The Office of Student Affairs and the entire University of Massachusetts Dartmouth community welcomes you to campus. UMass Dartmouth provides a unique opportunity for you to develop a lifelong passion for learning. Our goal is to assist all new Veterans, Prior Military & Reservists in having the most positive experience possible.
At UMassD, we provide academic, wellness, and career support as well as benefit advising, to support your successful transition to University life. We hope you will contribute your time and talent by being involved in activities and organizations on campus.
We are committed to helping you create a positive college experience, which we hope will be one of the best experiences of your life.
Shelly Metivier Scott Associate Dean of Students
Kristina Leonardo Certifying Official/Registrar
Shelly Metivier Scott
Leonardo Associate Dean of Students
Campus Center
Blue & Gold Room
Campus Center
Blue & Gold Room
Campus Center
Blue & Gold Room
Campus Center
Blue & Gold Room
Library 128
The Grove
Various Locations
TIME 9:15am 9:30–10am 10–10:15am 10:15–10:45am 11:00am–12:00pm 12:00–1:00pm 1:00–2:00pm
Arrive to campus and park in lot 5 and proceed to the Campus Center
Check in and enjoy continental breakfast with other student Veterans
University Welcome
Benefit Q&A with Ms. Kristina Leonardo, Certifying Official, and Ms. Shelly Scott, Associate Dean of Students
COIN Training & Course Selection
Campus Connections Luncheon
Campus Tour by your Student Veteran Assistant
Corsair 101 is a one stop shop for all things UMassD. Learn about financial aid, academics, student life and more by logging in. Below you will find the steps on how to login.
1. Login to UMassD Logon
2. Click on student resources tab at the top
3. Under New Students click on the first one “Corsair 101”
4. Under first-year students click take Corsair 101
5. Login with your UMassD Logon
For Families
1. Scan the QR code on the right to access the website
2. Create a guest login
The Veterans’ Resource Center is a community space for military-affiliated students seeking support from specialized UMassD programs and services. This resource hub assists military-affiliated students and their families by providing them with a supportive environment to fulfill their academic aspirations.
The Veterans’ Resource Center is an essential place for militaryaffiliated students hoping to find a community to call their own and collaboratively plan for future academic and professional successes. Cozy lounge furniture and community tables occupy the space, giving student veterans consistent access to the comfort and companionship they need when transitioning to civilian life.
UMass Dartmouth’s support services for student veterans include:
• Understanding educational benefits as a student veteran
• Learning how to cope with injuries and/or trauma
• Uplifting other student veterans through mentorship programs
Division of Student Affairs
Second floor, Campus Center, Suite 221
Veterans’ Resource Center/Military & Veterans Lounge
First floor, Campus Center
Registrar Office Lobby, Foster Administration
Veterans’ Reading Room
Third floor, Library, Room 354
Add/Drop - First week of semester during which students can make changes to their schedule
Arnie -UMass Dartmouth Mascot
Blended course - Course has both an in-person lecture and an online component
CAS - College of Arts & Sciences
CCB - Charlton College of Business
CITS - Computing and Information Technology Services
CNHS - College of Nursing & Health Sciences
COE - College of Engineering
COIN - Corsair Online INformation — our student system that includes info such as class schedule, unofficial transcript, financial aid information, etc.
Co-requisite - A course or other requirement that must be taken at the same time as another course or requirement
Corsair Cash - Dining dollars on your meal plan available for use at any dining retail location on campus
Corsair Engage - platform used for community service
Corsair Jobs - platform used for job applying
CVPA - College of Visual and Performing Arts
CWGS - Center for Women, Gender and Sexuality
FERPA - Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act –privacy of educational records
Foster - Building on campus where students can access the offices of Student Service Center, Financial Aid, Bursar, and Registrar’s offices
GPA - Grade Point Average
Holds - A flag placed on your student account that can prevent you from registering for classes, requesting official transcripts, and/or receiving your diploma
LARTS - Liberal Arts building
MCC - MacLean Campus Center
Office Hours - Time that professors are scheduled to be in their office to be available for questions, one-on-one meetings, etc.
Prerequisite - A course that should be taken before another class
RA/Resident Assistant - Paraprofessional staff assigned to a particular apartment, suite or floor and live with the students of that area.
RD/Resident Director - Professional, full-time, live-in staff members acting as a resource for students in such areas as campus information, counseling, university and residence hall policies and procedures, and developing activities and events.
The Grove - Brand new, 800-seat dining facility, open to residents, commuters, faculty and staff.
