UMass Dartmouth Report on Discovery

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Annual report on research and creative activity

Forecasting the ocean

Annual report on research and creative activity

Dr. Changsheng Chen (Fisheries Oceanography) displays his computer simulation of how a tsunami created by sudden uplift of the seafloor crashed into the northeast coast of Japan on March 11, 2011. Dr. Chen and collaborator Dr. Robert Beardsley of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution developed FVCOM (Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model) to simulate the behavior of the coastal ocean. The model has also helped locate a downed Air France jet, assist Olympic sailing teams, and chart the motion of coastal water of Massachusetts (above) and around the globe. Dr. Chen is now collaborating with colleagues at MIT to forecast the impacts of heavy rains, high river discharge, tides, wind propelled waves, and storm surges as the climate changes. Dr. Chen published 12 journal papers and secured more than $700,000 in external awards last year.

In 1862, Abraham Lincoln signed the historic Morrill Act, granting federal lands to states to create public universities. The vision was to create new opportunities for citizens to expand their intellectual horizons and focus discovery on the needs and aspirations of states. In 1895, the prosperous textile centers of Fall River and New Bedford started their own local land grant effort with the creation of technical institutes to keep the managers and leaders of this bedrock American industry ahead of the curve. These institutes would later merge and give rise to UMass Dartmouth. Fast forward to 2012—150 years removed from Lincoln’s launching of public higher education and nearly 50 years after the UMass Dartmouth campus was created—and our University is powering the SouthCoast Innovation Triangle. UMass Dartmouth has evolved into a vibrant regional research university, one that is focused and motivated by regional needs and aspirations, but offering the benefit of our discoveries to the Commonwealth, nation, and world. From textiles to tissue Funded by the National Textile Center, the 3D braiding machine (top) at the College of Engineering weaves superstrong fabrics. Scientists envision using this technology to create products ranging from aircraft siding to synthetic blood vessels.

These demanding times call us to be fully engaged in the search for solutions to the daunting challenges facing our communities; to lead the way in finding new paths toward economic and social prosperity; and to inspire a new generation of innovators. We cherish these responsibilities and are proud to share our progress with our colleagues and peers across the nation.

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The SouthCoast Innovation Triangle emerges when one draws lines on a map to surround the UMass Dartmouth main campus and its major research centers in Fall River and New Bedford. It is within this Triangle that $26 million worth of scientific and creative ventures of UMass Dartmouth faculty and students create a world of discovery. The engines of discovery within this Innovation Triangle can be found on the main campus, which houses multiple research centers focused on marine science, tissue engineering, biomimetics and anti-bioterrorism, public policy, entrepreneurship, global conflict, education reform and other fields critical to the social and economic development of the region and commonwealth. The Triangle aligns with the region’s historical connection to the ocean and textile manufacturing industry, expanding toward a horizon where new opportunities to prosper and new solutions to challenges take shape. In New Bedford, the School for Marine Science and Technology works to sustain the economicenvironmental balance of commercial fishing, coastal development, and renewable energy. The downtown College of Visual and Performing Arts is the catalyst of the city’s creative economy. In Fall River, once a global textiles leader, the Advanced Technology and Manufacturing Center connects world-class researchers and facilities to fledgling technology firms. Nearby, the University is building the Biomanufacturing Center, a first-in-the-world anchor to a biopark that will accelerate the development of the life sciences cluster in the region.


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Engineering tissue With six patents and more than 270 publications in scholarly journals, Dr. Paul Calvert (Bioengineering) is recognized worldwide for his work in biomimetics, biomaterials and soft materials engineering. He is working with techniques to print living cells into gels to create 3D tissue structures. Dr. Calvert published five journal papers last year and will spend summer 2012 on an Irish government research fellowship in Dublin.

Preserving fishery habitats and a way of life Dr. Kevin Stokesbury (Fisheries Oceanography) captures video images of the Atlantic scallop habitat to document the population and help sustain New Bedford as the primary scallop port in the U.S. Dr. Steve Cadrin’s (Fisheries Oceanography) research has informed the dialogue about the future of the cod fishing industry in New England. Drs. Stokesbury and Cadrin published more than 20 journal papers and secured more than $5 million in new research awards last year.

