franyo aatoth

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A festészet körülményei franyo aatoth kapcsán Mörzixszi krupoa rugtás, buli bluksz ja mi sukk. (részlet)

Néhány évig csak telefonon ismerkedtem franyo humánumával, művészetével, mert személyesen csak később találkoztunk. Időnkét felhívott Párizsból és kedélyes derűt érezve hangjában, mindig kompenzálta hétköznapi keserűségeimet, jóval könnyedebben léptem át megnyomorítottságomon, amit oly direkten szeretnek elkövetni az emberen. Ez az, amit csak az tud, aki szeretni is tud, és nem csak művész. Ismerkedésünk hajnalán franyo elmesélte, hogy Ő leginkább Mongoliában, Galapagos szigetén és Mátészalkán szeretne kiállítani. Méltányolva eme vágyait őszintén drukkoltam Neki, és nagy örömömre meg is oldotta a kitűzött feladatait, sőt együtt is kiállítottunk Mátészalkán, Pacsika Rudolffal hármasban. Leginkább egy őshüllőknek összehozott tárlat lehetősége ajzott fel alaposan, mert ez a legtöbb, amit egy művész elérhet, visszatérni saját, autentikus kategóriájába. Mert meg van bennünk művészekben az utópista őshüllő, szerintem csak a politikusok nőtték ki magukat, az evolúció legintenzívebb fokára. Egy kijevi kiállítás alkalmával franyo még a Lenin díjat is megkapta az ottani múzeum igazgatótól. Vodkázásos–elmélkedés közben, az eredeti alapján, a jó hangulat tetőfokán, az

alkalomhoz méltóan, rögvest hamisítottak az ukrán szellemi arisztokraták egy vadi újnak kinéző Lenin díjat, amit hatványozott tósztok után „franyo a kedves” megkapott, és amit ezek után illett komolyan megünnepelni. Aztán ünneplés közben egy fél üveg vodka véletlenül kiömlött a csodálatos pecsétekkel ellátott, gyönyörű és cirkalmas cirill betűkkel kitöltött okmányra, ami azon nyomban olyan foltos lett, mint a szerény átlagember lelkiismerete. De ez csak legenda. Hacsak nem így történt! aatoth franyo markáns vörös hátterű képein igényes terek és idők jelennek meg lényei, alakjai mögött. Az ArtBrutra-re jellemző súlyos témákat iróniával, öniróniával oldja fel, nem áll távol tőle a syldavokra emlékeztető szarkasztikus karakter sem. Képei jól tükrözik franyo keleti kultúrák iránti affinitását. Festményeit hétköznapi szövegekkel írja felül, amelyek mégis titokzatosak, és jelentésükben saját életüket élik. Felejthetetlen syldav mondata is ezt bizonyítja: „Mörzixszi krupoa rugtás, buli bluksz ja mi sukk.” Amit magyarra így is fordíthatnánk: „Az igazi művészet visszapattan még a legkarcsúbb női bokáról is.” feLugossy László

Circumstanțele picturii în legătură cu franyo aatoth Mörzixszi krupoa rugtás, buli bluksz ja mi sukk. (detaliu)

Vreme de cîțiva ani am avut ocazia să întîlnesc umanis­ mul și arta lui franyo numai prin telefon. Personal l-am cunoscut mai tîrziu. Din cînd în cînd m-a sunat de la Paris și întotdeauna am simțit în vocea lui un umor jovial. M-a înveselit mereu, mi-a îndulcit zilele amare, cu asemenea ocazii am reușit să depășesc cu mai multă ușurință starea mea umilitoare. Asta e un lucru ce poate ști numai cine poate iubi, și nu e numai artist. La începuturile prieteniei noastre mi-a povestit că el ar vrea să aibă expoziții în Mongolia, pe insula Galapagos, și la Mátészalka. I-am înțeles dorințele și chiar i-am ținut pumnii. M-am bucurat foarte mult cînd a reușit să-și atingă scopul, ba la Mátészalka am avut o expoziție în trei împreună cu Rudolf Pacsika. Cel mai mult m-a emoționat o expoziție cu reptilele preistorice, pentru că asta e maximumul ce poate atinge un artist, adică să se reîntoarcă în propria-i categorie autentică. Deoarece cred că în noi, artiștii, există o reptilă preistorică utopistă, în opinia mea numai politicienii au reușit să depășească faza asta și să ajungă la culmile evoluției. La o expoziție din Kiev franyo a primit chiar și Premiul Lenin de la directorul muzeului de acolo. În timpul unei meditații cu Stalinskaia, pe culmile fericirii, aristocrația

