s e r v i n g t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f n o r t h e r n c o l o r a d o s i n c e 1 9 19
the mirror Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Volume 93, Number 71
uncm i r r o r . c o m
Look in The Mirr or Page 10
Baseball loses by a base
News Vandalism on the rise? Recent crime incidents on campus spark discussion about safety and security measures. PAGE 3
Arts Women’s issues to be addressed The Women’s Resource Center will host a production of “The Vagina Monologues.” PAGE 8
Online Senate candidates clarify positions The first Student Senate open forum will be hosted Thursday in the Council Room. Read at uncmirror.com Wed: 60 | 27
Thur: 63 | 34
Nic Brown, a UNC English professor, lectures from his book, “Doubles,” as part of the annual Writers’ Conference Monday in the Panorama Room.
62 | 35
45 | 31
Upcoming In Friday’s issue of The Mirror, read about a production and conference discussing women’s issues.
w w w. u n c m i r r o r. c o m C A M P U S N E W S . C O M M U N I T Y N E W S . Y O U R N E W S .
2 The Mirror
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Writers lead off conference Authors present during weeklong event RYAN LAMBERT news@uncmirror.com
Nic Brown, an assistant professor of English at UNC, reads a selection of his novel, “Doubles,” to students during the 10th Annual Rosenberry Writers’ Conference.
Monday evening marked the start of the 10th annual Rosenberry Writers’ Conference, a four-day event sponsored by the Rosenberry Charitable Fund, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and the School of English Language and Literature. The conference brings notable authors to the University Center Panorama Room to lecture about their work. The theme for this year’s conference is “The Things I Imagine Become Real.” Attendees of the event Monday wrote their fantasies and the things they imagine on a small
note card that was then posted on a bulletin board. Mary Angeline, an English professor at UNC and the chair of the Rosenberry Writers’ Conference, spoke about the importance of the conference and its ability to assist people with their dreams. “We want people to continue on their jour-
It’s important for students to realize that not all writers are dead. — Nic Brown, UNC English professor and author of two works
as big as
ney, their creative writing and their scholarship,” Angeline said. Nic Brown, an assistant professor of English at the University of Northern Colorado who specializes in creative writing, was Monday’s featured writer. Brown started writing in his late 20s and has published two works of fiction: the short story collection, “Floodmarkers,” and the novel “Doubles.” Brown’s fiction has appeared in the Harvard Review, Epoch and Glimmer Train. He has also garnered critical acclaim — “Floodmarkers” was selected as an editor’s choice for the New York Times book review section. Ryan Hay, a graduate English student who is taking a fiction seminar with Brown this semester, praised his instructor’s work. “It’s all about the complexity of human life, love and complicated relationships,” Hay said. “Lucky for us, Nic is a great teacher here, too.” Brown acknowledged the importance of writers’ conferences in a university setting. “It’s important for stu-
dents to realize that not all writers are dead,” Brown said. Brown read a short segment of “Doubles” to his audience that focused on a 21-year-old, balding virgin’s experiences at a birthday party when he picks up an insane hitchhiker. Tuesday’s speaker was Craig Childs, author of “Finders Keepers,” a detailed account of archaeology’s controversial origin. This evening, the poet Arda Collins will give a reading. The event has seen its share of complications, though. Daniel Wallace, author of “Big Fish,” which inspired the 2003 Tim Burton film, was the scheduled speaker for Thursday but had to cancel because of a family medical emergency. However, he will visit UNC at some point in the semester. A student-only breakfast each morning serves as a means for students to network with established writers. Additionally, students were presented with the opportunity to read their own creative work Tuesday in the Panorama Room.
