Fall 2017 Watson Scholar's Day

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Welcome to the University of Mary Hardin-

Baylor’s tenth annual (and second biannual) Watson Scholars’ Day. Sponsored by UMHB’s Office of Research, Scholars’ Day showcases outstanding undergraduate and graduate research that has taken place on the UMHB campus during the academic year.

Schedule of Events Time


11:00 AM-12:15 PM

Concurrent Paper Panels (Great Hall A/C/D, Bawcom Student Union)

11:30 AM-12:30 PM

Poster Session Presentations (Great Hall Lobby, Bawcom Student Union)

12:30 PM-1:30 PM

Lunch & Awards for Presenters, Faculty Sponsors (Great Hall E, Bawcom Student Union)


11:30 AM-12:30 PM (Bawcom Student Union, Great Hall Lobby) #301— Effects of Dry Needling & Dry Needling with E-Stim on the Neck Disability Index and Markers of Pain Abstract: The current study utilized ten participants with trapezius pain to determine the effects dry needling or dry needling combined with electrical stimulation on trigger-point pain. Subjects participated in 6 dry needling treatment sessions. While there was no significant difference between treatment groups, both groups experienced a significant decrease in pain. (PI: Sara Hayward; CoAuthors: Kristen Brandon, Autumn Bridges, Christina Fomina, Heather Wooden, Kindyle Brennan; Faculty Sponsor: Colin Wilborn) *Cover art designed by David Sulsh, a graduate of UMHB’s Department of Biology.


#302 — Game Engine Development Abstract:

Sponsor: Heejun Choi)

(PI: Apollo Demetrious Sharpe, Sr.; Faculty

#303 — Effects of Electrical Stimulation on Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness and Performance: Specifically on Strength, Power, and Endurance Abstract: (PI: Sarah Eun Yung Benz; CoAuthors: David Tyler Dillon, Jean Guthrie, Matthew Marks, Megan Purswell; Faculty Sponsor: Colin Wilborn) #306 — The Effects of A Static Balance Training Program Compared to a Dynamic Balance Training Program Abstract: Balance deficits are a common occurrence in physical therapy patients and can lead to increased risk of falling. The purpose of this study was to determine and compare the effectiveness of abbreviated static and dynamic balance training programs in 18-35 year-old adults using the Biodex Balance System. (PI: Jacob Rash; CoAuthors: Rachael Brown, Kevin Bierle, Eric Henderson, Kyle Tanner, Garrett Schwartz; Faculty Sponsor: Barbara Gresham) #307 — The Effect of Kinesiology Tape on Maximal Vertical Leap Abstract: This study was designed to examine the effects on vertical jumping following application of kinesiology tape along the posterior chain of healthy individuals between 18-30 years old. (PI: Jeremy Corbin; CoAuthors: Ian Ekery, Daniel Horstman, Joel Kelley; Faculty Sponsor: Colin Wilborn) #308 — The Nature of Love Abstract: Harry Harlow, a developmental psychologist, found that comfort and love are required features for attachment. He found a way to test his idea through experiments with rhesus monkeys demonstrating the importance of early attachment. (PI: Lidia Murray Monjaras; Faculty Sponsor: Cecilia Erlund) #310 — Three-Dimensional Printed Robotic Prosthetic Arm for Forequarter Amputees Abstract:

Griesemer) 3

#311 — Examination Techniques for Deep Tendon Reflexes and Dermatomes of Practicing Physical Therapists in Texas Abstract: (PI: Kristina Potell; CoAuthors: Rocio Martinez, Lindi McCallum; Faculty Sponsor: Rick Dreiling) #314 — Effects of Standard Foam Rolling and Vibrating Foam Rolling with Static Stretching on Hamstring Flexibility Abstract:

(PI: Roseanna Cable; CoAuthors: Brittany Ellis, Keeley Gesch, Jordan Schrutka, Cecilia Wong, Kaitlyn Zettler; Faculty Sponsor: Jenise Engelke) #317— Judith: Exclusion of the Powerful Feminine Abstract: Art historical research focused on Renaissance depictions of the biblical figure Judith. (PI: Samantha Sancy Shamard; Faculty Sponsor: Sarah Andyshak) #318— Acute Response of Nutritive vs Non-Nutritive Sweeteners in Sodas on Blood Glucose and Satiety Abstract: Artificial sweeteners, both nutritive and non-nutritive, are used in soft drinks and various food products in the United States. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the acute response of blood glucose levels and satiety following ingestion of regular and diet soda in healthy males and females. (PI: Javier Zaragoza; CoAuthors: Katelyn Villa, Matthias Tinnin, Torrey Boggs, Seth Bates, Blake Runyan; Faculty Sponsor: Lem Taylor) #319— Interpersonal and Communication Skills Competency Assessment in ID programs Abstract: Infectious Diseases (ID) physicians rely heavily on communication and interpersonal skills to care for their patients. This multi institutional, qualitative study investigated the approaches used as well as the process employed by ID faculty regarding Interpersonal and Communication skill competency evaluation. (PI: Martha Howell; Faculty Sponsor: Robert Rose) #320— Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex Related Genes are Differentially Expressed Between Neonatal and Adult Cardiomyocytes Abstract: Heart disease is the primary cause of death in the United States, resulting from the ineptitude of the heart to replace lost muscle tissue. This research uses bioinformatics tools to assess the metabolic changes in gene expression that occur in neonatal and adult mice, suggesting their role in heart regeneration. (PI: Emily Ensley; Faculty Sponsor: Joni Ylostalo) 4

