UMSL IBI News: spring 2012

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International Business Institute at the University of Missouri–St. Louis Spring 2012

10 years

and counting! A decade of International Business excellence UMSL ranked in the top 20 best undergraduate International Business programs for the 9th consecutive year

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Business students place 3rd at Midwest Model European Union Contents Directors’ letter ……………………………………3 International Business Career Conference …………4

Each year, a contingent of business students from the University of Missouri–St. Louis gains first-hand experience with European Union policies and decision-making mechanisms by creating proposals and prepping a delegation that attends the Midwest Model European Union. This year, 10 students led by Betty Vining, assistant teaching professor of marketing, participated in the simulation at Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis. UMSL placed third out of 22 competing institutions!

IB Club celebrates 10 years …………………………5 IB program pioneers discuss early days ……………6 IB alumnus continues support from Prague ………7

[photo above, top left] The UMSL delegation takes a break on a bridge at Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis during the

IB Fellow receives international award ……………8

Midwest Model European Union.

IB research associate wins A-B Teaching Award …8

[photo above, bottom left] This year’s delegation to the Midwest Model

IB Fellow brings wealth of research to students ……9

European Union included (front, from left) Jenna Waldschmidt, Fahad

IB Fellows and Research Associates………………10

Aljaman, Sheena Crompton and Carly Gorka and (back, from left) Zachary Sturdefant, Salman Boer, Amar Jasarevic, Jon Kelly, Anthony Alexander and Jamie Mucalo.

On the cover: The International Business program at UMSL celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. Contributors to the program’s success include (from left): Sheena Crompton, student and vice president of the International Business Club;

[photo above, top right] UMSL students (from left) Fahad Aljaman, Jenna Waldschmidt and Jamie Mucalo head to an event at the Midwest Model European Union.

Steve Burrows, IBI co-director; Betty Vining, IBI fellow; and

[photo above, bottom right] UMSL students take in the sights

Joseph Rottman, IBI co-director. (Photo by August Jennewein)

in Indianapolis.

The International Business Institute at the University of Missouri–St. Louis publishes IBI News twice a year for alumni, faculty, students and staff. The newsletter highlights the people and programs that make the institute great. International Business Institute College of Business Administration University of Missouri–St. Louis 461 Social Sciences & Business Building 1 University Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63121-4400 314-516-4503

International Business Institute


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International Business Institute Advisory Board The International Business Institute Advisory Board includes academic and business leaders – St. Louis-based and global. Board members represent companies of various sizes. This linkage is critical to the ongoing development of the International Business Degree programs at the University of Missouri– St. Louis. Business members of the advisory board provide valuable input to the curriculum and internships for international MBA students and participate in classes and other forums to share their experience and knowledge with our students. Lenore K. Albee General Manager, Perficient

Deborah K. Baldini Associate Dean, Continuing Education and Teaching Professor of Spanish, University of Missouri–St. Louis

Chad Bockert Director, Corporate Business Development, World Wide Technology

Steve Burrows Director, Board Development and Executive Outreach, International Business Institute

Ross Bushnell Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing, Silgan Plastics Corporation

Happy Anniversary to IB at UMSL! Anniversaries are wonderful events! They let us look back and remember the events and people who helped us get to where we are. They also allow us to look forward and inspire us to continue to grow and achieve great things. We have enjoyed 10 years of a strong advisory board, fantastic students, excellent student organizations and almost 10 years of a top 20 ranking in the US News and World Report. What a great decade this has been! This issue of IBI News highlights those accomplishments and looks back on how we got here and where we are going during our next decade. We look back on our creation by having David Ricks and Allan Bird reminisce on the founding of the International Business program and “how it all started.” We look back on our student organizations. This year marks the 10th anniversary of our International Business Club. Earlier in the year, more than 65 people (alums, faculty administrators and current students) gathered on campus to celebrate and share stories of the club and how our International Business program has broadened their horizons and improved their lives. We reflect on the positive impact we can have on students’ careers by interviewing an early alumnus of our program, Sean Hanebery, who’s in Prague working as a business development manager for Consolidated Graphics. We also highlight the accomplishments of two of our great faculty members, Janet Murray and Gaiyan Zhang. They continue to excel both in research and teaching. This year also marked the fourth anniversary of our International Business Career Conference. The conference attracted over 250 students from 24 universities and IB professionals from over 30 companies. This event continues to grow and helps our students explore careers in international business and interact with our advisory board members and other executives. While our past is certainly impressive, our future is equally exciting. We will continue to recruit and educate the best students, excel in research and teaching, engage students in our clubs and activities, and rely on our outstanding advisory board for their expertise and support of our scholarship fund. Here’s to 10 more years!

