Fall Events Mobile Schedule
An exciting addition to Triton Take-Off Weekend 2016 is the integration of the schedule on the UMSL mobile app. Download the UMSL mobile app to access the schedule, UMSL resources, shuttles routes, dining hours and other helpful tools from your smartphone. visit
Fall Weeks of Welcome updates
To get the latest updates on events, follow New Student Programs on social media. UMSL New Student Programs @UMSLnewstudents UMSL_NSP
During WOW, you will see faculty and staff members wearing ASK ME buttons. Feel free to ask these UMSL community members any questions you may have—whether you need directions or have general inquiries. During New Student Move-In, ASK ME tents and information tables can be found all around campus including on the first two days of classes.
Weeks of Welcome Events
Please use this key to help you navigate through the schedule. The icons denote various types of events throughout Weeks of Welcome. While you’re encouraged to attend as many events as you can, events in the gold star are highly recommended for all first-year students. During the first six weeks, we challenge all new students to complete at least eight events around campus. These events highlighted will allow you to swipe at these events to upload and tally your attendance. If you complete eight events, (2) events from each category, you will be eligible for prizes that will be given out at the end of semester. Throughout the Weeks of Welcome booklet you will notice color logos that represent the following categories:
hIgHly recOmmEnDed eVeNt
bRinG WAteR bOtTle
Swing by the Recreation and Wellness Center and bring your TritonCard to activate your free student pass. You can also view the fitness classes that are available that semester. Also, don’t forget to register your intramural team or join a team before the deadlines listed in this booklet. Keep up with the latest in health, wellness and academic success with the Student Health 101 monthly newsletters. Visit campusrecreation to learn more Join us at Rock the Rec on Saturday, August 20!
Getting involved is the best way to connect to the university and to extend your education beyond what you learn in the classroom. TritonSync Explore student organizations, learn about campus activities, and connect with other students. Visit to get started. Student Government Association Help shape the UMSL experience by representing your fellow Tritons as a member of SGA. To learn more visit sga Co-Curricular Transcript Track your attendance at events, log your volunteer hours, and document your leadership experience in student organizations or other areas on campus. For more information visit
UMSL NIGHT AT THE BALLPARK TICKETS AVAILABLE Join the UMSL community at Busch Stadium on Sept. 9 to see the St. Louis Cardinals take on the Brewers. Tickets available online for $20 each which includes baseball ticket and free food voucher for soda and hot dog. Visit to purchase tickets.
Fraternity & Sorority Life
Fraternity & Sorority Life at the University of Missouri – St. Louis seeks to encourage members to become contributing and productive members of the campus and community. Panhellenic Sorority Recruitment In you are interested in participating in Panhellenic Sorority Recruitment, you must register at Participation in the recruitment process costs $30 prior to August 29. Inter-Fraternity Council Recruitment In you are interested in participating in IFC Recruitment, you must register at go/thinkgreek.
Whether you are interested in volunteering for fun or personal fulfillment, we can connect you to one-time and ongoing opportunities in the St. Louis community. UMSL Students of Service UMSL SOS is the service programming board that engages students through service and leadership opportunities. For more information visit the Office of Student Involvement in 366 MSC. The Big Event Help us kick off a year of giving back by participating in The Big Event on Saturday, September 24.
Multi-Greek Council Recruitment Students interested in learning more about our multicultural fraternities and sororities are encouraged to attend the MGC Greek Etiquette event on September 15.
aCaDemIC eVeNt
mINd, bODy, And sPiRit
cAreEr, fInAncIaL lItEraCy, lEaRniNg
cAmPus sOciAl, sErVicE, And tRaDitIonS
Triton Take-Off Weekend includes a series of events designed to act as an extension of the new student orientation process, and to welcome all new students the days leading up to their first week of classes. The events will allow new students to meet fellow peers and learn even more about life at UMSL and how to have a successful transition.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 19 MOVE IN DAY 8:00 am - 2:00 pm New Student Move-In Day On Campus Living Locations ITS Residence Hall Tech Help Get help connect and have your technology questions answered while you move-in. ITS has set up satellite desks during move-in to better assist you. 11:00 am - 2:00 pm LUNCH and WELCOME MEETINGS PROVINCIAL HOUSE DINING HALL Residence Halls Parent and Family Welcome Meeting Meet the professional staff members who will be working with your students throughout the year, and hear information about the residence hall academic environment, facilities, fall events, and parent involvement opportunities. There will also be time to turn in meningitis forms, sign up for the monthly parent newsletter, collect UMSL parent swag, and participate in a Q/A session with representatives from Residential Life and Housing, Health, Wellness and Counseling Services, Dean of Students, UMSL Police, and New Student Programs. • Resident Hall Parent and Family Meeting Option 1 --- 11:30 am – 12:30 pm • Resident Hall Parent and Family Meeting Option 2 --- 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm PROVINCIAL HOUSE CHAPEL
2:00 pm - 4:30 pm Honors Orientation
6:30 pm Transfer Students Meet and Greet
*New Honors students are required to attend this session. Meet all the incoming freshmen, student group leaders and staff during this informational session. An introduction to the curriculum, resources and community will be provided. New students will also meet their peer mentors and have a chance to connect with other students. PROVINCIAL HOUSE
All transfer students should attend this session to learn about involvement opportunities throughout Weeks of Welcome and resources for transfer students on campus. You will also have the opportunity to meet your transfer ambassadors. Join us for a nacho snack bar while mingling with other transfer students and current leaders. MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER – 3RD FLOOR ROTUNDA
CHOOSE: DINNER IN DINING HALL OR MEET AND GREET BELOW 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Residential Students Dinner in Dining Hall *New students living on campus meet your WOW Crew Leaders in Provincial House Front Lawn @ 5pm to eat together in your crew leader groups. Don’t forget your TritonCard in order to swipe to eat dinner. PROVINCIAL HOUSE DINING HALL 6:30 pm Freshman Commuter Students Meet and Greet
Learn about opportunities and resources for commuters on campus and meet your commuter assistants. All freshmen commuter students should attend this session, as you will receive information about Weeks of Welcome activities and future opportunities to be involved on campus. Join us for a nacho snack bar while mingling with other freshman commuter students and current leaders. MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER – 3RD FLOOR ROTUNDA
6:30 pm Student Veterans Meet and Greet
Hosted by the Student Veterans Association, meet new and returning student veterans and UMSL staff who will be great resources to you while you are here on campus. Join us for a nacho snack bar while mingling with other student veterans and current leaders. MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER – 3RD FLOOR ROTUNDA 7:00 pm Kick-Off Welcome and Keynote: Ryan Penneau
Are you ready to officially kick-off Triton Take-Off Weekend? Join us in the Millennium Student Center for a fun-filled evening of activities. Triton Connections is totally unlike anything you have ever experienced. It’s entertainment. It’s fun. It’s the perfect way to make new friends. Ryan Penneau will have our minds spinning as we conceptualize this idea of college and get us motivated to pursue our ultimate dreams and be a ninja! MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER – CENTURY ROOMS
9:00 pm Crew Team Meetings
10:00 – 11:30 am Strange Like Me
This is an interactive program on racism, sexism, and homophobia especially for college students. This session explores the realities of being in a diverse student community and sets the stage for a lively discussion of diversity, building new relationships with others different from one’s self, learning from one’s mistakes, the cost of exclusion and how one can take small steps in their daily lives to enhance inclusion as being a member of the UMSL community. MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER - CENTURY ROOMS
10:00 pm-11:30 pm Greek Freeze
*Sponsored by Fraternity & Sorority Life Join us for a late night tradition of enjoying a full ice cream buffet, dancing, music and mingling with sorority and fraternity life members. This is open to all new students. MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER PATIO
SATURDAY, AUGUST 20 FREE Group Fitness Fall Schedule Starts Today Ongoing throughout the semester Mon-Sun The RWC offers 30+ Group Fitness Classes a week that are FREE for students to attend. With classes ranging from Barre to Zumba to Yoga and more, we have something for everyone. Visit for more schedule information. RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER 9:00 am Meet outside of Provincial House for Shuttles or to Walk to the Rec Center 9:00 am - 10:00 am Morning Motivation
Start your day off right with a morning workout. The Recreation and Wellness Center is open for business and is hosting a variety of free fitness opportunities. Come break a sweat and join us for a 1 mile fun run/walk to further explore UMSL’s campus, meet Triton Health Educators, and explore the Rec Center amenities. These activities are sure to help you reduce the stress associated with the transition to your UMSL experience. RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
11:30 pm – Noon Crew Leaders Meeting
Pick Up Books from Triton Bookstore MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER -2ND FLOOR Pick Up Metro or Parking Passes from Cashier’s Office MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER -2ND FLOOR 11:30 am–12:30 pm LUNCH with WOW Crew Leaders/ FREE TIME 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Explore the City Scavenger Hunt on the Metro and/or UMSL Shopping Shuttle
Grab your friends and join Crew leaders as they will travel on the Metro to various locations around the St. Louis area to become familiar with the Metro, Metro stations and hot spots in your new city. Locations will include Downtown, Galleria Mall, and Delmar Loop. Start at the South Campus Metro Stop and work with your WOW crew team. Prizes
will be awarded for specific findings on the scavenger hunt list provided. The UMSL Shopping Shuttle will also be in service during this time to go shopping to grab last minute items for your room or grocery shopping. *Sponsored by New Student Programs MEET IN FRONT OF PROVINCIAL HOUSE 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm Commuter Lounge
Join other commuter students for crafting, lights snacks, and relaxation in 366 Millennium Student Center MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, 3RD FLOOR, ROOM 366 4:00 pm – 6:30 pm LEAP Students Kick-Off and Reception MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, 3RD FLOOR IN CENTURY ROOMS DINNER ON YOUR OWN & FREE TIME 7:00 pm Town Hall Meeting – Mansion Hill, University Meadows, and Commuters Students
New to St. Louis area? Are you an UMSL student athlete, international student, student who is also a parent? Join your peers and current upper-class leaders who were in your shoes and will provide a list of opportunities to get to know your new home and city! Connect with your peers and learn about the resources— including car-ride sharing program, student who is a parent, getting involved and much more. *Sponsored by SAAC (Student Athletic Association Council), University Meadows, Residential Life and Housing Mansion Hill Staff, International Student organization, Student Social Work MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER – FIRESIDE LOUNGE, 2ND FLOOR ACROSS FROM EINSTEIN BAGELS 7:00 pm Town Hall Meeting required for Oak, Villa, Villa North Residents
All residents are required to attend this official welcome from the current professional and paraprofessional staff in Residential Life and Housing. Announcements, updates, security and policy reminders will be presented. PROVINCIAL HOUSE CHAPEL
8:00 - 11:00 pm Rock the Rec
3:00 - 4:00 pm Where Are My Classes? Campus Classroom & Building Tours
SUNDAY, AUGUST 21 10:30 -11:00 am Find Your Faith- Religious Organizations Meet and Greet
The Find Your Faith Fair is an opportunity for you to meet UMSL religious faith-based student organizations to learn ways to grow in your faith and spirituality. PROVINCIAL HOUSE CHAPEL HALLWAY 11:00 - Noon UMSL Student Mass *Sponsored by Catholic Newman Center