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Dr. Nima Rahbar

Dr. Katja Hölttä-Otto

Bridging human and environmental needs Dr. Chad McGuire (Public Policy) examines policies ranging from fisheries management to coastal preservation. “Southern New England offers incredible opportunities to study environmental policy because of the diversity of natural and cultural resources,” he said. Dr. McGuire published four journal papers last year.


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Over the past decade, UMass Dartmouth has recruited more than 100 young faculty members with a passion for sharing their research with their undergraduate and graduate students. Over the past year, the National Science Foundation recognized this commitment by selecting three UMass Dartmouth researchers for its prestigious Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Awards. Dr. Katja Hölttä-Otto (Mechanical Engineering) works with entrepreneurs who want to bring new products to market, but need to finely balance the risks and rewards of the venture. Dr. Hölttä-Otto has analyzed more than 300 products, from an inverted-chain chainsaw to a wheelchair that is propelled by the touch of a finger. Dr. Nima Rahbar (Civil and Environmental Engineering) focuses his research on understanding the physical designs found in nature, such as the molecular structure of shells, and mimics them to form super-strong, environmentally-friendly materials. Dr. Chandra Orrill (Kaput–STEM) investigates how math teachers can relate better to their 21st century students. Her research will inform math education reforms and professional Dr. Chandra Orrill

Reflecting on nursing excellence Dr. Marilyn Asselin (Adult and Child Nursing) conducts research on how to enhance and improve nursing care. Dr. Asselin’s recent studies show that many RNs are better able to transition to new roles and manage complexity in a clinical environment through the use of reflection. Future work will be aimed at decreasing burnout and increasing job satisfaction, patient care, and quality outcomes. Dr. Asselin published three journal papers last year.

development opportunities for teachers.

Healthy relationships, healthy bodies Dr. Brian Ayotte (Psychology) studies the effect of personal relationships on our health, focusing on the ways our partners and friends can affect choices and attitudes that lead to better or worse health outcomes. Dr. Ayotte published four journal papers and one book chapter last year.

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Dr. Brian Williams (History) was hired by the CIA’s National Counterterrorism Center in 2007 to track suicide bombers in Afghanistan. A nationally recognized expert on the war, he published Afghanistan Declassified: A Guide to America’s Longest War, which recounts his experiences working for NATO in a forward operating base near the Afghan capital.


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In India, the world’s second largest democracy and a rising economic powerhouse, there is a crisis decades in the making. Millions of mothers and fathers worry every day whether they will be able to find a fresh glass of water for their children. This is a challenge emerging across the globe and even in some corners of the United States due to population and industrial growth. Dr. Sukalyan Sengupta (Civil and Environmental Engineering) and his team are working to confront this crisis from India to Cape Cod. Dr. Sengupta has authored numerous articles and papers on his studies in the treatment and recovery of drinking water. Prof. Sengupta and his research group have developed innovative technologies and processes that remove heavy metals, phosphorous and other harmful substances from industrial, agricultural and municipal wastewater. His discoveries have shaped the design of arsenic removal systems for West Bengal in India. The team has developed a biological process to remove nitrogen from agricultural effluents and storm water in pilot projects on Cape Cod and in Connecticut. If proven successful, these discoveries have the potential to transform the quality of life for millions of people around the world.

Dr. Avery Plaw (Political Science) focuses his current research on the legal, political and ethical issues raised by the U.S. campaign that uses unmanned drones to hunt and kill suspected terrorists. His studies build on earlier work he published in 2008 about Israeli anti-terrorist activities in a book entitled, Targeting Terrorists: A License to Kill?. In the past year he has published four journal papers.

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Five UMass Dartmouth faculty members received Fulbright Scholarships last year, bringing their

Dr. Victoria Crayhon (Photography) traveled to Russia to

ideas to the rest of the world and returning to campus with global

photograph urban and rural public spaces and industrial landscapes,

perspectives to share with their students. (clockwise from left):

while teaching classes in the art and history of photography.

Dr. Lisa Maya Knauer (Sociology and Anthropology) journeyed

Dr. Jerry Blitefield (English) spent a semester at Esterhazy-Karoly

to Guatemala to research human rights and emigration —a topic

College in Eger, Hungary, teaching in a Master’s program in

of special interest due to the approximately 5,000-strong Mayan

American Studies and conducting research on rhetoric and writing

community that has grown in New Bedford in recent years.

related to the Hungarian Revolution of 1956.

