University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science 2021 Underwater Photography Contest
UM Student Macro Wide Angle Fish or Marine Animal Portrait Marine Conservation Best Overall
UM Student Fish or Animal Portrait Category
Honorable Mention Student Fish or Animal Portrait Olivia Williamson Scrawled cowfish (Acanthostracion quadricornis) Location: Miami, Florida USA Range: Both sides of the tropical Atlantic; Massachusetts to Brazil.
Honorable Mention Student Fish or Animal Portrait Victor Bach Muñoz California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) Location: Catalina Island, California, USA Range: western North America
Honorable Mention Student Fish or Animal Portrait Victor Bach Muñoz Spotted scorpionfish (Scorpaena plumieri) Location: Jupiter, Florida, USA Range: western Atlantic Ocean, from Bermudas to Massachusetts, from the northern Gulf of Mexico to southern Brazil.
3rd Place Student Fish or Animal Portrait Nola Schoder Pink Skunk Clownfish (Amphiprion perideraion)
Location: Puerto Galera, Philippines Range: Pacific Ocean and Eastern Indian Ocean
2nd Place Student Fish or Animal Portrait Olivia Williamson Caribbean reef octopus (Octopus briareus) Location: Miami, Florida USA Range: South Florida, the Caribbean Islands, and the northern coast of South America
1st Place Student Fish or Animal Portrait Nola Schoder Red-Spotted Porcelain Crab (Neopetrolisthes maculatus) Location: Puerto Galera, Philippines Range: Indo-Pacific region
UM Student Macro Category
Honorable Mention Student Macro Nola Schoder Chamberlain's Nembrotha Nudibranch (Nembrotha chamberlain)
Location: Puerto Galera, Philippines Range: Philippines and Indonesia
Honorable Mention Student Macro Tralee Chapman
Canon PowerShot ELPH 300HS
Mat zoanthid (Zoanthus pulchellus) Location: Bocas del Toro, Panama Range: Bahamas and Caribbean
Honorable Mention Student Macro Haley Saba Wire-Coral Goby (Bryaninops yongei) Location: Kona, Hawaii USA Range: tropical and subtropical waters of the Indian Ocean (including the Red Sea) to the islands in the center of the Pacific Ocean.
Honorable Mention Student Macro Victor Bach Muñoz North American tube anemone (Ceriantheopsis americanus) Location: Riviera Beach, Florida, USA Range: Northeast and Western Atlantic Ocean: Cape Cod south to the Gulf of Mexico, including the Caribbean and West Indies.
3rd Place Student Macro Nola Schoder Flower pot coral (Goniopora columna) Location: Lembeh, Indonesia Range: Persian Sea areas, the Indian Ocean, and various tropical and subtropical areas of the Pacific Ocean.
2nd Place Student Macro Victor Bach Muñoz Spanish shawl (Flabellinopsis iodinea) Location: Laguna Beach, California, USA Range: British Columbia down to Baja California in Mexico and to the Galapagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador.
1st Place Student Macro Nola Schoder Orangutan Crab (Achaeus japonicus) Location: Puerto Galera, Philippines Range: tropical waters of the central Indo-Pacific.
UM Student Wide Angle Category
Honorable Mention Student Wide Angle Jordan Maun Atlantic Spadefish (Chaetodipterus faber) Location: Vieques, Puerto Rico, USA Range: subtropical reefs, commonly off the coast of Florida and the Bahamas to southeastern Brazil and the Gulf of Mexico.
Honorable Mention Student Wide Angle Alexander Westover Spotted Moray Eel (Gymnothorax moringa) Location: West Palm Beach, Florida, USA Range: western Atlantic from North Carolina in the USA, east to Bermuda and south to Brazil.
Honorable Mention Student Wide Angle Nola Schoder Pacific Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) Location: Revillagigedo Archipelago, Mexico
Range: northern Japan and southern California, to Australia and Chile.
Honorable Mention Student Wide Angle John Cline Canon EOS R5
Atlantic Tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) Location: Miami, Florida USA Range: from Nova Scotia, Bermuda and southward to Brazil in western Atlantic Ocean.
3rd Place Student Wide Angle Olivia Williamson Blue stripe snapper (Lutjanus kasmira) Location: Hawaii, USA Range: Indo-Pacific: Red Sea and East Africa to the Marquesas and Line islands, north to southern Japan, south to Australia. Southeast Atlantic: East London, South Africa.
2nd Place Student Wide Angle Victor Bach Muñoz Goliath grouper (Epinephelus itajara) Location: Jupiter, Florida, USA Range: western Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean south to Brazil.
1st Place Student Wide Angle Victor Bach Muñoz Bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas) Location: Jupiter, Florida, USA Range: In the Atlantic: Massachusetts to southern Brazil, and from Morocco to Angola.
UM Student Marine Conservation Category
Honorable Mention Student Marine Conservation Olivia Williamson Staghorn & Elkhorn coral (Acropora cervicornis & Acropora palmata) Location: Nassau, Bahamas Range: throughout the Bahamas, Florida, and the Caribbean.
3rd Place Student Marine Conservation Simone Nix
Canon G7 X Mark II
Staghorn coral (Acropora cervicornis) Location: Key Biscayne, FL, USA Range: throughout the Bahamas, Florida, and the Caribbean.
2nd Place Student Marine Conservation Peter Aronson Bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas) Location: Jupiter, FL, USA Range: Atlantic, Massachusett s to southen Brazil, and from Morocco to Angola.