Meet on your residence hall floor or at your designated meeting space with your class schedule. Your WOW Crew Leader, resident advisor, commuter assistant or transfer mentor will take you around campus to help familiarize you with academic buildings before classes start on Monday. RESIDENTIAL STUDENTS – MEET IN FRONT OF OAK HALL LAWN COMMUTER: MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, FIRESIDE LOUNGE, 2ND FLOOR NEAR ESCALATORS TRANSFER: MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, FIRESIDE LOUNGE, 2ND FLOOR NEAR ESCALATORS 3:00 - 4:00 pm Colleges Meet and Greet VARIOUS LOCATIONS
Everyone is welcome to attend Catholic Mass. This is a wonderful opportunity to step aside from the hectic pace of university life, to immerse yourself into God’s love and grace and worship with a vibrant, spirit-filled community. Students of all faith traditions are welcome to attend. PROVINCIAL HOUSE CHAPEL Noon - 2:00 pm Pinterest Party / Decorating and Organizing Tips for Residence Hall Rooms OAK HALL KITCHEN 11:00 - 2:00 pm LUNCH AND FREE TIME 12:30 pm – 3:00 pm Transfer Student Make-Up Orientation
Last chance to complete your mandatory Orientation requirement as a transfer student. Join us for this session as we provide you the resources, presentations, meet current students and other peers starting at UMSL, and gain important information to get a jump start to success for your UMSL experience. Plan to stay for the full time for completion and release of your Orientation hold of your account. Following this session will be a campus tour. MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER – CENTURY ROOMS
4:30 - 5:00 pm Serendipity Sendoff
Serendipity Sendoff is an annual UMSL tradition that officially welcomes you to the University. Hear from University Chancellor, current student leaders, & alumni as you become a true member of the UMSL community during this formal ceremony to celebrate the incoming class. All incoming students and their families are encouraged to attend and wear their “UMSL red and gold”. MEET IN FRONT OF TJ LIBRARY 5:00 - 7:00 pm Welcome Back Picnic MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER 7:00 pm Living Learning Community Meeting MEET ON YOUR LLC FLOOR 8:00 - 10:00 pm Residential Life & Housing Community Meetings
Meet the students on your residence hall floor and your resident advisor. You will focus on initial community introductions and interactions as well as preview the Weeks of Welcome events. OAK & VILLA HALL RESIDENTS; SEE RA FOR DETAILS 4
August 22 – September 2 All Day Fee-Based Fitness Demo Weeks (Aug. 22 Sept. 2)
Interested in one of our fee based programs? Sample all of our fee based programs before you commit. Tai Chi, Kids Fitness, Outdoor Boot RECREATION WELLNESS CENTER
Monday, August 22 First Day of Classes –Good Luck! 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Help-A-Triton (1of2) Volunteers will be stationed around campus at HelpA-Triton tables to help with directions, academic services information, provide campus maps and shuttle schedules, hand out WOW booklets, and assist with other issues you may encounter in your first two class days. Stop by their tables for a friendly face! #UMSLpride VARIOUS LOCATIONS Advanced Leader Applications Open
Advanced Leaders is a 11-week program designed to enhance the skills of student leaders beyond the introductory level leadership topics. The curriculum is grounded in the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership. Membership is limited to UMSL students of junior, senior, and graduate student status. Sophomore students who have completed the Emerging Leaders Program are also invited to apply. Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.5. Apply online in TritonSync-- deadline is 5pm on Friday, September 9. OFFICE OF STUDENT INVOLVEMENT 366 MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER
12:00 pm Candy Bar Come by our table located in the Quarter’s Lounge during lunch time on the first day of classes to receive a bag of candy and learn about the other awesome events University Program Board hosts. MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER – 1ST FLOOR
Tuesday, August 23 During Regular Hours Trainer Tuesday –Dining Services Pokemon Go Trainers, grab your Pokedex! Every Tuesday, stop by Jamba Juice in the Rec to play “Who’s that Pokeman?” If you have the Pokemon of the day in your Pokedex, you get a 16oz Smoothie for $1.51! JAMBA JUICE IN RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
8:30 pm – 10:00 pm Dive-In Movie
Join us for a free showing of [insert movie here] at the pool! You must have a valid UMSL ID card to attend. Hosted by University Program Board (UPB) NATATORIUM, RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
Wednesday, August 24
8:00 am - 4:00 pm Help-A-Triton (2of2)
11:30 am – 2:00 pm Fall Expo
Fall Expo is a great chance to check out student organizations and campus departments here at UMSL! Find the right fit for you at this involvement fair by stopping by all of the booths. NORTH CAMPUS QUAD
10:45 am – 2:00 pm First Taco Tuesday in the MSC Nosh
Noon – 1:00 pm College of Arts and Sciences: Ice Cream Social
Enjoy your first Taco Tuesday at UMSL! 99 cent tacos with vegetarian options available each Tuesday in the Nosh. Sponsored by Dining Services MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER – 1ST FLOOR, NOSH
Join us for a fun-filled ice cream social to mix and mingle with advisors, professors, students, and Dean Yasbin in the College of Arts and Sciences! LUCAS HALL QUAD
12:30 PM – 1:30 PM Not a Doormat, Not a Diva: How to Stand Up for Yourself
This workshop could be subtitled: how to get what you need out of your relationships by
being direct. In it, you will learn about: factors reducing interpersonal effectiveness, obtaining change you want, getting and maintaining healthy relationships, and maintaining your self-respect. We will talk about factors to consider when asking for what you need or saying no to others. You will even get practice at challenging the lies you tell yourself about your interpersonal effectiveness! Sponsored by UMSL Counseling Services MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, ROOM 131
3:30 pm It’s a Man’s World
Campus Welcome- African American and Hispanic/Latino Male Students and Faculty Come join this opening session focusing
on Leadership Development, Mentorship, Campus Involvement, Career Readiness, and Brotherhood. Hosted by the Associated Black Collegians and the Hispanic Latino Association. Refreshments will be provided. MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER 4:00 pm -6:00 pm ABC’s Ice Cream Social
Mingle. Enjoy free ice cream, and met a new friend in the process. Hosted by Associated Black Collegians MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER-FIRESIDE LOUNGE, 2ND FLOOR 5:30 pm First Mass and Soup
Every Wednesday we celebrate mass in our house living room, followed by a free soup dinner. It’s laid-back and a fantastic way to take a break and recharge. All are welcome! UMSL CAMPUS CATHOLIC NEWMAN CENTER 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM The Amazing S’Mores Race
Join University Program Board on a great expedition around south campus in the ultimate s’mores competition! You’ll be able to become better acquainted with the south side of campus, munch on chocolatey snacks, and hang out with your peers! OAK HALL FRONT LAWN
Thursday, August 25 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Fall Volunteer Expo Learn how you can get involved with volunteering in St. Louis. Over 50 organizations will be in attendance. There are numerous reasons to volunteer, including: Connecting with your community, Conserving the funds of charities, nonprofits and organizations by donating your time, Sharing your established skills and acquiring
new skills, Developing self-esteem and selfconfidence, Meeting new people and having new experiences, Promoting a worthwhile activity, and inspiring others to do the same, Enhancing your resume and making networking contacts Hosted by Office of Student Involvement NORTH CAMPUS QUAD 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm Catholic Newman Center Open House
Come check out your new “home away from home” on campus! The Catholic Newman Community at UMSL has a cozy house right off campus—space to relax, hang with friends, do homework (free WiFi!), play (we have a huge yard, tons of games, foosball and ping pong in the basement) and pray (there’s a sweet chapel upstairs). All are welcome anytime! Stop by during the open house to check things out, meet great folks and see what the Newman buzz is about. We’ll have free, make-your-own ice cream sundaes! Stop by for a moment or for the afternoon. We can’t wait to meet you! UMSL CATHOLIC NEWMAN CENTER 6:00 pm Fraternity and Sorority Life 101
Interested in joining to a sorority or fraternity? This event will cover information about the different types of fraternities and sororities at UMSL, leadership and social opportunities, as well as recruitment and costs involved. PROVINCIAL HOUSE (SOUTH CAMPUS) 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Hypnotist
Oh my Gosh Josh! Will be Hypnotizing you! What will you do without realizing it? Hosted by University Program Board (UPB) MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER – PILOT HOUSE
Friday, August 26 During Regular Hours FroYo Overflow It’s the first $5 Fill Up of the Year! How much
frozen yogurt can you fit into a cup for $5? Every Friday in Triton Treats! Sponsored by Dining Services TRITON TREATS IN THE MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER 1:00 pm Paint-A-Palooza
Celebrate the beginning of the school year by getting covered in color! PLHCSA will be hosting a powdered paint war in front of Provincial House, complete with music, games, and lots and lots of paint! Come out, meet new friends, cover them in paint, and get messy! This is a FREE event, however t-shirts will be available for $2.00 with all proceeds benefiting PLHCSA’s adopted charity. Don’t miss out on this exciting Welcome Week tradition! Hosted by Pierre Laclede Honors College PROVINCIAL HOUSE –FRONT LAWN 7:00 pm Friday Night Flicks
Join us for a free movie and snacks! Hosted by UPB Movie: [TBA] MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER – SGA CHAMBERS; 3RD FLOOR 9:00 PM Backyard Bash
The Backyard Bash will be a fun get together for anyone interested! There will be food and drink provided, and we will have games and activities along with a DJ. It is a free event for all UMSL students. Hosted by Interfraternity Council (IFC) and Residential Housing Association (RHA) OAK HALL BACKYARD
Saturday, August 27 9:00 pm – 11:00 pm Glow Party Join us for a night of fun and dancing! Rock out with Operation Glow as they smear you with paint! Hosted by University Program
Sunday, August 28 6:00 pm Sunday Student Mass & Sunday Supper
Start your week off right with this student-led mass at the Provincial House Chapel, followed by a home-cooked meal at the Catholic Newman Center! It’s a great way to center yourself before the beginning of a busy week, while being part of a great community. All are welcome! PROVINCIAL HOUSE CHAPEL
Monday, August 29 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm PHA Recruitment Info Session
Panhellenic Association will be holding an informational session for any women wanting to know about the recruitment process and joining a sorority on campus! MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, ROOM 315
Tuesday, August 30 7:30 am – 7:00 pm Triton Tuesday
25% off all regular priced UMSL clothing and gifts. TRITONSTORE IN THE MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER – 2ND FLOOR 10:00 am – 2:00 pm UMSL Police Department Open House
Come and take a tour of the UMSL Police Department and meet the men and women dedicated to protecting and serving the campus community. Learn about the department, and the different ways the officers of the UMSL Police ensure your safety. Officers will conduct tours of the department and answer any questions you may have. Free snacks and drinks will be provided. UMSL POLICE DEPARTMENT
11:30 am – 2:00 pm Freshman Welcome Reception
NEW FRESHMEN! The Office of Admissions invites you to join them for food and fun! Stop by and say “hi” to your Admissions Representative, as well as other students from your area. Enjoy free pizza and prizes! MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, CENTURY C 3:00 pm Polish Your Rusty Tools for Online and On Campus Success
Help, I need assistance with college, I’ve been away for a while!” Attend this workshop and you will discover strategies and tips that will help you make the transition successfully. Hosted by Student Retention Services MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, ROOM 225 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Accounting Club Informational Meeting
Come and learn about the UMSL Accounting Club. Meet our officers and find out how to get involved in a great College of Business organization. You can volunteer to be an officer or help with a committee. Everyone is welcome. Free pizza and soda. Join us on Tritonsync! Hosted by Accounting Club SOCIAL SCIENCE BUILDING (SSB) 411 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm UMSL Tie-Dye Night
