tomorrow – issue two

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tomorrow. tomorrow the official magazine of lund 2012

issue two

editorial. Dear Delegates, when you received the first issue of this magazine earlier today, you might have wondered why it was not called “Yesterday” or “Next Week”. There is a reason which we would like to tell you. As you may have read somewhere, the theme of this Regional Session is “Tomorrow starts with your idea”. Wholeheartedly, we second this statement. But it certainly does not only apply to entrepreneurship. Tonight, you are probably all thinking of the next day to come, the day of General Assembly – tomorrow. Challenges are awaiting you, naturally bringing about hopes and fears. Make the most out of it. You have nothing to lose. Even if your Delegation does not get selected – in EYP there is always a tomorrow. It might just be one lucky moment, one e-mail away. “Tomorrow” is in your hands, enjoy Issue Two. Weronika & Ulli Editors of Lund 2012



content. 4

10 14 12

4 in the beginning was the circle 8 speechless 10 the story behind it 11 lund 2012 in numbers 12 gian caius von caprivi de como 14 blund’s adventures, vol. 2 tomorrow.


in the beginning was the circle Niks Berzinš, Ludvig Helldén, Christina Newman, Ieva Pastare, Anna Staab and Audrey Wamister accompanied our seven committees through a very sensitive process, Teambuilding Entering the room of the Committee on Culture and Education, their eager and motivated attitude strikes you immediately. The “Human Knot” was solved very swiftly and competently. Even when their Chair Franziska complicated things with blindfolds and a talking ban, nobody gave up because “the game must go on”. Even though they could not solve every knot, they stayed cool, relaxed and went on with smile in their faces.


Confusion alongside lots of fun during the game “Who am I?”.

ITRE Did Gandhi like strippers? What role does Justin Bieber have in the world? How can one of the chairs, Mats Kuuskemaa, not recognise the song “Living on a prayer”, by famous Bon Jovi? These important questions have all been discussed by the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy during their Teambuilding session. Rodi was very lucky when choosing the Committee on Civil Liberties I. Apart from it, it consists of nine beautiful girls! Surprisingly, he denied that there was a smart plan behind it. In fact, LIBE I consider themselves good liars, so this certainly includes him. Is there a connection between the committee’s ability to yell “haidouken!” extremely loud and their big heads? Finally, LIBE I also likes to make weird poses – they are all very excellent posers!


II E B I L The day started off quite awkwardly. Different schools, different people, strangers – that got familiar with each other. Discussing their own roots, it turns out that the committee dealing with xenophobia is full of young people rooted all over the world – which made it extremely interesting to discover their cultural backgrounds. LIBE II is fun, but also well-balanced with an enjoyable atmosphere of discussion. Differentiating moral perspectives were discussed within the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, assisted by the tale of Abigail – but fun was never far away during activities such as “pass the orange”, “cat and mouse” and figuring out who they “really” are. Besides enjoying the warming sun outside for a bit longer than planned, they faced a problem of gender equality while playing the “traffic jam” and finally locked themselves out! Luckily, there is always a friendly Organiser prepared to help you.


I R U J The Committee on Legal Affairs impressed with their own fashion show in mummy style, both as designers and starring. Within a couple of minutes, they managed to create two controversial but outstanding outfits. Yet, the greatest success was achieved during the “perfect square”, which they formed within just 2 minutes. Finally, the monster that they made had a nice walk through the room with its special tail dragging behind. The Party Committee on Foreign Affairs has a DJ who has played in front of hundreds of people, and is not afraid to start a party in the committee room. Also, they love food! Especially cake, and even “big sausages”. AFET is very fashionable and much into shoes, shopping and clothes. Their cooperation is said to be good, and the high level of multicultural backgrounds make them truly special people.


speechless How did you like travelling here?

How did you like Teambuilding?



Hard work and a lack of sleep can make you too tired to talk, but does that hamper communication? It is very convenient just to use your facial expression. We walked around, caught some participants and their thoughts without using words.

How was your lunch?

What do you want to tell President Monika?



the story behind it

Audrey Wamister enlightens us on the lively history of the European Youth Parliament, its organisation and what it means to us The European Youth Parliament (EYP) is a non-profit European organisation which initiates around 100 parliamentary simulations all across Europe. It provides young people with a platform to exchange their political ideas and views with each other. How did the EYP come into existence? The European Youth Parliament originated in France. It was founded by Bettina Carr-Allinson and originally meant as a school project at Lycée François-Ier in Fontainebleau. The first Sessions took place at that school in the year 1988 – about one year after the idea had been born. It developed fast and was legally recognised as the European Youth Parliament International Ltd. in 1991. Over the next ten years, the number of both National Committees and their activities increased – until several financial problems occurred. These were solved by a mutual agreement between representatives of the EYP BNC (Board of National Committees),



its alumni and the Berlin-based Schwarzkopf Foundation. Thus, EYP’s status changed and it became an official programme under this foundation. What does the European Youth Parliament give to you? By confronting the Delegates with the unknown and unfamiliar, EYP forces them out of their “comfort zone”. In other words, it encourages them to step out of their usual environment and gain new experiences. By exchanging opinions, giving speeches and having to defend your own ideas, you will evolve a lot as a person. You will learn to overcome your fears, how to become more tolerant and open towards others and their ideas and points of view. It also gives you the opportunity to travel abroad and meet extraordinarily inspiring people from very different cultural backgrounds. Thus, the European Youth Parliament is not only a lot of fun – it helps you to go a considerable step further as an individual.

lund 2012 in numbers The session is proceeding enjoyably, so Niks Berzins decided to offer an unusual, rather mathematical perspective: Statistics about you, our session and fun facts on how these numbers correspond globally.