Dr. Catherine Curran (Management and Marketing) taught

Dr. Maureen P. Hall (Teaching and Learning) conducted

at both Rouen Business School in France and University College

research on the Super Accelerated Learning Theory at the University

Dublin, where her teaching and research centered on European food

of Allahabad in India, as well as in rural India.

advertising aimed at children and its impact on childhood obesity.


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Evaluating the cloud Dr. Liudong Xing (Electrical and Computer Engineering) is developing new models and methods for predicting and evaluating the reliability of large scale computer systems such as cloud networks. Dr. Xing published six journal papers last year.

Measuring climate change Dr. Mark Altabet’s (Estuarine and Ocean Sciences) research focuses on the role of nitrogen, an essential component of all living things, in the marine environment and the development of new tools to study it. Dr. Altabet’s research group has reconstructed past nitrogen cycles showing strong sensitivity to global climate change. Dr. Altabet published six journal papers and secured $195,000 in external awards last year.

Logistics and supply chain Dr. Angappa Gunasekaran (Decision and Information Sciences) is developing a theoretical framework for agile manufacturing, responsive and build-to-order supply chain design, and the implications of enterprise resource planning systems in supply chain integration. Dr. Gunasekaran’s work has been cited more than 8,000 times by scholars in his field. He published nine journal papers last year.

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Inspiring through

Prof. Anthony Fisher (Fine Arts) has chosen painting as his medium to explore the themes of the self through metaphors in the still-life and portrait. Fisher most recently exhibited at Galerie Mourlot, New York City. His work has been reviewed in Art News and ArtCritical. Fisher has also exhibited at the Robert and Elaine Stein Galleries at Wright State University. His work is included in numerous private and public collections.


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A creative economy engine The College of Visual and Performing Arts Star Store campus in downtown New Bedford is home to hundreds of artists working in a variety of disciplines. Since 2001, CVPA has been a landmark and vital component of New Bedford’s emergence as a cultural and academic hub, generating an estimated $90 million in nearby investment. CVPA’s main campus site houses both visual and music programs.

Dr. Harvey Goldman (Digital Media) has created work in the fields of ceramics, digital imaging, animation and music. His work, Sabinium, has been exhibited at the Smithsonian Institution. He has received grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, The Ford Foundation, and the Mass. Council on the Arts and Humanities.

Prof. Rebecca Hutchinson (Artisanry) studies the structure of nature through her work, examining different species with an intuitive understanding of both their ecosystem function and engineering. Her work has been exhibited from Boston to Italy. u n i v e r s i t y o f m a s s a c h u s e t t s d a rt m o u t h


Dr. Sigal Gottlieb (Mathematics) grew up in an environment where the wonders and secrets of mathematics were discussed and debated as dinner table conversation with her father, David, one of the founders of spectral methods, a subfield of computational mathematics. Today, Dr. Gottlieb is passing on a passion for mathematics to her students at a time when scientific computation has joined experiment and theory to become a central pillar of modern science. Dr. Gottlieb’s research, which is funded by the National Science Foundation, focuses on the design, analysis, and implementation of numerical methods to simulate problems that feature quickly changing quantities: waves forming and breaking, or the flow of air over the tip of an airplane wing. Dr. Gottlieb believes that research is a central part of the undergraduate experience, yields a deeper and more meaningful education— and increases the potential of student success after graduation. “Our students greatly benefit from having faculty members who are actively engaged in research and mentor them through this process,” she said. “I am committed to the goal of integrating research into the undergraduate curriculum and giving every UMass Dartmouth undergraduate the edge this provides.”

12 r e p o rt o n d i s c o v e ry

A super-computer, superlative results A multi-disciplinary team led by Dr. SigaL Gottlieb and Dr. Robert Fisher received $400,000 from the National Science Foundation and the Department of Defense to create a supercomputer that harnesses the power of graphical processing units — the same processing units that drive every computer and gaming console. This high-performance computer will enable researchers to model complex phenomena and conduct numerical experiments related to medicine, the environment, economic competitiveness, and national security.

