rosa dels vents – issue one

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rosa dels vents the official magazine of sitges 2012

issue one


Wind. Comes from many different ways and goes to many different places. It is powerful, it forces objects to come along. It brings together different colours, passes by different countries and carries different scents. Just like EYP, just like you. You all come from different countries – or cities at least – and will soon find your own, different path in your EYP journey. This creates the mystery and the uniqueness of EYP. You do not know where, when and if two winds will meet again. Like a wind. Be strong like a wind, make a change, be the change and move people. Be invisibly visible – you do not need to scream out your existence, but be present, explain and contribute your thoughts. Have your voice, sometimes whistle, sometimes shout, but never be silent. Dear Delegates, go with the flow of the wind. Your journey has just begun and it is never easy to track your way inside it. When you feel lost, remind yourself of ‘rosa dels vents’ – all the colours between you and the cardinal points, and how it is ‘one’ and brings all the differences together. Enjoy reading! Ceren & Ulli Editors of Sitges 2012


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content. 5


14 22 4 A matter of dignity 8 Weird and wonderful 12 EYP Cupcakes 16 The feared monster 20 Random bites 24 Air strikes 28 More than words

5 Breakfast at Zosia’s 10 Addition or division? 14 Words and weapons 18 Unemployed youth 22 Going on a bear hunt 26 Challenge accepted! 30 Storm of emotions rosa dels vents


more than words Lea Schiewer explains the most essential terms of the EYP. Chairperson (Chair)

Journalist (Journo)

A person who is always motivated and supports and accompanies a Committee during its formation in Teambuilding, its working process in Committee Work and finally its performance in GA.

Cheerful person, always wandering around, armed with a camera, pen and paper in order to capture the most exciting moments of a session in regularly published newspapers

Coffee Breaks

Lennon, John

Energy-reboosting oasis during long Author of the unofficial anthem of the days of work – the combination of coffee, EYP, “Imagine” – a person you need to something sweet and a chat with some- know. one else cannot be beaten!


Organiser (Orga)

Tireless and hard-working people, who Quick and quite activating game, which care selflessly and with all their heart for wakes up the tired Delegates. the well-being of each participant and assure that the session runs smoothly.


Huge buffet, where every nation or re- President gion presents typical food and drinks to Head and mentor of the Chairs team - the the others – a great opportunity to learn President embodies the session’s spirit. something about different cultures.

Head-Organiser (HO)


Essence of the Committee Work – each Constantly busy person who coordinates committee states the current problems rethe work of the Orga team and makes the lated to their topic and solutions on how idea of a great session become real. to improve those situations.


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breakfast at zosia’s Gundega Elerte and Lea Schiewer had an 8 a.m. chat with coffee, croissants – and Zosia Wasik, the President of Sitges 2012. An outstanding young lady sharing her views and experiences after six years in EYP. pay the participation fee, as I lived just a kilometre away from the hostel. I had no First of all, I’m facilitating the Chairs team, idea what EYP was about. I was used to bonding them and teach them all I have very strict education, since I was studying learnt throughout my EYP exat a Catholic School. perience. Secondly, of course, I’m At the session, peoThe first thing I responsible for the session spirit. ple there were having Together with Silvia and Laia, remember is that I parties, having fun, the Head-Organisers, I treat Sit- didn’t want to pay the and debating about ges ‘12 as my baby. I want to pass important issues at lots of good emotions to the del- participation fee. the same time. I just egates. fell in love with it. How was your first time as a delegate? And I remember myself answering a quesIt was in 2006, a long time ago. The first tion during the GA – I was very proud, thing I remember is that I didn’t want to speaking in front of so many people. How do you see your role as the Session President?

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Tell us about your weirdest EYP moment!

How would you explain EYP to someone who has never heard of it?

In 2007, I was Head-Organising a session, and we were caught by the police at night heading back from the supermarket to the accommodation with a trolley full of food. We had forgotten to buy breakfast for a hundred delegates.