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Wednesday, March 23, 2011
The Mirror 3
Campus crime concerns rise with recent vandalism acts BENJAMIN WELCH news@uncmirror.com
Two focal points for UNC’s School of Music have been locations for vandalism in the last month. Vehicle break-ins at Foundation Hall, a barely-off-campus building located at 1516 Eighth Ave. used primarily for band practice by students, occurred during the University of Northern Colorado’s Edge Music Festival on the night of Feb. 25. Kenneth Singleton, UNC director of bands and professor of music, has taught at UNC for 26 years. But he stopped parking his car in the parking lot next to Foundation Hall after a student’s car was broken into twice in October 2003. Singleton said car break-ins in the lot have been a nuisance that has not been addressed in
We try to be really aggressive in removing any graffiti. It’s the best way of preventing it from taking hold. — Mikel Longman, chief of UNC Police Department
This graffiti, which defaces the side of Skinner Music Library, was the work of vandals earlier this month. Similar designs violate other property around Greeley. many years. “There’s no lights,” Singleton said. “It’s kind of spooky back there. This has been an issue for years.” Singleton also said after rehearsal Monday night, he arrived at the Foundation Hall at about 8:15 p.m. and the two front doors were unlocked. “I don’t think anyone has changed the locks on the building in about 20 years,” he said. Elisabet de Vallee, a graduate music student, said students typically avoid Foundation Hall after night, and many refrain from parking their
vehicles in the vicinity. However, Chief Mikel Longman of the University of Northern Colorado Police Department said this is the first time he’s heard of incidents at Foundation Hall. “It’s far from a crime wave,” Longman said.
“Even though it’s an active investigation, we’re not having any real significant crime problems at Foundation Hall.” Two months ago, El Sol Billiards, a neighboring building to Foundation Hall, lost its liquor license and subsequently shut down. Longman said since then, reports of deviant activities at Foundation Hall have been non-existent. However, de Vallee disagrees with this report. “I know that since I’ve been at UNC — five years — there have been more break-ins,” she said. But this is not the only act of vandalism that’s happened at UNC recently. Between the evening of March 9 and the following afternoon, graffiti was painted on the side of Skinner Music Library facing 10th Street. The graffiti seemingly depicts an entity with an elongated head smoking. Stephen Luttman, a
Sudoku rules: Fill all empty squares so the numbers 1 to 9 appear once in each row, column and 3x3 box. Some numbers are provided to give you a head start.
See solution to puzzle on page 11
See Vandalism, Page 7
Editor: Eric Heinz
4 The Mirror
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
LETTERS The Mirror appreciates your opinions. You can submit your columns or letters to the editor to editor@uncmirror.com. Columns can be no longer than 400 words. Include your name, year and major.
POLL This week’s poll question: Do you plan to attend a Student Senate open forum/meeting this semester?
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Mirror Staff 2010-2011 KURT HINKLE | General Manager khinkle@uncmirror.com ERIC HEINZ | Editor editor@uncmirror.com BENJAMIN WELCH | News Editor news@uncmirror.com PARKER COTTON | Sports Editor sports@uncmirror.com RUBY WHITE | Arts Editor arts@uncmirror.com MELANIE VASQUEZ | Visual Editor photo@uncmirror.com ERIC HIGGINS | Advertising Manager ads@uncmirror.com RYAN ANDERSON | Ad Production Manager adproduction@uncmirror.com
Japan makes exemplary response to tsunami disaster An 8.9-magnitude earthquake shook Japan’s core on March 11, 2011. The sheer scale of the earthquake shifted the Pacific Ocean’s tectonic plates, causing oversized waves to crash into Japan, doubling the destruction brought unto the island. Death tolls and missing-persons cases have reached unimaginable rates; more than 8,000 people have been confirmed dead, and almost 13,000 remain missing. Complete neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, thousands of livestock are dead and the threat of exposure to radiation with a shortage of clean water lingers; yet
The Mirror’s mission is to educate, inform and entertain the students, staff and faculty of the UNC community, and to educate the staff on the business of journalism in a college-newspaper environment.
About us The Mirror is published every Monday, Wednesday and Friday during the academic year by the Student Media Corp. It is printed by the Greeley Tribune. The first copy is free; additional copies are 50 cents each and must be purchased from The Mirror office.
Hurricane Katrina after the streets were drained. Shelter, housing and debris removal still seem foreign to some parts of New Orleans. Why? After six years it would be expected that disaster debris removal would have ceased, and the complete revival of the city would have begun by now. Taking examples from a country more prepared for natural disasters than America would be logical for a number of reasons. We can save lives that could potentially be lost due to disaster by bolstering the way we prepare and plan for these events’ challenges.
Economic uncertainty demands innovative education solutions Josh DIVINE
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But despite hundreds of volunteers on top of years to recover, parts of New Orleans still lies crippled in devastation. It is impossible to pinpoint the reason why Japan’s natural disaster recovery rates are much faster than the United States’. Is it because Japan is considerably smaller? Is it because the Japanese are more united as a people? It could be a combination of the two, but regardless, the United States could use a few pointers. Five years after the disaster in New Orleans, people were still living in FEMA homes— trailers handed out to victims of
Mirror Reflections are the opinion of The Mirror’s editorial board: Josh Espinoza, Jordan Freemyer, Eric Heinz, Melanie Vasquez and Ruby White. Let us know what you think. E-mail us at editor@uncmirror.com.
