ULU Guide 2012/13

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Contents Welcome to ULU

Page 4: Page 6:

Fun & Facilities

Page 18: Page 19: Page 20: Get Involved! Page 21: small intro blurb Page 8: Sports and Societies Page 22: Page 10: The ULU Leagues Page 23: Page12: Campaigns Page 24: Page 14: Training Opportunities Page 26: Page 15: London Student Newspaper Page 26: Page 16: Have Your Say Page 27: Page 27: Page 28: Page 28: Page 29: Vice President’s Welcome What is ULU?

The Venue The Library (bar) The Gallery Lunchbox Café Student Shop Copycats Print Centre Energybase Work at ULU Environmental Impact Hire a Room UoL Housing Services ULU Map Keep in Touch Page3 Activities Directory

Vice - President’s Welcome

elected niel Cooper, I’m the Hello! My name is Da acting as well as the current Vice President at ULU, President. social ntastic facilities and There’s a wealth of fa the ble at ULU – we have opportunities availa a gym, , on nd ol in central Lo biggest swimming po s, tie ts teams and socie printing facilities, spor use for tless rooms for you to un co as ll we as rs, ba ts. different social even of London tion for all University ULU acts as a federa union, ll as having your own we As s. ion un s’ nt stude joins ividual college, ULU dedicated to your ind on m a London-wide com all unions together in e services th all unions to provid wi rk wo e W e. nc lia hts al d fight for students’ rig an nd te ex , nd fe de and to London. across the whole of te with for you to collabora ULU acts as a means t those jus t across London, no other students from er across ge. In working togeth who go to your colle ideas benefit of picking up e th ve ha u yo , ty Ci the me thing doing exactly the sa from other students rk you are e ideas, share the wo as you. You can shar questions d find out answers to an rs he ot th wi ing do Page4 that are puzzling you.

You can coo rdinate actio ns both big a a social eve nd small - fro nt amongst m small and sp a big demon e cialist colleg stration, by w e s, to o rking togeth across Lond er with stude on. We can also form op nts as London st inions collec udents, hold tively, ing common ideas on big positions and issues. The p rinciple - we when we wo are stronger rk together – couldn’t be it comes to U more true w LU! hen This year our major prioritie s will be cam around the g paigning overnment’s chilling plan and public se s for educatio rvices, suppo n rting students lobbying an d campaign who work, in g for affordab housing in Lo le, decent ndon, setting up a London centred libe -wide, stude ration netwo ntrk for minorit campaign, p y groups to roviding spo rts clubs and much, much societies and more. ULU w ill undoubted presence on ly have a your campu s and in you this year. r students’ u nion This year I wa nt ULU to be a tool for pe party, to sha ople to fight, re and deba to te ideas, to le organise and arn, train an to act as an d other site for London. I ho you to use in pe you can be a part of it.

Daniel Coop er ULU Vice Pre sident 2012/1 3 e:daniel.coo per@ulu.lon.a c.uk t:020 7664 20 04


Governance: What is ULU?


ULU exists as a complementary provision towards your existing college’s student union. The future direction of ULU is set and championed by our elected sabbatical officers and their peers at the students’ unions of the University of London’s Colleges and Institutes. All students of the University of London (UoL) automatically qualify as full members of ULU. But if you haven’t already visited your college’s student union, we hope the following links will help: Birkbeck Students’ Union www.birkbeckunion.org

Queen Mary Students’ Union www.qmsu.org

Central Students’ Union www.central-su.com

Royal Academy of Music Students’ Union www.ram.ac.uk/students-union

Courtauld Students’ Union www.courtauldstudentsunion. blogspot.co.uk Goldsmiths Students’ Union www.goldsmithssu.org Heythrop Students’ Union www.heythrop.su ICR Student Committee www.icr.ac.uk Institute of Education Students’ Union www.ioesu.org.uk Kings College London Students’ Union www.kclsu.org London Business School Student Association clubs.london.edu/sa LSE Students’ Union www.lsesu.com London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine www.lshtm.ac.uk

Students’ Union Royal Holloway University of London www.su.rhul.ac.uk RVC Students’ Union Society www.rvcsus.co.uk St George’s Students’ Union www.sgsu.org.uk SOAS Students’ Union www.soasunion.org University College London Union www.uclu.org University of London Institute in Paris Students’ Union www.ulipsu.eu University Marine Biological Station, Millport www.gla.ac.uk/centres/ marinestation School of Advanced Studies www.sas.ac.uk | www.ulu.co.uk


ULU is the federal Students’ Union for the University of London (UoL). Or in other words, we’re a second Students’ Union for you to enjoy and use whilst you’re studying at UoL. There are two ULU Membership categories, find out which you qualify for:

Are you ...