I would say that there are two main aspects. On the one hand, you get to travel around and see new places and meet different cultures. On the other hand, you challenge yourself and gain a lot of “soft skills” – such as leading a group, compromising or writAnd what was your best moment? ing articles. Also, for people from e.g. PoThere were so many! But I do remember land, where we do not learn English that the Closing Ceremony of the 67th Inter- well, it is a great opportunity to practice national Session in Grenoble, where I was the language. a chair. When they were calling out the How does EYP influence your daily life? names of the chairs, when it came to me, Not that much, since I have left the board my whole committee stood up and hugged of EYP Poland. However, it has definitely me. At that moment I really felt I had done influenced my choice of University studies. something good during those Also, I spend At that moment I really more days. time Why did you keep doing EYP affelt I had done something on Facebook ter your first session? keeping conI actually wanted to quit EYP good during those days. tact with my once I started working. I wanted EYP friends. to start my grown-up life and move away What is your wish for the delegates of from a high school organisation. At that Sitges ‘12? point different opportunities started com- I know most of you are very session-oriening my way. I was offered to chair in an In- tated already, willing to write and debate ternational Session – an experience which resolutions. But I would wish all of you to changed my attitude towards EYP. And have fun and feel the session spirit. Get as even after six years, there is always some- much as possible out of the session, chalthing new, some more challenges left to lenge yourself, try to say something! take up.


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Unicorn or Pegasus?

Morning or Night?

Spain or Poland?

Sweet or Sour?

***** or Youth Hostel?

Desert or Arctic?

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a matter of dignity Claudia Grimal explores European women’s right to choose on a life-changing matter: Abortion.

Eva is just seventeen and in her last year tive legislation just recently. Ironically, that of high school. She is not the smartest, not did not cause a decrease of abortion rates, the prettiest, just a normal girl. One fateful but an alarming 200,000 illegal abortions a day Eva is raped. Living in Malta, year. Especially without she has no option: She will have Sadly, keeping a money and the “right” to bear a child engendered in such connections, Eva will traumatic circumstances and not child has become a have to find a solution just overcome not just the psychoprivilege not every- outside the law, risklogical and physical damage of the ing her own safety and violation, but decide what to do body can afford. physical integrity. with that non-desired baby. Moving on to Ireland, Malta is the only European state where where abortion – despite legal loopholes – abortion is completely outlawed, even for is perceived as illegal in society, Eva would pregnancies in consensual relationships. In probably get involved in another phenomconservative catholic countries such as Po- enon: Every year, thousands of Irish women land, social pressure led to a more restric- travel to England in order to discretely end


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their pregnancies. Spain, Portugal, France – charge for the mother. Abortion is a dea large number of countries would put dif- cision that can only be taken in extreme ficulties on Eva’s abortion. Sadly, keeping a situations – but it is also a right that must child has become a privilege not everybody be guaranteed. can afford, and in Eva could be me or you. She many countries, symbolises all the European Abortion is a decision sexual education women who must have access to is still deficient. that can only be taken in a free and secure system of aborDespite all, we tion when it is needed. It lies on extreme situations – but have to keep in Member States to define its lemind that, final- also a right that must be gality on different occasions, but ly reaching her one question must be answered: guaranteed. goal, she will go How can the European Union through a shockensure that every abortion poliing and painful process that nobody likes cy respects the security and dignity of the to suffer and implies a highly emotional mothers?

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cultural diversity – addition or division? Carla Celda reviews the protection of national minorities and its importance for social and political stability. One of the most important values of hu- nation – national minorities, historical man life is often forgotten in the discourse owners of their own land, language and about nations, with countries pretending cultural values. And multi-ethnic countries, that all their citizens share the ideology, with a pluralism caused by a large number thoughts and ideas: Identity. of immigrants. Today’s societies have developed in a ge- In the recent years, there has been a risographical, cultural and political context ing awareness of the need to grant national without mono-culminorities more specific tural countries – alThere has been a rising rights, such as the use of most all states in the their native languages or world face a cultur- awareness of the need to the right to be educated ally diverse society. grant national minorities within their traditions. In Yet, there is an inFebruary 1995 in Strasteresting distinction more specific rights bourg, this became legisbetween two terms: lation when 22 Member Multicultural states that have, by force or States of the Council of Europe created freely, assimilated groups within their own the Framework Convention for the Pro-

“ We know what we are, but not what we may be “ William Shakespeare tection of National Minorities (FCNM). ceptance and integration, but if they fail, Their aim was, and still is, to achieve greater territorial integrity is at risk since groups unity towards realising and safeof opposed ideology guarding the ideals and principles will strive for indeThe minority making up a common heritage. pendence. Warning On the other hand, states obliged regions of Spain are examples are the authemselves to the existence of warning examples tonomous minority national minorities with their regions of Spain such territories, which was regarded as Catalonia, the essential for the stability of society and Basque Country that are deeply dissatisdemocracy and peace in this continent. It fied with the treatment by the state. should create a climate of tolerance and Without doubt, the European Union has dialogue to enable cultural diversity not to worked to achieve the protection and inbe a source of division, but of enrichment tegration of all its minorities – but are the for each society. adopted measures enough to realise it? For every minority, there are two sides of the coin: It can be faced with respect, ac-

the weird and Carla Celda and Taryn Cornell

Zosia Wasik (Poland)

