Ghost The Musical Fan Book

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Fan Book

"Perfect show, great re-creation of an all-time favourite movie. All the characters made the performance unbelievable. An incredibly moving show. Well done, and thank you to all that made this such an unforgettable experience. Love Claudia Leighton- Richards x" Twitter: @claudiaLR

I've seen a lot of great shows in the theatre! This was just something else... Fantastic Performances! Can't wait to see it again! Twitter: @UmarBooHoo

The show was absolutely fantastic! All of the cast were amazing and each had wonderful voices. It's a great success! From Megan Brown x Twitter: @x3megan

'All the cast and crew are fabulous!! A huge thank you to everyone involved in this amazing musical. Richard and Caissie - you are amazing performers and it was lovely to meet you both. Sharon - your acting is hilarious. Good luck to everyone in GHOST - West End and beyond. I have seen it twice and it's my new favourite musical :) Love and best wishes, Rhiannon Hughes Twitter: @RioH'

What a fabulous show, wish I could see it again, love you Richard xxx Email:

To all the cast of Ghost - I am really looking forward to coming to the show lots of times in London! Good Luck with it! Hannah Sarkar xx

I came to see the show on Thursday 28th of April having decided that morning that I really wanted to see the show before it moved to London and was going to treat my mum to an evening out. I guess the difficulty I had finding a performance that I could actually attend that had seats left was testament to how much the public have taken Ghost to heart. In the end, the only performance that had any seats left that I would have actually been able to attend was that same night. I had the devil‟s own job trying to get tickets through TicketMaster, but that‟s another story altogether. My main reason for wanting to come and see the show was to support Richard, who I‟ve been a fan of for some years now and was delighted to see him getting a starring role in what I felt sure would be a great show. I was not disappointed. From the moment that first gauze went up I felt a connection with Molly and Sam, exploring new possibilities and an exciting future together. Richard and Caissie managed to draw you in right from the beginning so that by the time Richard sang his Elvis-esque version of “Unchained Melody” you couldn‟t help but fall in love with Sam the way Molly did. Especially with Richard flashing that cheeky smile that fans of his have always known and loved. The moment where Sam was killed and his spirit thrown across the stage was so intense that I found myself doing half a dozen double takes trying to figure out how on earth did they do that, and that‟s something that I found myself doing regularly through the show as more and more special effects were used to spectacular effect. So well, in fact, that I felt the show deserved recognition for that in its own right. Hearing Caissie singing “With You” was a real emotional experience. It has such a haunting melody filled with such pain and longing that it reaches right inside you and squeezes your heart so tightly that you can‟t help but feel her pain and long to comfort her. Contrasting that with the sheer exuberance of the songs performed by Sharon D Clarke and my favorite line of the entire show “you can‟t just blurt it out like that, I‟ll tell her in my own words. Molly, you in danger girl!” which had me laughing out loud, a reaction Oda Mae caused a fair few times, all went to make this show a real emotional roller-coaster. Sharon could give Whoopi Goldberg a run for her money any day and was the perfect person to cast in this role. By the time we got to the climax of Act Two I had been drawn into the action so greatly that I found myself leaning so far forward in my seat that if I leaned any further I‟d have been sitting on the shoulders of the person in front of me. I was delighted to see so much of the audience giving this show the standing ovation that it so thoroughly deserved and spent the hour and a half driving home humming songs from the show over and over in my head. Songs that I‟d never heard before till that night. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank the whole cast, production company and pit band for such a thoroughly enjoyable evening, and to wish you all well in your transition to the West End. I have already started drumming up support for you online and via text by messaging everyone I know telling them to make sure that they get to the theatre and see this show. Roll on the awards season, I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you guys and hoping that you all get the recognition that you so richly deserve. Thank you, and I BELIEVE! Iain Watret. Twitter: @Widget76

