international day of girl child

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2012 /yılında kutlanmaya başlayan Dünya kız çocuklar günü Dünya kız izci teşkilatının büyük katkıları ile sunulmaktadır. Bu yılın konusu "Empowering adolescent girls: Ending the cycle of violence". Gelişme çağındaki kızların güçlenmesi ve şiddet döngüsünün sonlandırılmasıdır KAYNAK: uf BİRLEŞMİŞ Milletler kararı A/RES/66/170

About the Day Since 2012, the United Nations marks 11 October as the ‘International Day of the Girl Child’. The day promotes girls' human rights, highlights gender inequalities that remain between girls and boys and addresses the various forms of discrimination and abuse suffered by girls around the world. 2014 This year, the theme is "Empowering adolescent girls: Ending the cycle of violence".

2012 /yılında kutlanmaya başlayan Dünya kız çocuklar günü Dünya kız izci teşkilatının büyük katkıları kabul edilmiştir. Bu yılın konusu "Empowering adolescent girls: Ending the cycle of violence". Gelişme çağındaki kızların güçlenmesi ve şiddet döngüsünün sonlandırılmasıdır‐focus/girlchild#sthash.QyQ7aAEO.dpuf Etiyopyada din adamlarım eğitimi Afganistan eğitim seferberliği Rio da kadıa karşı aşırı şiddet Tanzanya Kız çocukları geleneksel cinsel yaralama Kırgızıstan kız kaçırmaya daha ağır ceza Pakistan Cinayetlerde kız çocukların diyet olarak verilmesi Kamerunda kızların göğuslerinin iğdiş edilmesi Mısır kırsal lanada yoksulluk ve erken evlenme Nepalde kızarın yakılarak cezalandırılması Ilkel toplumlarda kızların durumu Erkek hakkı Kadın cinayetleri İşte bunlar geleneklerle insan haklarından kaynaklanan gelenekler savaşı Sözlük seçimlerimde hatalar olabilir ingilizceleri bir sontaki slaytte

About the Day Since 2012, the United Nations marks 11 October as the ‘International Day of the Girl Child’. The day promotes girls' human rights, highlights gender inequalities that remain between girls and boys and addresses the various forms of discrimination and abuse suffered by girls around the world. 2014 This year, the theme is "Empowering adolescent girls: Ending the cycle of violence".‐focus/girl‐child#sthash.QyQ7aAEO.dpuf One in three women and girls experience abuse in their lifetime. More than half of sexual assaults are committed against girls under 16 years of age. Globally, more than one in three young women aged 20‐24 years are married before the age of 18. Here is some examples. You may sort of following with these photos 1. In Ethiopia, church bells ring for women and girls 2. In Afghanistan, women and girls strive to get an education 3. In Rio de Janeiro's favelas, a new online tool tackles violence against women and girls 4. Escaping female genital mutilation in Tanzania: a Maasai girls’ school helps those at risk 5. New law in Kyrgyzstan toughens penalties for bride kidnapping 6: Lishing Sang Chatti: Pakistan works to prevent compensation marriage 7. How I stopped grandma from ironing my budding breasts 8. Through film and life, rural women address poverty and early marriage in Egypt 9. Burns Violence Survivors rebuild their lives in Nepal 10, Breaking the silence on violence against indigenous girls: UN report calls for action 11. Benim ilavem ingilizcede yok ‐ See more at:‐focus/girl‐ child/2013#sthash.pRz3sRlI.dpuf Killing is a right of the ex husband

Etiyopyada din adamlarım eğitimi

1. Etiyopyada din adamlarının eğitimi

In Ethiopia, church bells ring for women and girls Date : 08 October 2013 In northern Ethiopia, 100 religious leaders are speaking in unison, on one issue.“As a priest, people listen to me and that gives me a position to speak out against gender‐based violence,” says Melakesina, priest and head of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church in Kobo district in northern Ethiopia. He is one of the religious leaders who participated in trainings on gender‐based violence and are now preaching against violence. ‐ See more at:‐ethiopia‐church‐bells‐ring‐ for‐women‐and‐girls#sthash.SU78MbAZ.dpuf