Contact Us Advertising 970-392-9323 Editor 970-392-9327 Fax 970-392-9025
the recovery expectancy for Japan is five years. A remarkable estimation, taking into consideration the last natural disaster that hit home, Hurricane Katrina, is still lingering in New Orleans. It will be six years ago in August. Hurricane Katrina blew through Louisiana, crumbling a major levee, which would have shielded the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans from waters that flooded its streets. Evacuees were spread across the country to rebuild their lives swamped by the storm, and volunteers of all ages congregated in the city to reconstruct what was lost.
federal funding for higher education, including funding for federal Pell Grants. This arrives on the wake of state funding cuts and massive tuition hikes. Although it is probable with the Democrat-controlled Senate that much of the higher education budget will remain, it stands as a possibility that federal funding will be cut — if not now, then in the future.
If this happens, many students will be thrust into a fiscal conundrum, but this is the inevitable consequence of the increased government control of higher education. Over the past decade, tuition prices in Colorado have nearly tripled where before they stayed fairly stagnant for decades. By all means, tuition rates have not increased with inflation; more likely, they have increased with the United States’ dilapidation. It is not a coincidence that increased federal involvement in higher education has occurred at the same time tuition rates have increased at a rate higher than any other recent period of time. On the surface, it appears that the government’s involvement in direct loan subsidizing to students is a good thing, but the only thing the government’s increased
involvement is doing is hiking tuition prices. If the federal government didn’t offer students loans, I seriously doubt higher education would be as expensive as it is now. Institutions would be forced to lower their tuition rates because otherwise students would not have any way to attend universities. So the only thing federal intrusion has done is aid institutions in raising their tuition rates. The result: much of higher education is now dependent on federal and state funds, and when those funds fall, the ones who pay the ticket are the students. It’s time for higher education to take a stand and cease blaming education funding cuts on their problems. Numbers for tuition hikes at UNC have been thrown out over
the past several months with figures ranging around 15 percent. That’s six percent higher than the state permits without an institution going through a special approval process. There is a rather large aggregate of private liberal arts schools in the United States — like College of the Ozarks — that do not charge students tuition at all, and they aren’t subsidized by state and federal funding. These institutions accomplish their education role by implementing innovative strategies such as student work programs. UNC needs to implement innovative strategies to offset the drastically increasing cost of higher education. — Josh Divine is a junior mathematics major and a weekly columnist The Mirror.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
The Mirror 5
Bear bus continues to ferry students DENISE DENNINGTON news@uncmirror.com
A dirty floor, the stench of lingering cigarette smoke, diesel exhaust and a hint of perfume fill the nostrils. The wheels lurch forward; the blue seats are filled with groggy-eyed students headed to morning classes. On a frigid February morning, UNC students pile onto the Bear Bus gold route of Greeley-Evans Transit. The route runs from 7:45 a.m. until 2 p.m. Monday-Friday, with buses serving stops every eight to 10 minutes.
7:45 Center
As the brisk Wednesday morning swells to a start, five people wait at 10th Avenue and 21st Street for the bus. This is just the first stop of many for route. Jostling aboard the bus, careful not to sit too close to one another, students exchange pleasantries with the bus driver before taking a seat. The engine roars to life, and the bus heaves forward to the next stop. 8:48 a.m., Gunter Hall
The shuffle between students entering and exiting the bus is a chorus of movement. Those outside wait somewhat impatiently in the frosty weather, while the students on the bus benefit from every last ounce of warmth possible from the bus before heading out into the 10-degree
(Farenheit) weather. They check their seats twice more and finally exit. “Most mornings I usually just walk to class, but since it’s so cold today, I decided to take the bus to my class,” said Elizabeth Fehringer, a sophomore majoring in graphic design. “It’s a great feeling, knowing I don’t have to wait for my car to start or worry that it will start. I can just hop on the bus and go to class.” 10:10 a.m., Candelaria Hall The 16th stop on the 20stop bus route is the stop most have been anticipating. The bus empties, and the driver kills the noisy engine. Cars stop to allow the wave of people exiting through the crosswalk. “I just like knowing that I don’t have to worry about finding a parking spot in this area of campus on a Wednesday morning,” said Kyle Taplin, a sophomore sport and exercise science major. 10:47 a.m., In Transit The small group of students remaining on the bus sway back and forth to the rhythm of the bus’s movement. The driver presses down on the brakes, and everyone is carried forward in their seats by the centrifugal force. The braking motion is a common occurrence; this does not affect the seasoned riders, as they do not look up from See Bus, Page 7
Veronica Vialpando, a theatre education major, rides the gold route of the Bear Bus last October. The daytime route encompasses 20 stops on campus.