Investigating human exposure to contamination Dr. Kelly G. Pennell (Civil and Environmental Engineering) investigates human exposure to contaminated soil vapors which can be present inside buildings or beneath them— an issue of concern since radon emerged as a health concern in the 1970s. Dr. Pennell also conducts research on drinking water treatment technologies, specifically water disinfection techniques. Last year Dr. Pennell published two journal papers and secured $241,000 in external awards.

Learning from the dolphins Richard Connor (Biology) studies bottlenose dolphins. His work focuses on alliances formed by adult males in competition over estrus females. These alliances are remarkable for their complexity and are of a form that has no match outside of our own species. His findings have important implications for current thinking about the role complex social relationships had in the evolution of large brain size and intelligence in mammals. Dr. Connor published five journal papers and one book chapter last year, including a publication in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

u n i v e r s i t y o f m a s s ac h u s e t t s da rt m o u t h


Building the The UMass Dartmouth Biomanufacturing Center is one of the most exciting developments to come out of the University’s close engagement with our region. It is a firstin-the-world scale-up facility that will open in Fall River in 2013. The $28 million Center will provide unique capabilities that will attract life science companies from around the state, nation, and world to introduce their products to the marketplace. Once the value of the products is proven, these companies will graduate from the Center, and will be able to locate full-fledged manufacturing operations in the biopark or across the state. The Center will test biomanufacturing processes at scale, train both the current and future workforce and provide a unique research platform for University faculty in fields ranging from the life sciences and business to public policy. Just as important, the Center will anchor the 150-acre SouthCoast Biopark, generating an impact on the region that will be far-reaching, tangible and long-term. Projections for job growth are substantial, with graduates of the facility generating an estimated 200 direct jobs and an additional 600 jobs in supporting businesses. These jobs are projected to generate more than $500 million in personal income tax revenue to Massachusetts over a 25-year period—the minimum life of the typical biomanufacturing company. At the same time, each additional tenant in the Biopark will generate a surge of construction jobs. Biomanufacturing plant construction costs generate as much as $2 billion for the local economy. 14 r e p o rt o n d i s c o v e ry

The Claire T. Carney Library The $43 million renovation of the Claire T. Carney Library will be complete in the fall of 2012, creating a new intellectual hub for the campus where knowledge is created and shared.

Ferreira Mendes Portuguese-American Archives The Ferreira Mendes PortugueseAmerican Archives houses one of the richest collections of manuscripts, digitized newspapers, photographs, and artifacts in the U.S. that documents the Portuguese-American experience.

The School for Marine Science and Technology, a growing marine science campus, is located on New Bedford Harbor, home of one of the nation’s leading fishing ports. A planned 60,000-square foot expansion will accommodate growth in ocean modeling, fisheries management, coastal systems, acoustics, biogeochemistry, and ocean engineering.

National Botulinum Research Center The National Botulinum Research Center, located on the main campus, focuses on detection strategies, cures, and treatments for botulism, one of the leading bioterrorism threats identified by the U.S. government. The facility includes a BSL 3 lab and is built into a new research facility designed to promote inter-disciplinary research.

Advanced Technology and Manufacturing Center The 60,000-square foot ATMC in Fall River brings University laboratories, researchers, and fledgling technology companies together to incubate new products and ideas. Located where one of the region’s largest textile mills once stood, the ATMC is a symbol of the region’s economic future. u n i v e r s i t y o f m a s s a c h u s e t t s d a rt m o u t h




$546,000 4%

1 Engineering




$3,084,000 23%

2 Physical Sciences



3 Department of Defense



3 Environmental Science





4 Mathematical Science



5 Department of Health & Human Services $720,000


5 Computer Science





4 Department of Energy

6 Department of Commerce



6 Life Sciences

7 Department of Education



7 Psychology

8 Federal Highway Administration



8 Education

9 Other

$469,000 3%


$13,657,000 100%

9 Other Sciences Total

(As reported to National Science Foundation for fiscal year 2011)

16 r e p o rt o n d i s c o v e ry







$13,657,000 100%

Scholars with three or more journal papers, books, book chapters; and juried or invited exhibitions or performances in academic year 2010-11. For full citations visit Altabet, Mark (Estuarine & Ocean Sciences) Anderson, Michael (Accounting & Finance) Asselin, Marilyn (Adult & Child Nursing) Ayotte, Brian (Psychology) Bai, Xiaole (Computer & Information Science) Bernal, Diego (Biology) Braha, Dan (Decision & Information Sciences) Cadrin, Steve (Fisheries Oceanography) Calvert, Paul (Bioengineering) Chalivendra, Vijaya (Mechanical Engineering) Chen, Changsheng (Fisheries Oceanography) Connor, Richard (Biology) Creighton, Richard (Fine Arts) Davenport, Alma (Fine Arts)

Understanding a cultural foundation In a region where 40 percent of the population is of Portuguese descent, Dr. Anna Klobucka (Portuguese) and her colleagues have made UMass Dartmouth a world leader in the study of Portuguese culture. Dr. Klobucka published a new book, two journal papers and two book chapters last year.