spirituală ucraineană a falsificat ad-hoc un Premiu Lenin care arată ca și nou, pe care ”dragul de franyo” a primit și pe care a trebuit să mulțumească în mod corespunzător. Dar în timpul serbării, o jumătate de sticlă de vodka s-a scurs din întîmplare pe documentul plin de ștampile extraordinare, completat cu litere cirilice superbe și hîrtia a devenit atît de pătată ca conștiința omului de rînd. Dar asta e o legendă. Dacă nu s-a întîmplat chiar astfel! Pe tablourile cu un fundal roșcat ale lui aatoth franyo apar vremuri și spații pretențioase în spatele unor ființe. Temele grave, caracteristice ArtBrutului le dizolvă cu ironie și autoironie, nu-i e frică nici de sarcasmul specific syldavilor. Tablourile lui oglindesc sensibilitatea lui privind culturile orientale. Pe picturi, scrie texte cotidiene care sunt totuși misterioase și își trăiesc propria lor viață în sensul lor. Fraza lui syldavă de neuitat demonstrează asta. O putem traduce astfel: „Arta adevărată sare înapoi chiar și de pe cea mai mlădioasă gleznă.” feLugossy László Traducere de Péter Demény

The circumstances of painting in connection with franyo aatoth Mörzixszi krupoa rugtás, buli bluksz ja mi sukk. (extrait)

For a couple of years, I was getting familiar with the humanity and art of franyo only through the phone because personally I only met him later. Sometimes he called me from Paris and with his jovial serenity he always managed to compensate my daily bitterness, I could step over my miseries which are often caused by others so directly. This is what only those who are capable of love can do, those who are not just artists. When we were starting to get to know each other, franyo told me that mostly he would like to exhibit in Mongolia, on the Galapagos Islands and in Mátészalka. Recognizing these desires, I cheered for him and – to my great delight – he managed to solve his tasks he set for himself, we even had a joint exhibition together with Rudolf Pacsika in Mátészalka. I was elated mostly by the potential of an exhibition organized for ancient reptiles, because this is the most what an artist can achieve, returning to their own, authentic category. For there is a utopist ancient reptile inside of us artists, I think that only politicians were able to evolve to the most intense degree of evolution. On the occasion of an exhibition in Kyiv, franyo even got a Lenin–award from the director of the local museum. During a meditation with a bottle of vodka, the Ukrainian intellectual aristocrats immediately faked a new–looking

Lenin–prize based on the original prize, which, after a great deal of toasts they gave to ‘dear franyo’, afterwards of which a serious celebration seemed right to be done. During this celebration a half a bottle of vodka was spilled on this document filled with intricate Cyrillic letters and decorated with wonderful seals, which became stained as the consciousness of a modest average person. This is only a legend though. Or maybe it happened like that! On the paintings of aatoth franyo with strikingly red background, behind his figures, there are some fastidious spaces and times. He dissolves the heavy topics that are so specific of ArtBrut with irony and self–irony, but he is also familiar with the sarcastic character reminding us of the Syldavs. His paintings reflect his affinity for the Oriental cultures. He overwrites his paintings with prosaic yet mysterious texts that live their own lives in their meaning. Even his unforgettable Syldavian sentence is a proof of this: ‘Mörzixszi krupoa rugtás, buli bluksz ja mi sukk.’ In English, that would sound like this: ‘Real art always bounces back even from the slimmest female ankle.’ feLugossy László Translated by Márton Előd

NDK úszónő áttetsző szoknyában, 80 x 54 cm, olaj vásznon 2007.

Ipari trĂŠfa, 160 x 113 cm, olaj vĂĄsznon, 2005.

Békét Svájcnak!, 146 x 89 cm, olaj vásznon, 2003.

Fekete cipők lézer fűzőkkel, 30 x 90 cm, olaj vásznon, 2010.

Magánlélek, 24 x 19 cm, olaj vásznon, 2011.

Gyรกsztorta, 40 x 80 cm, olaj vรกsznon, 2007.

Szívütések, 200 x 200 cm, olaj vásznon, 2005.

Ásító férfi, 40 x 40 cm, olaj vásznon, 2009.

Metabรกzis, 24 x 35 cm, olaj vรกsznon, 2011.

Sötétben tapogatózó nő, 18 x 24 cm, olaj vásznon, 2014.

Magas szintű állami vezető kitüntet egy alacsonyabb rangú állami vezetőt erős szélben, 19 x 27 cm, olaj vásznon, 2010.

Magas szintű állami vezető átnyújt egy darab kolbászt egy alacsonyabb szintű állami vezetőnek, 19 x 27 cm, olaj vásznon, 2010.