SAIL - Student Activities, Involvement and Leadership
SAS - Student Accessibility Services
SENG - Science and Engineering building
Syllabus - An outline of a course’s content, goals, assignments, grading policies, etc.
UMass Pass - Student ID
University Studies - General education requirements required by all UMassD students
Withdrawal - Dropping a course after add/drop deadline. Grade of a W will be recorded; does not affect GPA.
Work Study - A part of financial aid packages; money set aside for students to earn at a part time campus job
The best place for your books
The store works directly with the faculty and school to ensure we have the right materials and quantities on day one. We’ve got you covered from orientation to graduation!
Textbooks options
Rental, digital, used or new – choose the format that best suits your needs…and budget!
Rental Books
Rent & Save! You don’t want to keep the book after class is over. Rentals not only save you money, you can highlight and write in them too!
Digital Books
Allows you to access your textbooks anytime, anywhere, on any device. So convenient and often times saves you money.
Used Books
Same book, better price, previously owned. Eco-friendly - reduce, reuse and read used!
Access code:
One apparel, gift, supply, dorm or tech accessory item*
LARTS 222 | M-F 8:00am-5:00pm | 508.999.8359 starcenter@umassd.edu
The CAS Star Center has professional academic advisors, peer mentors, and faculty advisors from most Arts & Sciences majors and minors who can help you plan your academic career thoughtfully and thoroughly. Their services include exploring majors and minors, focusing on academic opportunities, and becoming a peer mentor.
CCB 101 | M-F 8:30am-4:30pm | umassd.edu/charlton/ student-success/academic-advising/
The Charlton College of Business Academic Advising Center is committed to your success and ready to help you navigate the path to graduation. As your academic advising team, we’ll help monitor your academic progress, listen to your concerns, and guide you to solutions to your questions.
LARTS 005B | M-F 8:00am-5:00pm | 508.999.8703 collegenow@admissions.umassd.edu umassd.edu/collegenow/
The College Now/START Program is the University’s alternative admissions program. Students admitted through College Now receive academic counseling, instruction, and individualized attention and support throughout their academic careers.
The mission of the Academic Advising & Support Office in the College of Nursing & Health Sciences is to provide academic advising and related services that support the whole student to achieve their academic, professional, personal and wellness goals. Get in touch us!: rekha.rosha@umassd.edu or eplante1@umassd.edu.
CVPA 1st floor lower, Rooms 155 & 157 | M-F 8:00am-4:00pm
The College of Visual and Performing Arts Advising Center provides advising for all CVPA students. CVPA advisors will assist with your overall academic experience and help with academic, personal, and professional goals. Advisors will collaborate with students, faculty, and staff to support students in their academic success. Advisor contact information is listed below:
Katie Letendre, Academic Advisor | CVPA 157 | 508.999.8565
Jason Loete, Director of recruitment, retention and student success CVPA 155 | 508.910.6635
ENGINEERING STUDENT SUPPORT & SERVICES (ES3) Dion, 3rd floor | M-F 8:30am-4:30pm | 508.999.8835 coesupport@umassd.edu | umassd.edu/engineering/support
ES3 is the professional advising office within the College of Engineering and works collaboratively with engineering faculty and support offices on campus to provide students with the resources necessary for success. All first-year COE students are assigned an ES3 advisor for their first year and then an engineering faculty advisor beginning their second year.
FERPA guarantees the privacy of a student’s educational records. When a student enters a postsecondary institution, the access rights to educational records previously held by parents/guardians are now transferred to the student.
The FERPA act makes provision for inspection, review, and amendment of educational records by the students and requires, in most instances, prior consent from the student for disclosure of such records to third parties.
The consent must be in writing, signed and dated by the student and must specify records to be released, reason for release, and the names of the parties to whom such records shall be released.
For more info & FERPA forms, visit:
Liberal Arts 005 | umassd.edu/arc | 508.999.8709
STEM Learning Lab | SENG 217 | 508.999.8718
Business Center | LARTS 010 | 508.999.8710
The Academic Resource Center (ARC) offers free peer tutoring to any UMass Dartmouth student throughout the school year, and during an abbreviated schedule for the summer and winter sessions. Both tutoring centers — STEM Learning Lab and the Business Tutoring Center — tutor students in a wide variety of subjects. The ARC works to ensure that students have clear, understandable and achievable academic goals.