Come to the Provincial House front lawn for a co-sponsored Tie Dye Night by the Catholic Newman Center and Residential Housing Association. Shirts will be provided for the first 50 people. You can also bring your own items to dye! Attendance prizes will be awarded and refreshments served. Sponsored by Catholic Newman Center and Residential Housing Association (RHA) PROVINCIAL HOUSE 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm Laser Tag
Start the year off by taking down your fellow students in an epic 7 vs 7 laser tag match! Sponsored by University Program Board (UPB) MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER – PONDS
Wednesday, August 31 Noon – 2:00 pm Arts Sciences & All That Jazz
Stop by for LIVE JAZZ and other genres of music. Enjoy FREE FOOD and get to know folks who are HERE TO HELP! #Allthatjazz LUCAS HALL, ROOM 303 2:00 pm Identifying and Accessing Campus Resources
Do you want to be a successful Triton? Then join us as we explore helpful tools, resources, and strategies to thrive as an UMSL student! Hosted by Student Retention Services MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, ROOM 225 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm UMSL Police Department Open House
Come and take a tour of the UMSL Police Department and meet the men and women dedicated to protecting and serving the campus community. Learn about the department, and the different ways the officers of the UMSL Police ensure your safety. Officers will conduct tours of the department and answer any questions you may have. Free snacks and drinks will be provided. UMSL POLICE DEPARTMENT 4:00 pm Kickball Tournament Registration Deadline
Registration ends for the 1-Day Kickball Tournament. Tournament is on September 1. To register, visit Hosted by Campus Recreation – Intramurals RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm Meet the Greeks
All fraternities and sororities on campus will be tabling for anyone interested in recruitment and getting to know each chapter on a more personal level. MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER PATIO 5:30 pm Mass and Soup
Join us for mass in our house living room, followed by a free soup dinner. It’s laid-back 7
and a fantastic way to take a break and recharge. All are welcome! CATHOLIC NEWMAN CENTER
4:00 pm Understanding Your Syllabus
6:00 pm -8:00 pm Stomp the Quad
Are you feeling confused by your course syllabus or your professor’s expectations? Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the number of assignments due this semester? Attend our workshop and start your semester off on the right foot! Participants will learn how to identify and interpret pertinent information in their syllabi, and will practice using this information to develop a course strategy that will help enhance their academic success. Please bring a course syllabus with you to the workshop. Hosted by Student Retention Services MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, ROOM 225
Giving new students a firsthand look at Greek Life, and their presence on UMSL’s Campus. The event will include a yard show. Hosted by Multi-Greek Council & ABC MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER- MSC PATIO
Thursday, September 1 American Red Cross First Aid / CPR / AEDAdult & Pediatric Certification Courses
The Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED course incorporates the latest science and teaches students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid emergencies and how to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies. Price for Students -$60. Visit campusrecreation/ for additional information and to sign up. RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM Veterans Resource Day and Welcome BBQ
Welcome back, Veterans! Representatives from VA Education & Healthcare will be available in the Veterans Center from 11am-3pm to connect you with VA resources and answer your questions. Then, we’ll commence with our annual BBQ from 3-6pm in the quad area outside of Clark Hall. Come learn how to get involved with the Student Veterans Association & other STL veteran service organizations. Bring the family and enjoy yard games, ice cream, and prizes! UMSL VETERANS CENTER, CLARK HALL, ROOM 211 12:00 pm (Noon) Discovering Your Learning Style
Do you find that you do not quite understand the information? Is it difficult for you to pay attention in your lecture style courses? You may need to change a few subtle things to help you in your class. Come and learn about the basics of different learning styles and how they can impact you! Hosted by Student Retention Services MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, ROOM 225
4:00 pm Volunteer at Peter and Paul Community Services Homeless Shelter
Take time to give back! Join us to make and serve a home-cooked meal for the men of Peter & Paul homeless shelter in Soulard. We’ll make the food at Newman, then bring it to the shelter to serve and hang out with the guys. We need help making the food and serving it-- sign up for either or both! More info at MEET AT CATHOLIC NEWMAN CENTER 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm PHA Recruitment Info Session
Panhellenic Association will be holding an informational session for women who are interested in the recruitment process and wanting to join a sorority on campus! MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, ROOM 315 7:30 pm UMSL Men’s Soccer vs Lindenwood University
UMSL Soccer opens their home schedule in non-conference action vs cross-town rival Lindenwood. All UMSL students, faculty and staff get in free with valid UMSL ID. DON DALLAS SOCCER FIELD
Friday, September 2 ALL DAY – During Regular Hours Free Guest Pass Fridays at the Rec Center
On the first Friday of each month, the RWC welcomes you to bring a workout buddy in for FREE! Valid Photo ID required for all 8
guests. Individuals under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER 7:00 pm Friday Night Flicks
Join us for a free movie and snacks! Movie: [TBA] Hosted by University Program Board (UPB) MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER – SGA CHAMBERS 10:00 pm Late Night Bingo
Play to win awesome prizes while enjoying snacks and refreshments in the dining hall! Hosted by University Program Board (UPB) PROVINCIAL HOUSE – DINING HALL
Sunday, September 4 1:00 pm UMSL Men’s Soccer vs Northern Michigan
UMSL Soccer hosts Northern Michigan in non-conference action. All UMSL students, faculty and staff get in free with valid UMSL ID. DON DALLAS SOCCER FIELD 2:00 pm -6:00 pm ABC’s Welcome Back Week – ABC Bar-B-Q
ABC introduces Welcome Back Week with a Bar-B-Q mixer. Come enjoy free food, games, music and fun. Hosted by Associated Black Collegians OAK HALL POOL AND PATIO 6:00 pm Sunday Student Mass & Sunday Supper
Start your week off right with this student-led mass at the Provincial House Chapel, followed by a home-cooked meal at the Catholic Newman Center! It’s a great way to center yourself before the beginning of a busy week, while being part of a great community. All are welcome! PROVINCIAL HOUSE CHAPEL
September 6 - October 22 Group Swim Lessons (Register Online)
Since 1914, the American Red Cross has helped millions of people learn to swim through the nation’s first water safety program, and it’s still the gold standard more than 100 years later. Join us at the RWC for Group Swim Lessons. Students can register for the Teen & Adult Lessons for $42/session. Hosted by Campus Recreation RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
Monday, September 5 3:00 pm Getting Off to a Balanced Start: Managing Your Time Commitments
Do you want to turn over a new leaf with your time management this semester? Have you felt like time is slipping away from you each day? Don’t worry, you can learn how to successfully maximize and prioritize your time for optimum student success for the semester! Hosted by Student Retention Services MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, ROOM 225
September 6 – October 27 5:45 pm – 6:45 pm | Tuesdays or Thursdays Kids Fitness
Have your child join Personal Trainer, Madeline Lovell, for a 1 hour fitness class based for kids. Pricing for Students - $32 Hosted by Campus Recreation RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
9:00 am Commuter Break
Swing by and grab a snack or drink on your way to class or work! Hosted by University Program Board (UPB) NORTH CAMPUS QUAD 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm Anxiety Got Me Like: Winning the Battle Against Fear
Anxiety is the most common mental health challenge faced by college students. In this fun, free workshop, you’ll learn how to spot anxiety when it shows up to mess with you and how to fight it and win. Hosted by Counseling Services MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, ROOM 131 4:00 pm Sand Volleyball League Registration Deadline
Tuesday, September 6 Group Swim Lessons
Session I – Sept. 6 – Oct. 22 Session II – Oct. 24 – Dec. 17 Since 1914, the American Red Cross has helped millions of people learn to swim through the nation’s first water safety program, and it’s still the gold standard more than 100 years later. Join us at the RWC for Group Swim Lessons. Students can register for the Teen & Adult Lessons for $42/session. RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
Registration ends for the Sand Volleyball League. To register, visit Hosted by Campus Recreation – Intramurals RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER 4:00 pm Outdoor Soccer Registration Deadline
Registration ends for the outdoor soccer league. To register, visit Hosted by Campus Recreation – Intramurals RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
and more at the Rec Center. Hosted by Associated Black Collegians RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
Wednesday, September 7-11 Panhellenic Recruitment
Panhellenic will be holding their formal recruitment process for any women wanting to join a sorority. Women will meet the members of the three Panhellenic sororities on campus. Visit to register for recruitment. Hosted by Office of Student Involvement –Fraternity and Sorority Life MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, ROOM 366
Wednesday, September 7 4:00 pm Setting Up Your Semester Success
It’s the beginning of the semester and you have no worries! This semester is going to be amazing! You expect to knock it out of the park! But how are you going to get there? You have to have a plan in place. After attending this workshop students will create a holistic action plan to address meeting their goals for the semester. Hosted by Student Retention Services MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, ROOM 225 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm PHA Recruitment Info Session
Panhellenic Association will be holding an informational session for women who are interested in the recruitment process and wanting to join a sorority on campus! OAK HALL LOBBY 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm A priest, a rabbi, and an imam walk into the Pilot House…
Have you ever had questions about faith? Come listen to these experts as they share their various perspectives. Ask questions, be informed, learn something new! Sponsored by Catholic Newman Center MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER – PILOT HOUSE 8:00 pm -10:00 pm ABC’s Welcome Back Week –Wreck the REC
Come break a sweat with ABC as we enjoy a fun night basketball, rock climbing, swimming,
11:00 am Effective Note Taking
Are you finding your lectures hard to follow? Effective note-taking skills may be the answer! Join us for this interactive learning event that will cover different ways for you to engage in the lecture experience via notetaking. Whether you’re new to college or an experienced student looking for something new, this workshop is for you! Hosted by Student Retention Services MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, ROOM 225 12:30 pm Lunch and Learn: Healthy Habits
Come and learn helpful tips on exercising, eating and sleeping right, while munching on a healthy lunch. MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER- CENTURY ROOM C 5:30 PM Mass and Soup
Join us for mass in our house living room, followed by a free soup dinner. It’s laidback and a fantastic way to take a break and recharge. All are welcome! CATHOLIC NEWMAN CENTER 5:30 pm -8:30 pm ABC’s Welcome Back Week –Study Night
Get together and enjoy a fun study location for a night of visiting and studying in a welcoming
environment. Hosted by Associated Black Collegians OFFICE OF STUDENT INVOLVEMENT & NEW STUDENT PROGRAMS –MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER ROOM 366 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm UMSL Voices: Crossroads
Join us for a performance in which you get to choose the outcome of scenarios acted out by professional actors. In a culture of violence that thrives on coercion and silence, we teach you to use your voice to end to that silence and the misinformation that oppresses survivors of relationship violence. Trigger warning: scenarios will include discussions around sexual assault and domestic violence. Light refreshments will be served prior to the performance. Hosted by Counseling Services, Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity JCP AUDITORIUM