Ghost the Musical is the most breathtaking show I have ever seen. It takes you on an emotional roller-coaster from start to end, it has you laughing one minute, and then sat with a lump in your throat fighting back the tears! The musical stays true to the timeless film's original story, yet goes beyond what film can provide and adds the magical extras of theatre and music. The music, by Dave Stewart and Glen Ballard is fantastic. I don't think I can pick a favorite song, but 'Here Right Now' and Molly's heart wrenching performance of 'With you' are the two I cannot get out of my head. Not forgetting Oda Mae's huge number: Outta Here! The orchestra does an amazing job every show, and hidden behind the curtain they can be easily forgotten about, but they make up a very big part of the show! The effects and illusions are unbelievable and have never been seen in theatre before; they make everything that little bit more special, from walking through doors to flying objects in the subway scene- just wow. The cast are perfect for this show. Richard Fleeshman, Caissie Levy, and Sharon D Clarke make the show. They really do the actors of the original film justice. Richard gets more and more talented, he can sing, dance, act, what can he not do?! Caissie is stunning, her voice is beautiful and the chemistry between her and Richard is electrifying. Not only are the cast brilliant on-stage they are lovely after the show too and take time to talk to people and sign autographs. I have had the pleasure of meeting Richard, Caissie, and Adebayo Bolaji who never fails to make me smile! Thank you to all the cast, producers, writers, creatives, everyone involved in Ghost, I feel honored to be able to say I saw the World Premiere of this in Manchester, it is a show I will never forget and it definitely makes you 'believe' again. Good Luck for London, you will be sorely missed here in Manchester, I have no doubt about it that this show will be a huge success. Love Amy Alderson x Twitter: @amya1993

To Emily (Hawgood) I'm so excited about seeing you in Ghost!! I've heard such amazing things so far and I look forward to seeing you lovely!! I will be there supporting and cheering for you! Lots of love Hannah Sarkar xxxxx Twitter: @hannahsarkar

Congratulations Richard Fleeshman on being a great singer and actor and good luck in ghost the musical when it goes to London see you when it comes to London. Email:

Congratulations on a wonderful and moving production of a well-loved film which had me laughing one minute and crying the next and what an outstanding cast - especially the leads Caissie Levy and Richard Fleeshman, stunning voices and emotional performances of Molly and Sam. Am amazed at the effects and am still trying to work out how some of them are accomplished. Have booked to see the show again and can't wait to be amazed again. BELIEVE. Antony Fogg (@somnambulist74)

Thank you to all the cast & production team etc. for bringing "Ghost the Musical" to Premier in Manchester. It was absolutely brilliant, the special effects were amazing In one word WOW & was a rollercoaster of emotions! I laughed i cried & i had goose bumps from start to finish! Well done to everyone & Good Luck on your World Wide Tour i am sure everyone will love your performance as we have in Manchester! All the very Best of Wishes & Thank you so much for my signed programme from all the it! Sue Hoult xx (#BELIEVE)

I would like to take this opportunity to Thank and Congratulate all of the cast in Ghost it is an amazing production and you are all so fabulous in it the set is amazing too. I hope that you have enjoyed your run in Manchester and I hope the show runs on for a very long time wherever it may end up staying. Well done again XXX Email:

It would be great if you could let the cast and crew of THE musical know how wonderfully surprised my sister-in-law and I were. We were VERY fortunate to see the show in its first week and, not knowing much about it, didn't know what to expect. It was a wonderful emotional rollercoaster ride (funny and heartbreaking at the same time in parts) with great songs and amazing set design. My personal favourite bits were the illusions. I really hadn't expected that. It puts this musical in a league of its own. It goes without saying, I feel, that the acting, singing and dancing were superb. There is nothing about this show we could fault. Thank you to all involved. And thank you too Paul (@ghostmusicalfan) for all your hard work on this. You have become an important part of the show in ensuring people get to know more about it. Twitter: @squidywooluvsu

Daryl Collins & Daniel Chenery

Congratulations on an amazing run in Manchester! I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to work FOH for it when I was home for Easter. Good Luck for the London run (which I will be sure to watch!) and wish you all every inch of success for Ghost the Musical and the future and who knows maybe one day Iâ€&#x;ll be working with you! All the best, Sheree xXx Twitter: @TechieSaigon

“Caissie: I knew before watching Ghost that you had an amazing voice but you blew me away with the power and emotion that you sing with. Me and my mum loved your performance and you deserve every success! The part of Molly must be made for you- it was a stunning portrayal. You were also really kind at the stage door- I‟m so glad I met you.” Lots of love, Emily Hardy Twitter ID @xEmilyLHx