Tripp Athletic Center | corsairathletics.com | 508.999.8720
The UMass Dartmouth Athletics and Recreation Department is a broad-based program, consisting of 19 NCAA Division III sports, 14 club sports, intramurals, aquatics, and recreation and fitness programming. Take advantage of the many indoor and outdoor facilities to continue an activity you’ve always enjoyed or embark on your new wellness journey. For information about participating on a varsity team, reach out to the head coach. For information on our many club sport and intramural activities, check out the Athletics website. We encourage and support first-time users in our fitness center and will provide instruction as you familiarize yourself with the facility. You don’t need to play to get in the game. Be a fan by marking all of the big games on your calendar. Admission is free for students and we promise an exciting game atmosphere. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @UMassDAthletics to get connected.
Foster Administration Building, Room 208 | M-TR 9:00am-5:00pm & FRI 10am-5:00pm 508.999.8832 | umassd.edu/bursar
The Bursar’s Office handles several financial-related functions for our students. These functions include monthly e-bill notifications and the collection of past due student accounts, administering the monthly payment plan in COIN/Student Financial Center, and the processing specific to nursing related student loans. The Bursar’s Office works in conjunction with the Student Service Center (SSC) to provide accurate and timely student account information.
Campus Center, first floor across from Game Room 508.999.8180 | umdstore.com
We are the campus’s one stop shop for gear and course materials for students, families, faculty, staff, and alumni. It is important for all students and their families to know, we do not carry textbooks in the store, and they must be ordered via our website. It is best to order early, and note that orders take a few days to be shipped either to the Campus Store (free) or to your home (for a small fee). If you have any questions, anyone at the store is happy to answer them.
Campus Center Suite 001 | umassd.edu/career
508.999.8658 | career@umassd.edu
Meet with a career counselor to discuss your choice of career and/or major, develop the professional skills you need to launch a successful internship or job search, or apply to graduate school. Attend any (or all) of our job and internship fairs, panels, or internship info sessions. Visit our website to access a range of online tools, including Handshake - your link to employers seeking to hire for internships and jobs. Activate and customize your Handshake account today!
Follow us on Instagram @UMassD_Career.
Auditorium Annex | By Appointment | 508.999.9153 bvieira@umassd.edu or kwright4@umassd.edu umassd.edu/studentaffairs/umassdcare
Care & Advocacy provides support to students experiencing difficulties and needing assistance in navigating university policies and procedures; for example: working with students who are contemplating a leave of absence, class absences due to extenuating circumstances, managing a difficult concern, financial concerns, academic concerns, and much more. Care & Advocacy uses Care Network referrals from students, staff, faculty, and external parties (family members, employers, etc.) to assist and guide students as they mange issues that affect their well-being, adjustment, and overall success at the University.
Room 202 | 508.999.8872
The Center for Religious and Spiritual Life coordinates religious activities and serves the spiritual needs of the UMassD community. Professionals from many of the religious denominations provide opportunities for worship, spiritual direction, spiritual counseling, and other programs which enable students, faculty and staff to learn the many positive contributions of faith communities and to grow spiritually, emotionally and intellectually within their faith tradition as well as gain greater appreciation and understanding of other faith traditions. Currently we have the following students groups active on campus: Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, & Protestant. We are also happy to assist in the forming of new student groups.
If you would like more information, visit our website at umassd.edu/studentaffairs/departments/center-for-religious-andspiritual-life/ , stop by or feel free to contact us:
Deacon Frank Lucca (Catholic, Dept. Coordinator) | flucca@umassd.edu
Rev. Scott A. Ciosek (Protestant) | stpetersdartmouth@gmail.com
Father Bill O’Donnelli (Catholic) | wodonnell@umassd.edu
Rabbi Rafi Kanter (Jewish) | rkanter@tinewbedford.org
Swami Yogamananda (Hindu) | yogamananda@vendantaprov.org
Campus Center Suite 207 | umassd.edu/cwgs
508.910.6567 | cwgs@umassd.edu
The Center for Women, Gender & Sexuality amplifies and advocates for women and the LGBTQIA+ community by eliminating barriers, diminishing prejudices, and creating a supportive climate and space for all. CWGS recognizes that investigations of gender and sexuality take place within systems of oppression, and are deeply impacted by experiences of racism, classism, ableism, immigration status, and xenophobia. CWGS offers intersectional education, support, and resources that work to dismantle systems of oppression, especially those that allow sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and reproductive injustice to thrive. We strive to do this work through an actively anti-racist lens that decenters white supremacy.
