UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY School of Library and Information Science Volume 30 Number 2 Greetings Fellow Alumni, I assumed the position of Director of the School of Library and Information Science the 15th of August, 21 years after I completed the School’s master’s-degree program. Needless to say, in August 1987 I never imagined that in August 2008 I would return to Lexington and the University of Kentucky as the School’s Chief Administrative Officer, but I am very pleased to have this opportunity to lead the SLIS and work with our fine faculty, staff, students, and you. As I settle into my new position and responsibilities, I’d like to share some thoughts with you, about library and information science, libraries, the rapidly changing information universe, and the School of Library and Information Science. Emerging trends and technologies make this a particularly interesting and exciting time to work in the field of library and information science. However, the profession is facing what appears to be a variety of conflicting issues. For example, we continue to work toward providing seamless access to information resources. Yet at the same time, we are struggling with the concept of “library as space.” In many libraries and information centers, providing access to information resources regardless of geographic location has yielded reduced gate counts, lower circulation statistics, and fewer reference requests. We have increased the use of virtual resources while lowering the use of physical resources. This now has us striving to re-imagine the workplace in order to maintain vibrant physical environments that attract our clients and patrons. Similarly, as we continue to adopt Web-based resources, we have to determine better ways to bridge the digital divide. How do we support individuals who live in rural or remote areas where Internet access is often limited at best? How do we serve those portions of the population whose socioeconomic status makes home ac-
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Fall 2008 cess prohibitive? With the prevalence of e-mail and sites such as myspace and facebook, how do we change the misperception for some that the Web is simply a communications forum or social networking resource – not a source of authoritative information? Even more challenging in the world of wikis, blogs, and podcasts, how do we serve those individuals who do not know how to – and do not want to learn how to – use the Web-based resources? To complicate things more, the current national economic downturn has yielded budget cuts that have directly affected local institutions. However, the expectation often is that service levels will be maintained and programs will continue to grow. But the cost of doing business continues to increase. The rising cost of fuel and energy has direct impact on our physical work environment. Subscription costs continue to rise despite various open access initiatives. And in many instances, the need to justify our existence has become even greater in light of shrinking revenue streams. So, what is the School’s role in all of this? The SLIS fac ulty remains dedicated to preparing library and information science professionals who are competitive in today’s workplace. We will continue to monitor emerging trends and technologies, identify relevant issues, and adapt accordingly. We will continue an ongoing systematic review of the curriculum and make changes to course offerings and content as necessary. We will continue to seek input from prospective and current students, alumni, employers, and others to ensure that we are providing programs that meet the needs of our constituents. In short, we will continue to grow so that we may build on our rich history of serving the library and information science community in and around the state of Kentucky. Best wishes, Jeff Huber
11/10/2008 11:44:29 AM