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Baldock Energy Ltd
Company’s core capabilities
Experienced, authoritative, yet innovative and flexible support for your renewable energy / low carbon transition projects from the previous leader of Black & Veatch Europe’s renewable energy team (2002-2019) and other experts. Most significant experience in marine energy, but also has significant knowledge and experience of bioenergy, offshore wind, solar and hydro.
Key work areas: Technology development, project development, due diligence, project evaluation and monitoring, as well as facilitation and knowledge transfer.
Key skills: Strategy development, business development and project origination, contract negotiation, project and business management, policy development, technoeconomics, competitive award structuring, legislation interpretation, as well as technical due diligence, engineering, analysis and advice.
Engineering, analysis and advice: technology benchmarking, applicability of standards and guidelines, technology qualification planning, basis of design, test protocols, concept design optimization, performance assessment, programme and supply chain development, training.
Contact details
Contactname & job title:Andy Baldock, Director. Email: andy@baldockenergy.co.uk
Telephone:+44 7789922419
Address:ChartHouse, 2 Effingham Road, Reigate, Surrey RH2 7JN,UK
Website: linkedin.com/in/andybaldock
Key references
Funders’ Technical Advisor, Crown Estate Scotland, 2019- 2022. Technical advice for the c. £50m MeyGen Phase 1A tidal project, with respect to the existing Crown Estate Scotland and Scottish Enterprise investments into MeyGen Phase 1A.
Technical Advice, Client: ARUP, 2019-2021. Technical advice to Crown Estate Scotland on their offshore wind “ScotWind Leasing” round, including development of the updated and final versions of the application form as well as the guidance and evaluation materials. Technical reviewer for applications and provision of expert input to the other technical reviewers.
Technical Due Diligence and Project Monitoring, ORE Catapult, 2019-2023. Technical due diligence and project monitoring support to ORE Catapult for the c. €50m Interreg- funded TIGER tidal site and technology development project.
Technical Advice, Confidential Client, 2021-present. Technical advice for one of very few significant EU wave energy projects.
Key locations in the UK: Southern English Region