April 19, 2010 E-Mirror

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s e r v i n g t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f n o r t h e r n c o l o r a d o s i n c e 1 9 19

the mirror Monday, April 19, 2010

Volume 93, Number 81

uncm i r r o r . c o m

Look in The Mirr or Church cleans up campus

Page 6 News Opera closes curtain on season UNC Opera concludes its year with two weekend performances at the UCCC. PAGE 7

Sports Baseball drops conference series Utah Valley takes three of four games from Bears in Great West Conference action. PAGE 9

Online Recapping annual women’s walk Check out snapshots taken during Saturday’s walk for women’s sports at uncmirror.com. Mon: 74 | 38


Eddie Sheehy, a secondary education major at Aims Community College, bellows out to break his silence Friday at the University Center.


68 | 40


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Thur: 62 | 40

Upcoming Look for an article about an Egyptian-themed fundraiser in Wednesday’s issue of The Mirror.



w w w. u n c m i r r o r. c o m C A M P U S N E W S . C O M M U N I T Y N E W S . Y O U R N E W S .


2 The Mirror



Monday, April 19, 2010

Walk supports women’s athletics Campus community donates to female sports programs BENJAMIN WELCH news@uncmirror.com



A procession of fundraisers for women’s athletics made their way around campus to earn money for scholarships. This was the scene Saturday at Butler-Hancock Pavilion as a parade of students, athletes, faculty members and community members walked around campus to earn money for female student athlete scholarships and increase interest in women’s intercollegiate sports. The Second Annual Women’s Walk was a donation-driven event that featured about 400 individuals, families and groups marching in unison. “We want to celebrate all the stuff and opportunities that are available to women in intercollegiate athletics these days,� said Jenny Henderson, a UNC alumna and athletic department employee, who was in charge of the event.

Sponsors for the event included Pepsi and Altitude Sports Entertainment. Walkers were also encouraged to give a $25-donation, though many found sponsorship through letters to family, friends and co-workers, requesting financial aid in the form of donations as they walked for the cause. “I have been attending UNC women’s basketball and volleyball games for a number of years now, and it’s great to see others who share my enthusiasm and willingness to support women in sports,� said Teresa Ekosh, a Greeley resident who attended the event with her family. Ekosh said her children wrote letters to uncles, aunts and grandparents asking for sponsorship for the event. The idea was inspired by the University of Nebraska’s walk that had the same goals. Hundreds of people marched in that event and raised more than $200,000. Henderson said although the

Monday, May 3, 7:00pm

main purpose was to raise money tributed toward the inaugural for scholarships in the athletic event. Despite the rough econodepartment, a goal of reaching my, organizers said they look to grow the investment from year to others was set, as well. “Back in the day, there weren’t year to raise money and promote women’s athletany female ics. Participant s p o r t s , � numbers had Henderson said. risen this year “Now there is, from last. and this event is “It was well a great way to worth it,� said get the commuBrandy Rivers, nity and former a junior politiplayers interactcal science ing with stumajor who dents, current walked with a athletes, coaches and adminisgroup of trators. It’s great friends. “I had — Teresa Ekosh, a to help students to get up early do whatever Greeley resident for a Saturday, makes them feel but it’s for a welcome on campus, so we can good cause, and I hope to see grow our fan base and (recruit) University of Northern Colorado potential students.� women become a force in the Last year, $34,000 was con- sporting world.�





701 10th Ave, Greeley

UNC President Kay Norton and UNC Athletic Director Jay Hinrichs listen to presentations Saturday in Butler-Hancock before the start of the Second Annual Women’s Walk.

I have been attending UNC women’s basketball and volleyball games, for a number of years now, and it’s great to see others who share my enthusiasm and willingness to support women in sports.


U C S TA R S . C O M



Mike Proctor, a sophomore; Mike Bedford, a freshman and Connor Osborne, a freshman, participate in UNC’s Second Annual Women’s Women’s Walk Saturday at Butler-Hancock Pavilion.


Monday, April 19, 2010

The Mirror 3

Concert collects donations to benefit Haiti KRISTEN MARTIN news@uncmirror.com

Four local bands performed Friday at the Garden Theatre to help raise more than $400 for Haiti, as well as help create awareness of poverty. “All of the proceeds will go to Samaritan’s Purse and then will go to Haiti,” said Brandon Witsken, a freshmen elementary education major. The event took awhile to come together, but members of the UNC Christian Challenge club, a student-run organization, said they were able to collaborate in time for the event. “We had the idea last year to help out Haiti, but nothing was available until now,” said Kate Nixon, a junior elementary major. “The bands took a very short time to book because I know most of

