Scholars' Day 2016

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Welcome to the University of Mary Hardin‐ Baylor’s Eighth Annual Scholars’ Day. Now spon‐ sored by UMHB’s Office of Research, Scholars’ Day showcases outstanding undergraduate and graduate research that has taken place on the UMHB campus during the academic year. Over 70 UMHB students and 25 faculty sponsors have contributed to this year’s presenta ons. We hope you enjoy mee ng with these UMHB scholars today and learning about their exci ng research. Please fill out a feedback survey and tell us how we can make Scholars’ Day even be er next year. Thanks for being a part of this important academic event!

*Cover art designed by David Sulsh, a graduate of UMHB’s Department of Biology.


Schedule of Events Time


Early (AM) – 3:00 PM

Posters/exhibits available for viewing (2nd floor, Bawcom Student Union)

10:55 AM

Welcome and Introduc ons (Great Hall E, Bawcom Student Union)

11:00 AM

Lecture by Dr. Jude Aus n (Great Hall E, Bawcom Student Union)

12:00 PM

Lunch for Presenters, Faculty Sponsors, and Invited Guests (Great Hall A/B, Bawcom Student Union)

1:00 –3:00 PM

Senior Art Exhibits: (2nd floor lobby, Bawcom Stu‐ dent Union) Poster Session Presenta ons (2nd floor lobby, Baw com Student Union)

1:30–3:00 PM

1:00–4:00 PM

Papers/other presenta ons (Great Hall C/D, Baw com Student Union)

Paper Panels and Performances (All in Great Hall C/D) 8:00‐9:00 AM 9:00‐10:00 AM 10:00‐11:00 AM 2:00‐3:00 PM 3:00‐4:00 PM 4:00‐5:00 PM 5:00 PM

Educa on Panel Morals and Poli cs Panel Sciences Panel Literature Panel Nursing Panel The United States and Foreign Policy Challenges Panel Performance 3

“Developing a Researcher Iden ty” Dr. Jude Aus n 11:00 AM (Great Hall E, Bawcom Student Union) Dr. Jude Aus n will discuss how his experiences at UMHB's Scholars' Day and Research Symposium have influenced the de‐ velopment of his researcher iden ty. He will also share his expe‐ rience and philosophy on conduc ng research, transi oning from a consumer of knowledge to a producer of knowledge, con‐ duc ng research that influences both communi es and society, and his responsibility as a researcher. ________________


Drs. Jude Aus n and Julius Aus n are alumni of UMHB. They have both received their Bachelors of Science in Psychology and Exercise Sports Science. As undergraduates, they were members of the Crusader Men’s Soccer team. They also par cipated in UMHB’s Scholars’ Day, presen ng a research project conducted with Dr. Trent Terrell. Jude and Julius con nued at UMHB as graduate students and received their Master’s degrees in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. As gradu‐ ate students, they conducted research with Dr. Ty Leonard and again, presented their findings at UMHB’s Scholars’ Day. They both went on to earn their Doctoral degrees in Counselor Educa on & Supervision at the University of Wyoming. As doctoral students, they have both con‐ ducted research using qualita ve, quan ta ve, mixed methods, com‐ munity based par cipatory, and Delphi methods. Currently, Julius Aus n’s research focuses on building rela onships between graduate counseling programs and collegiate athle c pro‐ grams, and is scheduled to defend his disserta on. Dr. Jude Aus n’s research focuses on helping counseling students develop therapeu c 4

presence in counseling sessions. Julius Aus n is currently the Assistant Clinical Director of Nicholls State University’s counseling clinic in Thibodeaux, Louisiana, and Dr. Jude Aus n is an Assistant Professor at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia.