1st Place Student Marine Conservation Nola Schoder Coconut Octopus (Amphioctopus marginatus) Location: Lembeh, Indonesia Range: mainly throughout the Indian Ocean; South Africa to Japan and all the way down to Australia.
Macro Category
Honorable Mention Macro Bryant Turffs Canon 7dmkii
Spotted Drum (Equatuspunctatus) eating a Masked Goby (Coryphopterus personatus) Location: Boca Raton, Florida, USA Range: western Atlantic, from Bermuda, Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, the Bahamas and the Caribbean, to Brazil.
3rd Place Macro Ricardo Marques Dias Isopods (Neastacilla magellanica) Location: Faro de San Isidro, Punta Arenas, Estrecho de Magallanes, Chile Range: Pacific Ocean
2nd Place Macro Edgardo Londoño-Cruz Canon PowerShot (G12, G16, D30). Fujifilm FinePix F40fd
Sea anemone (Actiniaria) eating Apogon (Apogonidae) Location: Gorgona Island, Colombia Range: from the tidal zone of all oceans to depths of more than 10,000 meters.
1st Place Macro Phil Allman Canon 5D MIV
Reticulated brittle star (Ophionereis reticulata) crawling on a cushion sea star (Oreaster reticulatus) Location: Blue Heron Bridge, West Palm Beach, Florida, USA Range: the West Indies and Bermuda to Mexico, Belize, Honduras, Venezuela and Brazil.
Wide Angle Category
Honorable Mention Wide Angle Ewout Knoester Canon g1x
Sea goldie (Pseudanthias squamipinnis) and sweepers (Pempheris sp) Location: Kisite, Kenya Range: western Indian Ocean including the Red Sea, and in the Pacific Ocean as far east as Japan and southeast Australia.
Honorable Mention Wide Angle Bryant Turffs Canon 7dmkii
False Clownfish (Amphiprion occellaris) Location: Raja Ampat, Indonesia Range: Eastern Indian Ocean and in the western Pacific Ocean.
3rd Place Wide Angle Yury Ivanov Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) Location: Tulamben, Bali, Indonesia Range: tropical reefs of the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic Oceans.
2nd Place Wide Angle Evan Friedman Canon EOS R6
Munk’s Devil Ray (Mobula munkiana) Location: La Ventana, Mexico Range: coastal waters of the Eastern Pacific Ocean from the Sea of Cortez (Mexico) to Peru.
1st Place Wide Angle Adam Obaza Jack mackerel (Trachurus symmetricus) over California hydrocoral (Styalster californicus) Location: Farnsworth Bank seamount, Catalina Island, California, USA Range: Eastern Pacific: southeastern Alaska to southern Baja California, Mexico and the Gulf of California.
Marine Conservation Category
Honorable Mention Marine Conservation Ricardo Marques Dias Racket fish (Aluterus monoceros) Location: Ilha Grande, Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Range: Western Atlantic: Massachusetts to Argentina. Eastern Atlantic: west coast of tropical Africa. Eastern Pacific: Guatemala to Chile. Western Indian Ocean: Mozambique and South Africa.
Honorable Mention Marine Conservation Lawrence Alex Wu Grouper (Epinephelinae)
Location: Koh Lipe, Thailand Range: around the world in tropical and subtropical seas and oceans.
3rd Place Marine Conservation Lawrence Alex Wu Whale shark (Rhyncodon typus) Location: Koh Bida Nok, Thailand Range: tropical oceans globally
2nd Place Marine Conservation Rachel Sandquist Location: Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawai'i, USA
1st Place Marine Conservation Ewout Knoester Canon g1x
Bigeyes (Priacanthus hamrur) Location: Mkwiro, Kenya, Africa Range: tropical marine waters of the Indo-Pacific.
Portrait Category
Honorable Mention Fish or Animal Portrait John Lidington Polka-dot batfish (Ogcocephalus cubifrons) Location: Blue Heron Bridge, Singer Island, FL, USA Range: western Atlantic coast from North Carolina to the panhandle of Florida; the Bahamas and Mexico.
Honorable Mention Fish or Animal Portrait Phil Allman Canon 5D mIV
French angel fish (Pomacanthus paru) Location: Blue Heron Bridge, West Palm Beach, Florida, USA Range: Florida, USA and Bahamas to Brazil, including the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean.
Honorable Mention Fish or Animal Portrait Yury Ivanov Bigfin reef squid (Sepioteuthis lessoniana) Location: Tulamben, Bali, Indonesia Range: Indian and western Pacific Ocean, east to the Hawaiian Islands, west to the Red Sea, north to Japan, and south to Australia and New Zealand
3rd Place Fish or Animal Portrait Yury Ivanov Nudibranch (Bornella anguilla) Location: Tulamben, Bali, Indonesia Range: widely distributed throughout the tropical waters of the Indo-West Pacific.
2nd Place Fish or Animal Portrait Lisa Stengel Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) Location: Vava’u, Tonga Range: polar and tropical waters, particularly those of the Atlantic, Arctic, and Pacific Oceans.
1st Place Fish or Animal Portrait Annaka Goodson American paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) Location: Vienna, IL, USA Range: Mississippi and Missouri River tributaries and Mobile Bay drainage basin.
Best Overall
Best Overall Ricardo Marques Dias Fireworm (Hermodice carunculata) Range: Arraial do Cabo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Range: Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, Ascension Island and the Azores in Atlantic Ocean, and in the Mediterranean and Red Seas.
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