Thursday, September 8 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm Believe in Your #Selfie
Join the College of Nursing for some South Campus fun! For our “Believe in Your #Selfie” event, students will have a chance to take a cool selfie in our awesome nursing simulation labs and create a UMSL Triton picture frame for it with an #adjective (and other spirited craft supplies) for which your future college self will thank you. All UMSL students are welcome! SETON LOBBY (SOUTH CAMPUS) 3:30pm – 4:30 pm Accounting Club Internship and Career Panel
Become familiar with the USML Career Center and College of Business Internship office. Learn what career opportunities are available and how to make an internship happen. Everyone is welcome. Free pizza and soda. Join us on Tritonsync! Hosted by Accounting Club SOCIAL SCIENCE BUILDING (SSB) 411 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm TaiChi – (Thursdays Sept. 8 - Oct. 27) Strengthen your body through natural healing while improving circulation, flexibility, balance, and coordination. Pricing for students- $24. Hosted by Campus Recreation RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
7:30 pm – 9:00 pm Throw Down Thursdays Thursdays: Sept. 8 – Dec. 1
7:00 pm -10:00 pm ABC’s Welcome Back Week –NIGHT at the Ballpark
Shake off the week and get an early start to your weekend with some friendly competition. Grab your friends and join us for a different match up each week. From volleyball and 3 on 3 basketball to water polo and the ultimate aqua adventure challenge, it’ll be a splash! Volleyball - Sept 8, Oct 6, Nov 3; Basketball - Sept 15, Oct 13, Nov 10; Water Polo - Sept 22, Oct 20, Nov 17; Adventure Challenge Sept 29, Oct 27, Dec 1. Hosted by Campus Recreation RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
Get your Cardinals gear and enjoy a night with ABC as we cheer on the Cardinals for a Night at the Ballpark. Must pre-purchase tickets in advance with ABC. Hosted by Associated Black Collegians
Friday, September 9 6:00 pm – 2:00 pm Newman Stay-Cation
Need a break from school already? Take a night ‘away’ at the Newman House! It’s right down Natural Bridge, but you’ll feel like you’ve escaped—there’ll be yard games, s’mores and a bonfire, maybe even camping out in the yard. For sure, there will be good times and good friends! All are welcome. Register online at Hosted by Catholic Newman Center CATHOLIC NEWMAN CENTER 7:00 pm Friday Night Flicks
Join us for a free movie and snacks! Movie: [TBA] Hosted by University Program Board (UPB) MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER – SGA CHAMBERS
7:15 pm UMSL Night at the Ballpark
Join the UMSL community to cheer on the St. Louis Cardinals as they face the Brewers. $20 Student Tickets includes game ticket and food voucher for a soda and hotdog. Visit wow to purchase tickets. For questions, please email 8:00 pm Arianna String Quartet: Perfect Storm
The ASQ embarks on its 25th season with one of their favorites, Felix Mendelsohn’s cherished Op.13 string quartet, a work that balances turbulent brilliance with an inner fragility, unique to Mendelssohn, and beloved by audiences. Philip Glass’ stirring String Quartet No.3, which served as the tonal backdrop for the 1985 film “Mishima”, follows, capturing Glass’ iconic purity of expression and signature sound driving the compelling story of a life in turmoil. The Arianna Quartet then welcomes world-renowned violist Richard Young for a performance of Beethoven’s sizzling String Quintet Op.29, the “Storm”, an early work that offers a fresh glimpse into the dynamic power of the great composer, and rousing finish to the season opener. UMSL Student & UMSL Employee discounts available at Touhill Ticket Office. TOUHILL PERFORMING ARTS CENTER
Saturday, September 10 10:00 am – Noon ABC Welcome Back Week: Community Service
Come assist ABC as we tackle some community service to conclude our welcome back week. Hosted by Associated Black Collegians
Sunday, September 11 6:00 pm Sunday Student Mass & Sunday Supper
Start your week off right with this student-led mass at the Provincial House Chapel, followed by a home-cooked meal at the Catholic Newman Center! It’s a great way to center yourself before the beginning of a busy week, while being part of a great community. All are welcome! PROVINCIAL HOUSE CHAPEL
September 12 – November 19 Swim the Rivers – On Going
Known as the city where rivers meet, St. Louis has a rich history centered on its rivers and creeks, commonly used for transportation, recreation & tourism. Challenge yourself to swim the distance of great waterways such as the Mighty Mississippi, Missouri and Meramec rivers along with lesser knows creeks and tributaries while learning about their history and earning prizes along the way. We’ll help you track your miles with an easy to use app and send weekly words of wisdom to keep you motivated. Price for students - $5. Hosted by Campus Recreation RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
Monday, September 12 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm Lifting Weights 101 Mondays 5:30 pm – 6:15 pm (Sept. 12-Oct. 17)
Interested in adding resistance training to your workouts but feel uncomfortable or unsure of what to do in the weight room? Then this course is for you. Learn how to use various equipment in the fitness center to increase strength and reach your fitness goals. This course will allow participants to learn effective fitness goal setting while teaching them how to create and begin their own resistance training program. Price for Students: $25. Hosted by Campus Recreation RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER 11:00 am Study Skills Bootcamp
Do you feel like your study habits are sub-par? Whip them into shape with our Study Skills Bootcamp, a 1 hour workshop dedicated to helping you improve your study habits. Hosted by Student Retention Services MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, ROOM 225 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Cookies & Canvas
Come eat cookies and drink hot chocolate while you follow step-by-step instructions from Annie Johnson, a current art student, on painting! Sponsored by University Program Board (UPB) MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, 1ST FLOOR, QUARTERS
Tuesday, September 13 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm Test Taking Strategies: More than Just a Roll of the Dice
Stressed about exams? Not sure how to start studying? Come to SRS’s Exam Taking Strategies workshop to get help preparing for your exams! Learn strategies for acing every type of exam, from multiple choice exams to short answer and essay exams. Workshop participants will also gain experience developing a test day strategy and making a study plan. Hosted by Student Retention Services MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, ROOM 225 4:00 pm Wiffleball Registration Deadline
Registration ends for wiffleball. To register, visit Hosted by Campus Recreation – Intramurals RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
Wednesday, September 14 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm Lifting Weights 102 Wednesdays 5:30 pm – 6:15 pm (Sept. 14-Oct. 19)
This class will help refine your form in the weight room and provide a greater background for building workout plans that could help avoid plateaus. *Lifting Weights 101 is recommended, but it is not required. Price for Students- $25. Hosted by Campus Recreation RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Resume Reviews in the Nosh
Get your resume ready for the upcoming Internship & Job Fair! Stop by for a quick review of your resume. Hosted by Career Services MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, NOSH AREA 3:00 pm Overcoming Procrastination
Procrastination…We all do it. The good news is that there are ways to keep procrastination under control so that it doesn’t limit your academic success. Attend this workshop to learn strategies for eliminating procrastination
and challenging yourself to get started! Hosted by Student Retention Services MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, ROOM 225 5:30 PM Mass and Soup
Join us for mass in our house living room, followed by a free soup dinner. It’s laidback and a fantastic way to take a break and recharge. All are welcome! CATHOLIC NEWMAN CENTER 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm Outdoor Bootcamp (Wednesdays: Sept. 14-Nov.9)
Take your workout outside with a total body workout. Pricing for students - $20. Hosted by Campus Recreation RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
Thursday, September 15 8:00 am – 9:30 am Group Fitness Instructor Workshop
(Thursdays: Sept. 15-Oct. 20) Interested in teaching group fitness? Join our course to prepare you to be a group fitness instructor. Price for students - $25. Hosted by Campus Recreation RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Resume Reviews in the Nosh
Get your resume ready for the upcoming Internship & Job Fair! Stop by for a quick review of your resume. Hosted by Career Services MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER 1ST FLOOR,NOSH AREA 2:00 pm Overcoming Math Anxiety
Does the thought of taking college level Math raise your anxiety to no end? Are you worried that you’ll never graduate due to that pesky math course? We’ll discuss how you can implement strategies to ease Math anxiety and overcoming Math avoidance. Hosted by Student Retention Services MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, ROOM 225
4:00 pm – 7:00 pm Volunteer at Good Life Growing Urban Farm
Lend a hand at this ground-breaking urban farm! Founded by friends and used as a model internationally for sustainable, communitybased farming, Good Life Growing thrives where a city gas station used to be. Come help harvest, pull weeds, tend the chickens and help out in the hydroponic beds! Let Erin know if you’ll be there: MEET AT CATHOLIC NEWMAN CENTER 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm Throw Down Thursdays Thursdays: Sept. 8 – Dec. 1
Shake off the week and get an early start to your weekend with some friendly competition. Grab your friends and join us for a different match up each week. From volleyball and 3 on 3 basketball to water polo and the ultimate aqua adventure challenge, it’ll be a splash! Volleyball - Sept 8, Oct 6, Nov 3; Basketball - Sept 15, Oct 13, Nov 10; Water Polo - Sept 22, Oct 20, Nov 17; Adventure Challenge Sept 29, Oct 27, Dec 1. Hosted by Campus Recreation RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
Friday, September 16 Chancellor’s Engaged Leadership Certificate
Deadline to enroll in the Chancellor’s Leadership Certificate! This is a self-paced comprehensive, leadership development program designed to encourage and recognize student leadership, education, and experiences at UMSL. Prior involvement activities can also apply, as long as they occurred on UMSL’s campus. Community service done prior to starting the Engaged Leadership Certificate will not count towards the Chancellor’s Engaged Leadership Certificate. Complete the Statement of Intent Form in TritonSync. OFFICE OF STUDENT INVOLVEMENT, 366 MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER 11:55 pm College Football Pick’Em Week 1 Deadline
Email your picks in 10 college football matchups to Week 1 of 8. Hosted by Campus Recreation – Intramurals RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
5:00 pm & 7:30 pm UMSL Men’s & Women’s Soccer vs Illinois-Springfield
UMSL M/W Soccer open their conference seasons hosting Illinois-Springfield. The women play at 5:00pm with the men following at 7:30pm. All UMSL students, faculty and staff get in free with a valid UMSL ID. DON DALLAS SOCCER FIELD 7:00 pm UMSL Women’s Volleyball vs Indianapolis
UMSL Volleyball opens up their home and conference schedules hosting Indianapolis. UMSL students, faculty and staff get in free with a valid UMSL ID. MARK TWAIN BUILDING 7:00 pm Friday Night Flicks
Join us for a free movie and snacks! Movie: [TBA] Hosted by University Program Board (UPB) MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER – SGA CHAMBERS
Saturday, September 17 9:00 am – 3:00 pm SOLE (Student Organization Leadership Education)
SOLE (Student Organization Leadership Education) is hosted by the Office of Student Involvement every fall semester to train the newest student organization leaders. Breakout sessions include: breaking the communication barrier, Budgets & Bills, TritonSync (101 & Advanced), teambuilding, using your experience on your resume, and much more! Register on TritonSync. *All presidents and treasurers are required to attend SOLE* Hosted by Office of Student Involvement 3:00 pm UMSL Women’s Volleyball vs St. Joseph’s
UMSL students, faculty and staff get in free with a valid UMSL ID. MARK TWAIN BUILDING
5:00 pm Experience STL: City Museum