VISUAL ARTS Ar sts present from 1:00‐3:00 PM (Baugh Center for the Visual Arts) Art Majors in Senior Exhibi on Descrip on: Graphic design research of brand iden ty guidelines for a pro‐ spec ve company including logo and other graphic elements in a series in‐ tended to a ract and inspire poten al customers. (Ar st: Davonte Black, BFA in Graphic Design; Faculty Sponsor: Hershall Seals) Descrip on: Research and crea on of hand built ceramics and bookbinding pieces based on narra ve fairytales and novels such as Rumpels ltskin, Cin‐ derella, and Rapunzel by the Brothers Grimm. (Ar st: Victoria Davison, BFA in Studio Art; Faculty Sponsor: Hershall Seals) Descrip on: Character illustra ons through both interac ve website anima‐ ons and print design. (Ar st: Tiffany Dunn, BFA in Graphic Design; Faculty Sponsor: Hershall Seals) Descrip on: Using "installa on art" as a pla orm to show personal foreign travel experiences which communicate memories, people, places, lessons learned, and culture. (Ar st: Rachel Lewis, BA in Art; Faculty Sponsor: Her‐ shall Seals) Descrip on: Mixed media, digital prints, vinyl records and silk screen, met‐ aphorically and poe cally explore how people progress biologically and men‐ tally through experience and growth. (Ar st: Kirstean Sanchez, BFA in Studio Art; Faculty Sponsor: Hershall Seals)

POSTER SESSION 1:30‐3:00 PM (Bawcom Student Union, 2nd Floor Lobby) #1 — Carbon Number to Viscosity Rela onship of Normal, Single Chain, Alkyl Alcohols Abstract: The first ten normal, single chain, alkyl alcohols were used in this experiment. The densi es were found experimentally and used to find the rela ve viscosi es (both at 25° C), which were then used to inves gate an equa on between the number of carbons and the viscosity of the alcohol. (Author: Michael Yarberry; Faculty Sponsor: Ruth Ann Murphy)


#2 — Cost‐Effec ve and Sensi ve Immunosensor Derived from Electrochemi‐ cal Measurements and Self‐Assembled Monolayers Abstract: An electrochemical approach is used for developing an economical and sensi ve immunosensor for detec on of an gens. This is accomplished by covalent coupling using the concept of self‐assembled monolayers or SAMs onto a gold electrode. Our ul mate goal is to search for robust SAMs with high sensi vity and long life. (Author: Savannah Robinson ; Faculty Sponsor: Linda Gao) #3 — The Effects of Indole‐3‐Butyric Acid on Root Growth and Development of Arabidopsis thaliana Abstract: Indole‐3‐butyric acid (IBA) is a plant hormone that significantly affects plant growth and development, and a be er understanding of IBA func on could benefit agriculture and human nutri on. In these experiments, Arabidopsis thaliana was grown on nutrient‐rich medium and was treated with IBA in order to iden fy and isolate IBA‐resistant mutants. (Author: Sangheetha Kannan ; Faculty Sponsor: Andy Woodward) #4 — Trismethylene Abstract: The goal of this research is to design a new undergraduate organic chemistry experiment that exposes students to the recent advances made in controlled radical polymeriza on methods. This is achieved by tailoring a current method of controlled radical polymeriza on to fit both the tools avail‐ able in a standard undergraduate organic chemistry lab and the common techniques used at this level. (Author: David Reno McKinzey; Faculty Spon‐ sor: Paul Primrose) #5 — Purifica on of Anthracene Using Sublima on: A Needed Technique for the Task Abstract: Anthracene is a polyaroma c hydrocarbon that with light is known to dimerize and is also readily oxidized to anthraquinone when exposed to oxygen. The goal of this research was to develop a straigh orward physical method to purify anthracene from anthraquinone and other possible impuri‐ es. The two main methods of purifica on that were inves gated included soxhlet extrac on and sublima on. Characteriza on techniques used during this research included thin layer chromatography, mass spectrometry, UV irradia on, and nuclear magne c resonance. (Author: Alexander Lanoux ; Faculty Sponsor: Paul Primrose) #6 — Development of Virtual Reality Smart Phone Applica on, Orbis Island Abstract: Orbis Island is a program wri en to explore the reaches of Virtual Reality. Using original ideas and specialized so ware, we were able to create an interac ve 3D world resembling a wildlife park. It includes mul ple land‐ 7

