Newsletter of the University of Kentucky School of Information Science Volume 37 Number 2
Fall 2015
Board of Trustees Approves Name Change to School of Information Science Name ‘represents the work the School is engaged in at the undergraduate and graduate level’ On May 8, 2015, the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees approved a name change for the School of Library and Information Science, to the School of Information Science, effective July 1. The minutes of the Board meeting explain the reason for the new name: “Prior to January 2013, the School consisted solely of a master’s degree in library and information science and now houses three different degree granting programs (Library Science, Information Studies, and Information Communication Technology). It also houses a non-degree seeking program primarily responsible for teaching the UK Core ‘Composition and Communication’ sequence. “Due to the growth beyond library science, the faculty voted to change the School’s name to School of Information Science. The new name is more consistent with similarly structured programs across the country. It represents the work the School is engaged in at the undergraduate and graduate level in support of UK students. “The proposed change has been approved by the faculty of the School of Library and Information Science; reviewed and recommended by the Senate Academic Organization and Structure Committee and the Senate Council; and endorsed by the University Senate. The Provost of the University supports this recommendation.” The “growth beyond library science” the minutes refer to began spring semester 2013, when the School launched an undergraduate minor in Information Studies (IS). Growth continued that summer, when the School welcomed the Division of Instructional Communication and Research (ICR). In addition to those steps, the School introduced an undergraduate degree program in Information Communication Technology (ICT) fall semester 2014 and a master’s degree program in ICT this fall. When the newsletter reported the School would introduce an undergraduate minor in Information Studies, it was noted: It is a significant step in the evolution of the School, a presence in the undergraduate curriculum, which is seen as im-
portant at a time of increased emphasis on undergraduate studies and increased competition for resources.
School Credit Hour Generation Increases A year ago, it was reported that state funding for UK had declined by $50 million in the preceding five years, increasing the importance of tuition and prompting the University to move to “a values-based financial model.” Although the new financial model has not been introduced, it is expected that, in the new model, enrollment in a college will influence the amount of revenue allocated to the college. As a result, a college’s total credit hour generation will be important. Each college will allocate revenue among its units, but it’s reasonable to expect credit hour generation to influence that allocation as well. Information prepared by Assistant Director for Administration and Enrollment Planning Will Buntin for fall 2014 showed that the School was responsible for approximately 40% of total credit hour generation within the College of Communication and Information. Information prepared by Will for fall 2015 shows that credit hour generation in all units in the School increased from the 2014 levels, with the result the School total this fall, 10,890, is up by 1,560 credit hours, or 16.7%, from the fall 2014 total. The increase in LIS credit hour generation is especially noteworthy, occurring at a time when, nationally, LIS enrollment has been trending downward. The contribution of ICR to the School’s total credit hour generation, 70%, reflects the presence of certain courses, for which ICR is responsible, in UK Core, the general education curriculum for all undergraduates. In addition, IS/ICT 200 contributes significantly to credit hour generation. The course has been approved for UK Core, and this fall there are 15 sections filled. Will commented that the 375 students enrolled in IS/ICT 200 are “an excellent audience to promote the ICT major.” There are 62 declared ICT majors, and there are two enrolled in the ICT master’s program, which was introduced this fall.