Luis F. Campedelli* Group Head, Human Resources, MasterCard

Michael Costello Assistant Teaching Professor, College of Business Administration and Founding Member, Agreeco LLC

Lloyd “Henry” Evitts Vice President, Manufacturing, H-J Enterprises Inc.

Thomas Eyssell Associate Dean and Director, Graduate Studies, College of Business Administration, University of Missouri–St. Louis

Norihito Furuya

Michael Hackett

Robert S. Jett III

Joe Rottman

Augustine Vinh

President, Hackett Security Inc.

Vice President and Deputy Compliance Counsel, RGA Reinsurance Company

Director, International Business Institute, University of Missouri–St. Louis

Brian Iles* President, Unigroup Worldwide

Jay Shekelton

President and Chief Executive Officer, Stellar Management Joint Stock Company

Sean Hanebery Business Development Manager, Consolidated Graphics

Tim Heard Senior Vice President, Brown Shoe International

Benjamin Hulsey

Chief Executive Officer, IGB Networks Co.

Partner, Thompson Coburn LLP

Joel Glassman

Craig Ingraham

Associate Provost, Academic Affairs, and Director of the Center for International Studies, University of Missouri–St. Louis

Director, Executive Outreach, International Business Institute

Director, International Business Institute

Gilles Cottier President, Research and Essentials, Sigma-Aldrich Corporation

Steve Burrows

Joseph Rottman

International Counsel, Novus International

Timothy J. Nowak Executive Director, World Trade Center Saint Louis

Kei Pang President, HVAC Nidec Motor Corporation

Rodolfo Rivera (IBIAB President) Director Business Development, Fidelity Title International

Gary Wideman

President, Manufacturing, H-J International Inc.

Torbjorn “Turbo” Sjogren

Executive Director and Branch Manager, UBS Financial Services Inc.

Vice President, International Support Systems, Global Services and Support, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems

Dean, College of Business Administration, University of Missouri–St. Louis

Keith Womer

Jorge Toro President and Chief Executive Officer, Los Andes Ventures

*new board member

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International Business Career Conference draws big numbers More than 250 students from 24 universities in numerous states descended upon the University of Missouri–St. Louis March 2 to take part in the fourth annual International Business Career Conference. “This year’s conference exceeded all my expectations,” said Betty Vining, assistant teaching professor of marketing and faculty adviser for the conference. “We had students from as far away as Virginia.” The conference, “Launching Your Global Career,” began with a keynote address by Susan Lang, former senior vice president and chief supply chain officer at Express Scripts. “My main message to students is to look up and think forward,” Lang said. “In 20 years, all business will be international. It is important for students to get started somewhere. Find somewhere with an international division and dive in.” UMSL business major Sheena Crompton served as the project coordinator for the conference, which was put together by students in the International Business Honor Society, International Business Institute and College of Business Administration at UMSL. “We attribute much of this success to our distinguished lineup of executive speakers and workshop leaders,” Crompton said. “It has been a once-in-a-lifetime learning experience to be able to collaborate with top professionals for this unique conference. I think it’s important for students to hear advice from professionals who are in the positions we desire for our futures. It proves how valuable this conference is when so many professionals take time out of their busy schedules to come talk to students and give us advice on what we should be doing now to get to where they are, where we want to be in the future.”

