Almanac Weekly #31 2018

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A miscellany of Hudson Valley art, adventure and ideas | Calendar & Classifieds | Issue 31 | Aug. 2 – 9



Stage Phoenicia Festival of the Voice | MAD Celebration of the Arts | O+ Festival in Poughkeepsie | Wassaic Project Summer Festival Music Joan Jett at UPAC | Andy Frasco and the UN at Bearsville | Fred Hersch at Maverick | Beach Boys & Righteous Brothers at Bethel Woods | Drum & Bugle competition at Dietz Stadium Night Sky See the Magnificent Six Kids’ Almanac Tall ship in Kingston




Aug. 2, 2018

Lightweight humaninterest story turns sinister in Three Identical Strangers Three Identical Strangers retells a story that was all over the tabloids and talk shows in the 1980s: how 19-year-old Robert Shafran arrived for his first day of school at Sullivan County Community College and found himself eagerly welcomed “back” by fellow students. That same night he was introduced to his doppelganger, Edward Galland, who had been born on the same date and adopted out by the same agency. When their story began appearing in newspapers, their third lost sibling, David Kellman, got in touch with Bobby and Eddy. If all there was to this story was the triplets’ joyous reunion, their bachelor antics at Studio 54, their cameo spot in Desperately Seeking Susan, their successful Roumanian steakhouse venture, I wouldn’t blame anyone for deciding to give Three Identical Strangers a pass. But the triplets’ tale soon turns dark, and then darker still, in a series of finely orchestrated, rigorously documented and suspensefully unwound plot twists. You will walk out of this film feeling rattled. To reveal too many details up-front to viewers who don’t already know the background would be unfair to director Tim Wardle’s painstaking efforts to peel back this rotting onion one layer at a time, which he executes very skillfully indeed (and on a modest budget). Let’s just say that things start to get strange when Bobby, Eddy and David’s adoptive parents begin to confront the Louise Wise Services Jewish adoption agency about why it didn’t tell any of them that the six-month-old babies placed with them were triplets. The answer they’re offered – that it’s difficult to find an adoptive home that will accept three babies at once – is deeply unsatisfying. His curiosity piqued by the story, Pulitzer Prizewinning New Yorker journalist Lawrence Wright starts digging and finds out not only that splitting up the boys was deliberate, but why. The answers may chill your enthusiasm for the science of psychology for a good while. By the end, Three Identical Strangers becomes a detailed inquiry into the nature-versus-nurture debate as well as an indictment of well-meaning scholarship tending toward social engineering. It’s intensely thought-provoking as well as morally disturbing. Go catch this fine documentary while it’s still running at Upstate Films in Rhinebeck. You’ll soon understand why it became the surprise hit at Sundance 2018. – Frances Marion Platt



Ulster County Fair in New Paltz this week


y the time you read this, the Ulster County Fair will be well underway, and you will have missed the awesome entry discount of $50 for up to eight people on Carload Night on Tuesday. But don’t be sad; the Fair goes on through Sunday, August 5. Seniors are admitted free from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursday, August 2; otherwise, the pay-oneprice admission of $17 per person covers all midway rides, shows and entertainment (not counting games) from 10 a.m. until closing. Rides open at 11 a.m. It’s a good deal, and a reliably fun immersion in the authentic cornpone ambiance of an old-timey country fair (plus some high-tech thrill rides). Some people pick their fair day on the basis on the evening headline act, so here’s that schedule: Actor/singer Billy Bob Thornton appears with his band the Boxmasters at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, August 1. The indestructible Charlie Daniels Band steps up at 8 p.m. on Thursday, August 2. “Hat act” Keith Anderson delivers two shows on Friday, August 3, at 4 and 8 p.m. Up-and-coming Nashville star Jenny Tolman performs at 7 p.m. on Saturday, August 4, followed by Cale Dodds at 8 p.m. And Steve Augeri, former lead vocalist of Journey, flexes his pipes at 5:30 p.m. on Sunday to wrap up the Fair. Daily entertainment includes Robinson’s Racing Pigs, the Two by Two Petting Zoo, the Butterfly Experience, the Moogician and chainsaw carver Josh Landry. Wednesday evening ends with fireworks. There’s a truck pull on Thursday evening and an antique tractor pull on Friday. Horse shows spotlight draft horses on Wednesday and Friday, ponies on Thursday, a Western gymkhana on Saturday and English dressage on Sunday. Other attractions include police dog drills, spinning and weaving demonstrations, all the usual competitions for farm animals, preserves and pies – not the mention the 4-H Club’s booth selling justly famous extra-thick milkshakes. There’s something for pretty much everyone here. The Ulster County Fairgrounds are located at 249 Libertyville Road in New Paltz, west of the Wallkill River crossing. (Arriving from the direction of Gardiner is the locals’ secret method of avoided traffic backups.) Parking is ample and free. For full County Fair schedules and much more info, visit

LongReach Arts’ “Niches” exhibition To river sailors, a “reach” means the maximum distance that their boat can sail

on a single tack, winds and currents permitting, before a bend in the stream forces them to come about. Geographically speaking, that translates into a stretch where the river flows roughly in a straight line without obstacles. The longest such stretch of the Hudson estuary, known to boaters as the Long Reach, corresponds to the heart of what we call the “midHudson”: from Crum Elbow in the north to the mouth of the Wappinger Creek in the south.

Thus, LongReach Arts is a pretty apt name for a cooperative representing artists who live and work in the midHudson region, primarily Ulster and Dutchess Counties. The organization has actually been around since 1982, originally under the name of the Summergroup. This Sunday, the works of 17 LongReach artists go on view in vertical niches that run along the interior of Beacon’s historic Howland Cultural Center, in a group exhibition

ALBERT SHAHINIAN FINE A RT 22 E. Market St., 3rd Floor, Rhinebeck, NY (845) 876-7578 Thursday–Saturday, 11–6; Sunday, 12–5 & by appointment & chance

Yale Epstein G EOMETRY –A FFECT –S PIRIT : New Works on Paper

ArtistTalk/Q&A: Sunday Afternoon, August 5, 2-4 p.m. • On View Through August, 2018 In the Holdings Gallery: Painting • Photography • Landscape • Sculpture




Aug. 2, 2018


100s of things to do every week

Leaving the house can be a wild ride...

appropriately titled “Niches.” The participating artists are Arlene Becker, Debbie Bein, Diane Christi, David Curtis, Carolyn Edlund, Staats Fasoldt, Stacie Flint, Carol Loizides, José Gomez, Claudia Gorman, Rob Greene, Trina Greene, Ellen Metzger O’Shea, Marlene Wiedenbaum, Carol Pepper-Cooper, Nancy Scott, Elayne Seaman, Michelle Squires and Carole Wolf. The range of work in “Niches” expresses the artists’ diversity of media and styles, including oils, watercolor, plein air, printmaking, pastel, collage, fiber art, mixed media, sculpture, photography (traditional, digital, alternative process), landscape, portrait, abstraction and representation. The opening reception will take place from 3 to 5 p.m. on Sunday, August 4, and the show will stay up until Saturday, August 26, when a closing reception will be held from 4:30 to 6 p.m. The Howland Cultural Center is located at 477 Main Street in Beacon. For more information, visit



Tall ship in Kingston

oes summery weather make you yearn to get out on the water, preferably on a vessel powered by the wind rather than a stinky, noisy motor? From August 3 through 12, you’ll have multiple opportunities to do that, aboard the sailing ship of your dreams: the Kalmar Nyckel. It’s a full-scale replica of the Dutch-built, square-rigged merchant pinnace that brought Swedish settlers led by Peter Minuit to North America in 1638 to establish the colony of New Sweden, later known as Delaware. With ten cannons, 7,500 square feet of sails, six miles of rigging and a ten-story-high mainmast, the Kalmar Nyckel is a sight to be seen. On Saturday, August 4 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday, August 5 from 2 to 6 p.m., the ship will be open for deck tours while docked at the Hudson River Maritime Museum on the Strand in Kingston’s Rondout District. Visitors can ring the ship’s bell, march around the capstan and steer the ship using the whipstaff. Deck tours cost $10 for adults and $5 for children under age 17; younger kids come aboard for free. Captain Lauren Morgens will present a special talk, “Working the Kalmar Nyckel: Understanding History and Innovation through a Sailing Ship” at 7 p.m. on Saturday, August 4. Lecture tickets are $10 for purchase at the Hudson River Maritime Museum. But you wanted to be out on the actual river, didn’t you? Day sails are scheduled from noon to 2:30 p.m. on Monday, August 6, Thursday, August 9 and Sunday, August 12, and from 5 to 7:30 p.m. on Friday, August 3, Monday, August 6 and Thursday to Sunday, August 9 through 12. Guests are invited to haul lines, set sails and enjoy maritime tales of the original Kalmar Nyckel – or just bring along a picnic and enjoy time on the water. Prices for day sails are $60 for adults, $40 for children under 17. Special Pirate Sails have been added to the schedule for the more adventurous and young at heart. The Kalmar Nyckel welcomes landlubbers to “walk the plank” for a fun-filled Pirate Sail on Sunday, August 5 from 10 a.m. to noon or Friday and Saturday, August 10 and 11 from noon to 2 p.m. Tickets cost $55 for adults and $35 for children under 17. The ship’s crew don pirate and sailor garb, spin pirate tales, host a scavenger hunt and raise the Jolly Roger. Costumes are optional for guests. To book your sail, visit While tickets may also be purchased at the dock prior to a scheduled sail, it is best to make reservations. The Hudson River Maritime Museum is located at 50 Rondout Landing in Kingston.

Mushroom hike in West Shokan this Friday Do you envy “mycogeeks” – people who can easily rattle off the scientific names of mushroom species – every time you flinch at the price of a gourmet meal involving wild fungi? Are you already confident in your ability to identify a few edible species, but baffled about where to begin looking for them? Perhaps joining an expedition led by more knowledgeable mushroom-hunters is in order. This Friday afternoon, August 3, the Olive Free Library is organizing a free Mushroom ID Hike. Participants will meet at the Library at 3 p.m. and carpool/ caravan up to the Kenape Trail. Recent rainy weather should bring out abundant blooms of ‘shrooms of many seasonal species. You probably won’t become privy to anyone’s secret chanterelle source, but learning to tell the difference between the succulent, the inedible and the downright deadly is a good way to get started. The outing should take about an hourand-a-half. Wear sturdy shoes and bring water. To preregister, call (845) 657-2482 or e-mail The Olive Free Library is located at 4033 Route 28A in West Shokan.



Aug. 2, 2018



Look at this maniac hanging off a real helicopter. Are you not entertained?

Mission accomplished Mission: Impossible - Fallout understands exactly what an action movie starring Tom Cruise should be


hat is this strange creature called Tom Cruise? Who can explain why a 56-year-old man with a half-billion-dollar net worth insists on putting himself through hell doing outlandish stunts to amuse the masses every few years? Why are the results so entertaining? Mission: Impossible - Fallout mainly exists as an opportunity to turn this human dynamo loose in various scenic locales to chase antagonists by any means

ORPHEUM Saugerties • 246-6561

of conveyance available. There is also a plot. Early on, we’re shown that Cruise’s Ethan Hunt isn’t very good at math or planning more than one step ahead: If someone he cares about is in danger, but saving that person puts millions of lives at risk, he’ll save his friend and deal with the consequences later. Pitted against him are The Apostles. They have a plan to unite humanity through mass devastation of their own making. “The greater the suffering, the greater the peace.� Their math is dismal: trade perhaps a few hundred million lives for an end to all wars and a united planet. They think that’s what it would

Fri & Sat at 7:20 & 9:30, Sun thru Thur at 7:30



Fri & Sat at 7:20 & 9:30, Sun thru Thur at 7:30 Ewan McGregor, Hayley Atwell


Fri thru Thur at 7:30


FRI. 08/03>THURS. 08/09

Christopher Robin


Christopher Robin

Main Street, Millerton, NY 518-789-3408


Mon & Thur: All Seats $6 • Open Every Night!


Don’t Worry He Won’t Get Far on Foot

ŕśœŕś?ŕśšŕś?ŕś? ŕś‘ŕśŒŕś?ŕś–ŕśœŕś‘ŕś‹ŕś‰ŕś” ŕś›ŕśœŕśšŕś‰ŕś–ŕś?ŕś?ŕśšŕś› Wednesday, 8/8, 7PM: TCM Big Screen Classics THE BIG LEBOWSKI - 20th Anniversary Screening THEMOVIEHOUSE.NET




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and puncturing a lung in the process. Mission: Impossible - Fallout might be the best installment yet in the big-screen reboot of the ’60s television series. The action is thrilling and the direction and performances hit the right notes. Cruise’s Hunt is the perfect character for the actor to play at this stage of his career. He is Cruise. A superhigh-functioning, self-ac tualized workaholic with a mysterious inner life who wants to make you happy. Don’t buy him as a romantic lead anymore? That’s fine. He gets it. His longest sustained interaction with an actress with any hint of emotion is with a former love who has found a balanced and meaningful life with a new guy. Hunt endorses this, and she endorses his maniacal need to save the world. Not sure if you can trust him, with the whole Scientology thing and the backlash he’s experienced from it? The movie uses that too, with Hunt’s weird life and repeated betrayal by the government given as possible reasons that

Cruise always does his own stunts. Some say that shouldn’t inuence how we watch a scene, but it does.

take to bring us together; presumably the consequences of international disunity on a warming and nuclearized planet would be worse. This is the best kind of villain: Not a megalomaniac seeking world domination, but a group with an ostensibly worthy goal whose cold logic would make the means to that end unspeakably h o r r i fi c . T h e Apostles would have no trouble with the classic ethical dilemma: They’d push the fat man off the platform to stop the runaway trolley and save the innocent persons in its path. Ethan Hunt would first ensure the man was safe before flinging himself down onto the trolley, crash through the roof, and, through an instant and intuitive mastery of trolley controls, somehow jump the track and crash into a nearby depot, saving all involved – though breaking several ribs

408 Main Street, Rosendale •

INCREDIBLES 2 THUR 8/2, 1pm ($6) & 7:15pm THE KING FRI 8/3 – MON 8/6 & THUR 8/9, 7:15pm. WED 8/8, $6 matinee, 1pm

Artist’s New Work Forum: People, Places, &

Stuff That Happened SAT 8/4 4pm, $5 POPE FRANCIS: A Man of His Word TUE 8/7, 7:15pm & THUR 8/9, $6 matinee, 1pm

WON’T YOU BE MY NEIGHBOR? FRI 8/10 – MON 8/13 & THUR 8/16, 7:15pm. WED 8/15, $6 matinee, 1pm

Summer Film and Performance Series for Families:

TRUTH! SAT 8/11, $10/$8 11am 845.658.8989




Aug. 2, 2018


The gemstone rainbow Look for the Magnificent Six


he night of the Martian super-close approach has come and gone. But Mars remains blazingly brilliant all month. And it’s not even the best thing out there. My friend Billie-Jo tells about her recent Rhode Island beach camping trip: “My husband Randy and I just stood there gaping at that amazing array of planets – Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars all in a row.” It was gratifying to see a non-astronomer so accurately aware of, and excited by, the rare display above our heads this summer. But it won’t last forever. By late fall, only Saturn and Mars will remain, with the latter too distant and tiny to draw much attention. And it’s not just planets. Evenly spaced between those worlds are some of the zodiac’s most famous stars, with the whole thing forming a rainbow of gemstones. Want to see it for yourself ? It’s easy, if you can get to a place with an unobstructed sweep of sky to the west, south and southeast, like the Walkway over the Hudson. Or maybe you have hilltop friends with an extensive view. Or you can phone the affable Barry Knight, who might take you up on his amazing private fire tower near the Ashokan Reservoir. The correct time is important. Before 9 p.m., Mars is too low in the southeast. After around 9:30, Venus gets too low in the west, or even sets. So, you really want to observe this thing from 9 to 9:15 p.m. Any clear night in the next few weeks will work. Rip out this page, bring it with you and just follow along. Start with the brightest star above where the Sun set. There, lowish in the west, is brilliant Venus, which has been our companion for months. In the following, the word “brilliant” means one of the sky’s most dazzling “stars.” The word “bright” means less luminous, but still eyecatching. Start your sweep to the left of Venus. You’ll be looking for a line of six bright or brilliant stars that gets slightly higher up as you look leftward, but then curves lower

Want to see it for yourself? It’s easy, if you can get to a place with an unobstructed sweep of sky to the west, south and southeast, like the Walkway over the Hudson.

he may be the shadowy villain the Mission Impossible team is seeking. Cruise always does his own stunts. Some say that shouldn’t influence how we watch a scene, that the measure of a film is only what’s on the screen – that is, if a scene is shot with a stuntman or on a green screen, and you can’t tell the difference, then it doesn’t matter. Whether or not it should matter, it does. If you know that Cruise really broke his ankle jumping from a building – and that take is in the movie – or that he and co-star Henry Cavill completed more than 100 high-altitude jumps during the three minutes per day of available light for a sunset skydiving sequence, or that it’s really him on a BMW motorcycle threading the needle through precisely choreographed traffic in Paris – this elevates the film above the typical modern CGI spectacle. It’s the anti-superhero movie. Superheroes fly gracefully and collide with the force of megatons, but never really hurt one another. The movies, when they work,

are interesting because the characters, like Greek gods, represent archetypal human conflicts on a supernatural stage. Their battles are ritual – a necessary, formalized part of the drama needed to advance the story. Ethan Hunt is all too human. He’s in great shape for a guy in his 50s, but watch him run at top speed for what seems like several minutes, or climb a rope suspended from a helicopter, fall and painstakingly make his way back up – these are scenes no one would think to use CGI for. They’re not graceful, but they work. There’s blood, sweat, pumping lungs, the collision of hard bone on unyielding concrete. You watch with sweaty palms and vertigo. The comparison of action movies to amusement park rides is a cliche, but apt. Genre movies work when they induce an involuntary emotional and/or physical response: laughter (comedy), fear (horror), enchantment (fantasy), and so on. If they marshal all the tools of film to create the intended effect, then they


The correct time is important. Before 9 p.m., Mars is too low in the southeast. After around 9:30, Venus gets too low in the west, or even sets. So, you really want to observe this thing from 9 to 9:15 p.m. Any clear night in the next few weeks will work. Rip out this page, bring it with you and just follow along.

again, making the whole formation a kind of enormous, slightly flattened rainbow that starts leftward from Venus and ends in nearly the opposite direction of the sky. Ready? From Venus, go left and a bit higher and you’ll see the bright-blue star Spica, Virgo’s main luminary. Continue left and slightly upward to the brilliant yellow/white Jupiter, the highest point of the rainbow. Go left and a bit lower from Jupiter, and you’ll see the bright-orange Antares, the major luminary of Scorpius. Continue left from orange Antares, and the next bright star is the colorless Saturn. (Saturn’s actually a bit higher than Antares, spoiling the perfect rainbow arc.) Continue left and lower from Saturn, and you reach the very brilliant and orange Mars. If you counted six stars, you’ve succeeded, with four of them being planets. They’re each separated by roughly the same distance from each other. You don’t need a telescope for any of this. But if you own any-size scope lying around gathering dust, your best targets are Jupiter and Saturn. Again, the only challenge is finding a site with an open, unobstructed view halfway around the sky from the west through the south to the southeast. If you’re nestled somewhere, you may have to move to a couple of spots, and take in pieces at a time – of this magnificent, jeweled, celestial rainbow. – Bob Berman Want to know more? To read Bob’s previous columns, visit our Almanac Weekly website at Check out Bob‘s new podcast, Astounding Universe, co-hosted by Pulse of the Planet’s Jim Metzner.

succeed. Fallout does this with style. Catch it if you want to see big budget spectacle done right. – Will Dendis

Matagiri 50th Birthday Celebration

Bird-On-A-Cliff Theatre Company’s

Woodstock Shakespeare Festival

Romeo and Juliet Director

Christopher Martin Friday August 3rd 7:30 pm

Indian Classical Ragas on Saxophone Kay Brothers with Ray Spiegel, tabla Voluntary Donation Saturday August 4th

ens p O Now playing

July 27th thru Sept. 2nd thru Sept 2nd

2 pm Aviram Rozin

Fri, Sat, Sun 5:30PM


45 Comeau Drive Woodstock, NY 12498

Water Conservation & Food Forests in India, Haiti and Kenya • Voluntary Donation $15 Adults, $10 16 and under suggested donation

Call 845.679.8322 for information All Events at Ashokan Center 477 Beaverkill Rd., Olivebridge, NY 12461 • 845-657-8333


For More Info: 845 247 4007

By Bernard Pomerance

A READING Directed by Lora Lee Ecobelli* WITH

Logan Rando Andrew Joffe Chris Bailey Brett Owen* Jon Lee Susan Willerman* Nancy Rothman* *member Actor’s Equity

August 11— 7pm TICKETS $12

purchase online at Mescal Hornbeck Community Center Rock City Rd Woodstock NY



Aug. 2, 2018

MUSIC Phoenicia Festival of the Voice this weekend


he Phoenicia Festival of the Voice may be the clinical example of our region’s uniquely disproportionate art-to-population and quality-to-density ratios. Remote, small and uncompromisingly high quality for what it is, the Festival of the Voice is a delightful absurdity. To put it another way, in the ’70s, you were about 1,000 times more likely to see members of the Band drinking in local rooms than performing in them. That has changed, and one of the chief indicators of the change is the proliferation of high-grade festivals catering to sophisticated tastes. It is old news that every third or fourth cottage in the Catskills seems to house a federally funded sculptor (often in matched pairs), or at the very least, someone who has played with David Bowie. The Hudson Valley and the Woodstock area in particular have been a picturesque housing project for national and international artists for a nearly a century. What is comparatively new to the region is this spirit of arts programbuilding: the sense of the Catskills as a liminal Berkshires hewn of old-growth forests and still a little red behind the neck. The awakening “work local” ethic among our residing arts professionals may have just as much to do with the culturewide devaluation of “content,” epiphanies born of the near-death experiences of numerous arts industries. The “local” has never been much of revenue stream, and still isn’t; but, when the big rivers run dry? Nobody elects lean times, but it is hard to deny the

GUEST SPECIAL llen Slam A drix en Plays H

The 2018 Phoenicia Festival of the Voice runs from Friday to Sunday, August 3 to 5.


arm as well: workshops, master classes and talks. This year’s densely packed weekend features a gospelcentric vocal ensemble performance led by Damien Sneed (August 3); a multi-genre performance by the a cappella ensemble Lady Parts (August 4); two performances of Eric Grant’s new play about the Orlando nightclub shooting, Bleecker Street (August 4 and 5); a production of Rossini’s early opera La cambiale di matrimonio (August 4) followed that evening by a production


Ginger Costa-Jackson will star as Carmen this Saturday, August 4 at 8 p.m. on the Phoenicia Park Main Stage.

bracing effect they can have on communal values.

Running from Friday to Sunday, August 3 to 5, the 2018 Phoenicia Festival of the Voice sets the mountains on fire with song. Always relatively genre-agnostic, the Festival celebrates jazz, stage, classical, opera and a certain amount of the unclassifiable, combining a series of concerts with an educational and outreach


calendar manager classifieds

Julie O’Connor Bob Berman, Debra Bresnan, John Burdick, Erica Chase-Salerno, Will Dendis, Sharyn Flanagan, Leslie Gerber, Richard Heppner, Mikhail Horowitz, Jeremiah Horrigan, Ann Hutton, Dion Ogust, Frances Marion Platt, Lee Reich, Lynn Woods, Carol Zaloom Donna Keefe Tobi Watson, Amy Murphy, Dale Geffner

ULSTER PUBLISHING publisher ................................. Geddy Sveikauskas executive editor, digital................Will Dendis production/technology director......Joe Morgan advertising director ................. Genia Wickwire advertising.......................Lynn Coraza, Sue Rogers, Pam Courselle, Elizabeth Jackson, Ralph Longendyke, Linda Saccoman, Jackie Polisar, Jenny Bella circulation manager.................... Dominic Labate production.............. Josh Gilligan, Rick Holland, Diane Congello-Brandes Almanac Weekly is distributed in Woodstock Times, New Paltz Times, Saugerties Times and Kingston Times and as a stand-alone publication throughout Ulster, Dutchess, Columbia & Greene counties. We’re located on the web at Have a story idea? To reach editor Julie O’Connor directly, e-mail or write Almanac Weekly c/o Ulster Publishing, PO Box 3329, Kingston, NY 12402. Submit event info for calendar consideration two weeks in advance to (attn: Donna). To place a classified, e-mail copy to classifieds@ or call our office at (845) 334-8200. To place a display ad, call (845) 334-8200 or e-mail



Aug. 2, 2018

formation, visit www.liveatthefalcon. com. The Falcon is located at 1348 Route 9W in Marlboro.

Andy Frasco & the UN play Bearsville this Friday

Mural design for Poughkeepsie gateway Route 9 underpass by Risa Tochigi aka boogieREZ


O+ Festival in Poughkeepsie


orn in Kingston, the O+ Festival has spread across the river to Poughkeepsie. Combining art, music, healthcare and awareness, the second annual O+ Poughkeepsie Festival takes place on August 3 and 4. Three mural artists and more than 20 musical acts take part in this multi-location street-scene happening. The Gardiner-based legendary graffiti and mural artist Lady Pink, who made a mural in Kingston during the 2016 festival, now undertakes a large-scale project in Poughkeepsie, as will Newburgh-based mural artist and graphic designer Joe Pimentel and muralist and educator Sam Meyerson of New York City. The three works will be unified by the common theme of “Shadow.� Since its inception, O+’s approach to music has combined local with national. This year’s Poughkeepsie festival places an emphasis on busker-style street performance, hip-hop, reggae/dub, indie-rock, folk/bluegrass, electronic and spoken-word. Notable performers this year include Lara Hope & the Ark-Tones (rockabilly), Bright Dog Red (improvisational) and JAHG (rap). Healthcare services and awareness have been integral to O+’s design from the outset. The participating musicians and artists will receive complimentary health and wellness care in the O+ Artists’ Clinic, which is staffed by volunteer providers. Festival attendees can also experience a wellness EXPO+ that highlights health and wellness services locally available and have the opportunity to take EXPLO+RE classes in yoga, dance, meditation and more. Admission to O+ is pay-what-you-can, with a suggested donation of $10. For complete list of events, performers and venues, visit

of George Bizet’s Carmen; a closing gala with Broadway star Marissa McGowan (August 5); and a variety of workshops such as the one on shape-note singing (August 5) and interesting lectures. A full-festival mainstage pass is available for $127. Tickets to individual performances are available as well. For venues, showtimes, tickets and complete festival information, visit www. – John Burdick

Woods Center for the Arts on Sunday, August 5. On board for this date is another legend of the ’60s and beyond: the Righteous Brothers, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame duo who have topped the charts in four decades. Showtime is 7:30 p.m. Reserved ticket prices range from $58 to $117. Lawn access costs $38. For tickets and additional information, visit www.bethelwoodscenter. org. The Bethel Woods Center for the Arts is located at 200 Hurd Road in Bethel.

Beach Boys, Righteous Brothers play Bethel Woods this Sunday

Band, Jamie McLean also leads his own band, currently touring in support of One and Only, his new grinding rock record produced by Wilco’s Ken Coomer and featuring contributions from legendary mandolinist Sam Bush and Jeff Coffin of the Dave Matthews Band. The Jaime McLean Band performs at the Falcon in Marlboro on Friday, August 3 at 8 p.m. As usual, there is no cover charge at the Falcon, but direct-to-artist donation keeps the good times rolling. For more in-

Following a performance at Mountain Jam that left thousands dizzy and jubilant, Andy Frasco & the UN find themselves summoned to local duty again by Radio Woodstock, performing at the Bearsville Theater on Friday, August 3 at 9 p.m. An impossibly energetic purveyor of soul, funk, rock, roots, Americana and blues, Frasco has released five independent fulllength recordings and has shared the stage with everyone from Leon Russell, Dr. Dog, Joe Walsh and Gary Clark, Jr. to Snoop Dog, Galactic, Pepper, Foreigner and more. Ticket prices are $20 and $30. For tickets and additional information, visit The Bearsville Theater is located at 291 Tinker Street in Woodstock.

Dierks Bentley to play Bethel Woods on Friday

Country megastar Dierks Bentley and special guests the Brothers Osborne and Lanco will perform at the Bethel Woods Center for the Arts on Friday, August 3 at 7 p.m. The blue-

Jamie McLean plays Marlboro’s Falcon this Friday

The suddenly revitalized Beach Boys, led by core members Mike Love and Bruce Johnston, bring their timeless sounds of summer to the Bethel

Best-known as a guitarist with such New Orleans luminaries at Aaron Neville and the Dirty Dozen Brass

Bel Canto Institute Presents

An Afternoon of Italian Songs and Arias with



Sunday, August 12 2 P.M.

Redeemer Lutheran Evangelical Church Concert Series Rte. 32 New Paltz for info email donation requested refreshments to follow Saturday, August 4 Jazz at the Maverick Fred Hersch, piano and Gilad Hekselman, guitar


Sunday, August 5 Jupiter String Quartet Debussy Sydney Hodkinson Ned Rorem Schumann


120 MAVERICK RD WOODSTOCK NY 12498 845.679.8217



Aug. 2, 2018

chip multi-platinum recording artist and live draw will be supporting his ninth studio effort, 2018’s serious and searching The Mountain. Reserved seat prices range from $79.75 to $117.75. Lawn seating costs $45. For tickets and additional information, visit The Bethel Woods Center for the Arts is located at 200 Hurd Road in Bethel.

Igudesman & Joo perform this Saturday at Doctorow Center

Jamie Saft and New Zion (above) and other musicians, dancers and performance artists who live and work in Kingston will perform at the annual celebration of the reinvigoration of Midtown, curated by pianist, composer, recording artist, music educator and writer Peter Wetzler, on Friday, August 3 at 6:30 p.m.


MAD CELEBRATION OF THE ARTS ON FRIDAY A Little Nightmare Music features two classical virtuosi – Aleksey Igudesman and Hyung-ki Joo – having more than a little fun with enchanting music, a wealth of performance gags and zany, outrageous humor. Speaking of zany humor, the legendary Monty Python member (and Chaucer scholar) Terry Jones raved, “A Little Nightmare Music brings Surrealism to the concert hall and takes its trousers down! Very musical, very engaging and very funny.” The Doctorow Center for the Arts presents A Little Nightmare Music on Saturday, August 4 at 8 p.m. Tickets cost $25 in advance and $30 at the door.

Mirabai of Woodstock Celebrating 30 Years Gif ts, Book s and Work shops for Serenit y, W isdom and Transformat ion.

Upcoming Events Sufi Fire & Water: Seven Petals of the Heart Practice w/ Sufi healer Wahabah Thurs. Aug. 2 6-8PM $20/$25* Private Angelic Channeling and Past Life Regression Sessions w/ Angelic Channel and therapist Margaret Doner (by appointment) Fri. Aug. 3 11:30am-4:30pm $125 for 90 min session Private Shamanic Spirit Doctoring w/ Shamanic healer Adam Kane (by appointment) Mon. Aug. 6 11 am-6:30 pm $75 for 1-hr session * Lower price for early reg./pre-payment made at least 48 hrs. in advance

Open 7 Days • 11 to 7 23 Mill Hill Road • Woodstock, NY (845) 679-2100 •


idtown Kingston is seething with arts-related activity, finally making a vigorous comeback from the downturn that followed IBM’s exit from the local economy nearly a quarter-century ago. Besides long careers of working with local youth and personal investment in the neighborhood’s renaissance, Lara Giordano (Department of Regional Art Workers and Pop-up Gallery Group) and Bryant “Drew” Andrews (Center for Creative Education) have something else in common just now: They’re this year’s chosen honorees for the Red Goat Awards, bestowed annually by the Kingston Midtown Arts District (MAD) to recognize outstanding contributions to the arts in Kingston. The awards ceremony is but one component of MAD’s summer extravaganza known as the Celebration of the Arts, which happens for the fourth time on Friday evening, August 3. Besides affording a concentrated opportunity for the uninitiated to sample the smörgåsbord of art stuff that’s currently going on in Midtown, the Celebration of the Arts is touting such enticements as “Food Trucks! Air Conditioning! Free Admission!” How strong a motivator the middle point of that sales pitch may become depends on Friday’s weather. But one factor that won’t vary is the cool new venue: the Cornell Creative Arts Center, located at the ARC of Ulster-Greene at 139 Cornell Street. The Center is slated to officially open in 2019, but this event will give attendees a chance to get an early peek inside the new facilities. Once completed, the 10,000-square-foot space will house ten artist studios including a dance/movement studio, community room workshop and 800 square feet of open space for membership co-working and event rental. It will provide many opportunities for ARC’s aspiring artists – people with developmental disabilities – to express their artistic abilities, gain confidence, showcase their works and sell their artwork online to help support their financial independence. The Celebration of the Arts 2018 will kick off at 6:30 p.m. with a sign-unveiling ceremony at the Deep Listening Plaza at Broadway Commons, which at last year’s Celebration was officially dedicated to the memory of internationally famed avantgarde composer Pauline Oliveros, one of MAD’s founders. These solemnities will be followed by a boisterous parade to the Cornell Creative Arts Center, led by huge papier-mâché processional figures from Arm-of-the-Sea Theater and accompanied by the Percussion Orchestra of Kingston (POOK) and the Energy Dance Company. Musicians, dancers and performance artists who live and work in the Arts District are headlining the annual celebration of the reinvigoration of Midtown, curated by pianist, composer, recording artist, music educator and writer Peter Wetzler, who earlier this year was named the City of Kingston’s Distinguished Artist Awardee. The musical lineup includes singer/songwriter duo the Hipstones, reggae/dub performers Jamie Saft and New Zion, pianist Andrea Shaut, singers Eleni Reyes and Donny Mapes. A Balkan-inspired band called Greek Night promises “lively music in odd meters and unusual scales,” which should prepare attendees’ ears nicely for the microtonal singing of Grammy-nominated Kingston resident Yungchen Lhamo, slated to perform at the opening of fellow Tibetan artist Kunsang Tenzin’s photography exhibit. Broadway Commons, where the festivities get underway, is located at 615 Broadway, where it intersects with Henry Street to the south and O’Neil Street to the north. The entrance to the Cornell Creative Arts Center is at the corner of Bruyn Avenue and Cornell Street, just one block north of the main Kingston Post Office. For GPS navigation, use 80 Bruyn Avenue. To find out more about the MAD Celebration of the Arts, visit or – Frances Marion Platt Fourth annual MAD Celebration of the Arts, Friday, August 3, 6: 30 p.m., free, plaque unveiling/parade, Deep Listening Plaza, 615 Broadway, performances/exhibition, Cornell Creative Arts Center, 139 Cornell Street, Kingston;

Seniors are admitted for $20 and students for $7. For more information, visit www. The Doctorow Center is located at 7971 Main Street in Hunter.