Drew, Robert (Biology) Fan, Qinguo (Bioengineering) Fisher, Anthony (Fine Arts) Georgianna, Daniel (Fisheries Oceanography) Goldman, Harvey (Design) Gottlieb, Sigal (Mathematics) Gunasekaran, Angappa (Decision & Information Sciences) Hartigan, Royal (Music) He, Pingguo (Fisheries Oceanography) Hegedus, Stephen (Kaput Center-Math) Hunter Revell, Susan (Adult & Child Nursing) Hutchinson, Rebecca (Artisanry) Kaplowitz, Laurie (Fine Arts) Khanna, Gaurav (Physics) Kim, Yong (Bioengineering) Klobucka, Anna (Portuguese) Ladd, Thomas Spencer (Design) Larkosh, Christopher (Portuguese)

Dr. Magali Carrera’s (Art History) Traveling from New Spain to Mexico, published by Duke University Press, is a major contribution to the understanding of the history and culture of Mexico. This is Dr. Carrera’s second book on Mexico.

Latt Savage, Stacy (Fine Arts) Lawton, James (Artisanry) Li, Yifei (Electrical and Computer Engineering) Lintala, Eric (Fine Arts) Manning, Kenneth L. (Political Science) Marlow, James (English)

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Awardees receiving $10,000 or more in fiscal year 2011.

McCurry, Mary (Adult & Child Nursing) McGuire, Chad (Public Policy) McWain, Andrew (Music)

Altabet, Mark (Estuarine & Ocean Sciences) National Science Foundation, Smithsonian Institution

Mello, Charlene (Biochemistry) Mogawer, Walaa (Civil & Environmental Engineering) Moisander, Pia (Biology) Oliveira, Kenneth (Biology) Owens, Douglas (Music) Parayitam, Satya (Management & Marketing) Paz-y-Mino, Guillermo (Biology) Peltz-Steele, Richard (Law) Plaw, Avery (Political Science) Rahbar, Nima (Civil & Environmental Engineering) Richardson, Elizabeth (Psychology) Silby, Mark (Biology) St. Pierre, Marc (Fine Arts) Stokesbury, Kevin (Fisheries Oceanography) Sulkowski, Adam (Management & Marketing) Turner, Jefferson (Biology) Wang, Honggang (Electrical & Computer Engineering) Wang, Jing (Music)


Balasubramian, Ramprasad (Computer & Information Science) Office of Naval Research


Bergandy, Jan (Computer & Information Science) Bristol Community College


Blake, Loretta (SouthCoast Education Compact) National Endowment for the Humanities


Blanton, Maria (Mathematics) National Science Foundation


Brown, David (Electrical & Computer Engineering) Office of Naval Research


Brown, Wendell (Estuarine & Ocean Sciences) Office of Naval Research, Rutgers University


Buck, John (Electrical & Computer Engineering) Office of Naval Research


Cadrin, Steven (Fisheries Oceanography) $3,278,330 Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation, Gulf of Maine Research Institute, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, et al.

Wang, Shouhong (Decision & Information Sciences) Xing, Liudong (Electrical and Computer Engineering) Zhou,Tianxu (Music) Zuo, Yuegang (Chemistry)

PCE – Professional and Continuing Education SACJ – Sociology, Anthropology, Crime and Justice STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering and Math CUSP – Center for University, School and Community Partnerships

Best student papers Two electrical engineering doctoral candidates won prestigious Best Student Paper Awards in Engineering Acoustics recently at a national meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in San Diego. Sairajan “Sai” Sarangapani and Corey Bachand (left) received first and second prizes, respectively, for papers that contribute to the understanding of underwater communication, fish finding, energy harvesting, and energy efficiency. Their work was done at the Electroacoustics Research Laboratory at the Advanced Technology and Manufacturing Center in Fall River under the advisement of Dr. Boris Aronov and Dr. David Brown. 18 r e p o rt o n d i s c o v e ry