come up on-stage while they them, so it wasn’t hard at all.” Ian McEntyre, an employee of finished acoustically. “It’s amazing that all of these Colorado Christian Challenge, said people showed in Haiti, there is a up; you can tell poverty issue they have good and not just a hearts because disaster issue. they are here,” “Poverty is said Emily not just a seaKline, a sophosonal thing; it more elementakes guts to do tary education something major. about it,” — Emily Kline, a sophomore The next McEntyre said. band to perThe first elementary education major form was band to perform Sauni’s Big was a duo, Danny, lead vocals, and Nate Jump and the band Freedmont ended the concert. Mueller, beat box. Jamie Everett, the guitarist and The next band was Tell Me Again, which consisted of all back-up vocalist of Freedmont, will University of Northern join his brother Danny at the Colorado students. The band University of Northern Colorado to experienced major technical study communication next year. “We are filled by love — love difficulties during its set, but eventually had a small crowd of the people and we are here

It’s amazing that all of these people showed up; you can tell they have good hearts because they are here.

providing good entertainment and help to those in need,” Everett said. “We have been playing for about four years now, and before each show, we always enter this state of calm and then release all of our energy during the performance.” In between performances, a video was shown to the crowd to inform them of how Americans are rich compared to the rest of the

world. According to the video, Americans are 8 percent of the world’s population and use 40 percent of its natural resources. Last year, America spent $20 billion on ice cream. The video’s message to the crowd was to “use our own wealth to bless others.” For more information, visit the club’s Facebook page or email Ginger Walcker at gwalcker@comcast.net.

Queen crowning to help Red Cross STAFF REPORT news@uncmirror.com

Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity will host its first annual “Queen of the Nile” fundraiser. A weeklong series of events organized by the men of the fraternity will be open to all UNC students. Individual women will compete with the support of teams in gaining points to win the honor of being called the 2010 Queen of the Nile. Participants will raise money with their teammates to benefit the American Red Cross. Donation buckets will be at the entrance of each event for donations. “I am proud to see a fraternity raising money for our community and such a great cause,” said Duncan Northern, a senior

theater major. “It’s not often that people from all over the campus are able to come together to have fun and raise money at the same time.” Events will be hosted Tuesday through Saturday, starting with “Riddles of the Great Sphinx,” a jeopardy style game show where participants will exercise their

knowledge of University of Northern Colorado history, American Red Cross history and other general knowledge questions. The event will start 6 p.m. Tuesday in Lindou Auditorium. For more information about the events this week, visit www.something.unco.edu/calendar or e-mail Jason Easterly at east7291@bears.unco.edu


Editor: Josh Espinoza

4 The Mirror

Monday, April 19, 2010

LETTERS The Mirror appreciates your opinions. You can submit your columns or letters to the editor to editor@uncmirror.com. Columns can be no longer than 400 words. Include your name, year and major.

POLL This week’s poll question: Do you think the special election was the appropriate course of action for Senate?

Cast your vote at www.uncmirror.com

Mirror Staff 2009-2010 KURT HINKLE | General Manager khinkle@uncmirror.com JOSH ESPINOZA | Editor editor@uncmirror.com ERIC HEINZ | News Editor news@uncmirror.com JORDAN FREEMYER | Sports Editor sports@uncmirror.com RUBY WHITE | Arts Editor arts@uncmirror.com TOD DIDIER | Visual Editor photo@uncmirror.com COREY DYBEN | Advertising Manager ads@uncmirror.com RYAN ANDERSON | Ad Production Manager adproduction@uncmirror.com

No-hitter puts Rockies pitcher in national spotlight Ubaldo Jiménez has arrived. Since his debut in the Major Leagues in 2007, the Rockies right-hander has been something of an enigma. He has always had the stuff of a great pitcher, but was only named the team’s ace this season. Now, Jiménez has done something no one else in Rockies history, and only a select few in Major League history have ever done, throwing a no-hitter Saturday against the Atlanta Braves. With Jiménez throwing the Rockies’ first no-no, the Mets, Padres and Rays are the only three MLB teams that have not

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Mission Statement The Mirror’s mission is to educate, inform and entertain the students, staff and faculty of the UNC community, and to educate the staff on the business of journalism in a college-newspaper environment.

About us The Mirror is published every Monday, Wednesday and Friday during the academic year by the Student Media Corp. It is printed by the Greeley Tribune. The first copy is free; additional copies are 50 cents each and must be purchased from The Mirror office.

for no-hitters in recent years to be saved by a great defensive play in the late innings and Jiménez’s was no different. Leading off the seventh inning, Braves first baseman Troy Glaus hit a drive into the left-center field gap that looked to be an extra-base hit. But Rockies center fielder Dexter Fowler, an Atlanta native, tracked it down with a spectacular catch that even had some Braves fans applauding. Jiménez has always had electric stuff; his fastball averaged 96.1 mph last season, tops among Major League pitchers.