scapes, animal models, and 3D natural features, such as trees and rocks. (Authors: Joseph Temte, Jessica Livingston; Faculty Sponsor: Bill Tanner) #7 — Novel Condi onal Error Rate Es mators for the Linear Discriminant Func on Abstract: We propose a novel es mator of the condi onal error rate for the linear discriminant func on. We demonstrate, via Monte Carlo simula ons in SAS, that it performs favorably to other currently‐available es mators in terms of accuracy and variability. With the new es mator we can be er pre‐ dict the probability of the LDF misclassifying an object. (Author: Alicia Col‐ clasure; Faculty Sponsor: Peter Chen) #8 — An Examina on of the Poten al Connec on between Personality and College Choice Abstract: What factors influence the reasons why people choose certain schools for their educa on? This research looks at college choice from the perspec ve of personality, using the Five‐Factor model to examine the influ‐ ence of individual personality in choosing an undergraduate school. (Author: Spencer Sims; Faculty Sponsor: Trent Terrell) #9 — Tris(2‐pyridylmethyl)amine Synthesis Using an Imidazolium‐Based Ion‐ ic Liquid as a Solvent Abstract: Tris(2‐pyridylmethyl)amine(TPMA) is a very common ligand for cop‐ per mediated radical polymeriza ons. A safer and easier means of synthesiz‐ ing pure TPMA was pursued. To make the reac on ready for use in an under‐ graduate organic lab two major changes were inves gated; replacement of a vola le halogenated solvent with a non‐vola le ionic liquid and replacement of a strong base with a weaker base. (Author: Trey Reyner; Faculty Sponsor: Paul Primrose) #10 — A Comparison of Two New Eyewitness Iden fica on Methods Abstract: This study inves gated two different approaches for producing eye‐ witness iden fica on of criminals. We hypothesized that allowing par ci‐ pants to toggle through photographs would be more effec ve than asking them to view photographs in a con nuous loop. (Authors: Mitchell Pop‐ penhusen, Aus n Daron; Faculty Sponsor: Trent Terrell) #11 — Autonomous Global Posi oning Satellite (GPS) Guided Vehicle with Obstacle Avoidance and Mapping Protocol Abstract: Our team has further developed the GPS guided drone submi ed last year by improving the naviga on programming to include declina on, adding obstacle avoidance protocols, and introducing mapping programming to track where the drone has traveled. The naviga on is accomplished by 8

using an engineering computer language that receives GPS satellite signals. (Authors: Jesse Early, Jacob Branscum; Faculty Sponsor: Paul Griesemer) #12 — Transforma onal Leadership: Faith and Classroom Instruc on Abstract: Transforma onal leadership is a well‐documented and validated leadership perspec ve. In order to discover characteris cs of professors who are perceived as successful transforma onal leaders within Chris an educa‐ on, the authors will distribute and collect open‐ended surveys to a random sample of undergraduate students at UMHB. The ques ons will revolve around student percep ons of transforma onal characteris cs in Chris an educa on. Themes will be iden fied and reported. (Authors: Kerri Pearson, Bobbie Ann White; Faculty Sponsor: Marlene Zipperlen) #13 — Extrac on of the Pigment from Postharvest Yellowed Rice Abstract: This research project was to extract the pigment that forms when rice is stored in an environment that has high humidity and heat. (Author: Mackenzie Brooks Sau er; Faculty Sponsor: Tina Beckendorf) #14 — Readability Levels of the STAAR Reading Passages for Grades 3 – 5 Abstract: The presenter examined the text complexity of the 2011 sample and 2012‐2015 State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) re‐ leased Reading exam passages for grades 3 – 5. (Author: Michael Joseph Lopez; Faculty Sponsor: Jodi Pilgrim) #15 — Benzoin Synthesis Using an Anionic Deriva ve of an Ionic Liquid in Place of Cyanide Abstract: The work to form benzoin from benzaldehyde using a safer, ionic liquid based catalyst has only recently been reported in literature. Previous methods used to form benzoin have o en included use of potassium or sodi‐ um cyanide. This is of course of great concern given the possible forma on of hydrogen cyanide. Work was carried out to tailor an undergraduate or‐ ganic chemistry lab modeled a er the safer and more recently reported method for benzoin synthesis. (Author: John Sorensen; Faculty Sponsor: Paul Primrose) #16 — Preferred Coaching Styles Among Select NCAA Division III Athletes Abstract: This study u lized the Leadership Scale for Sport (LSS; Chelladurai & Saleh, 1980) to examine student‐athlete coaching style preference for ath‐ letes compe ng at the NCAA Division III level. We hope to compare responses of these athletes to previously documented coaching preferences of Division I and II athletes. (Author: Elizabeth Ostroff; Faculty Sponsor: Camille Rex)