508.999.8750 | lib.umassd.edu
Need help? Ask us! That’s why we’re here! What can you do at the library? Check out books, laptops & more, find & use library resources, reserve study rooms, print, copy & scan, get research help, use computers, and study. The CTC Library is your starting point! To learn more, visit: lib.umassd.edu.
@umassd_commuters | commuters@umassd.edu
Did you know that UmassD is over 50% commuters? The commuter office is a great space for commuters to go to when they have a break. We offer Commuter Pit Stops once a month to help the commuter community come together. Try stopping by the Commuter Caf to get a quick bite to eat in between classes and to connect with other students. The Commuter Office also offers special events and items that for exclusively for commuter students.
Corsair Tech — Library 2nd Floor | ithelp.umassd.edu
CITS supports technology for your academic and social experiences. Service highlights include wireless access in academic buildings, residence halls and at participating institutions via Eduroam partner, Corsair Desktop (virtual computer access to university software), COIN, Mobile Computing Loan Program (borrow a laptop for the day), myCourses, PrintLess (complimentary printing throughout campus), IT Assistants, and LinkedIn Learning (online software training). Before the beginning of the semester, go to umassd.edu/ technology for free, downloadable, university software and check out discounted pricing on computers.
Auditorium Annex | M–F 8am–5pm, Urgent Care 1 pm–3:30 pm 508.999.8648 | umassd.edu/counseling
The Counseling Center provides a range of services to help students develop improved coping skills to address emotional, interpersonal and academic concerns. We offer primarily short-term counseling and will help students initiate referrals to community-based services when students need specialized or longer term services. Services are provided by licensed psychologists, licensed social workers, and advanced unlicensed doctoral trainees under close supervision of our licensed staff. Services include individual counseling, group counseling, workshops, and 24-hr crisis service.
A 24 hour, 7 days a week, 365 days a year support/crisis line is available to all students at 508.910.4357(HELP)
The Grove | M – Sun 9am – 5pm | 508.999.8147 | dineoncampus.com/umassd | dining@umassd.edu
UMass Dartmouth Dining Services offers all guests a wide variety of food options located on-campus. We have national retail brands and we use innovative brands as often as possible. As the central hub of the new facility of Balsam and Spruce, The Grove is an all-you-care-to-eat dining facility. This new dining area provides multiple stations, which offer a wide variety of food options and serves authentic cuisine from around the world. We offer many special dietary needs options at all of our dining locations. For convenience and flexibility, learn more about signing up for a meal plan by visiting our website or contacting us. To stay up to date on specials, dining events or pop ups be sure to follow us on social media: @UMassDEats
Foster Administration Building 105 | M–F 8am–5pm 508.999.8857
UMass Dartmouth Financial Aid Services (FAS) assists students with creating a financing strategy for their education. We support students by ensuring they understand all options and responsibilities to maximize their aid eligibility. FAS is staffed with professionals who are committed to finding a plan that fits every family’s unique situation. Aid is available in the form of grants, scholarships, federal student and parent loans, alternative private loans and/or part-time student employment to help defray educational expenses. Students must submit the FAFSA to be considered. FAS staff are always available to assist with all financial aid inquiries and needs. FAS also hosts Financial Aid Labs every Wednesday & Friday (except holidays) in LARTS Room 202 from 3:00pm to 4:00pm.
Lower Level of the Marketplace
508.999.9222 | unityhouse@umassd.edu
Established in 1995 as a part of UMass Dartmouth’s efforts to acknowledge the unique circumstances of its increasingly diverse student body, the Unity House provides a supportive environment for the academic, cultural, recreational, and social pursuits for UMassD’s diverse student populations. It offers the campus a wide array of educational and social programs designed to further equity and inclusiveness.
Claire T. Carney Library, Suite 220 | honors@umassd.edu | 508.999.8820 | umassd.edu/honors
The Honors College immerses students in a vibrant and innovative learning environment that engages and challenges academically talented students across all majors. We offer honors students transformative learning experiences in the classroom and through experiential activities.
Students are invited to join the Honors College at the time of admission or as a current UMassD student with a GPA of 3.5 or greater and fewer than 60 credits. Dedicated Honors advisors work with students to navigate their major curriculum alongside honors requirements.