His fastball averaged 96.8 mph Saturday night, hitting 100 on several occasions, including three times in one at bat against Glaus in the second inning. He hit 98 mph in the ninth inning and his final pitch of the game to Braves catcher Brian McCann came in at 97 on the radar gun. The no-hitter has thrust Jiménez from the fringes of the National League Cy Young Award conversation into the middle of it, among such names as Roy Halladay and Tim Lincecum, somewhere he rightfully deserves to be.

Mirror Reflections are the opinion of The Mirror’s editorial board: Tod Didier, Josh Espinoza, Jordan Freemyer, Eric Heinz and Ruby White. Let us know what you think. E-mail us at editor@uncmirror.com.

Special election gives us second chance to elect worthy candidates Forrest BOWLICK

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had a pitcher throw a no-hitter. He walked six during his gem, but retired the final 15 batters of the game after deciding to pitch solely out of the stretch because of his lack of control when pitching from his full windup. Jiménez walked the leadoff hitter in the third, fourth and fifth innings. In the final four innings, Jiménez threw just 45 of his 128 pitches and did not allow a baserunner. Before that, he threw 83 pitches in five innings, a stretch that included more balls thrown than strikes. It seems like a prerequisite



lections went by on campus two weeks ago, April 7 and 8, without too much fanfare or major disruption of our daily routines. Besides some flyers on various bulletin boards, only the deeply entrenched in school politics noticed what was occurring. Let’s hope that take two of our elections are more engaging. On Thursday afternoon, the Election Judiciary Board (a sub-unit of Student Senate which oversees elections) determined the last elec-

tion was invalid. In part, the EJB determined “that proper publicity and notice of the election was not completed,” resulting in an election that did not fairly serve the student body. On Friday, a special election was announced and organized for this week. Voting will occur from 8 a.m. Thursday to 7 p.m. Friday, after a special open forum and debate at 8 p.m. on Wednesday. Election packets are even available until noon today. It might seem hasty, but this new election is well organized and offers our campus a second chance to be engaged with electing our student government. This body we are going to elect, the Student Senate, controls more than $1.2 million dollars in student fees and allocates them to great campus programs like the cultural

centers, club sports and UNC Student Radio. They also have influence regarding major campus activities, like Speak Truth Not Ignorance and the current revamping of the campus bus system. These are influential and important positions, and they require the entire student body’s attention and participation to be successful. Yet this election redo does offer one chance to fix what would have been a major failure of the democratic process. Many positions ran unopposed. Normally, this isn’t an issue; our current Student Body President, Justin Puckett, ran unopposed last year and has done a marvelous job this year. In politics today, it is the usual course to attack people rather than ideas; to insult the individual rather

than the ideology. I reject that notion, just as I reject the concept of homophobia and bigotry; references to homosexuality as a “problem” that has “besmirched this world” are not reasonable. So too do I reject someone who ignores logic and intelligence so much to say that “water conservation destroys the economy.” As I reject one who might deem America “dead” after the past election. To find out who this person is, you must ask questions. Ask questions of your friends, the candidates, and all of us: ask who such a person could be, and become engaged in our electoral process. And then you must vote against them. — Forrest Bowlick is a senior geography major and a columnist for The Mirror.


Monday, April 19, 2010

The Mirror 5

Sorority’s auctions off dates CARMEN BRADY news@uncmirror.com

The members of Pi Lambda Chi sorority hosted a fundraiser Friday in Milne Auditorium to raise money for their organization. The fundraiser was an auction — attendees bid on a date with one of the sorority members. If you won a particular woman, you could either go on a date with them or have four hours of community service in your name. In addition to the auction, there was a talent portion with singing, dancing and jump roping. The fundraiser was specifically for the sorority’s Golden Chi week next fall, when they will try to recruit new members and raise awareness of their

sorority, though it was also to help fund other needs the organization may have for the rest of this semester. “This semester, we’re just going to focus on the end of school and getting other organizations together,” said Angelica Balderas, a sophomore business management major. “Next semester, our Golden Chi week will consist of a potluck, not just for Greek life but for all students on campus, so they can get a taste of different culture. We will also host a craft night.” Each of the dates sold for at least $15 with the highest single date selling for $55. At the end of the night, participants also bid to go on a date with all the girls, which sold for $85.

“It was exciting; it was a better turnout than we thought,” said Jeri Salas, a freshman social science major. Totianna Weekly, a sophomore journalism major and a member of the sorority, also said she had a lot of fun at the event, though she said she was scared at first about the auction and her talent section. “I was really nervous to go on stage, but I’m glad I did it,” Weekly said. “It’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and it was great.” Balderas said she also had nerves, but like Weekly, quickly got over them when the event began. “We had a lot of people laughing, and it was good all around,” said Balderas. “We just got together and made it happen.”