Josh White, Jr. to perform in Hyde Park this Saturday The Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library commemorates the 70 th anniversary year of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with a performance by singer/songwriter Josh White, Jr. on Saturday, August 4 at 4 p.m. The son of acoustic blues legend and social activist Josh White,

Josh White, Jr. has been in the public eye since becoming a child star in the 1940s. He has sustained a vital and diverse career as a Tony-winning actor and prolific recording artist. White’s performance will include a selection of Roosevelt-era protest songs written by his father, as well as music from his own repertoire of inspirational songs and songs of social consciousness. The program will be held in the Henry A. Wallace Center at the FDR Presidential Library and Home. Registration is required for this free public program. Please visit to register for this event. The Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library is located at 4079 Albany Post Road in Hyde Park.

Puerto Rico fundraiser screening of From Mambo to Hip Hop at Old Dutch this Saturday The Old Dutch Church in Kingston hosts a fundraiser for Puerto Rico on Saturday, August 4 at 2 p.m. The organizers state that “the last nine months have been particularly traumatic for the Latino community in America: First, the essential abandonment of Puerto Rico by the US government after the twin catastrophes of Hurricanes Irma and Maria; second, the ‘legal’ kidnapping of the children of mi-



Aug. 2, 2018 grants at the southern border, many of whose parents still don’t know their locations.” The occasion for this benefit is the screening of the documentary film From Mambo to Hip Hop, a film that tells the story of the massive and mostly unheralded contribution of Puerto Ricans to American popular music. For more information, call (845) 344-7309. The Old Dutch Church is located at 272 Wall Street in Kingston.

Wassaic Project Summer Festival this Saturday

Vanaver Caravan to perform at Matagiri’s 50th anniversary

Founded in 1968 by three artists, Sam Spanier, Eric Hughes and Lee Brooks, the Matagiri Sri Aurobindo Center in Mount Tremper will celebrate its 50th anniversary on August 2 with a four-day gathering at the Ashokan Center in Olivebridge, highlighted by a Saturday-night performance of music and dance by the Vanaver Caravan. The theme of the conference is “Art as a Bridge,” reflecting the fact that the inspiration behind the Center, Sri Aurobindo, was a poet and his collaborator, Mira Alfassa, was an artist who trained at the Academie Julian in Paris. A number of the events are open to the public, including a Friday-evening Indian Classical concert and the Saturday-night benefit performance for the Vanaver Caravan, both at 7:30 p.m. Bill and Livia Vanaver have been conducting classes and creating performances in Auroville in India over the past four winters. Saturday afternoon will feature a talk by Aviram Rozin, who in 2003 started Sadhana Forest, a reforestation project on 70 acres of degraded land. For information on these events or to register, call (845) 679-8322 to register or visit

The artcentric Wassaic Project Summer Festival has reached the age of 10. Wassaic Project programming runs year-round, but on Saturday, August 4, the Wassaic Project hosts a jubilant, wild flagship celebration: a mix of art, music, dance and film in the Town of Wassaic. This year’s festival commences at the Luther Barn Field and will run until late in the evening. Some of this year’s music performers include Underground System, Innov Gnawa, Square Peg Round Hole, Chuño and Miles Francis. The 2018

dance lineup includes dance-performer alumni/ae from previous Wassaic Summer Festivals, including Esther Baker-Tarpaga & Heidi Wiren Bartlett with Adama Diarra, The Space We Make (Simon Thomas-Train & Caitlin Scholl), DavaMike (Davalois Fearon & Mike McGinnis) and others. Film screenings will take place in the Luther Barn Auction Ring, including a short-film program. The summer art exhibition, “Change of State,” will be open all day, as will the Art Nest, the Festival’s free artmaking space for kids. There is also a full schedule of art lectures. As always, the Festival is free to attend, but visitors are encouraged to register in advance. For registration and a complete schedule of events, visit www. The Luther Barn Field is located at 17 Furnace Bank Road in Wassaic.

Jupiter String Quartet with Daniel Gortler at Maverick this Sunday Continuing its seasonlong theme of “Americans in Paris,” Maverick Concerts presents the world-famous Jupiter String Quartet joined by pianist Daniel Gortler on Sunday, August 5 at 4 p.m. The Jupiter String Quartet opens with Claude Debussy’s String


4 11th Annual “Tour of the Catskills” Pro-Am Bicycle Road Race tourofthecatskills 11 The Piecemakers of Cairo Quilt Show 518-622-2270 12 Self Guided Tours at the Old Game Farm/Abandoned Zoo 17-19 9th Annual RATS NEST RUN-IN Car Show at Blackthorne Resort Rats-Nest-Run-In

September 8 Nussy’s Bier Garten’s Oktoberfest at Riedlbauer’s Resort Schlachtfest at the Mountain Brauhaus •

For a complete list of events and information about about the the events events please please visit visit information


Fred Hersch performs at Maverick this Saturday Pianist Fred Hersch is a kind of model for what a top-tier jazz career looks like anymore. His is not a household name; serious contemporary jazz doesn’t mint many of those. While his


Dierks Bentley Brothers Osborne & LANCO



The Beach Boys


The Righteous Brothers

AUG 14

NOV 3 Jimmy Webb

Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue

Toad the Wet Sprocket

Galactic, Preservation Hall Jazz Band, New Breed Brass Band, Cyril Neville, Walter “Wolfman” Washington & Kermit Ruffins

SEP 30

Louie Anderson

Hot Tuna

AUG 18


AUG 11

Sesame Street Live!

DEC 13 DEC 14 Judy Collins

Peter Yarrow

AUG 19

OCT 21


John Waite

AUG 24


311 & The Offspring

SEP 2-30

Gym Class Heroes

Harvest Festival FREE



Steve Martin & Martin Short August

Piano Sonata No. 2; together, Gortler and the Jupiter will conclude the program with Robert Schumann’s Piano Quintet. Tickets cost $45 reserved, $30 general and $5 for students with ID. For more information, visit www. The Maverick Concert Hall is located at 120 Maverick Road in Woodstock.


Matt Nathanson & The New Respects

Upcoming Events

Quartet in G minor and Sydney Hodkinson’s String Quartet No. 7 (written for the quartet in 2014); pianist Daniel Gortler will perform Ned Rorem’s

SEP 29-30

Steep Canyon Rangers & Jeff Babko

In The Mkng™-The Creativity Festival



Deep Purple & Judas Priest The Temperance Movement

Wine Festival

OCT 13 CRAFT: Beer, Spirits & Food Festival

DEC 1-2 Holiday Market FREE 2018 Special Exhibit


BETHELWOODSCENTER.ORG Bethel Woods Center for the Arts is a 501(c)3 nonprofit cultural organization that inspires, educates, and empowers individuals through the arts and humanities. All dates, acts, times and ticket prices subject to change without notice.

10 jazz legitimacy has been notarized by heavies like Stan Getz, Art Farmer and Toots Thielemans, Hersch’s curriculum vitae is mostly a gaudy peacock fan of fellowships, grants, residencies and French awards – for jazz has be-


Aug. 2, 2018


Joan Jett at UPAC on Saturday

T come a largely academic and patrondriven art. What did Fats Waller know from fellowships? But great jazz players and composers these days (and Hersch is among the best at both) are marginalized commercially, and this is how they make a go. They have borrowed the currencies of success and acclaim from the economy of “serious” music. Hersch also happens to be Grammy-nominated – which, as everyone should have figured out by now, is far more prestigious than being Grammywinning. Like many of today’s more ambitious jazz minds, Hersch has “crossed over” in numerous directions. In his case, the targets tend to be not less but more rarefied, challenging and cerebral than the default jazz piano trio. His inventive solo interpretations of Jobim (2009’s Fred Hersch Plays Jobim) reimagine the music of Antonio Carlos “Tom” Jobim as introspective and almost classical in its internal, contrapuntal complexity. Hersch’s stunning Leaves of Grass (2005) is a brainy chamber/vocal/jazz setting of the poetry of Walt Whitman. It is “jazz” only insofar as it borrows from jazz’s harmonic language. In 2017’s Open Book, Hersch put his intellect and emotion on bold display with a solo piano record

he Bardavon presents trailblazing rockers Joan Jett & the Blackhearts at the Ulster Performing Arts Center (UPAC) in Kingston on Saturday, August 4 at 8 p.m. After founding the Runaways at the age of 15, Jett went on to score eight platinum and gold records and nine Top 40 hits with the Blackhearts. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee was also ahead of the curve on the industry side, founding her own Blackheart Label in 1980 after being rejected by a bevy of major labels who must still be smarting about it. Joining Jett on a well-matched build are local rockabilly and roots luminaries Lara Hope & the Ark-Tones. Ticket prices range from $59 to $99, based on location. Bardavon members get $5 off and preferred seating. Purchase tickets in person at the Bardavon box office at 35 Market Street in Poughkeepsie, (845) 473-2072; the UPAC box office at 601 Broadway in Kingston, (845) 339-6088; or online at




rum and bugle corps stir something powerful within, generally whether or not you are willing to be stirred. A marching band stripped of every timbre beyond the percussive boom and rattle and the martial blaring of brass, the sound is inextricably connected both with a sense of battle and the aura of Colonial days. But the corps are also connected to a long-lived and substantive musical tradition that is resurgent. Drum and bugle competitions are gaining in popularity nationally. On Saturday, August 4 at 7 p.m., the Children’s Home of Kingston presses the spacious Dietz Stadium into use for the March of Champions’ 23rd annual Drum & Bugle Corps Competition. The event features six competing corps, plus three additional exhibition corps. Tickets cost $20 for reserved seating, and as usual all proceeds benefit programs and services for youth at the Children’s Home of Kingston, which has been in existence since 1876. For reservations, call (845) 331-1448, extension 1140. Day-of-show tickets are available beginning at 1 p.m. The gates open at 5:30 p.m. For more information, visit Dietz Stadium is located at 170 North Front Street in Kingston.

that blends originals with standards and non-canonical covers. On Open Book, the contrapuntally liberated Hersch is as likely to sound like J. S. Bach caught on 20th-century harmony as like a traditional

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jazz pianist. When a legendary classical music institution like Woodstock’s Maverick series opens its repertoire to jazz, Hersch is typical of the kind of talent that it

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Aug. 2, 2018

Well, if jazz is going to be an art of the academy going forward, then it might as well reach and challenge artistically, grope for grants and be as oblivious as it wants to be to popularity and sales. Talents as wide and as acutely realized as Hersch’s can seem to be quarantined by their own encompassing genius, but that doesn’t make them any less genius. So get it while you can. On Saturday, August 4, Fred Hersch performs at the Maverick in Woodstock, accompanied by guitarist Gilad Hekselman. Ticket prices are $45 reserved, $30 general and $5 for students with ID. For more information, visit www. The Maverick Concert Hall is located at 120 Maverick Road in Woodstock. – John Burdick FLORENCE MONTMARE

Charming Disaster


Charming Disaster at Kingston’s Rough Draft on Wednesday


heir dark humor has been compared to that of Edward Gorey and Tim Burton. They’ve been called macabre, “folk noir” with a curiously unthreatening lilt. How do their lyrics inform those of us blithely living in what may well be the beginning of societal deconstruction, the aftermath of all we hold near and dear? And how do their outfits – all those feathers and contrasts in black, white and the occasional yellow or purple – uplift us from our plight? These questions and more can be answered in the persons of Ellia Bisker and Jeff Morris when Charming Disaster returns to Rough Draft this week. The Brooklyn-based duo, primed to present the odd and offbeat in storytelling and music, will be at Rough Draft Bar & Books on Wednesday, August 8 at 7 p.m. Bisker and Morris were each performing in larger bands when they met and decided to join creative forces. Morris says that they made a list of subjects they wanted to write songs about, and it immediately went to the dark side. Bisker says, “We were interested in storytelling. The first thing we thought of was a living woman in love with a ghost; it connected with our sensibilities. And that first night we were already on a trend: dead cat stories.” Sounds creepy, but she laughs. “I have too much of a sense of humor to be a good Goth.” “We met in a bar where my band – strings and horns and backup singers and drums – was playing,” says Morris. “I was excited to learn about another band like mine, and about possibly sharing a bill together. But Ellia, thinking of the logistics, suggested that we just start out writing songs together.” “With just two of us,” she says, “we could rehearse as much as we want. When you’re a prolific songwriter, it’s frustrating to not be able to get with your band very much to develop new material. The two of us have written over 50 songs together; we’ve released two albums and have another in the works. And it turns out we write well together. We read a lot, and our music is as influenced by books as it is by other music. We’re working on a song cycle around Marie Curie and her work, and songs about Houdini and his spiritualism.” Fascinated with the early 20th century when the occult crossed paths with scientific developments, the pair turns anachronistic historical details into lyrics. “We play bookstores from time to time because we are a literary-oriented band,” she says. “When we played Rough Draft last April, after many songs I was recommending books, like, ‘You should check out The Poisoner’s Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York by Deborah Blum.’ Amanda [Stromoski, co-owner of Rough Draft] was sitting in the back of the room looking up the titles I mentioned and said she didn’t have any in stock. So this time we’ve compiled a booklist ahead of time: folklore, fantasy, graphic novels.” As a part of Charming Disaster’s Summerland Tour (“Summerland” is what the spiritualists called the afterlife, by the way), Bisker and Morris’s return to Rough Draft will “explore the different kinds of trouble two people can get into with a ukulele and a guitar.” Check them out at and in person at Rough Draft. – Ann Hutton Charming Disaster, Wednesday, August 8, 7 p.m., $5 donation, Rough Draft, 82 John Street, Kingston; (845) 802-0027,


reaches for first – not because his music is “polite” (it only appears that way to people who have not taken on its radical challenges), but because it is intensely

focused on composition. Jazz traditionally straddles the high and the low; Hersch has given his career almost entirely to the high.

Mohonk Preserve

HEALTHY ULSTER AUTUMN 2018 Sign up August 16 through August 19, 2018 The Preserve is offering a free, one-month membership to Ulster County residents. Visitors with proof of residency may obtain their passes at the Preserve Visitor Center from 10am-4pm Thursday, August 16th through Sunday, August 19th, 2018 and at the Spring Farm Trailhead from 10am-4pm Saturday, August 18th and Sunday, August 19th, 2018. The membership passes will be valid through September 16, 2018. Passes must be picked up in person. Call or go to our website for details. 845-255-0919

Tim O’Brien to play Helsinki Hudson next Friday The prolific, Grammy-winning bluegrass and roots megastar Tim O’Brien returns to Club Helsinki in Hudson on Friday, August 10 at 9 p.m. O’Brien has released 15 solo albums and has collaborated famously with

11 his sister Mollie O’Brien, songwriter Darrell Scott and noted old-time musician Dirk Powell. He has performed or recorded with Steve Earle, Mark Knopfler, Bill Frisell, David Bromberg, Jerry Douglas, Andy Statman

and Steve Martin, to name a few. O’Brien’s newest release, Where the River Meets the Road, augments his originals with covers of songwriters Hazel Dickens, Billy Edd Wheeler and Bill Withers. Tickets cost $30 in advance, $35 on the day of the show. For tickets and additional information, visit www.helsinkihudson. com. Club Helsinki is located at 405 Columbia Street in Hudson.




Aug. 2, 2018



Aug. 2-9 Other Mom: “I remember you! You’re the mom on the field trip where you flapped your arms, jumped up and down and ran across the field, pretending to be a bird!” – overheard in New Paltz


Tour or sail on the Kalmar Nyckel I’m brushing up on Swedish maritime history, so here are some fun “facts” about the tall ship of Delaware, the Kalmar Nyckel. She hails from Ikea country, so the name loosely means “Meatballs from Kalmar,” Kalmar being a municipality in Sweden whose logo is an Allen wrench. She’s also as versatile as my Ikea foldout couch: The Kalmar Nyckel brought settlers from Sweden to establish New Sweden in the 1600s (now Delaware-ish), and trade routes and military action are also part of her lifespan. Come experience this piece of living history! A replica of the Kalmar Nyckel is visiting Kingston from Friday, August 3 through Sunday, August 12 at the Hudson River Maritime Museum. Deck tours take place on Saturday, August 4 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday, August 5 from 2



Arm-of-the-Sea Theater at Vassar


ssst: Got any dirt? I do! Check this out… On Saturday, August 4 at 7 p.m., Arm-of-the-Sea Theater performs Dirt: The Secret Life of Soil at the Vassar College Barns. This troupe’s puppets range in size from handheld to 12-foot supersize, and skillfully blend entertainment with education about our environment. Come early at 6 p.m. for a tour of the Poughkeepsie Farm Project. This event is free and open to the public of all ages. Vassar College is located at 124 Raymond Avenue in Poughkeepsie. For more information, call (845) 437-5370 or visit http:// To learn more about the performers, visit – Erica Chase-Salerno

to 6 p.m. Deck tour tickets, costing $10 for adults and $5 for ages 17 and under, are purchased on-site on the day of the tour. Hudson River day sails cost $60 for adults and $40 for ages 17 and under, and Pirate Sails cost $55 for adults and $35 for ages 17 and under; all sail tickets are purchasable in advance. The Hudson River Maritime Museum is located at 50 Rondout Landing

YOUNG PEOPLE’S CONCERTS Free for kids under 16. $5 for adults at the door.

Saturday August 4 11 am New Muse 4tet – Gwen Laster, violin Appropriate for ages 7+

in Kingston. For sail tickets or more information, call (845) 338-0071 or visit To learn more about the ship, visit www.

with-puppeteer-brad-shur. To learn more about the performer, visit www.

Cardboard Explosion puppet show at PS21

Luminarium Dance Company in Concert at Clermont

What is a cardboard explosion, you ask? No, it’s not when your recycling got missed last week. It’s family entertainment! This Friday, August 3 at 1 p.m. at PS21: Performance Spaces for the 21st Century, you and your car o’ kids can attend Just for Fun: Cardboard Explosion with puppeteer Brad Shur. Humor, art, story and audience participation make for a dynamic family show for all ages. And it’s free! Preregistration is requested. PS21 is an open-air space located at 2980 Route 66 in Chatham. To register or for more information, call (518) 3926121 or visit event/just-for-fun-cardboard-explosion-


It’s “Cler” to me that the Clermont State Historic Site and dance are a natural pairing – come see for yourself! On Saturday, August 4 at 3 p.m., catch the Luminarium Dance Company in Concert, family-friendly and featuring newly commissioned work highlighting the history and landscape of Clermont. Tickets cost $10 for adults and are free for children aged 12 and younger. The Clermont State Historic Site is located at 1 Clermont Avenue in Germantown. For tickets or more information, call (518) 537-4240 or visit To learn more about the company, visit

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Aug. 2, 2018

March of Champions at Dietz Stadium

ages, but primarily designed for kids in kindergarten through sixth grade; they can even get up-close-and-personal to the musicians by sitting on cushions right near the stage! Admission is free for children, $5 for adults. Maverick Concerts is located at 120 Maverick Road in Woodstock. For more information, call (845) 679-8217 or visit gwen-laster-2. To learn more about the performers, visit SUNDAY, AUGUST 5

Val-Kill pool, 1940.



Ripples “Ripples” was written by 15-year-old Sophie Reisbord in the Hudson Valley Writing Project’s 2017 Courageous Writers program with the Roosevelt and Vanderbilt National Historic Sites in Hyde Park. Ripples by Sophie Reisbord, age 15 “Grandpa, the water is so cold!” Franklin’s granddaughter said, sliding in anyway. Franklin smiled watching the ripples form as her body hit the water. A ripple for the Great War A ripple for the bloodiest stalemate in history A ripple for the Treaty of Versailles, where fingers pointed and blame was assigned A ripple for Germany on the heels of defeat, on the brink of destruction A ripple for the people, the angry, the desolate, the poor A ripple for a man with the greatest weapon in the world; words A ripple as they travelled through Germany, feeding off of fear A ripple for a shop window broken and a mother crying A ripple for the people, the scapegoats, the victims, the scared A ripple for fascism A ripple for communism A ripple for the world divided, hurtling towards an uncertain future. A ripple for the many men who ruled it A ripple for Hitler A ripple for Stalin A ripple for Mussolini A ripple for Churchill A ripple...for Roosevelt “Is something wrong dear?” Eleanor asked, sitting beside him. “Something terrible is coming,” replied Franklin, “And I am not so much worried that I won’t be able to stop it, but I am terrified at the price I will be willing to pay.” Franklin watched as Eleanor jumped into the pool with a SPLASH A splash he feared would soon be heard around the world.

Q: What do you do with a drummer who can’t keep time? A: Make them drum major. For those of you who play drums or bugle, or simply enjoy listening to this regal style of music, this is your weekend! On Saturday, August 4 from 7 to 11 p.m., the March of Champions takes place at Dietz Stadium. A fundraiser for the Children’s Home of Kingston, this competition brings drum-and-bugle corps from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut and all ages of fans to the audience. Tickets cost $20 per person and are available in advance. The March of Champions goes on rain or shine. Dietz Stadium is located at 170 North Front Street in Kingston. For tickets or more information, call (845) 331-1448, extension 1140, e-mail ehoughtaling@ or visit www.chkingston. org/events.

Young People’s Concert at Maverick with Gwen Laster’s Muse 4tet No racism, no hate, no fear: These principles are the foundation behind the music of New Muse 4tet with violinist Gwen Laster. Bring your kids to hear this dynamic group this Saturday, August 4 from 11 a.m. to noon at the historic Maverick Hall, part of the Young People’s Concert Series at Maverick Concerts. This engaging, interactive concert is appreciated by all

Jessica Rice

Pirate School at Unison Yar-har, fiddle-dee-dee Being a pirate is all right with me Do what you want ‘cause a pirate is free You are a pirate! Robby Rotten’s favorite LazyTown song has made a resurgence since its debut in 2005. Has its catchy melody captured your buccaneer’s ears yet?

The Blueberry Come to


Saturday August 11, 2018 Canal St. & Liberty Square Ellenville Blueberry Pancake Breakfast 7:30-11:00 Street Festival 9-4 Rain or Shine Live Music • 175+ Vendors Arts/Crafts/Merchandise/Demos Huge Variety Delicious Foods, including our local eateries! Blueberry Pies • Baked Goods & Treats Blueberry Goodies Galore! Children’s Area A&T’s House of Bounce Games • Face Paint • More *Please note: By Village Board Resolution NO DOGS are allowed & NO ANIMALS in the areas of The Blueberry Festival This will be strictly enforced. 6am – 6pm

Proudly Sponsored by:

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and our 2018 Co-Sponsors: Catskill Hudson Bank Dan Couse Agency State Farm Quality Services • Rolling V Bus Corp. Shawangunk Journal Sterling National Bank

For more information: 845-647-4620 •



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OUR LOCATIONS: Visit our website for a location near you

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@ MONDAY đ AUGUST 20 đ 1-6pm Stone Ridge Campus đ Check in Hasbrouck Lobby For Registration questions (845) 687-5075 $100 late registration fee after August 20. Payment or payment arrangements must be made at time of registration. Students who’ve not completed the Admissions process should contact (845) 687-5022.




Git yer swashbucklers to Unison this Sunday, August 5 from 1 to 3 p.m. for more pirate playtime at Pirate School! Created and performed by David Engler, this show is amusing for ages 4 and up. And encourrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrage your mateys to dress for the occasion! Pirate School costs $20 for adults, $15 for ages 12 and under. Kids under 2 get in free! Unison is located at 68 Mountain Rest Road in New Paltz. For tickets or more information, call (845) 255-1559 or visit events/405055523320032. To learn more about the performer, visit www.

La Guelaguetza Festival at Waryas Park ¡La Guelaguetza, ay que bueno! Couldn’t make it to Oaxaca this summer? Let this tenth annual festival come to you! This Sunday, August 5 from 1 to 7 p.m. at Victor C. Waryas Park, enjoy authentic dance (led in by a dancer representing the Corn Goddess), colorful costumes with decorative headpieces, vibrant music, children’s activities and more. When’s the last time you ate tlayudas, téjate or chapulines? Score these favorite treats at La Guelaguetza, too – fun for the whole familia! Waryas Park is located at the base of Main Street along the Hudson River in Poughkeepsie. For more information, call (845) 380-7358 or visit https:// or www.facebook. com/events/179759359516553. MONDAY, AUGUST 6

Hudson Area Library hosts talk on youth incarceration As a region with a number of youth detention facilities, are you curious about the patterns of our justice system, particularly with regard to young people? I know I sure am. This Monday, August 6 from 6 to 7:30 p.m., join author Alexandra Cox, PhD at the Hudson Area Library for “An Exploration of Youth Incarceration.” Cox’s discussion is Hudson Valley-relevant and based on material from her new book, Trapped in a Vise: the Consequences of Confinement for Young People. Free and open to the public, this talk sounds eye-opening to me about information that few of us seem to know. The Hudson Area Library is located at 51 North Fifth Street in Hudson. For more information, call (518) 828-1792, e-mail brenda.shufelt@hudsonarealibrary. org or visit http://hudsonarealibrary. org/2018/07/alexandra-cox-phd. To learn more about the author, visit www.essex.



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Aug. 2, 2018

Young People at the Helm Life-changing for youth? Cultivating environmentalism? Personally connecting with the Hudson River? Check, check and check! Young People at the Helm is a three-day youth empowerment program created for area 14-to16-year-olds, and after the experience, many participants continue to volunteer or work as crew members on the Clearwater. It also needs money to run. Want to help equip our communities with the next generation of environmentalists? Consider supporting Young People at the Helm through the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater at https://bit. ly/2mTaumD or education/youth-empowerment. For more information about the Clearwater organization, call (845) 265-8080 or visit – Erica Chase-Salerno

Monica Bill Barnes & Co.


Dancing in the rain

Erica Chase-Salerno honors her son’s latest spin around the sun this week. I love you! She can be reached at

Japanese Tea Ceremony this Friday at Accord’s Hollengold Farm Take part in a traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony at Hollengold Farm in Accord on Friday August 3 at 5:30 p.m. The event will be hosted by Naoko Iwamoto, who studied the art of the tea ceremony for ten years under Sosho Muneharu Yoshino, a renowned tea master. The tea will be served in a modern style. Guest participants will have chairs to sit on during the ceremony. A bowl of matcha (dense green tea) made of Natural Agriculture green tea and a healthy sweet will be served. This event is limited to 20 people. Call (845) 204-8769 to reserve a spot. Admission costs $7. Hollengold Farm is located at 222 Lower Whitfield Road in Accord.

Olana to host Natural Dyes workshop Are fiber arts your thing? Do you knit or weave or crochet for fun? If you’ve left synthetic yarns and fabrics behind and fallen in love with biodegradable fibers like cotton, linen, silk and wool, you’re probably thinking about the sources of the dyes used to color them as well. Especially in the months between May and October, the Hudson Valley landscape is brimming with natural dye potential. When we begin to identify local plants for their natural dye properties, we gain access to a palette of wildcrafted and foraged color. An introductory natural dye workshop being offered by Katrina Rodabough on August 11 at the Olana State Historic Site presents an opportunity to forage for local plants, learn about the use of mordants, prepare dye pots and produce several shades. The “Natural Dyes with Local Plants” workshop is suited for the beginner dyer curious about using local plants and for the intermediate dyer who has some experience with natural dyes, but wants more information. Participants will leave with several fiber samples, a pamphlet with resources and step-bystep instructions and the confidence to continue deepening this creative practice. The workshop, open to participants aged 14 and up, runs from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, August 11 and meets at the Wagon House Education Center on the grounds of Olana, located at 5720 Route 9G in Hudson. The workshop fee is $40 for members of the Olana Partnership, $45 for non-members. To preregister, visit

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass... It’s about learning to dance in the rain.” – Vivian Greene Q: Why does Snoop Dogg need an umbrella? A: Fo’ Drizzle.


’m at Jacob’s Pillow smiling at Monica Bill Barnes & Co. skip across the floor during Happy Hour. I laugh at the tension created by their silent, piercing stares at audience members. I cringe from back pain exacerbated by the Shawangunk-to-Berkshire drive over. I am lifted by the dancers’ antics, amused by the karaoke sequence and in tears when the show ends. I don’t want the performance to be over. And I want to connect with Monica and Anna to share how much I enjoyed the evening they presented. I cry again when I’m told they won’t be coming out to chat.

“One of the wonderful things about dance is its mysterious power; a gesture or a dance step may spark an unexpected response, and often it’s hard to grasp why that has occurred.” – Andrew Boynton I wonder, “Is cancer a dancer?” I feel refreshed during a Monica Bill Barnes dance performance with its dynamic combinations alternating slow and speedy pacing; creative details like 1980s pop music; the two partners riffing off each other as one pulls the other offstage; unexpected eyerolls or mouthed “I love yous” across the room. Cancer has its own rhythms, too. In my body, malignancy moves quickly, while I waste hours in interminable-waiting rooms. My visualizations and meditations yield powerful stories about my interior landscape, like the surgery suite sprouting grasses or the Roman bathhouse. I riff with medical staff and with Mike during appointments. I am surprised by periodic health crises that seem to crop up out of nowhere. I am so excited that Monica and Anna came outside after all, and I could tell them everything I loved in their piece.

“The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.” – My Fair Lady At what cost for a dancer to perform? Is the knee strain worth it? At what cost for me to see this MBB performance? Is the back pain worth it? At what cost this dose of chemotherapy? Are the fatigue and weakness worth it? At what cost life? So much Yes. Monica and Anna are part of my inspiration not just to be alive, but to act like it. Witnessing their choreography unfold is as unpredictable as my MRI results. I lean hard on self-trust during my own health uncertainties, deepened with every decision about whether or not a given choice enriches or depletes my being. Is this dancing in the rain? Is cancer my proverbial storm?

“Don’t cry because it’s over; smile because it happened.” – Ludwig Jacobowski (Still wondering if I like or loathe this phrase...) I wonder where dance finds you in your life? Learn more about Monica Bill Barnes & Co. here: and Jacob’s Pillow here: Head On and Heart Strong! Love, Erica Kids’ Almanac columnist Erica Chase-Salerno was diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer in the Summer of 2015. To read more about her experience, visit



Aug. 2, 2018


Water, water everywhere But not enough for potted plants


ith recent rains of more than three inches over the last couple of days, you’d think that the last thing on my mind would be having to water anything. But you’d be wrong. Plants in pots (and I have plenty of them, some ornamental and some tropical and subtropical fruits) don’t get the full benefit of all that water. Potting soils are, and should be, more porous than any garden soil to maintain good aeration within the confines of a pot. About a one-inch depth of water is needed if you’re going to wet a 12-inchhigh column of potting soil thoroughly. If a flowerpot is, for example, only six inches high, only a half-inch depth of water would be needed; and so on. A lot of my potted plants didn’t drink in that three inches of rain that fell over the past couple of days. Some of the plants are shielded from the sky by overhanging house eaves. And the leaves of other plants – excepting amaryllis and calla lily, which have strappy, upright leaves – deflect water that could have fallen into the pot. If you don’t believe me, tip a potted plant out of its pot following a heavy rain and check how dry the soil is, down deep within the pot. Even easier, purchase an inexpensive moisture meter whose metal probe, when slid into the soil, reports moisture deep down.

water than those more distant. And pots that were shorter or at lower elevation would likewise get more water. So I slid an emitter, which reliably puts out a halfgallon of water per hour, no matter what the incoming water pressure, on the end of each quarter-inch line. I have a number of lowbush blueberry, lingonberry, hollyhock, carnation and blazing star plants growing in pots four inches and smaller. I’ll eventually plant them out in the garden. Until then, the plants need regular watering Snaking quarter-inch tubes to all these pots would create a tangled nightmare. Enter capillary mat watering: All these smaller pots sit on a mat of absorbent fabric spread over a tray held a couple of inches above a pan of water. Part of the capillary mat dips into the reservoir of water, which gets sucked up into the mat and then sucked up into the potting soil through the drainage holes in each flatbottomed plant pot. I periodically have to remember to add water to the reservoirs – or rather, “had to,” because I ran a few of those drip tubes into the reservoirs: enough to keep them topped up with water to keep pace with plant use. – Lee Reich

About a one-inch depth of water is needed if you’re going to wet a 12-inch-high column of potting soil thoroughly.