“Richard: You suit the part of Sam so much! It seems like such a demanding role and you pull it off with such ease. You‟re vocally amazing and you and Caissie work so well together.” Lots of love, Emily Hardy Twitter ID @xEmilyLHx

“Sharon: You were brilliant- you had me laughing the whole time and you weren‟t just playing for laughs either- it was true to Ode Mae! You have such a big voice and I couldn‟t stop smiling when you were performing.” “All of the cast: Well done! You were all amazing! Credit goes to the ensemble for dealing with so many costume changes and quick ones too! You all looked „smooth‟ walking across the flat elevator as well. Good luck to the cast and crew when you take it to London and I have no doubt that it will be as well received as in Manchester. Show them what you‟ve got!” Lots of love, Emily Hardy

"We came to the Opening Night in Manchester. I wasn't much of a musical fan before this but now I'm hooked - as long as they're all as good as Ghost! The music is fantastic and the special effects breath-taking. What a rollercoaster of emotions, crying, laughing and more crying. We were exhausted and needed one of Mr. Dave Stewart's famous Martini Moments to revive ourselves. Nicholsons Jewellers, Ilkley"

“Thank you to every single individual involved in bringing this truly magnificent show to life ..and especially to Manchester! One visit is definitely not enough to fully appreciate the spectacular design wizardry, amazing choreography and jaw dropping technical effects. Magical performances and chemistry from all of the main cast left us laughing one moment and then with tears rolling down our cheeks the next. Not sad –just beautifully moving. Richard Fleeshman & Caissie Levy are simply outstanding and exceptionally talented and Sharon D Clarke‟s performance was also a joy to behold. Hope you all have a wonderful run in London and to everyone involved celebrate, and above all ENJOY your future success. Here‟s to lighting up the West End with those smiles!! Much love & appreciation Louise Davison & family Walk, talk, laugh and respect

Hey guys, can‟t wait to see you all in London. Wishing you all the very best of luck. Hugs and kisses, Mario & Lisa (Big Brother love birds) xx @MarioBB9 @LisaBB9

Hey guys, Good luck with the show and looking forward to seeing it in London. Break a leg! Love Beinazir Lasharie – Big Brother 10. @benzlasharie

Caissie, Richard, Sharon, Andrew and the rest of the cast, what can I say? I decided to come and see Ghost out of curiosity on the opening night in Manchester as the publicity suggested that this show was going to be special. I have seen a lot of shows in Manchester, The West End and on Broadway and nothing has gripped me like Ghost has. From start to finish I was in awe of the spectacle being unveiled before my eyes. You could say I then became a little addicted to the show and to date have seen it 12 times and could quite easily watch it every day of the week! Caissie, you voice is simply stunning. How you manage to put a performance in as you do 8 times (sometimes 9) a week astounds me. The emotion and connection you have with Richard on stage is so beautifully portrayed. This role was made for you. On a personal note I want to thank you for being so sweet at the Stage Door each time I have been to the show, it‟s been a pleasure meeting you x Richard, I am only sorry Patrick Swayze cannot see you in this role as I am certain he would join the rest of the audiences in Manchester praising your interpretation of Sam. The passion, confusion, disbelief, emotion and comedy you bring to this role is just outstanding. I am so glad a Manchester lad got to Premiere this show in your home town, which I am sure makes the whole experience more special. Sharon, in the movie Whoopi Goldberg‟s Oda Mae Brown is the highlight of the film, boy do you continue that tradition on the stage. Whoopi got an Oscar for this role and if I were you I would clear your mantelpiece as the equivalent honours are just a formality for you. Your connection with Richard on stage makes you a perfect double act which I am sure will get even better if that‟s possible over the coming months. Andrew, to quote a lady at the Stage Door one night, here‟s the baddie! You play the part of Carl perfectly. You play a perfect balance of good and evil and totally draw the audience in each night making them believe the „best friend‟ Carl before turning into the calculating Carl desperate to pay his debts at any cost! And to the rest of the cast, I don‟t think I have ever seen such a small cast work so hard on a show in my life, the different guises you take on from scene to scene all seem as fresh as the last. Each and every one of you are so talented and I sit there in awe of you each time I see the show. You provide the perfect backdrop for Sam, Molly, Carl and Oda Mae to perform in front of. To the crew, you truly are the unsung heroes of this show. Your tireless work behind the scenes both in getting this show to the stage and the nightly work you do is appreciated by all the fans of this show. I would also like to thank Bruce Joel Rubin for bringing this amazing story to the stage. I have had the pleasure of meeting you on a number of occasions during my visits to the show and each time you have been so welcoming towards me. Thank you for choosing Manchester, we are all so grateful.