Join us for a night of fun at the City Museum! We will meet at the UMSL Bookstore and ride a shuttle over to the City Museum. Sign up at the front desk of the Office of Student Involvement-- $5 deposit required! Hosted by University Programming Board (UPB) & New Student Programs MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER – ROOM 366 8:00 pm Alarm Will Sound: The Hunger
Underdog history comes to life through new music and old Irish songs in composer Donnacha Dennehy’s opera about the Great Famine of 1845-52. The story itself is rooted in Asenath Nicholson’s harrowing first-person account in Annals of the Famine in Ireland. Acclaimed ensemble Alarm Will Sound and celebrated Irish folk singer Iarla Ó Lionáird, imagines soprano Katherine Manley as Nicholson and Ó Lionáird as the voice of the voiceless, with instrumentalists integrated into the staging. Old recordings of traditional sean nós songs dovetail seamlessly with Dennehy’s score, while video clips of interviews with Noam Chomsky, Paul Krugman, and others underscore the political roots of this tragedy that brought a nation to its knees. UMSL student and UMSL employee discount available at Touhill Ticket Office. TOUHILL PERFORMANING ARTS CENTER
Sunday, September 18 STRONGEST TRITON – Begins Today, On Going
Prove to everyone that you are the Strongest Triton! Price for students -$10. Hosted by Campus Recreation RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER 12:00 pm & 2:30 pm UMSL Men’s & Women’s Soccer vs McKendree
UMSL M/W Soccer hosts McKendree in GLVC action. The women play at 12:00pm followed by the men at 2:30pm. All UMSL students, faculty and staff get in free with valid UMSL ID. DON DALLAS SOCCER FIELD
6:00 pm Sunday Student Mass & Sunday Supper
Start your week off right with this student-led mass at the Provincial House Chapel, followed by a home-cooked meal at the Catholic Newman Center! It’s a great way to center yourself before the beginning of a busy week, while being part of a great community. All are welcome! PROVINCIAL HOUSE CHAPEL
Monday, September 19 11:00 am-1:00 pm Resume Reviews in the Nosh
Get your resume ready for the upcoming Internship & Job Fair! Stop by for a quick review of your resume. Hosted by Career Services MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, NOSH AREA 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm Bachata and Merengue Dance Lesson
Come learn about the history of Bachata and Merengue as well as learning some of the dance steps. Carmen Guynn of the Salsa Congress St. Louis and Jaime Torres of the Hispanic Leaders Group Greater St. Louis will be the instructors. Hosted by University Program Board MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER – 3 FLOOR CENTURY ROOM C 6:00 PM Sand Volleyball Tournament
Take a break from studying for volleyball, snacks and time with friends! All are welcome. Hosted by Catholic Newman Center & RHA) OAK HALL VOLLEYBALL COURT OUTSIDE
Tuesday, September 20 7:30 am – 7:00 pm Triton Tuesday
25% off all regular priced UMSL clothing and gifts. TRITON STORE IN THE MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER – 2ND FLOOR 11:00 am-1:00 pm Resume Reviews in the Nosh
Get your resume ready for the upcoming Internship & Job Fair! Stop by for a quick review of your resume. Hosted by Career Services MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, NOSH AREA 11:00 am – 2:00 pm MSC Spectacular
Learn the ins and outs of The MSC like never before! Enjoy free food, giveaways, and win prizes. While following a passport to fun activities that are stationed and ran by departments on each floor. Hosted by Millennium Student Center MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER – ENTIRE BUILDING 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm Get in Formation: Introduction to Social Justice
Social justice is based on the concepts of human rights and equality, and can be defined as “the way in which human rights are manifested in the everyday lives of people at every level of society.” If you’d like to learn more and begin challenging the inequality in your life and our world at large, this is a great place to start (or continue)! Bring your lunch and join us for this fun, free workshop. Hosted by UMSL Counseling Services MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, ROOM 131
2:00 pm What Successful Students Do
Do you often feel as if you’re spinning your wheels in achieving your goals for the semester? You are not alone. Take ownership in your success! Participants will discuss how they define success and strategies that other students use to meet their goals for the semester. Hosted by Student Retention Services MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, ROOM 225
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Internship & Job Fair Success Employer Panel
Come hear directly from a panel of recruiters attending the UMSL Internship & Job Fair on how to be successful at the September 23rd fair! -Become familiar with the process of how to successfully approach the internship/job fair. -Learn about the importance of being prepared and tips on how to feel confident. -Hear directly from recruiters the value of knowing the employer’s focus at the internship/ job fair. -Receive tips on how to present yourself in a polished, positive, and professional way. -Gain insight on how to introduce yourself (30 second commercial, 30 second elevator pitch). Pre-Registration Encouraged! Visit Career Services website: to pre-register. MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, SGA CHAMBERS, 3RD FLOOR 4:00 pm Outdoor Flag Football Registration Deadline
Registration ends for the Outdoor Flag Football League. To register, visit Hosted by Campus Recreation – Intramurals CAMPUS RECREATION AND WELLNESS 5:00 pm Mixer with UMSL PD
Join members of Fraternity & Sorority Life as they mix and mingle with our campus police
officers. Donuts and coffee will be provided. MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, ROOM 316
Wednesday, September 21 2:00 pm – 2:30 pm Creating a 30 Second Summary Workshop
Professional introductions have several names and are often called a 30 second summary, an elevator pitch, or a 60 second commercial. During this session, learn the formula for creating your professional introduction. Arrive Early! Space is Limited. No registration is necessary. Hosted by Career Services MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, ROOM 278 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Personal Training Development Course
Wednesdays (Sept. 21- Oct. 26) If you are interested in becoming a Personal Trainer, then this course is for you. This course will include lectures discussing basic anatomy and physiology and provide you with hands on experience necessary for training clients. Price for students - $25. Hosted by Campus Recreation RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER 5:30 PM Mass and Soup
by College of Arts and Sciences and New Student Programs MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER – 3RD FLOOR 3:00 pm Active Reading Strategies
Overwhelmed by your reading load? Tired of feeling like you don’t remember what you just read? Attend this workshop and learn strategies for becoming a more intentional and effective reader. Please bring one textbook or reading assignment to practice with. Hosted by Student Retention Services MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, ROOM 225 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm Throw Down Thursdays Thursdays: Sept. 8 – Dec. 1
Shake off the week and get an early start to your weekend with some friendly competition. Grab your friends and join us for a different match up each week. From volleyball and 3 on 3 basketball to water polo and the ultimate aqua adventure challenge, it’ll be a splash! Volleyball - Sept 8, Oct 6, Nov 3; Basketball - Sept 15, Oct 13, Nov 10; Water Polo - Sept 22, Oct 20, Nov 17; Adventure Challenge Sept 29, Oct 27, Dec 1. Hosted by Campus Recreation RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
Friday, September 23 Join us for mass in our house living room, followed by a free soup dinner. It’s laidback and a fantastic way to take a break and recharge. All are welcome! CATHOLIC NEWMAN CENTER
Thursday, September 22 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Major Minor Jam
Are you undecided in your major or looking for a minor? Or possibly looking to change your major? Join us for some food and expo fair to visit with current students and academic advisors from various majors and assist in helping you to decide your next move. Hosted
10:00 am – 2:00 pm UMSL Internship and Job Fair 2016
Students and alumni from all academic programs and levels have the opportunity to network with employers to discuss internship and job opportunities and connect with graduate/professional schools. Pre-registration is only available for current UMSL students and UMSL alumni. Preregistration deadline is Tuesday, September 20, 2016. Admission for UMSL students/alumni who do not pre-register is $5.00 at the door and for
non-UMSL job seekers is $10.00 at the door. For more information, visit UMSL Career Services, 278 Millennium Student Center, 314-516-5111. To pre-register visit Career Services website: and click on Career Events. MARK TWAIN BUILDING 5:00 pm & 7:30 pm UMSL Men’s & Women’s Soccer vs Rockhurst
UMSL M/W Soccer hosts Rockhurst in GLVC action. All UMSL students, faculty and staff get in free with valid UMSL ID. DON DALLAS SOCCER FIELD 7:00 pm Friday Night Flicks
Join us for a free movie and snacks! Movie: [TBA] Hosted by University Program Board (UPB) MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER – SGA CHAMBERS
Sunday, September 25 12:00 pm & 2:30 pm UMSL Men’s & Women’s Soccer vs William Jewell
UMSL M/W Soccer hosts William Jewell in GLVC action. All UMSL students, faculty and staff get in free with valid UMSL ID. DON DALLAS SOCCER FIELD 6:00 pm Sunday Student Mass & Sunday Supper
Start your week off right with this student-led mass at the Provincial House Chapel, followed by a home-cooked meal at the Catholic Newman Center! It’s a great way to center yourself before the beginning of a busy week, while being part of a great community. All are welcome! PROVINCIAL HOUSE CHAPEL
Tuesday, September 27 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm Human Library
Do you enjoy hearing other’s stories? At the Human Library people with all types of backgrounds are waiting for you to come open them up and listen to their story. Hosted by University Program Board (UPB) MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, CENTURY ROOM ON THE 3RD FLOOR 2:00 pm – 2:30 pm Interviewing Basics Workshop
Want to know more about interviewing and how to improve your skills? Join us to learn techniques and tips for successful interviews. No registration is necessary. Arrive Early! Space is limited. Hosted by Career Services MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, ROOM 225 4:00 pm Badminton League Registration Deadline
Registration ends for the badminton league. To register, visit Hosted by Campus Recreation – Intramurals CAMPUS RECREATION AND WELLNESS
Wednesday, September 28CENTER 4:00 pm- 6:30 pm Creative Writing Workshop
Are you looking for a way to fine-tune your creative fiction and non-fiction? Do you wish you had an inside glimpse at what industry professionals look for in a manuscript? Then come check out The UMSL Writers Group’s workshop event! The workshop will be given by a professional editor and will focus on fixing common mistakes that can bog down your writing. Come learn from a pro and meet UMSL’s writing community. Hosted by the UMSL Writers Group MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, CENTURY ROOMS ON THE 3RD FLOOR
5:30 PM Mass and Soup
UMSL students, faculty and staff get in free with a valid UMSL ID. MARK TWAIN BUILDING
Join us for mass in our house living room, followed by a free soup dinner. It’s laidback and a fantastic way to take a break and recharge. All are welcome! CATHOLIC NEWMAN CENTER
7:00 pm Friday Night Flicks
Thursday, September 29 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm Throw Down Thursdays Thursdays: Sept. 8 – Dec. 1
Shake off the week and get an early start to your weekend with some friendly competition. Grab your friends and join us for a different match up each week. From volleyball and 3 on 3 basketball to water polo and the ultimate aqua adventure challenge, it’ll be a splash! Volleyball - Sept 8, Oct 6, Nov 3; Basketball - Sept 15, Oct 13, Nov 10; Water Polo - Sept 22, Oct 20, Nov 17; Adventure Challenge Sept 29, Oct 27, Dec 1. Hosted by Campus Recreation RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
Friday, September 30 5:00 pm Friday – Noon pm on Saturday Urban Plunge STL: A Service & Justice Immersion Experience
Be of service in the city you call home! Learn about justice issues in UMSL’s own backyard. The Urban Plunge is a weekend immersion of service and learning. You’ll spend the weekend with others in the Ville neighborhood of St. Louis, meeting your neighbors and learning about the injustices that affect their lives. Hopefully, you’ll leave with a mission and a call to continue to serve. Register online at Hosted by Catholic Newman Center MEET AT CATHOLIC NEWMAN CENTER 7:00 pm UMSL Women’s Volleyball vs Drury
UMSL Volleyball hosts Drury in GLVC play.