Speaker Focus “In 20 years, all business will be international. It is important for students to get started somewhere. Find somewhere with an international division and dive in.” –Susan Lang, former senior vice

president and chief supply chain officer at Express Scripts

Participants also took part in a series of workshops and panel discussions and a networking lunch. The lunch gave students the opportunity to meet with representatives from St. Louis-area companies. “Our sponsors were so involved with the students we could hardly separate them to participate in the planned programs,” Vining said. “The food was international, diverse and delicious, with most recipes originating from our international student organizations. And our program speakers, beginning with Susan Lang, just blew everyone away with their stories and advice. My email was totally overflowing with positive responses when I returned home. I don’t think we can top this one!” Visit for more information or to get involved in the 2013 International Business Career Conference.

International business students from several states in the U.S. had the opportunity to talk with representatives from more than 30 St. Louis-area companies in March during the fourth annual International Business Career Conference at UMSL. Among them were (front row, from left) Jenna Waldschmidt, Sheena Crompton and Mengjia Liu and (back row, from left) Christopher Schaefer, Edgar Ramirez and Anthony Alexander.

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International Business Club celebrates 10 years with students, alumni More than 65 people gathered in December at the University of Missouri–St. Louis to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the International Business Club at UMSL. For Jennie Shane, BSBA 2003, the fall 2001 semester was a mixture of confusion and excitement. She said after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, students in the College of Business Administration at UMSL were like many people around the world – worried and uncertain about the future. “There was a fear among all students, but even more for the international students,” said Shane, who now works as a manager for Hackett Security in St. Louis. “At that time, we were just looking for a way to come together, to get to know each other and to learn from each other.” Sheena Crompton, a senior business major and vice president of the International Business Club, organized the event, which included a meet-and-greet, refreshments and several speakers. “The IBC anniversary reunion was a huge success,” Crompton said. “It provided the perfect opportunity for us to reconnect with our alumni and network with professionals.” Crompton said she hopes that many of the alumni who came back will stay active and interested in the club. She said there are many opportunities through the club’s Speaker Series or through a new mentoring and networking program that will soon be established. “My hope is that by staying in closer contact with our alumni, they will see our enthusiasm and return to campus more often to help IBC members develop international business skills and uncover new opportunities,” Crompton said. Betty Vining, assistant teaching professor of marketing at UMSL, is the current and founding adviser to the club. “The International Business Club began after 9/11 as a way to bring our diverse student body together,” Vining said. “This club has been an integral part of our International Business Program, which has ranked among the top 20 programs in the country for the past nine years. In reaching out to my former students to invite them to the event, I received messages from Indonesia, Germany, Brazil, Canada and many other countries from students sending their regrets that they couldn’t come because they were working too far away. I can take that kind of rejection. It only tells me how successful we have been.” UMSL students, faculty and alumni attended the 10-year reunion of the International Business Club in November. Among the participants were (front, from left) Violetta Pelts, Evin Russell, Xavier Robinson, Betty Vining, Joseph Rottman, Sheena Crompton and Carlos Cuartas and (back, from left) Lawrence “Butch” Gagnon, Jason Bockman and Steve Burrows.

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Thoughts from two UMSL IB pioneers David Ricks: The first days My first days at the University of Missouri–St. Louis were exciting. It seemed to me that UMSL had the potential to have a great undergraduate program in international business – one that everyone could be proud of and would one day be ranked as one of the best in the country. So I proposed that goal to anyone who would listen and, to my great pleasure, everyone agreed. Dean Doug Durand, Chancellor Blanche Touhill, International Studies Director Joel Glassman and Honors College Dean Bob Bliss were immediately supportive. So was the College of Business Administration faculty. It was to be a college-wide program. Julius Johnson and Betty Vining were particularly active from the beginning in helping to build the program. It was a team effort, and everyone played important roles. It is amazing in a way, if you stop to think about it. Within the space of just a few years we developed a partnership with the honors college, got a curriculum and new courses approved, recruited our first students, started the International Business Club, created an International Business Advisory Board (co-chaired with Steve Burrows), and hired Allan Bird. We then formed the Consortium for Undergraduate International Business Education, expanded our program and became nationally ranked – all this within just a few years. I will always appreciate the opportunity UMSL gave me to lead this great endeavor, but I know our success would not have happened without the efforts and support of many people.