2. Afganistan eğitim seferberliği

IIn Afghanistan, women and girls strive to get an education Girls study at the Sultan Razia High School in Mazar‐e‐Sharif, Balkh Province. (Photo: UN Photo/Shehzad Noorani) Education is often not an option for many women and girls in Afghanistan. According to Government figures, only 26 per cent of Afghanistan’s population is literate, and among women the rate is only 12 per cent.[1] Among school age children, 38 per cent (4.2 million in real numbers) do not have access to schools, most of which are girls.[2] ‐ See more at:‐women‐strive‐to‐get‐an‐ education#sthash.MKuCkh6V.dpuf

3. Rio da kadına karşı aşırı şiddet

In Rio de Janeiro's favelas, a new online tool tackles violence against women and girls ‐ In Brazil, sexual violence is a problem. Although reported cases reflect only a fraction of actual occurrences, data from the Rio de Janeiro State Secretariat for Public Security in 2012 show that compared to 2011, there was a sharp 23.8 per cent increase in cases of estupro (crimes which include rape and other violence) reported to the police in Rio de Janeiro. ‐ See more at:‐de‐janeiro‐apps‐to‐end‐ violence‐in‐favelas#sthash.rlVmz4ZE.dpufSee more at:‐de‐janeiro‐apps‐to‐end‐violence‐in‐ favelas#sthash.rlVmz4ZE.dpuf

4. Tanzanya Kız çocukları geleneksel yaralama

Escaping the scourge of female genital mutilation in Tanzania: a Maasai girls’ school provides scholarships for those at risk ‐ See more at: s/2012/11/escaping‐the‐scourge‐of‐ female‐genital‐mutilation‐in‐tanzania‐a‐ maasai‐girls‐school‐provides‐ schol#sthash.E8F9LMYv.dpuf

5. Kırgızıstan kız kaçırmaya daha ağır Cezalar

New law in Kyrgyzstan toughens penalties for bride kidnapping ‐ See more at:‐law‐in‐kyrgyzstan‐toughens‐ penalties‐for‐bride‐kidnapping#sthash.kH4AGpDU.dpuf

6. Pakistan Cinayetlerde kız çocukların diyet olarak verilmesi

Abolishing Sang Chatti: Pakistan works to prevent compensation marriage and other forms of violence against women Seven‐year‐old Izzo Bibi* lives in a small village in the province of Sindh in southern Pakistan. Her father cannot afford to send her to school but her mother has taught her traditional Sindhi embroidery. Izzo’s older cousin Sheeno* used to help her learn new embroidery motifs. When Izzo’s paternal uncle murdered his neighbour, the faislo (the decision‐making tribal gathering) demanded two girls from the murderer’s family as Sang Chatti (compensation marriage). At only 12 years of age, Sheeno was forcibly taken away by the aggrieved family. She did not even get to gather her belongings. ‐ See more at:‐sang‐chatti‐pakistan‐ works‐to‐prevent‐compensation‐marriage#sthash.uPRoLhkR.dpuf

7. Kamerunda kızların göğüslerinin iğdiş edilmesi

How I stopped grandma from ironing my budding breasts How I stopped grandma from ironing my budding breasts Cameroonian journalist and women's rights advocate Chi Yvonne Leina is the founder and coordinator of Gender Danger, a grassroots women`s organization that is fighting to end the practice of breast ironing in Cameroon. Her first‐hand account ‐ See more at:‐focus/girl‐child/2013#sthash.kBb1D87F.dpuf

8. Mısır kırsal alanada yoksulluk ve erken evlenme

Through film and life, rural women address poverty and early marriage in Egypt An innovative workshop explores ways for rural women how to tell their own stories about their participation in agriculture and barriers to their development in Upper Egypt ‐ See more at:‐focus/girl‐ child/2013#sthash.Q6QzP8aM.dpuf

9. Nepalde kızların yakılarak cezalandırılması

Burns Violence Survivors rebuild their lives in Nepal In a country where an estimated 50 per cent of suicide cases follow burns violence, an NGO supported by the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women is helping survivors of burn attacks access treatment, counseling and legal aid they need. ‐ See more at:‐focus/girl‐child/2013#sthash.KI0tC8hF.dpuf

10. Ilkel toplumlarda kızların durumu

Breaking the silence on violence against indigenous girls Breaking the silence on violence against indigenous girls: UN report calls for action An inter‐agency study launched at the XII Session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in May 2013, revealed that indigenous girls have a greater risk of experiencing violence due to the multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination they face. ‐ See more at:‐focus/girl‐ child/2013#sthash.KI0tC8hF.dpuf

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