Join us for a free movie and snacks! Movie: [TBA] Hosted by University Program Board (UPB) MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER – SGA CHAMBERS 8:00 pm Bill T. Jones Arnie Zane Company
Based on an oral history Bill T. Jones conducted with 95-year old Dora Amelan, a French Jewish nurse, social worker and survivor of World War II, Analogy/Dora: Tramontane chronicles her harrowing, touching and inspirational story from early family life through her encounters with the internment camps while working for a Jewish underground organization. Mimicking the interview format between Jones and Dora, the story unfolds in multiple levels of transformation with the threads of Dora’s narrative paralleling the choreography. The nine dancers of the Bill T. Jones / Arnie Zane Company move seamlessly between dancing, speaking and singing in the evening length work. UMSL Student & UMSL Employee discounts available at the Touhill Ticket Office. TOUHILL PERFORMING ARTS CENTER
Saturday, October 1 3:00 pm UMSL Women’s Volleyball vs Missouri S&T
UMSL Volleyball hosts Missouri S&T in GLVC play. UMSL students, faculty and staff get in free with a valid UMSL ID. MARK TWAIN BUILDING 8:00 pm Bill T. Jones Arnie Zane Company
Based on an oral history Bill T. Jones conducted with 95-year old Dora Amelan, a French Jewish 16
nurse, social worker and survivor of World War II, Analogy/Dora: Tramontane chronicles her harrowing, touching and inspirational story from early family life through her encounters with the internment camps while working for a Jewish underground organization. Mimicking the interview format between Jones and Dora, the story unfolds in multiple levels of transformation with the threads of Dora’s narrative paralleling the choreography. The nine dancers of the Bill T. Jones / Arnie Zane Company move seamlessly between dancing, speaking and singing in the evening length work. UMSL Student & UMSL Employee discounts available at the Touhill Ticket Office. TOUHILL PERFORMING ARTS CENTER
Sunday, October 2 6:00 pm Sunday Student Mass & Sunday Supper
ALL DAY Campus Life Jobs: Application Open
Campus Life has 1 application, over 20 positions in 6 departments. The search committee is looking for great candidates to apply and work on campus. Deadline to Apply is November 4 by Noon. To view job descriptions, timeline, and to apply, visit
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm Squad Goals: How to Stop Avoiding Conflict and Start Building Real Relationships
A brilliant psychologist once said “conflict is growth trying to happen,” but many of us avoid arguments and miss out on those chances to build closer relationships. In this fun, free workshop, you’ll learn how to have safe, productive conflict that brings people closer together. Bring your lunch (and your friends) and come join us! Hosted by UMSL Counseling Services MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, ROOM 131 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Navigating the UMSL Accounting Program
3:00 pm -4:30 pm Test Taking: Midterm Edition
Start your week off right with this student-led mass at the Provincial House Chapel, followed by a home-cooked meal at the Catholic Newman Center! It’s a great way to center yourself before the beginning of a busy week, while being part of a great community. All are welcome! PROVINCIAL HOUSE CHAPEL Monday, October 3 – October 28 Wellness Challenge – On Going
Wed. October 3 – Fri. October 5 Delta Zeta’s I have a Choice Week
This fall focus on increasing your overall health and wellness with the RWC Wellness Challenge. This program is very simple - sign up at the RWC and start earning points for completing various wellness activities. Your goal is to earn as many points as possible over the course of four weeks. Hosted by Campus Recreation RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
Delta Zeta Sorority is committed to educating college students about the dangers of alcohol abuse. Join us in our annual I Have a Choice campaign, where we inspire students to make lifestyle changes and healthy choices. Come see us in the Millennium Student Center from Monday, October 3rd through Wednesday, October 5th where we will have fun activities, important information, and goodies to hand out. Hosted by Delta Zeta MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER
Do you have what it takes? Stop by the
Tuesday, October 4
Monday, October 3
Have you taken your first exam this semester? Did things go as planned? Come to SRS’s Exam Taking Strategies: Midterm edition workshop to get help preparing for your exams! Learn strategies for acing every type of exam, from multiple choice exams to short answer and essay exams. Workshop participants will also gain experience developing a test day strategy and making a study plan. Hosted by Student Retention Services MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, ROOM 225
Vertical Mile Challenge – On Going
Climbing Center to attempt to climb a vertical mile throughout the month of October during normal climbing wall hours of operation. Hosted by Campus Recreation RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
Learn about UMSL’s outstanding Accounting Program. Find out about courses and prerequisites. You can plan for your future courses and learn the requirements for the CPA exam. Everyone is welcome. Free pizza and soda. Join us on Tritonsync! Hosted by Accounting Club SOCIAL SCIENCE BUILDING (SSB) 411 4:00 pm Half-Time: Reassessing Mid Semester Time Management
Is there enough time in the day? Have you found your time slipping away from you during the first half of the semester? Working, family, school, and life always seems to happen at once. Don’t worry, you can learn how to successfully maximize and prioritize your time. Hosted by Student Retention Services MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, ROOM 225 4:00 pm 3v3 Basketball Registration Deadline
Registration ends for the 3-On-3 Basketball League. Visit to register. Hosted by Campus Recreation – Intramurals RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
Wednesday, October 5
Friday, October 7
5:30 PM Mass and Soup
ALL DAY – During Regular Hours Free Guest Pass Fridays at the Rec Center
Join us for mass in our house living room, followed by a free soup dinner. It’s laidback and a fantastic way to take a break and recharge. All are welcome! CATHOLIC NEWMAN CENTER
On the first Friday of each month, the RWC welcomes you to bring a workout buddy in for FREE! Valid Photo ID required for all guests. Individuals under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
Thursday, October 6 3:00 pm Overcoming Test Anxiety
Do you feel anxious, stressed, or worried about exams? Does an upcoming test feel like an insurmountable obstacle? Go on the offensive and show that test who’s boss! Empower yourself to perform your best by learning strategies for combating and managing your test anxiety. Participants will have the chance to practice anxiety management strategies and to create a plan to manage their anxiety for an upcoming exam. Hosted by Student Retention Services MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, ROOM 225 4:00 pm Volunteer at Peter and Paul Community Services Homeless Shelter
Take time to give back! Join us to make and serve a home-cooked meal for the men of Peter & Paul homeless shelter in Soulard. We’ll make the food at Newman, then bring it to the shelter to serve and hang out with the guys. We need help making the food and serving it-- sign up for either or both! More info at MEET AT CATHOLIC NEWMAN CENTER 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm Throw Down Thursdays
Thursdays: Sept. 8 – Dec. 1 Shake off the week and get an early start to your weekend with some friendly competition. Grab your friends and join us for a different match up each week. From volleyball and 3 on 3 basketball to water polo and the ultimate aqua adventure challenge, it’ll be a splash! Volleyball - Sept 8, Oct 6, Nov 3; Basketball - Sept 15, Oct 13, Nov 10; Water Polo - Sept 22, Oct 20, Nov 17; Adventure Challenge Sept 29, Oct 27, Dec 1. Hosted by Campus Recreation RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
7:00 pm UMSL Women’s Volleyball vs Quincy
UMSL Volleyball hosts Quincy in GLVC play. UMSL students, faculty and staff get in free with a valid UMSL ID. MARK TWAIN BUILDING
Saturday, October 8 3:00 pm UMSL Women’s Volleyball vs Truman State
10:00 am – 3:00 pm Leadership Diversity Institute
The Leadership Diversity Institute is a free oneday conference open to all UMSL students that teaches leadership through the lens of diversity and social justice. The conference includes a dynamic keynote speaker, engaging breakout sessions, and the ability to network with students across campus. Registration is required online and lunch is provided. Hosted by Office of Student Involvement MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER- CENTURY ROOMS 10:00 am – 5:00 pm Delta Zeta Hike for Hearing Football Tournament
Take a break from studying to join the ladies of Delta Zeta as we score touchdowns for speech and hearing! The second annual Hike For Hearing football tournament will be located at St. Vincent Park behind Oak Hall. We will have refreshments and t-shirts available, and we welcome both players and spectators. Proceeds will benefit the Starkey Hearing Foundation, Delta Zeta’s national philanthropy. For more details on forming a team, email Jasmine To at 5:00 pm Pickleball Tournament
A 1-Day Pickleball Tournament. Free, register on-site at 5pm. Hosted by Campus Recreation – Intramurals RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER 5:00 pm & 7:30 pm UMSL Men’s & Women’s Soccer vs Lewis
UMSL Volleyball hosts Truman State in GLVC play. UMSL students, faculty and staff get in free with a valid UMSL ID.
Sunday, October 9 12:00 pm & 2:30 pm UMSL Men’s & Women’s Soccer vs Wisonsin-Parkside
UMSL M/W Soccer hosts Wisconsin-Parkside in GLVC action. All UMSL students, faculty and staff get in free with valid UMSL ID. DON DALLAS SOCCER FIELD 6:00 pm Sunday Student Mass & Sunday Supper
Start your week off right with this student-led mass at the Provincial House Chapel, followed by a home-cooked meal at the Catholic Newman Center! It’s a great way to center yourself before the beginning of a busy week, while being part of a great community. All are welcome! PROVINCIAL HOUSE CHAPEL
Wednesday, October 12 5:30 PM Mass and Soup
Join us for mass in our house living room, followed by a free soup dinner. It’s laidback and a fantastic way to take a break and recharge. All are welcome! CATHOLIC NEWMAN CENTER
UMSL M/W Soccer hosts Lewis in GLVC action. All UMSL students, faculty and staff get in free with valid UMSL ID. DON DALLAS SOCCER FIELD 18
Thursday, October 13 6:30 pm 13th Annual Drag Show
7:30 am – 7:00 pm Triton Tuesday
Join PRIZM for our 13th Annual Drag Show. Come see St. Louis’ best drag stars: Siren, Rydyr, Kenadie St. James and more! Admission is $5 for students and $7 for community. Please be aware, this show WILL feature adult content. Parental discretion is advised. Hosted by PRIZM MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER – 3RD FLOOR
25% off all regular priced UMSL clothing and gifts. TRITONSTORE IN THE MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER – 2ND FLOOR
7:30 pm – 9:00 pm Throw Down Thursdays Thursdays: Sept. 8 – Dec. 1
Shake off the week and get an early start to your weekend with some friendly competition. Grab your friends and join us for a different match up each week. From volleyball and 3 on 3 basketball to water polo and the ultimate aqua adventure challenge, it’ll be a splash! Volleyball - Sept 8, Oct 6, Nov 3; Basketball - Sept 15, Oct 13, Nov 10; Water Polo - Sept 22, Oct 20, Nov 17; Adventure Challenge Sept 29, Oct 27, Dec 1. Hosted by Campus Recreation RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
Friday, October 14 6:00 pm Newman Trivia Night
Think you know everything? Test your knowledge at Newman Trivia Night! Held at St. Ann’s parish—get your table early! Snacks and soda provided. Register at All proceeds benefit the service and social justice efforts of the Catholic Newman Center. ST. ANN’S PARISH - 7530 NATURAL BRIDGE RD.
Sunday, October 16 6:00 pm Sunday Student Mass & Sunday Supper
Tuesday, October 18
Start your week off right with this student-led mass at the Provincial House Chapel, followed by a home-cooked meal at the Catholic Newman Center! It’s a great way to center yourself before the beginning of a busy week, while being part of a great community. All are welcome! PROVINCIAL HOUSE CHAPEL
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm Jedi Training IRL: Mindfulness Skills Workshop
Yoda was wrong when he said, “Fear is the path to the dark side.” Fear just prepares us for dangerous situations. But he was right to encourage Luke to be mindful of the here and now. A heightened awareness of the present moment is the power Jedis seek, and in this fun, free workshop, we will teach you how to use mindfulness skills to fully live in the present moment and accept it for what it is. Bring your lunch and come learn how to start improving your mental and physical health! Hosted by UMSL Counseling Services MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, ROOM 131 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm Lunch & Learn: Horror Films
Join Dan Gerth for lunch as he explains how horror films reflect the culture that it was created in. Hosted by University Programming Board (UPB) MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER –CENTURY ROOM C 4:00 pm Dodgeball Registration Deadline
Registration ends for the Dodgeball League. Register online at Hosted by Campus Recreation – Intramurals RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
Wednesday, October 19 5:30 PM Mass and Soup
Join us for mass in our house living room, followed by a free soup dinner. It’s laidback and a fantastic way to take a break and recharge. All are welcome! CATHOLIC NEWMAN CENTER
Thursday, October 20 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm Throw Down Thursdays Thursdays: Sept. 8 – Dec. 1
Shake off the week and get an early start to your weekend with some friendly competition. Grab your friends and join us for a different match up each week. From volleyball and 3 on 3 basketball to water polo and the ultimate aqua adventure challenge, it’ll be a splash! Volleyball - Sept 8, Oct 6, Nov 3; Basketball - Sept 15, Oct 13, Nov 10; Water Polo - Sept 22, Oct 20, Nov 17; Adventure Challenge Sept 29, Oct 27, Dec 1. Hosted by Campus Recreation RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
Friday, October 21 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm ABC’s Greek Step Show
Sit back, relax, and enjoy some of your favorite organizations battle for the title of best in the city. Hosted by Associated Black Collegians JCPENNY AUDITORIUM
Saturday, October 22 9:00 am – 3:00 pm New Member Institute
The New Member Institute was started to create a sense of solidarity among UMSL’s fraternities and sororities. At the conclusion of the institute, you will have been exposed to and equipped with the tools and leadership skills necessary to add sustainable value to your chapter and the UMSL Fraternity & Sorority community at-large. Throughout the day, you will have the opportunity to take part in several breakout sessions, team building exercises and leadership-based discussions. All of which are geared toward introducing you and other new members to the policies, procedures and expectations of a fraternity man and sorority woman, and allow you to realize your potential to be a leader. All we ask is that you participate, speak up, listen and have fun! Hosted by Office of Student Involvement – Fraternity & Sorority Life MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, ROOM 366
6:00 pm Murder Mystery
Sunday, October 23 12:00 pm & 2:30 pm UMSL Men’s & Women’s Soccer vs Quincy UMSL M/W Soccer hosts Quincy in GLVC action. All UMSL students, faculty and staff get in free with valid UMSL ID. DON DALLAS SOCCER FIELD 6:00 pm Sunday Student Mass & Sunday Supper
Start your week off right with this student-led mass at the Provincial House Chapel, followed by a home-cooked meal at the Catholic Newman Center! It’s a great way to center yourself before the beginning of a busy week, while being part of a great community. All are welcome! PROVINCIAL HOUSE CHAPEL
Monday, October 24 Group Swim Lessons
Session II – Oct. 24 – Dec. 17 Since 1914, the American Red Cross has helped millions of people learn to swim through the nation’s first water safety program, and it’s still the gold standard more than 100 years later. Join us at the RWC for Group Swim Lessons. Student can register for the Teen & Adult Lessons for $42/session. RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
Wednesday, October 26 3:30 pm & 6:00 pm UMSL Men’s & Women’s Soccer vs Maryville
UMSL M/W Soccer hosts Maryville in the final regular season GLVC home game of the season. The men play at 3:30pm followed by the women at 6:00pm. All UMSL students, faculty and staff get in free with a valid UMSL ID. DON DALLAS SOCCER FIELD
Whodunnit? Solve the mystery while enjoying a tasty dinner. Hosted by University Program Board MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER – CENTURY ROOMS 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm 3-Point Shootout
3-Point Shootout, no pre-registration required. Free, drop-in between 6pm and 9pm. Hosted by Campus Recreation – Intramurals RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
Thursday, October 27 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Open Mic Night
If you’ve ever wanted to share your original poetry, short fiction, creative nonfiction, standup comedy, or music with a live audience, now’s your chance! Come prepared to present a 3-7 minute selection of your work, or just stop by and enjoy all the creativity that UMSL has to offer. Free refreshments will be served. Hosted by UMSL Writers Group MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, PILOT HOUSE ON FIRST FLOOR 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm Throw Down Thursdays Thursdays: Sept. 8 – Dec. 1
Shake off the week and get an early start to your weekend with some friendly competition. Grab your friends and join us for a different match up each week. From volleyball and 3 on 3 basketball to water polo and the ultimate aqua adventure challenge, it’ll be a splash! Volleyball - Sept 8, Oct 6, Nov 3; Basketball - Sept 15, Oct 13, Nov 10; Water Polo - Sept 22, Oct 20, Nov 17; Adventure Challenge Sept 29, Oct 27, Dec 1. Hosted by Campus Recreation RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
5:30 PM Mass and Soup
Join us for mass in our house living room, followed by a free soup dinner. It’s laidback and a fantastic way to take a break and recharge. All are welcome! CATHOLIC NEWMAN CENTER
Sunday, October 30 6:00 pm Sunday Student Mass & Sunday Supper
Start your week off right with this student-led mass at the Provincial House Chapel, followed by a home-cooked meal at the Catholic Newman Center! It’s a great way to center yourself before the beginning of a busy week, while being part of a great community. All are welcome! PROVINCIAL HOUSE CHAPEL
Tuesday, November 1 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm 4-Player Volleyball Registration Deadline
Registration ends for the 4-Player Volleyball League. Visit to sign up. Hosted by Campus Recreation – Intramurals RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER 7:00 pm UMSL Women’s Volleyball vs Lindenwood
UMSL Volleyball hosts Lindenwood in nonconference action. All UMSL students, faculty and staff get in free with a valid UMSL ID. MARK TWAIN BUILDING
Thursday, November 3 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm The CPA Profession: Opportunities, Responsibilities and Services
Learn about the CPA profession and all it has to offer. This is a great opportunity to hear about the CPA profession’s past, present and future. Everyone is welcome. Free pizza and soda. Join us on Tritonsync! Hosted by the Accounting Club SOCIAL SCIENCE BUILDING (SSB) 411 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm Throw Down Thursdays Thursdays: Sept. 8 – Dec. 1
Shake off the week and get an early start to your weekend with some friendly competition. Grab your friends and join us for a different match up each week. From volleyball and 3 on 3 basketball to water polo and the ultimate aqua adventure challenge, it’ll be a splash!