David Ricks, Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Management and International Business at UMSL

Allan Bird: Beginnings I joined the University of Missouri–St Louis in 2000 and was excited about working with David Ricks to build a strong International Business program at UMSL. Both David and I saw the opportunity to build a great program. From colleagues within the college to supporters in other key units across the university up to Chancellor Blanche Touhill, we could not have asked for a more hospitable climate. Dr. Joel Glassman, associate vice chancellor and director of the Center for International Studies, and Dr. Robert Bliss, dean of the Pierre Laclede Honors College, were particularly helpful in clarifying what was possible and providing assistance and resources in making things happen. Nationally, the timing could not have been better. In 2000, there were few universities focused on undergraduate IB education. David and I both had the sense that if we could move quickly, UMSL could take a leadership role when other schools eventually followed suit. Our impressions were validated when, in 2003, we hosted an initial summit of 10 schools with high quality undergraduate IB programs. Out of that meeting, the Consortium for Undergraduate International Business Education was born. Ten years later, with more than 25 member schools – roughly half of whom are ranked among the top 20 undergraduate IB programs in the country – CUIBE has become an influential organization and UMSL continues to maintain a strong leadership role.

Allan Bird, formerly Eiichi Shibusawa-Seigo Arai Endowed Professor of Japanese Studies and director of International Business Programs at UMSL

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IB alumnus takes on new challenge in Prague Traveling the globe is nothing new to Sean Hanebery. Having spent time living in the United Kingdom, France, Germany and the United States, the University of Missouri–St. Louis alumnus didn’t hesitate when offered the opportunity to move to Prague. Hanebery, BSBA international business 2007, recently became the business development manager of the Prague branch of Consolidated Graphics, a commercial printing company, in the Czech Republic. He began working for Consolidated Graphics in 2008 after graduating from UMSL. Beginning as an associate in the leadership development program, Hanebery worked his way up to become a project manager at the Houston branch before he was offered the position in Prague “The experience has been great,” Hanebery said. “An expatriate assignment is what I have been looking and working toward since graduating from UMSL, and I feel the skills and tools I picked up during my time at UMSL are helping me be successful in my new role.” Hanebery said he chose UMSL for its top-ranked international business program and partnerships with area businesses. While at UMSL, he was a member of the Pierre Laclede Honors College and the International Business Club. Hanebery said professors at UMSL were the key to his successful experience.

Sean Hanebery and Jessica, his sister, enjoy Prague, Czech Republic.

“People like Betty Vining (assistant teaching professor of marketing at UMSL) who have a real interest in the subjects they teach make the best kinds of teachers,” he said. “Her passion and enthusiasm about the subject inspires her students to feel the same.” Hanebery credits the International Business program at UMSL for preparing him for the global business world. He is an active member of the IB Advisory Board.

Alumnus Focus “I feel the skills and tools I picked up during my time at UMSL are helping me be successful in my new role.” –Sean Hanebery, BSBA

international business 2007, business development manager, Consolidated Graphics

“Being in a business development role in Europe, I need to communicate with people from different countries and cultural backgrounds on a daily basis,” he said. “The classroom in the international business program at UMSL is very diverse, as the IB program draws students from all over the world. Learning in that sort of environment definitely made me sensitive to different cultures and allowed me an opportunity to learn how to work with people from different backgrounds.” He said he tells people all the time about UMSL’s program and would recommend it to anyone. “In my opinion, UMSL’s IB program is top-notch and could hold its own against some of the top schools in the nation,” he said. Taking risks, according to Hanebery, is the key to success for business professionals. He said, “I tell students entering the business world today to step out of their comfort zone and to challenge themselves continuously in order to advance.”

