My portfolio Ulrik Uhre Brink
U l r i k U h r e B r i n k – 2 0 4 0 4 0 2 6 -‐ m a i l @ u l r i k u h r e b r i n k . d k
Index Remember Last Night – Smartphone Application Abstract User needs Concept Illustrations
3 3 3 3 3
CrowdBox – smartphone web application Abstract Illustrations
4 4 4
Edderfuglen – a website Abstract Illustrations
5 5 5
Intranet website application Abstract Illustrations
6 6 6
SmartPics – smartphone application Abstract Illustrations
7 7 7
CountDownCandle – website Abstract Illustrations
8 8 8
Remember Last Night – Smartphone Application Abstract The main motivation was to conceptualize a new self tracking application with focus on the implicit gestures interfaces with the use of the sensors in a smartphone i.e. accelerometer, Bluetooth, GPS and microphone.
User needs The core user needs which are addressed by the application. • As a user I want to know the places and which people I was with for a time period, so if I don’t remember I can look it up. • As a user I want to have a map of the locations I visited, so that in case I lost something I can easily retract my steps • As a user I want to have a time overview of the events i did last night, so that in case I lost something I can easily retract my steps.. • As a user I want to easily be able to tag(on facebook) my friends the next day, on the pictures i took yesterday, so all my friends on facebook can see what and whom i was with yesterday.
Concept The general concept is to obtain implicit data from different sensors during last night events. The user will then be presented with a path on who of his friends i encountered with and where they went. The app can recommend places and friends based upon the collected implicit data.
CrowdBox – smartphone web application Abstract To conceptualize an application that would make it easier for the DJ to choose the music that the crowd wants to listen to. A sub-‐goal was to allow people to get knowledge about where their friends are on campus/DTU. One last thing was to get people to socialize and allow them to find new friends with people that have a common taste in music.
Edderfuglen – a website Abstract A website for a café which needed a website to serve their customers by displaying their menu, news and other relevant information.
Intranet website application Abstract A company needed an application for their intranet so the consultants could register time spent on different projects.
SmartPics – smartphone application Abstract The main idea for the application was to make uploading pictures for several different social networks at the same time. The focus was to make it as easy as possible for the user to choose both network and pictures. While the user adds content/comments/tags to the images, the images are uploaded in the background and then the information is added later on. This saves time for the user.
CountDownCandle – website Abstract Create a website which could present the countdown candles in the best way in terms of exploration.