When I first started gardening, I knew I would eventually move from the cottage I was renting. My miniorchard was in pots and travel-ready. I kept that “orchard” watered by hand, which wasn’t so bad. The problem was that, in the heat of summer, some plants needed their thirst quenched twice a day, which kept me from leaving my home for more than a few hours. These days, technology has come to the rescue. The first techno-solution has been drip irrigation. A simple battery-operated timer at a spigot sends out water on a twice-daily schedule to banks of potted plants. Also at the spigot, following the water line right after the timer, are a filter and a pressurereducer. The fittings for wending water through tubes around corners and up into pots are low-pressure fittings; the pressure lowers water pressure to a mere 20 pounds per square inch. Once the half-inch main line makes its way to a group of potted plants, a quarterinch plastic line (plugged into the main line with, of course, a low-pressure fitting) carries the water up to the ground surface of each pot. If the water merely exited at this point, pots closer to the water source would be under higher pressure and so get more

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Any gardening questions? E-mail Lee at and he’ll try answering them directly or in his Almanac Weekly column. To read Lee’s previous “Gardener’s Notebook” columns, visit his garden at


Awosting Falls at Minnewaska State Park last week. With recent rains of more than three inches over the last couple of days, you’d think that the last thing on Lee's mind would be having to water anything.

spiritual congregations that shaped the Hudson Valley and the Rondout over centuries. You’ll delve into the stories of bluestone tycoons, canal- and shipbuilders, workers. reformers, artists and activists. You’ll explore building design, details and materials, from bluestone to iron, that tell the Rondout’s history and are objects of beauty and craftsmanship. And you’ll consider how urban renewal decimated a large swath of the neighborhood and how many have

“Explore the Dynamic Rondout” guided tour this Saturday Kingston’s waterfront neighborhood, the Rondout, is a pedestrian’s paradise, chockful of history, varied architecture, makers of art and agents of change. Writer/tour guide Susan DeMark conducts Rondout walking tours under the rubric of her company Mindful Walker on the first and third Saturday of each month from mid-June through November. The next one’s coming up this Saturday, August 4. With DeMark leading the way, participants will examine places that have had many lives, such as the former Village Hall, where canal workers rallied for better wages and which today is an inviting flower shop and gallery. You’ll learn about the native tribes, Colonial settlers, immigrants, industries, and

reshaped it in the decades since then. This leisurely paced two-hour tour sets out at 1 p.m. from the Ulster County Tourism Visitors’ Center, located just off the Strand at 20 Broadway. There will be a brief mid-walk break, and afterwards an optional social hour at a local establishment or community setting in the Rondout. Admission costs $15. To preregister, visit


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Aug. 2, 2018



Matagiri Sri Aurobindo Center 50th year in Mount Tremper. A four-day gathering highlighted by a Saturday night performance of music and dance by the Vanaver Caravan. The theme of the conference is Art as a Bridge. A number

of the Ashokan Center events are open to the public including a Friday evening Indian Classical concert and the Saturday night benefit performance for the Vanaver Caravan, both at 7:30 pm. Saturday afternoon will feature a talk by Aviram Rozin. Info: 845-679-8322. Ashokan Center, 477 Beaverkill Rd, Olivebridge. 8am-5pm Catskill Center Thorn Preserve Fundraiser. Calling all ramblers, runners, birders, picnickers, neighbors, photographers,

& dog walkers the parking is a mess. An anonymous supporter has pledged to match the first $6000. Give what you can: CATSKILLCENTER.ORG/ THORNPRESERVEPARKING.

relaxation to circulate the life energy. All ages and fitness levels. A reduced-price class. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700, $10.

8am-9am Woodstock Senior Senior Feel Good Aerobics with Diane Collelo. Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. $1 donation. Woodstock Town Hall, Tinker St, Woodstock.

9:30am-10:30am Woodstock Senior Flex and Stretch with Diane Colello. Movement for balance and breath, weight-training for bone health, and mat work for flexibility and core strengthening. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. $1 donation. Woodstock Town Hall, Tinker St, Woodstock.

9am-4pm P.L.A.Y: THEATER. For ages 9-15 years old, a three-week immersive exploration of devised theatre technique and creative writing at Bethel Woods. Bethel Woods Center for the Arts, Hurd Rd, Bethel. Info: 1-866-781-2922,, 9am-4pm Panorama Week 3: The Nature of Wandering w/ author Keri Smith, The Wander Society (July 30-August 3). Panorama is for young people between the ages of 6-14 and will take place Monday-Friday, 9am to 4pm. Visit website for more information. Olana State Historic Site, 5720 St Rt 9G, Hudson. Info: 518-8281872,, http://www.olana. org/calendar/. $290/week. 9am-9:50am Joint Lubricating Qi Gong with Marilyn St. John. Uses gentle movement and

Fine Food • Great Beer Good Friends • Live Music



8/3 8/4 8/10 8/11 8/17 8/18 8/24 8/25 8/31

10am-11am Gentle Yoga with Kate Hagerman. This is a perfect place for beginning your yoga practice. This class encourages spiritual practice while enhancing health and well-being. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700, $10. 10am-2pm Hooks & Needles, Yarns & Threads. Informal weekly social gathering for rug hookers, knitters, crocheters, and all other yarn crafters. Tivoli Free Library, Watts dePeyster Hall, 86 Broadway, Tivoli. Info: 845-757-3771,, To go toward the purchase of resource materials for the library collection. 10am-2pm Low-Cost Vaccine Clinic. For previously spayed/neutered cats and dogs only. No appointment needed. Dogs must be leashed and cats in carriers. TARA (The Animal Rights Alliance, Inc.), 60 Enterprise Place, Middletown, NY. Info: 845-343-1000,, Cost varies. 12pm The Wall That Heals Visits Newburgh. The Wall That Heals is a 375 ft travelling educational replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington DC. Open 24 hrs from 8/2-8/4. Open until 3PM on 8/5. No pets allowed, All ages. Info: 845-321-6498; People’s Park, 2 Washington St. 12pm Ulster County Fair. Rides, concerts, racing pigs, a petting zoo, horse shows, livestock


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Aug. 2, 2018 shows, truck and tractor pulls, exhibits, & fair food. Ulster County Fairgrounds, 249 Libertyville Rd, New Paltz. Payone-price admission (includes rides and entertainment): $50 per carload (up to 8 occupants) on Tuesday, $17 per person (adults and children 36 inches and taller) Wednesday - Sunday, and free for seniors ages 62 and older on Thursday till 4 pm. 12:15pm Fine Arts Recitals. Old Dutch Church, 272 Wall Street, Kingston. 12:30pm-6pm I Ching Oracle and Tarot Readings with Timothy Liu. Every Thursday at Mirabai. Walk-ins welcome. Info: 845-679-2100. Mirabai Bookstore, 23 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. $30/30 minutes. 1pm-4pm Woodstock Senior Duplicate Bridge with John Stokes. The Woodstock Bridge Club offers a short lesson and a game of Duplicate Bridge. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. $1 donation. Woodstock Rescue Squad, 222 Tinker St, Woodstock. 1pm Kerhonkson - Accord Seniors Meeting. Meets on the 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month. Activities, games, parties, & movies. Info: 845-626-8213. Accord Firehouse, Main Street, Accord.

MaMa in Stone Ridge. Info & reg: midhudson. Fishkill Recreation Center, 792 Route 52, off exit 12 off I-84, Fishkill. 2pm-5pm Phoenicia: Mah Jongg. Open to beginners and seasoned players alike. Phoenicia Library, 48 Main St, Phoenicia. Info: 845-6887811, 3:30pm-4pm Free Step Class. A high energy class. Ongoing. Saugerties Public Library, 91 Washington Ave, Saugerties.

4pm Backgammon Club. Learn the game, pick up fancy moves, meet new people. Open to the public. Phoenicia Library, 48 Main St, Phoenicia. Info: 845-688-7811, 5pm-7:30pm Happy Testing Hour. Free HIV & STI testing. Meets on the 1st Thursday of each month from 5-7:30pm. Info: 845-704-7322;

845-331-5300;; Hudson Valley LGBTQ Community Center, 300 Wall St, Kingston. 6pm-7:30pm The Mind Illuminated: A Meditation Group. An accessible, step-by-step toolkit for anyone looking to start – or improve – their daily meditation. Woodstock Healing Arts, 83 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. Info: 845-393-4325, ino@wood-

4pm-5pm Fitness Hour. Drop in for a workout on Mondays at 4:30pm & Thursdays at 4pm. Class will be an aerobic warm-up followed by a combination of band and body work. Instructed by Connie Scuitto. Connie is an RN and certified Reiki Master. 845-246-4317. Saugerties Public Library, 91 Washington Ave, Saugerties.


TUES JULY 31 – SUN AUG 5 WEDNESDAY THRU SUNDAY Admission Mid-Way Rides Exhibits Parking Children under 36� All Entertainment Total

1pm-3pm Game and Card Day. Board games, Mah-jong and cards are available, or bring your own. Bring a friend or come and meet people. $1 donation suggested to cover cost of refreshments. Ongoing every Thursday. Red Hook Community Center, 59 Fisk St, Red hook. 1:30pm-4:30pm Snapology 2018 Summer Camp: Lego Robotic Inventors (7/30-8/3). Children use Lego bricks to explore the world of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and animation in an open, fun, team-based environment. Additional camps will be held in Wappingers Falls; Stockade Martial Arts in Kingston; St. Joseph’s Church in New Paltz; &


TUES JULY 31 100.1 WDST Carload Night $50 per carload, 8 person max 4pm-closing


ENTERTAINMENT 10 minutes from Woodstock!

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ALMANAC WEEKLY, 6pm Wine Night - Thirsty Thursday. Celebrate every Thursday at Woodnotes Grille with the Wine Club! Enjoy 25% off all bottles of wine and special selections from the cellar by the glass. Info: 845-688-2828; The Emerson Resort and Spa, 5340 Rt 28, Mt. Tremper. 6pm-8pm Sufi Fire & Water: Seven Petals of the Heart Sufi Practice and Healing with Sufi healer Wahabah. Every Tuesday at Mirabai. Walk-ins welcome. $20 if registered by July 31. Info: 845-679-2100. Mirabai Bookstore, 23 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. $25. 6:30pm-8pm Free Steps of Meditation. Weekly classes. Learn the fundamentals for an effective meditation experience. Info: 518-589-5000 or Peace Village Retreat Center, 54 O’Hara Rd, Haines Falls. 7pm-8pm Gardiner Library Knitting Group. Sit and knit. Gardiner Library, 133 Farmer’s Turnpike, Gardiner. 7pm-9pm Music in the Park Summer Concert Series: Rick Surrano’s 1-4-5. Blues/rock band. Free concert. Bring a chair! Dutchmen’s Landing Park, Main St, Catskill. 7pm-9:30pm Geeks Who Drink Weekly Pub Quiz. Rough Draft invites you to its fun-filled weekly trivia series, hosted by Geeks Who Drink and local celebrities Mark & Emily. Rough Draft Bar & Books, 82 John Street, Kingston. https:// 7pm-8:30pm Reframing Breast Cancer & Breast Health with Susan Willson CNM, CCT: A Free Holistic Self-Care Class. Learn simple steps to keep your breasts healthy, including screening options which do not harm and do give early information. Marbletown Community Center, 3564 Main St.(Route 209), Stone Ridge. Info:, 7pm Bard’s Summerscape Film Screening: The Devil is a Woman. Film Series Rimsky-Korsakov and the Poetry of Cinema. $10. Info: 845-7587900; Bard College/ Ottaway Film Center, Annandale. 7pm-8pm Flip Flop Circus. Beloved circus artists Liz Bolick and Therese Schorn present a spectacle of puppetry and play. Free and open to the public. Sarah Hull Hallock Free Library, 56 Main St, Milton. 7pm Old Dutch Choir. Old Dutch Church, 272 Wall Street, Kingston. 7:30pm Chess Club. Meets every Thursday. Open to all chess players. Free admission. Info: 845-419-2737; Woodland Pond, Woodland Pond Circle, New Paltz. 7:30pm Reading and Meditation. Ongoing every Thursday night at 7:30pm. Info:; 845-679-8322. Matagiri Sri Aurobindo Center, 1218 Wittenberg Rd, Mt. Tremper. 7:30pm-9pm Weekly Thursday Nite EFT Healing Circle & Recovery Workshop. Bring your physical, emotional, & spiritual challenges and issues, and have them quickly, effectively resolved and healed in a safe supportive environment. Ongoing. 845-706-2183. Family of Woodstock/Kingston, 39 John St, Kingston. Free, $5 donation welcome. 8pm-10:15pm Honky Tonk Laundry. A brand new juke box musical featuring country and western songs of the last 60 years. Shadowland Stages, 157 Canal Street, Ellenville. Info: 845-6475511,, http://www. $35/Sunday Matinee, $40/Thursday - Saturday Evening Performances. 8pm Live @ The Falcon: Andy Stack’s American Soup. American classics from Ellington to Hank Williams. Info: 845-236-7970. The Falcon Underground, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro. live@ 8pm-10pm Mind Train Poetry Sessions. Listen or read. Every Thursday. For more information, contact or 347-6892323. Green Kill, 229 Greenkill Ave, Kingston. 8pm Live @ The Falcon: Latin Jazz Express. Dancing Encouraged! The Music of Tito Puente. Info: 845-236-7970. The Falcon Main Stage, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro. 8:30pm Bluegrass Clubhouse. Featuring Brian Hollander, Tim Kapeluk, & Geoff Harden. Harmony Café @ Wok ‘n Roll, 50 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock.



Matagiri Sri Aurobindo Center 50th year in Mount Tremper. A four-day gathering highlighted by a Saturday night performance of music and dance by the Vanaver Caravan. The theme of the conference is Art as a Bridge. A number of the Ashokan Center events are open to the public including a Friday evening Indian Classical concert and the Saturday night benefit performance for the Vanaver Caravan, both at 7:30 pm. Saturday afternoon will feature a talk by Aviram Rozin. Info: 845-679-8322. Ashokan Center, 477 Beaverkill Rd, Olivebridge. 9am-12pm Horticulture Hotline and Diagnostic Lab Now Open 3 Days a Week for the 2018 Growing Season. Volunteer Master Gardeners staff the hotline and are available to answer home horticulture questions on Mondays, Wednesdays

and Fridays 9am to 12pm, through October. The phone number is 845-340-DIRT (3478). CCEUC Education Center, 232 Plaza Rd, Kingston. ulster. 9am-4pm P.L.A.Y: THEATER. For ages 9-15 years old, a three-week immersive exploration of devised theatre technique and creative writing at Bethel Woods. Bethel Woods Center for the Arts, Hurd Rd, Bethel. Info: 1-866-781-2922,, 9am-4pm Panorama Week 3: The Nature of Wandering w/ author Keri Smith, The Wander Society (July 30-August 3). Panorama is for young people between the ages of 6-14 and will take place Monday-Friday, 9am to 4pm. Visit website for more information. Olana State Historic Site, 5720 St Rt 9G, Hudson. Info: 518-8281872,, http://www.olana. org/calendar/. $290/week. 9:30am-11am Vinyasa Level I-II with Alison Sinatra. This class is ideal for students transitioning from beginners to intermediate yoga. Basic poses are explored with increasing detail interspersed with a flowing sequence. $18 drop-in. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. 9:45am-10:45am Woodstock Senior Chi Kung with Corinne Mol. Meditative, healing exercise consisting of 13 movements. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. $1 donation. Woodstock Town Hall, Tinker St, Woodstock. 10am-7:30pm The Tall Ship of Delaware Arrives. Kalmar Nyckel extends its visit through Sunday, August 12th. Kalmar Nyckel is a fullscale replica of the merchant ship that brought Swedish settlers to North America in 1638, to begin establishing the colony of New Sweden (Delaware). Passengers may choose from Hudson River day, evening and Pirate sails. The ship is an authentic seagoing re-creation of a 17th-Century Sails and deck tours will start on the evening of Friday, August 3 from 5-7:30 pm. The schedule includes cruises on Monday, August 6 and Thursday, August 9 through Sunday, August 12 from 12-2:30pm and 5-7:30pm. Sailing tickets are $60 for adults and $40 for children under 17. Advance ticket purchase at asp. Dockside deck tours will be offered on Saturday, August 4 from 10am -6pm and again on Sunday, August 5 from 2-6pm for $10 for adults and $5 for children under age 17. Special Pirate Sails welcomes landlubbers to “walk the plank” for a fun-filled Pirate Sail on Sunday, August 5 from 10am - 12pm plus Friday, August 10 and Saturday, August 11 from 12-2pm, specially priced at $55 for adults and $35 for children under 17. Hudson River Maritime Museum, 50 Rondout Landing, Kingston. 10am First Friday San Gennaro Festival. Featuring food, art and music, held in the city of Poughkeepsie. The event takes place every first Friday of the month. Free admission. Dongan Park, Poughkeepsie. 10am-5pm Goshen Farmers’ Market. Info: 845-294-5557; Goshen’s Village Green, Goshen. 10:30am-11:30am Wendy’s Shadow. Peter Pan and Wendy reunite in a World Premiere musical that travels back to Neverland, where dreams are born and time is never planned. Info: 518-3929292. The Mac-Haydn Theatre, Inc, 1925 State Rt 203, Chatham. http://www.machaydtheatre. org. Discounts for groups. 11am-8pm Woodstock Art Exchange. Glass, gifts and contemporary crafts. Current special exhibit of works by renowned artist Fay Wood. Open Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 11am to 6pm. Green Palate vegan food truck every Friday evening until 8pm. Free admission. Woodstock Art Exchange, 1396 Rte 28, West Hurley. 11am-4pm The Fred J. Johnston House Tour & Exhibit. Featuring art exhibit - Charles Keefe, Colonial Revival Architect, Kingston and New York. Exhibit will display through October. Friends of Historic Kingston Gallery, corner Wall-Main, Kingston. $10/gen adm, $2/16 & under. 12pm Ulster County Fair. Rides, concerts, racing pigs, a petting zoo, horse shows, livestock shows, truck and tractor pulls, exhibits, & fair food. Ulster County Fairgrounds, 249 Libertyville Rd, New Paltz. Payone-price admission (includes rides and entertainment): $50 per carload (up to 8 occupants) on Tuesday, $17 per person (adults and children 36 inches and taller) Wednesday - Sunday, and free for seniors ages 62 and older on Thursday till 4 pm. 12pm The Wall That Heals Visits Newburgh. The Wall That Heals is a 375 ft travelling educational replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington DC. Open 24 hrs from 8/2-8/4. Open until 3PM on 8/5. No pets allowed, All ages. Info: 845-321-6498; People’s Park, 2 Washington St. 12:05pm-1pm Woodstock Senior Basic Pilates with Christine Anderson. A floor work course promoting improvementof balance, coordination, focus, awareness breathing, strength and flexibility. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. $1 donation. Woodstock Fire Co. 1, 242 Tinker St, Woodstock. 12:30pm-4:30pm Private Angelic Channeling and Past Life Regression Healing Sessions with Angelic Channel and Past Life Therapist Margaret Doner. First Friday of every month.

Aug. 2, 2018

submission policy contact

e-mail postal mail: Almanac Calendar Manager Donna Keefe c/o Ulster Publishing, PO Box 3329, Kingston, NY 12402 phone: (845) 334-8200 ext. 104, fax at (845) 334-8809. when to send

Almanac’s Calendar is printed on Tuesdays. We must receive all entries no later than the previous Friday at noon. what to send

The name of the event, time, date, location of event, a telephone number (for publication) and admission charge (specify if free). A brief description is helpful, too. how it works

Instructional and workshop listings appear in the calendar when accompanied by a paid display ad or by a paid individual calendar listing. Community events are published in the newspaper as a community service and on a spaceavailable basis.

By appointment. Info: 845-679-2100. Mirabai Bookstore, 23 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. $125/90 minute session. 1pm-3pm Scrabble Club. Join us for our new Scrabble Club! Bring your extensive vocabulary and your enjoyment for games to our Scrabble events. Town of Esopus Library, 128 Canal St, Port Ewen. Info: 845-338-5580, organizedmode@, 1pm-1:45pm Just for Fun: Cardboard Explosion with Puppeteer Brad Shur. With help from the audience, puppeteer Brad Shur transforms simple cardboard shapes into elaborate characters. PS21: Performance Spaces for the 21st Century, 2980 Rt 66, Chatham. Free. 1pm-2pm Chair Yoga. Info: 845-266-5530. Clinton Community Library, 1215 Centre Rd, Rhinebeck. 1:30pm-4:30pm Snapology 2018 Summer Camp: Lego Robotic Inventors (7/30-8/3). Children use Lego bricks to explore the world of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and animation in an open, fun, team-based environment. Additional camps will be held in Wappingers Falls; Stockade Martial Arts in Kingston; St. Joseph’s Church in New Paltz; & MaMa in Stone Ridge. Info & reg: midhudson. Fishkill Recreation Center, 792 Route 52, off exit 12 off I-84, Fishkill. 2pm Bard’s Summerscape Opera: Anton Rubinstein: The Demon. $25. Info: 845-7587900; Bard College, Sosnoff Theater, Annandale-on-Hudson. 3pm-4:30pm Mushroom ID Hike. We will meet at the library and carpool/caravan up to the Kenape Trail. Wear sturdy shoes and bring water. Preregister for this free event. Olive Free Library, 4033 Rte. 28A, West Shokan. Info: 845-657-2482,, Free. 4pm-9pm First Friday - Pig Roast. Experience the best of the grill and a brilliant sunset over the Esopus! Saugerties Steamboat Co., 2 Ferry St, Saugerties. $30. 4pm-10pm “A Unique Experience” in Phoenicia. This VIP Tour Package includes a two-mile ride with Rail Explorers, the Emerson “Sirens of the Voice” Cocktail and light snacks as well as a tickets for the performance of “Sirens of Gospel.” Depart from Emerson Resort & Spa via shuttle to Rail Explorers, be greeted by the enchanting voice of a Festival of the Voice entertainer, then enjoy the beautiful vistas aboard a Rail Explorers bike before shuttling back to the Emerson for a lecture presented by CEO of the Phoenicia International Festival of the Voice, Maria Todaro. Availability is limited. Reserve today: https:// Info: 845-688-2828. The Emerson Resort and Spa, 5340 Rt 28, Mt. Tremper. events/an-evening-of-rail-and-song. $70. 5pm-7pm Bollywood/Indian Folk Dance Performance. Join Indian guest performer Bharat Verma with SummerDance on Tour! Rail Trail Cafe, 310 River Road Ext., New Paltz. Info: 8452569300,, Free. 5pm-8pm The Maya Gold Foundation presents Stories from Nepal. The Bakery, 13a North Front St, New Paltz. Info: 845-418-5227, info@, 5pm-9pm Saugerties First Friday. Every month, village businesses stay open late and offer special activities and discounts. Partition, Market and Main Streets, Saugerties. facebook. com/saugertiesscene. 5:30pm-9pm Celebration of the Arts. A lineup of eclectic and unique talent presented by MAD and curated by Peter Wexler. Plus exhibit of Kingston artists. Free admission! Cornell Creative Arts Center, 80 Bruyn Ave., Kingston. Info:, 5:30pm-7pm Taste the World with The Recipe Hunters. Sample traditional foods that The Recipe Hunters learned to make in the homes of locals from around the world. Call 845-6887811 to register. Phoenicia Library, 48 Main St,

Phoenicia. Info: 845-688-7811, FREE. 5:30pm-7pm Art Exhibition: Beth Dixon & Susan Silverman. Show will exhibit throug 8/31. Duck Pond Gallery, Town of Esopus Library, 128 Canal Street, Port Ewen. Info: 845-331-2699,, 5:30pm 11th Annual Sleepover. Bring your sleeping bag, pillow and PJs for an evening of fun! Enjoy books, crafts, pizza, a treasure hunt, & a movie! For children 6-11. Pickup is at 8 am on Saturday morning. Free. Registration is required. Info: Info: 845-876-4030. Starr Library, 68 West Market St, Rhinebeck. 5:30pm-7:30pm Romeo and Juliet. Presented by The Woodstock Shakespeare Festival. A timeless tragedy of two young, star-crossed lovers. Admission is free, $10 suggested donation appreciated. Woodstock Shakespeare Festival Stage, 45 Comeau Dr, Woodstock. Info: 845-247-4007, 5:30pm-7pm Restorative Yoga with Barbara Boris. Restorative yoga is a gentle, completely supportive practice that is designed to bring stillness to the body and the mind.Dress in layers, wear socks and bring an eye pillow if you have one. $18 drop-in, discounted with class card or membership. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. 5:45pm Deep Listening Plaza to honor Pauline Oliveros. An initiative of the Kingston Arts Commission in collaboration with the Midtown Arts District. Ward Mintz, Chair of the Arts Commission, and the Mayor will open the ceremony and unveil the Pauline Oliveros Interpretive Sign created in her memory. The sign was designed without cost by Rick Whelan, director of MAD media and owner of Ditto! Design! The money for the sign was raised in just 2 days by friends and admirers. Ione, Pauline’s life partner, will speak and the Emmy nominated singer Yungchen Lhamo will follow with a blessing/chant. A parade will form with musicians from Pook and dancers from Energy. Arm-of-The-Sea will provide processional figures and heading upto the new up and coming Cornell Creative Art Center at the Arc of Ulster-Greene on Cornell Street. The Midtown Arts District’s Celebration of the Arts will begin at 6:30pm. Curated by o Kingston’s Distinguished Artist of the Year Awardee Peter Wetzler. There will also be a pop-up art show with work from talented local artists and artists served by the Arc. The title of the show is ‘Together’ and was a collaboration of the Midtown Arts District, the Arc of UlsterGreene and was curated by MAD Board member Sarah Carlson and Kingston Distinguished Artist of the Year, Julie Hedrick. The Commons, 615 Broadway, Kingston. 6pm-8pm Summer Concert: Kurt Henry Band. Info: 845-266-5530. Clinton Community Library, 1215 Centre Rd, Rhinebeck. 6pm-8:30pm Murder Mystery Cruise: The Gilligan’s Island Murders. Murder Cafe performance aboard the Pride of the Hudson with dinner, show and cruise. Tickets on-line. Info: 845-220-2120. Newburgh Waterfront, Newburgh. 6pm-7pm Writers Who Rock: A Panel Discussion. Chronogram Music Editor, Peter Aaron moderates a panel discussion w/Tony Fletcher, Seth Rogovoy, Holly George-Warren, & Robert Burke Warren. Tivoli Free Library, Watts dePeyster Hall, 86 Broadway, Tivoli. Info: 845-7573771,, http://www. Happens on the Third Floor. 6pm-9pm Goshen Art Walk and Street Concert. Local artists exhibit original works available for purchase. Live music. Restaurants nearby. Near Town Hall, Webster Ave, Goshen. 6pm-7:30pm “First Friday” Shabbat Dinner. Family-friendly Kiddush, candle-lighting, singing, and blessings. Dairy/Vegetarian Potluck Dinner. Woodstock Jewish Congregation, 1682 Glasco Turnpike, Woodstock. 6:30pm-10pm Beacon Sloop Club Potluck Meeting. Meets every 1st Friday of the month at 6:30pm! Open meeting at 7:30pm, followed by a Song Circle. Everyone welcomed. Beacon Sloop



Aug. 2, 2018

premier listings Contact Donna at to be included Call for Quilt Entries. The Wiltwyck Quilters Guild invites non-members to submit quilts that they made by machine, by hand, or both, to be displayed in its biennial show, “Quilts in the Valley” to be held 10/6 & 10/7 at the Rondout Valley Middle School, Stone Ridge. Deadline for registration is August 25th. Info: wiltwyckquilters. org. Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Stationary Clinic for Dogs. Every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. $95 and up; includes spay/neuter, rabies vaccine, and cone collar. All surgeries performed by appointment only; Also, Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Mobile Clinic for Cats( call for location and dates). $70 per cat includes spay/ neuter, rabies vaccine, ear cleaning, nail trim. All surgeries performed by appointment only; & Low-cost vaccine & dental Clinics available. The Animal Rights Alliance (T.A.R.A.), 60 Enterprise Pl, Middletown. Info: 845-3431000, Snapology 2018 Summer Camps. Children use Lego bricks to explore the world of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and animation in an open, fun, team-based environment. Camps are held in various locations in the Hudson Valley this summer: Uptown Kingston at Stockade Martial Arts; Wappingers Falls; Fishkill Rec Center; St. Joseph in New Paltz; & MaMa in Stone Ridge. Info & reg:

Antique Fair & Flea Market (8/48/5). Old-Fashioned Antique Show featuring 200+ dealers, free parking, & food. $10/early buyers - Friday before show. Info: 518-331-5004. $4/gen adm, $3/srs, free/16 7 under. Washington County Fairgrounds, Rt 29 Greenwich. Call for Artists. For an art exhibit at HOPE Rocks Arts and Music Festival on 8/18 & 8/19. Submit photo of any 2D artwork to judydefino5@gmail. com. The theme for the art is Hope. The festival will take place at Cantines Memorial Complex in Saugerties. Percolate: The Thirst, the Hum, the Trickle, the Bubble (8/11, 8pm). Baira, The Illustrious Blacks, Courtney J. Cook, and Greg Purnell, conjure a night of unapologetic sounds and ferocious kinesthetics. $15. Mount Tremper Arts, 647 South Plank Rd, Mount Tremper. Info: 845-688-9893. Catskill Center Thorn Preserve Fundraiser. Calling all ramblers, runners, birders, picnickers, neighbors, photographers, & dog walkers the parking is a mess. An anonymous supporter has pledged to match the first $6000. Give what you can: CATSKILLCENTER . ORG / THORNPRESERVEPARKING. Now My Hand is Ready for My Heart: Intimate Histories (8/25, 8pm). Through theater and dance, Nicky Paraiso explores how a community of artists adapts to aging, both individually and collectively. $15. Mount

Club, 2 Red Flynn Dr, Beacon. Free. 6:30pm-8:30pm Kol Hai Hudson Valley Jewish Renewal Shabbat. Joyful, musical, spiritual, and meditative services open to everyone. Vibrant, heart-centered, and soulful. Every first and third Friday night of the month in the Great Room at the Woodland Pond Health Center. Info: 845-4775457; Woodland Pond, Woodland Pond Circle, New Paltz. 6:45pm-8:30pm Children & Teen Ministries. Meets Fridays: 6:45-8:30pm. Class for adults also offered. Info: 845-876-6923 or cdfcirone@ Grace Bible Fellowship Church, Rt9 & Rt9G, Rhinebeck. 7pm Star Nations Sacred Circle. A not for skeptics discussion group concerning all things paranormal. Dedicated to acknowledging the extraterrestrial presence on earth. Bring a drink, snack to share & a comfortable lawn chair to sit under the stars afterwards for a UFO watch. Meets monthly on the 1st Friday of each month, 7pm. Info: 845-331-2662 or $5 suggested donation. Center for Symbolic Studies, 475 River Rd. Ext, Tillson. 7pm-11pm Dierks Bentley with Special Guests Brothers Osborne & LANCO. Guitars, banjos, mandolins, and fiddles are given room to shine, and integrated into modern drum and bass sounds that will fuel the tour. Bethel Woods Center for the Arts, Hurd Rd, Bethel. Info: 1-866781-2922, 7pm Weekly Senior Citizen’s Bingo. Seniors 50 and older. Ongoing every Wednesday at 1:30pm & Friday at 7pm. 50/50 tickets available at 3 tickets/$2. Half-time complementary refreshments. Shawangunk Valley Senior Center, Southwyck Square, 70 Main St, Napanoch. 7pm-8:30pm First Friday Concert Series. Local musicians offer a community benefit concert. Admission by free will donation. Christ’s Lutheran Church, 26 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-2336, bulletin@christwoodstock. org, 7pm-9pm 2018 Summer Concert Series: The Machine. Pink Floyd Tribute. Free. Friday nights. Athens Village Riverfront Park, Athens. 7:30pm Woodstock Playhouse Productions presents La Cage Aux Folles. Music & Lyrics by Jerry Herman. Based by Harvey Fierstein. Based on the French Play of the same name by Jean Poiret. Tickets $32-$40. Info: 845-679-6900. Woodstock Playhouse, Woodstock. 8pm Live @ The Falcon: Common Tongue. Fusion Originals. Info: 845-236-7970. The Falcon Main Stage, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro. live@ 8pm-10:15pm Honky Tonk Laundry. A brand new juke box musical featuring country and western songs of the last 60 years. Shadowland Stages, 157 Canal Street, Ellenville. Info: 845-6475511,, http://www. $35/Sunday Matinee, $40/Thursday - Saturday Evening Performances. 8pm 42nd ST. Tony Award-winning Broadway musical. Info: 845-876-3080. The Center for Performing Arts at Rhinebeck, 661 Rt 308, Rhinebeck.

Tremper Arts, 647 South Plank Rd, Mount Tremper. Info: 845-688-9893. ‘Ahoy Maties’ Gala & Auction’ (9/25, 5pm). Kicking off with Cocktails at 5pm, followed by a buffet and live music from Ian Flanigan. Auction including 40sailboats begins at 6:30pm with auctioneers Bob Siracusano and Ray Tucker. Presented by the Saugerties Chamber of Commerce. A third of the proceeds from this Fall’s auction goes to the Food Pantry, the Finger Fund and the Back Pack Program, another third goes to the artists and the remaining third goes to the Chamber, a portion of which funds two $1,000 scholarships to be given to two Saugerties High School graduation seniors. The sailboats can be viewed around the Village of Saugerties as well as on the Chambers website at Tickets are $25 before the event and $30 at the door. Tickets are available at Town & Country Liquors, Smith Hardware, the Chamber Visitor Center. SPAF (Saugerties Performing Arts Factory), 169 Ulster Ave, Saugerties. GCCA ’s Sprouts Program 2018 Register Now for Some Summer Arts Fun. Free for children ages 3 to 7 who reside (or are visiting relatives) in Greene County. This annual summer arts program, now in its 32nd year, takes place at six and “easy to get to” sites including Windham, Coxsackie, Cairo, Greenville, Hunter and Catskill. Program is limited to 15 children per

8pm-10pm Yellow Submarine Sing-Along. In honor of the 50th anniversary of this Beatles classic, Upstate presents a newly restored SingAlong version with sound re-mix. Info: 845-8762515; Upstate Films - Rhinebeck, 6415 Montgomery St, Rhinebeck. $10, $8/senior. 8pm Live @ The Falcon: Jamie McLean Band. Guitarist for New Orleans royalty Aaron Neville. Info: 845-236-7970. The Falcon Underground, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro. 8:30pm Movies Under the Starrs: Pacific Rim Uprising. Presented by Starr Library. Info: 845-876-4030. Rhinebeck Town Pool, 68 W Market St, Rhinebeck. 8:30pm Movies Under the Stars 2018: “The Greatest Showman”. Bring the whole family down to enjoy “The Greatest Showman” on Wall Street. Admission is free. If there’s rain, notifications will be sent to local media, posted on www. Info: 845-334-3914; cwinnie@ Wall St, Kingston. kingston-ny. gov/movies.