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Award-winning faculty IBI Fellow receives award from International Association of Outsourcing Professionals Mary Lacity, Curators’ Professor of Information Systems at the University of Missouri–St. Louis and IBI Fellow, was named Member of the Year by the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals. The IAOP, with 120,000 members worldwide, is the leading professional association for organizations and individuals involved in transforming the world of business through outsourcing, off shoring and shared services. “Mary is a great supporter of the IAOP and our go-to expert on many topics,” said Debi Hamill, chief executive officer of the IAOP. Lacity serves as co-chair of the IAOP–Midwest Chapter, member of the research and program committees and judge for the Global Excellence in Outsourcing award. She is also a regular speaker at the IAOP Outsourcing World Summit. At the 2012 summit in Orlando, Fla., Lacity presented her recent research with Leslie Willcocks, “The BPO Landscape: The Next Generation,” and served as moderator for the panel, “Rural Sourcing: Moving from Xenophobic Buyer to Competitive Supplier.” At the summit, she and Joseph Rottman, associate professor of information systems at UMSL and IBI director, designed and administered an innovation survey to 202 delegates. The results were published in the March issue of Globalization Today, the IAOP’s flagship journal.

Mary Lacity (left) receives the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals Member of the Year award from Debi Hamel, chief executive officer of the IAOP.

Finance professor receives Anheuser-Busch Teaching Award Gaiyan Zhang, IB Fellow and associate professor of finance at the University of Missouri– St. Louis, received the 2011 Anheuser-Busch Excellence in Teaching Award in September at the 41st annual Honors Program presented by the College of Business Administration at UMSL. “I am honored to receive the Anheuser-Busch Excellence in Teaching Award,” Zhang said. “Having the opportunity to teach young students about the world of finance has always been my passion. I’m thankful for the opportunity provided to me by UMSL and the College of Business Administration.” Zhang joined UMSL in 2005 and has demonstrated significant improvement and development in her teaching skills, said Hung-gay Fung, coordinator of the finance area and the Dr. Y.S. Tsiang Endowed Professor in Chinese Studies at UMSL. “She continuously shows sincere care and concerns for her students,” Fung wrote in a nomination letter. “Zhang makes her teaching objective clear to the students in her finance courses.” Zhang is an expert in credit risk, credit contagion, credit derivatives and fixed income securities, empirical corporate finance, international finance and emerging economies. She teaches undergraduate courses in finance and international corporate finance, as well as MBA courses in financial management.

Gaiyan Zhang, IBI research associate and associate professor of finance at UMSL received the 2011 Anheuser-Busch Excellence in Teaching Award in September.

“To me, learning is a result of interest, guidance and effort,” Zhang said. “As a teacher, my goal is to assist students in accomplishing their learning goals by fostering their interest, providing them guidance and motivating their efforts.”

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IBI Fellow Janet Murray brings wealth of research to her students Janet Y. Murray is the E. Desmond Lee Professor for Developing Women Leaders and Entrepreneurs in International Business and professor of marketing at the University of Missouri–St. Louis. She has taught courses in marketing and international business at the undergraduate, master’s and doctoral levels. Murray has held faculty positions in marketing and international business at Saint Louis University, Cleveland State University and City University of Hong Kong. She served as president of the Women in the Academy of International Business from July 2009 to June 2011, and is currently the WAIB immediate past president. Murray’s research interests focus on global sourcing and international marketing strategies, international strategic alliances, learning and knowledge transfer, and competitive strategy in transitional economies. Her research has appeared in such respected publications as the Journal of Marketing, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Research, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of World Business, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Research, Management International Review and International Marketing Review. Murray is a recipient of three research awards and five best paper awards. She received the 1999 S. Tamer Cavusgil Best Paper Award for the best paper that advances the practice of international marketing management published in 1998 in the Journal of International Marketing.

Janet Murray, IBI Fellow and E. Desmond Lee Professor for Developing Women Leaders and Entrepreneurs in International Business

In 2002, Murray received the Hans B. Thorelli Best Paper Award for the paper that has made the most significant contribution to international marketing theory or thought published in the Journal of International Marketing in 2001. In 2005, she was awarded the Best Paper Award for her paper published in International Marketing Review in 2004. In 2008, Murray received the Douglas E. Durand Award for Research Excellence from the College of Business Administration at UMSL. Her 2004 paper (co-written with Masaaki Kotabe), “Global Sourcing Strategy and Sustainable Competitive Advantage,” published in Industrial Marketing Management, is among the top 10 most downloaded industrial marketing management articles between 1971 and 2011. Murray was nominated for the 2010 Most Influential Business Women Award, St. Louis Business Journal, and the 2011 Winning Women, Women Influencing Now Regional Economic Development Award. In October 2005, the Center for International Business Education and Research at Michigan State University identified the 89 most prolific researchers (out of a total of 1,908 authors) in international business in the world from 1996 to 2005, among whom Murray ranked 21st. Murray has served as a consultant for Fortune 500 firms in the areas of marketing and international business strategies. She serves on the editorial review boards for the Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of International Management, International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets and Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal.

