Climate Leadership (Asia and Worldwide)’, where authorities and academia discussed challenges and policies on sustainable public transportation in the region. I n September 2015, the 15th Assembly gathered in Shenzhen around the theme ‘Grow with Smart Cities’, during which exchanges were held about prospective trends and the future of rail, institutional frameworks within the public transport sector and smart city planning.
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
► In May 2015, a Marketing & Branding Master Class in Brisbane, where 50 delegates and speakers discussed the challenges in bringing multiple entities and organisation under a common brand, and the need to ensure that the customer experience of public transport matches the marketing promise. ► I n July 2015, the fourth Australian Transport Summit in Sydney brought together 170 delegates around the theme ‘Public Transport: Maintaining the Momentum’.
WHAT’S NEXT? Together with LTA (Land Transport Authority), UITP Asia Pacific is currently preparing the next Singapore International Transport Congress and Exhibition (SITCE), taking place on 19-21 October 2016. ‘Innovating Transport for Liveable Cities’ is the theme.
SOME UITP MEMBERS IN THIS REGION Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC), Bangkok Mass Transit System Public Company Limited (BTS), Bangkok Metro Public Company Limited (BMCL), Brisbane Transport, Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL), Delhi Integrated Multi Modal Transit System Limited (DIMTS), Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC), East Japan Railway (JR EAST), Kowloon Motor Bus Co. Ltd. (KMB), Land Transport Authority (LTA), MTR Corporation Limited, Prasarana Malaysia Berhad, PTA Western Australia, SBS Transit LTD (SBST), Shenzhen Metro Group Co. Ltd (SZMC), Seoul Metro (SM), Seoul Metropolitan Rapid Transit Corporation (SMRT), Suruhanjaya Pengangkutan Awam Darat - Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD), Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation (TRTC), Tokyo Metro Co. Ltd, Transport for NSW (TNSW). well as the main actors of the Bus, Rail & IT industries.
Based in Moscow, UITP Eurasia has had a new office since autumn 2015 in Astana, Kazakhstan, where economic growth is driving a key need for alternatives to car mobility. In November 2014, the third biannual ExpoCityTrans in Moscow, together with the largest Moscow operators. Covering 10,500 m², the expo featured 82 exhibitors and 13,000 visitors.
BANGALORE OFFICE The challenge of mobility in India is huge: air pollution and congestion are becoming worse every year in the country, with a growth in cars on the road of more than 10% a year. Two million buses are now struggling every day to share roads with 200 million other vehicles.
“I want to support the development of Sustainable Public Transport Systems in India through UITP local and global networking, professional knowledge exchanges and people training.”
►F ebruary 2014 in Bangalore: first UITP India Bus Seminar, with 130 delegates. ►M arch 2014 in Jaipur: seminar on the ‘Need for integrated mobility planning for better cities’, with 120 people. ►N ovember 2014: a delegation of 30 managers from the Association of State Road Transport Undertakings participated in the UITP World Bus Conference in Rio and took the opportunity to visit BRT achievements in Brazil. ► J une 2015: 55 Indian delegates joined the UITP World Congress in Milan.
Office head: Mr Igor Stepanov “My personal challenge was to work for the unity of the Eurasian Transport Community and for its enrichment with international experience.” As of March 2016, Yussup Khassiev will replace Igor Stepanov as Head of the UITP Moscow office.
Office head: Mr Prakash DC
Because of the urgent need to invest in public transport solutions, there has been enthusiastic participation in training, seminars, congresses and study journeys, namely:
I n August 2015, start of a nine modules UITP public transport training in Kaliningrad and Kazan (Russia). This project is supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Russian federal government to speed up the introduction of green vehicle technology and to develop the capacity for integrated planning. In October 2015, first Moscow transport peer review, an expert assessment realised by UITP experts upon the request of Moscow city’s Transport Department. The goal of the investigation was to assess Moscow’s new public transport initiatives. SOME UITP MEMBERS IN THIS REGION Almaty Metro, Astana LRT, Baku Metro, Kiev Metropoliten, Minsktrans Public Transport Company, Moscow Metro, Mosgortrans, St Petersburg Metropoliten, Tbilisi Public Transport Company. well as the main actors of the Bus, Rail & IT industries.