Finally thank you to all the cast and crew that have followed me @ghostmusicalfan on Twitter. You have all been so supportive of the page and be assured I will continue it as long as the show runs. I will see you all in London and beyond. BELIEVE! Paul Downham Twitter: @ghostmusicalfan

Congratulations Richard Fleeshman on being a great singer and actor and good luck in ghost the musical when it goes to London see you when it comes to London. Twitter: @Fleeshmanlover

To All the cast at GHOST, I just wanted to say how wonderful this production was - I came to see it twice, and I left wanting to see it a few more times! The magic, lyrics, set everything was sensational and above! This is THE musical of this decade, and with the amazing people involved it deserves that title! Good luck London and BEYOND! Hamza Jahanzeb Twitter: @hamza_dakid

Behind the Scenes

Original Ghost Cast Richard Fleeshman Sam Wheat Richard first came to the public's attention as a youngster, when he played Craig Harris in Coronation Street. Other television credits include: Blue Murder, Monday Monday, Midsomer Murders, Jimmy McGovern's Moving On, and Kyle Caddick in Debbie Horsfield's six-part drama series All The Small Things. Radio work includes: When Twilight Falls (Radio 4) Film: An Angel For May. After signing with Universal Records, Richard released his debut album and went on to complete three stadium tours supporting Sir Elton John around the UK and Europe. He has also collaborated with Sir Elton, writing and performing the sound track of All The Small Things. Last year, Richard made his West End debut playing Warner as part of the original cast of Legally Blonde (Savoy). Richard is delighted to be playing the role of Sam in the world premiere of Ghost. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Caissie Levy Molly Jensen Ms. Levy is delighted to be back in the UK in Ghost, having starred as Sheila in last season's West End production of Hair at the Gielgud Theatre. Broadway credits include Sheila in the 2009 Tony Award winning revival of Hair, Elphaba in Wicked (Los Angeles), Penny Pingleton in Hairspray (Broadway, 1st National Tour), and Maureen in Rent (National Tour). In concert, she was a guest soloist for the United States Military Academy at West Point. Recordings include Keys: The Music of Scott Alan, Reach The Sky: Bobby Cronin Live At the Beechman, All Things In Time: Stuart Matthew Price, Thirteen Stories Down: The songs of Jonathan Reid Gealt, and the Grammy Award nominated cast recording of Hair, from which her rendition of Easy To Be Hard was awarded USA Today's Pick of the Week.