Oak Glen Hall, 1st Floor
Follow us @UMassDLives | umassd.edu/housing housing@umassd.edu | 508.999.8140
Balsam and Spruce Halls opened in Fall 2020 as a home for about 1,200 students. 9 engagement communities encourage interaction between students who share academic, social, or cultural interests. You select your engagement community, room, and roommate using the Housing portal. If you would like to live on-campus, please pay your $200 Housing Reserve prepayment ASAP. All communication about housing is sent to students’ email accounts. Keep checking your UMassD email throughout the summer as this is how we will communicate official information with you as we near the start of the semester. Your specific arrival time is determined by your room assignment and will be sent to you later this summer.
LARTS, Rooms 207 & 208 | M–TH 9am - 5pm & F 9am - 4pm
The Language Learning and Multimedia Center is committed to promoting and facilitating the acquisition of language skills and explore language and culture by providing services and assistance that foster the development of communicative competency in a foreign language. Some services include free weekly language tutoring, one-on-one, drop-in sessions,
conversational groups, and reserved materials and movies: use of books, online sources, movies and textbook ancillaries to help clarify concepts of FL & Portuguese courses.
Liberal Arts 031 | umassd.edu/leduc
508.999.8144 | leduccenter@umassd.edu
Whether you join us for a day or commit for the semester, share your time and talents to make a difference and enhance your personal skills! The Leduc Center’s mission to is enrich the lives of our faculty, students, staff, and community through engaged learning, active citizenship, meaningful service, scholarship, and mutually beneficial partnerships. To explore your options or share your community-building idea, visit us visit us at umassd.edu/corsairengage or stop by our office 9am-5pm M-F!
Pine Dale Hall 7136 | 508.999.8872 | umassd.edu/accessibility
We work with students with documented disabilities to ensure mandates expressed in the Americans with Disabilities Act are upheld. If you had an IEP or 504 Plan in high school and are looking to receive academic accommodations or support, come to the Center. Common services may include extended time on tests in a reduced distraction environment, audio recording lectures, and one-on-one meetings with graduate assistants to discuss issues such as time management, organization, and meeting deadlines. You must self-disclose and provide appropriate documentation from a qualified licensed professional for Office of Student Accessibility services.
Campus Center, ground floor | umassd.edu/parking 508.999.8131 | parking@umassd.edu
The Parking Office is responsible for all aspects of parking on campus, including student parking registration assignments, parking tickets, and event parking logistics. All vehicles on campus must have a valid registered license plate corresponding to their affiliation to the campus. Parking tickets are connected to the RMV and must be paid to avoid fines and penalties.
LARTS 201B | 508.999.8441
PAL is a voluntary academic assistance program designed to help students improve their performance in traditionally difficult courses. PAL is for everyone, and open to all students in specific high challenge courses. Attendance at PAL sessions is free and voluntary. Students who attend PAL sessions weekly typically earn higher grades than students who do not. Please bring your lecture notes, books, and questions with you. Their services include workshops which are peer-led, student-centered study sessions that meet two to three times a week throughout the semester.
Foster Administration Building, 1st floor | M–F 8am–5pm | 508.999.8615 | umassd.edu/ssc & “Submit an Inquiry”
The Registrar’s Office serves students, faculty, staff and alumni through course registration and classroom schedule management, individual student academic records (including transcripts), degree audit maintenance, graduation application, university catalogs, as well as institutional academic policy facilitation, implementation, and enforcement.
Campus Center 215 | umassd.edu/studentactivities 508.999.8127 | sail@umassd.edu
The SAIL Office provides programming for the entire campus community. The student employee-led SAIL Events Team plans and executes a diverse schedule of activities and includes something for everyone. UMass Dartmouth has over 150 clubs and organizations for you to be a part of! Visit the SAIL Office website and click on MyOrgs to see what we have to offer. We also provide a number of different leadership opportunities and skill development workshops for the campus.
Across from Pine Dale Hall | M–F 8am–5pm (Academic Year), M-F 8am-4pm (Summer Break) | 508.999.8982 | umassd.edu/ studentaffairs/health
Access your health portal via the Quicklaunch menu on the MyUmassD login page to upload immunizations, complete health history and tuberculosis screening, schedule an appointment or send a secure message.
Campus Center 023 (ground floor, near Campus Store) umassd.edu/administrative-operations-compliance 508.999.8075 | abrowning@umassd.edu
The Student Mail and Package Center accepts mail and package deliveries for residential students from all major shipping carriers. Residents will receive an email notification from the Student Mail and Package Center or PackCity when their mail and/or package is ready for pick up. Packages will either be picked up from the Mail and Package Center or the self-service package lockers (PackCity) located next to the office doors.