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6 The Mirror
Quote of the day “Law without education is a dead letter. With education the needed law follows without effort and, of course, with power to execute itself; indeed, it seems to execute itself.” — Rutherford B. Hayes, 19th U.S. president.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
UNC education crosses borders Professor named to Kazakhstan school board TESSA BYRNS news@uncmirror.com Nathan Kling, a professor of marketing for the UNC’s Monfort College of Business, has been appointed to the Board of Trustees for the Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Strategic Research. According to a press release, KIMEP is the oldest and largest United States-style university in Central Asia. Founded in 1992 and located in the nation’s financial capital of Almaty, it is an independent, non-profit coeducational institute that serves a multicultural, multinational student body. It is one of 14 universities Monfort College
“I created the of Business students can attend as part of its exchange between UNC and KIMEP a long time Global Studies program. “It’s the first business ago,” Reardon said. Kling took jobs with university that is Western-oriented,” Kling the Institute before being appointed to the said. “We have Board of a couple of Trustees. their faculty “I took a sabmembers over batical in 2005 here. They are and was doctor of very capitalisthe administratically orienttion for their ed. They have school,” Kling the Kazakh Nathan Kling said. “I got to take on it.” know the execuKling’s col- said he became tive people and league, James involved with teach there in Reardon, a KIMEP after his 2009.” professor of 2005 sabbatical. marketing at the University of Northern Colorado, has been working and collaborating with KIMEP for 10 years.
Kling was selected for the job when the school decided to hire a foreign educator to teach its students about business from an
American perspective. “The school wanted a foreign Board of Trustees member to not only bring in the American perspective on their students’ education but also strengthen relations with our school,” Kling said. Several students from UNC studied abroad at the Kazakhstan Institute for the Monfort Business School, and many of KIMEP’s students have come to UNC to study. “It’s a great exchange program that offers unique learning opportunities in the global business community,” Kling said in a news release. Kling is an active member of the community, as well. He is a part of the Faculty Senate for the college of business and owns a consulting practice. He’s also on several other business committees. “He is ideal for the position; that’s why he was chosen for it,” Reardon said.
It’s a great exchange program that offers unique learning opportunities in the global business community.
— Nathan Kling, a marketing professor at UNC’s Monfort College of Business
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
School transport useful in cold weather Bus from Page 6 their phones to investigate the disturbance. The stoplight changes from red to green, and the driver releases the brake. A gasp of escaping air is heard, and the bus moves forward.
11:03 a.m., University Center The bus has completed its 20 stops and has returned to its origin. A gaggle of 15 wide-eyed students wait in the frigid temperatures for the bus to unload the stragglers
left from the 10th Avenue and 17th Street stop. The bus moves forward again, restarting the route and fulfilling the routines of students. The future passengers look up from their phones and books to the roar of the engine. The windows of the bus are
filled with the condensation from the passengers’ breath. As the bus reaches its final stop, the brakes come to a squeaking halt, and the few students remaining on the bus exit, while those waiting to begin their days take their place.
Graffiti, break-ins, assault recent occurences Vandalism from Page 3
music librarian, said an attempt has been made to remove the marking. “We try to be really aggressive in removing any graffiti,” Longman said. “It’s the best way of preventing it from taking hold.” Though UNC’s School of Music is regarded as one of the best in the nation, Luttman said security issues could influence the decision of potential students. “It’s kind of hard to imagine these things would have a positive or neutral affect,” he said.
Longman said remaining vigilant is the most proactive step students and faculty can take to remaining safe on campus. “So many times these are crimes of opportunity,” he said. “We try and remind people that they need to take their safety and protection in their own hands. If you leave a backpack or something that looks like a computer or iPad or cell phone in your car that’s not locked, it’s too easy a target.”