Matagiri Sri Aurobindo Center 50th year in Mount Tremper. A four-day gathering highlighted by a Saturday night performance of music and dance by the Vanaver Caravan. The theme of the conference is Art as a Bridge. A number of the Ashokan Center events are open to the public including a Friday evening Indian Classical concert and the Saturday night benefit performance for the Vanaver Caravan, both at 7:30 pm. Saturday afternoon will feature a talk by Aviram Rozin. Info: 845-679-8322. Ashokan Center, 477 Beaverkill Rd, Olivebridge. 8am Images and Stories From Nepal. Gallery exhibit of photos from the 2018 Maya Gold Foundation youth trip to Nepal. Show exhibits through 8/31. The Bakery, 13a North Front St, New Paltz. Info: 845-418-5227, info@mayagoldfoundation. org, 8am-7pm We Have Your 6 Music Festival: Kristen Capolino + Ashes of the Phoenix. Ashes of the Phoenix will open for Kristen Capolino! A night of HENDRIX and SANTANA with special guest Gerardo Velez (from Jimi Hendrix). The Changepoint Church, 260 Mill St, Poughkeepsie. Info: 914-482-3829,, event. we-have-your-6-music-festival/. 8am-5pm Catskill Center Thorn Preserve Fundraiser. Calling all ramblers, runners, birders, picnickers, neighbors, photographers, & dog walkers the parking is a mess. An anonymous supporter has pledged to match the first $6000. Give what you can: CATSKILLCENTER.ORG/ THORNPRESERVEPARKING. 8am-4pm Goals for Hope Soccer Tournament: Miles of Hope Breast Cancer Foundation. A soccer tournament with a level of competition for everyone, to emphasize the benefits of exercise and helping those in need. Stringham Park, Lagrangeville. Info: 845-264-2005,,

classroom, wee SPROUTS artists, musicians, dancers and thespians get to share their entire week with the same creative classmates, attentive volunteers and inspirational teachers. The workshops are 10 - 11:45am , Monday through Friday. Parents or guardians may register their children in advance by calling the office at GCCA, Monday through Friday, at 518-943-3400. Info, dates, locations: Submit your Application - Catskills Youth Climate Summit. Cornell Cooperative Extension of Delaware County is currently accepting applications from students in grades 7-12 and teachers in the Catskill region to attend the 2018 Catskills Youth Climate Summit. This free overnight summit will take place TuesdayWednesday, October 9-10, 2018 at Frost Valley YMCA in Claryville. The Summit gives students an opportunity to attend presentations and workshops on climate change and sustainability. Additionally, attendees are invited to participate in group discussions and activities that are designed to challenge perceptions, brainstorm solutions, and discover new ways to live more sustainable lifestyles. The Catskills Youth Climate Summit will include meals and an overnight stay in a Frost Valley cabin. Schools are required to provide their own transportation to and from Frost Valley. The number of participants may be limited based on funding.; 607-865-6531; Woodstock Art Exchange - Open Friday thru Sunday. Glass, gifts and contemporary crafts. Current special exhibit of works by renowned artist Fay Wood. Open Friday, Saturday

events/. 8:30am-9:30am Yoga Level I-II with Aaron Dias. An energetic class that focuses on the breath as it relates to body alignment. Great for kickstarting the weekend. Come be inspired and move! Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700, $18. 9am-1pm Free Tech Help. Teen tech expert Samantha will help solve your computer quandries. Info: 845-266-5530. Drop-ins welcome. Clinton Community Library, 1215 Centre Rd, Rhinebeck. 9am-2pm Kingston’s Uptown Farmers’ Market. Featuring 46 local food growers/makers and live music every week. Info: 347-721-7386; Wall Street between John St and Main St, Kingston. 9am-2pm Pine Bush Farmers’ Market. Info: 845-217-0785; 62 Main St, Pine Bush. 9am-12pm Third Annual 5K Honor Run and Fun Walk for Veterans. All proceeds will benefit local veterans organizations in communities served by the store, including The Tower of Hope, Hudson Valley Honor Flight and The Committee for the Families of War Veterans. The event is a part of ShopRite’s 10th annual Veterans Fundraising Campaign. The race fee is $25 per person for the run and $15 for the 1.5-mile fun walk with a $2.50 sign-up fee (prices will increase an additional $5 on race day), which includes a race day tee shirt for the first 100 people who register. ShopRite of Ellenville, 1 ShopRite Blvd, Ellenville. 9am Hudson Farmers’ Market. 30 vendors will be offering farm fresh goods and products including vegetables, fruit, herbs, honey, nuts, mushrooms, cheese, eggs, meat, poultry, fish, cut flowers, plants, medicinal herb and body care products, bread, baked goods and a host of prepared foods. Rain or Shine! Info: 6th Street & Columbia, Hudson. 9am-12pm Comforter Cobblestone Thrift Store. Not-for-profit store featuring previously enjoyed household and misc. items, jewelry, and clothing for children and adults. Take stairway to the left of the church entrance down to the basement. Comforter Cobblestone Thrift Store, 26 Wynkoop Pl, Kingston. 9am-10pm Zumba! Info: 845-266-5530. Clinton Community Library, 1215 Centre Rd, Rhinebeck. 9am-3pm By Water and Rail - early days of the Rail Trail in Ellenville and Wawarsing. Ellenville Public Library & Museum will debut their new exhibit. Offering a collection of historical photographs of the canals & railways. Matthewis Persen House, 74 John St, Kingston. Free. 9:30am-5:30pm Slide the City. Family-friendly 1000-foot slip-and-slide water party event. Food trucks and merchandise for purchase. Sliders must be at least 5 years old and 46” tall. Tickets on line or at event. Erie & Lincoln Sts, Goshen. 9:30am-11am Centering Prayer. Open to people of all faiths. Info: 845-679-8800. Centering prayer emphasizes prayer as a personal relation-

and Sunday, 11am to 6pm. Green Palate vegan food truck every Friday evening until 8pm. Free admission. Woodstock Art Exchange, 1396 Rt 28, West Hurley. 11am – 6pm. Info: 914-806-3573. Opening Reception: LongReach Arts’ Niches (8/4, 3-5pm). Artworks in individual “niches” that capture the LongReach artists’ unique diversity of media and styles. The exhibit will run through 8/26. Closing Reception – Aug. 26, 4:30-6pm. Howland Cultural Center, 477 Main St, Beacon. Gallery hours: Friday-Monday, 1-5 pm. Caring for Your Older Pet (8/5, 2-4 pm). Workshop offers practical health supporting techniques to enhance your older pet’s overall wellness. Thurman Greco’s book “A Healer’s Handbook” will be sold at this class with all funds going to support maintenance costs at the Woodstock Dog Park. Suggested donation to class: $15. Reservations not necessary. Light refreshments will be served. Bring a small rug or blanket for your pet to lay on. Class held at St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church, Route 212, Woodstock. Yoga Class for Kids ages 5-7 with Miss Scrap Wrenn. Kids Yoga returns to Woodstock Yoga Center for the month of July! Classes led by registered Children’s Yoga Teacher Miss Scrap Wrenn (R-CYT & RYT-200), aim to improve children’s strength and flexibility while increasing selfconfidence and emotional resilience. Mondays through 7/30,3-4pm. Info:; 845-6798700. $10 drop-in, 5 class card series available at discounted rate of $40. Open to students of all levels between the ages of 5-7. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock.

ship with God and as a movement beyond conversation. On-going, Saturdays from 9:30-11am. St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church (the A-Frame), 2578 Rt 212, Woodstock. 10am Antique Fair & Flea Market. Old-Fashioned Antique Show featuring 200+ dealers, free parking, & food. Info: 518-331-5004. $4/gen adm, $3/srs, free/16 7 under. Washington County Fairgrounds, Rt. 29, Greenwich. 10am-11:30am Generations Shabbat Morning Service. Family-friendly, multi-generational, musical service with singing, sharing, and teaching from the Torah. Kol Hai Hudson Valley Jewish Renewal. All ages and faiths welcome. Every first and third Saturday of the month in the Great Room at the Woodland Pond Health Center. Info: 845-477-5457, Woodland Pond, Woodland Pond Circle, New Paltz. 10am-12pm Shabbat Morning Services. Music filled services and Torah study. Connect to tradition and open your heart. Family’s welcome. Woodstock Jewish Congregation, 1682 Glasco Turnpike, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-2218, info@, 10am-12:30pm Keep our Park Clean! Volunteer Event at Sam’s Point. A volunteer garbage pickup in the park. This event is recommended for volunteers over the age of eight, accompanied by a parent or guardian over the age of 18. Meet at the Sam’s Point Visitor Center. Pre-registration is required by calling Sam’s Point at 845-647-7989. Sam’s Point Area, Cragsmoor. 10am-12pm Saturday Knitters. All ages and experience levels can participate and drop-in knitters are also welcome. Bring your own supplies. 845 687-7023 for more info. Stone Ridge Library, 3700 Main St, Stone Ridge. 10am-11:30am Iyengar Yoga Level I with Barbara Boris. For students new to Iyengar, the basis of the method is taught in standing poses. Taught by Certified Iyengar Yoga Instructor Barbara Boris. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700, $18. 10am-2pm Saugerties Farmers’ Market. Fresh and local foods of all kinds, music, & chef demo. Saugerties Farmers Market, 115 Main St., Saugerties. Info: 845-853-5694, Contact@, 10am Qigong Classes. All level class including chair Qigong led by Steven Michael Pague. Ongoing every Saturday at 10am. Classes meet by the back door to the library. In case of inclement weather, class will be held in the Community Room. Info: 845-876-4030. Starr Library, 68 West Market St, Rhinebeck. 10am ‘Ahoy Maties’ Sailboats on Display. 10th annual celebration of local artists and community of Saugerties. Showcasing the talents of the many artists in the community. Sailboat exhibits may be viewed around the Village of Saugerties as well as on the Chambers website at Event is hosted by the Saugerties Chamber of Commerce. Gala & Auction will take place on 9/25, 5pm at SPAF (Saugerties Performing Arts Factory), 169 Ulster Ave, Saugerties. Saugerties Performing Arts Factory, 169 Ulster Ave, Saugerties.

20 10am-7pm New York Renaissance Faire. Celebrate Elizabethan England brought back to life. Info: 845-351-5171. Sterling Forest State Park, Tuxedo Park. 10am Hudson Highlands Nature Museum: Hummingbirds. A program all about Hummingbirds. Learn about these flying jewels with an engaging presentation and take a guided walk to identify plants that attract them and maybe catch a glimpse of a hummingbird feeding! According to Environmental Educator Sasha Boucher, “hummingbirds received their name because of the audible humming sound created by their wings flapping 53 times a second!” This is program recommended for adults and families with children ages 5 and up. Info: 845-5345506 x211. Hudson Highlands Nature Museum/ Outdoor Discovery Center, Cornwall. $8, $6/child. 10am-4pm Garden Conservancy Open Days Program Tour - Greene County. Explore the Abeel House Prairie in Catskill, open for selfguided tours to benefit the Garden Conservancy. Abeel House Prairie, 739 Route 23A, Catskill. Info: 888-842-2442,, per person; children 12 and under free. 10am-11am Confessions of a Prairie Plant Addict. Join a passionate meadow gardener as he takes a small group through his spectacular four-and-one-half-acre Hudson Valley prairie. Abeel House Prairie, 739 Route 23A, Catskill. Info: 888-842-2442,, $30 for Garden Conservancy members. 10am-11am All-Level Yoga. Info: 845-266-5530. Clinton Community Library, 1215 Centre Rd, Rhinebeck. 10am-12pm Native Tree ID Walk. Head outdoors to learn how to identify trees native to the Catskills. This walk will help you to better appreciate native trees on your own. Mountain Top Arboretum, 4 Maude Adams Rd, Tannersville. Info: 518 589-3903,, Free to Members. 10am-3pm Coffee’s Ready with Polly. Weekly baked goodies + good conversation. Pine Hill Community Center, 287 Main St, Pine Hill. 10:30am-12:30pm Ukulele Lesson & Jam. Meets the first Saturday of the month for a uke lesson and jam, from beginners to more advanced players. Ukes available to borrow. Phoenicia Library, 48 Main St, Phoenicia. Info: 845-6887811, FREE. 10:30am-11:30am Silent Vigil for Global Peace & Non-Violence. Sponsored by The Kingston Women in Black. Meet outside Cornell St PO. Cornell St PO, Kingston. 11am-4pm The Fred J. Johnston House Tour & Exhibit. Featuring art exhibit - Charles Keefe, Colonial Revival Architect, Kingston and New York. Exhibit will display through October. Friends of Historic Kingston Gallery, corner Wall-Main, Kingston. $10/gen adm, $2/16 & under. 11am-7pm Battle Candle: Music and Arts Festival. Multi-media festival showcasing youthful creators. Food, vendors, art -making opportunities, locally made holistic goods. Tickets on-line or at event. Wickham Woodlands Park, Warwick. 11am-3pm Free Guided Tours of Woodchuck Lodge. All are welcome. Free guided tours of the lodge are offered the first weekend of the month from May to October, Saturday and Sunday. Woodchuck Lodge, 1633 Burroughs Memorial Rd, Roxbury. 11am-1pm Teen Gaming. Three computers with League of Legends installed. Bring your own laptop. Town of Esopus Library, 128 Canal St, Port Ewen. Info: 845-338-5580, organizedmode@, 11am Catskill Animal Sanctuary Tour. Meet rescued animals and hear their stories. Understand what caring for these amazing animals has taught us. Learn about the plight of farmed animals and how you can help. Tours every Saturday and Sunday, through November - beginning at 11am. Tours leave every 45 minutes. The last tour leaves at 2:45pm. Catskill Animal Sanctuary, 316 Old Stage Rd, Saugerties. Info: (845) 336-8447, $12/adults, $8/kids & srs, free/ 2 & under. 11am-6pm Woodstock Art Exchange. Glass, gifts and contemporary crafts. Current special exhibit of works by renowned artist Fay Wood. Open Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 11am to 6pm. Green Palate vegan food truck every Friday evening until 8pm. Free admission. Woodstock Art Exchange, 1396 Rte 28, West Hurley. 11am-1pm Young People’s Concert: New Muse 4TET with Gwen Laster, violin. Music by composers of color in an interactive presentation utilizing spoken word and weaving improvisation into its theme. Maverick Concert Hall, 120 Maverick Rd, Woodstock. www.maverickconcerts. org. Admission is free for all young people under 16. Adults pay $5 each at the door. 11:30am-12pm Poetry Reading. Delila Draper will be reading from her book of poetry Spitfire about a young woman in the midst of transition from child to adulthood. Free admission. Phoenicia Library, 48 Main St, Phoenicia. Info: 845-6887811, 12pm-4pm Cornwall Sidewalk Showcase. Enjoy a summer afternoonof creativity and ART where

ALMANAC WEEKLY local artistswill be exhibiting their work! There will be live music and art provided by John & Jackie Gioia right behind The Shops at 277 Main. To learn more about the event please contact: Main St/ Cornwall, Cornwall. 12pm The Wall That Heals Visits Newburgh. The Wall That Heals is a 375 ft travelling educational replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington DC. Open 24 hrs from 8/2-8/4. Open until 3PM on 8/5. No pets allowed, All ages. Info: 845-321-6498; People’s Park, 2 Washington St. 12pm-1pm Free Yoga Pizza Party. Join Women’s Power Space and My Place Pizza for a rejuvenating yoga class and pizza. Families, beginners, and children welcome (mats will be provided). Ongoing. My Place Pizza, 322 Main St, Poughkeepsie. Donations appreciated. 12pm-1:30pm Great Train Robbery. This interactive journey kicks off at the Westbrook Station in Kingston NY and travels up the Hurley Flats. Adventure, live music and games! Catskill Mountain Railroad (CMRR), West Brook Lane Station, 149 Aaron Ct, Kingston. under 2 years old free. 12pm Ulster County Fair. Rides, concerts, racing pigs, a petting zoo, horse shows, livestock shows, truck and tractor pulls, exhibits, & fair food. Ulster County Fairgrounds, 249 Libertyville Rd, New Paltz. Payone-price admission (includes rides and entertainment): $50 per carload (up to 8 occupants) on Tuesday, $17 per person (adults and children 36 inches and taller) Wednesday - Sunday, and free for seniors ages 62 and older on Thursday till 4 pm. 12pm-2pm Tasty History: Street Food, Spices and Sauces of the Middle East. Travel with Church through the Middle East by taste. Participants will leave with contemporary and historic recipes and a full stomach! 21+. Olana State Historic Site, 5720 St Rt 9G, Hudson. Info: 518-828-1872,, http:// Member: $20, NonMember: $25, Ages 21+. 12pm-4pm Shakespeare in the Garden. Stroll through gardens with classical music to watch a Shakespearean love scene or two, hear sonnets, enjoy a glass of wine and other light refreshments. Call for tickets/reservations. Rain date: 8/5. Info: 845-697-5337. 220 Arcadia Rd, Goshen. 12pm Live @ The Falcon: NYSM Rock Camp. Student rock showcase. Info: 845-236-7970. The Falcon Main Stage, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro. 12pm-8pm 8th Annual Bon-Odori Dance Festival for Peace - Japan’s Festival to the World. A Japanese tradition to observe “Obon” the Buddhist ritual of remembering and reconnecting with ancestors, family and friends. Community members throughout Japan get together to celebrate “Obon” by dancing “Bon-Odori” around that time. Whole day of events are lined up including food, bands & dancers, local businesses & farms, Kid’s corner, martial arts demos, Taiko drumming, Japanese dancing, culture, history & Nuclear issues… The Mimbuza Japanese Folk Dance company and Stuart Paton from Burlington Taiko will lead “Bon-Odori” loop dance at 6:30pm. Buddhist monk, Kenjitsu Nakagaki, will conduct a special ritual to pray for the victims of the radiation disasters of Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Fukushima, to complete the event. Info: 845-750-1947; Kingston Point Beach, 53 Delaware Ave, Kingston. 12:30pm-6pm Tarot Readings with Stephanie. Every Saturday. Walk-ins welcome! Info: 845-679-2100. Mirabai Bookstore, 23 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. $30/25 minutes. 12:45pm-1:30pm New Paltz Women in Black Vigil for Peace. Held in front of the Elting Library, corner of Main and North Front Streets. Vigil is in its 15th year of standing for peace and justice. 1pm-4pm In the Good Old Summertime. Join us for Edwardian games (tennis & croquet) on the lawn, tours of the Jane Colden Plant Sanctuary and preservation themed tours. Free. Knox’s Headquarters State Historic Site, 289 Forge Hill Road, Vails Gate. Info: 845-561-1765, chad., 1pm-3pm Mindful Walker Tour: Kingston’s Rondout. Explore this neighborhood’s architectural gems, stories of places and people, and culture. Enhance your own appreciation as we walk. Info: 347-628-2457,, 15 per person. 1pm Stockade National Historic District Walking Tour. Tours held the first Saturday of each month. Free to FHK members. FHK will make special appointments for groups or private tours. Friends of Historic Kingston Gallery, corner WallMain, Kingston. $10, $5/under 16. 1pm-2pm Essential Oils Workshop. Inka Rector will be here to talk about essential oils, how they work and how you can use them to lead your healthiest life. Phoenicia Library, 48 Main St, Phoenicia. Info: 845-688-7811, FREE. 1pm-2:30pm Cookbook Club. Choose a recipe from Barefoot Contessa: How Easy is That? by Ina Garten (library copies available), make it, and then bring to share! Town of Esopus Library, 128 Canal St, Port Ewen. Info: 845-338-5580,, https://www.esopusli- 1pm-4pm Minnewaska Preserve- All About Animals Drop-In Program. Stop by the Minnewaska Nature Center to see pelts, skulls, snake skins, feathers and tracks and observe, up close, all the details of animals that you couldn’t see in the wild. All ages are welcome. Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Pre-Registration is NOT required. 845-255-0752. Minnewaska Preserve, Gardiner. 2pm-8pm Open House: The Gallery at The Reher Center for Immigrant Culture and History. On view is our permanent exhibit, “Rondout Revisited,“ which documents the arc of an American river port and its diverse community over 150 years by focusing on changes to Broadway, Rondout’s central commercial strip. Info: 845-481-3738. Reher Center for Immigrant Culture & History, c/o Jewish Fed. of Ulster Co,. 1 Albany Ave., G-10, Kington. 2pm-3:30pm Great Train Robbery. This interactive journey kicks off at the Westbrook Station in Kingston NY and travels up the Hurley Flats. Adventure, live music and games! Catskill Mountain Railroad (CMRR), West Brook Lane Station, 149 Aaron Ct, Kingston. under 2 years old free. 2pm-3pm Uncle Rock Concert. Uncle Rock’s music is one of the few artists whose music speaks to kids and adults. Often compared to Pete Seeger. Starr Library, 68 West Market St, Rhinebeck. 2pm-6pm 2018 Tivoli Community Day. Join the Village of Tivoli, Tivoli Free Library, Tivoli Fire Dept., Monumental Lodge #347, & HarrisSmith Post. Beercaps & Quarters to play! Tivoli Free Library, Watts dePeyster Hall, 86 Broadway, Tivoli. Info: 845-757-3771, tivoliprograms@, The Monumental Lodge #374, will have food available to purchase. Also, there will a bake sale to benefit the Tivoli Free Library’s, Middle School Battle of the Books Team. Bring a lawn chair! Plus, please bring a salad or side dish to share! 2pm-4pm Annual DCC Sing-a-Thon/Play-aThon. Fundraiser concert at DCC raises money for MusicLink Scholarship Fund, facilitating music lessons for talented low-income students. James and Betty Hall Theatre, James and Betty Hall Theatre at Dutchess Community College, 53 Pendell Road, Poughkeepsie. Info: 8454318916,, https://www. free with optional donation to MusicLink. 2pm-3pm The Woodstock Art Colony: The Nascent Years 1900-1930. A lecture series with Dr. Bruce Weber. Modernist Currents: Woodstock in the Age of the Armory Show, Part 1 is the third in a series of four lectures on the history of the Woodstock Art Colony and its fundamental years from 1900-1930, presented by Dr. Bruce Weber, 19th & 20th century American Art scholar and former curator of the National Academy Museum and the Museum of the City of New York. Info: 845-679-2940. Woodstock Artists Association & Museum, 28 Tinker St, Woodstock. Info: info@, $20. 2pm-4pm Art Omi: Dance, Showing. Dance Residents will share works created in collaboration with each other. Art Omi, 1405 County Route 22, Ghent. Info: 531-392-8031, cmassa@artomi. org, 2pm Benefit For Puerto Rico. Film: From Mambo to Hip Hop. Celebrating the Puerto Rican Contribution to American popular music. Post film music: DJ Manuel Blas. Featuring music of Puerto Rico - Bomba & Plena to Latin Jazz & Hip Hop. Old Dutch Church, 272 Wall Street, Kingston. Suggested donations $5, $10, $20. 3pm-4:30pm Luminarium Dance. A familyfriendly performance, featuring newly commissioned work inspired by Clermont’s history and landscape, alongside a selection of repertory favorites ranging from classical to contemporary. Founded by Merli V. Guerra and Kimberleigh A Holman in Boston in 2010, Luminarium is an award-winning contemporary dance company. A performance of elastic bouyancy, athletic partnering, and whimsical time travel, as Luminarium makes its Clermont debut. General Admission; bring a blanket or chair. Tickets are $10, children 12 and under are free. Clermont State Historic Site, 87 Clermont Ave, Germantown. 3pm-5pm Opening Reception: LongReach Arts’ Niches. Artworks in individual “niches” that capture the LongReach artists’ unique diversity of media and styles. The exhibit will run through 8/26. Closing Reception – Aug. 26, 4:30-6pm. Howland Cultural Center, 477 Main St, Beacon. Gallery hours: Friday-Monday, 1-5 pm. Howland Cultural Center, 477 Main St, Beacon. 3pm-6pm Laura Katz Art Opening: It’s All About Letting Go. Mixed-media paintings using oil and collage. Much of the work is Abstraction. Keegan Ales, 20 St. James St., Kingston. Info: 845 679-2347,

Aug. 2, 2018 5pm-8pm Opening Reception: Fotographia: A Group Exhibition of Photography. Featuring the works of 30+ artists from the Hudson Valley. Artists are using their original photography as subjects. Gallery hours S,M,TH,F & S, 11am-5pm. Show will exhibit through 9/3. Emerge Gallery & Art Space, 228 Main St, Saugerties. Info: 845-247-7515,, 5pm-7pm The Vanaver Caravan SummerDance Performance at the Bon Oduri Festival. Kingston Point Rotary Park, Delaware Ave., Kingston. Free. 5pm-7pm The Detroit Show at Green Kill. Curated by Gary Mayer, featuring 11 artists living in Detroit and from the Detroit diaspora. Green Kill, 229 Greenkill Ave, Kingston. Info: 347-4689-2323,, 5pm-7pm Hyper Local: A Student Exhibition. Gallery Opening for student work made during this summer’s Teen Art Lab, hosted by the Kingston Library and the D.R.A.W. Info: 845-6330815; Broadway Arts, 694 Broadway, Kingston. 5pm-8pm Distinguished Artist of the Year: Meredith Rosier. Opening reception. Refreshments provided. Arts Society of Kingston, 97 Broadway, Kingston. Info: 845-338-0333, ask@, 5pm-8pm Opening Reception at The Storefront Gallery. Jennifer Wulfe Schimmrich Fantastic Creatures mixed media and works on paper. Show exhibits through 8/25. The Storefront Gallery, 93 Broadway, Kingston. www. free. 5pm-8pm First Saturday Opening Receptions. The Arts Society of Kingston participates in Kingston’s popular First Saturday art event by presenting a variety of new exhibitions on the first Saturday of each month. This is a free event that includes refreshments. Info: 845-338-0333. Arts Society of Kingston, 97 Broadway, Kingston. 5pm-8pm Kingston: First Saturday Art Event. Vibrant First Saturday gallery receptions offer a glimpse of what Kingston has to offer. Events include live music, open studio tours, theatrical performances, historical reenactments, arts & cultural activities. 5pm-8pm Winging It - Photography of Peter Tongue. Opening reception. Refreshments provided. A series of winged animals in motion. Arts Society of Kingston, 97 Broadway, Kingston. Info: 845-338-0333,, www. 5:30pm Crafts on Wall Street. Old Dutch Church, 272 Wall Street, Kingston. 5:30pm-7:30pm Romeo and Juliet. Presented by The Woodstock Shakespeare Festival. A timeless tragedy of two young, star-crossed lovers. Admission is free, $10 suggested donation appreciated. Woodstock Shakespeare Festival Stage, 45 Comeau Dr, Woodstock. Info: 845-247-4007, 6pm-8:30pm Arm of the Sea Theater presents Dirt: the Secret Life of Soil. A tour of Poughkeepsie Farm Project will take place prior to the show at 6pm. The show will begin at 7pm. Poughkeepsie Farm Project, 51 Vassar Farm Lane, Poughkeepsie. Info: 845-437-5370. 6:30pm Headless Horseman Escape Rooms. A fully interactive experience unlike anything you have ever done before. With only 60 minutes to escape, youmust work together as a team to explore your surroundings using logic, instinct, and critical thinking to fine secret passages, solve puzzles, crack codes, and uncover hidden mysteries that will ultimately lead to your escape. Open Saturday & Sundays during the Summer. Up to 12 participants can enter a room. Escape Room Times: Icabod’s Revenge 6:30,7:45,9,& 10:15pm; Death Row 6:45,8,9:15,& 10:30pm; The Inheritance 7,8:15,9:30,&10:45pm. Not for children 11 & under. $29.95 plus tax and service charge. Info: headlesshorsemanescaperooms. com; 845-339-2666. 7pm-8:30pm Remembering Planet Beth. A special sound healing celebration for our dear friend, sister, daughter, mother and wise relative Beth Ylvisaker. Sage Academy of Sound Energy, 6 Deming Street, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-5650,, Suggested donation $20. 7pm-10:30pm Hudson Valley English Dance. Graham Christian from Amherst will teach and call English Country Dances. Music by Tiddley Pom (Dean, Polansky, Jeannotte and others). Reformed Church of Port Ewen, Salem Road, Port Ewen. Info: 845-454-2571, adults $10, full time students $5.

4pm Artist’s New Work Forum presents People, Places, and Stuff that Happened. A collection of original stories in theatrical format, performed by an impressive list of newcomers and favorite local performers. Rosendale Theatre, 408 Main St, Rosendale. Info: 845-658-8989,, $5.

7pm-11pm March of Champions 23rd Annual Drum & Bugle Corps Competition. The Children’s Home of Kingston will host the 23rd annual March of Champions Drum and Bugle competition. Featured are six corps in competition and three exhibition corps. Day of show tickets are on sale beginning at 1 p.m. and gates open at 5:30 p.m. All proceeds benefit programs and services for youth at the Children’s Home of Kingston. For more information, contact Eric Houghtaling at 845-331-1448. Dietz Stadium, Kingston.

4pm Two-Woman Art Opening. Featuring the works of Lanette Hughes and Nikki Pison. Lace Mill East Gallery, 165 Cornell St, Kingston.

7pm-8pm Latin Dance for Everyone. Meets every Saturday, 7-8pm.$5/suggested donation. Info: 845-331-5300; Hudson

Valley LGBTQ Community Center, 300 Wall St, Kingston. 7pm-10pm John Bruschini Trio. Guitarist Bruschini will be bringing his merry band of jazzers to Lydia’s for some good tuneage. Rich Mollin on bass, Tani Tabbal on drums. Lydia’s Cafe, 7 Old US 209, Stone Ridge. Info: 845-687-6373, mark@, No cover charge but donations are welcome. 7pm-11:30pm Open Mic/Open Stage Acoustic Evening. Meets the first Saturday of each month. The Gallery, 128 Main St, Stamford. $5. 7:30pm Woodstock Playhouse Productions presents La Cage Aux Folles. Music & Lyrics by Jerry Herman. Based by Harvey Fierstein. Based on the French Play of the same name by Jean Poiret. Tickets $32-$40. Info: 845-679-6900. Woodstock Playhouse, Woodstock. 8pm Jazz at the Maverick: Fred Hersch,piano, and Gilad Hekselman, guitar. Hersch is a pervasively influential creative force who has long defined jazz’s creative edge in a wide variety of settings. Maverick Concert Hall, 120 Maverick Rd, Woodstock. General Admission- $30; Reserved Seating - $45; Students $5; Discount ticket books. 8pm-11pm The Not Too Far From Home Comedy Tour. Featuring rising star comedians with ties to upstate NY. Tickets on line or door (if available.) Info: 845-374-2010. Brown Barn Farms, New Hampton. 8pm-10:15pm Honky Tonk Laundry. A brand new juke box musical featuring country and western songs of the last 60 years. Shadowland Stages, 157 Canal Street, Ellenville. Info: 845-6475511,, http://www. $35/Sunday Matinee, $40/Thursday - Saturday Evening Performances. 8pm Live @ The Falcon: Upstate Rubdown. High harmony Indie Americana rock. Info: 845-236-7970. The Falcon Main Stage, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro. 8pm 42nd ST. Tony Award-winning Broadway musical. Info: 845-876-3080. The Center for Performing Arts at Rhinebeck, 661 Rt 308, Rhinebeck. 8:30pm Movies Under the Walkway Series: Coco(2017). The fun begins with the bands and children’s activities at 7pm, followed by the feature film at sundown at approximately 8:30pm. These events are held under the stars at the Upper Landing Park, 83 North Water Street, Poughkeepsie. Bring blankets and chairs. The events are sunshine only. Free admission. Local vendors will be on hand to provide food and beverages. Free parking is available at the MidHudson Children’s Museum and Metro North. Parking and scheduling information can be found at Info:; 9:30pm A Little Nightmare Music featuring Igudesman & Joo. Unique show, full of virtuosity, enchanting music and zany, outrageous humour. Ideal for audiences aged 8 to adults. Catskill Mountain Foundation, 7971 Main Street, Hunter. Info: 518-263-2000, cmf@catskillmtn. org, Tickets Purchased Ahead: $25; $20 seniors; $7 students At the Door: $30; $25 seniors; $7 students.




