Volume 29 Number 2
Fall 2007
Search for Director Emphasizes Evolution of School of Library and Information Science
College to Add Faculty Position Fall 2008 to Develop Information Studies Minor
Provost and Dean Urge SLIS Director Search to Consider Medical Informatics Specialty
Joint Appointment to Provide Starting Point for School’s Entry to Undergraduate Curriculum
The advertisement the search committee developed last spring as it set out to recruit a Director of the School of Library and Information Science reveals anticipated evolution at the School. In addition to referring to the MSLS and MA degrees, there is reference also to “developing an interdisciplinary undergraduate minor in Information Studies.” Moreover, according to the language of the advertisement, the “Director’s mission will be to maintain existing on-campus and distant student cohorts while creating new opportunities for growth in undergraduate education….” In late July the committee sent a letter to individuals who had been identified as potential candidates for the Director’s position. In the letter committee co-chairs Professors Donald Case and Lois Chan call attention to opportunities at UK that could affect significantly the evolution of the School, beyond the introduction of Information Studies in the undergraduate curriculum. The relevant part of the letter reads: The University of Kentucky is … a public, researchextensive, land grant Institution, ranked among the top U.S. public universities on a number of criteria, with special strength in the health sciences. Of particular note are recent University efforts to strengthen the biomedical sciences and health care areas. The Medical Center is going through an enormous expansion with state funding, private donations, and substantial research grants. The College of Medicine has also been extremely successful in recruiting top faculty members and biomedical researchers. … The College of Communication and Information Studies, of which our School is a component, has a strong national reputation in health communications. Because of this focus and the growing strength in both health care and biomedical research, the Provost and the Dean have expressed particular interest in fostering a strong medical informatics program at the University. Also under consideration is an undergraduate program with emphasis on informatics. The Provost has expressed willingness to support a competitive salary commensurate with the candidate’s qualifications and experience.
In October of last year UK Provost Kumble Subbaswamy sent a memorandum about strategic planning to academic deans, in which he said academic units were “to update their action plans to better align them with the university’s goals and priorities.” In going about this, the Provost wrote, “The fundamental questions for you will be: (1) What is my college’s role in UK’s quest for Top 20 Status; and (2) What is the appropriate level of resources (within the overall bounds of the Top 20 Business Plan) for my college?” In response to the Provost’s memorandum, the College of Communications and Information Studies submitted an Action Plan dated March 15, 2007. In its contribution to the Plan, the School proposed an undergraduate program in information studies: We propose creating a program in information studies to be housed in the School of Library and Information Science (LIS) and drawing on other programs at UK. The program would be launched as a minor and would become a full major in the third year. Students with an information-studies interest would create a program of study by choosing new courses within LIS as well as relevant courses in existing departments. The School’s five-year summary of resource needs for the information studies program calls for five additional faculty positions, along with staff support and teaching and research assistants. In its contribution to the College Action Plan, the School of Journalism and Telecommunications proposed “creating a multimedia emphasis within the TEL [telecommunications] major….” As with the SLIS proposal, the SJAT proposal included a summary of needs for additional faculty. In August Dean Johnson learned the College will receive additional faculty lines in the 2008-2009 academic year. One of the new positions will be shared by SLIS and SJAT, and, Dean Johnson explained to the newsletter, the person in that position will be “intended to provide the starting point for the information studies minor” within the School of Library and Information Science.