“ I always cry in airplanes. “

“ I would only eat a vegetable if it tasted like vodka. “

Lukas Bock (Switzerland)

Carmen Guzman (Spain)

“ I am a trained lifeguard. “

“ I am obsessed with filing my nails. “

Hauke Sommer (Germany)

“ Tequila is better straight – I like it without salt or lime. “


Alex Frigola (Spain)

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Charif van Zetten (NL)

“ I have two differently shaped thumbs. “

the wonderful are introducing your chairs!

Georgina Alvarez (Spain)

“ I do not have a smartphone. “

Lorenzo Parrulli (Italy)

“ I hate chocolate. “

Elina Sairanen (Finland)

“ I enjoy cutting other people’s fingernails. “

Julia Solervicens (Spain)

“ When I am sad, I always think of cats. “

Anni Marttinen (Finland)

“ I hate Christmas. “

Luis Algeciras (Spain)

“ My hair has been dyed every colour in the rainbow. “ rosa dels vents


when words and weapons won’t work Lea Schiewer investigates the advantages and risks of economic sanctions in political relations.

According to UN estimations, more than 9,000 people have been killed in Syria during the last 13 months. While the death toll further increases, the EU has to decide how it can interfere and thus live up to its moral responsibility as stated in diverse treaties and human rights conventions. Though, negotiations apparently have reached the end of the line, military interventions are still only to be taken into consideration as a last resort. Consequently, it is the time to consider the third instrument of foreign policy after diplomacy and armed force – money. For hundreds of years, economic pressure has – more or less successfully – been put upon governments to force a change in behaviour. However, can this political leverage


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in form of tariffs, quotas, embargoes and non-tariff barriers really provide change in Syria? There are lessons of the past that need to be considered: In 2010, the US Government imposed a series of sanctions on Iran, yet President Ahmadinejad does not show the slightest inclination towards halting his nuclear programme. Also, in 2009 extended EU sanctions against Myanmar did not prompt the regime to take a step forward to democratic reforms. Moreover, in most cases it is the already suffering population that is affected by the impact of these measures. This could even provoke defensive reactions against the self-proclaimed knight in shining armour. The target is therefore easily to be missed. Furthermore, the anticipated effects do

not appear overnight – economic sanctions UN Security Council resolution conceived usually tend to be a long-term strategy, to end the violence in Syria – become inwhereas the misery of the Syrian people creasingly important. Thus, how effective takes place in this very moment. are unilateral sanctions if they are underNevertheless, the economic relations be- mined by a third party or even pretended tween the EU and Syria are not to be un- partners? derestimatAfter all, even though the praged: Member This could even provoke matic impact of mere economic States are still sanctions might be limited, they defensive reactions against its most imcan definitely be effective. Anaportant trade the self-proclaimed knight lysts credit them for instance for partners achelping to end the South African in shining armour. counting for Apartheid. Such being the case, 21.6% of the the EU, for its own sake in fatotal trade balance. But while this share is vour of non-violent solutions, could finally constantly declining, commercial relation- prove otherwise. ships with Russia and especially China – the two countries which also vetoed the

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EYP cupcakes A sweet recipe by Carla Celda


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500g self-confidence 400g love 200g enthusiasm 200g smiles 100g teamwork 40g self-improvement 4 tablespoons originality

2 tablespoons open-mindedness 1 tablespoon enjoyment 1 tablespoon friendship 1 cup positivity 1 cup humility 1 cup “being yourself”

Some advice

1. This experience will be short but intense, so try to enjoy every single moment. 2. Be willing to make friends, to learn and to have fun. 3. People around you are there to help; do not hesitate to ask.


1. In a teambuilding saucepan over medium heat: cook the enthusiasm and enjoyment, mix in some smiles, and stir occasionally until melted. Remove from heat, stir in the originality until melted and set aside to cool for some minutes. Time to have fun, meet other EYPers and get to know each other. Pour the EYP love mixture into a large bowl and combine it with the friendship. Add the cup of “being yourself”, without hiding your personality and feelings. Cover and refrigerate dough for at least one more day, while still getting to know the committee, and have fun during the day and night activities. 2. Preheat the committee work oven to 350 degrees. Roll the EYP dough and add two tablespoons of open-mindedness. Then research, think of questions, look for solutions on your committee topic and be interested in learning. Before placing the EYP dough in the oven, add the self-confidence and self-improvement, bearing in mind that with love, work, humility and enthusiasm, everything can be achieved. 3. Finally bake in the preheated General Assembly oven. This is the last step and is designed to show others your previous work, but this would not be possible without the cup of positivity and the teamwork ingredient. When cookies come out of the oven, you do not have to be nervous; just enjoy them and delight in your hard work.