•A student outside of UoL with a valid student ID card? •A University of London International Programme student?

A registered student at one of the UoL colleges? (see above for full list) Malet St T: 020 , London WC1E E: gene 7664 2000 7HY | ral@ul u.lon. ac.uk rsity of

2012 2013

•A staff member at any UoL college/ UoL Central Services? Y


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•A UoL Alumnus?


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se you (purcha ay) card tod

ULU Membership entitles you to: •Join Energybase

•Vote in ULU elections*

•Enjoy continued access to ULU’s services after 6.30pm

...and much more! *Full student members only

•Join a club or society •Take part in sports and society competitions* •Compete in the ULU Leagues (students at any London-based college only)

card from Grab your tion. ULU recep along

r to bring Remembe to and phoPage7 a passport ID. nt/ college e d tu s r u o y

Sports & Societies With more than 40 different sports and societies clubs, the ULU Student Activities Team are proud to offer a wide range of activities for students to get involved in. These include over 20 different sports, such as fencing, volleyball, archery and lacrosse, and a whole host of societies, including jazz, art, hip hop and faith groups, to name but a few. Your ULU membership card,

which can be obtained at reception, entitles you to join any of these groups. Students who have full ULU membership may get the opportunity to compete in competitions such as BUCS (British Universities and Colleges Sports) which happen all over the country. We also run the traditional annual ‘ULU Purples Ball’ Page8


•Agape •Art •Breakdance •Buda •Capoeira •Chamber Choir •Classical Islam •Czech & Slovak

•Dance Sport •Debate •Harry Potter •Hip Hop •Jazz •Koinonia •London Revelation Rock Gospel Choir •Marxist •Mountaineering •New Turn •Orchestra


•Archery •Association Football •Athletics •Boat •Canoe Polo •Cricket •Fencing •Gymnastics •Hockey •Ice Hockey •Jitsu •Judo •Karate •Men’s Lacrosse •Lifesaving •Polo •Rifle •Sailing •Snow Sports •Swimming •Volleyball •Water Polo •Windsurfing

to celebrate the achievements of students within our sports and societies. Check out the full details of all our clubs and societies on the ULU website. There’s also a useful directory, on Page 29, of group leader contacts. e: activities@ulu.lon.ac.uk w: ulu.co.uk/getinvolved

•OCF •Pro Bono •Shaolin Kung Fu (SLKF) •Singapore Medical •St John Ambulance LINKS •Sub Aqua


The ULU Leagues: who’s London’s best?

Which London college is the best at sport? Find out as colleges across London go head-to-head in The ULU Leagues! The ULU Leagues are intercollegiate sporting competitions for all colleges in London not just those who are part of UoL. They cover a variety of sports and are open to men and women of all abilities. Our competitions are designed to run during the academic year starting in October running through to May. Seasons and cups kick off at different times so it may not be too late to register your team’s interest.

travel the capital, meeting other students studying and playing in London.

Our Leagues provide you with regular competitive sport, development and training opportunities and a chance to

We’re also joined by smaller, international and non-UoLPage10 colleges giving more of an

There are new and exciting sports added to the leagues this year like Tchoukball, Softball, Tennis and 5-a-side Football.