Foster Administration Building, 1st floor | M–F 8am–5pm | umassd.edu/ssc | 508.999.8857
The Student Service Center (SSC) provides our students and their families with the tools and information needed to register for courses (make schedule changes), make payments (billing inquires), or apply for financial aid (federal and alternative loan options).
To see helpful information on billing, financial aid, registration, or to submit an inquiry, please visit the Student Service Center website at umassd.edu/ssc. Allow 1-2 business days after submitting an inquiry for a UMassD representative to respond.
Cedar Dell South, Unit 564 | Office Hours 8am - 5:00pm umassd.edu/transportation | 508.999.8131 | transportation@ umassd.edu
Campus Transportation provides service for the on-campus shuttle, Retail Shuttle Loop, New Bedford Loop, event shuttle transportation, charter buses, Zip Car, and various local bus services and routes. Campus shuttles run on a scheduled loop every 10-15 minutes during service times. Safe Rides are available when shuttle service is not available.
Campus Center, ground floor | umassd.edu/umasspass 508.999.8134 | umasspass@umassd.edu
UMass Pass is the official UMass Dartmouth identification card and you will use it to access University buildings, use your meal plan, and load funds for use on and off campus. UMDollars can be used at the Campus Store and all on-campus dining venues. To get your UMass Pass, go to myUMassD > Quicklaunch > UMass Pass. Select Student to log in Student/Staff/Faculty. Follow the instructions and specs to submit your photo for your I.D.
Ring Road, across from Balsam and Spruce | umassd.edu/university-police | 508.999.8107 (non-emergency) 508.999.9191 (emergency)
The UMass Dartmouth Police Department is a full service, MPACaccredited law enforcement agency that provides a wide array of police and public safety services to the University community, which consists of a 710-acre main campus and five satellite campuses located in the cities of New Bedford and Fall River. Officers are trained by the Municipal Police Training Committee (MPTC) and are fully sworn officers with full arrest powers.
“Accountable, competent and trustworthy, the UMass Dartmouth Police deliver a proactive, student-centered style of policing, and focus on being a visible and inclusive university partner committed to student education, crime prevention, and on being the guardians of human life and property for the university community”.
LARTS 221 | M–F 10am–5pm | wmc.Info@umassd.edu
The Writing and Multiliteracy Center values a comfortable and collaborative dynamic between tutors and writers. Our goal is to help you establish or better define your confidence within yourself and your writing and as a constituent of UMassD. Our services include in-person feedback, online synchronous feedback, and online asynchronous video feedback.
Map Key
Building Name
A Liberal Art & Science Building
• Leduc Center
B Main Auditorium
C MacLean Campus Center
• Campus Store
• Crow’s Nest Pub
• UMassD Pass Office
• UMassD Mail Center
D Grove Resident Dining Hall
E Residence Halls
• Aspen Hall
• Balsam Hall
• Birch Hall
• Evergreen Hall
• Hickory Hall
• Ivy Hall
• Oak Glen Hall
• Pine Dale Hall
• Spruce Hall
• Willow
F Foster Administration
• Bursar and Registrar
• Financial Aid
• Graduate Admissions Office
• Online & Continuing Education
• Student Service Center
G Campus Police/Steam Plant
H Visual & Performing Arts Building
I Tripp Athletic Center
J Claire T. Carney Library
K Library Lecture Halls (205, 206, and 207)
L Science and Engineering Building
M Textile
N Violette Research
O Karam Campanile
P Amphitheater
R Auditorium Annex
• Admissions Office
S Charlton College of Business Building
S1 Charlton Learning Pavilion
T Dion Science and Engineering Building
U Cedar Dell Village
V Woodland Commons
• Jeanne’s Cupboard
W Health Services
X Research Building
Y The Marketplace Conference Center
UMassD Alert is a notification system that immediately delivers emergency information to the UMassD community via mobile phone text and voice messaging. Different types of notifications include weather related closings and delays, environmental or violent crime emergencies that significantly disrupt daily activities or pose an immediate threat to health and safety. Any student considering or planning to take a temporary leave or permanent withdrawal from the University will be required to follow specified University procedures. Completed Leave of Absence / Withdrawals form with copies of military orders should be
Benefits Guidelines
UMassD Veterans Webpage Join the UMassD chapter of Student Veterans of America. You can join the chapter through MyOrgs!
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth 285 Old Westport Road, Dartmouth, MA 02747 508.910.6402 | umassd.edu/orientation Military Leave of Absence