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the return of the prodigal employed youth? Hugo Hoyland examines an alarming fate of our generation – youth unemployment.

Since 2007, the way we, young Europeans, see our future has forever changed. Undoubtedly, the youth has been most affected by the economic crisis: With 23%, youth unemployment is more than two times the overall unemployment rate – reaching alarming heights of up to 50% in Portugal, Greece, Spain, Slovakia, Croatia or Lithuania. It is understood by all that youth unemployment is to be tackled without any delay. Initiatives have been launched under the EU Youth Strategy 2010-2018, and the EU 2020 economic strategy has led to both national and international goals.


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Yet, a serious question to be addressed is their funding. The European Commission opened the European Social Fund (ESF), with 30 billion Euros still to be allocated, for supporting both short- and long-term projects. Those could help a new generation of youngster referred to as NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) to live up to the expectations of EU leaders who earlier this year concluded: “Within four months of leaving school, young people should receive a good quality of employment, continued education, an apprenticeship or a traineeship”. Another important aspect is the rising

“brain drain” phenomenon, a large-scale than 60,000 young people left Spain that emigration of individuals with good tech- way in 2011. nical knowledge – such as Andrea Tor- All solutions must be oriented towards regrosa from Spain. Andrea spend seven helping the NEET – but also minimise the years studying at one of her effects of human capicountry’s best educational When leaving ‘Po- tal flight. We must ask institutions for architecture. ourselves the question: litecnica de Madrid’ Nevertheless, when leaving Should educational sys“Politecnica de Madrid” she she did not even look tems be more demanddid not even look for a job in oriented to improve for a job in Spain. Spain where half of all youngthe employability of sters are unemployed. Instead, the youth, or should we like many others, she decided to leave her continue to orientate our studies according country. According to the National In- to our personal interests? stitute of Spanish Statistics (INE), more

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the feared monster Gundega Elerte seeks the benefits behind ACTA. For several months, a political agreement has been granted unprecedented attention. Next to weather, it had become the perfect topic for discussion when a dinner party went too silent – everybody, always, had something to say about it: ACTA, the socalled Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. Unfortunately, most of these opinions are made by slogans from the Internet, such as “Stop ACTA!”. But while protestors at least know why ACTA should be abolished, how many of them do actually consider why this legislation was ever introduced? Usually, actions are backed by reasons. This

must also apply to ACTA. Reasons why the Internet faces all restrictions that could ever be imagined? Reasons to spy on innocent citizens and take away all their advantages? There must be a possibility that this project was well-intended. There must be someone who would benefit if ACTA came into force. According to the Office of Cyber Security and Information Assurance, 11.2 billion Euros were lost in 2010 because of intellectual property theft. Of course, a vast amount of the income would have gone to huge companies that already make millions. However, we are also talking about

independent artists. They could actually income every state will gain. In the fiscal feel the difference, and the income would situation of today, this could indeed make enhance their work. ACTA attempts to a difference for Europe. solve this probThe wide protests against ACTA lem – the protecmight have unveiled the weakIndependent artists tion of intellecnesses of this legislation. But tual property is its could feel a difference does this really mean the problem basic idea. should not be addressed anymore? that would enhance Also, ACTA A choice is to be made between would be of ben- their work. the beauty of a entirely free Interefit for national net and the beast of complicated incomes which intellectual property laws. Let us profit from all commercial actions through try our best to make the beauty and the tax payments. Therefore, the more intellec- beast live together happily ever after. tual property enters the market, the more