#17 — A Study of UMHB Psychology Students and Learning Styles: Visual, Auditory, and Reading Abstract: This study sought to find a rela onship between learning styles and test performance. Psychology students were given a short story, a short story accompanied by audio, or a modified short story that includes pictures related to the story’s content. We hypothesized that there would be improved test performance by students in both the audio and visual groups compared to the reading group. (Authors: Morgan Hensley, Hallie Faden, William Briggs, Heidi Alaniz; Faculty Sponsor: Trent Terrell) #18 — The Effect of Humor on the Level of A rac veness Abstract: We examined the role of humor in par cipants’ ra ngs of a rac ve‐ ness in four hypothe cal rela onship condi ons. Results from a 2×4 repeated measures ANOVA indicate a main effect for condi on [F(3) = 34.83), p < .05, ω^2= .40]. No main effect for gender was observed. No interac on effect between condi on and gender were observed. (Authors: Kirs n Critz, Ross Jones; Faculty Sponsor: Aaron Bagge ) #19 — Legisla ve Report Card for the 84th Texas Legisla ve Session Abstract: An analysis of the public vo ng records of each member of the House of Representa ves and Senate on specific bills related the opera ons of Texas public schools. (Author: Kimberly Hornsby; Faculty Sponsor: Randy Hendricks) #20 — The effec veness of solar radia on‐based method to obtain low cost potable water from unclean water sources Abstract: In the current research, we studied the effec veness of solar radia‐ on in purifica on of lake water for human consump on. The water was col‐ lected into plas c bo les and le in sunlight on aluminum foil for six and twelve‐hours and the amount of coliform bacteria was determined both be‐ fore and a er treatment. (Author: Allison Waits; Faculty Sponsor: Joni Ylostalo) #21 — Acetone Flow in the Body Abstract: Ketones in the body can be very harmful and even life‐threatening for diabe cs. In this research the effect of the viscosity of ketones in the blood stream was simulated by studying aqueous ketone solu ons of known mole frac on concentra ons. These viscosity data were collected using an Ostwald viscometer. (Author: Lindsey Roberts; Faculty Sponsor: Ruth Ann Murphy) #22 — Nursing Students’ Percep ons of their Role in the Learning Process Abstract: The purpose of this qualita ve, phenomenological design study was to explore Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) student percep ons of their 10

role in the learning process. Awareness and understanding of student percep‐ ons assist faculty to be er facilitate student learning and achieve the desired outcome of well‐prepared new nurses. (Author: Tracy L. Booth; Faculty Spon‐ sor: Robert Rose) #23 — Determina on of poten al snail iden fica on sequences using Rumina decollata Abstract: The purpose of this project is to determine if there is a sequence varia on that could poten ally make it easier to differen ate among different snail species. This will be accomplished by looking at the COI gene, 16S mtDNA, or 18S rDNA in Rumina decollata. (Author: Sarah Velo; Faculty Spon‐ sor: Kathy Wood) #24 — Effects of Cleanse™ on Measures of Body Composi on, Waist Circum‐ ferences, and Gastrointes nal Symptoms Abstract: Effects of 30 Days of Cleanse™ supplementa on on measures of body composi on, waist circumference, hydra on, and blood clinical safety profiles in females. (Authors: Emily Santos, Stacie Urbina, Alyssa Olivencia, Katelyn Villa, Haley Benne , Marissa Lara; Faculty Sponsor: Lem Taylor)

PAPER SESSIONS Educa on Panel 8:00‐9:00 PM (BSU Great Hall C/D) Paper #191: The Impact of Workplace A ractors on Teacher Reten on at Ur‐ ban High Schools Abstract: This quan ta ve, correla onal design study compared Amundsen's (2007) 10‐workplace a ractors to years of experience, gender, first or second career, race, and high school campus of 200 teacher par cipants. The inves ‐ ga on revealed which workplace a ractors are most influen al in determin‐ ing teachers' decision to remain teaching at large, urban high schools. (Author: Susan Buckley; Faculty Sponsor: Marlene Zipperlen) Paper #192: Postsecondary Readiness: A Comparison Abstract: Postsecondary readiness is a major focus of current educa on re‐ form in the United States. This quan ta ve, educa onal research study adds to the exis ng research literature and provides stakeholders with research based informa on about methods to prepare students to succeed in course‐ work and training beyond high school. (Author: Yancey Sanderson; Faculty Sponsor: Marlene Zipperlen) 11