The opinions of leading international experts are important to us. Independent “investigation gave us an assessment of our projects and initiatives. ” Maksim Liksutov, Deputy Mayor in the Moscow government and head of the transport department Networking
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
NORTH AMERICA This period was a significant one for North America as, for the first time, UITP opened a regional office to help support the development of public transport in the region. The present growth of North American cities is leading to major efforts to modernise existing transport systems, as well as to build new integrated light rail transit, bus rapid transit and metro systems. Located in New York City, the new office is charged with sharing international expertise with UITP’s North American members, working to connect bikeand car-sharing systems with public transit.
SOME UITP MEMBERS IN THIS REGION Agence Métropolitaine de Transport (AMT), Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) , Metrolinx, MTA New York City Transit, Société de Transport de Montréal (STM), Toronto Transit Commission (TTC), Utah Transit Authority, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA).
UITP membership in the region grew significantly during this period, with new members joining the ranks. NETWORKING
Office head: Mr Andrew Bata “The North American transit agencies are increasingly aware of developments worldwide and it is my challenge to offer them better information and quick connectivity to their global peers via the UITP strong network.”
UITP North America was involved in or organised many regional events during the two-year period: ► I n June 2014, UITP supported the ‘International Practicum on public transportation funding and financing’, an event organised by UITP members APTA and CUTA in Montréal. UITP nominated a number of international speakers from among its membership. ►U ITP’s newest working body, the Taxi Platform, organised a taxi study tour to New York City and Chicago in June 2014, which included a meeting of the Platform. ►M TA also hosted two Metro Sub-Committee meetings in May 2015, namely the Fixed Installations and the Electrical Installations and Safety Systems sub-committees, which brought together experts in these areas from around the world.
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015 well as the main actors of the Bus, Rail & IT industries.
At the 2015 UITP World Congress & Exhibition, UITP’s long-standing agreements with the North American associations APTA, CUTA and ATUQ were renewed.
WHAT’S NEXT? The biggest UITP event, the Global Public Transport Summit (ex- UITP World Congress & Exhibition), will take place in 2017 in Montréal. More info: @uitpsummit Local hosts:
In collaboration with:
LATIN AMERICA With its regional office in São Paulo (Brazil), opened in 2003, UITP has a long active presence in Latin America. Started with eight members representing mainly the region’s metro systems, UITP in 2015 has 70 members representing all modes, as well as local industry and organising authorities. With 75% of their population living in urban areas, the 36 Latin American countries have a particular need for urban public transport to ensure mobility, and to tackle congestion, pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. In many cities, public transport is limited to diesel buses and taxis.
Office head: Mrs Eleonora Pazos
To that end, an important technical job completed by UITP Latin America led to the publication, in December 2014, of Recommendations for Trolleybus Implementation. During the period, a notable event was the opening of the continent’s first modern tramway lines in Medellin, Colombia and São Paulo, Brazil.
In October 2015, the 13th UITP Latin American Assembly in San Juan, Argentina, attracted 260 delegates from 10 different countries. On this occasion, two Working Groups were established: ►A Working Group Bus, in order to exchange experiences between bus operators on operational costs and planning.
►A Working Group Financing, to prepare a report on the ideal business model for local public transport based on public-private investment and the development of non-fare revenue models.
Both groups immediately started their working meetings and the results are expected in 2016.
“My personal challenge is to expand UITP in Latin America, with a stronger representation of all mobility stakeholders and a deeper integration into urban policies.”
The role of UITP is to promote other scenarios, based on modal diversity and a different energy mix, where metro, monorail, cable car, tramway, BRT, trolleybus, bus and taxi systems can be combined adequately.