why on earth are we going on a bear hunt? So you have prepared for your topics, On the surface, it is an icebreaker. You travelled far and wide (or not) to arrive, know your delegation, but you do not know and waited with anticipation for your ar- your Committee or your Officials. In fact, rival to Sitges. Suddenly you are thrown you know about 5% of the participants at into a make-believe march up mountains, the session. Naturally, a game designed to through rivers and into caves. You are as- make you laugh will ease the tension, lesssured of your desire to embark upon a Bear en the nerves, and relax your guard. But Hunt, reiterating your lack of fear and, of Teambuilding is not just about icebreakcourse, confirming that you have a fire- ing games, or even to help you know the arm… I know what you are thinking, be- names and a particular fact about all the cause I have been there, and I have thought members of your Committee. A successit too. Why on Earth ful GA debate is reliant Imagine, for a moment, upon the resolutions. A are we going on a Bear Hunt?! As beginning Committee Work resolution is only as good much fun as it is, as far as it is representative it is hard to imme- with no Teambuilding. of the opinions, ideas and diately understand knowledge of its Commithow a game designed to make us laugh and tee. Such representation is only possible feel ridiculous adds anything of true value through open and honest collaboration to an EYP session. Let me enlighten you. in Committee Work. This collaboration is


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Taryn Cornell discusses the necessity of Teambuilding and its contribution to the session. impossible without Teambuilding. tion Preparation right through to General Imagine, for a moment, beginning Com- Assembly. Some of the finest Committees mittee Work with no Teambuilding. Inevi- that have passed through EYP only suctably, people will have their own ideas about ceeded in doing so because of their imwhat solutions are best for what problems, peccable teamwork: sharing points, comand quieter members can feel too intimi- municating criticisms and helping their dated to voice their concerns speakers prepare. or ideas. Teambuilding ties So do not underTeambuilding enables the Committee together into estimate the effect a team that feels comfort- the Committee to voice of Teambuilding. able enough with each other With such an untheir own opinions, listen to voice their own opinions, deniably intense listen to others and be flex- to others and be flexible. programme as ible as a result. TeambuildEYP, Teambuilding allows for a person who has noticed a ing gives you the opportunity to develop flaw to point out the problem – before it is the Committee into a Community, and at placed into the resolution and noticed by the end of the session, that will be the reaanother Committee. Teambuilding allows son why you don’t want to leave. delegates to help each other every step of the way, from Committee Work to Resolu-

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random bites, efficient acts David Teruel scrutinises the European efforts to combat the spread of Neglected Tropical Diseases in Africa.

A nearly imperceptible female mosquito in order to contribute to the biomediflies alien to its harm. It selects, rests in cal development for the treatment of the an African arm and bites. Another Den- diseases. Aiming to reduce the widening gue infection caused. As fast as gap between Afthis bite takes place, Neglected rican and EuThe economic situaTropical Diseases are spreadropean research ing throughout the world. With tion is hindering definite institutions, the diseases such as Chagas or Snail actions, climate change programme made Fever affecting more than 1 bilpositive effects lion people mainly in Africa and makes diseases thrive. tangible, but rein remote rural areas, the faith in mained far from their eradication is vanishing. Does Europe reaching its goals. As years pass, efforts reach its goals to combat these infections’ became even harder to maintain. The ecoflourishing in Africa? nomic crisis reduced both the amount of In May 2008, four European foundations money dedicated to the eradication of disfounded a research programme in Africa eases and its effectiveness once applied.


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Forecasts are not encouraging. While the different researches to different countries economic situation is hindering definite ac- and cover more aspects of the diseases. tions, climate change makes diseases thrive: Investigations are necessary, but why not Vector insects are re-emerging in regions allowing the inhabitants of the affected where they had previously been considered poor areas to take part in them? Africans eliminated. With this outlook, Europe are not animals inside a European scienshould not only tific experiment. They are still the fund research ones who suffer from the infecAfricans are not aniprogrammes, but tion and should know in perfect also monitor and mals inside a European detail what we are dealing with. evaluate their reAnd even if we did not yet witness scientific experiment. sults. Most innegative fluctuations, there fate vestigations tend should raise our worries. There is to cover the same aspects of the disease. It a strong and urgent need to act, and there does not seem profitable to strictly evaluate is no place for random acts. We all need every of them? If so, we could redistribute efficient bites!