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IBI FELLOWS 2011-2012 IBI scholarship recipients Student Name Carlos Cuartas Kathryn Vogel Violetta Pelts Sheena Crompton Simeon Platschkov Ngan Nguyen

Scholarship Name Amount Robert B. Vining $ 3,500 Robert B. Vining $ 2,500 Robert B. Vining $ 2,500 Robert B. Vining $ 2,500 International Business Scholarship $ 2,000 International Business Advisory Board $ 2,000 Laura McGrath International Business Advisory Board $ 2,000 Krisden Raney David P. Gustafson $ 1,000 Seth Hoskins Maria Maddalena Chi Chun Chan $ 1,000 Khoa Bach Do Maria Maddalena Chi Chun Chan $ 1,000 Darlene Daugherty International Business Advisory Board $ 500 Darlene Daugherty International Business Fellows $ 500 Through the generosity of the International Business Institute Advisory Board and UMSL faculty and friends, we are able to offer more than $10,000 in scholarships this year to students who meet the appropriate qualifications. Such financial support assures that capable and motivated students will have an opportunity to earn international business degrees by subsidizing the cost associated with overseas travel and study, which are requirements of the degree programs. Below is a summary of scholarships available through the International Business Institute. Robert B. Vining Jr. Memorial Scholarship IB major with minimum GPA of 2.5 Must use scholarship for an international experience. Must be an active member of the International Business Club or International Business Honor Society. $3,500, renewable. Multiple scholarships available each year.

Michael J. Costello Assistant Teaching Professor of Legal Studies

Hung-Gay Fung Dr. Y.S. Tsiang Professor in Chinese Studies

Gerald Gao Associate Professor of Marketing

Mary Lacity Curators’ Professor of Information Systems

Received a fellowship for the study of comparative legal systems in the Arab Gulf countries. Presented the Golden Plate Award for his efforts with the Old Newsboys Campaign.

“How Does the Use of Credit Default Swaps Affect Firm Risk and Value? Evidence from U.S. Life and Property/Casualty Insurance Companies,” with Min-Ming Wen and Gaiyan Zhang, Financial Management, 2012, forthcoming. “Time Dependent Behavior of the Asian and the U.S. REITs around the Subprime Crisis,” with Chien-yun Chang and Jian-Hsin Chou, Journal of Property Investment & Finance, forthcoming 2012.

“Market Orientation and Performance of Export Ventures: The Process through Marketing Capabilities and Positional Advantages,” with Janet Y. Murray and Masaaki Kotabe, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 39 (2), 252-265. “Reducing Distributor Opportunism: Effects of Monitoring Mechanisms, Norm-based Information Exchange, and Market Orientation,” with Min Ju, Janet Y. Murray and Masaaki Kotabe, Journal of World Business, 46 (4): 487-496.

“Delivering Innovation in Outsourcing: Findings from the 2012 Outsourcing World Summit,” with J. Rottman, Globalization Today, March 2012, pp. 26, 31. “The Practice of Outsourcing Business and IT Services: Evidence of Success, Robust Practices, and Contractual Challenges,” Legal Information Management, forthcoming, with L. Willcocks, 2012. “Rural Outsourcing: Delivering ITO and BPO Services from Remote Domestic Locations,” with E. Carmel and J. Rottman, IEEE Computer, Vol. 44, pp. 55-62, 2011.