Háborús hírek, 74 x 108 cm, olaj vásznon, 2006. Baszóasztal, 68 x 68 cm, olaj karton, 2004.

A sziporkรกzรณ kutya, 22 x 16 cm, olaj vรกsznon, 2013.

HĂ­rek, 105 x 105 cm, olaj vĂĄsznon, 2008.

ArtĂŠriagubanc, 24 x 35 cm, olaj vĂĄsznon, 2011.

Teraszon napozó nő várakozik egy kilós húsvéti csokoládé küldeményre, 24 x 35 cm, olaj vásznon, 2011.

Káromkodó nő billegő széken, 76 x 106 cm, olaj vásznon, 2009.

Szarba lépő férfi, 19 x 27 cm, olaj vásznon, 2011.

Szívbaj, 24 x 35cm, olaj vásznon, 2011.

franyo aatoth

Studies 1978, Ecole Nationale Supériéure des Beaux – Arts, Paris Represented by Várfok Galéria, Budapest Galerie Keller, Paris Galerie Mansart, Paris Toot Young Gallery, Bangkok Makláry Fine Arts, Budapest One man shows (selection) 2016 Szatmári Múzeum – Mátészalka Uj Kriterion Galeria – Csíkszereda, Romania Rangsit University – Bangkok 2015 Galerie Keller – Paris Institut Français – Budapest Rangsit University – Bangkok 2014 Várfok Galéria XO hall – Budapest 2013 Herman Ottó Múzeum – Miskolci Galéria – Miskolc, Hungary 2012 Galerie Keller – Paris La ville de Saint Ouen l’Aumône, France Várfok Galéria XO hall – Budapest 2011 Art Museum – Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts – Canton, China 2010 Galerie Keller – Paris Várfok Galéria XO terem – Budapest 2009 Várfok Galéria Várfok terem – Budapest

2008 Várfok Galéria XO hall – Budapest Galerie Vent d’Est – Bordeaux 2007 Le Quai – Angers – France Flatfile Galleries – Chicago Works in Public Collections Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest (H) Bibliothéque François Mitterand, Paris (F) French Intitute, Budapest (H) Harward University, Cambridge (USA) Musée Arthuro Lopez, Neuilly sur Seine (F) Musée de la Monnaie, Paris (F) Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Cuba, Havanna (CU) Nan Kai University, Tianjin (PRC) National Art Museum of Ukraine, (ex Lenin Museum), Kiev (UKR) Mongolian National Modern Art Gallery, Ulanbator (MGL) Szatmári Museum, Mátészalka (H) Charles Simonyi Fund for Arts and Sciences, Seattle (USA) Museum of Fine Art Academy of Guangzhou (PRC)

KĂ­nai fĂŠrfi ginko levelekkel, 39,5 x 59,5 cm, vegyes technika, 2012.

List of the Artworks

GDR Swimmer in transparent Squirt, 80 x 54 cm, oil on canvas, 2007

High level state reaches over a pieces of sausage to a lower ranking state Officer,19 x 27 cm, oil on canvas, 2010

Industrial joke, oil on canvas, 2005

Warnevs, 74 x 108 cm, oil on canvas, 2006

Peace for Switzerland! 146 x 89 cm, oil on canvas, 2003

The Fucking Table, 68 x 68 cm, oil on board, 2004

Black shoes with laser laces, 30 x 90 cm, oil on canvas, 2010

The resplendent dog, 22 x 16 cm, oil on canvas, 2013

Private Soul, 24x 19 cm, oil on canvas, 2011

News, 105 x 105 cm, oil on canvas, 2008

Funeral Cake, 40 x 80 cm, oil on canvas, 2007

Arterial Complications, 24 x 35 cm, oil on canvas, 2011

Heart Beats, 200 x 200 cm, oil on canvas, 2005

Sunbathing Lady on the Terrace waiting for a one kilogram eastern chocolate Packet, 24 x 35 cm, oil on canvas, 2010

Yawning man, 40 x 40 cm, oil on canvas, 2009 Metabase, 24 x 35 cm, oil on canvas, 2011 Lady groped in the dark, 18 x 24 cm, oil on canvas, 2014 High level state Officer award a lower level State Officer in strong Wind, 19 x 27 cm, oil on canvas, 2010

Swearing lady, 76 x 106 cm, oil on canvas, 2009 Shit stepping man, 19 x 27 cm, oil on canvas, 2011 Heart Attack, 24 x 35 cm, oil on canvas, 2011 Chinaman with ginko leaves, 39,5 x 59,5 cm, mixed mediums, 2012

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