Aug. 2, 2018


Matagiri Sri Aurobindo Center 50th year in Mount Tremper. A four-day gathering highlighted by a Saturday night performance of music and dance by the Vanaver Caravan. The theme of the conference is Art as a Bridge. A number of the Ashokan Center events are open to the public including a Friday evening Indian Classical concert and the Saturday night benefit performance for the Vanaver Caravan, both at 7:30 pm. Saturday afternoon will feature a talk by Aviram Rozin. Info: 845-679-8322. Ashokan Center, 477 Beaverkill Rd, Olivebridge. 8am-5pm Catskill Center Thorn Preserve Fundraiser. Calling all ramblers, runners, birders, picnickers, neighbors, photographers, & dog walkers the parking is a mess. An anonymous supporter has pledged to match the first $6000. Give what you can: CATSKILLCENTER.ORG/ THORNPRESERVEPARKING. 8:30am-9:30am Sunday Flow with Deborah Adams. Open and approachable class for all levels. Breath and movement are linked to calm the nervous system and energize the body. Expect to move, try something new and participate in your own personal well-being. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-6798700, drop in rate. 9am-4pm High Falls D&H Canal Flea Market. Flea Market runs every Sunday through Oct. Vendors offer a variety of art, antiques, collectibles & crafts. Free admission. Info: 845-810-0471;; Grady Park, 23 Mohonk Rd & Rt 213, High Falls. http:// free. 9am-2pm Warwick Valley Farmer’s Market. Every Sunday May 13 – Nov 18. Info: 845-9862720. South Street Parking Lot, Warwick. 9am-1pm Family & Friends CPR Course. A video-based, classroom course intended for anyone who wants to learn CPR and prefers to learn in an instructor-led or facilitated group

environment. This course is for people who do not need a certification card for a job or other requirements. This class covers techniques for all age groups: adult, child and infant. The class is for students ages 12 to adult. Preregistration is required. Call 845-475-9742 to register. Northern Dutchess Hospital, Rhinebeck. $35. 9am-3pm Emerson Annual Car Show. Food, music, Country Store happenings and an amazing collection of cars. Proceeds benefit The Heart of the Catskills Humane Society. Day of the show $15. Spectators are free. Info: 845-688-2828. The Emerson Resort and Spa, 5340 Rt 28, Mt. Tremper. 9:30am-5pm Hike to the Shingle Gully Ice Caves. This all-day, strenuous adventure ascends and descends 1,500 feet, includes off-trail bushwhacking and steep rock scrambles, and is only appropriate for experienced hikers. Pre-registration is required by calling 845-647-7989. Meet at the Sam’s Point Visitor Center. Pre-registration deadline: July 31st. Sam’s Point Area, Cragsmoor. 9:30am Private Herman Siegel Post 625, Poughkeepsie, of the Jewish War Veterans of The United States of America Meeting. Persons of the Jewish faith who have served in the armed forces of the United States of America of others of the Jewish faith are cordially invited to attend and participate. Any questions concerning participation in our organization may be directed to Rob Rubin, Presiding Officer, at oldsmobile9@ Congregation Schomre Israel, 18 Park Ave, Poughkeepsie. 10am-7pm New York Renaissance Faire. Celebrate Elizabethan England brought back to life. Info: 845-351-5171. Sterling Forest State Park, Tuxedo Park. 10am-2pm Rhinebeck’s Outdoor Market. Rain or shine. Rhinebeck Municipal Parking Lot, 61 East Market St, Rhinebeck. 10am-2pm Highland Falls Art Walk and Farmers Market. Ongoing display of sculpture and art installed along Main Street. Pair with a visit to the Highland Falls Farmers Market on Sundays from 10am-2pm. Village of Highland Falls. Info: 10am Sunday Meditation. Sunday morning programs begin with a discussion of various Buddhist topics, followed by Tibetan yoga, sitting meditation and compassion practice,all of which help participants nurture their inner strength and grow spiritually. Potluck lunch. Free. Suitable for all; you may join for some or all of the morning. Info:; retreats@; 845-203-1275. Dharmakaya Center for Wellbeing, 191 Cragsmoor Rd, Pine Bush. 10am-3pm New Paltz Farmers’ Market. Products available from local growers and producers offering farm fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh baked goods, meats and cheeses. Activities for the kids. Church Street, between Main & Academy, New Paltz. 10am ‘Ahoy Maties’ Sailboats on Display. 10th annual celebration of local artists and community of Saugerties. Showcasing the talents of the many artists in the community. Sailboat exhibits may be viewed around the Village of Saugerties as well as on the Chambers website at Event is hosted by the Saugerties Chamber of Commerce. Gala & Auction will take place on 9/25, 5pm at SPAF (Saugerties Performing Arts Factory), 169 Ulster Ave, Saugerties. Saugerties Performing Arts Factory, 169 Ulster Ave, Saugerties. 10am-3pm Beacon Farmers’ Market. Info: Veterans Place, between Main & Henry Street (next to the Post Office), Beacon. 10am-11:30am Iyengar Yoga Level II with Barbara Boris. For students who are wellpracticed in Iyengar Level I. Taught by Certified Iyengar Yoga Instructor Barbara Boris. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700, $18. 11am-3pm Sunday Funday. Open Recreation! Pool Table, Foosball and Ping Pong. Meets every Sunday. Pine Hill Community Center, 287 Main St, Pine Hill. FREE. 11am-12pm Conversations over Coffee. An open forum for discussions and opinions of topics relevant to the world around us. The Crafted Kup, 44 Raymond Ave, Poughkeepsie. Info: 845-242-6546, cocpoughkeepsie@gmail. com, 11am Private Herman Siegel Post 625, Poughkeepsie, Jewish War Veterans of The United States of America Sign Dedication. The sign honors the life, memory and sacrifice of Private Herman Siegel. He lived on May Street and was a Poughkeepsie High School graduate in 1943 who was KIA in May, 1944 in Anzio, Italy. Parking is in the Poughkeepsie High School Parking Lot. Info: May Street, at the corner with Forbus (behind Poughkeepsie High School)., Poughkeepsie.

Art Exchange, 1396 Rte 28, West Hurley. 11am Catskill Animal Sanctuary Tour. Meet rescued animals and hear their stories. Understand what caring for these amazing animals has taught us. Learn about the plight of farmed animals and how you can help. Tours every Saturday and Sunday, through November - beginning at 11am. Tours leave every 45 minutes. The last tour leaves at 2:45pm. Catskill Animal Sanctuary, 316 Old Stage Rd, Saugerties. Info: (845) 336-8447, $12/adults, $8/kids & srs, free/ 2 & under. 11am-4pm Mustang Club Car Show. Free car show event. Museum buildings and exhibits will be open. Rain date: 8/12. Info: 845-782-8248. Museum Village, 1010 State Route 17M, Monroe. 11am-3pm Free Guided Tours of Woodchuck Lodge. All are welcome. Free guided tours of the lodge are offered the first weekend of the month from May to October, Saturday and Sunday. Woodchuck Lodge, 1633 Burroughs Memorial Rd, Roxbury. 12pm-2pm Juan Figueroa at the Yard Owl. Join Juan and find out how you can help restore leadership and integrity to the Sheriff ’s Department. This event is co-hosted by the Gardiner Democratic Committee. Suggested donation is $50. Contribute online at: figueroaforsheriff. com/donate or bring a check or cash. Light fare will be served along with a cash bar. This is a family friendly event and kids are welcome and free. Please RSVP to: Yard Owl Craft Brewery, 19 Osprey Ln, Gardiner. 12pm Ulster County Fair. Rides, concerts, racing pigs, a petting zoo, horse shows, livestock shows, truck and tractor pulls, exhibits, & fair food. Ulster County Fairgrounds, 249 Libertyville Rd, New Paltz. Pay-one-price admission (includes rides and entertainment): $50 per carload (up to 8 occupants) on Tuesday, $17 per person (adults and children 36 inches and taller) Wednesday - Sunday, and free for seniors ages 62 and older on Thursday till 4 pm. 12pm-2pm Free Reiki. Members of the Hudson Valley Community Reiki group are providing 20-minute individual Reiki sessions, no charge, first-come first-served. Gardiner Library, 133 Farmer’s Turnpike, Gardiner. Info: 845-255-1255,, 12:30pm-6pm Astro-Tarot Readings with Diane Bergmanson. Every Sunday this summer at Miraba. Walk-ins welcome. Info: 845-6792100. Mirabai Bookstore, 23 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. $50/hour, $30/30 minutes. 1pm-2pm Silent Peace Vigil by Woodstock Women in Black. Village Green/Woodstock, Woodstock. 1pm-2pm Folktales & Stories for Children & Families. Pamela Badila performs, tells and reads folktales from around the world in this special story hour. Hudson Area Library, 51 North 5th Street, Hudson. Info: 518-828-1792, brenda., 1pm-3pm Animal Tracks for Kids at Sam’s Point. Make your very own plaster track of one of the many types of animals that live at Sam’s Point. While the tracks are drying, we will hike up to the Sam’s Point Overlook, looking for signs of animals along the way. This hike is just over one mile roundtrip on a carriage road which ascends 200 feet. All children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over the age of 18. Meet at the Sam’s Point Visitor Center. Pre-registration is required by calling Sam’s Point at 845-647-7989. Sam’s Point Area, Cragsmoor. 1pm-3pm Trekking, Cruising & Scrambling Towards Recovery. A premiere photography show by artist/author and domestic violence survivor, Cornelia Connie DeDona with music by Leo B. Karpeles Museum, 94 Broadway, Newburgh. Info: 845-901-1164, conniededona@ 1:30pm-3:30pm Library Scrabble Club. Meets every Sunday, 1:30-3:30pm. Play is free and open to all. Elting Memorial Library, 93 Main Street, New Paltz. 2pm-4pm Caring for Your Older Pet. Workshop offers practical health supporting techniques to enhance your older pet’s overall wellness. Thurman Greco’s book “A Healer’s Handbook� will be sold at this class with all funds going to support maintenance costs at the Woodstock Dog Park. Suggested donation to class: $15. Reservations not necessary. Light refreshments will be served. Bring a small rug or blanket for your pet to lay on. Class held at St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church, Route 212, Woodstock. 2pm-4pm Yin + Sound= Yoga with Lea Garnier. Merges asana sequences, pranayama and sacred healing to relax and unite our emotional, spiritual and physical bodies. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700, $18.

11am-2pm Sunday Brunch @ The Falcon: Big Joe Fitz & The Lo-Fis. Old style swingin’ blues. Info: 845-236-7970. The Falcon Main Stage, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro.

2pm-4pm Sunday Chill. Classical guitarist, Andrew Baffi will be playing guitar for the afternoon and Brent Sverdloff will be doing crossword puzzles. Chill out! Starr Library, 68 West Market St, Rhinebeck. Info: 845-876-4030, njackson@,

11am-6pm Woodstock Art Exchange. Glass, gifts and contemporary crafts. Current special exhibit of works by renowned artist Fay Wood. Open Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 11am to 6pm. Green Palate vegan food truck every Friday evening until 8pm. Free admission. Woodstock

2pm-4pm Artist Talk and Q&A Reception with Yale Epstein. In conjunction with his solo exhibit, “YALE EPSTEIN: - Geometry - Affect Spirit: New Works on Paper�. The event is free and open to the public. Info: 845-876-7578 or Albert Shahinian

Fine Art, 22 E Market St, Rhinebeck. 2pm-4:15pm Honky Tonk Laundry. A brand new juke box musical featuring country and western songs of the last 60 years. Shadowland Stages, 157 Canal Street, Ellenville. Info: 845-6475511,, http://www. $35/Sunday Matinee, $40/Thursday - Saturday Evening Performances. 2pm Bard’s Summerscape Opera: Anton Rubinstein: The Demon. $25. Info: 845-7587900; Bard College, Sosnoff Theater, Annandale-on-Hudson. 3pm 42nd ST. Tony Award-winning Broadway musical. Info: 845-876-3080. The Center for Performing Arts at Rhinebeck, 661 Rt 308, Rhinebeck. 3pm Community Playback Theatre’s. Audience stories brought to life onstage. $10/suggested donation. Info: 845-883-0392. Boughton Place, 150 Kisor Rd, Highland. 4pm-6pm Woodstock Community Drum Circle. Sponsored by Birds of a Feather and Timekeeper Drums. Broadcast - Woodstock 104 at 8pm. All drummers, dancers are welcome. Meets every Sunday, 4-6pm. Admission is free, donations appreciated. At the community center when raining or cold, on the green when warm. Village Green/Woodstock, Woodstock. 4pm-6pm Newburgh Jewish Music Series 2018. Showcase music of Jewish origin, Broadway musical, jazz and traditional. Enjoy a sense of Jewish pride, unity, and culture with Jewish music. Newburgh Waterfront, Newburgh. Info: 225 366-2442,, 4pm-8pm Sunday Supper. Remember the good old days when the family gathered around the table every Sunday for dinner? Carry on the tradition with Sunday Supper at Woodnotes Grille. Enjoy house made selections ranging from Prime Rib dinner, seasonal roasts, or chicken and dumplings for $21 per person! Call 845-688-2828 for reservations. The Emerson Resort and Spa, 5340 Rt 28, Mt. Tremper. 5:30pm-7:30pm Romeo and Juliet. Presented by The Woodstock Shakespeare Festival. A timeless tragedy of two young, star-crossed lovers. Admission is free, $10 suggested donation appreciated. Woodstock Shakespeare Festival Stage, 45 Comeau Dr, Woodstock. Info: 845-247-4007, 6:30pm Headless Horseman Escape Rooms. A fully interactive experience unlike anything you have ever done before. With only 60 minutes to escape, youmust work together as a team to explore your surroundings using logic, instinct, and critical thinking to fine secret passages, solve puzzles, crack codes, and uncover hidden mysteries that will ultimately lead to your escape. Open Saturday & Sundays during the Summer. Up to 12 participants can enter a room. Escape Room Times: Icabod’s Revenge 6:30,7:45,9,& 10:15pm; Death Row 6:45,8,9:15,& 10:30pm; The Inheritance 7,8:15,9:30,&10:45pm. Not for children 11 & under. $29.95 plus tax and service charge. Info: headlesshorsemanescaperooms. com; 845-339-2666. 7pm Bard’s Summerscape Film Screening: Kismet. Film Series Rimsky-Korsakov and the Poetry of Cinema. $10. Info: 845-758-7900; Bard College/ Ottaway Film Center, Annandale. 7:30pm-11pm The Beach Boys with Special Guest The Righteous Brothers. Bethel Woods Center for the Arts, Hurd Rd, Bethel. Info: 1-866781-2922, 8pm Maverick Chamber Music Festival: Jupiter Quartet with Daniel Gortler, piano. Classical chamber music ensembles. Maverick Concert Hall, 120 Maverick Rd, Woodstock. www. General Admission- $30; Reserved Seating - $45; Students $5; Discount ticket books. 8pm Compania Flamenca Eduardo Guerrero. Info: 845-339-6088. Bardavon 1869 Opera House, 35 Market St, Poughkeepsie. bardavon. org. $54, $39. 8pm Live @ The Falcon: Theo Croker Quintet. Groove-conscious Neo Jazz. Info: 845-236-7970.


UP Ulster Publishing




The Falcon Main Stage, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro.



7am Free Shuttle for Low Cost Spay/Neuter Services. T.A.R.A.’s FREE “Spay Shuttle” will now be in Poughkeepsie (7am) and Fishkill (7:30am) on Mondays. Appointment required. Multiple locations. Info: 845-343-1000, info@, htm. Shuttle is free, price of surgery ranges base on weight. 9am Snapology 2018 Summer Camp: Lego Star Wars/Angry Birds and Lego Minecraft (8/68/10). Children use Lego bricks to explore the world of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and animation in an open, fun, teambased environment. Additional camps will be held in Wappingers Falls; Fishkill Rec Center; Stockade Martial Arts in Kingston & MaMa in Stone Ridge. Info & reg: St. Joseph’s Church, 34 S. Chestnut St, New Paltz. 9am-12pm Horticulture Hotline and Diagnostic Lab Now Open 3 Days a Week for the 2018 Growing Season. Volunteer Master Gardeners staff the hotline and are available to answer home horticulture questions on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 9am to 12pm, through October. The phone number is 845-340-DIRT (3478). CCEUC Education Center, 232 Plaza Rd, Kingston. ulster. 9am-3pm High Meadow Summer Camp. 6 weeks of themed camps for 5 - 14 year olds. One week sessions include Film and Animation, Magic and Circus, Parkour. High Meadow School, 3643 Main Street, Stone Ridge. onthemeadow. org. $400. 9am-4pm P.L.A.Y: THEATER. For ages 9-15 years old, a three-week immersive exploration of devised theatre technique and creative writing at Bethel Woods. Bethel Woods Center for the Arts, Hurd Rd, Bethel. Info: 1-866-781-2922,, 9am-9:50am Woodstock Senior Fit Dance with Adah Frank. Dance and movement for strength and flexibility, Woodstock Town Hall. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. $1 donation. Woodstock Town Hall, Tinker St, Woodstock. 9am-10am Gentle Yoga Class. With Kathy Carey! A fun class, lightly paced. $3/class. Pine Hill Community Center, 287 Main St, Pine Hill. $3. 9:30am-3:30pm ServSafe® Food Safety Manager Certification Course. The class is designed to facilitate a review of the ServSafe® Manager textbook. The certification is valid for five years and allows participants to bolster their resumes and build their skill base in regard to food safety best practices. Participants must be 18 or older and are required to purchase and study the ServSafe® Manager, 7th Edition Textbook with Exam, available at SS/Catalog/ProductDetail/ESX7 prior to taking the class, even if re-certifying. Please bring a bagged lunch. Info: 845-340-3990 ext. 326; CCEUC Education Center, 232 Plaza Rd, Kingston. events/2015/01/12/servsafe-food-safety-manager-course. $150, $75/re-certification. 9:30am Settled and Serving in Place (Kingston Chapter). A social self-help group for seniors who want to remain in their homes and community. Info: 845-303-9689. Olympic Diner, Washington Ave, Kingston. 9:30am-12pm Weekly Bridge Game. For intermediate level players. Meets weekly on Mondays, 9:30am-12pm and Wednesdays, 1:304pm. For info, contact Neale Tracy at 845-2470094. Saugerties Senior Center, 207 Market St, Saugerties. 10am-11:45am 2018 Sprouts Free Workshop. August 6-10. For Kids Ages 3-7 who live in Greene County. With teachers Carli Gazoorian (Art), Kate Boyer (Music), Dale Loughran (Dance) and Donna Trunzo (Theater). Info: 518-943-3400 and register as well. Hunter Elementary School, 7794 Main St, Hunter.

12:15pm-1:15pm Woodstock Senior Strength and Stamina with Linda Sirkin. Low impact aerobics performed with light weights. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. $1 donation. Woodstock Fire Co. 1, 242 Tinker St, Woodstock. 12:30pm-3:30pm Outdoor Public Art Workshop. Mondays through the end of August. Sponsored by the Catskill Center. Participants of all ages, backgrounds and abilities are invited to create diverse art components for the outdoor environment, Wisdom Trees; Embracing the Cycles of Life, orchestrated by artist and facilitator, Susan Togut. Participants will create two-sided mandalas, hand-painted rocks, simulated stained glass butterflys, insects and chimes, etc. No experience required. This project seeks to engage, empower and ground individuals and the community. Workshops are free, held outdoors, weather permitting or indoors when necessary. Info: 845-586-2611. Catskill Interpretive Center, Mt. Tremper. 1pm-2pm Needlework Group. Knitters, crocheters, rug hookers & stitchers of all types and beginners welcome. Town of Esopus Library, 128 Canal St, Port Ewen. Info: 845-338-5580,, 3pm Substance Use Resources. Are you or someone you know struggling with substance use? Stop in to meet with a clinician and get support! Pine Hill Community Center, 287 Main St, Pine Hill. Info: 845-544-9087, kasandra. 3:30pm-4:30pm Amateur Guitar Jam. Join this casual gathering of acoustic musicians. Bring your own guitar. Town of Esopus Library, 128 Canal St, Port Ewen. Info: 845-338-5580,, 4pm Healthy Back Class w/ Anne Olin. Build strength and increase flexibility and range of motion with attention to your special needs. Class is on-going and meets on Mondays. 28 West Gym, Maverick Rd & Rt 28, Glenford. $12. 4pm-5pm Retro Game Night! Come play board and card games from the 80s and 90s (and earlier). Play our games/bring your own! It will be totally tubular! Kids: 8-12. Tivoli Free Library, Watts dePeyster Hall, 86 Broadway, Tivoli. Info: 845-757-3771,, In the East Room (Will not occur on: 10/08/18 and 11/12/18). 4pm-5:30pm Girls Inc at Family of New Paltz. For girls ages 13-15 learn how to make Zines. Free. 845-255-7957. Family of New Paltz, 51 N Chestnut St, New Paltz. 4:30pm-6pm Kingston Meditation Group. We offer a 90 min. session of sitting and walking meditation with guided instruction, and discussion. It’s ok to come for 45 min. Mudita YogaLab 3rd floor, 243 Fair St.,Kingston, 243 Fair St., Kingston. suggested donation. 4:30pm-5:30pm Fitness Hour. Drop in for a workout on Mondays at 4:30pm & Thursdays at 4pm. Class will be an aerobic warm-up followed by a combination of band and body work. Instructed by Connie Scuitto. Connie is an RN and certified Reiki Master. 845-246-4317. Saugerties Public Library, 91 Washington Ave, Saugerties. 5:30pm-7pm Magic: The Gathering Night. A casual, relaxed evening of Magic: The Gathering. Beginners are welcome, and experienced players are welcome. Tivoli Free Library, Watts dePeyster Hall, 86 Broadway, Tivoli. Info: 845-757-3771,, Recommended for teenagers and adults. Happens in the East Room. 6pm-7pm Vegan Potluck. Learn some vegan cooking techniques and feast on delicious food together. Bring a vegan dish to share. Preregister by calling 845-657-2482. Olive Free Library, 4033 Rte. 28A, West Shokan. Info: 845-6572482,, https:// Free. 6pm-7:30pm Stepping Out. A new discussion & support group for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning adults (18+) who are coming out. Info: 845-331-5300; f.brenner@ Hudson Valley LGBTQ Community Center, 300 Wall St, Kingston.

10am-12pm Woodstock Senior Drama with Edith Lefever. Comets of Woodstock focuses on improvisation, acting exercises, monologues and scenes, and offers public performances. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. $1 donation. Woodstock Town Hall, Tinker St, Woodstock.

6pm-7:30pm An Exploration of Youth Incarceration in the Hudson Valley with Alexandra Cox, PhD. Discussion and book talk on Trapped in a Vice: the Consequences of Confinement for Young People. Hudson Valley-specific. Hudson Area Library, 51 North 5th Street, Hudson. Info: 518-828-1792,,

10am-11:30am Iyengar Yoga Level I with Barbara Boris. For students new to Iyengar, the basis of the method is taught in standing poses. Taught by Certified Iyengar Yoga Instructor Barbara Boris. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700, $18.

6pm-9pm Knitting Night. Think knitting is just for grandmas? Think again! Darkside Records and Knitting is Metal present Stitch N’ B*tch! All welcome. Admission free. Darkside Records, 611 Dutchess Turnpike, Poughkeepsie. Info: 845-4528010,,

10:30am-11:30am Protecting your Identity. Bank Manager from the Community Bank, will lead an informative discussion about the many different ways we are susceptible to id theft. Olive Free Library, 4033 Rte. 28A, West Shokan. Info: 845-657-2482,, Free.

6:30pm Music - Mendelssohn Club Meeting. Old Dutch Church, 272 Wall Street, Kingston.

11am-6:45pm Shamanic Doctoring Sessions with shamanic healer Adam Kane. First Monday of every month. Info: 845-679-2100. Mirabai Bookstore, 23 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. $75/1 hour session.

6:30pm-7:30pm Tai Chi. Info: 845-266-5530. Clinton Community Library, 1215 Centre Rd, Rhinebeck. 7pm-9pm Writers Speak Easy. Poets, Storytellers, Authors, Comics…Join us for a monthly open mic roundtable with room for discussion and connection. People’s Cauldron, 430 C. Main St, Rosendale. Info: Jodi@WritersSpeakEasy. com,


Aug. 2, 2018


9am-4pm P.L.A.Y: THEATER. For ages 9-15 years old, a three-week immersive exploration of devised theatre technique and creative writing at Bethel Woods. Bethel Woods Center for the Arts, Hurd Rd, Bethel. Info: 1-866-781-2922,, 9am-10am Free Weekly Community Meditation. On-going on Tuesdays 9-10am. All are welcome for silent sitting and walking meditation. For optional beginner instruction, please arrive 10 minutes early. Drop-in attendance welcome. Cushions, back-jacks, and chairs available. Check website for cancellations: Wellness Embodied: A Center for Psychotherapy and Healing, 126 Main St, New Paltz. 9am-10am Woodstock Senior Dance with Inyo Charbonneau. The emphasis is on fun while benefiting from strengthening and aerobic exercise and celebrating life. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. $1 donation. Mountain View Studio, 20 Mountain View Ave, Woodstock. 9:30am-11am Iyengar Yoga Level I-II with Barbara Boris. For all students new to Iyengar Yoga. The basis of the method is taught in standing poses, and other fundamental postures. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700. $18. 9:30am The Saugerties Seniors Meeting. Settled and Serving in Place (SSIP) is a social self-help group for seniors who want to remain in their homes and community. Village Diner, Main St, Saugerties. 9:30am Serving and Staying in Place – SSIP/ New Paltz. Regular Tuesday social breakfast meeting for seniors who want to remain in their own home and community. Info: 845-255-0609. Plaza Diner, New Paltz Plaza, New Paltz. 10am-12pm Comforter Fiber Connection Knit and Crochet Group. Learn, share, donate to local agencies. Tuesdays 10am-12 noon. Contact:; 845-9015330. Reformed Church of the Comforter, 26 Wynkoop Pl, Kingston. 10am-12pm Knit for Charity. Group meets on the first Tuesday of every month at 10am. The group is open to knitters and crocheters of all abilities. Olive Free Library, 4033 Rte. 28A, West Shokan. Info: 845-657-2482,, free. 10am The Country Scrappers & Stampers Meeting. Come for the whole day or drop by for an hour or two. New members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Ongoing. Walker Valley Schoolhouse, 1 Marl Rd, Walker Valley. 10am-10:45am Community Play Space. Rugs, toys and books are spread out for kids to play with after laptime. Everyone welcome. Meet new friends, see old friends. Gardiner Library, 133 Farmer’s Turnpike, Gardiner. Info: 845-255-1255,, 11am-6:45pm Reiki Healing Sessions with Reiki Master Maureen Brennan-Mercier. First Tuesday of every month. Info: 845-679-2100. Mirabai Bookstore, 23 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. $75/1 hour session. 12pm-2pm Substance Use Resources. Are you or a loved one struggling with Substance Use? Meet with a clinician to discuss resources, recieve an assessment, or get support. Saugerties Public Library, 91 Washington Ave, Saugerties. Info: 845-544-9087, 12:05pm-1pm Woodstock Senior Basic Pilates (Introductory Level) with Christine Anderson. A floor work course promoting improvement of balance, coordination, focus, awareness breathing, strength and flexibility. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. $1 donation. Woodstock Fire Co. 1, 242 Tinker St, Woodstock. 1pm-3:30pm Esopus Artist Group. Ongoing session of art making. Bring your own supplies. Town of Esopus Library, 128 Canal St, Port Ewen. Info: 845-338-5580, organizedmode@gmail. com, 1pm-7pm Reservoir United Methodist Chruch Community Blood Drive. Blood donors needed to help blood supply! Anyone 16+ years of age and are feeling well are invited to donate blood. Walk-ins always welcome! Info: 1-800-933-2566. Reservoir United Methodist Church, 3056 State Rt 28, Shokan. 1:30pm-4:30pm Play Bridge. New Paltz Community Center, 3 Veterans Dr /32 North, New Paltz. Free. 2pm-3:30pm Yoga Level I – Basics. This class reviews the fundamentals. It is a perfect class to start your yoga practice. This is not a “flow” class. open to all levels. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700, drop-in rate. 2pm-3pm Building Your Family Tree. With Moe Lemire. Learn the tips and tools available to research and build your family tree. Bring a laptop computer if you own one. Free. Info: 845-2545469. Pine Hill Community Center, 287 Main St, Pine Hill. free. 3pm-5pm Knitting & Crocheting with Tea & Cookies. In the Art Books Room. Some yarn, crochet and knitting needles available for beginners. Crafters share your knowledge! Woodstock Library, 5 Library Lane, Woodstock. Info:

8456792213,, free. 3:30pm-6:30pm Free Math Tutoring. Algebra, Geometry, Precalculus, Trigonometry, and Calculus AB (or college level Calc 1). Call to sign up 845-255-1255. Gardiner Library, 133 Farmer’s Turnpike, Gardiner. Free. 4pm-5pm Tunezday. Bring your own instrument and let’s start making some music! For ages 10-17. Tivoli Free Library, Watts dePeyster Hall, 86 Broadway, Tivoli. Info: 845-757-3771,, http://www.tivolilibrary. org/. First Tuesday of the month. Happens on the Third Floor. 4pm-5:15pm Stress Reduction through Meditation. Sahaja Yoga Meditation is a great way to find inner balance and deep relaxation. This program is free and all are welcome.The event is on-going,e very Tuesday, 4-5:15pm, Info: 845-339-8567. Kingston Library, 55 Franklin St, Kingston. 4:30pm-9pm Food Truck Festival. Food at reasonable prices, performances. Info: 845-2462800. Cantine Veterans Memorial Complex, Washington Ave, Saugerties. content. 6pm-10pm 1st Annual Town of Montgomery National Night Out. The Town of Montgomery Police Department along with the police departments in the Villages of Walden, Maybrook and Montgomery have joined forces. We are cosponsoring the event along with the Valley Central Parent University. The event is free to all that attends. Fireworks, live music, raffles, touch a truck, bounce houses food and drinks. Please let everyone know. They need more vendors for the event. Info: 845-457-9211. Valley Central High School, 1175 NY-17K, Montgomery. 6pm-8pm Art Club! An evening with a seasonal still life. Open to all artists, all levels, all ages! Ask for Arts, 97 Broadway, Kingston. http://www. $10. 6:30pm-8pm The Creative Seed Artist Group. A support group for artists to have a space to develop & share their work in progress- Actors, poets, playwrights & musicians welcome. Every Tuesday. Info: bluehealing or 203-246-5711. By donation. Call ahead. Blue Mountain Co-op Retreat Center, Woodstock. 6:30pm-8:30pm Drag Queen Bingo. Meets the 1st Tuesday of each month from 6:30-8:30pm. Info: 845-331-5300; Hudson Valley LGBTQ Community Center, 300 Wall St, Kingston. 7pm-10pm Open Mic Nite at Woodnotes Grille. Hosted by Ben Rounds. Open Mic Nite makes Tuesday night the new Friday night for great entertainment. Listen to talented local singers and bands or showcase your own talents! No cover. For more information, contact us at 845-6882828 or The Emerson Resort and Spa, 5340 Rt 28, Mt. Tremper. 7pm-8pm Scrabble Night. Every Tuesday! Bring snacks to share starts 7pm. All welcome. Pine Hill Community Center, 287 Main St, Pine Hill. free. 7pm-9pm QSY Society Amateur Radio Club Meeting. Feel free to bring any projects, items for show & tell or swap & sell, and questions you may have on any aspect of ham radio. We’ll do our best to get you an answer then and there. Info: Shirley N2SKP at 914-582-3744, East Fishkill Community Library, 348 Route 376, Hopewell Junction. 7pm-8:30pm Singing Just For Fun! New Paltz Community Singers! Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 7 to 8:30pm. Info: Quaker Meeting House, 8 N. Manheim Blvd, New Paltz. 7pm Ashokan-Pepacton Watershed Chapter of Trout Unlimited #559 Board Meeting. The chapter’s board of directors meet the first Tuesday of every month, and members are welcome to attend but should notify our secretary beforehand. Info: 845-657-8500. Boiceville Inn, Rt 28, Boiceville. 7:15pm Pope Francis: A Man of His Word. In this documentary, Pope Francis travels the world speaking to those in need and delivering a message of hope. Rosendale Theatre, 408 Main St, Rosendale. Info: 845-658-8989,, $8 evening, $6 matinee.



9am-12pm Horticulture Hotline and Diagnostic Lab Now Open 3 Days a Week for the 2018 Growing Season. Volunteer Master Gardeners staff the hotline and are available to answer home horticulture questions on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 9am to 12pm, through October. The phone number is 845-340-DIRT (3478). CCEUC Education Center, 232 Plaza Rd, Kingston. ulster. 9am-10am Woodstock Senior Gentle (chair) Yoga with Susan Blacker. A gentle yoga class with each student encouraged to move and stretch at his or her own pace. Includes warmups, poses for strength and balance and breath work for relaxation. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. $1 donation. Woodstock Fire Co. 1, 242 Tinker St, Woodstock.