ULU League T eams •Fo

otball •5-a-Side Foo tball •Hockey •Rugby •Lacrosse •Netball •Basketball •Volleyball •Badminton •Squash •Cricket •Softball •Tchoukball •Tennis

inclusive feel and greater interaction with London-wide students. To take part or register your interest, email the Student Activities Team, or enquire with your individual college students’ union about their existing ULU League teams. e: activities@ulu.lon.ac.uk w: ulu.co.uk/leagues

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Campaigns London Student Education and Public Services There is a significant year ahead for students and staff in education. The government and university managers are arranging a transformation of education as we know it. What is going on? The government have announced enormous spending cuts; up to 80% across the board for academic and campus service departments, and an end to funding for arts and humanities subjects. In practice, the spending cuts are resulting in courses and even whole universities being closed and staff losing their jobs. The government are squeezing stipends, wages and pensions, while drowning us all in fees and personal debt. Through workfare, unpaid internships, and meagre working conditions, they demand we work for nothing, to compete for jobs that don’t exist, while attacking support for the poor, unemployed and disabled. This marketisation of public services is exacerbating the problems of a tiered university system – keeping the elite wealthy and the less fortunate poor. In that context, the need for a united, effective, campaigning student movement in London could not be more clear. ULU is the place for you to have a collective voice across London; we’re an organisation for bringing about social change. If you’d like to get involved in the campaign, there are two demonstrations to defend jobs and services which ULU is supporting: firstly led by the Trade Union Congress (TUC) on October 20th 2012, followed by the National Union of Students (NUS) Education march on the 21st November 2012. I hope you can join me in campaigning against the government’s attacks on education and services, and help to revive a strong student movement in the coming year. Page12

Students’ Rights at Work Over the past decade, the number of students undertaking paid employment during term-time rose by more than 54%. Most of us took jobs in the retail or hospitality sectors – in bars, high-street shops, restaurants, and hotels – where low pay, long hours, and casual exploitation are endemic. When we leave university, those of us lucky enough to get a job at all are more likely than ever to find ourselves in similar workplaces. Over the past five years, the number of new graduates employed in low-paid, “unskilled” or “semi-skilled” jobs has doubled. The distinction between work and study is being slowly abolished. Huge increases in the cost of education mean we are financially compelled to work to support ourselves through college or university. And when we’re studying, corporate influence over course content and departmental research priorities means that study itself is increasingly just training for the workplace. Our colleges and universities are becoming conveyor belts into the kind of low-paid jobs most of us already have to take before we graduate. This means that the student movement (here at ULU and your local SU) has to organise - to fight for our rights at work, as well as on campus. This year at ULU, I’m working with student union and trade union activists across London to raise awareness and llaunch an initiative aimed at helping students to know their rights as workers and gain the activist skills needed to fight for change in the workplace. We’re publishing a guide, which will contain lots of information on your rights at work. We will also be running workshops and skill-share events to help students organise - and ultimately improve our rights at work. e: daniel.cooper@ulu.lon.ac.uk w: ulu.co.uk/campaigns


Train to be a qualified referee ULU Football Leagues are looking for future referees to take part in the AFA (Amateur Football Alliance) refereeing course starting in the winter term. The scheme offers an AFA qualification, free referee uniform and the opportunity to referee competitive games and gain experience. e: activities@ulu.lon.ac.uk w: ulu.co.uk/getinvolved

Train to be a qualified first-aider ULU offers a fantastic opportunity, to all those competing in the ULU Leagues, to earn a sports-specific first aid qualification. Delivered by React First, our program covers everything from basic first aid to sports injuries and incident management, to best prepare you for tending to an injured teammate or athlete. e: activities@ulu.lon.ac.uk w: ulu.co.uk/getinvolved Page14

London Student you’ve seen recently for our culture section ‘Play’?

London Student this year will be at the heart of the student movement, ensuring all the news and debate about fighting fees nationally and anti-cuts issues happening locally on your campus are covered. We want to make sure our London Student is a platform for investigative journalism, reflects the diverse student population (look out for our Black History and LGBT History Month special issues!) and covers the stories our government and University and College management don’t want to be read.