Luttman agreed staying aware is crucial to keeping UNC safe for all. “Seeing that it would be impossible to prevent all incidents occurring from any time in the future, the best one can do is minimalize [sic] the possibility they might occur,” he said. Longman also revealed the university and UNCPD are exploring options to increase security measures around the school. Lighting enhancements,
security cameras and increased patrols all around campus are in the works. “We want our students, faculty and staff to feel safe,” Longman said. UNCPD is unable to release potential leads or the items that are missing. The crimes are unrelated to the sexual assault that occurred near the 11th Avenue tunnel on March 11. Editor’s note: Eric Heinz, The Mirror’s editor-in-chief, contributed to this report.
Correction In Monday’s Board of Trustees article, tenets of the Grade Forgiveness Policy were incorrectly stated. The most recent grade is calculated in the GPA, not the highest. It is The Mirror’s policy to correct all errors. To report an error, contact Eric Heinz, editor-in-chief, at editor@uncmirror.com.
(970) 353-TANS • 2513 11TH AVE, GREELEY, CO OPEN M-F FROM 9 AM - 9 PM, SAT & SUN FROM 9 AM - 5 PM
The Mirror 7
Editor: Ruby White
8 The Mirror
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Senior actress reflects on collegiate career RUBY WHITE arts@uncmirror.com
In four years, the average college student goes through a series of phases, doubts and accomplishments. For many in the university arts programs, in order to keep up with the curriculum, putting your best foot forward is nec-
essary with every assignment and performance. Veronica Domingo, a senior musical theater major, has witnessed both disappointments and triumphs during her years in the University of Northern Colorado’s Musical Theater program. Staying in such a study that requires rigorous
Veronica Domingo, a senior musical theater major, has performed in several shows during her time at UNC. Domingo has been offered a chance to be in an agency in New York.
practice, performance and memorization has proven to be tough for a number of students. However, early recognition of their talents has helped pave the way for the challenges to come. “I was in a performing arts high school, and we had majors there,” Domingo said. “I had always sung with a group of people, but over time, I had started noticing that I might’ve had the potential to start performing on my own.” During her final year in high school, Domingo decided to audition for her high school Broadway’s version of “Miss Saigon.” Domingo was cast as the lead role for the production, putting her in the spotlight for the first time. Domingo auditioned for UNC’s musical theater program her senior year of high
school and was accepted. “My freshman and sophomore years here are a bit of a blur,” Domingo said. “It was a short time for me to get used to things, and I was put in a whirlpool of discovery. Those were the years that really led me into perfecting my craft.” Musical theater students are required to audition for plays, attend voice lessons and perform scenes with one another. During their senior year, they take part in senior showcase and prepare pieces to perform for agencies in New York. “College was everything I expected, but at the same time, not what I expected,” Domingo said. “I experienced the college life and was able to work on my talents, as well — it has been a journey.” Since attending universi-
ty, Domingo has been cast in various other University of Northern Colorado productions, such as “Cabaret,” “Elephant Man” and “Chess.” In addition to these major plays, Domingo has performed in student directed scenes and shows like “The Color Purple” and “Brooklyn.” “She’s a little fireball onstage,” said Joey Revier, a senior musical theater major. “I directed her in a show for role-study, ‘Brooklyn,’ and she played the role of Paradice. Veronica was very powerful in her portrayal of that character. She’s got a voice that can bring down the house, and I can’t wait to see where she goes.” Concerning her voice lessons, Domingo said her vocal coach, Matthew Herrick, always encouraged students
to have confidence in everything they do in their craft. While maintaining a 3.5 GPA, Domingo worked with prop designers, wood shop, assisted set designers and studied stage make-up. She was also active on campus in a multicultural sorority and community service projects. After the Musical Theater department’s trip to New York for its senior showcase, Domingo was offered an opportunity to join an acting agency in Manhattan. As graduation approaches, Domingo said she will make decisions that will affect her career in musical theater. “I will finish out this school year balancing all of my options,” she said. “I am excited to see what the world will have for me when I leave UNC in May.”