Another important subject for the region’s members is intelligent public transport systems, which allow them to improve performance management of the fleet, ticketing, security and mobility management in control centres while providing real-time passenger information. In March 2015, UITP Latin America organised its second Intelligence Transport System (ITS) Seminar, which brought together 120 delegates from 12 countries, representing operators, regional authorities and the industry, to discuss the best technology options given the financial resources available.
SOME UITP MEMBERS IN THIS REGION Agencia Nacional De Transportes Terrestres (ANTT), Companhia do Metropolitano de Sao Paulo, Concessao Metroviaria Do Rio De Janeiro SA, Corredor Insurgentes S.A. de C.V. (CISA), Grupo CCR, Metro de Santiago, Redbus Urbano SA, Sistema de Transporte Colectivo (STC METRO), Subterraneos de Buenos Aires (SBASE). well as the main actors of the Bus, Rail & IT industries.
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
EUROPE Apart from its intense advocacy work (see p. 22-23), the UITP European Division was particularly active during the period in creating opportunities for its members to follow the legislative processes, to better understand the sector’s development and to meet with policy-makers.
European Union office
In June 2014 UITP and its members UTP and GART partnered to host the inaugural conference during the European Mobility exhibition, immediately after the European elections. The participants examined the future of mobility in European cities: growth, environment protection and new business models.
Office head: Mr Thomas Avanzata “My personal challenge is to manage the specific complexity of EU transport affairs and to ensure that the way we represent our members gives them a high added value.”
In order to rethink existing concepts, to find long-term financing schemes and to achieve high-standard rail public services, UITP organised two workshops on good practices for tendering conventional rail services (Turin - October 2014, Warsaw - November 2015). These workshops opened a discussion between operators and authorities on how to support operators’ initiatives and attract private investment capital. During the UITP World Congress in Milan, June 2015, an EU session was dedicated to ‘EU policy priorities for the legislature 2014-2019 – What impact on cities and public transport?’
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
For the sixth anniversary of the entry into force of the so-called Public Service Obligations Regulation (1370/2007) and in the context of the adoption of the EU’s Fourth Railway Package, UITP organised in December 2015 a conference on the award of public service contracts. This was a good opportunity to better understand the state of play and prospects for the opening of the public transport market. As part of UITP’s networking mission, many official meetings have been organised during the period, namely: ► T wo yearly Parliamentary dinners were hosted by the Chairman of the EU Parliament Transport and Tourism Committee. These events brought together UITP members, MEPs and representatives of the EU Commission and the Member States. ►U ITP met with the new Commissioner for Transport, Mrs Violeta Bulc, on 26 February 2015. This first meeting enabled the Association to present itself, its members and discuss respective priorities.
► T his meeting was followed by a meeting with the new Director-General of DG MOVE and with the Luxembourg Minister for Transport during the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the EU.
Updated every two years, this 160-page report details the public transport developments which have occurred recently in 23 EU Member States and Serbia, providing details on the institutional organisation, legal framework and market structure together with key statistics.
UITP Central & Eastern Europe office
UITP Turkey office
Since 2013, UITP’s Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) Unit has been part of the European Department and responsible for managing UITP’s activities for its 91 members in 17 CEE countries and in Israel.
Opened in 2007, the UITP Turkey Office fully attained its ambitious objectives in 2014-2015 to:
In the 2014-2015 period, the main UITP CEEC achievements included:
► Promoting CEEC’s transport affairs with the EU institutions, the World Bank, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe as well as national and local authorities. ►P rofiling regional affairs in public transport journals and periodical publications and providing digital communication (quarterly newsletter and website) to the CEE public transport community. ► Analysing statistics on the distribution and impact of transport-related EU Structural Funds in CEE.
►F oster knowledge exchange: the main UITP training programmes have been organised in Turkey and UITP Public Transport International (PTI) Magazine is now published in Turkish.