Cai, Shuowei (Chemistry / Biochemistry) Anterios, Inc., U.S. Army Natick Soldier Center Calvert, Paul (Bioengineering) Duke University


Gottlieb, Sigal (Mathematics) $452,457 Air Force Office of Scientific Research, King Abdullah University


He, Pingguo (Fisheries Oceanography) $569,168 Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation, Cornell University, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, University of New Hampshire

Chen, Changsheng ((Fisheries Oceanography) $702,935 Marine Biological Laboratory, Mass. Water Resources Authority, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mississippi State University, National Science Foundation, New England Regional Assoc. of Coastal Ocean Observing System, Third Sector New England, Inc., University of North Carolina, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Cory, Lester (Electrical & Computer Engineering) Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission


Cowles, Geoffrey (Fisheries Oceanography) $164,838 Office of Naval Research, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Daigle, Thomas (Academic Resource Center) U.S. Department of Education Ferreira, Tracie (Bioengineering) National Institutes of Health

$403,504 $45,390

Hegedus, Stephen (Mathematics) National Science Foundation, Town of Dartmouth


Howes, Brian (Estuarine & Ocean Sciences) $1,343,276 Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence, Cape Cod Water Protection Collaborative, Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Protection, Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, U.S. Department of Interior, Westport Watershed Alliance, multiple towns Hyun, Saang-Yoon (Fisheries Oceanography) Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission


Jennings, Susan (Sustainability) Brockton Area Workforce Investment Board, U.S. Department of Energy


Garro, Anthony (Academic Affairs) University of Massachusetts Boston


Jochim, Lisa (Workers Education) $601,554 Bristol Community College, Corp for National and Community Service, Greater New Bedford Workforce Investment Area, Massachusetts Dept. of Elementary & Secondary Education

Georgianna, Daniel (Fisheries Oceanography) Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries


Kalbrener, Kristen (International Program Office) University of Massachusetts Boston

Goodman, Louis (Estuarine & Ocean Sciences) Office of Naval Research


Goodman, Michael (Public Policy) UMass Donahue Institute, Town of Dartmouth


Gangopadhyay, Avijit (Physics) Horizon Marine, Inc., Rutgers University

Marine Renewable Energy The UMass Dartmouth-based Marine Renewable Energy Center is working with the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center to develop in-ocean test sites for tidal, wave and other marine energy technology to harness the power of the sea.



Khanna, Gaurav (Physics) $170,249 National Science Foundation, Silicon Valley Community Foundation Kim Saeja (Mathematics) National Science Foundation


A student of international merit Cate O’Keefe, a marine science doctoral candidate, delivered her award-winning presentation on the successful industry collaboration in sea scallop research at the Northeast Regional Collaborative Research Conference in New Hampshire.

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Kim, Yong, K. (Bioengineering) Massachusetts Clean Energy Center Koot, Gerald M. (History) National Endowment for the Humanities

$40,000 $200,445

Kruger, Cynthia (Teaching & Learning) Greater New Bedford Workforce Investment Area


Krumholz, Susan (SAJC) (Sociology, Anthropology & Criminal Justice) University of Massachusetts Lowell


Laoulache, Raymond (Mechanical Engineering) Taco, Inc.


Li, Yifei (Electrical & Computer Engineering) $436,456 Naval Research Laboratory, Office of Naval Research Laboratory Dr. Adam Sulkowski (Management & Marketing) focuses his research on industry’s attention to the “triple bottom line” and seeks to engage his undergraduate students in his research. Dr. Sulkowski worked with honors student Cassandra Walsh (above) last year on a study of 113 companies that found a link between a company’s commitment to green practices and employee job satisfaction. Dr. Sulkowski published seven journal papers last year.