‘Monologues’ to be performed to end celebration
STAFF REPORT arts@uncmirror.com
To wrap up its celebration of Women’s History Month, the Women’s Resource Center will host an on-stage production of “The Vagina Monologues,” from 7-9 p.m. Friday and Saturday in Lindou Auditorium. The center’s staff hosted auditions for the production in late January of this year and called for individuals across campus to display their talents. There was no necessary
need for having experience in the field of acting, so anyone who wanted to participate had a shot at auditioning for the roles. “The Vagina Monologues” has been known for delving deeply into female sexuality and portraying issues women face in society, whether it be in the home or in the office. The staff searched for people who were not afraid to speak on topics such as abortion, sex, selfmutilation, masturbation and rape. The point of the performance is to open
the eyes of many who may not be aware of what women go through in everyday life. The production has received credit for its ability to relate to many women and their experiences. Not only does it offer comedic relief, but provides many tear-jerking experiences that could have audience members on their toes. “I am really looking forward to seeing ‘The Vagina Monologues’ for a number or reasons,” said Teresa Hernandez, a
sophomore criminal justice major. “I feel as if it is a great production because it really expresses certain issues that women face in our society. I think it will open the minds of people who choose to attend the play.” Tickets for the performance are $5 for UNC students, $8 for AIMS students and UNC faculty and staff, and $10 for the general public. All proceeds will go to A Woman’s Place, which is the only domestic violence
agency in Weld County. A Woman’s Place offers women who have been involved in an abusive relationship and who are victims of rape and sexual assault a safe place to discuss their
feelings and find ways to cope with what has happened to them. For more information on the event and ticket purchases, contact Steven Buchanan at (970)-3514412.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Editor: Parker Cotton
The Mirror 9
Men’s basketball historic season in review DAVID WILSON sports@uncmirror.com
In the 107 years the men’s basketball program has been in existence, no UNC team accomplished what the 2010-11 Bears have done. What the 16 young men in University of Northern Colorado uniforms and their firstyear head coach B.J. Hill have done will be etched in UNC history. In five short years at the Division I level, the Bears (21-11, 13-3) went from 4-24 and the worst team in the nation in RPI to Big Sky Conference regular season and tour-
nament champions, earning their first trip to the NCAA Tournament. The wild four-month ride did not start off very promisingly, as the Bears started 4-7 out of the gate in non-conference play. All doubts about UNC being a contender for a championship this season were erased when it responded with a 7-0 start in conference play. UNC battled for its first regular season championship, winning its final three games, putting the pressure on Montana to do the same, and the Grizzlies did not follow suit.
For one class to do what those guys have done to get to this stage is an unbelievable feat. — UNC head coach B.J. Hill
The Bears then defeated Northern Arizona and Montana on consecutive nights to win the tournament championship and punch their ticket to the NCAA Tournament. Players and coaches cut down their personal pieces of nylon net and
UNC senior guard Chris Kaba (10) attempts a shot over a defender in a game against Northern Arizona Mar. 8 in the semifinals of the Big Sky Conference Championships at Butler-Hancock Sports Pavilion. Kaba averaged 9.5 points per game this season.
celebrated with 3,000plus Bears fans in attendance. “I will remember that night for the rest of my life,” UNC senior forward Neal Kingman said. “Bringing a championship to my hometown was a dream of mine, and I’m glad we were able to deliver.” UNC played neck-andneck with the No. 2 seed San Diego State for 30 minutes before falling 6850 in the second round of the tournament in Tucson, Ariz. Thursday. Even though their season ended with a loss, the 2010-11 Bears won’t be remembered by that one loss but rather by the list of accomplishments they achieved and the four seniors who led them to history: forwards Chris Kaba, Taylor Montgomery and Kingman, along with guard Devon Beitzel, the Big Sky MVP. “For one class to do what those guys have done to get to this stage is an unbelievable feat,” Hill said. Beitzel finished the season averaging 21.4 points a game, ranked 12th in the country and, off the court, was the first Academic All-American for UNC since 1967. Kingman and Kaba added 10.3 and 9.5 points per game, respectively, while Montgomery was a dominant defensive presence and earned his play-
UNC senior guard Devon Beitzel drives the lane against Sacramento State Mar. 2 at Butler-Hancock Sports Pavilion. Beitzel averaged 21.4 points this season. ing time by rebounding 2011-12 UNC men’s basand doing the dirty work ketball team will accomthat is not recognized on plish, but what is certain is the Bears have proven the stat sheet. The tasks at hand now the program is on an for the Bears are what upswing. Lloyd said he believes they will do for an encore and how they will replace the NCAA Tournament this senior class that went appearance this year was no fluke and will not be from worst to first. UNC has promising the Bears’ last dance. “We belong here (at young guards in sophomore Elliot Lloyd, red- the NCAA Tournament),” shirt freshman Tate Lloyd said after the game Unruh and true freshman against SDSU. “We know Paul Garnica, as well as what we got to do to get talented post players, jun- back here. We just got to ior Mike Proctor and red- stay focused and get the shirt freshman Emmanuel team to work hard in the Addo. off-season and let the Time will tell what the chips fall as they may.”