Volleyball - Sept 8, Oct 6, Nov 3; Basketball - Sept 15, Oct 13, Nov 10; Water Polo - Sept 22, Oct 20, Nov 17; Adventure Challenge Sept 29, Oct 27, Dec 1. Hosted by Campus Recreation RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
Friday, November 4 ALL DAY – During Regular Hours Free Guest Pass Fridays at the Rec Center
On the first Friday of each month, the RWC welcomes you to bring a workout buddy in for FREE! Valid Photo ID required for all guests. Individuals under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER 12:00 pm (NOON) Campus Life Jobs: Application Materials DEADLINE TODAY
Today is the last day that Campus Life Jobs Search Committee will accept applications for the various fall positions open. Please turn in your application and materials online at
Friday, Nov. 4 - Saturday, Nov. 4 9:00 pm Friday – 7:00 am Saturday UPB Lock-In
Stay up all night as we take over the MSC with fun, games and free food! Doors close at midnight. Hosted by University Programming Board MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER
Saturday, November 5 3:00 pm UMSL Women’s Volleyball vs Bellarmine
UMSL Volleyball hosts Bellarmine in GLVC play. UMSL students, faculty and staff get in free with a valid UMSL ID. MARK TWAIN BUILDING
Tuesday, November 8 7:00 pm UMSL Women’s Volleyball vs Maryville
4:00 pm Friday, Nov. 4 - Sunday, Nov. 6 Triton Awakenings Retreat
Do you need some new perspective in your life? Does it feel like your life could use a jump start or just some new energy? Are you looking for that community where you belong, just as you are? Awakenings just might be the experience for you! Entirely student led, Awakenings is a weekend of growth and discovery—of yourself, of others and of God. It is a weekend of relationship and belonging. It is NOT to be missed. Give this tremendous gift to yourself—you will not regret it for a moment, and it very well could shift the course of your life! Register at under Awakenings 2016. Hosted by Catholic Newman Center MEET AT THE CATHOLIC NEWMAN CENTER 7:00 pm UMSL Women’s Volleyball vs Southern Indiana
UMSL Volleyball hosts Southern Indiana in GLVC play. UMSL students, faculty and staff get in free with a valid UMSL ID. MARK TWAIN BUILDING
UMSL Volleyball hosts Maryville in the last regular season home match of GLVC play. All UMSL students, faculty and staff get in free with a valid UMSL ID. MARK TWAIN BUILDING
Thursday, November 10 ALL DAY Campus Life Jobs: Group Interview (1of2)
The group interview process is the second step to the Campus Life Jobs search process. The group interviews will provide the Campus Life Jobs Search Committee members an insight on your skills, interests, and dedication to working on campus and in a group setting. This is one of two optional dates for the group interview
process. You will need to sign up for one of these group interview dates and will be notified by email. If you should have any questions, please contact JCPENNY SUMMIT LOUNGE 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm Throw Down Thursdays (Thursdays: Sept. 8 – Dec. 1
Shake off the week and get an early start to your weekend with some friendly competition. Grab your friends and join us for a different match up each week. From volleyball and 3 on 3 basketball to water polo and the ultimate aqua adventure challenge, it’ll be a splash! Volleyball - Sept 8, Oct 6, Nov 3; Basketball - Sept 15, Oct 13, Nov 10; Water Polo - Sept 22, Oct 20, Nov 17; Adventure Challenge Sept 29, Oct 27, Dec 1. Hosted by Campus Recreation RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER 7:30 pm An Evening with George Takei
With a career spanning five decades, George Takei is known around the world for his founding role in the acclaimed television series Star Trek, in which he played Hikaru Sulu, helmsman of the Starship Enterprise. From being wrongfully imprisoned in a Japanese Internment Camp to being one of the most influential people on social media and fighting for social justice, George Takei’s story goes where few stories have gone before. For ticket information: georgetakei. Hosted by Office of Student Involvement TOUHILL PERFORMING ARTS CENTER
Friday, November 11 ALL DAY Campus Life Jobs: Group Interview (2of2)
The group interview process is the second step to the Campus Life Jobs search process. The group interviews will provide the Campus Life
Jobs Search Committee members an insight on your skills, interests, and dedication to working on campus in a group setting. This is one of two optional dates for the group interview process. You will need to sign up for one of these group interview dates and will be notified by email. If you should have any questions, please contact JCPENNY SUMMIT LOUNGE 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm ABC’s Skate Night
Unwind with ABC as we enjoy an exciting night of skating. Hosted by Associated Black Collegians COACHLITE SKATING RINK
Tuesday, November 15 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm Climbing Center Bouldering Competition
Grab your friends and join us for a different match up each week. From volleyball and 3 on 3 basketball to water polo and the ultimate aqua adventure challenge, it’ll be a splash! Water Polo Nov 17; Adventure Challenge - Dec 1. Hosted by Campus Recreation RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
Thursday, December 1 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Tax and Audit Internships - How do you choose?
Learn from professionals the differences and similarities between an audit or tax internship. Come hear about internship experiences and ask your questions. Everyone is welcome. Free pizza and soda. Join us on Tritonsync! Hosted by Accounting Club SOCIAL SCIENCE BUILDING (SSB) 411
Friday, December 2 Drop in to participate in our first bouldering competition at the Climbing Center! Competitors will be divided based on ability and compete in their respective division. Hosted by Campus Recreation RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
November 16-18 ALL DAY Campus Life Jobs: Individual Interviews
ALL DAY – During Regular Hours Free Guest Pass Fridays at the Rec Center
On the first Friday of each month, the RWC welcomes you to bring a workout buddy in for FREE! Valid Photo ID required for all guests. Individuals under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. RECREATION AND WELLNESS CENTER
The individual interview process is the last process that will provide the Campus Life Search Committee members an insight on your skills, interests, and dedication to working on campus. There are three dates that you will need to sign up for one of these group interview dates and will be notified by email with your confirmation interview timeframe and location. If you should have any questions, please contact MILLENNIUM STUDENT CENTER, ROOM 366
Thursday, November 17 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm Throw Down Thursdays Thursdays: Sept. 8 – Dec. 1
Shake off the week and get an early start to your weekend with some friendly competition. 22
SPRING SAVE THE DATES MLK DAY OF SERVICE January 16, 2017 A day on, not a day off! UMSL’s campus comes together to give back to the surrounding community! Sponsored by Students of Service
HOMECOMING WEEK February 13-18, 2017 Homecoming is the tradition of welcoming back our alumni and engaging our current Tritons in celebration of their UMSL spirit. Check out the week of events and ways that you can become involved during Homecoming. Find us on Social Media & Website: Facebook: UMSL Homecoming | Twitter: @umslhomecoming #UMSLHC MIRTH WEEK April 24-29, 2017 Mirthweek is the annual springtime student celebration at UMSL. This week includes Mirthday presented by University Programming Board, Student Life Leadership Awards, Last Lecture, One is Done Celebration, and Mirth Concert. It’s a week of happiness! Stay tuned for more details on the date and concert announcements!