Paper #188: The Role of Deaf Culture in Deaf Educa on Abstract: In public schools, deaf students are taught in the special educa on se ng in certain ways that their educators feel will best accommodate their handicaps. However, there is a Deaf sub‐culture in American society that has its own views on how deaf students should be taught, star ng with not cate‐ gorizing them as handicapped. This presenta on will seek to reconcile those differences, and hopefully provide an alterna ve that can serve as a sort of compromise for these two varying views. (Author: Rebekah Peyton; Faculty Sponsor: Parker Kennedy)

Morals and Poli cs Panel 9:00‐10:00 AM (BSU Great Hall C/D) Paper #195: Modernized Government, the Beginning Abstract: With the Tariff of 1828 deemed detrimental to South Carolina’s sovereignty, counter to President Andrew Jackson’s posi on, Vice President John C. Calhoun enacted the “South Carolina Ordinance of Nullifica on,” al‐ lowing for the nullifica on of Federal laws determined uncons tu onal. To preserve the Union, Jackson wrote the Force Bill; the beginning of our mod‐ ernized government. (Author: Billy‐Anthony Whipple Pacaccio; Faculty Spon‐ sor: Claire Phelan) Paper #205: Act Justly! The Influence of Jimmy Carter’s Faith in His Pro‐Life Agenda Abstract: Jimmy Carter pursued pro‐life policies that were consistent with his broader human rights agenda. This paper will argue that his posi on on abor‐ on was rooted in his commitment to his Chris an faith. (Author: Joshua Dean Stewart; Faculty Sponsor: David Holcomb) Paper #186: Empowering Digital Literacy in Rural India under Na onal E‐ Governance Plan Abstract: This presenta on shares the lessons learned from an India E‐ Government project, Common Service Centers (CSC), which was designed to provide government e‐services to the rural and remote loca ons where avail‐ ability of computers and the internet is currently negligible or mostly absent. (Author: Guru Pavan Chakravarthi; Faculty Sponsor: Frank Lee)


Sciences Panel 10:00‐11:00 PM (BSU Great Hall C/D) Paper #184: : Inves ga ng the “invasional meltdown” hypothesis: Interac‐ ons between non‐na ve, invasive Russian olive and the common carp Abstract: Mul ple invasive species can have strong interac ve effects on linked stream‐riparian ecosystems, resul ng in subsequent consequences for na ve communi es and ecosystem processes. This study inves gates the in‐ terac on between two non‐na ve species widespread in the western USA: Russian olive (Elaeagnus angus folia), an invasive riparian tree, and the com‐ mon carp, (Cyprinus carpio). (Author: Rebecca Lauren Burrow; Faculty Spon‐ sor: Kaleb Heinrich) Paper #203: Build‐A‐Creature: A construc vist approach to teaching gene cs in elementary schools Abstract: The Build‐A‐Creature ac vity is a method for teaching elementary age students about gene c concepts such as DNA and alleles, using an inquiry based style that follows the 5E instruc onal model. (Author: Kevin Chappell; Faculty Sponsor: Kaleb Heinrich) Paper #190: Picking up good vibra ons: The effect of collabora ve music mak‐ ing on social bonding and enjoyment Abstract: In this study, we contrast two types of music making to examine the effect of social bonding in different circumstances. Specifically, we contrast performance with a recording against collabora ve performance to deter‐ mine whether collabora on leads to greater levels of social bonding than per‐ formance with a recording. (Author: Stephen Ash; Faculty Sponsor: Josh Al‐ brecht)

Literature Panel 2:00‐3:00 PM (BSU Great Hall C/D) Paper #208: Ovid's Longing for Love Abstract: This essay explores Ovid’s The Amores for signs of his desire for an emo onal in macy with and a true commitment to a woman with whom he may share the rest of his life, as opposed to the conven onal belief that his poems represent him as a shallow womanizer. (Author: Moriah Olson; Faculty Sponsor: Stephen Barnes)