9am-4pm P.L.A.Y: THEATER. For ages 9-15 years old, a three-week immersive exploration of devised theatre technique and creative writing at Bethel Woods. Bethel Woods Center for the Arts, Hurd Rd, Bethel. Info: 1-866-781-2922,, 9:30am-11am Vinyasa Level I-II with Alison Sinatra. This class is ideal for students transitioning from beginners to intermediate yoga. Basic poses are explored with increasing detail interspersed with a flowing sequence. $18 drop-in. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700. $18. 10:30am-12:30pm Senior Writing Workshop in Woodstock Welcomes New Members. Writers at all levels of experience, beginner to expert, are invited to join the Writers Workshop of the Woodstock Senior Recreation Program. Whether interested in non-fiction, short stories, plays, memoir, or poetry, writers age 55 and above may join the group, which will meet the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. The workshop stresses trying out new forms and content in a supportive atmosphere. No fee is required. The workshop is led by experienced writer, editor, and instructor Lew Gardner. For further information: Woodstock Town Hall, Tinker St, Woodstock. 10:30am-11:30pm Woodstock Senior Weights and Bands with Linda Sirkin. Improve muscle tone, protect bones and enhance balance. Fire Co. #1, Route 212. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. $1 donation. Woodstock Fire Co. 1, 242 Tinker St, Woodstock. 11am-1:15pm Break All The Rules. Led by Sanctuary Founder Kathy Stevens. Meet rescued animals up close and personal. Catskill Animal Sanctuary, 316 Old Stage Rd, Saugerties. Info: (845) 336-8447, $12 for adults, $8 for kids and seniors, kids under 3 and Sanctuary Members are FREE. 1pm-3pm Pinochle. Card Game every Wednesday! Looking for a 4th player Anyone interested - email Pine Hill Community Center, 287 Main St, Pine Hill. FREE. 1pm Community Chorus Meet-Up. Old Dutch Church, 272 Wall Street, Kingston. 1pm-3pm Social Circle. Good conversation! Every Wednesday. Everyone welcome. Pine Hill Community Center, 287 Main St, Pine Hill. 1:30pm Weekly Senior Citizen’s Bingo. Seniors 50 and older. Ongoing every Wednesday at 1:30pm & Friday at 7pm. 50/50 tickets available at 3 tickets/$2. Half-time complementary refreshments. Shawangunk Valley Senior Center, Southwyck Square, 70 Main St, Napanoch. 2pm-3:30pm Mah Jongg. Learn to play this ancient Asian game. Town of Esopus Library, 128 Canal St, Port Ewen. Info: 845-338-5580,, 3pm-4:30pm Advanced Chess Club. For experienced adult players. More info: 851-8171 or 255-1255. Gardiner Library, 133 Farmer’s Turnpike, Gardiner. 3:30pm-7:30pm Woodstock Farm Festival. Rain or shine. No admission - open to all Info:;; 845-679-6744. Mower’s Flea Market, 6 Maple Ln, Woodstock. 4pm Family Lego. Info: 845-876-4030. Starr Library, 68 West Market St, Rhinebeck. 4:30pm-5:30pm Art Hour. Fun for ages 3 to 103! From paper flowers to crazy critters, we are always up to something creative. Phoenicia Library, 48 Main St, Phoenicia. Info: 845-688-7811, 4:30pm-6pm Iyengar Yoga Level II with Barbara Boris. For students who are well-practiced in Iyengar Level I. Taught by Certified Iyengar Yoga Instructor Barbara Boris. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700, $18. 5:30pm-7:30pm Prenatal Class. Ongoing on Wednesdays. 845-563-8043 for more info. Mackintosh Community Room, 147 Lake St, Newburgh. 5:30pm-6:30pm Woodstock Informal Service. Followed by reflections and spiritual discussions. Everyone welcome. 845-679-9534. First Church of Christ Scientist, 85 Tinker St, Woodstock. 6pm-9pm Basilica Back Gallery: SJLA. For ages 12 – 20 the August artists in residents in Basilica’s Back Gallery with an exhibition which explores meaning making through Afrofuturis. Basilica Hudson, 110 South Front St, Hudson. Free. 6:30pm-8:30pm Yin Yoga with Diane Davis. This yin class will be slower, where asanas are held for longer periods of time. For beginners and advanced students. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700, $18. 6:30pm-7:30pm Ulster County Photo Club. Photographers of all ages and skill levels are welcome to join this group. Meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Town of Esopus Library, 128 Canal St, Port Ewen. Info: 845-338-5580,, 6:30pm-7:30pm Tai Chi. Info: 845-266-5530. Clinton Community Library, 1215 Centre Rd, Rhinebeck. 6:30pm Gurdjieff Study Group. Meets on



Aug. 2, 2018

Wednesdays, 6:30pm in Stone Ridge. For information and directions, respond to Jim by email: 6:30pm-8pm Meeting of ENJAN (End The New Jim Crow Action Network). A Hudson Valley network dedicated to fighting racist policies of racial profiling, police brutality, and mass incarceration (the “New Jim Crow”). Info: 845-4758781. Family Partnership Center, 29 North Hamilton St, Poughkeepsie. 6:30pm-7:05pm Learn Remembrance. A very holy and deep form of prayer (with roots in the Old Testament – Remember my name in the night) which connects you with the Divine within. All are welcome, RSVP please. Info: 845-679-8989. Flowing Spirit Healing, 33 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. Free/donations welcomed. 7pm-9pm Charming Disaster. Brooklyn-based folk-noir duo Charming Disaster present an evening of playfully dark storytelling music inspired by books and mythology. Info: 845-8020027; Rough Draft Bar & Books, 82 John Street, Kingston. $5/ suggested donation. 7pm-8:30pm “Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism” Class. Free 90-minute program includes 30 min of Quiet Sitting Meditation followed by 1 of 8 lectures on the history, practices & principles of the Karma Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. 845-679-5906 for more info. Karma Triyana Dharmachakra, 335 Meads Mountain Rd, Woodstock. 7pm-9pm College Planning & Research Seminar. Attendees will learn about the best strategies in navigating the maze leading up to admission to an institution of higher learning. St. Joseph’s Church Hall, 34 Chestnut St, New Paltz. Info: (646) 651-7820,, 7pm Live @ The Falcon: Jazz Sessions at The Falcon Underground. Sign up and sit in Jam. Featuring Jay Azzolina & Richie Morales. Info: 845-236-7970. The Falcon Underground, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro. 7pm-10pm Calling all Trivia Nerds – Trivia Night. Flex your mental muscles and compete for prizes at our weekly Trivia Night! Play solo or as part of a team while enjoying extended Happier Hour Specials. Think of it as “Jeopardy Night“ – Catskills style! For more information, contact us at 845-688-2828 or The Emerson Resort and Spa, 5340 Rt 28, Mt. Tremper.

donation. Woodstock Town Hall, Tinker St, Woodstock. 9am-4pm P.L.A.Y: THEATER. For ages 9-15 years old, a three-week immersive exploration of devised theatre technique and creative writing at Bethel Woods. Bethel Woods Center for the Arts, Hurd Rd, Bethel. Info: 1-866-781-2922,, 9am-9:50am Joint Lubricating Qi Gong with Marilyn St. John. Uses gentle movement and relaxation to circulate the life energy. All ages and fitness levels. A reduced-price class. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-679-8700, $10. 9:30am-10:30am Woodstock Senior Flex and Stretch with Diane Colello. Movement for balance and breath, weight-training for bone health, and mat work for flexibility and core strengthening. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. $1 donation. Woodstock Town Hall, Tinker St, Woodstock. 10am-2pm Low-Cost Vaccine Clinic. For previously spayed/neutered cats and dogs only. No appointment needed. Dogs must be leashed and cats in carriers. TARA (The Animal Rights Alliance, Inc.), 60 Enterprise Place, Middletown, NY. Info: 845-343-1000,, Cost varies. 10am-11am Gentle Yoga with Kate Hagerman. This is a perfect place for beginning your yoga practice. This class encourages spiritual practice while enhancing health and well-being. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. Info: 845-6798700, $10. 10am-2pm Hooks & Needles, Yarns & Threads. Informal weekly social gathering for rug hookers, knitters, crocheters, and all other yarn crafters. Tivoli Free Library, Watts dePeyster Hall, 86 Broadway, Tivoli. Info: 845-757-3771,, To go toward the purchase of resource materials for the library collection. 12:15pm Fine Arts Recitals. Old Dutch Church, 272 Wall Street, Kingston. 12:30pm-6pm I Ching Oracle, Tarot and Chinese Astrology consultations with Timothy Liu. Every Thursday at Mirabai. Walkins welcome. Info: 845-679-2100. Mirabai Bookstore, 23 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. $50/hour, $30/30 minutes.

7pm-11pm Chess Night. Free every Wednesday. Players should bring their own boards & pieces. Info: 845-658-9048. The Rosendale Cafe, 434 Main St, Rosendale.

1pm-3pm Game and Card Day. Board games, Mah-jong and cards are available, or bring your own. Bring a friend or come and meet people. $1 donation suggested to cover cost of refreshments. Ongoing every Thursday. Red Hook Community Center, 59 Fisk St, Red hook.

7pm-8:30pm CBD and Me: The Basic Facts About CBD. A short for Cannabadiol, a naturally occurring, non-psychoactive compound found in the hemp plant and is known to heal.. Woodstock Healing Arts, 83 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. Info: 845-393-4325,, $5.

1pm-4pm Woodstock Senior Duplicate Bridge with John Stokes. The Woodstock Bridge Club offers a short lesson and a game of Duplicate Bridge. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. $1 donation. Woodstock Rescue Squad, 222 Tinker St, Woodstock.

7pm-9pm Volleyball. A pickup volleyball game. Ongoing every Wednesday, 7-9pm. Enter the Center at the entrance on the left side, as you face the school from Lucas Ave. 845-616-0710. Rondout Municipal Center, 1915 Lucas Ave, Cottekill. $6.

2pm-5pm Phoenicia: Mah Jongg. Open to beginners and seasoned players alike. Phoenicia Library, 48 Main St, Phoenicia. Info: 845-6887811,

7:15pm-8pm Silent Spiritual Practice. For people who would like to do spiritual practice together to increase the potency of the practice. For those who would like to learn Remembrance, come to a teaching at 6:30pm. All are welcome RSVP please. 845-679-8989. Flowing Spirit Healing, 33 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. Meetup. 7:30pm Chess Club. Meets every Thursday. Open to all chess players. Free admission. Info: 845-419-2737; Woodland Pond, Woodland Pond Circle, New Paltz. 7:30pm The Poughkeepsie Newyorkers Barbershop Chorus. All male a cappella group, that sings in the uniquely American “Barbershop Style” of close four-part harmony. Guests are always welcome. Sight-reading not required. Meets every Wednesdays at 7:30pm. Crown Heights Clubhouse, 34 Nassau Rd, Poughkeepsie. 8pm Live @ The Falcon: Pike & Sutton. Tina Turner, Bessie Smith, Janis Joplin wrapped up in one. Info: 845-236-7970. The Falcon Main Stage, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro.



8am-5pm Catskill Center Thorn Preserve Fundraiser. Calling all ramblers, runners, birders, picnickers, neighbors, photographers, & dog walkers the parking is a mess. An anonymous supporter has pledged to match the first $6000. Give what you can: CATSKILLCENTER.ORG/ THORNPRESERVEPARKING. 8am-5pm The Mind Illuminated: A Meditation Group. An accessible, step-by-step toolkit for anyone looking to start – or improve – their daily meditation. Woodstock Healing Arts, 83 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. Info: 845-393-4325,, https://bit. ly/2mUfU0B. 8am-9am Woodstock Senior Senior Feel Good Aerobics with Diane Collelo. Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. $1

2pm-4pm True Storytelling with TMI Project @ MHA. Join us for an afternoon of true storytelling performances from TMI Project/MHA in Ulster County writing workshop participants. Free. MHA in Ulster County, 300 Aaron Ct., Kingston. Info:, performance. 3:30pm-4pm Free Step Class. A high energy class. Ongoing. Saugerties Public Library, 91 Washington Ave, Saugerties. 4pm-7pm Free Holistic Healthcare Clinic. Many holistic Practitioners will be volunteering their time monthly to provide services, including: massage, chiropractic, reiki, other energy and body work, acupuncture, craniosacral massage, deep tissue body work and hypnosis. There’s also a prenatal and lactation specialist offering a breastfeeding cafe. Lace Mill, 165 Cornell St, Kingston. 4pm-5pm Fitness Hour. Drop in for a workout on Mondays at 4:30pm & Thursdays at 4pm. Class will be an aerobic warm-up followed by a combination of band and body work. Instructed by Connie Scuitto. Connie is an RN and certified Reiki Master. 845-246-4317. Saugerties Public Library, 91 Washington Ave, Saugerties.

6pm Wine Night - Thirsty Thursday. Celebrate every Thursday at Woodnotes Grille with the Wine Club! Enjoy 25% off all bottles of wine and special selections from the cellar by the glass. Info: 845-688-2828; The Emerson Resort and Spa, 5340 Rt 28, Mt. Tremper. 6pm-10pm Burger & Beer Bash. This signature event brings together all the greatest elements of summer: juicy burgers, cold beer, desserts and live music! Dutchess Stadium, Poughkeepsie. Info: 845.463.0542,, burgerbash. No one under 21 will be admit. Party pack of 10 $450. 6pm-10pm Burger & Beer Bash. Hudson Valley Magazine’s annual Burger & Beer Bash features burgers, cold beer, desserts & live music, plus the naming of Best Burger! Dutchess Stadium, Poughkeepsie. Info: 845.463.0542, pr@hvmag. com, Single Ticket: $55 / Party Pack of Ten: $450. 6:30pm-8pm Free Steps of Meditation. Weekly classes. Learn the fundamentals for an effective meditation experience. Info: 518-589-5000 or Peace Village Retreat Center, 54 O’Hara Rd, Haines Falls. 7pm-9pm Music in the Park Summer Concert Series: Sawyer Chevrolet Fireworks Night. Featuring Thunder Ridge. Free concert. Bring a chair! Dutchmen’s Landing Park, Main St, Catskill. 7pm Bard’s Summerscape Film Screening: Man of Music. Film Series Rimsky-Korsakov and the Poetry of Cinema. $10. Info: 845-7587900; Bard College/ Ottaway Film Center, Annandale. 7pm Old Dutch Choir. Old Dutch Church, 272 Wall Street, Kingston. 7pm-9pm Godspeed You! Black Emperor. The legendary Montreal musical collective return to Basilica Hudson for the third time. Basilica Hudson, 110 South Front St, Hudson. $25. 7pm-8:30pm MEETING OF MECR (Middle East Crisis Response). A group of Hudson Valley residents joined together to promote peace and human rights in Palestine and the Middle East. Info: 845 876-7906. Woodstock Library, 5 Library Lane, Woodstock. 7pm-9:30pm Geeks Who Drink Weekly Pub Quiz. Rough Draft invites you to its fun-filled weekly trivia series, hosted by Geeks Who Drink and local celebrities Mark & Emily. Rough Draft Bar & Books, 82 John Street, Kingston. https:// 7pm Bingo! Meet the 2nd & 4th Thursdays,7pm. Doors open at 6pm. Prizes & food. Sponsored by the Beekman Fire Company Auxiliarly Inc. Beekman Fire House, 316 Beekman- Poughquag Rd, Poughquag. 7:30pm Chess Club. Meets every Thursday. Open to all chess players. Free admission. Info: 845-419-2737; Woodland Pond, Woodland Pond Circle, New Paltz. 7:30pm-9pm Weekly Thursday Nite EFT Healing Circle & Recovery Workshop. Bring your physical, emotional, & spiritual challenges and issues, and have them quickly, effectively resolved and healed in a safe supportive environment. Ongoing. 845-706-2183. Family of Woodstock/Kingston, 39 John St, Kingston. Free, $5 donation welcome. 7:30pm Reading and Meditation. Ongoing every Thursday night at 7:30pm. Info:; 845-679-8322. Matagiri Sri Aurobindo Center, 1218 Wittenberg Rd, Mt. Tremper. 8pm Live @ The Falcon: Sam Reider & the Human Hands. Blue grass jazz, world music melodies. Info: 845-236-7970. The Falcon Underground, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro. live@ 8pm-10pm Mind Train Poetry Sessions. Listen or read. Every Thursday. For more information, contact or 347-6892323. Green Kill, 229 Greenkill Ave, Kingston. 8:30pm Bluegrass Clubhouse. Featuring Brian Hollander, Tim Kapeluk, & Geoff Harden. Harmony Café @ Wok ‘n Roll, 50 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock.



4pm Backgammon Club. Learn the game, pick up fancy moves, meet new people. Open to the public. Phoenicia Library, 48 Main St, Phoenicia. Info: 845-688-7811,

9am-4pm P.L.A.Y: THEATER. For ages 9-15 years old, a three-week immersive exploration of devised theatre technique and creative writing at Bethel Woods. Bethel Woods Center for the Arts, Hurd Rd, Bethel. Info: 1-866-781-2922,,

6pm-9pm Wallkill River Watershed Alliance Boat Brigade Paddle. Boats are available for a $5 donation thanks to the generosity of Craig Chapman from New Paltz Kayaking Tours. Funds will go toward analyzing water samples for nutrients and other forms of pollution. Call 845-5946353 to reserve your watercraft. Info& RSVP:; 845-430-7928. Sojourner Truth Park, Plains Rd, New Paltz.

9am-12pm Horticulture Hotline and Diagnostic Lab Now Open 3 Days a Week for the 2018 Growing Season. Volunteer Master Gardeners staff the hotline and are available to answer home horticulture questions on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 9am to 12pm, through October. The phone number is 845-340-DIRT (3478). CCEUC Education Center, 232 Plaza Rd, Kingston. ulster.

6pm-10pm Burger & Beer Bash. Please note, the Hudson Valley Magazine Burger & Beer Bash is 21 AND OVER ONLY. ID will be required for entry. No infants, strollers or dogs will be allowed entrance. Info: bbegley@westchestermagazine. com; 914-345-0601 x 120. Dutchess Stadium, Poughkeepsie. $50.

9:30am-11am Vinyasa Level I-II with Alison Sinatra. This class is ideal for students transitioning from beginners to intermediate yoga. Basic poses are explored with increasing detail interspersed with a flowing sequence. $18 drop-in. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. 9:45am-10:45am Woodstock Senior Chi Kung



with Corinne Mol. Meditative, healing exercise consisting of 13 movements. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. $1 donation. Woodstock Town Hall, Tinker St, Woodstock.

Scrabble Club! Bring your extensive vocabulary and your enjoyment for games to our Scrabble events. Town of Esopus Library, 128 Canal St, Port Ewen. Info: 845-338-5580, organizedmode@,

Library, 48 Main St, Phoenicia. Info: 845-6887811, FREE.

10am-5pm Starr Library’s August Book Sale. As usual, there are well-sorted collections of fiction and non-fiction and outstanding books for children. Older fiction is 50¢; non-fiction and newer fiction is $3.00; trade paperbacks are $2.00; children’s paperbacks are 4/$1.00 and hardcovers are $1.00; and lots of YA books from 25¢. Sponsored by Friends of Starr Library. Info: 845-876-4030. Starr Library, 68 West Market St, Rhinebeck. Info: 845-876-4030, njackson@,

1pm-3pm Crystal Tarot Readings and Chakra Attunement with Mary. Every Friday at Mirabai. Info: 845-679-2100. Mirabai Bookstore, 23 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock. $50/45 minutes, $30/25 minutes.

6:30pm-8:30pm Movie Night: Life of the Party. Rated PG-13. Popcorn and soda will be available for free! Town of Esopus Library, 128 Canal St, Port Ewen. Info: 845-338-5580, organizedmode@,

4:30pm-5:30pm The Garden Hour. Help maintain the Tivoli Library’s garden plot. Some tools will be on hand. Come hang out and garden. Tivoli Memorial Park, 1 Katherine Ln, Tivoli. Info: 845-757-3771, tivoliprograms@gmail. com, Make sure you dress appropriately, stay hydrated, and cover up for the sun!

6:30pm-8:30pm Newburgh Jazz Series 2018. Free Concert in a variety of jazz styles on the Newburgh waterfront, also live shows of gospel, doowop, oldies and Jewish music. Newburgh Waterfront, Newburgh. Info: 225 366-2442,,

5pm Opening at Opus 40- Saugerties Artist Studio Tour. Opus 40, 50 Fite Rd, Saugerties.

6:45pm-8:30pm Children & Teen Ministries. Meets Fridays: 6:45-8:30pm. Class for adults also offered. Info: 845-876-6923 or cdfcirone@ Grace Bible Fellowship Church, Rt9 & Rt9G, Rhinebeck.

10am-5pm Goshen Farmers’ Market. Info: 845-294-5557; Goshen’s Village Green, Goshen. 11am-4pm The Fred J. Johnston House Tour & Exhibit. Featuring art exhibit - Charles Keefe, Colonial Revival Architect, Kingston and New York. Exhibit will display through October. Friends of Historic Kingston Gallery, corner Wall-Main, Kingston. $10/gen adm, $2/16 & under. 12:05pm-1pm Woodstock Senior Basic Pilates with Christine Anderson. A floor work course promoting improvementof balance, coordination, focus, awareness breathing, strength and flexibility. Sponsored by Woodstock Senior Recreation and open to Woodstock residents 55 and older. $1 donation. Woodstock Fire Co. 1, 242 Tinker St, Woodstock. 1pm-1:45pm Just for Fun: Bill Shannon. Shannon shares his personal story and inspires his audience to find their own moves. PS21: Performance Spaces for the 21st Century, 2980 Rt 66, Chatham. Free. 1pm-3pm Scrabble Club. Join us for our new

legal notices LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the resolution published herewith has been adopted by the County Legislature of the County of Ulster, New York, on June 19, 2018 and approved by the County Executive on June 26, 2018, and the validity of the obligations authorized by such resolution may be hereinafter contested only if such obligations were authorized for an object or purpose for which said County is not authorized to expend money, or if the provisions of law which should have been complied with as of the date of publication of this notice were not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of publication of this notice, or such obligations were authorized in violations of the provisions of the Constitution. Dated: August 2, 2018 Ulster County Legislature Victoria A. Fabella, Clerk Kingston, New York Resolution No. 268 June 19, 2018 Authorizing The Frost Valley Road S-Turn Reconstruction Project, In And For The County Of Ulster, New York, At A Maximum Estimated Cost Of $1,880,000.00, And Authorizing The Issuance Of $1,650,000.00 Bonds Of Said County To Pay Additional Costs Thereof Referred to: The Ways and Means Committee (Chairman Gerentine and Legislators Archer, Bartels, Lopez, James Maloney, Joseph Maloney, and Petit) Chairman of the Public Works and Capital Projects Committee, Dean J. Fabiano, and Deputy Chair Manna Jo Greene offer the following: WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 267 dated and duly adopted on the date hereof, the County Legislature of the County of Ulster, New York has amended Capital Project No. 504 for the Frost Valley Road S-Turn reconstruction project for the Department of Public Works (Highways and Bridges); and WHEREAS, the capital project hereinafter described, as proposed, has been determined to be an Unlisted Action pursuant to the regulations of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation promulgated pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, which it has been determined will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, it is now desired to authorize the financing of such capital project; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, by the affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the total voting strength of the County Legislature of the County of Ulster, New York, as follows: Section 1. The Frost Valley Road S-Turn reconstruction project in the Town of Denning, consisting of the construction of a concrete panel H-pile wall and stream mediation measures, in and for the County of Ulster, New York, including incidental improvements and expenses in connection therewith, is hereby authorized at a revised maximum estimated cost of $1,880,000.00. Section 2. It is hereby determined that the plan for the financing of the aforesaid maximum estimated cost is: 1) by the issuance of $1,650,000.00 of bonds of the County hereby authorized to be issued therefor pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law; and 2) by the issuance of $230,000.00 authorized

5:30pm-7pm Restorative Yoga with Barbara Boris. Restorative yoga is a gentle, completely supportive practice that is designed to bring stillness to the body and the mind.Dress in layers, wear socks and bring an eye pillow if you have one. $18 drop-in, discounted with class card or membership. Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming St, Woodstock. 5:30pm-7:30pm Romeo and Juliet. Presented by The Woodstock Shakespeare Festival. A timeless tragedy of two young, star-crossed lovers. Admission is free, $10 suggested donation appreciated. Woodstock Shakespeare Festival Stage, 45 Comeau Dr, Woodstock. Info: 845-247-4007, 6pm-8pm Movie Night: A Wrinkle in Time. After the disappearance of her scientist father, three beings send Meg, her brother, and her friend to space to find him. PG, 109 mins. Phoenicia

to be issued pursuant to a bond resolution dated and duly adopted on June 12, 2017. Section 3. It is hereby determined that the period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid specific object or purpose is thirty years, pursuant to subdivision 22(a) of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law, calculated from the date of issuance of the first obligations therefor. Section 4. The faith and credit of said County of Ulster, New York, are hereby irrevocable pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same respectively become due and payable. An annual appropriation shall be made in each year sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds becoming due and payable in such year. There shall annually be levied on all the taxable real property of said County, a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same become due and payable. Section 5. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the Commissioner of Finance, the chief fiscal officer. Such notes shall be of such terms, form and contents, and shall be sold in such manner, as may be prescribed by said Commissioner of Finance, consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 6. All other matters except as provided herein relating to the serial bonds herein authorized including the date, denominations, maturities and interest payment dates, within the limitations prescribed herein and the manner of execution of the same, including the consolidation with other issues, and also the ability to issue serial bonds with substantially level or declining annual debt service, shall be determined by the Commissioner of Finance, the chief fiscal officer of such County. Such bonds shall contain substantially the recital of validity clause provided for in Section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law, and shall otherwise be in such form and contain such recitals, in addition to those required by Section 51.00 of the Local Finance Law, as the Commissioner of Finance shall determine consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 7. The validity of such bonds and bond anticipation notes may be contested only if: 1) Such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which said County is not authorized to expend money, or 2) The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication of this resolution are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication, or 3) Such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution. Section 8. This resolution shall constitute a statement of official intent for purposes of Treasury Regulations Section 1.140 2. Other than as specified in this resolution, no monies are, or are reasonably expected to be, reserved, allocated on a long term basis, or otherwise set aside with respect to the permanent funding of the object or purpose described herein. Section 9. This resolution, which takes effect immediately, shall be published in summary form in the official newspaper(s) of such County, together with a notice of the Clerk of the County Legislature in substantially the form provided in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law.

6pm-8pm Summer Concert: Grandpa Joe’s Washboard Band. Info: 845-266-5530. Clinton Community Library, 1215 Centre Rd, Rhinebeck.

7pm-9pm 2018 Summer Concert Series: Wild Adriatic. American Rock-N-Roll. Free. Friday nights. Athens Village Riverfront Park, Athens. 7pm Weekly Senior Citizen’s Bingo. Seniors 50 and older. Ongoing every Wednesday at 1:30pm & Friday at 7pm. 50/50 tickets available at 3 tickets/$2. Half-time complementary refreshments. Shawangunk Valley Senior Center, Southwyck Square, 70 Main St, Napanoch. 7:30pm-9pm Kabbalat Shabbat Services. Friday evening services. Woodstock Jewish Congregation, 1682 Glasco Turnpike, Woodstock. 7:30pm Woodstock Playhouse Productions presents La Cage Aux Folles. Music & Lyrics by Jerry Herman. Based by Harvey Fierstein. Based

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the resolution published herewith has been adopted by the County Legislature of the County of Ulster, New York, on July 17, 2018 and approved by the County Executive on July 23, 2018, and the validity of the obligations authorized by such resolution may be hereinafter contested only if such obligations were authorized for an object or purpose for which said County is not authorized to expend money, or if the provisions of law which should have been complied with as of the date of publication of this notice were not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of publication of this notice, or such obligations were authorized in violations of the provisions of the Constitution. Dated: August 2, 2018 Ulster County Legislature Victoria A. Fabella, Clerk Kingston, New York Resolution No. 308 July 17, 2018 Authorizing The Financing Of The Construction Of The Ashokan Rail Trail, In And For The County Of Ulster, New York, At A Maximum Estimated Cost Of $8,250,281.00, And Authorizing The Issuance Of $8,250,281.00 Bonds Of Said County To Pay The Cost Thereof Referred to: The Ways and Means Committee (Chairman Gerentine and Legislators Archer, Bartels, Lopez, Maio, James Maloney, Joseph Maloney, and Petit) Chairman of the Legislature, Kenneth J. Ronk, Jr, Chairman of the Economic Development, Tourism, Housing, Planning, and Transit Committee, James F. Maloney, and Legislator Nolan offer the following: WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 307 dated and duly adopted on the date hereof, the County Legislature of the County of Ulster, New York has amended Capital Project No. 459 for the construction of the Ashokan Rail Trail for the Department of Planning; and WHEREAS, the capital project hereinafter described, as proposed, has been determined to be a “Type I Action” pursuant to the regulations of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation promulgated pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, which it has been determined will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, it is now desired to authorize the financing of such capital project; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, by the affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the total voting strength of the County Legislature of the County of Ulster, New York, as follows: Section 1. The construction of the Ashokan Rail Trail, in and for the County of Ulster, New York, including incidental improvements and expenses in connection therewith, is hereby authorized at a maximum estimated cost of $8,250,281.00. Section 2. It is hereby determined that the plan for the financing of the aforesaid maximum estimated cost is by the issuance of $8,250,281.00 of bonds of the County hereby authorized to be issued therefor pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law; provided, however, that to the extent that any State or other grants-in-aid are received for such specific object or purpose, the ultimate amount of bonds to be issued pursuant to this resolution shall be reduced dollar-for-dollar. Section 3. It is hereby determined that the period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid specific object or purpose is fifteen years, pursu-

Aug. 2, 2018 on the French Play of the same name by Jean Poiret. Tickets $32-$40. Info: 845-679-6900. Woodstock Playhouse, Woodstock. 8pm 42nd ST. Tony Award-winning Broadway musical. Info: 845-876-3080. The Center for Performing Arts at Rhinebeck, 661 Rt 308, Rhinebeck. 8pm Live @ The Falcon: Sylvia Tyson & Scarlet Rivera. Distinctive songwriters & Dylan’s Rolling Thunder Review veterans. Info: 845-236-7970. The Falcon Underground, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro. 8pm Live @ The Falcon: Duke Robillard Band. Veteran award-winning blues guitarist. Info: 845-236-7970. The Falcon Main Stage, 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro. 8pm Air Supply. This is a rare full band show featuring all their greatest hits including “Lost in Love,” “All Out of Love,” “The One That You Love,” “Sweet Dreams” and “Making Love Out Of Nothing At All” which have each achieved multimillion plays on the radio. But it’s the live shows that always hold audiences captive around the world. Info: 845-339-6088. Ulster Performing Arts Center, 601 Broadway, Kingston. bardavon. org. $84, $59, $49. 8pm Ang ‘n Ed Acoustic Duo. Acoustic. Info: 845-229-8277. Hyde Park Brewing Company, 4076 Albany Post Rd, Hyde Park. 8pm Bard’s Summerscape Music: Bard Music Festival, Weekend One: Inventing Russian Music: The Mighty Five. $25 & up. Info: 845-758-7900; Bard Richard B. Fisher Center, 60 Manor Ave, Annandale. 8:30pm Movies Under the Starrs: Wonder. Presented by Starr Library. Info: 845-876-4030. Rhinebeck Town Pool, 68 W Market St, Rhinebeck.

ant to subdivision 19(c) of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law. Section 4. The faith and credit of said County of Ulster, New York, are hereby irrevocable pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same respectively become due and payable. An annual appropriation shall be made in each year sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds becoming due and payable in such year. There shall annually be levied on all the taxable real property of said County, a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same become due and payable. Section 5. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the Commissioner of Finance, the chief fiscal officer. Such notes shall be of such terms, form and contents, and shall be sold in such manner, as may be prescribed by said Commissioner of Finance, consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 6. All other matters except as provided herein relating to the serial bonds herein authorized including the date, denominations, maturities and interest payment dates, within the limitations prescribed herein and the manner of execution of the same, including the consolidation with other issues, and also the ability to issue serial bonds with substantially level or declining annual debt service, shall be determined by the Commissioner of Finance, the chief fiscal officer of such County. Such bonds shall contain substantially the recital of validity clause provided for in Section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law, and shall otherwise be in such form and contain such recitals, in addition to those required by Section 51.00 of the Local Finance Law, as the Commissioner of Finance shall determine consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 7. The validity of such bonds and bond anticipation notes may be contested only if: 1) Such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which said County is not authorized to expend money, or 2) The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication of this resolution are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication, or 3) Such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution. Section 8. This resolution shall constitute a statement of official intent for purposes of Treasury Regulations Section 1.140 2. Other than as specified in this resolution, no monies are, or are reasonably expected to be, reserved, allocated on a long term basis, or otherwise set aside with respect to the permanent funding of the object or purpose described herein. Section 9. This resolution, which takes effect immediately, shall be published in summary form in the official newspaper(s) of such County, together with a notice of the Clerk of the County Legislature in substantially the form provided in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the resolution published herewith has been adopted by the County Legislature of the County of Ulster, New York, on July 17, 2018 and approved by the County Executive on July 25, 2018, and the validity of the obligations authorized by such

Aug. 2, 2018

resolution may be hereinafter contested only if such obligations were authorized for an object or purpose for which said County is not authorized to expend money, or if the provisions of law which should have been complied with as of the date of publication of this notice were not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of publication of this notice, or such obligations were authorized in violations of the provisions of the Constitution. Dated: August 2, 2018 Ulster County Legislature Victoria A. Fabella, Clerk Kingston, New York Resolution No. 311 July 17, 2018 Authorizing The Issuance Of An Additional $35,000.00 Bonds Of The County Of Ulster, New York, To Pay Part Of The Cost Of The Installation Of Shoulders Along Route 299, In And For Said County Referred to: The Ways and Means Committee (Chairman Gerentine and Legislators Archer, Bartels, Lopez, Maio, James Maloney, Joseph Maloney, and Petit) Chairman of the Public Works and Capital Projects Committee, Dean J. Fabiano, and Deputy Chair Manna Jo Greene offer the following: WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 142 dated and duly adopted on July 17, 2018, the County Legislature of the County of Ulster, New York has amended Capital Project No. 488 for the installation of shoulders along Route 299 for the Department of Public Works (Highways and Bridges Division); and WHEREAS, the status of said capital project, as proposed, pursuant to the regulations of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation promulgated pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, has been determined as described in said Resolution No. 142 to be an “Unlisted Action� and to not have any significant adverse impact on the environment; and WHEREAS, by a bond resolution dated December 20, 2016, duly adopted on said date, the County Legislature of the County of Ulster, New York, authorized the issuance of $487,000.00 bonds of said County to pay the cost of the installation of shoulders along Route 299, in the Towns of New Paltz and Gardiner, in and for said County, including incidental improvements and expenses in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, by a bond resolution dated April 17, 2018, duly adopted on said date, the County Legislature of the County of Ulster, New York, authorized the issuance of an additional $262,397.00 bonds of said County to pay additional costs of the installation of shoulders along Route 299, in the Towns of New Paltz and Gardiner, in and for said County, including incidental improvements and expenses in connection therewith, and WHEREAS, it has now been determined that the maximum estimated cost of such specific object or purpose is $784,397.00, an increase of $35,000.00 over that previously authorized; and WHEREAS, it is now desired to authorize the issuance of an additional $35,000.00 bonds of said County for such specific object or purpose; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, by the affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the total voting strength of the County Legislature of the County of Ulster, New York, as follows: Section 1. For the specific object or purpose of paying additional costs of the installation of shoulders along Route 299, in the Towns of New Paltz and Gardiner, in and for said County of Ulster, New York, including incidental improvements and expenses in connection therewith, there are hereby authorized to be issued an additional $35,000.00 bonds of the County of Ulster, New York, pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, to be reduced by any Federal or State grants-in-aid received therefor. Section 2. It is hereby determined that the maximum estimated cost of such specific object or purpose is now determined to be $784,397, which specific object or purpose is hereby authorized at said maximum estimated cost, and that the plan for the financing thereof is as follows: a. By the issuance of the $487,000.00 bonds of said County authorized to be issued pursuant to a bond resolution dated and duly adopted December 20, 2016 as described in the preambles hereof; and b. By the issuance of the additional $262,397.00 bonds of said County authorized to be issued pursuant to the bond resolution dated and duly adopted April 17, 2018 as described in the preambles hereof; and c. By the issuance of the additional $35,000.00 bonds of said County authorized to be issued pursuant to this bond resolution. Section 3. It is hereby determined that the period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid specific object or purpose is fifteen years, pursuant to subdivision 20(c) of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law, calculated from the date of issuance of the first serial bonds/ bond anticipation notes for said specific object or purpose. Section 4. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the Commissioner of Finance, the chief fiscal officer. Such notes shall be of such terms, form and contents, and shall be sold in such manner, as may be prescribed