Azienda Trasporti Milanesi (ATM), Centre for Budapest Transport (BKK), Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG), Consorcio Regional De Transportes De Madrid (CRTM), Coras Iompair Eireann (CIE), Deutsche Bahn/Arriva, Dopravni Podnik Hlm Praha AS (DP Praha), Ferrocarrils De La Generalitat De Catalunya (FGC), GVB, Hamburger Hochbahn (HHA), Keolis, Metro Warsaw, Münchner Verkehrsgesellschaft (MVG), Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens (RATP), Ruter AS, AB Storstockholms Lokaltrafik (SL), Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Français (SNCF), Syndicat Des Transports D'île De France (STIF), Transportes de Lisboa, Transport for London (TfL), Transdev, Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB), Urban Transport Group (UTG), Wiener Linien.
► Organising nine high-profile conferences and events in the region or with a regional focus, including the first CEEC Members Meeting during the 2015 World Congress.
►B ring members together: UITP now has 32 members in Turkey, from authorities, operators and also industry, and two members of the UITP Policy Board, which was hosted for the first time in Istanbul in March 2015 during the UITP Turkey National Conference, whose theme was ‘Planning, Design and Construction of Mass Transit’. well as the main actors of the Bus, Rail & IT industries.
► I ncrease the participation of Turkish members in UITP activities: the Turkish delegation was one of the biggest delegations in UITP World Congress; UITP Turkey organised regional ‘Grow with Public Transport’ Awards, an Urban Mobility Benchmarking Workshop was held in 2014 in Ankara as an International Trolleybus Committee Meeting, and a Workshop in Malatya in October 2015.
► Promoting the UITP climate leadership declaration among regional members.
© iett
►C oordinating CEE members’ participation in EU-funded projects managed by UITP.
UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015
SIR PETER HENDY CBE- UITP PRESIDENT 2013 - 2015 Sir Peter Hendy CBE was Commissioner of Transport for London during his UITP President mandate. What did UITP accomplish during your presidency? What are you the most proud of? I am really pleased that UITP went from strength to strength during my presidency. The highlights for me were: making the case for investment in public transport through showing the wider benefits of better mobility for economic growth, to create jobs and build houses; discussing innovative funding methods in capturing value from economic growth and property development; advocating open data to encourage passenger growth and satisfaction and to bring public transport into the digital age; and UITP making a greater contribution to acting on climate change as well as supporting Alain Flausch's progressive improvement of the Association's structure and finances.
During your presidency, what do you think was the most effective way of making the case for public transport? I believe concentrating on the contribution of public transport to economic growth and job creation is the best advocacy platform that we have.
What is the added value of being an association gathering stakeholders from a sector? How do members contribute to UITP’s work? The Association is only as good as the contributions of its members, both in technical exchanges and in advocacy. I am pleased the structure enables so many members to contribute so much; the benefits of membership I think are obvious!
What is your best memory at UITP and why? My best memories of my presidency will be of the warm friendships I have made with world colleagues – from all the continents and particularly the host cities for the Policy Boards. I would like to single out Mr Rota from ATM and his colleagues from FNM who hosted the UITP World Congress & Exhibition in Milan and also the cooperation of the hardworking staff of UITP led by Alain Flausch. I also pay special tribute to my former colleague Michèle Dix as a very effective chair of the Prescom. I know Mr Ogata will lead UITP forward to new heights in his presidency.
believe concentrating on the contribution of public transport to economic growth and “jobIcreation is the best advocacy platform that we have. ”
MASAKI OGATA - UITP PRESIDENT 2015 - 2017 Masaki Ogata is currently Vice Chairman of East Japan Railway Company (JR-East). What would you like to achieve as UITP President? We are surrounded by many critical issues such as natural disasters, population explosion, ICT revolution, globalisation, aging infrastructure, traffic congestion, CO2 emissions and more in today’s world. It is my strong conviction that public transport can play a leading role in providing solutions to these issues. In addition, these issues are changing very rapidly and have both differences and similarities among nations, societies, regions, organisations, and even individual customers. As President of UITP, I will devote myself to strengthening the capability of UITP to provide solutions to these issues, while all the members cooperate, collaborate and coordinate beyond similarities and differences.