James Campbell Professor of Management Science and Information Systems

Timothy Farmer Associate Professor of Accounting


David P. Gustafson Memorial Scholarship for Overseas Studies Student business major, studying abroad. $1,000+, non-renewable. Maria Maddalena Chi Chun Chan Memorial Scholarship Junior or senior IB major with minimum GPA of 3.5. $1000, renewable. 2 scholarships available each year. International Business Scholarship Full-time student, IB major. Must demonstrate need as determined by the FAFSA. $2,000, renewable. International Business Advisory Board Scholarship IB major or IMBA student. Must have a minimum GPA of 3.0. Must use scholarship for study abroad to meet international experience requirement. $2000, non-renewable. Multiple scholarships available each year. International Business Fellows Scholarship IB major with a minimum GPA of 3.2. Must use scholarship for study abroad to meet international experience requirement. $500, non-renewable +Minimum amount of scholarship is $500, but unused funds from previous year could compound the amount available. To view a full list of scholarships and awards available through the College of Business Administration, please visit Students must apply online and have the application submitted to Jane Farrell at

Bindu Arya Assistant Professor of Management “Global integration strategies of Taiwanese SMEs: An empirical examination,” with J. Johnson and D. Mirchandani, Journal of World Business, 48 (1), 2013. “Institutional Reforms and Investor Reactions to CSR Announcements: Evidence From an Emerging Economy,” with Gaiyan Zhang, Journal of Management Studies, 46 (7), 1089-1253, 2009.

Guest edited with L. Douglas Smith special issue of International Journal of Revenue Management on “New Perspectives on Revenue Management in Transportation Services,” Vol. 6, Nos. 1 & 2, 2012. “Vehicle Routing Models and Algorithms for Winter Road Spreading Operations,” with J.R. Montoya-Torres, A.A. Juan, L.H. Huatuco, J. Faulin and G.L. Rodriguez-Verjan (eds.), “IG in Hybrid Algorithms for Service, Computing and Manufacturing Systems: Routing and Scheduling Solutions,” IGI Global, Hershey, 2012.

“Associations between Epistemological Beliefs and Moral Reasoning: Evidence from Accounting,” with N. Mintchik, Journal of Business Ethics, 84(2), 259-275, 2009.

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Janet Murray E. Desmond Lee Professor for Developing Women Leaders and Entrepreneurs in International Business

Ekin Pellegrini Associate Professor of Management

Natalia Mintchik Associate Professor of Accounting

Ray Mundy Barriger Endowed Professor of Transportation and Logistics

“Measurement invariance in mentoring research: A cross“Outsourcing and its Implica- cultural examination across tions for Market Success: Taiwan and the U.S. Journal of Negative Curvilinearity, Firm Vocational Behavior,” with C. Resources, and Competition,” Hu and T.A. Scandura, 78 (2), with Masaaki Kotabe, 274-282, 2011. ”Cross-cultural Michael J. Mol and Ronaldo generalizability of paternalistic Parente, Journal of the Acad- leadership: An expansion of emy of Marketing Science, leader-member exchange forthcoming. “Export Market theory (LMX),” with T.A. ScanOrientation and Export Perdura and V. Jayaraman, Group formance: The Mediating Role and Organization Management, of Marketing Capabilities and 35 (4), 391-420, 2010. Positional Advantages,” with Gerald Yong Gao and Masaaki Kotabe, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 39 (2), pp. 252-269, 2011.

“Accounting Executives and IT Outsourcing Recommendations: An Experimental Study of the Effect of CIO Skills and Institutional Isomorphism,” with J. Blaskovich, Journal of Information Technology, 26 (2), 139-152, 2011. “Information Technology Outsourcing: A Taxonomy of Prior Studies and Directions for Future Research,” with J. Blaskovich, Journal of Information Systems, 25 (1), 1-36, 2011. Obtained certification as a Certified Information Systems Auditor.

“Teaching Supply Chain and Logistics Management Through Commercial Software,” with D.C. Sweeney II and J.F. Campbell, International Journal of Logistics Management, 21, 293-308, 2010.

David Ronen Professor of Logistics and Operations Management “The Effect of Oil Price on Containership Speed & Fleet Size,” Journal of the Operational Research Society, 62 (1), 211-216, 2011. Recipient of the Goodeve Medal on Nov. 3, 2009, at the Royal Society, London, England.