54 SEK

matching the number of days in a year.

did the average delegate spend on the journey, so small simply because most money was reimbursed by your schools.

5:30 h

365 km did it take you on average to get to Lund (varying from 1 to 2000 km).

4:20 hours

54 is also the number of days Paris Hilton has spent in prison.

were spent travelling (spreading from 2 minutes to 16 hours)

4:20 is also a term referring to the worldwide appreciation of Cannabis.

was the time when you woke up to get here

and it also the time zone in New Delhi in deviation from GMT

6 months ago the Orga team started their preparations for this event


also, 3.14 is the value of the mathematical constant π. when the London riots had just started.

different means of transportation did you have to use


corresponding to the number of kilometres from Lund to Iraq according to Google Earth.

sheets of paper will be used during the session



gian caius von caprivi de como With only 2 hours of sleep a night for the past 2 months, “John” von Caprivi de Como has managed to fully organise an EYP session in Lund. Christina Daubjerg Newman and Ludvig Helldén got the honour to interview this extraordinary boy. John von Caprivi de Como is by no the EYP was like, he smiles. “Honestmeans a usual person. Italian born, ly, I thought ‘what the hell are these growing up all around the world, people doing, dancing around and and for the past 3 years living in playing ridiculous games?’ I thought Sweden, he is very we were going multicultural. Only debate!” What the hell are toSoon, being 18 years of he found age, he has already these people doing? out that it is achieved a lot. so much more I thought we were than just debatgoing to debate! In 2010 he got into ing – the whole EYP and attended the EYP community 6th National Session in Stockholm. makes everyone have a blast at Telling us how his first impression of sessions. “I’ve been in EYP Sweden



for 2 years now, and what keeps me coming back is the people.” John started organising the session back in May 2011. He applied as a head-organiser for the Swedish Nationals in 2012, but EYP Sweden decided to introduce Regional Sessions this year. John was selected to be in charge of the one in EUP Syd, and decided to have it here – in Lund. “It is a beautiful, lovely city and it is a good place to have a session”. He did a bit of work over the summer, and collected a won-

derful organising team. They have have such a wonderful and internabeen working hard since August tional team of Officials. They might 2011. be able to inspire the Delegates to “What is your aim for the session?” continue their involvement in EYP. “To be the best Regional Session John emphasises that the session is in Sweden, haha! But most impor- proceeding brilliantly. The organistantly my aim would be for every- ers were here at 6 o’clock in the one to have a morning, wonderful time. and had These might not be the best These might not their first be the best ven- venues, only 2 days and quite me etues, only 2 days a small session, or neither a ing at 5 and quite a small 3-michelin-star food, but I want o ’ c l o ck session, or neither people to have a lot of fun and at our a 3-michelin-star a c co m food, but I want really enjoy it. modapeople to have a tion. Evelot of fun and really enjoy it. I also ryone seems to be happy, which never expected that we would pleases him a lot. “If this continues,

this will be a great success!” When looking back on past EYP experiences, he can’t name one part, but the people are what make him returning. He tells us that he has never met a group quite like EYPers. Moreover, the academic aspect is very interesting, as well as travelling, because who does not want to see the world? But the people are definitely the best part. “When you are not with them, you miss them. When you are with them, you are having the time of your life.” When asking him if he has something to tell all the Delegates, he does not think for a second, and the message is clear: Enjoy!



blund’s adventures, vol. 2 Blund had a very tough night outside, waiting all night for the delegates to arrive. Still, he did not lose his excitement for the session to begin and prowled around in the school – again followed by Ieva Pastare and Anna Staab. after waking up, he got some cans of energy drink before going to Spyken ...

found some new girlfriends ...

where he finally met the first delegates! He had some fun during teambuilding ... stalked some journos at work ...

delegates even fed him, but when it came to serious debates ...

he rather enjoyed lunch ...

and created himself a facebook profile so he could stay in touch with all the interesting people he got to know ...

Then he came back to the orga room, where he got the first portion of popcorn prepared for the movie night!


our sponsors:

tomorrow. the official magazine of lund 2012

was brought to you by:

Audrey Wamister (CH) Ieva Pastare (LV)

Spegel Spegel Ludvig HelldĂŠn (SE)

Anna Staab (DE)

special thanks to:

Christina Newman (DK)

Niks BerzinĹĄ (LV)



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