Paper #182: An Unweeded Garden and an Inmost Glass: Hamlet and the Reforma on Sin Doctrine Abstract: This presenta on will examine Hamlet to uncover the various char‐ acters’ concep ons of the rela onship between sin and nature. I will argue that the play’s cast holds a dis nctly Protestant hamar ology and that Shake‐ speare advances Catholic iconoclasm as a helpful alterna ve in addressing some of the Protestant understanding’s problema c elements. (Author: Jake Raabe; Faculty Sponsor: Joshua Avery) Paper #194: The Li le Prince's Rose: A Response to Feminism Abstract: This presenta on explores the nature of the Rose, a character in the beloved children's story, The Li le Prince. Is she a nega ve female stereo‐ type? Or a paradigm of feminine virtue? An one de Saint‐Expury's view of femininity and transcendence and how it compliments a Chris an under‐ standing of gender will be discussed. (Author: Cassie La Rue Rickman; Faculty Sponsor: Stephen Barnes)

Nursing Panel 3:00‐4:00 PM (BSU Great Hall C/D) Paper #199: The Best Treatment for Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome Abstract: This research paper highlights a series of scholarly ar cles compar‐ ing the advantages and disadvantages of both cardiac abla on and medica‐ on in the treatment of Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome in pa ents ages 10‐ 30 years. Through this summariza on of the informa on found in select medi‐ cal journals, the best treatment of Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome will be iden fied. (Author: Whitney Boatright; Faculty Sponsor: Wren Deavers) Paper #211: Effects of Educa ng the Pa ent on Post‐Opera ve Pain Abstract: Communica on with pa ents is a key part of pa ent care in any se ng, but it is o en forgo en. This review of literature will look at the effects of communica on in the post‐opera ve period on pain control. (Author: Gabriela María Berríos‐Rivera; Faculty Sponsor: Kathy Long) Paper #220: Psycho‐Social Benefits of Male Nurses caring for Male Pa ents Abstract: Being in the hospital can cause stress on pa ents in many ways. Part of the nurse’s job is to help minimize the stress a pa ent experience while they are admi ed. The point of this research is to iden fy poten al benefits of having male nurses assigned to long‐term male pa ents. (Author: Dus n Wa s; Faculty Sponsor: Wren Deavers)


The United States and Foreign Policies Challenges Panel 4:00‐5:00 PM (BSU Great Hall C/D) Paper #202: Interna onal Challenges Faced by President George Washington Abstract: Soon a er America’s independence, the major players in the world realized the poten al to profit from the fledgling country. As president, George Washington chose to stay neutral in every conflict with the hope that it would establish American legi macy in the world and ensure the survival of “The Great American Experiment. (Author: Makenzie Smith; Faculty Sponsor: Janet Adamski) Paper #201: James Madison and Impressment Abstract: This paper will review the issue of impressment, and assess its importance as a reason for a declara on of war by the United States against Great Britain in 1812. (Author: Daylon Kentrel Mitchell; Faculty Sponsor: Claire Phelan) Paper #187: The CSS Shenandoah: Confederate Foreign Rela ons in Melbourne, Aus‐ tralia Abstract: This paper examines the visit of the CSS Shenandoah, to Mel‐ bourne, Australia in 1865. It examines the response of the popula on to the visit, in addi on to the limita ons placed upon the men and the vessel by the local government, as determined by Bri sh Foreign Office policy. (Author: Rebecca Kellum; Faculty Sponsor: Phelan, Claire)

Performance Panel 5:00 PM (BSU Great Hall C/D) Paper #196: Noble Abstract: Allan, a somewhat abrasive and reclusive man, struggles with an anxiety disorder. Through an unfortunate accident, he meets Dr. Hear ield, who is a therapist, as well as a dog with a past as painful as his own. With the help of these two, Allan begins to work through his problems. (Author: Bri‐ anna Velarde; Faculty Sponsor: Nathaniel Hansen)

Thank you to everyone who acted as second reviewers for student presenta ons and posters: Dr. Lin Gao, Dr. Ruth Ann Murphy, Dr. Tina Beck‐ endorf, Dr. Heidi DiFrancesca, Dr. Karen Grant, Camille Rex, Dr. Brian Brab‐ ham, Dr. Claire Phelan, Dr. Laura Bedwell, Dr. Kris Ward, Danny Taylor, Wren Deavers, Paule e Whi ield, Josh Bias, Dr. Paul Griesemer, Dr. Bill Tanner, Dr. Meri Hughes. 15


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