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TINY TRITONS EVENTS Tiny Tritons is a series presented by the Office of Student Involvement with our UMSL families in mind! With multiple programs throughout the year, these family-friendly programs are geared towards children PreK-5th Grade. Check out our site for event details! go/tinytritons Save the Dates: 9/24, 10/29, 11/19, 12/10, 1/28, 2/18, 3/25, 4/22
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EXTENDED HOURS SCHEDULE Extended Extended Hours Extended Hours Schedule Hours Schedule Schedule 13-August August 13-August 26, 13-August 2016 26, 2016 26, 2016 August 13 - August 26,August 2016 August Millennium Millennium Student Millennium Student Center Student Services Center Services Center Services Student Student Affairs Student Offices Affairs Affairs Offices Offices
AdvisingAdvising OfficesAdvising Offices Offices
MSC Hours Building MSC Hours Building Hours College ofCollege Arts and of College Arts Sciences and of Arts Sciences and Sciences Admissions Admissions (Undergraduate) Admissions (Undergraduate) (Undergraduate) MSC Building Monday-Friday Monday-Friday Monday-Friday 6:30am-10pm 6:30am-10pm 6:30am-10pm & Undecided & Undecided Majors & Undecided Majors Majors Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm8am-7pm8am-7pm Saturday* Saturday*Saturday* 9:30am-5:00pm 9:30am-5:00pm 9:30am-5:00pm 303 Lucas 303 Hall Lucas 303 Hall Lucas Hall Friday Friday Friday 8am-5pm8am-5pm8am-5pm Sunday* Sunday* Sunday* 4:00pm-10pm 4:00pm-10pm 4:00pm-10pm 314-516-5501 314-516-5501 314-516-5501 Saturday Saturday Saturday 10am-2pm 10am-2pm 10am-2pm * Saturday*8/20 Saturday hours * 8/20 Saturday are 7:30am-5:00pm hours8/20 are hours 7:30am-5:00pm are 7:30am-5:00pm Sunday 8/21 Sunday hours8/21 are Sunday 11:30am-10pm hours8/21 are hours 11:30am-10pm are 11:30am-10pm Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday 7:30am-7pm 7:30am-7pm 7:30am-7pm
Friday Friday Friday 7:30am-5pm 7:30am-5pm 7:30am-5pm Admissions Admissions (Graduate) Admissions (Graduate) (Graduate) Triton Card Triton Office Card Triton (IDOffice Cards) Card (IDOffice Cards) (ID Cards) Saturday Saturday Saturday 10am-2pm 10am-2pm 10am-2pm Monday-Tuesday Monday-Tuesday Monday-Tuesday 8am-6pm8am-6pm8am-6pm Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm 8am-7pm 8am-7pm *Walk in *Walk Appointments in *Walk Appointments in Appointments Wednesday-Friday Wednesday-Friday Wednesday-Friday 8am-5pm8am-5pm8am-5pm Friday Friday Friday 8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm Saturday (8/13) Saturday Saturday (8/13) (8/13) 8:30am-2pm 8:30am-2pm 8:30am-2pm Saturday/Sunday Saturday/Sunday Saturday/Sunday CLOSEDCLOSEDCLOSED Saturday (8/20) Saturday (8/20) Saturday (8/20) 10am-2pm10am-2pm10am-2pm College ofCollege Business of College Business Administration of Business Administration Administration 487 Social 487 Sciences Social 487 Sciences Building Social Sciences Building Building Career Services Career Services Career Services BeginningBeginning 8/22 Beginning 8/22 8/22 314-516-5888 314-516-5888 314-516-5888 Monday-Friday Monday-Friday Monday-Friday 8am-5pm8am-5pm8am-5pm Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday 7:30am-7pm 7:30am-7pm 7:30am-7pm Friday Friday Friday 8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm Monday-Wednesday Monday-Wednesday Monday-Wednesday 8am-7pm8am-7pm8am-7pm Saturday/Sunday Saturday/Sunday Saturday/Sunday CLOSEDCLOSEDCLOSED Thursday-Friday Thursday-Friday Thursday-Friday 8am-5pm8am-5pm8am-5pm Triton Store Triton (UMSL Store Triton Bookstore) (UMSL StoreBookstore) (UMSL Bookstore) Saturday Saturday Saturday 10am-2pm 10am-2pm 10am-2pm Cashier’s Cashier’s O Cashier’s O O Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday 7:30am-7pm 7:30am-7pm 7:30am-7pm *Walk in *Walk Appointments in *Walk Appointments in Appointments Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm8am-7pm8am-7pm Friday Friday Friday 7:30am-5pm 7:30am-5pm 7:30am-5pm Saturday 8/13 Saturday 8/13 Saturday 8/13 10am-2pm10am-2pm10am-2pm Friday Friday Friday 8am-5pm8am-5pm8am-5pm Saturday 8/20 Saturday 8/20 Saturday 8/20 8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm College ofCollege Education of College Education of Education Saturday Saturday Saturday 10am-2pm 10am-2pm 10am-2pm Saturday 8/27 Saturday 8/27 Saturday 8/27 10am-2pm10am-2pm10am-2pm 116 South 116 Campus South 116 Campus Classroom South Campus Classroom Building Classroom BuildingBuilding Sunday 8/14 Sunday 8/14 Sunday 8/14CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED 314-516-5937 314-516-5937 314-516-5937 Sunday 8/21 Sunday 8/21 Sunday 8/21Noon-6pmNoon-6pmNoon-6pm FinancialFinancial Aid Financial Aid Aid Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm8am-7pm8am-7pm Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm8am-7pm8am-7pm nd Einstein Bros Einstein Einstein Bros Bros Bagels (2ndBagels (2nd Bagels floor MSC) floor (2 MSC) floor MSC) Friday Friday Friday 8am-5pm8am-5pm8am-5pm Friday Friday Friday 8am-5pm8am-5pm8am-5pm Monday-Friday Monday-Friday Monday-Friday 7:30am-1:30pm 7:30am-1:30pm 7:30am-1:30pm Saturday Saturday Saturday 10am-2pm 10am-2pm 10am-2pm Saturday Saturday Saturday 10am-2pm 10am-2pm 10am-2pm *Appointments *Appointments Preferred *Appointments PreferredPreferred BeginningBeginning 8/15 Beginning 8/15 8/15 Monday-Friday Monday-Friday Monday-Friday 7:30am-5:00pm 7:30am-5:00pm 7:30am-5:00pm Health, Wellness, Health, Wellness, Health, Counseling, Wellness, Counseling, and Counseling, and and Honors College Honors College Honors College DisabilityDisability Access Disability Services Access Services Access Services BeginningBeginning 8/22 Beginning 8/22 8/22 Provincial Provincial House Provincial House House Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday 8am-6pm8am-6pm8am-6pm Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday 7am-7pm 7am-7pm 7am-7pm 314-516-5243 314-516-5243 314-516-5243 Friday Friday Friday 7am-2pm 7am-2pm 7am-2pm Friday Friday Friday 8am-5pm8am-5pm8am-5pm Monday-Friday Monday-Friday Monday-Friday 8am-7pm8am-7pm8am-7pm Saturday/Sunday Saturday/Sunday Saturday/Sunday CLOSEDCLOSEDCLOSED The NoshThe NoshThe Nosh Saturday/Sunday Saturday/Sunday Saturday/Sunday CLOSEDCLOSEDCLOSED Monday-Friday Monday-Friday Monday-Friday 10am-2pm10am-2pm10am-2pm *8am-5pm *8am-5pm walk-ins *8am-5pm accepted, walk-ins walk-ins accepted, appt. preferred accepted, appt. preferred appt. preferred International International Student International and Student Scholar and Student Services Scholar and Services Scholar Services BeginningBeginning 8/22 Beginning 8/22 8/22 appointments appointments required appointments required required *5pm-7pm *5pm-7pm *5pm-7pm Monday-Friday 8am-5pm8am-5pm8am-5pm Monday-Friday Monday-Friday Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday 7:30am-6pm 7:30am-6pm 7:30am-6pm Saturday/Sunday CLOSEDCLOSEDCLOSED Saturday/Sunday Saturday/Sunday Friday Friday Friday 10am-2pm10am-2pm10am-2pm College ofCollege Nursing of College Nursing of Nursing st st Floor,1Admin. Nursing Floor,Building Nursing Admin. Building Admin. Building 1st Floor,1Nursing Multicultural Student Services Multicultural Multicultural Student Services Student ServicesSUBWAYSUBWAYSUBWAY Monday-Friday Monday-Friday Monday-Friday 8am-4pm 8am-4pm 8am-4pm 314-516-6066 314-516-6066 314-516-6066 107 Lucas107 Hall Lucas107 Hall Lucas Hall Monday-Friday Monday-Friday Monday-Friday 8am-5pm8am-5pm8am-5pm Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm8am-7pm8am-7pm Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday BeginningBeginning 8/22 Beginning 8/22 8/22 Saturday/Sunday Saturday/Sunday Saturday/Sunday CLOSEDCLOSEDCLOSED Friday Friday Friday 8am-5pm8am-5pm8am-5pm Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday 7am-8pm 7am-8pm 7am-8pm *Appointments *Appointments Preferred *Appointments PreferredPreferred Saturday Saturday Saturday 10am-2pm 10am-2pm 10am-2pm Friday Friday Friday 8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm US Bank US Bank US Bank School ofSchool Social of Work School Socialof Work Social Work New Student New Programs Student New Programs Student Programs Monday-Friday Monday-Friday Monday-Friday 8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm 121 Bellerive 121 Bellerive Hall121 Bellerive Hall Hall Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm8am-7pm8am-7pm Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday 314-516-6385 314-516-6385 314-516-6385 Friday Friday Friday 8am-5pm8am-5pm8am-5pm VeteransVeterans CenterVeterans Center Center *Appointment *Appointment Required *Appointment RequiredRequired Saturday Saturday Saturday 10am-2pm 10am-2pm 10am-2pm Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday 8am-6pm8am-6pm8am-6pm Friday Friday Friday 8am-5pm8am-5pm8am-5pm UMSL/Washington UMSL/Washington UMSL/Washington University University Joint University Joint Joint Registration and Records Registration Registration and Records and Records Saturday Saturday Saturday CLOSEDCLOSEDCLOSED Engineering Engineering Program Engineering ProgramProgram Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm8am-7pm8am-7pm 228 Benton 228Hall Benton 228Hall Benton Hall Friday Friday Friday 8am-5pm8am-5pm8am-5pm On-Campus Housing On-Campus HousingHousing 314-516-6800 314-516-6800 314-516-6800 10am-2pm 10am-2pm On-Campus Saturday Saturday Saturday 10am-2pm Monday-Friday Monday-Friday Monday-Friday 8am-5pm8am-5pm8am-5pm Life and Housing Life and Housing Life and Housing Residential Residential Residential Saturday/Sunday Saturday/Sunday Saturday/Sunday CLOSEDCLOSEDCLOSED Student Life Student Life Student Life (Central Office) (Central Office) (Central Office) Monday-Friday Monday-Friday Monday-Friday 8am-7pm 8am-7pm 8am-7pm *Appointment *Appointment Required *Appointment RequiredRequired Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm8am-7pm8am-7pm Saturday Saturday Saturday 10am-2pm10am-2pm10am-2pm Friday Friday Friday 8am-5pm8am-5pm8am-5pm 10am-2pm 10am-2pm Saturday Saturday Saturday 10am-2pm Mansion Hill Mansion (Office) Mansion Hill (Office) Hill (Office) Recreation Recreation & Wellness Recreation & Wellness Center & Wellness Center Center Monday-Friday Monday-Friday Monday-Friday 8am-7pm 8am-7pm 8am-7pm August 13-18 August 13-18 August 13-18
Saturday Saturday Saturday 10am-2pm10am-2pm10am-2pm Student Retention Student Services Services Student Retention ServicesRetention Monday- Thursday Monday- Thursday Monday- Thursday 6am-9pm 6am-9pm 6am-9pm Friday Friday Friday Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm8am-7pm8am-7pm 6am-8pm 6am-8pm 6am-8pm UniversityUniversity Meadows University Meadows (Office) Meadows (Office) (Office) Saturday Saturday Saturday 8am-7pm 8am-7pm 8am-7pm Friday Friday Friday 8am-5pm8am-5pm8am-5pm Monday-Friday Monday-Friday Monday-Friday 8am-7pm 8am-7pm 8am-7pm Sunday Sunday Sunday 10am-7pm10am-7pm10am-7pm 10am-2pm 10am-2pm Saturday Saturday Saturday 10am-2pm Saturday Saturday Saturday 11am-2pm11am-2pm11am-2pm Sunday
Center Center WelcomeWelcome Center Welcome Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm8am-7pm8am-7pm Friday Friday Friday 8am-5pm8am-5pm8am-5pm 10am-2pm 10am-2pm Saturday Saturday Saturday 10am-2pm
Sunday Sunday
August 19-26 August 19-26 August 19-26 3pm-6pm 3pm-6pm 3pm-6pm Monday- Thursday Monday- Thursday Monday- Thursday 6am-10pm6am-10pm6am-10pm Friday Friday Friday Saturday Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday Sunday
6am-9pm 6am-9pm 6am-9pm 8am-7pm 8am-7pm 8am-7pm 10am-7pm10am-7pm10am-7pm
**Closed August **Closed 17-18 **Closed August for Staff 17-18 August Training for 17-18 Staff Training for Staff Training
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