Sharon D Clarke Oda Mae Brown Sharon was born in London and her extensive experience covers major theatre, television, film and radio. She can be seen in the new series The Shadow Line to be screen later on in the year. Sharon also was a judge for BBC Radio 2's Young Chorister of the Year 2010. Sharon was also a panel judge on BBC1's prime time show Last Choir Standing, which had an audience of over 12 million viewers every Saturday evening. West End credits include Motormouth Maybelle in Hairspray (Shafesbury Theatre) Mama Morton in Chicago (Adelphi Theatre), originating the role of Killer Queen in We Will Rock You (The Dominion, London) for which she received an Olivier Award nomination and Rafiki in Walt Disney's The Lion King (Lyceum Theatre). Other notable West End Credits include, Joanne in Rent, Stepping Out (Albery Theatre) Once On This Island (Royalty Theatre) for which Sharon received an Olivier nomination for Best Supporting Actress, Mama I Want To Sing where she took over the role of Mama Winter during Doris Troy's absence (Cambridge Theatre) & Blues In The Night (Piccadilly Theatre/Duke Of Yorks). Sharon's vocal talents were heard as Davina the Diva Harp in Jack And The Beanstalk and as Carmina in Aladdin (Hackney Empire); Fairy Godmother in Cinderella (Hackney Empire); Big Nose (Belgrade Theatre Coventry); Lost And Found under the Talawa produced umbrella of Zebra Crossing II, and Fame (Spektrum, Oslo and Sweden tour). Other theatre credits include Asaka (Mother Earth) in Once on This Island (Hackney Empire, Birmingham Rep and Nottingham Playhouse), Vagina Monologues Tour (Bromley Churchill Theatre, Hull Theatre). Before that Sharon also appeared in the short run of Vagina Monologues (Hackney Empire, The Grand Theatre, Wolverhampton). Sharon's vocal talents were also heard in Mother Goose as Charity The Good Fairy, Davina as the Diva Harp in Jack & the Beanstalk, the Fairy Godmother in Cinderella, and Carmina in Aladdin Fairy (Hackney Empire), Lift Off at the (Cure Leicester), Big Nose (Belgrade Theatre Coventry), Lost & Found - Zebra Crossing II and Fame (Spektrum, Oslo and Sweden tour) to name a few. TV credits include: Dr Lola Griffin in Holby City (BBC), The Bill (Talkback Thames), Grandma Flossie in The Crust (CBBC), Waking The Dead (BBC), Soldier Soldier (Carlton), Broken Glass (BBC), Between The Lines (BBC), Children's Ward (Granada), Stop, Look & Listen Mary Seacole (Ch4), Past Caring (BBC), The Singing Detective (BBC), Here & Now (Central) and EastEnders (BBC). Sharon has also achieved chart success including; The FPI Project's remake of Going Back To My Roots, a No 1 club hit with Happiness and as Nomad songs include: ‌Devotion, Just A Groove and Your Love Is Lifting Me.

Andrew Langtree Carl Bruner Andrew originated the leading role of Sky in the original London stage cast of the ABBA musical Mamma Mia! West End credits include Eddie in Blood Brothers, Sky in Mamma Mia and Nick Piazza in Fame. Andrew has worked extensively at the Manchester Royal Exchange (The Glass Menagerie, Come Blow Your Horn, London Assurance, A Conversation, Six Degrees Of Separation) and appeared in The Rose Tattoo at the National Theatre directed by Steven Pimlott and Nicholas Hytner. Television credits include Leon in Coronation Street, Fergus in Heartbeat along with appearances in The Royal, Doctors, Holby City and Cutting It. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ivan de Freitas Willie Lopez Ivan trained at Middlesex University and London Studio Centre where he won the Lia Williams Cup for best performance in a musical. Theatre credits include: creating the role of Dinero in Sister Act (original cast, Palladium); understudy Jose in Never Forget (Savoy); understudy Garcia in Zorro the Musical (original cast, UK tour); Never Forget (original cast, UK tour); Frank Jnr and Joey in Saturday Night Fever (Asian tour); Travis, Principal and understudy Reverend Shaw in Footloose (original West End cast, Novello and Playhouse); Buffalo Bill and Chief Sitting Bull in Annie Get Your Gun (UK tour); Double J, Gus, Fusco and Cesar in Saturday Night Fever (Apollo Victoria); Bombay Dreams (Broadway launch St James Theatre and Apollo Victoria); understudy the King in The King and I (UK tour); Father in Children of Eden (Bloomsbury). Creative/Dance credits include: Choreographer for Kara and Artem’s show dance Strictly Come Dancing final (2010); Assistant Choreographer to Karen Bruce on So You Think You Can Dance boot camp (2011), Strictly Come Dancing launch and final show (2010), So You Think You Can Dance (2010), Saturday Night Fever (Madrid 2009) and Footloose (UK tour 2008); Assistant Choreographer to Richard Marcel on BBC Sport’s Relief (2010); Choreographic consultant for Rachel and Vincent’s Show dance Strictly Come Dancing final (2008); Co-Founder Tango Argumentino with The Flying Gorillas (World Tour).