We’re also looking for inter-collegiate sports match results, international news articles and because London Student has a new issue out every 2 weeks, we’re always on the lookout for content. Any advert or article enquiries please email editor@london-student.net Pick up a copy in one of the red bins on your campus! There’s a new issue out very other Tuesday during term-time. Jen Izaakson, London Student Editor 2012/13

We’re always looking for contributors. If you’ve got a burning opinion on something, maybe you can create an article for the Comment section? Or review a film or gig Page15

Have Your Say! Your opinion matters! We always want to improve, provide new services, support new student ideas and address any issues you may have commercially or politically. One of the ways we gain your invaluable information is with 5 ‘Have your say’ boxes around the building. Just write your comments (cards and pencils provided) and rest assured each one is checked on a regular basis. You can be anonymous or give us your details and we will provide updates on ‘Have Your Say’ feedback on the ULU website to tell you how we’ve done. Don’t forget to tell us if we are doing things you really like as well because we can ensure it’s something we continue to do for the future. There will be regular promotions with prizes to be won in these boxes so please keep a look out and help us to help you. w: ulu.co.uk/haveyoursay


University of London Union



The Venue Club & Live Events The Venue plays host to a range of events including club nights, comedy, cinema nights, awards ceremonies and live music. Over the last few years, The Venue has been renowned for being at the forefront of the new music scene having already welcomed now world class acts onto its stage, including Foo Fighters, Coldplay, Nirvana, Arcade Fire, Paul

Weller, Babyshambles & The Strokes just to name a few.. Make sure you keep an eye on the website to keep up to date on all future events. e: general@ulu.lon.ac.uk w: ulu.co.uk/venue


The Library Bar & Food ! 2/13 1 0 2 for r New k out fo ts Loo ub nigh y cl a d nue! i r e F V e in Th


Yes, that’s right, the library is in fact a bar. Although we can’t guarantee spending time in this library will improve your grades…

The Library is a friendly place where you can relax and enjoy the perks of being a student without the London price tag. Look out for the great drink promotions every evening, Monday to Friday from 5pm! Fridays are famous at ULU for being one of the best student nights in London, with great prices on pints, bottles, spirits and mixers, with DJ’s playing until 2am.

The Library also boasts six screens showing live sports coverage, making it the perfect place to cheer on your favourite team - just remember that you can’t win them all!

The kitchen has a large range of dishes from curries to pizzas; a perfect accompaniment to an ice cold beverage. e: general@ulu.lon.ac.uk w: ulu.co.uk/library

es Opening Tim

ursday: Monday - Th pm 1 1 12pm Friday: p 12 m - 2am Saturday: 5pm - 10pm

d Food Serve

day Monday-Fri m p 3 12pm m p 7 3.30pm Page19

The Gallery Restaurant & Bar The Gallery is a welcoming bar and restaurant, as well as a coffee bar. Our menu provides a wealth of choice including delicious healthy living choices from around the world. There’s also classic homemade pub-grub as well as delicious burgers and pizzas. We also serve a range of Halal and vegetarian options. If you fancy something lighter - try the Gallery Coffee Bar. We serve a range of hot drinks, freshly squeezed orange juice, milkshakes and toasted tascas. There’s also a variety of freshly-made cakes available everyday. Just make sure you get there before they’ve all gone!

You can now enjoy our new breakfast menu (new for 2012/13), from simple egg on toast to a full English. During the warmer months, there’s the opportunity to chill out on the balcony over-looking Torrington Square. e: general@ulu.lon.ac.uk w: ulu.co.uk/gallery

g Times

Bar Openin

ursday: Monday - Th 1pm 1 11.30am Friday: am 11.30am - 1

d Food Serve

day Monday-Fri pm 8.30am - 12 ) st a kf a (bre 12pm - 3pm (lunch) m

3.30pm - 7p (dinner)


Lunchbox Café

Situated on the ground floor, the Lunchbox Café is open seven days a week. We serve Rainforest Alliance Fairtrade Coffee, ethically sourced teas and hot chocolate, fresh pastries, fresh fruit and cupcakes. We sell a huge range of fresh sandwiches (including a large selection of vegetarian

and Halal) as well as sushi, Mediterranean and Indian food. There’s also a selection of American and oriental sweets and treats. Take advantage of the £2.99 meal deal that includes a sandwich, crisps and a drink. From midday onwards, we serve our great value baked potatoes. Where possible, we use Fairtrade and organic products and recycled and biodegradable packaging to try and limit our environmental impact. e: general@ulu.lon.ac.uk w: ulu.co.uk/lunchbox

es Opening Tim iday: Monday - Fr 8am - 8pm Saturday: 10am - 5pm Sunday: 10am - 3pm


Student Shop

Clothing & Merchandise From cufflinks to hoodies, the ULU Student Shop has a wide range of clothing and merchandise. It’s also your essential onestop shop where you can grab snacks and daily essentials. There’s an extensive range of University of London branded clothing with unique designs, Fairtrade sourced products and year-round offers. We also sell good quality lab coats for medical students and chemists as well as sports clothing, including swimming goggles and shampoo (just in case you’ve forgotten anything on the way to the pool)!