10 The Mirror
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Baseball team loses late lead to Huskers STAFF REPORT sports@uncmirror.com
The UNC baseball team let a 3-1 eighth inning lead evapor a t e a n d eventually lost, 5Baseball 4, to Nebraska Tuesday in Lincoln, Neb. The University of Northern Colorado (1-12) allowed three runs on four hits in the bottom half of the eighth but tied it up at 4 in the top of the ninth after UNC junior third baseman Tony Crudo singled to start the inning, advanced to second on a wild pitch and scored after
a single up the middle by sophomore catcher Harrison Lambert. UNC senior right-handed pitcher Joe Sawicki hit Nebraska sophomore designated hitter Kash Kalkowski with the first pitch of the bottom of the ninth inning. Kalkowski advanced to second on a sacrifice bunt and took third after a fly out before Nebraska sophomore right fielder Josh Scheffert singled to plate Kalkowski from third and give the Huskers (15-7) the victory. UNC got on the scoreboard in the first inning after junior designated hitter Ben Packard grounded into a fielder’s choice, scoring junior left fielder Bret Fanning from third. Crudo then dou-
bled to center, bringing in two more runs for an early 3-0 lead. UNC freshman righthanded pitcher Chris Hammer went six and twothirds innings, striking out six, walking two and allowing one earned run, which came in the sixth inning. Bears senior left-handed pitcher Brendan Hall got the last out of the seventh after relieving Hammer but was hit hard in the eighth when the Huskers tied the game. Sawicki took the loss, his fourth of the season, for the Bears, who had 12 strikeouts in the game. UNC will face Nebraska at 12:35 p.m. today in Lincoln, Neb. and will try to manage a split in the two-game series.
UNC junior infielder Kevin Hurd waits for a pitch in a game against South Dakota State March 18 at Jackson Field. Hurd is hitting .280 with seven hits and three RBI so far this season. Hurd went 1-for-3 with a strikeout against the Huskers.
Women’s hoops coach honored by peers STAFF REPORT sports@uncmirror.com
UNC women’s basketball head coach Jaime White led her team to the second seed in the Big Sky Conference tournament after achieving a 17-12 overall record in the regular season. Her efforts were rewarded March 16 when she was named Big Sky CoCoach of the Year by other league coaches. White, in her fifth year at the University of Northern Colorado, has amassed a 62-48 record and helped the team to a 12-4 record in Big Sky play this season, a far cry from the 2-14 record posted in her first season. The Bears earned the
No. 2 seed in the Big Sky tabbed as an honorable C o n f e r e n c e mention and as the league’s Championships March 11 outstanding freshman. In White’s second seain Portland, Ore. but fell to eventual champion son at the helm, the Bears posted an 8-8 Montana in the conference semifinals. record en route White had to their first three players visit to the Big named all-conSky postseason. ference this seaUNC went 5son in sopho11 and 6-10 in more forward conference Lauren Oosdyke, Jaime White play the next senior guard led the team to a two seasons, C o u r t n e y 12-4 conference both of which Stoermer and record this season, were littered freshman guard her fifth at UNC. with injuries. D’shara Strange. This season, Oosdyke was named to the first team, UNC started 2-1 out of the Stoermer was named to the gate but hit a rough patch in second team and honored non-conference play, going as the co-defensive player 1-7 in its next eight games. White and the Bears of the year and Strange was
regrouped, however, and after a 1-1 start to conference play, had a sevengame winning streak that helped propel them to the top of the Big Sky standings, where they would stay for a majority of the season. Only after a loss in the season finale to Idaho State did UNC lose out on a chance to host the conference tournament. Instead, Portland State, which finished with an identical 12-4 conference record, hosted the tournament. White, who shares the co-coach of the year honor with PSU head coach Sherri Murrell, will four seniors from this year’s squad. But she has a multitude of returning
talent to help lead the team next season, one which could shape up to be more promising than
this year’s in which the team was projected to finish eighth at the beginning of the season.