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mid +4 Create a committee pyra times a day +1 Shout out loud at least 6 organisers +2 Give spontaneous hugs to hug (>12 people) +3 p ou gr st te ea gr e th ve ha Mix up committees and Have a siesta -1

mates’ bed +2 Hide candy in your room drinking coffee +2 Take photos of delegates Exchange ideas on your

topic with strangers +3 A +2

Deliver a speech in the G

k in the GA +4

ittee to spea Be the first of your comm A -3

Fall asleep during the G

ponse in the GA +2 Use a relevant Direct Res never met before +2 Hug six people you have airperson +4 Write a song for your ch water bottles +3 Help an Organiser carr y ssion President +3 Have a chat with the Se ion newspaper +3 ss se e th in t pu e ur ct pi Have your Read all the newspapers Be a part of a circle +1


er -4

Lose the session newspap


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challenge accepted! by Gundega Elerte and David Teruel

Whether you are shy or confident, spend countless hours talking or listening all day – you are all EYPers now and you should be aware of what is awaiting you in the upcoming first days of this journey. Let’s play a game. During an EYP session, you will probably have to deal with situations you are not used to. We have come up with some ideas of what you should do – or maybe not. The task is easy: Just complete as many of the tasks to the left as you can, tick the boxes and count your points below. In the end of the session you can rank yourself and find out what kind of EYPer you are. Ready, set, go!

0-15: You should work more on your EYP FLOW. If you wish to experience a real EYP Spirit, the first step would be to complete these tasks quickly! You still have time to be a real EYPer. 15-35: You have passed the average barrier which means you have the EYP Spirit. Your effusive work and the passion you’ve put into the tasks have lead you to become an EYPer. 35-45: Feeling like a boss! Your proficiency working on the tasks has proven your advantage at the Session. Your enthusiasm and creativity will definitely pay off in the future. Congratulations, you are a real EYPer. The faster you complete the tasks, the more close you will get to being the perfect delegate. Leave timidity behind and get on the path. For the ones placed in the first position, congratulations, and for the others – get some work done!

air strikes – solution or casus belli? Taryn Cornell discusses the reasoning behind and practicability of pre-emptive air strikes against Iran’s nuclear programme.

Few days ago, political actors met in Istan- itial discovery of the site by Western inbul to discuss the nuclear ambitions of Iran telligence agencies in late 2009. An air – a meeting that was marked as “construc- strike on such a facility would be, as many tive” and “hopeful” and ended with the panicked Americans have pointed out, eipromise of a “second round” in Baghdad. ther impossible or ineffective. That being Yet, despite all diplomatic efforts, opportu- said, targeting other sites, such as uranium nities for talking are running out. Simulta- mines, research centres and other reactors neously to the negotiations in Turkey, dis- could have a devastating effect on a nuclear cussions on a completely different solution weapons programme. arose: pre-emptive air strikes. However, most specialists have estimated The panic of Iran’s nuclear intentions has that Iran could recover from these attacks brought about paranoia of a so-called within two to five years, and the cost of “zone of immunity”, questioning not only civilian life would be substantial. Attacks the ethics and effectiveness of an attack on would only present a permanent solution Iran, but the very ability to do so. Is it possi- if the Iranian population, already simmerble to derail Iran’s nuclear programme with ing under social unrest, would react to the air strikes? If so, is this the best method to situation by rising up against the governprevent the emergence of a nuclear Iran? ment as seen throughout the Arab Spring. Western news have been full of diagrams, On the other hand, it could also swing the pictures, facts and figures pointing at Iran’s other way, creating a new wave of nationaldevelopment of their nuclear capacity. The ism that would prevent any further IAEA main fear apinspections, and potentially cause pears to lie in the full-scale war. Iran could recover previously secret The EU needs to have a clear facility at Fordu, from these attacks with- stance on this matter, which cannear Qom. This not be fully addressed without in two to five years, and enrichment site carefully questioning the role is heavily forti- the cost of civilian life of pre-emptive striking and the fied, built unmeasures advocated by it. But would be substantial. derground whichever way you perceive the deep inside the situation, this present state of mountain, and protected by the armed hostile brinkmanship belongs in the 60s forces. Uranium enriched to 20% has been and should be resigned to the ash heap of found by IAEA inspections, after the in- history.

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in the storm of emotions by Claudia Grimal and Hugo Hoyland Weather Forecast Thursday, 26th April

Friday, 27th April

Saturday, 28th April

Sunday, 29th April

Monday, 30th April


The clouds above your head will blur your vision.

EYP Forecast

You will be very confused at first but fit in once the games have started. Do not let the weather get to you.

The clouds are slowly disappearing behind the hills.

On the transition between Teambuilding and Committee Work, you will slowly fall deeply in love with the EYP Spirit.

The sun is finally starting to come out.

Committee Work is starting to give results. The only cloud left is the countdown to the end of the session.

Do you feel satisfied now?

You will be sad and the clouds will return.

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You will be pleased with the Committee Work, now is the time to shine during the General Assembly.

Although you are severely suffering from Post EYP Depression, do not forget that the EYP spirit never dies.

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