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Volume 33 Number 1

Gail Kennedy, LLAMA President, Is School’s 2011 Outstanding Alumna Gail Kennedy (’74), LLAMA President and a senior administrator in University of Kentucky Libraries, has been chosen to receive the School of Library and Information Science Outstanding Alumna Award for 2011, which will be presented to her at the alumni and awards banquet, to be held Friday, April 29. Gail was nominated by Professor Lois Chan, who wrote in her nominating letter: “In addition to her numerous important assignments in UK Libraries, Gail Kennedy has an extensive record of University service, including adjunct faculty member to what was then the College of Library and Information Science, when she taught cataloging and classification, library networks, and technical services. Nationally, she has been active in ALA’s Library Leadership and Management Association, and currently is President of LLAMA. She has served as Chair of the Resources Section of the Resources and Technical Services Division, received the KLA Outstanding Academic Librarian of the Year Award and has been President of the Kentucky Library network.” Gail graduated from UK with a BA in English. While an undergraduate she worked in the cataloging department in King Library, and while in library school she worked full time in circulation. At the time she completed the MSLS program she was Head of Acquisitions in King Library. Today, she is Director of Branch Libraries and Director of Little Fine Arts Library, University of Kentucky Libraries. Gail’s career in UK Libraries has been quite varied. In addition to being Head of Acquisitions, she was, early in her career, Head of Circulation and Assistant Director for Technical Services. During the period 1988-1996 she was Associate Director of Libraries, in which she supervised eleven branch libraries and served as Deputy Director in the absence of the Director. She coordinated the reporting of annual statistics to the Association of Research Libraries, as well as other national statistics for the library system.

Spring 2011 In 1996-1997 Gail was Team Development Coordinator, in which she was responsible for the daunting but essential task of guiding staff development and training for the reorganization of UK Libraries into a team-based organizational structure. This required that she develop a training program for the entire library staff, 275 FTE. As a part of this assignment, Gail taught courses in effective meetings, decision making, consensus building, and problem solving in a team setting. She worked with the consultant to redesign UK Libraries’ strategic planning and leadership. During the period 1997-2000 Gail led the planning effort for the renovation of King Library North, which reopened in October 2000 as the Lucille Caudill Little Fine Arts Library and Learning Center. In addition to developing the building program and serving as Libraries contact with the architect and contractor, she supervised the reorganization of staffing that resulted from merging two branch libraries and adding comprehensive technical service operations. At the conclusion of that major effort, she was appointed Director of Little Fine Arts Library. In 2007 she was asked to take on the added responsibility of Director of Branch Libraries, in which she coordinates six branch libraries, including the direct supervision of the branch librarians. As Professor Chan noted in her letter nominating Gail for the Outstanding Alumna Award, she has been active in the Library Leadership and Management Association, a division of the American Library Association, and is the 2010-2011 President of LLAMA. The press release announcing Gail had been elected Vice-President/President-Elect of LLAMA noted she “has been a member of LLAMA for 19 years. Active in LLAMA’s Buildings and Equipment Section (BES), Kennedy currently chairs the Interior Design Awards Committee and was a mentor for new librarians in LLAMA’s mentoring program. She has also served on LLAMA’s President’s Program, the joint Association of College and Research Libraries ACRL/LLAMA Interdivisional Committee on Building Resources, and chaired the Buildings and Equipment Section.”

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