Sudoku from page 3
Monday, March 23, 2011
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Artist collaborates with UNC instructors to release album DAN ENGLAND dengland@greeleytribune.com
Most children want time away from the piano. Heidi Brende Leathwood begged to learn how to play it. Her mother, Julie, who now lives in Greeley with Heidi’s father, Rolf, taught piano in her house, and when Heidi was 4, she wanted to play. Julie told her anxious daughter she was too young, but Heidi was insistent. At least, that’s the way it probably was. Heidi doesn’t remember the exact details. She was only 4. “I just remember sitting at the piano for as long as I can remember,” she said. “I never remember a time when I couldn’t play.” Relenting to her 4-yearold would probably make the Tiger Mother unhappy, but it turned out to be possibly the best thing Julie did as a parent. It gave her daughter a career. Now Leathwood, who teaches at the University of Denver and lives in Denver but spends a lot of time in
Greeley collaborating with chance to go places and instructors at the University play as a career. “All I heard was the going of Northern Colorado, is a recording artist who plans to places part at that age,” she release her third album on said and laughed in a phone interview. “I April (though it is remember asking available in a few myself, ‘I could Greeley stores have a career in now). She also this thing that I performs regularly like?’ He just got in a contemporary very serious and classical music was very group, The with Playground, Heidi Brende Leathwood’s picky a r o u n d third album, “The Color me. I’m very to Denver and Twilight: A Lullaby Album grateful has appeared For Piano,” will be offi- him for setin many areas cially released on April 1 ting me on the right of the U.S. to on iTunes. path.” perform solo Once she completed her and chamber recitals. She releases those schooling, there were a coualbums on her own label, ple different paths she could Solveig’s Song, and the first take. She decided to get martwo were commercial suc- ried and have a baby. cesses by classical music Normally that might be a standards. She got her career killer, or at least staller. start, however, in high But it turned out to be a good school, when John Strauss, business decision. She remembers that first who taught at Luther College in Iowa, agreed to week with James Carter be her private teacher and Young, now 13, fighting her remarked right away that, and screaming and keeping with the right sacrifices and her up all night. Parents look tough decisions, she had a for anything to stop the crying
at that point, and so Leathwood put on a CD of Bach’s Goldberg Variations. “As soon as I put the music on, he stopped and looked up and me with a look on his face that was, like, what is that?” Leathwood said. Leathwood collapsed in a chair relieved and with an idea. She would record a CD of classical music meant to calm crying babies. She wouldn’t dumb down the music. They would be full versions of classical pieces. The first track would be that Bach track that quieted James. Recording and producing the CD, “SmartSleep,” was the easy part, even if she had to practice it while raising James, sneaking moments at the piano in between crying fits. Leathwood had no marketing experience, and yet she tried to get her CD out to the public as much as she could. She released the first CD in 1997 and the second in 1999, during a time when studies were making big headlines by finding that classical music made babies smarter, and her first break
came when she sent it to a public radio station in Los Angeles, and the program director used her CD as one of the gifts during a pledge drive. Other publications began to feature it, such as “Parents Magazine,” and she and Julie, her mother, began calling stores, eventually landing it in the national chains Hastings and Barnes & Noble. “My Mom was really great, actually,” Leathwood said. “She would not take no for an answer.” Mom actually helped ship the CDs out as well. The first moved more than 10,000 copies, and her second, “SmartPlay,” recorded when she was pregnant with Emma, now 11, sold 5,000. Marketing is expensive, but she still made a profit on both recordings. She didn’t make enough to retire, but she was happy with the results. More than a few classical music CDs would be happy with those results. All of her CDs, including the latest, feature classic composers and could stand alone
as mainstream classical music CDs. But marketing the CDs to parents was smart but it also presented a challenge, as radio stations at first wouldn’t play them because they “were for babies.” She hopes this CD puts her in the mainstream classical music market, even if she did title it, “The Color Twilight: A Lullaby Album For Piano.” Adults can like lullabies, too, and music is meant to be relaxing, even if there’s a little more variety. “I had a colleague the other day stop me in the hallway at Denver University and tell me, ‘Every time I feel stressed out, I play your CD. It’s so relaxing.’ That made me feel really good.” She may one day record with her second husband, Jonathan Leathwood, a successful classical guitarist, and she also wouldn’t be opposed to another label rereleasing her own CDs. But she’s got some more marketing to do first. Her new album comes out in less than a month. “I’d better get busy,” she said.
12 The Mirror
The Mirror
Wednesday, March 23, 2011