Shop Online!

Student The new ULU Online in Shop has launched, e Th th partnership wi University of London mmes. International Progra usive The site includes excl se di online merchan Visit: unavailable in store.


e: general@ulu.lon.ac.uk w: www.ulu.co.uk/shop

Opening Times

Mon to Fri: 9.30am - 6.30pm Sat: 11am - 4pm


Copycats Print Services If you need friendly, professional quality binding, photocopying or printing services, visit the ULU Print Centre on the ground floor of the ULU building. We offer student-friendly prices on all our services including photocopying, large format printng and, of course, binding services– perfect for dissertation time. e: general@ulu.lon.ac.uk w: ulu.co.uk/print

Our services include:

A4 • High quality printing white colour and black & or • Binding; comb, wire heat ing • Two-day thesis bind • Self-service copying ing

• Staff assisted copy • Worldwide fax

• Laminating service • A1 and A2 poster printing

Opening Times Term time: Mon-Fri: 9am - 6pm Out of term time Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm Self-service photocopying until 10pm (7pm Sundays). Page23


Fitness Centre & Swimming Pool

Energybase membership includes unlimited use of the gym, swimming pool – the largest swimming pool in central London – and classes. Our fully qualified instructors also carry out inductions, fitness testing and programmes at no extra cost. We also offer treatments including Physiotherapy, Alexander technique, hairdressing and sports massage which are available at additional cost. Our pool and studios are available for hire, and can be used for a range of activities including badminton and 5-a-side football. Having re-opened in 2012 after a summer of refurbishment, Energybase, now offers members an even better experience.


Fitness Classes What better way to get a full aerobic workout than one of our fitness classes? With a varied timetable all year round, you’re bound to find something to suit you. Whether you want to relax, tone or have an all-round workout. Member favourites include: • Core • Zumba • Aerobiking • Circuits • Yoga • Pilates

Prices There is no joining fee for Full ULU student members. Prices vary depending on category and length of membership. Anyone can join, but students can pay as little as £21 per month. See the website for more information. e: general@ulu.lon.ac.uk t: 0207 664 2002 / 2091 w: ulu.co.uk/energybase

Opening Times Gym and Studios Monday to Friday: 7.30am - 10pm Saturday to Sunday: 9am - 9pm

Swimming Pool Monday to Friday: 7.30 am - 7pm Saturday: 9am - 5pm Sunday: Closed


Work at ULU! Looking for work? If you are looking for flexible work that understands the importance of your student commitments, why not consider ULU as an employer? We employ over 120 student staff to help run our bars, shops, reception, gym, café and operations. w: www.ulu.co.uk/jobs

Environmental Impact At ULU, we do our very best to reduce our ethical and environmental impact. We have been awarded a Silver NUSSL (National Union of Students Services Ltd) Green Impact Award at for two years running. Current steps we are making to improve this include providing a range of Fairtrade goods across our retail departments and using ethical purchasing (such as using ‘Rainforest Alliance’ tea, coffee and hot chocolate) in

our conference and catering departments. ULU also has full recycling facilities across the building. From paper cups and plastic bottles, to batteries and mobile phones; there’s recycling facilities for it! See the website for our full list of achievements and our future Improvement Plan. w: www.ulu.co.uk/green Page26

Room Hire & Conferences ULU has 13 meeting rooms which are available to be booked for a whole range of events.

service and will tailor everything to your specific requirements to ensure your event is successful.

Whether you want to hold a large board meeting, a lecture, open day or a live music event or party, the ULU Conference Centre can offer you a great room at a reasonable price.