How can we enhance the value of public transport in society? Firstly, public transport as social infrastructure can sustainably innovate by itself, while knowing the genuine needs of the customers and communities it serves. Secondly, the sustainable innovation of public transport can boost people’s mobility and quality of
life. Third, social innovation can be achieved by public transport innovation. Based upon these concepts, we will need to further enhance innovation in public transport management and technology to adapt to the rapidly changing environment. It is also crucial to enhance coordination and collaboration among all the sector’s stakeholders to drive innovation. Finally, I propose that we advocate the value that public transport can provide to both its customers and the wider community.
What is the added value of being an association gathering stakeholders from a sector? For me, innovation is not only the invention of new technology, but also new ideas and concepts creating new value for society. UITP will definitely play an important role in this mission. I really hope that UITP members will exchange their ideas with much more inflow and outflow of knowledge, in order to deliver cutting-edge innovation for the sector.
You are Vice Chairman of JR-East. As a major public transport company, what is the added value of membership of UITP? There is no other association like UITP that includes operators, authorities, suppliers and others, where its members are creating policy proposals, exchanging opinions and information. It is very valuable for JR-East to join such an active and dynamic association. Carrying 17million passengers/day, East Japan Railway Company in that sense can be seen as the largest passenger railway company in the world. I am very happy to devote myself to creating a brighter future for rail and public transport by raising people’s mobility and quality of life together with UITP members.
conviction that public transport can play the leading “ It is myrolestrong to provide solutions to many issues affecting our world. ”
Full list of Policy Board members, mandate 2013-2015 (see p.7) From left to right: Anne-Francoise Piette (UITP), Helga Severyns (UITP), Hock Yong Chew (LTA), Thierry Wagenknecht (tpg), Michèle Dix (TfL), Philippe Martin (RATP), Miguel Ruiz Montanez (EMTSAM), (hidden : ) Emmanuel Brison (UITP), Pere Calvet Tordera (FCG), Albert Busquets Blay (TMB), Joao Ronco Junior (Prodata), (hidden : ) Paul Gwynn (INIT), Lelis Teixeira (FETRANSPOR), Hubert De Blay (ALSTOM), Brigitte Ollier (UITP), Jean-Marc Vandenbroucke (TEC), Bruno Gazeau (UTP), Bernard Tabary (KEOLIS), Joel Pitrel (SEMITAG), Tony Dufays (UITP), Jerome Pourbaix (UITP), Alain Flausch (UITP), Ton Kaper (Vereniging Stedelijke Vervoerbedrijven), Roger Vahnberg (Västtrafik), Tasuku Takahama (JR East), Bernard Rieder (Bombardier), Stefania Di Serio (Almaviva), Daniel Bergeron (AMT), Sir Peter Hendy (TFL), Joe Kenny (Bus Eireann), Per Als (Copenhagen Municipality), Gary McNeil, Ananda Rao (ASRTU), Jack van der Merwe (Gautrain), Manjunatha Narayana (Karnataka State Road Transport), Brieuc De Meeûs (STIB), Michael Lichtenegger (Wiener Linien), Guido Del Mese (ASSTRA), Marek