#322— Changes in Body Composition and Fitness Level Related to Student Immersion in Doctor of Physical Therapy Program Abstract: A research study investigating body composition and fitness level changes of Doctor of Physical Therapy students during the first year of an accelerated professional program; testing included DEXA scans to measure body mass parameters and fitness tests consisting of a 1-mile run and 1-minute push-up test. (PI: Margo Portales; CoAuthors: Nicole L. Cheatham, Lauren M. Daughtry, Ashley E. Gunlock, Mackenzie M. Pfitzinger, Margo A. Portales; Faculty Sponsor: Barbara Gresham) #323—The Effects of Aggressive Music on Color Choices During Adult Coloring Abstract:

#324— Exploring Advanced Game Design Mechanics in a Virtual Reality Environment Abstract: Virtual Reality is used across multiple fields of study, the most prevalent by far being entertainment. After two years of exploring different concepts and facets of VR gaming, we have chosen three areas of focus for our most advanced project yet; stimulating level design, advanced artificial intelligence, and intuitive controls. (PI: Joe Temte; CoAuthor: Jessica Livingston; Faculty Sponsor: Bill Tanner) #328— Workforce Readiness in the 21st Century: An Investigation of Applied Skills and Basic Knowledge in College Courses Abstract:

(PI: Nicole Koch; CoAuthor: Natalie Weber; Faculty Sponsor: Christie Bledsoe) #329— Molecular Identification of the 18S rDNA for Chlorococcum Microgreen Algae C. lacustre and C. macrostigmatum Abstract: In this study, the 18S rDNA was examined for microalgae C. lacustre and C. macrostigmatum and complete sequences for the 18S rDNA for both algae under investigation were successfully generated. The processes demonstrated in this study can be utilized to complete the 18S rDNA sequences of other species of Chlorococcum algae. (PI: Joanne Thomson; Faculty Sponsor: Kathleen Wood) 5

PAPER SESSIONS (20 minutes per paper)

Psychology/Education Panel 11:00 AM-12:15 PM (BSU Great Hall D) Paper #309 — Exploring University Students' Engagements with Digital Technologies Abstract: This research concentrated on use of digital technologies and impressions and opinions of students who have used it. A survey of 30 undergraduate students from the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, replicated a prior study which found that students have negative experiences with digital technology. Suggestions for successful use are offered. (PI: Chris Rogers; Faculty Sponsor: Cecilia Erlund) Paper #315 — Understanding Curricular Student Expectations in Texas: Readiness Standards vs. Supporting Standards Abstract: An examination of the impact of standards-based accountability (SBA) within a changing national context from No Child Left Behind to the Every Student Succeeds Act through the Texas Context of SBA and a descriptive analysis of Readiness and Supporting standards. (PI: Nicole Koch; CoAuthors: Natalie Weber, Kevin Barlow, Randall Hendricks; Faculty Sponsor: Randal Hendricks) Paper #326 — Child Life and Parent Satisfaction Abstract: Child Life Specialists play a critical role in the hospital. Interventions are used to help children and families coping with their environment. In this paper, we analyzed limited data from the McLane Scott and White Children’s Hospital HCAHPS regarding parent satisfaction and children receiving ageappropriate toys. (PI: Kathryn Renee Parker; Faculty Sponsor: Joshua Bias)

English/Humanities Panel 11:00 AM-12:15 PM (BSU Great Hall A) Paper #312 — Food, Drink, and Faith: Dostoevsky's Symbolism in Crime and Punishment and Brothers Karamazov Abstract: : This paper explores the significance of food and drink that Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky places in two of his novels. Dostoevsky uses these images to show how it reminds the individual of his or her own humanity, to reveal the vanity of an individual's society, and to illustrate the need of God's intervention. (PI: Emily Maulding; Sponsor: Joshua Avery) 6

Paper #321 — The Role of Women in The Iliad Abstract: This scholarship aims to compare the role of women in Archaic Greek society to their portrayal in Homer's The Iliad. Special attention is given to the lamentations of the women of Hektor's family in Books 22 and 24. (PI: Emma Andrews; Faculty Sponsor: Jacky Dumas) Paper #325 — Dependency-Based Relationships in The Iliad: A Metaphorical Depiction of the Relationship Between the U.S. Government and Social Program Beneficiaries Abstract: To highlight the ramifications of creating a dependent-based relationship between those in leadership roles and the public, the gods of Homer's The Iliad are compared to a modern U.S. government. (PI: Guillermo Lopez; Faculty Sponsor: Jacky Dumas)

Business Panel 11:00 AM-12:15 PM (BSU Great Hall C) Paper #304 — Finding Unique Benefits of Airbnb Abstract: Sharing economy is a platform in which assets or services are shared between individuals, either free or for a fee. In this study, we found that those individuals that use Airbnb prefer to stay in Airbnb rather than hotels; moreover, the people using Airbnb can get decent surroundings and amenities. (PI: Sriram Agasthyaraju; CoAuthor: Damodhar reddy Yedavelli; Faculty Sponsor: Frank Lee) Paper #315 — Understanding Curricular Student Expectations in Texas: Readiness Standards vs. Supporting Standards Abstract: An examination of the impact of standards based accountability (SBA) within a changing national context from No Child Left Behind to the Every Student Succeeds Act through the Texas Context of SBA and a descriptive analysis of Readiness and Supporting standards. (PI: Nicole Koch; CoAuthors: Natalie Weber, Kevin Barlow, Randall Hendricks; Faculty Sponsor: Randal Hendricks) Paper #316 — Identifying the Most Critical Qualifications of Recently Appointed Chief Data Officers Abstract: The chief data officer (CDO) is a crucial role for organizations looking to embrace digital transformation. What remains less clear is the qualifications that are required to be a CDO in the era of information. The purpose of this study is to identify the most critical qualifications of CDOs. (PI: Giridhar Uppuluri; CoAuthor: Vishnu Kuchikulla; Faculty Sponsor: Frank Lee) 7

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