UMass Law has designed a curriculum and developed resources to support your academic success.
All students
Academic Advising
Each student is assigned a faculty advisor to assist with academic and career planning throughout law school.
Academic Support
Academic advisors and the Academic Success team can help you address time management concerns, learn study techniques, and discuss matters related to academic progress and the bar exam.
ADA Accommodations
Reasonable accommodations are provided for students with documented disabilities.
Engagement Opportunities
Immerse yourself in law school learning through extracurricular opportunities such as professionally guided workshops, guest speaker programs, student-to-student mentor meetings, and additional course review and practice question sessions.
Experiential Education
You will develop technical lawyering skills and ethical values through interactions with clients in our law clinics, internships, and pro bono experiences.
Individual Counseling
Individual support and advising for students are available with the assistant dean of students at the law school, and individual counseling sessions are offered at the main campus Counseling Center.
Professional Development
Members of the Student Life, Career Services, and Academic Success teams offer several opportunities throughout each semester to assist you in building your professional identity as a law student and future attorney.
UMass Law Library
The UMass Law Library offers resources and services, including the Primo library catalog system, online research databases, interlibrary loan, and computer and printing access.
Writing Center
Workshops and one-on-one sessions focus on academic skills and legal writing, including basics such as citations, grammar, mechanics, and style.
1L s
The 1L Orientation program introduces you to academic strategies and support services for law students.
Academic Fellow Workshops
Accomplished upper-division students lead optional peer-to-peer interactive sessions on study skills and test-taking techniques.
2L s
Academic Advising Sessions
You receive guidance each semester from your academic advisor on registration, course selection, and curricular planning with a focus on career goals and experiential education.
ADA Accommodations Assistance
The Academic Success team assists upper division students applying for ADA accommodations on the MPRE and bar exam.
3L s
Required Bar Preparation Course
UMass Law offers a graded, for-credit class focused on the doctrine and skills needed for bar exam success.
Bar Mentors
Our faculty mentors offer coaching support for UMass Law students taking the bar exam.
Academic Skills Lab
Incoming students are enrolled in a skills class in which you practice the thinking, writing, and planning skills necessary to succeed in law school and on the bar exam.
to the Bar Exam
Students discuss bar exam essentials with a member of the Massachusetts Board of Bar Examiners.
MPRE Preparation & Simulation
Individualized Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE) study plans and simulated MPRE exams are offered for all students preparing to sit for this test.
Character and Fitness Presentation
The executive director of the Massachusetts Board of Bar Examiners presents invaluable advice for the bar application process.
UMass Law Bar Preparation Program
UMass Law partners with commercial bar providers and subsidizes bar review courses for students, including individual tutoring and essay workshops.
Individual Bar Meetings
The bar director meets with students in their 1L, 2L, and 3L years to discuss course selection and devise an individualized bar study plan.