We also provide a wide range of services such as equipment hire and in-house catering. ULU Clubs and Societies also use the rooms for their regular meetings and events.

From your initial enquiry through to working with you on the day we provide a high quality

w: www.ulumeetingrooms.co.uk

University of London Housing Services The University of London Housing Service is here to help you find housing outside the University Halls of Residence. They guide you through the whole process of finding housing in London and will also provide support if you run into difficulties with your tenancy. Find them on the 4th Floor of the ULU Building. w: www.housing.london.ac.uk Page27

ULU Map 3 2


1 G




Print Centre



Swimming Pool

Studio 2

Studio 1

Keep in Touch We’re a socialble bunch, so why not keep in touch? Follow our social networks for the latest ULU news and offers.

facebook.com/UniverisityOfLondonUnion twitter.com/ULUnion foursquare.com/ULUnion a: University of London Union, Malet Street, london WC1E 7HY | t: 020 7664 2067 | w: www.ulu.co.uk | e: general@ulu.lon.ac.uk Page28

Sports & Societies Directory Societies AGAPE Student Life

Marion Brooks-Bartlett m.brooks-bartlett@ucl.ac.uk


Karina Lewis uluartsoc@googlemail.com


Anhwa Griffiths 226101@soas.ac.uk


Jing-Wei Jap ulubuda.soc@gmail.com


New Turn

Debate tbc Harry Potter


Zhengyou Lu president@uludancesport.org

Hayley Oberlander hayley.oberlander@kcl.ac.uk

Hip Hop

Giulia Olga Olivetti Zcbeg34@live.ucl.ac.uk


Freddie Hosken frederick.hosken@kcl.ac.uk


Ruth Bubis 376545@soas.ac.uk Cyrus Lyons cyruslyons@gmail.com

Overseas Christian Fellowship Huijun Lee huijun.lee.09@ucl.ac.uk

Shaolin Kung Fu (SLKF)

Isabelle Harding isabelle.harding.10@ucl.ac.uk

Singapore Medical

Gerrard Gan Gerrard.gan.09@ucl.ac.uk

Stephen Bradford zcrag22@ucl.ac.uk Tom Hampshire thomas.hampshire.09@ucl.ac.uk

St John Ambulance LINKS

Chamber Choir

London Revelation Rock Gospel Choir


Classical Islam



Hockey TBC Ice Hockey


George Edwards g.b.edwards@lse.ac.uk Talha Surti tasurti@hotmail.com


Sherman Ip sherman.ip.10@ucl.ac.uk

Association Football

Aidan Collins universityoflondonfc@gmail.com


Rob Walker ha09025@qmul.ac.uk


Clarissa Coveney clarissa.coveney@ucl.ac.uk

Canoe Polo

Matthew Anthony Kiddle matthew.kiddle@kcl.ac.uk

Cate Walker london_rev@yahoo.co.uk

Donald MacPherson zvtm229@live.rhul.ac.uk


Savani Bartholdy savani.bartholdy@kcl.ac.uk


Alex Brown 287395@soas.ac.uk


Kimon Frousios kimon.frousios@kcl.ac.uk

Men’s Lacrosse Lifesaving



James Kneller club@ulufencing.net


Emma Smith emma.v.smith@ucl.ac.uk


Clare Dallimore ulsc@hotmail.co.uk

Snow Sports

Constanze Black cblack@rvc.ac.uk


Neal Thomson n.j.thomson@lse.ac.uk


Janneke Marije van Blijswijk ulu.volleyball@gmail.com

Water Polo

Gareth Keen mu002gk@gold.ac.uk

Nate MacDonald Nathanael.macdonald@kcl.ac.uk Adeline Loh zcbef18@ucl.ac.uk


Leila Alayej leila.alayej.11@ucl.ac.uk

Tess Shewell ps002ts@gold.ac.uk


Charles Glover

Katie Ferin chair@ululinks.sja.org.uk

Vikas Aggarwal ucemvag@live.ucl.ac.uk


Alan Griffin ulrifleclub@yahoo.co.uk

in sted e r e t n I LU The U es? u Leag ail:

em ities@ activ .ac.uk n ulu.lo Page29

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map/ ulu facts


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