Mackenzie, Keith (ATMC) $198,112 New England Transportation Consortium, Progeny Systems Corp. Maiocco, Carmen (Lead Program) Massachusetts Department of Public Health McGuirl-Hadley, Joy (PCE) Massachusetts Cultural Council

$283,829 $36,000

Miller, John (Economic Development) $1,502,053 Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Interior Mogawer, Walaa (Civil & Environmental Engineering) $475,021 Federal Aviation Administration, Massachusetts Department of Transportation, University of New Hampshire Moosavi, Sadredin (STEM) National Science Foundation


Neto, Catherine (Chemistry, Biochemistry) Bruker Corporation, Cranberry Institute, University of Massachusetts Amherst


O’Connor, Karen A. (CUSP) $894,590 Edith Glick Shoolman Children’s Fund, National Writing Project, U.S. Department of Education

Prof. Richard Peltz-Steele (Law) focuses his research on the law of mass communication. His publications include several journal articles, as well as book chapters, a casebook in tort law, and a forthcoming casebook on freedom of information law and policy. He is especially active in international media law and policy, having presented papers in Malaysia and South Africa, and having published in international journals, most recently regarding African development and the 2010 men’s World Cup in soccer.

20 r e p o rt o n d i s c o v e ry

Oliveira, Kenneth (Biology) $174,288 Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Orrill, Chandra (STEM) National Science Foundation, University of Georgia


Pacheco, Melissa (PCE) Dominion Foundation


Payton, Karen (Electrical & Computer Engineering) Speech Technology and Applied Research


Pennell, Kelly (Civil Engineering) Brown University


Pilskaln, Cynthia (Estuarine & Ocean Sciences) Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution


Raessi, Mehdi (Mechanical Engineering) Sunwell Technologies


Rahbar, Nima (Civil Engineering) Metropolitan Museum of Art, University of Massachusetts Medical School


Ramos, Wayne (Upward Bound) $19,954 Island Foundation Inc., Massachusetts Department of Education Rancour, David (Electrical & Computer Engineering) Small Business Administration Rasapalli, Sivappa (Chemistry, Biochemistry) Microbiotix

$325,000 $63,299

Rice, John (Mechanical Engineering) $60,984 Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, Progeny Systems Corp. Robinson, Robin (Sociology / Anthropology) University of Massachusetts Medical School Roy, Matthew H. (Academic Affairs) Corporation for National and Community Service, Massachusetts Service Alliance Russell, Gail (Nursing) Health Resources Service Administration Shapiro, Amy (Psychology) U.S. Department of Education Silby, Mark (Biology) Tufts University

$15,025 $524,623

$12,555 $187,552 $61,280

Sims-Knight, Judith (Psychology) National Science Foundation


Singh, Bal Ram (Chemistry / Biochemistry) Newton Photonics, Sandia National Labs


Stokesbury, Kevin (Fisheries Oceanography) 1,986,096 American Scallop Association, National Fish & Wildlife Foundation, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration Sundermeyer, Miles (Estuarine & Ocean Science) Office of Naval Research


Tandon, Amit (Physics) Office of Naval Research


Turner, Jefferson (Fisheries Oceanography) Battelle Memorial Institute


Vigeant, Paul (Economic Development) Massachusetts Office of Business Development


Vokkarane, Vinod (Computer Information Science) U.S. Department of Energy


Zarrillo, Marguerite (Physics) U.S. Department of Transportation


Schools and Colleges — College of Arts and Sciences Charlton College of Business College of Engineering School of Education, Public Policy and Civic Engagement School of Law School for Marine Science and Technology College of Nursing College of Visual and Performing Arts Research centers — Advanced Technology & Manufacturing Center Arnold M. Dubin Labor Education Center Botulinum Research Center Boivin Center for French Language and Culture Business Innovation Research Center Center for Civic Engagement Center for Indic Studies Center for Jewish Culture Center for Marketing Research Center for Molecular Diagnostics Center for Policy Analysis Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture Center for Rehabilitation Engineering Center for University, School and Community Partnerships Kaput Center for Research and Innovation in STEM Education Marine Renewable Energy Center Ora M. DeJesus Gerontology Center Contacts Dr. John Farrington Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs 508.999.8024 Dr. Alex Fowler Associate Provost for Graduate Studies 508.999.8542 Louis Petrovic Director, Advanced Technology Manufacturing Center 508.910.9842 Paul Vigeant Assistant Chancellor for Economic Development 508.999.9143 Joanne Zanella-Litke Director, Office of Research Administration 508.999.8942

285 Old Westport Road, North Dartmouth, MA 02747-2300

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