ALMANAC WEEKLY by said Commissioner of Finance, consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 5. All other matters except as provided herein relating to the serial bonds herein authorized including the date, denominations, maturities and interest payment dates, within the limitations prescribed herein and the manner of execution of the same, including the consolidation with other issues, and also the ability to issue serial bonds with substantially level or declining annual debt service, shall be determined by the Commissioner of Finance, the chief fiscal officer of such County. Such bonds shall contain substantially the recital of validity clause provided for in Section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law, and shall otherwise be in such form and contain such recitals, in addition to those required by Section 51.00 of the Local Finance Law, as the Commissioner of Finance shall determine consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 6. The faith and credit of said County of Ulster, New York, are hereby irrevocable pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same respectively become due and payable. An annual appropriation shall be made in each year sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds becoming due and payable in such year. There shall annually be levied on all the taxable real property of said County, a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same become due and payable. Section 7. The validity of such bonds and bond anticipation notes may be contested only if: 1) Such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which said County is not authorized to expend money, or 2) The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication of this resolution are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication, or 3) Such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution. Section 8. This resolution shall constitute a statement of official intent for purposes of Treasury Regulations Section 1.150 2. Other than as specified in this resolution, no monies are, or are reasonably expected to be, reserved, allocated on a long term basis, or otherwise set aside with respect to the permanent funding of the object or purpose described herein. Section 9. This resolution, which takes effect immediately, shall be published in full in the official newspapers of such County, together with a notice of the Clerk of the County Legislature in substantially the form provided in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the resolution published herewith has been adopted by the County Legislature of the County of Ulster, New York, on June 19, 2018 and approved by the County Executive on June 29, 2018, and the validity of the obligations authorized by such resolution may be hereinafter contested only if such obligations were authorized for an object or purpose for which said County is not authorized to expend money, or if the provisions of law which should have been complied with as of the date of publication of this notice were not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of publication of this notice, or such obligations were authorized in violations of the provisions of the Constitution. Dated: August 2, 2018 Ulster County Legislature Victoria A. Fabella, Clerk Kingston, New York Resolution No. 244 June 19, 2018 Authorizing The Purchase And Installation Of Emergency Communications Equipment, In And For The County Of Ulster, New York, At A Maximum Estimated Cost Of $524,993.00, And Authorizing The Issuance Of $524,993.00 Bonds Of Said County To Pay The Cost Thereof Referred to: The Ways and Means Committee (Chairman Gerentine and Legislators Archer, Bartels, Lopez, James Maloney, Joseph Maloney, and Petit) Chairwoman of the Law Enforcement and Public Safety Committee, Mary Beth Maio, and Deputy Chair Julius Collins offer the following: WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 243 dated and duly adopted on the date hereof, the County Legislature of the County of Ulster, New York has amended Capital Project No. 482 for the purchase and installation of emergency communications equipment for the Department of Emergency Communications/Emergency Management; and WHEREAS, the capital project hereinafter described, as proposed, has been determined to be a Type II Action pursuant to the regulations of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation promulgated pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, which regulations state that Type II Actions will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, it is now desired to authorize the financing of such capital project; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, by the affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the total voting strength of the County Legislature of the County of Ulster, New York, as follows:

Section 1. The purchase and installation of emergency communications equipment, in and for the County of Ulster, New York, including incidental equipment and expenses in connection therewith, are hereby authorized at a maximum estimated cost of $524,993.00. Section 2. It is hereby determined that the plan for the financing of the aforesaid maximum estimated cost is by the issuance of $524,993.00 of bonds of the County hereby authorized to be issued therefor pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law; provided, however, that to the extent that any State or other grants-in-aid are received for such class of objects or purposes, the ultimate amount of bonds to be issued pursuant to this resolution shall be reduced dollar-for-dollar. Section 3. It is hereby determined that the period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid class of objects or purposes is twenty-five years, pursuant to subdivision 10 of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law. Section 4. The faith and credit of said County of Ulster, New York, are hereby irrevocable pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same respectively become due and payable. An annual appropriation shall be made in each year sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds becoming due and payable in such year. There shall annually be levied on all the taxable real property of said County, a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same become due and payable. Section 5. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the Commissioner of Finance, the chief fiscal officer. Such notes shall be of such terms, form and contents, and shall be sold in such manner, as may be prescribed by said Commissioner of Finance, consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 6. All other matters except as provided herein relating to the serial bonds herein authorized including the date, denominations, maturities and interest payment dates, within the limitations prescribed herein and the manner of execution of the same, including the consolidation with other issues, and also the ability to issue serial bonds with substantially level or declining annual debt service, shall be determined by the Commissioner of Finance, the chief fiscal officer of such County. Such bonds shall contain substantially the recital of validity clause provided for in Section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law, and shall otherwise be in such form and contain such recitals, in addition to those required by Section 51.00 of the Local Finance Law, as the Commissioner of Finance shall determine consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 7. The validity of such bonds and bond anticipation notes may be contested only if: 1) Such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which said County is not authorized to expend money, or 2) The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication of this resolution are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication, or 3) Such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution. Section 8. This resolution shall constitute a statement of official intent for purposes of Treasury Regulations Section 1.140 2. Other than as specified in this resolution, no monies are, or are reasonably expected to be, reserved, allocated on a long term basis, or otherwise set aside with respect to the permanent funding of the object or purpose described herein. Section 9. This resolution, which takes effect immediately, shall be published in summary form in the official newspaper(s) of such County, together with a notice of the Clerk of the County Legislature in substantially the form provided in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the resolution published herewith has been adopted by the County Legislature of the County of Ulster, New York, on June 19, 2018 and approved by the County Executive on June 29, 2018, and the validity of the obligations authorized by such resolution may be hereinafter contested only if such obligations were authorized for an object or purpose for which said County is not authorized to expend money, or if the provisions of law which should have been complied with as of the date of publication of this notice were not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of publication of this notice, or such obligations were authorized in violations of the provisions of the Constitution. Dated: August 2, 2018 Ulster County Legislature Victoria A. Fabella, Clerk Kingston, New York Resolution No. 262 June 19, 2018 Authorizing The Reconstruction And Furnishing Of Classrooms At Ulster County Community College Stone Ridge Campus And Kingston Center, In And For The County Of Ulster, New York, At A Maximum Estimated Cost Of $435,284.00, And Authorizing The Is-

25 suance Of $435,284.00 Bonds Of Said County To Pay The Cost Thereof Referred to: The Ways and Means Committee (Chairman Gerentine and Legislators Archer, Bartels, Lopez, James Maloney, Joseph Maloney, and Petit) Chairman of the Legislative Programs, Education and Community Services Committee, David B. Donaldson, and Deputy Chair Heidi Haynes, offer the following: WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 261 dated and duly adopted on the date hereof, the County Legislature of the County of Ulster, New York has established Capital Project No. 527 for the reconstruction and furnishing of classrooms at Ulster County Community College Stone Ridge Campus and the Kingston Center of the State University of New York; and WHEREAS, the capital project hereinafter described, as proposed, has been determined to be a Type II Action pursuant to the regulations of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation promulgated pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, which regulations state that Type II Actions will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, it is now desired to authorize the financing of such capital project; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, by the affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the total voting strength of the County Legislature of the County of Ulster, New York, as follows: Section 1. The reconstruction and furnishing of classrooms at the Ulster County Community College Stone Ridge Campus and the Kingston Center, in and for the County of Ulster, New York, including original furnishings, machinery, equipment, apparatus, appurtenances, and incidental improvements and expenses in connection therewith, is hereby authorized at a maximum estimated cost of $435,284.00. Section 2. It is hereby determined that the plan for the financing of the aforesaid maximum estimated cost is by the issuance of $435,284.00 of bonds of the County hereby authorized to be issued therefor pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law; provided, however, that to the extent that any State or other grants-in-aid are received for such class of objects or purposes, the ultimate amount of bonds to be issued pursuant to this resolution shall be reduced dollar-for-dollar. Section 3. It is hereby determined that the period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid class of objects or purposes is ten years, pursuant to subdivision 90, based upon subdivisions 12(a) and 13 of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law. Section 4. The faith and credit of said County of Ulster, New York, are hereby irrevocable pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same respectively become due and payable. An annual appropriation shall be made in each year sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds becoming due and payable in such year. There shall annually be levied on all the taxable real property of said County, a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same become due and payable. Section 5. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the Commissioner of Finance, the chief fiscal officer. Such notes shall be of such terms, form and contents, and shall be sold in such manner, as may be prescribed by said Commissioner of Finance, consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 6. All other matters except as provided herein relating to the serial bonds herein authorized including the date, denominations, maturities and interest payment dates, within the limitations prescribed herein and the manner of execution of the same, including the consolidation with other issues, and also the ability to issue serial bonds with substantially level or declining annual debt service, shall be determined by the Commissioner of Finance, the chief fiscal officer of such County. Such bonds shall contain substantially the recital of validity clause provided for in Section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law, and shall otherwise be in such form and contain such recitals, in addition to those required by Section 51.00 of the Local Finance Law, as the Commissioner of Finance shall determine consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 7. The validity of such bonds and bond anticipation notes may be contested only if: 1) Such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which said County is not authorized to expend money, or 2) The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication of this resolution are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication, or 3) Such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution. Section 8. This resolution shall constitute a statement of official intent for purposes of Treasury Regulations Section 1.140 2. Other than as specified in this resolution, no monies are, or are reasonably expected to be, reserved, allocated on a long term basis, or otherwise set aside with respect to the permanent funding of


legal notices the object or purpose described herein. Section 9. This resolution, which takes effect immediately, shall be published in summary form in the official newspaper(s) of such County, together with a notice of the Clerk of the County Legislature in substantially the form provided in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the resolution published herewith has been adopted by the County Legislature of the County of Ulster, New York, on June 19, 2018 and approved by the County Executive on June 29, 2018, and the validity of the obligations authorized by such resolution may be hereinafter contested only if such obligations were authorized for an object or purpose for which said County is not authorized to expend money, or if the provisions of law which should have been complied with as of the date of publication of this notice were not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of publication of this notice, or such obligations were authorized in violations of the provisions of the Constitution. Dated: August 2, 2018 Ulster County Legislature Victoria A. Fabella, Clerk Kingston, New York Resolution No. 270 June 19, 2018 Authorizing The Engineering Costs (Phase II) For The Reconstruction Of Horsenden Road, In And For The County Of Ulster, New York, At A Maximum Estimated Cost Of $80,000.00, And Authorizing The Issuance Of $80,000.00 Bonds Of Said County To Pay The Cost Thereof Referred to: The Ways and Means Committee (Chairman Gerentine and Legislators Archer, Bartels, Lopez, James Maloney, Joseph Maloney, and Petit) Chairman of the Public Works and Capital Projects Committee, Dean J. Fabiano, and Deputy Chair Manna Jo Greene offer the following: WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 269 dated and duly adopted on the date hereof, the County Legislature of the County of Ulster, New York has amended Capital Project No. 507 for the engineering costs (Phase II) for the reconstruction of Horsenden Road for the Department of Public Works (Highways and Bridges); and WHEREAS, the capital project hereinafter described, as proposed, has been determined to be a Type II Action pursuant to the regulations of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation promulgated pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, which regulations state that Type II Actions will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, it is now desired to authorize the financing of such capital project; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, by the affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the total voting strength of the County Legislature of the County of Ulster, New York, as follows: Section 1. The engineering costs (Phase II) for the reconstruction of Horsenden Road, in the Town of New Paltz, in and for the County of Ulster, New York, including incidental expenses in connection therewith, is hereby authorized at a maximum estimated cost of $80,000.00. Section 2. It is hereby determined that the plan for the financing of the aforesaid maximum estimated cost is by the issuance of $80,000.00 of bonds of the County hereby authorized to be issued therefor pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law; provided, however, that to the extent that any State or other grants-in-aid are received for such specific object or purpose, the ultimate amount of bonds to be issued pursuant to this resolution shall be reduced dollar-for-dollar. Section 3. It is hereby determined that the period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid specific object or purpose is five years, pursuant to subdivision 62(2nd) of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law. Section 4. The faith and credit of said County of Ulster, New York, are hereby irrevocable pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same respectively become due and payable. An annual appropriation shall be made in each year sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds becoming due and payable in such year. There shall annually be levied on all the taxable real property of said County, a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same become due and payable. Section 5. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the Commissioner of Finance, the chief fiscal officer. Such notes shall be of such terms, form and contents, and shall be sold in such manner, as may be prescribed by said Commissioner of Finance, consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 6. All other matters except as provided herein relating to the serial bonds herein authorized including the date, denominations, maturities and interest payment dates, within the limitations prescribed herein and the manner of execution of the same, including the consolidation with other issues, and also the

ALMANAC WEEKLY ability to issue serial bonds with substantially level or declining annual debt service, shall be determined by the Commissioner of Finance, the chief fiscal officer of such County. Such bonds shall contain substantially the recital of validity clause provided for in Section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law, and shall otherwise be in such form and contain such recitals, in addition to those required by Section 51.00 of the Local Finance Law, as the Commissioner of Finance shall determine consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 7. The validity of such bonds and bond anticipation notes may be contested only if: 1) Such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which said County is not authorized to expend money, or 2) The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication of this resolution are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication, or 3) Such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution. Section 8. This resolution shall constitute a statement of official intent for purposes of Treasury Regulations Section 1.140 2. Other than as specified in this resolution, no monies are, or are reasonably expected to be, reserved, allocated on a long term basis, or otherwise set aside with respect to the permanent funding of the object or purpose described herein. Section 9. This resolution, which takes effect immediately, shall be published in summary form in the official newspaper(s) of such County, together with a notice of the Clerk of the County Legislature in substantially the form provided in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the resolution published herewith has been adopted by the County Legislature of the County of Ulster, New York, on June 19, 2018 and approved by the County Executive on June 29, 2018, and the validity of the obligations authorized by such resolution may be hereinafter contested only if such obligations were authorized for an object or purpose for which said County is not authorized to expend money, or if the provisions of law which should have been complied with as of the date of publication of this notice were not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of publication of this notice, or such obligations were authorized in violations of the provisions of the Constitution. Dated: August 2, 2018 Ulster County Legislature Victoria A. Fabella, Clerk Kingston, New York Resolution No. 272 June 19, 2018 Authorizing The Reconstruction And Restabilization Of Watson Hollow Road Slope, In And For The County Of Ulster, New York, At A Maximum Estimated Cost Of $593,976.00, And Authorizing The Issuance Of $181,976.00 Additional Bonds Of Said County To Pay The Cost Thereof Referred to: The Ways and Means Committee (Chairman Gerentine and Legislators Archer, Bartels, Lopez, James Maloney, Joseph Maloney, and Petit) Chairman of the Public Works and Capital Projects Committee, Dean J. Fabiano, and Deputy Chair Manna Jo Greene offer the following: WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 271 dated and duly adopted on the date hereof, the County Legislature of the County of Ulster, New York has amended Capital Project No. 511 for the Watson Hollow Slope Stabilization for the Department of Public Works (Highways and Bridges); and WHEREAS, the capital project hereinafter described, as proposed, has been determined to be an Unlisted Action pursuant to the regulations of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation promulgated pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, which it has been determined will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, it is now desired to authorize the financing of such capital project; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, by the affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the total voting strength of the County Legislature of the County of Ulster, New York, as follows: Section 1. The reconstruction and restabilization of Watson Hollow Road slope, in and for the County of Ulster, New York, including incidental improvements and expenses in connection therewith, is hereby authorized at a revised maximum estimated cost of $593,976.00. Section 2. It is hereby determined that the plan for the financing of the aforesaid maximum estimated cost is as follows: a. By the issuance of the $412,000.00 bonds of said County authorized to be issued pursuant to a bond resolution dated and duly adopted October 17, 2017; and b. By the issuance of the additional $181,976.00 bonds of said County hereby authorized to be issued therefor pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 3. It is hereby determined that the period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid specific object or purpose is five years, pursuant to subdivision 35 of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law, calculated from the date of issuance of the first obligations issued for the aforesaid specific object or purpose, from the

date of issuance of the first obligations therefor. Section 4. The faith and credit of said County of Ulster, New York, are hereby irrevocable pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same respectively become due and payable. An annual appropriation shall be made in each year sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds becoming due and payable in such year. There shall annually be levied on all the taxable real property of said County, a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same become due and payable. Section 5. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the Commissioner of Finance, the chief fiscal officer. Such notes shall be of such terms, form and contents, and shall be sold in such manner, as may be prescribed by said Commissioner of Finance, consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 6. All other matters except as provided herein relating to the serial bonds herein authorized including the date, denominations, maturities and interest payment dates, within the limitations prescribed herein and the manner of execution of the same, including the consolidation with other issues, and also the ability to issue serial bonds with substantially level or declining annual debt service, shall be determined by the Commissioner of Finance, the chief fiscal officer of such County. Such bonds shall contain substantially the recital of validity clause provided for in Section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law, and shall otherwise be in such form and contain such recitals, in addition to those required by Section 51.00 of the Local Finance Law, as the Commissioner of Finance shall determine consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 7. The validity of such bonds and bond anticipation notes may be contested only if: 1) Such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which said County is not authorized to expend money, or 2) The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication of this resolution are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication, or 3) Such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution. Section 8. This resolution shall constitute a statement of official intent for purposes of Treasury Regulations Section 1.140 2. Other than as specified in this resolution, no monies are, or are reasonably expected to be, reserved, allocated on a long term basis, or otherwise set aside with respect to the permanent funding of the object or purpose described herein. Section 9. This resolution, which takes effect immediately, shall be published in summary form in the official newspaper(s) of such County, together with a notice of the Clerk of the County Legislature in substantially the form provided in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the resolution published herewith has been adopted by the County Legislature of the County of Ulster, New York, on June 19, 2018 and approved by the County Executive on June 29, 2018, and the validity of the obligations authorized by such resolution may be hereinafter contested only if such obligations were authorized for an object or purpose for which said County is not authorized to expend money, or if the provisions of law which should have been complied with as of the date of publication of this notice were not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of publication of this notice, or such obligations were authorized in violations of the provisions of the Constitution. Dated: August 2, 2018 Ulster County Legislature Victoria A. Fabella, Clerk Kingston, New York Resolution No. 277 June 19, 2018 Authorizing The Financing Of The Acquisition Of Land Or Rights-In-Land For The Kingston Rail Trail Project, In And For The County Of Ulster, New York, At A Maximum Estimated Cost Of $60,000.00, And Authorizing The Issuance Of $60,000.00 Bonds Of Said County To Pay The Cost Thereof Referred to: The Laws and Rules, Governmental Services Committee (Chairman Roberts and Legislators Donaldson, Haynes, Heppner, and James Maloney), and The Ways and Means Committee (Chairman Gerentine and Legislators Archer, Bartels, Lopez, James Maloney, Joseph Maloney, and Petit) Chairman of Legislature Kenneth J. Ronk Jr. offers the following: WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 276 dated and duly adopted on the date hereof, the County Legislature of the County of Ulster, New York has amended Capital Project No. 334 for the acquisition of land or rights-in-land for the Kingston Rail Trail project for the Department of Planning; and WHEREAS, the capital project hereinafter described, as proposed, has been determined to be an Unlisted Action pursuant to the regulations of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation promulgated pursuant to

Aug. 2, 2018

the State Environmental Quality Review Act, which it has been determined will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, it is now desired to authorize the financing of such capital project; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, by the affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the total voting strength of the County Legislature of the County of Ulster, New York, as follows: Section 1. The acquisition of land or rightsin-land for the Kingston Rail Trail project, in and for the County of Ulster, New York, including incidental expenses in connection therewith, is hereby authorized at a maximum estimated cost of $60,000.00. Section 2. It is hereby determined that the plan for the financing of the aforesaid maximum estimated cost is by the issuance of $60,000.00 of bonds of the County hereby authorized to be issued therefor pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law; provided, however, that to the extent that any State or other grants-in-aid are received for such specific object or purpose, the ultimate amount of bonds to be issued pursuant to this resolution shall be reduced dollar-for-dollar. Section 3. It is hereby determined that the period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid specific object or purpose is thirty years, pursuant to subdivision 21(a) of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law. Section 4. The faith and credit of said County of Ulster, New York, are hereby irrevocable pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same respectively become due and payable. An annual appropriation shall be made in each year sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds becoming due and payable in such year. There shall annually be levied on all the taxable real property of said County, a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same become due and payable. Section 5. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the Commissioner of Finance, the chief fiscal officer. Such notes shall be of such terms, form and contents, and shall be sold in such manner, as may be prescribed by said Commissioner of Finance, consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 6. All other matters except as provided herein relating to the serial bonds herein authorized including the date, denominations, maturities and interest payment dates, within the limitations prescribed herein and the manner of execution of the same, including the consolidation with other issues, and also the ability to issue serial bonds with substantially level or declining annual debt service, shall be determined by the Commissioner of Finance, the chief fiscal officer of such County. Such bonds shall contain substantially the recital of validity clause provided for in Section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law, and shall otherwise be in such form and contain such recitals, in addition to those required by Section 51.00 of the Local Finance Law, as the Commissioner of Finance shall determine consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 7. The validity of such bonds and bond anticipation notes may be contested only if: 1) Such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which said County is not authorized to expend money, or 2) The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication of this resolution are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication, or 3) Such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution. Section 8. This resolution shall constitute a statement of official intent for purposes of Treasury Regulations Section 1.140 2. Other than as specified in this resolution, no monies are, or are reasonably expected to be, reserved, allocated on a long term basis, or otherwise set aside with respect to the permanent funding of the object or purpose described herein. Section 9. This resolution, which takes effect immediately, shall be published in summary form in the official newspaper(s) of such County, together with a notice of the Clerk of the County Legislature in substantially the form provided in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law. LEGAL NOTICE ROAD CLOSING ULSTER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS County Bridge #127, Wallkill Bridge carrying Bruyn Turnpike over the Wallkill River in the Town of Shawangunk, will be closed to all thru traffic effective Monday August 6, 2018 to facilitate the application of a bridge deck seal. Traffic may use Wallkill Avenue south for 0.2 miles to State Route 208 south for 3.4 miles to State Route 52 west for 2.7 miles to Albany Post Road north for 2.1 miles to Bruyn Turnpike east for 1.1 miles. The anticipated closure duration is thru Friday August 10, 2018, weather dependent. By Order of Thomas H. Jackson, Jr., Commissioner of Public Works



August 2, 2018


“Happy hunting!”


Help Wanted

to place an ad: contact


Call 334-8200. For regular line ads, ask for Tobi or Amy; real estate display ads or help wanted display, Genia; automobile display, Ralph. Hours: MWThF 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday: 9-11 a.m.


Classified line ads can be placed at


Our fax-machine number is 845-334-8809 (include credit card #)


Sunflower Health Food store, Bradley Meadows, Woodstock; 29 South Chestnut Street, New Paltz, NY; 322 Wall St., Kingston.


Join the Mohonk team! We have Jobs at Mohonk Mountain House, both Seasonal and Year Round Please look on-line and apply at

deadlines phone, mail drop-off

The absolute final deadline is Tuesday at 11 a.m. Monday at 11 a.m. in Woodstock and New Paltz; Tuesday in Kingston.

rates weekly

$20 for 30 words; 20 cents for each additional word.

special deals

$72 for four weeks (30 words); $225 for 13 weeks; $425 for 26 weeks; 800 for a year; each additional word after 30 is 20 cents per word per week. Future credit given for cancellations, no refunds.

Mohonk House Join the Mountain Mohonk team! ŚĂƐ ŝŵŵĞĚŝĂƚĞ ŽƉĞŶŝŶŐƐ ĨŽƌ 'ƵĞƐƚ ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ ƩĞŶĚĂŶƚƐ ;sĂůĞƚƐͿ͘ We have Jobs at Mohonk Mountain House, both ǀĞƌĂŐĞ ŚŽƵƌůLJ ǁĂŐĞ ŽĨ Ψϭϯ͘ϱϬ


ůů ĂƉƉůŝĐĂŶƚƐ ŶĞĞĚ ƚŽ ďĞ ĂďůĞ ƚŽ ĚƌŝǀĞ ďŽƚŚ ĂŶ ĂƵƚŽŵĂƟĐ ĂŶĚ standard transmission and have a clean driver’s license to be Please ĐŽŶƐŝĚĞƌĞĚ ĨŽƌ ƚŚŝƐ ƉŽƐŝƟŽŶ͘


Seasonal and Year Round

Proofread before submitting. No refunds will be given, but credit will be extended toward future ads if we are responsible for any error. Prepay with cash, check, Visa, MasterCard or Discover.


reach print

Almanac’s classified ads are distributed throughout the region and are included in Woodstock Times, New Paltz Times, Saugerties Times and Kingston Times. Over 18,000 copies printed.


Almanac’s classified ads also appear on, part of our network of sites with more than 60,000 unique visitors.

look on-line and apply at

WůĞĂƐĞ ĂƉƉůLJ Ăƚ ǁǁǁ͘ŵŽŚŽŶŬũŽďƐ͘ĐŽŵ͘ Two positions available: 1-MANAGER; 2-HOUSEKEEPER for Woodstock Bed & Breakfast. Experience preferred but not necessary. Will train. Must be reliable. Weekends & possibly some weekdays. Seasonal &/or long-term. Call 845-679-9479. IMMEDIATE OPENING: DENTAL HYGIENIST POSITION on Thursdays in modern dental office in Margaretville. Computer skills a must. Competitive salary. Recent Graduate welcome. Call or text: 347-432-5526.

SEEKING EXPERIENCED PERSONAL CARE ASSISTANT Woodstock/Bearsville For Local Errands, Light Cooking. Must Drive. A.M. & P.M. Hours Available.

Call for Interview 845-679-7531. NEED MOTHER’S HELPER in Gardiner, August 20-September 1. Monday-Friday, 2-6 p.m. Work includes food shopping, light housekeeping & some child care for girls 8 & 12. Must own car & be good driver. Job pays good hourly rate. 845-8958320. Someone to Assist with Cats at Diana’s Cat Shelter in Accord. Reliable, trustworthy person to work Part-time weekdays &/ or weekends as needed. Experience with cats helpful. Able to work independently as well as with a team. Call 845-626-0221. Woodstock Way Hotel: New positions at an upscale hotel in Woodstock. Phase 1 of the development is currently slated to open late mid-August 2018. Looking for Full-Time LEAD Housekeeper and Part-Time flexible support Housekeepers. Please send all resumes thru website: We look forward to receiving your resume and hopefully meeting you in person.


Adult Care

Care Giver, 845-663-8760, seeks private duty case. Home cooking, errands, MD appointments. Mature and experienced. References available. Ulster Co. area.

CERTIFIED AIDE LOOKING FOR PRIVATE CARE for elderly. 10 years experience. Live-in or hourly. References available. Ulster County area.

(845)706-5133 subscribe 334-8200 subscribe



Piano, Viola, Music Theory & Composition with Aurora Northland. Many levels, various styles. Adults, children, beginners. Contact 845.332.5699 or Abigial Robin Tutoring Services. Reasonable rates, will travel. Instruction in reading, writing & rithmetic. Retired adjunct professor SUNY New Paltz looking forward to working with K through 12. Licensed teacher. 845-339-7299.


Party Planning/ Catering

POTTIE FOR YOUR PARTY! HAVING A PARTY? TLK LLC. PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS. Weekend, Weekly, Monthly Rentals. We have Gray, White, Blue, Tan, Green (pine-scented), Pink (rose-scented), Red & Blue Handicap Accessible. (We also have a few w/sinks). Great for Construction/Building Sites, Sporting Events, Concerts, Street Festivals, Parks, Outdoor Weddings, Campsites, Flea Markets, Party Events, etc. Call 845-658-8766, 845-4176461 or 845-706-7197. e-mail:


Car Services

STU’S CAR SERVICE. Whose car determines the fare. Airports are our specialty. Always ready to get you there. Doesn’t matter when or where. I drive the miles your way with smiles. Call Stu’s Car Service for prices. Cell- 845-649-5350; stu@hvc.rr. com Look for me on Facebook.



The Politically Savvy and Illicitly Literate Comedy Duo of Mikhail Horowitz and Gilles Malkine— tired of performing at Navajo bar mitzvahs, vegan rodeos, and burials at sea— Is NOW AVAILABLE for House Concerts in your very own home, although you might have to file an environmental impact statement prior to engaging them. For details, please call 845-657-2210 or 845-246-7441, or zip an email to or gillesmalkine@gmail. com


Real Estate

PORT EWEN (So. of Kingston): Upscale. Riverfront CONDO, PRICE CUT $329K to $295K, or $2K referral reward. No Brokers, seller’s mtg., w/$30K cash down, includes 2-bedroom, 3 baths, Special Kyacking River Rights. Photos/Maps (239)549-1657.

NEWBURGH 17.5 Acres Municipal Water/Sewr zoned 1-2 Fam, Multifam, Affordable Housing, etc, Nursing Homes, Clubs. $550,000. (845)229-1618 Multi-Family Home for Sale! 845-842-7800. The main multi-level home can be used as the primary residence and the multi-level attached apartment can be used as a mother/daughter suite or as a rental. This beautiful colonial style home has new refinished hardwood floors, new laminate flooring in kitchen, new carpet, interior paint and new landscaping. The 2 newly treated back decks are perfect for a pool or a bbq.


Office Space/ Commercial Rentals

Office for Rent w/waiting room. Suite is entire 3rd floor of professional building. 171 Main Street, New Paltz. Private parking, shared kitchenette, conference room and bathroom. $300/month Includes your own private office + waiting room, Internet, Heat, Electric and use of Color Copier. Contact Craig 845/750-7151 or email Office Spaces in New Paltz available in a charming Victorian located in the heart of village. One room (approx. 180 sq.ft.)= $500/month and adjacent room (approx. 80 sq.ft.)= $400/month: Both can be joined into one space for $800/month. Includes all utilities, wi-fi. Call/text to 845-255-0559. Currently a Salon; Should be available September 2018. 800+ sf. On-site parking. Stand alone building. $1500/month. 8

South Chestnut Street, New Paltz. If interested, contact Wayne, 845-399-9697. If you are interested in a salon, the current location is For Sale- Please contact Irene. OFFICE SUITE: Handsome Brick Victorian, Uptown Kingston. 3-room suite, ground floor, central air and all utilities included, 1 off-street parking spot. $675/month. Call 845-331-8250


Garage/ Workspace/ Storage

ASHOKAN STORE-IT Ask About Our Long Term Storage Discount

5x10 $40 10x15 $90

5x15 $50 10x10 $70 10x20 $110 10x30 $150

845-657-2494 845-389-0504 1 Ridge Rd., Shokan, NY 12481


Gardiner/ Modena/ Plattekill Rentals

COMPLETELY REFURBISHED, PRIVATELY SITUATED 2-BEDROOM MOBILE HOME. Rt. 44/55, near Modena Firehouse. Trash service, grounds maintenance & snow clearing. $850/month excluding utilities. 1-year lease. 1 month security. Absolutely no smokers or pets. Perfect for working couple. References required. Showing after 8/13. Available 9/1. 845-883-0857. GARDINER; 1-BEDROOM second floor CONDO-APARTMENT. Private setting. Clean, quiet, professional type preferred. No pets. No smoking. One year lease. First, last, security. $850/month. Available 8/15. 914-474-7132.

ULSTER PUBLISHING POLICY It is illegal for anyone to: ...Advertise or make any statement that indicates a limitation or preference based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, handicap (disability), age, marital status or sexual orientation. Also, please be advised that language that indicates preference (i.e. “working professionals,” “single or couple,” “mature...professional,” etc.) is considered to be discriminatory. To avoid such violations of the Fair Housing Law, it is best to describe the apartment to be rented rather than the person(s) the advertiser would like to attract. This prohibition against discriminatory advertising applies to single family and owner-occupied housing that is otherwise exempt from the Fair Housing Act.



August 2, 2018


Real Estate

, WOODSTOCK ESTATE! Within walking distance of the Village you’ll find this beautiful 2BR 1 ½ BA! The original cottage has high ceilings, a floor to ceiling cobblestone fireplace with a wood stove insert and gleaming wood floors. Beautiful woodwork throughout, beamed ceilings and numerous skylights add color and light to this sweet home. Additions over the years were added with post and beam construction. The fully fenced level yard enjoys an in-ground pool, a green house, a finished exercise building and beautiful garden areas. The two-car garage has a mother in-law unit above it. Additional sheds provide storage for lawn and garden equipment. Spectacular mountain views can be seen from the front yard. Call Chris St. John today! ....................$899,000 PRIME RETAIL SPACE IN SAUGERTIES! This location has 3-large windows in the front area for great exposure, original H/W fl & exposed beams make this an excellent location for any business type. There is a private pkng lot accommodating 4-5 cars. There is a 2-BR-apt above the space. Both the hot water tanks & furnaces have been replaced w/in the past 3-yrs. Call Michael Barros or Alan Kessler! .........................$274,000

RANCH STYLE HOME! Spacious open floor plan with a stone fireplace, skylights, 10 ft cathedral ceilings, and a breakfast bar. Hardwood floors throughout home. Three bedrooms, 1.5 baths, two car attached garage, with a long private driveway. Large French doors opening to the back deck. Home sits on 74 acres!! Call Megan Rios today! ....$255,000

Kingston 845.339.1144 / Woodstock 845.679.2929 & 845.679.9444 / Saugerties 845.246.3300


Highland/ Clintondale Rentals

HIGHLAND: LARGE 1-BEDROOM end unit. $975/month heat & hot water included. Available immediately. Private, quiet neighborhood. On-site parking. Next to Highland Town Hall/Court, near Rt. 9W. Minutes to SUNY New Paltz, Poughkeepsie Bridge, Metro North, Rt. 9 & hospitals. 1 month security. No smoking. 845-4530047. HIGHLAND: APARTMENT #3; BEAUTIFUL 1-BEDROOM airy, spacious apartment. Skylight in LR, balcony off LR, large kitchen, many closets, serene surroundings. $900/month. Call (570)296-6185.


New Paltz Rentals

Single Room in New Paltz residence. Near college, downtown. All utilities paid, wi-fi included, full access to house, kitchen, deck and patio. 1 year lease, references $500/month. Available Aug. 15. Also, Studio, 600 sq.ft. Near college, downtown. Utilities paid. Perfect for professional or residential. Full access to patio. 1 year lease, references. $1500/month. Available Aug. 15.Text or call 845-9012195 for info.