Modransky (Slovenska Autobusova Doprava Zvolen), Mohamed Mezghani (UITP), Ezio Castagna (CTM), Herbert König (SWM), (hidden : ) Thomas Kritzer (Wiener Linien), Istvan Csuzi (Oradea Transport), Gunnar Heipp (SWM), (hidden : ) David Martin (Arriva), Ahmad Al Akhras (DOT), Yosuke Mizukami (JR East), Robert Huber (AESYS-RWH), Ömer Yildiz (Istanbul Ulasim), Estelle Desmit (UITP) Not on the picture: Jassem Al Sulaiti (Mowasalat), Reinhold Bauer (SSB), Ivan Besedin (Moscow Metro), Nicolas Blain(RATP), Mirjam Bütler (VÖV/UTP), Abdellatif Chadali(Ministry of Interior Morrocco), Morris Cheung (MTR), Giampaolo Codeluppi ((Key2People), Jürgen Fenske (KVB), José Dionisio González (CRTM), Geoff Inskip (Centro), Petr Ivanov (Government Moscow-Region), Michel Joye (TP Lausanne), Hakan Karlsson (Volvo), Roger Kesteloot (De Lijn), Vivienne King (KDR Gold Coast), Antti Korhonen (VR-Group), Jerzy Lejk (Metro Warsaw), Mal McGreevy (Translink), Lydienne Mouloby Ngalle Bibehe (Socatur), Sigrid Evelyn Nikutta (BVG), Masaki Ogata (JR East), Marcello Panettoni (ASSTRA), Michele Passamani (FNM), Severin Rangosch (BDWM), Bruno Rota (ATM), Joao Rebelo (Metro do Porto), Gian Battista Scarfone (ATB), Gisbert Schlotzhauer (Bogestra), Mangu Singh (Delhi Metro), Ton Spaargaren(Provincie Gelderland), Charles Stolte (Edmonton Transit), Oliver Wolff (VDV).
Copyrights p.14-15: Khakimullin Aleksandr/ - p.17: Shenzhen Group - p.19: - p.21: 1000 Words/ - p.22: European Union 2014 - European Parliament - p.23: ldprod/fotolia - p.24: International Transport Forum/Flickr (2nd picture) - p.26-27: Pressmaster/ - p.28: Motas - p.30: Steve Photography/ - p.31: Zhukov Oleg/ - p.32: Stnazkul/fotolia - p.38: DVB AG/Jürgen Herrmann - p.45: MVG, Kerstin Groh - p.46: Philip Lange/ - p.50: Tony Tremblay/iStock - p.51: ChandraDhas/ iStock (1st picture), Lazyllama/ (2nd picture) - p.53: iett. © UITP (International Association of Public Transport), 2016. Any opinions expressed in the chapters are those of the authors. All rights reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Activity Report 2014 & 2015 is a collective effort which involved UITP staff, members and external suppliers. Management Team: Cynthia Bonsignore, Jean-Luc de Wilde, Alain Flausch, Mohamed Mezghani, Marie Ost, Anne-Françoise Piette. Authors and contributors:Thomas Avanzata, Andrew Bata, Mihai Barcanescu, Hilia Boris-Iglesia, Pauline Bruge, Andrew Canning, Caroline Cerfontaine, Sue Chan, Laurent Dauby, Emilie Dubos, Caroline Fabianski, Alain Flausch, James Geater, Marta Goralczyk, Alessandra Gorini, Umberto Guida, Sylvain Haon, Sir Peter Hendy CBE, Miryam Hernandez, Yussup Khassiev, Arno Kerkhof, Jérôme Lengelé, Lindsey Mancini, Anne Mordret, Mohammad Montazeri, Masaki Ogata, Eleonora Pazos, Artur Perchel, Sebastián Pernet, Agnès Peter, Rob Pierce, Jérôme Pourbaix, Prakash D.C., Ekaterina Rozina, Cécile Sadoux, Igor Stepanov, Sherif Tharwat, Philip Turner, Kaan Yildizgoz, Youssoufou Cissé. English proofreading: Terry Brisco | Layout: Laurent Murgia | Printing: Hayez, Brussels | Responsible editor: Alain Flausch
International Association of Public Transport (UITP) Rue Sainte-Marie 6 | B-1080 Bruxelles, Belgium | Tel +32 26 73 61 00 | |