Adebayo Bolaji Subway Ghost Adebayo trained at the Central School of Speech and Drama. He is also the founder of Ex Nihilo Theatre Group, with which he wrote and directed his first play In Bed, performed at The Studio, Questors Theatre, Ealing. Making his West End debut at the age of fifteen in the National Youth Music Theatre's (NYMT) production of Bugsy Malone (Queen's Theatre, West End), he continued to work with the NYMT appearing in productions at George Square Theatre, Edinburgh Festival and in Tokyo, Japan. Adebayo is currently a member of Filament Theatre with whom he has performed Drive Ride Walk (Sadlers Wells & Arcola Theatre) and One Dark Night (Greenwich Theatre). Other theatre credits include: Little Shop of Horrors (Birmingham Rep), Buddy (Channel Islands Tour), Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (UK Tour), Aladdin (Shaw Theatre, London), Dancing in the Streets (UK Tour) and The Sirens of Titan (London Bubble). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mark Pearce Hospital Ghost Mark trained at Central, and recently appeared in the West End as Jake Blues in The Blues Brothers. His favourite role to date was as the lovable rogue Fletcher in Porridge. Other theatre credits include: Champagne Charlie (Wilton’s Music Hall); John Procter in The Crucible (Dukes, Lancaster); Bertorelli in ‘Allo Allo’ (UK Tour); Phil in Josh Grodber’s Up ‘n’ Under, Feste in Twelfth Night, Uncle Mamaji in the world premiere of Life of Pi (Alhambra, Bradford); Buttons in Cinderella (Lowry); plus seasons at The Watermill and Theatre by the Lake, Keswick. Previous musicals include Haig in Oh, What a Lovely War!; creating the role of Joe Dimaggio in The Marilyn Monroe Show and Richie Valens in Heaven Can Wait (Perth Rep). Television appearances include, Hornblower; Crimewatch; Win, Lose or Draw; The Handsomest Room in Town and the comedy sketch show Stutter.

Lisa Davina Phillip Clara Lisa's most recent theatre production was The Golden House at the Almeida Theatre. West End credits include understudy for Rafiki & Shenzi in The Lion King (Lyceum Theatre) and Porgy and Best (Savoy Theatre). Other theatre credits include Pat in Catalysta (Oval House), the National Theatre of Scotland's production of The Bacchae, Shoot 2 Win (Southside Arts), Miss Faith in Darker The Berry (Albany Empire). Television credits include Pearl in The Royal Today. Lisa was a runner-up in the BBC Norman Beaton Fellowship and has since recorded two productions for BBC Radio: Open Book (produced by Hilary Dunn) and A Kind of Home (produced by Ned Chaillet). Lisa's vocal talent has also contributed to the feature films Bullet Boy and Laya Cake. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jenny Fitzpatrick Louise Jenny trained at Mountview Academy of Performing Arts. Her first professional engagement was with the Regents Park Open Air Theatre where she appeared as Phlox in A Midsummer Night's Dream, Traveler in Henry IV Part I and Lady of Camelot in Camelot. Other theatre includes: Jill Goose in Mother Goose (Palace Theatre, Watford); Katisha in Hot Mikado (Upstairs at The Gatehouse, Highgate), Nala in The Legend Of The Lion King (Paris), Ronette in the highly acclaimed production of Little Shop of Horrors (Menier Chocolate Factory and Duke of York's), Alice Fitzwarren in Dick Whittington (Nottingham Playhouse), Billie in Our House directed by Matthew Warchus (Birmingham Rep and UK Tour) and Rose Seller in Oliver! (Theatre Royal, Drury Lane). Television includes: Silent Witness, Eastenders, (both for the BBC) and Mi High (Kudos).

Ensemble Jaygann Ayeh

Paul Ayres

Scott Ellis

Emily Hawgood Laura Selwood Yemie Sonuga

Philippa Stefani

Jez Unwin

Sally Whitehead

Mark Willshire Darren Carnall Rebecca Giacopazzi

Louise Lawson

Rochelle Neil

Michael Peters

Spencer Stafford


And now itâ€&#x;s London who will

This Fan Book was presented to Richard Fleeshman & Caissie Levy on behalf of the entire cast and crew of Ghost on the 14th May 2011. Following the presentation they tweeted the following:"Wow, just been given a book of msgs + photos from our time here in Manchester. It's absolutely beautiful. Thanks to everyone who made it! x" - Richard. "Was just presented with the most beautiful scrapbook from all the Ghost fans - THANK YOU ALL. So special. We'll treasure it " – Caissie

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