Joseph Rottman Associate Professor of Information Systems

L. Douglas Smith Professor of Management Science

Elizabeth W. Vining Assistant Teaching Professor of Marketing

“Delivering Innovation in Outsourcing: Findings from the 2012 Outsourcing World Summit,” with M. Lacity, Globalization Today, March, pp. 26, 2012. “The Global IT Sourcing Landscape and Lessons for the Korean Market,” keynote address, Seventh Busan International Finance Conference, Busan, South Korea, Oct. 31, 2011. “Rural Outsourcing: Delivering ITO and BPO Services from Remote Domestic Locations,” with M. Lacity and E. Carmel, IEEE Computing, Vol. 44, pp. 55-62, 2011.

“Scheduling Operations at System Choke Points with Sequence-dependent Delays and Processing Times,” with R.M. Nauss, D.C. Mattfeld, J. Li, and J.F. Ehmke, Transportation Research Part E, 47.5, 669-691, 2011. “Interactive Analysis of Discrete-Event Logistics Systems with Support of a Data Warehouse,” with J.F. Ehmke, D. Großhans, D.C. Mattfeld, Computers in Industry, 62, 578-586, 2011.

Received a $3,000 grant to participate in the Faculty Development International Business program in Brussels, Belgium. This prestigious program coordinates the efforts of faculty in international business programs worldwide to improve international business instruction.

Kenny Oh Assistant Professor of Management

Chikako Usui Associate Professor of Sociology

D. A. Weise Associate Professor of Finance

Gaiyan Zhang Associate Professor of Finance

‘‘Why do firms bribe? Insights from residual control theory into firms’ vulnerability and exposure to corruption,” with S. Lee and L. Eden, Management International Review, 2009. “Institutional transitions and firms’ political behaviors,” Best Papers Proceedings, Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management, Chicago, 2009. “Institutions and the product scope of the firm,” with S. Lee, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, Aug. 7-11, 2009.

“Japan’s Demographic Changes, Social Implications, and Business Opportunities,” Comparative Entrepreneurship Initiatives: Studies of China, Japan and the USA (ed.), Palgrave, London, 2011. Peking University Business Review, 70 (May), 94-97. “Japan’s Population Aging and Silver Industries,” with F. Kohlbacher and C. Hersatt (editors), The Silver Market Phenomenon: Marketing and Innovation in the Aging Society (2nd edition). Springer, 325336.

Financial Forensics: The Science of Derivatives, McGraw-Hill (2011). “How Much is Too Much? The Case of the Anheuser-Busch/InBev Takeover,” The International Review of Accounting, Banking and Finance, 2 (1), 22-30, Spring 2010.

“How Does the Use of Credit Default Swaps Affect Firm Risk and Value? Evidence from U.S. Life and Property-Casualty Insurance Companies,” with Hung-gay Fung and Min-Ming Wen, Financial Management, forthcoming, 2012. “Credit Contagion Channels: Market Microstructure Evidence from Lehman Brother’s Bankruptcy,” with Bidisha Chakrabarty, Financial Management, forthcoming, 2012. “Information Efficiency of Credit Default Swaps Market: Evidence from Earnings Surprises,” with Sanjian Zhang, Journal of Financial Stability, forthcoming, 2012.

International Business Institute


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U.S. News & World Report has ranked the International Business program at the University of Missouri–St. Louis in the top 20 for nine consecutive years. Undergraduate Business Specialties: International Business 1. University of South Carolina* 2. New York University University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia 4. University of Southern California in Los Angeles 5. George Washington University in Washington 6. University of California–Berkeley* 7. University of Michigan–Ann Arbor * 8. University of Texas–Austin* 9. Temple University in Philadelphia* 10. Georgetown University in Washington 11. San Diego State University 12. University of Hawaii–Manoa in Honolulu* University of Washington in Seattle* 14. Brigham Young University–Provo in Utah

15. University of Missouri–St. Louis*

Serious education. Serious value.S M

16. Florida International University in Miami* Saint Louis University University of Oklahoma in Norman* 19. Northeastern University in Boston Washington State University in Pullman*

* denotes a public school.

International Business Institute


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