New Paltz: Southside Terrace Apartments Year round and other lease terms to suit your needs available! Free use of the: Recreation Room, Pool, New Fitness Center & much more! “Now accepting credit cards! Move in & pay your security and deposit with your credit or debit card with no additional fees!”

Call 845-255-7205 for more information 1 ROOM left in 5-BR house share. 2 baths, porch, off-street parking, laundry. $575/ month includes everything. 1.5m from cam-

BEAUTIFUL LOG HOME! The Catskill Park is the place to be, living in this 7BR 5BA log contemporary. A park like setting on the fishing famous Esopus Creek. Perfect for a B&B or Group Retreats,.. business, spiritual, natural,...great for gardening,...your own ,”Farm to Table” opportunity. Minutes to Belleayre Mountain Ski Center & charming towns, and all the area has to offer. This impressive country home has room to roam, and room for family and friends. In the heart of the Catskills minutes from Belleayre Mountain. Privately sited on a picturesque 7 + acres with open space, woods, and beautiful frontage on the Esopus Creek. Call Josh Luborsky today! ........................................................................... $725,000

pus, convenient to bus route. Year lease starts 8/18/18. Email: dietzrentals@hvc. for info and appt. Furnished Studio in private home. Has own entrance, new galley kitchen, Japanese bathroom w/soaking tub. Five minutes to New Paltz, Rail Trail few minutes bike ride. Quiet, beautiful area. Parking available. Heat, electric and wifi included. Cable optional and extra. $1100/ month. Lease for academic year. STUDENTS/PROFESSIONALS: ROOMS AVAILABLE. Close to SUNY, New Paltz. Newly renovated, clean, large kitchen, appliances, WiFi/computer access/TV, plenty of parking. $500-550/month/room, electric & heat included. Available now. Student 845-705-2430.


21A Colonial Dr., New Paltz. 1 & 2 BR apts. Pets welcome! No security deposit option. 3-12 month leasing terms. Pool, laundry on site.

845-255-6171 4-Bedroom House with utilities included. $2800/month. In Village, 5 minute walk to SUNY New Paltz. Newly renovated, with hardwood floors, brand new appliances, new heating and cooling system. Possible garage/storage also available. For rent August 2018. Text or call 914-466-6781. Charming 1-Bedroom Ground Floor Apartment, completely renovated, w/ separate entrance & parking. Open living room w/L-shaped kitchen. Separate bedroom w/French doors, large windows-good light, and 7’ closet. Bathroom w/shower. Washer/dryer. On 2 acres. 1 mile from Mohonk. $1150/month includes everything except cable/internet. Perfect for students, a professional single or couple. Credit check, references, 2 months security, proof of income or guarantor. To View: call Judith 917-854-3415 or e-mail: judithsag@ 2-BEDROOMS, living room & private bathroom in Highland home. 2 people okay. Shared kitchen w/owner. 3 miles from New Paltz, half mile Rt. 299. $950/month, some utilities included. 845-216-1265. SOUTHSIDE TERRACE APARTMENTS offers semester leases for FALL 2018 and short-term for the Summer! Furnished studios, one & two bedrooms, includes heat & hot water. Recreation facilities. Walking distance to campus and town. 845-2557205. 3-BEDROOM HOUSE. 1.5 baths. $2100/ month includes utilities except Wi-Fi & cable. Walking distance to S.U.N.Y. New Paltz. Available 8/1. First, last, security. No animals. Non-smokers. abpes@hvc.

FEDERAL STYLE HOME! Built by Colonel Jacob Hasbrouck in 1846, this 3BR 2BA home was designated as a registered Ulster County Historic Landmark in 1972. The wide board floors are brilliant, as are all the wonderful moldings and recessed paneled doors. The windows and tin ceilings are all original. The first floor has 10 ft ceilings. As you walk in the front entrance a magnificent cherry banister rises to the third floor. Call Marilyn DeAngelo today!....................................................................................................$550,000

/ Phoenicia 845.688.2929 / Olive 845.657.4240 / Commercial 845.339.9999


Saugerties Rentals

1-Bedroom Apartment in 2-family home. Eat-in kitchen, full bath, office/extra room, off-street parking, convenient to Thruway. $750/month plus utilities. No pets, no smoking. Available Sept. 1. 845-389-1141 Newly Renovated, Freshly Painted 3-BEDROOM APARTMENT. New carpeting. $1375/month plus utilities. First, last, security, references required. No smoking, no pets. Call 518-398-0102.


Woodstock/West Hurley Rentals

Woodstock/Lake Hill. Comfortable private room in restored colonial inn near Cooper Lake. Huge equipped kitchen, piano, hardwired internet, working cat, porches, gardens, NYC bus. Avail 9/1. $565/month includes all, premium for short term.; 845-679-2564. WOODSTOCK VILLAGE- Walk to Everything! CHARMING 2-BR COTTAGE. Yearly rental. Total 1500 sq.ft. living space. Unfurnished, AC provided. Large landscaped yard. $2000/month covers rent, yard, snow & trash. Call 212-691-4273.

COTTAGE BY A WATERFALL. Cozy. Private. Workroom, sunroom, LR, 1-bedroom w/large window facing stream, wood floors, 3 decks. 2.5 miles to center of town. Short/ long-term. Available 9/1. $1250/month. Owner/Broker; 845-417-5282.


For Sale

BIRD NETTING, PROTECT YOUR BERRIES. Black woven netting is tough and will last for years. Size is approximately 25’ x 25’. Small mesh will keep birds from eating your blueberries and other fruits. $65. 845-6160710. KAYAK FOR SALE. $239. Wilderness Systems Rascal. Used, but in excellent condition. Very stable in water. Very portable at 9’9” long and 42 pounds weight. Other specs: 30” wide, cockpit 31” x 17”. Has a 5” diameter dry hatch plus flexible bands in front for strapping cargo. 845616-0710.


Portable Toilet Rentals


WOODSTOCK: FURNISHED 1-BEDROOM COTTAGE. Walk to town. Private, quiet road. Wooden floors, A/C, washer/ dryer hook-up, private stone patio. Water, snow, trash removal included. Monthly or yearly rental; $1500/month. Credit check. 718-755-4947. WOODSTOCK: RENOVATED, FURNISHED STUDIO w/separate eat-in kitchen. Slate patio. Private driveway. 5 minutes walking distance to Woodstock. Includes utilities, trash & snow removal. Monthly or yearly rental: Credit check. $1200/month. 718-755-4947. LARGE 1-BEDROOM, newly renovated w/ skylights, aqua glass bathroom, wood floors, charming kitchen, Bluestone porch, and large screened-in gazebo w/electric. Quiet location. 1 mile to center of town. $1290/ month. Owner/Broker 845-417-5282. NEWLY RENOVATED 2-BEDROOM. 1400 sq.ft. Vaulted ceilings, all wood floors, 50 ft. deck directly above stream. 2.5 miles to center of town. $1700/month. Available 9/1. Owner/broker, call Mike 845-4175282. Woodstock Cape Cod House For Rent. Van Dale Road. 3-bedrooms, 1-bath, large usable attic, deck and garage. $1600/month. Call Simone at 917-450-4088 or


Portable Toilet Rentals 845-658-8766 | 845-417-6461 | 845-706-7197 Weekends • Weekly • Monthly


Tree Services

HAVE A DEAD TREE..... CALL ME! Dietz Tree Service Inc. Tree Removal, Trimming, Stump Grinding. Seasoned Firewood for Sale. (845)255-7259. Residential, Municipalities.





ALLEN LAWLESS • 845-247-2838 SAUGERTIES, NEW YORK CELL.: 845-399-9659


486 490 500 510

Entries in order of appearance (happy hunting!)

100 120 130 140 145 150 200 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 245 250 260 265 280 299



August 2, 2018

Help Wanted Situations Wanted Housesitting Services Opportunities Adult Care Child Care Educational Programs Seasonal Programs Workshops Instruction Catering/ Party Planning Wedding Directory Photography Events Courier & Delivery Car Services Entertainment Editing Publications/Websites Real Estate Open Houses

300 301 320 325 340 350 360 380 390 400 405 410 415 418

Real Estate Affordable Home Land for Sale Mobile Home Park Lot Lease Land & Real Estate Wanted Commercial Listings for Sale Office Space/ Commercial Rentals Garage/Workspace/ Storage Garage/Workspace/ Storage Wanted NYC Rentals & Shares Poughkeepsie/Hyde Park Rentals Gardiner/Modena/ Plattekill Rentals Wallkill Rentals Newburgh Rentals

420 425 430 435

438 440 442 445 450 460 470 480 485

Highland/Clintondale Rentals Milton/Marlboro Rentals New Paltz Rentals Rosendale/Tillson/ High Falls/ Stone Ridge Rentals South of Stone Ridge Rentals Kingston/Hurley/Port Ewen Rentals Esopus/Ulster Park Rentals Krumville/Olivebridge/ Shokan Rentals Saugerties Rentals Rhinebeck/Red Hook Rentals Woodstock/West Hurley Rentals West of Woodstock Rentals Green County Rentals

520 540 545 550 | 560 565 575 580 600 601 602 603 605 607 610 615 620 630 640

Delaware County Rentals Vacation Rentals Seasonal Rentals Seasonal Rentals Wanted Rentals Wanted Rentals to Share Senior Housing Housing Exchange / SWAP Lodgings/Bed and Breakfast Travel Free Stuff New & Used Books For Sale Septic Services Snow Plowing Tree Services Firewood for Sale Property Maintenance Studio Sales Hunting/Fishing Sporting Goods Buy & Swap Musician Connections Musical Instruction &Instruments

645 648 650 655 660 665 670 680 690 695 698 700 702 703

705 708 710 715 717 720

Recording Studios Auctions Antiques & Collectibles Vendors Needed Estate/Moving Sale Flea Market Yard & Garage Sales Counseling Services Legal Services Professional Services Paving & Seal Coating Personal & Health Services Art Services Tax Preparation/ Accounting/ Bookkeeping Services Office & Computer Service Custom Work & Specialty Repairs Organizing/ Decorating/Refinishing Cleaning Services Caretaking/Home Management Painting/Odd Jobs


Plumbing, Heating, AC & Electric 730 Alternative Energy Services 738 Locksmithing 740 Building Services 745 Demolition 748 Telecommunications 750 Eclectic Services 755 Repair/Maintenance Services 760 Gardening/ Landscaping 765 Home Security Services 770 Excavating Services 810 Lost & Found 890 Spirituality 900 Personals 920 Adoptions 950 Animals 960 Pet Care 970 Horse Care 980 Auto Services 990 Boats/Recreational Vehicles 995 Motorcycles 999 Vehicles Wanted 1000 Vehicles


Real Estate





1 in Homes Sold 2011-2017 * - 6 9 4 , 9 3@



Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Hudson Valley Properties combines the strongest corporate brand in the world with the Mid-Hudson Valley’s most successful real estate professionals. Coupled with access to the latest marketing tools and resources, our buyer and seller clients have an inside track to realizing their real estate objectives. Our recent merge with Westwood Metes & Bounds Realty significantly expands our presence to the west of the Hudson. Call us today and let us exceed your expectations!


Come see this lovely, spacious, priced just ub]_| _ol;ġ bm -m -l-ÂŒbm] Ń´o1-াom m;Š| to the reservoir! 3BD/2BA w/all the right =;-|†u;vÄš - ‰oo7 v|oˆ;ġ 1_;uu‹ Yoouvġ Yoou |o 1;bŃ´bm] ‰bm7o‰vġ Ĺ&#x; - 1;7-uĹŠŃ´bm;7 sauna. Olivebridge $298,000

Investment opportunity on Rte 52. Very _b]_ ˆbvb0bŃ´b|‹ Ĺ&#x; |u-L1Äş o1-|;7 bm - 1olĹŠ mercial B1 zone. You can opt to repair it or replace it with whatever suits your busiĹŠ ness. Either way, it’s WORTH IT ! Fallsburg $109,000



$_bv -uাv|Ä˝v 7u;-lĹŠ_ol; =;;Ń´v Ń´bh; -m ;v1-r; |o $†v1-m‹ĺ bˆ; Ĺ&#x; 1u;-|; bm |_bv Ć?ќƕĆ? _-m7ĹŠ1†| v|om; 0†bŃ´7bm] ‰b|_ ub1_ _bv|ou‹ĺ ";| _b]_ om - 0Ѵ†@ -0oˆ; |_; )-Ń´Ń´hbŃ´Ń´ !bˆ;uġ |_bv ;v|-|; bv uol-m1; bm |_; l-hbm]Äş !b[om $589,000

= ‹o† ‰-m| |_; 0;m;C|v o= "Ń´;;r‹ oŃ´ĹŠ Ń´o‰ -h; oll†mb|‹ |_bv bv |_; _o†v; for you! Ummaculately cared for, it has v;-vom-Ń´ Ń´-h; ˆb;‰v Ĺ&#x; bv lol;m|v =uol the pools, private beach, boat launches, Ĺ&#x; rŃ´-‹]uo†m7v o= " Äş |_;mv $269,000




“SAXTON FARMâ€? - Superb 26+ ACRE equestrian paradise w/ stunning Catskill VIEWS just 10 minutes to renowned HITS property. In addition to a 9 yr. old 3 BR, 2 bath ranch home with central AC & open plan living space with gas ďŹ replace, you’ll ďŹ nd a 175’x75’ indoor sand arena, 21 rubber matted stalls, hayloft, feed room & lounge. PLUS 10 fenced paddocks, outdoor dressage arena & a Creekside bridle path. Gorgeous private setting w/ huge potential!.................................... $1,100,000

55 ACRE COMPOUND - Your own nature preserve includes 4 miles of trails & a crystal clear quarry POND! Custom built passive solar tri-level contemporary w/ an airy open oor plan, enormous stone ďŹ replace, custom stonework, 20’ LR, DR, country kitchen, all wood oors, expansive decking PLUS 3 stall horse barn w/ hay loft and separate 30x21 workshop w/ heated ofďŹ ce/STUDIO above. Total PRIVACY yet minutes to all services. WOW! ............................. $740,000


SUNDAY 12pm - 3pm

ll-1†Ѵ-|; lb7ĹŠ1;m|†u‹ u-m1_ ĹŠ |_; ;rb|ĹŠ ol; o= 1ol=ou|Äş mfo‹ l-bm|;m-m1;ĹŠ=u;; living, + the privacy of a large corner Ń´o|Äş ;-Â†ŕŚž=†Ѵ v|†7boÄ´ $298,800 111 Laurel Street, Hurley, NY 12443




Kingston 845-331-5357 Catskill 518-625-3360 New Paltz 845-255-0615 Rhinebeck 845-876-4535 Windham 518-734-4200 Woodstock 845-679-2255



$_bv =-m1b=†Ѵ Äž"|ou‹0oohÄż _ol; bv _bv|ouĹŠ b1-ѴѴ‹ vb]mbC1-m| Ĺ&#x; |o|-ѴѴ‹ †r7-|;7 ‰ņb|v 1_-ulbm] v|om;ġ 0ub1h Ĺ&#x; াl0;u 7;|-bŃ´v bmĹŠ tact. A European escape just outside the ˆbŃ´Ń´-];Äş )oo7v|o1h $819,000



*According to Hudson Valley Catskill Region MLS. Š2016 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC fully v†rrou|v |_; rubm1brŃ´;v o= |_; -bu o†vbm] 1|Äş -1_ L1; v m7;r;m7;m|Ѵ‹ ‰m;7 m7 r;u-|;7Äş oŃ´7‰;Ń´Ń´ -mh;u -m7 |_; oŃ´7‰;Ń´Ń´ -mh;u o]o are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC.

STORYBOOK COTTAGE - Perfectly charming, energy efďŹ cient and low maintenance country retreat nestled in a cottage enclave with 8 acres of community lands near Minnewaska & Mohonk Preserve. Smartly renovated interior features updated country style EI kitchen, 2 cozy bedrooms, full bath, laundry room, wood oors, 2 breezy screened porches, patio & extensive landscape. Move-in ready opportunity to just relax! .....................................................$134,900

VIEWS & PRIVACY! - Over 9 acres of peace & quiet plus awesome southern views of the “Gunksâ€? and Mohonk enclose this meticulously maintained handsome country Colonial. Gracious 2200 SF features warm cherry oors, living room w/ cozy ďŹ replace, formal DR, kitchen w/ island, 26’ ensuite MBR + 2 add’l. BRs, 2.5 baths, family room, den, lovely veranda, patio w/ ďŹ repit & 2 car garage. NYS Energy Star certiďŹ ed means LOW energy costs. .................... $399,000


NEW PALTZ 255•9400

STONE RIDGE 687•0232

WEST HURLEY 679•7321

WOODSTOCK 679•0006



August 2, 2018


Real Estate

Specializing In Real Estate Throughout Ulster County & The Catskills y Call: (845) 338-5252 Speak With An Agent today, MARBLETOWN COUNTRY HOME ON 11+ ACRES


For more info and pictures, Text: M604420

To: 85377

Get away from it all in this beautiful natural setting! This 3 bedroom cape is nestled on 11.3 wooded acres.Very private, set back off the road down a blacktop driveway! Enjoy the sounds of nature from the porch or walk the land and enjoy the views of the Shawangunk mountains from the back of the property. There is a private master suite upstairs and a full bath, and 2 bedrooms downstairs. The spacious kitchen nd porch open to a large deck overlooking a beautifully landscaped yard, gardens and stone walls! There is a small barn, garden shed, and large one car garage on the property. Country living at its finest, and conveniently located! $360,000


For more info and pictures, Text: M140715



For more info and pictures, Text: M140700


Hunting/Fishing Sporting Goods

GUNS WANTED. CASH PAID. Japanese swords, and Militaria. I come to you. Transfers, Estimates and Appraisals. Federal Firearms License. Spartan Trading Co., 90 Dug Hill Rd., Hurley, NY. 914388-9286

To: 85377


WANTED-TOP DOLLARS PAID! We Buy Entire Estates or Single Items. Actively Seeking Gold and Silver of any kind, Sterling, Flatware & Jewelry. Furniture, Antiques through Mid-Century. We Gladly do House Calls. Free Appraisals. We also do Estate/Tag Sales. 35 years experience. One Call Does It All. Call or text anytime 24/7.




BOTTOM LINE... I pay the HIGHEST PRICES for old furniture, ANTIQUES of every description. Paintings, lamps, rugs, porcelain, bronzes, silver, etc. One item to entire contents. House calls & free appraisals. Richard Miller Antiques (Est. 1972). (845)389-7286.

NEW FLEA MARKET opening Sat & Sun, August 4th & 5th at Stone Ridge Orchard, Route 213. 10 to 5. Interested vendors, please call Cher at 845-853-3889. We supply the tents - just bring your tables. Best of all, no vendor fee.

OLD FURNITURE, CROCKS, JUGS, paintings, frames, postcards, glasswares, sporting items, urns, fountain pens, lamps, dolls, pocket knives, military items, bronzes, jewelry, sterling, old toys, old paper, old boxes, old advertisements, vintage clothing, anything old. Home contents purchased, (select items or entire estates purchased.) CASH PAID 657-6252


Buy & Swap


Antiques & Collectibles

Books Wanted. Quality used, out-of-print, and antiquarian books bought (also typewriters, maps, and ephemera). Bring items to Barner Books; 3 Church Street; New Paltz or call 845-255-2635 or email:


We Buy Guitars, Amps, Pedals & Musical Instruments. Call or text anytime 212-731-4223

WANTED: VINTAGE COMICS Interested in the Golden Age; Silver & Bronze 1930s-1980s

$ CASH $ ON THE SPOT! TOP $ DOLLARS $ PAID! Also Seeking Star Wars Collectibles, Life-Size Advertisement Statues, Vintage Vinyl Records.

Call/Text Any Time 845-901-7379

Vendors Needed

Estate/Moving Sale

MOVING/STUDIO SALE: Obsessed collector clearing out. Drawings, paintings, vintage prints, posters, signage, ephemera, frames and a few good books. Schoolhouse clock (from old IBM office) vintage lighting, Gees bend-style quilt, oak bookshelves (one barrister), painted primitives, gameboard, enamel, cast iron, vintage and designer clothing, cherry table, chairs, more cool stuff too numerous to mention. Woodstock area, by appointment only. Katharine: 845705-7409. Restoration Hardware, Espresso, Outdoor Wicker Sofa, chairs, table. King size, natural Rattan Sleigh Bed. 9x12, 8x10, 5x8 rugs. Pottery Barn, black dining table, 6 chairs. LL Bean chocolate leather club sofa and chairs. Sat, 10am-1pm. 82 Upper West Ohayo Mountain Rd, Bearsville. 845-706-0578.


Flea Market

HIGH FALLS Flea Market, Rt. 213 High Falls. Art, Antiques, Collectibles. EVERY SUNDAY, April 8-October 28; 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Vendor info: (845)810-0471 or

To: 85377


WOODSTOCK HOUSEHOLD SALE. Selling household contents of long-time Woodstock resident, Dick Jeffery. Sale to include



For more info and pictures, Text: M604320

Oriental rugs, artwork, bric-a-brac, antique furniture including bookcases, blanket chests, cedar chest, tiger-maple bed, Victorian lady’s rocker, slant-front desk, pine bureaus, cupboards, tilt-top table, marbletopped chests, inlaid rocker, and pair of pencil-post twin beds, kitchenware, clocks, lamps, frames, fireplace tools, glass and china, grandfather’s clock, flowerpots, tools, mirrors, small easels, and much more. Sale at 9 DeVall Road, near Apple Rock monument. Look for signs between the village of Woodstock and Bearsville. Saturday, August 4, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. and Sunday, August 5, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. No early birds, please. Rain or shine. All Proceeds to go to Woodstock Fire Company #1. MOWER’S SATURDAY/SUNDAY FLEA MARKET; Maple Lane, Woodstock. Every Weekend & Wednesdays in August w/Farm Festival. Antiques, collectibles, produce & Reusables. 845-679-6744. Join us for our 41st Year! For brochure: GOOGLE US!


Counseling Services

Holistic OT – infant to teens sense - move - attend - special needs Adoption support



Professional Services

To: 85377

S Sweet 11 years young 3 bdrm 1 bath home llocated in Town of Olive, close to Ashokan Reservoir where you can walk, bike and fish. R Well maintained and a perfect home for first W ttime homebuyers as well as people who are downsizing. One level living with unfinished basement that has high ceilings and is just waiting to be finished. Bamboo floors, new seamless gutters, large walk-in closet in MBR, and large fenced in area for the pets, Honda generator. All of this on a beautiful quiet country road. $239,000

Fully Insured, Confidentiality Assured.; Masters Psychology, former CEO, Certified Hospice Volunteer. (845)679-6242.


Cleaning Services

Helping Hands Household Cleaning. Using non-toxic cleaning products. Call or email: or 845-324-1748

COUNTRY CLEANERS Homes & Offices • Insured & Bonded

Excellent references.

Call (845)706-1713 or (845) 679-8932

ULSTER WINDOW CLEANING CO. **Estate, **Residential. **Free Estimates, Fully Insured. Call 679-3879 A Woman w/Excellent References wants to CLEAN your house. Good with children and pets. Deep cleaning and organizing available. Call and leave a message: 845684-5124. CLEAN UPS, CLEAN OUTS. Indoor/Outdoor. Junk & debris removal. Estates prepared for Moving and Sale. (845)688-2253.


Caretaking/Home Management

*Jessica Rice*; Beautiful Images Hair Salon, 123 Boices Lane, Kingston. Hair- 845383-1852; www.beautifulimageshairsalon. com Makeup- 845-309-6860; GBM TRANSPORTATION SERVICES INC. Professional Moving and Delivery. Residential/Commercial. Local and N.Y.C. Metro areas. N.Y.S. Dot T 12467, Shandaken, N.Y. Call 845-688-2253.


Art Services

FAB, NEW FARM AND FLEA MARKET at Stone Ridge Orchard, Route 213. Sat & Sun, August 4th & 5th, 10am-5pm. Delicious homemade food & drink including fresh pies, hard cider, smoked duck. Also, antiques, collectibles, artwork, jewelry and home-grown veggies. Bounce house for the kids. Weather permitting. Vendors please call or text Cher at 845-853-3889.

Yard & Garage Sales



Painting/Odd Jobs


Organizing/ Decorating/ ReďŹ nishing

PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZER/HOUSEKEEPER. Help w/everyday problems, special projects; clutter, paperwork, moving, gardening & personal assistant. Affordable.

EXPERIENCED HANDYMAN WITH A VAN. Carpentry, painting, flatscreen mounting, light hauling/delivery, cleanouts. Second home caretaking. All small/ medium jobs considered. Versatile, trustworthy, creative, thrifty. References. Ken Fix It. 845-616-7999. *PAINTING STANDARD.* Affordable, On-Schedule, Quality. Residential/Commercial. Interior/Exterior. Neat, Polite, Professional. Now taking SUMMER reservations. 845-527-1252.



August 2, 2018 NYS DOT T-12467

Incorporated 1985

• Residential / Commercial • Moving • Delivery • Trucking • Local & NYC Metro Areas



Building Services

TLK LLC. PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS. Weekend, Weekly, Monthly rentals. We have Gray, white, blue, tan, green (pinescented), pink (rose-scented), red & blue handicap accessible. (We also have a few w/ sinks). Great for Construction/Building Sites, Sporting Events, Concerts, Street Festivals, Parks, Outdoor Weddings, Campsites, Flea Markets, Party Events, etc. Call 845-658-8766, 845-417-6461 or 845-7067197. e-mail:


Landscaping /DZQ LQVWDOODWLRQ 3RQGV &OHDQ XSV /DZQ FDUH ...and much more

Paramount Contracting & Development Corp.

William Watson • Residential / Commercial

SNOW PLOWING & SANDING Call William, for your free estimate (845) 401-6637

Down to Earth Landscaping • • • • •

FREE ESTIMATES, FULLY INSURED Accepting All Major Credit Cards

• Int. & Ext. painting • Power Washing • Sheetrock & Plaster Repair • Free Estimates

If you are pregnant and want to talk about options, we will tell you what you need to know. NYS Licensed Agency based in Woodstock, NY. Services and referrals available for everyone, anywhere.

CALL OR TEXT 305-775-8340



Specializing in: Hardscape Tree trimming Fences Koi ponds Snow plowing

Contact Jason Habernig



Quality service from the ground up

Residential and Commercial Residentia Specializing in decks, fences, roofs, driveways, patios.

845-331-4966, 845-249-8668 Visit my website:



Benjamin Watson, Owner Phone: (845) 389-3028

Septic Systems • Drainage Driveways • Tree Removal Retaining Walls • Ponds

GRAY & WHITE CAT GIRL- DOLLY. About 1-year old. She wandered into a woman’s garage. Since being outdoors is unsafe & the woman can’t keep Dolly, Dolly is in a wonderful foster home in W. Hurley. She’s

(845) 679-4742


Interiors & Remodeling Inc s ’ d e T

Multiple References Available Upon Request Licensed & Insured •

From Walls to Floors, Ceilings to Doors, Decks, Siding & More.

Gary Buckendorf

Reliable, Dependable & Insured Call for an estimate

Painting: Interior - Exterior Plastering, Taping, Structolite Wall coverings, Color Matching Many references in Catskill area and Manhattan


HANDYALL SERVICES: *Carpentry, *Plumbing, *Electrical, *Painting, *Excavating & Grading. 5 ton dump trailer. Trees cut, Yards cleaned & mowed. Snow Removal. Call Dave (845)514-6503- mobile. House & Estate Cleanouts, Junk Removal, Dump Runs. Helping homeowners, realtors and property managers for 20 years. One call, it’s gone! Senior & disabled discounts. 845-247-7365.


Plumbing, Heating, AC & Electric

Stoneridge Electrical Service, Inc.

• Standby Generators 24 Months to Pay, 0% Interest (if qualified)

• Service Upgrades

• Swimming Pool Wiring • LED Patio Lighting

Authorized Dealer & Installer


4 LEAF CARPENTRY Over 60 yrs. combined Experience No job Too Big or Small All phases of Construction Flooring • Siding • Bath • Roofing • Kitchen • Decks Reasonable Rates, Free Estimates

845-324-1632 HANDYMAN, HOME REPAIR, Carpentry, Remodels, Installations, Roofing, Painting, Mechanical repairs, etc. Large and small jobs. Reasonable rates. Free estimates. References available. (845)616-7470. D AND S IMPROVEMENTS: Home improvement, repair and maintenance, from the smallest repairs to large renovations. Over 50 years of combined experience. Fully insured. (845)339-3017


Gardening/ Landscaping

Fake news? Not here! Our news happens to people you know. It’s local. It’s relevant. It’s Ulster Publishing.

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August 2, 2018









%* OFF





Tr u s t t h e R e p l a c e m e n t D i v i s i o n o f A n d e r s e n W i n d o w s . A L e g e n d a r y A m e r i c a n B r a n d .

DON’T MISS OUT ON THIS AMAZING OFFER! FREE High-Transparency TruScene Screens PLUS 15% Off ALL WINDOW STYLES: Bays, Bows, Double Hung, Casement, Sliders Half Round, Round plus Gliding and Hinged Patio Doors!

Everything Ulster Publishing now in one place.

Renewal by Andersen is the Manufacturer and the Installer.

You get one rock-solid warranty that covers both your windows and installation! CALL FOR A FREE IN-HOME CONSULTATION!

( 845 ) 245-2662

W-ALM 28 Fair Ave., Middletown, NY 10940

* Void where prohibited by law. Promotions may not be combined or used with prior purchases. Customer will receive 15% off list price and one Truscene screen upgrade for each window purchased. Promotion to be applied by sales representative at time of contract execution with 8 window minimum purchase. Available at time of initial visit only. Expires 08/25/2018. (t) No Money Down, No Interest, No Payments applies if the balance is paid in full within 12 months. Renewal by Andersen of Eastern NY [RBA] is neither a broker nor a lender. Financing is provided by 3rd party lenders unaffiliated with RBA, under terms and conditions arranged directly between the customer and such lender, all subject to credit requirements, approval and satisfactory completion of finance documents. Finance terms advertised are estimates only. RBA does not assist with, counsel or negotiate financing other than providing customers an introduction to lenders interested in financing RBA customers. (x) RBA is not responsible for typos. Some Renewal by Andersen locations are independently owned and operated. “Renewal by Andersen” and the Renewal by Andersen logo are registered trademarks of Andersen Corporation. All other marks where denoted are marks of Andersen Corporation. © 2018 Andersen Corporation.


been spayed, up to date w/shots, litter pan trained & tested negative for FIV/LeukV. Dolly’s foster mom says she’s so sweet & polite! If you’re interested in finding out more about DOLLY girl, please call/text (917)2822018 or email Please include your full name, best way to reach you and best time to reach you. FOR ADOPTION: I am Coco, a 2+ year old Pit-Bull mix who is looking for his forever friend. Are you that someone? I love people and other dogs. I’ve had training and been told that I’m very smart and sweet. Come meet me at Saugerties Animal Shelter, 1765 Rt. 212 (next to Transfer Station), open Tuesday-Saturday 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Phone: 6790339. Do Come. I really am Very Special!


Want to help but can’t adopt a cat? Don’t forget about our Foster Program! Visit our website, for details & pictures of cats to foster. Come see us & all of our other friends at the Ulster County SPCA, 20 Wiedy Road, Kingston (just off the traffic circle). Open 6 days a week, 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. (Closed on Mondays.) (845)331-5377. PROBLEM



Pet Care

QUALIFIED & DEPENDABLE PET SITTER. Loving care when you can’t be there for cats, dogs, caged critters, reptiles. Special needs, seniors. First aid certified. Bonded & insured. Plants & home check. Woodstock, West Hurley, Saugerties, Uptown Kingston. Diane’s Pet Sitting & Home Check. 845679-6401,

L&M Pet Sitting • Rain goes in, leaves and debris stay out • Melts damaging ice and snow during winter • Installs on new or existing gutters • Lifetime Guarantee



Professional pet care visits for cats, dogs, birds, and other exotic species.

Lauren Storm & Michael Steeley (607) 431-3392

WOULD YOU LIKE AN OUTDOOR CAT? Do you have a barn, garage, shed or outbuilding? Would you like to consider having feral cats? You can help cats in need who will help keep your barn, etc. free of rodents. The cats will be neutered/spayed and up to date w/shots. Please call the Woodstock Feral Cat Project at 347-258-2725.


Auto Services


$35.00 – Wash & Wax Buff Finish $25.00 – Interior Detailing (precision attention to detail) Schedule an appt. today! Serving Ulster and Dutchess Counties Contact: Julio Jackson, Automotive Paint Tech, (845) 397-7134


Vehicles Wanted

CASH PAID FOR USED cars & trucks regardless of condition. Junk cars removed. Call 246-0214. DMV 7107350.



1991 BMW 535i, standard shift, sunroof, gray w/white leather seats, mileage 52,981. 2 owners. Call: 845-853-4149. 2000 DODGE INTREPID. Very good condition in and out. Many new parts. Needs nothing! 165K. $2500 or best offer. Call Brian 845-658-2264 or cell 860-304-0651.

28 Fair Ave #2, Middletown, NY 10940

* Void where prohibited by law. Promotions may not be combined or used with prior purchases. Customer will receive $250 off total list purchase price. Promotion to be applied by sales representative at time of contract execution with 75 foot minimum Gutter Helmet and/or Helmet Heat purchase. Available at time of initial visit only. Expires 8/19/18. Free gutter cleaning and tune up applies only to gutters on which new Gutter Helmet is purchased. (t) No Money Down, No Interest, No Payments applies if the balance is paid in full within 12 months. Gutter Helmet of Eastern NY [GH] is neither a broker nor a lender. Financing is provided by 3rd party lenders unaffiliated with GH, under terms and conditions arranged directly between the customer and such lender, all subject to credit requirements, approval and satisfactory completion of finance documents. Finance terms advertised are estimates only. . GH does not assist with, counsel or negotiate financing other than providing customers an introduction to lenders interested in financing GH customers.GH is not responsible for typos. ©2018 Gutter Helmet of Eastern NY

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