Performance entertains elementary students CARMEN BRADY news@uncmirror.com

“El Viaje de Beatriz” is a play presented by UNC’s theater program for surrounding northern Colorado elementary schools. The idea for the play came from Samantha Provenzano, a senior acting major, who directed the play, and was written by Andrea Moon, a professor in the theater department. The company of students who produced the play took to the stage Saturday at the Union Colony Civic Center. The idea behind the play was to create a story that would captivate children and consist of both English and Spanish languages. The story told of Beatriz, a young girl whose grandmother has recently died, and is trying to cope with her loss. During a dream, she goes on a journey looking for her grandmother and

We have a lot of bilingual children going to elementary school in northern Colorado, so we really wanted to create a play that would reach them as well as children who have English as a first language.

— Andrea Moon, a professor in the theater department finds what is really important is all the things her grandmother taught her in life and the memories Beatriz had of her. The play was in both English and Spanish, so that as many children as possible would understand the message. “We were really hoping to

reach the community around here,” Moon said. “We have a lot of bilingual children going to elementary school in northern Colorado, so we really wanted to create a play that would reach them as well as children who have English as a first language.” Although Moon wrote the script, Samantha Provenzano came up with the idea. “It was Sam’s concept,” Moon said. “She came to me with the general story and the characters, and I wrote the play — putting it together in dramatic form.” Provenzano said she was pleased with the outcome of the play, the audience’s reactions and the effort put in by the cast and crew. She said she was especially pleased with the reaction from the children it is intended for. See Play, Page 6


Joel Nagel, a jazz studies graduate student, solos at the Kress Cinema Lounge in downtown Greeley. Many UNC Jazz Studies students will perform at the festival Thursday through Saturday.

Annual Jazz Festival to feature guest artists DAN ENGLAND T h e ( G r e e l e y ) Tr i b u n e Jeff Hamilton prepared for what he saw as an inevitable audition with the Woody Herman Orchestra by transcribing and memorizing the notes played by drumming legends such as Ed Soph and Jake Hanna. So when the idea surfaced to honor them and Herman in a so-called Drum Summit during the closing concert of the UNC/Greeley Jazz Festival, he jumped at the chance for one big reason. Time is short, he said, so let's try to get everybody together.

Hamilton, who's had his own group for almost 25 years now, the Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra, today admires Herman for many reasons, not the least of which is what he learned about being a bandleader. Herman was a generous boss who encouraged his players to find their own voices. Yet he could be tough, Hamilton said. The goal as a drummer was to make it past the first night without getting fired. It made Hanna's tenure all the more impressive: Probably no one made as big a mark as he did on some of Herman's most famous charts. See Jazz, Page 11


6 The Mirror

Monday, April 19, 2010

Church hosts day of community service Students, Mormon missionaries help clean portions of campus, plant flowers BENJAMIN WELCH news@uncmirror.com

In an act of community service, students and missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints dedicated an afternoon to sprucing up areas of UNC’s campus. About 35 members of the church attended the clean-up event. The participants did a variety of work, including transplanting foliage from the area by the 10th Avenue and 20th Street intersection and replanting them by the University Center, mulching flowerbeds and picking up litter. “The LDS church is based on service,” said Patrick Risk, a senior business management major, who was the foreman of the group. “Whenever the opportunity comes to serve, everyone raises their hands (to participate).” Risk said the group plans on sponsoring the flora near the 10th Avenue and 20th Street intersection through the University of Northern Colorado’s Adopt-A-Spot pro-

“A big part of what we do is gram, where flowers will be serving; I love to serve because it planted later this spring. The students were accompa- makes me feel closer to the Lord nied by missionaries of the LDS and it makes me feel like I’m doing something church. Risk good for other said the mispeople and not sionaries will just myself,” occasionally said Jessica come to the Foschini, a school to edusophomore cate students journalism about the mesmajor. sage of the Foschini M o r m o n said she agreed church and with Risk about offer informathe church tion on the LDS being very servbelief system. ice- and giving“One of the — Jessica Foschini, a sophooriented. She scriptures in the more journalism major said although Book of Mormon many people is, ‘Do service to your fellow beings in service of think the LDS church is a secretive God,’ and that’s what we’re all society, the church members are about — trying to represent Jesus very welcoming to newcomers and Christ as best we know how,” said wish to promote the church’s mesMelelangi Tuiasoa, a missionary sage to everyone. Additional information can originally from California who is be found on the Church of Jesus assigned to the Greeley area. Women missionaries gener- Christ of Latter Day Saints at ally serve for 18 months, but www.lds.org, the LDS institution at 2030 10th Ave. or by talkmen normally serve two years.

A big part of what we do is serving; I love to serve because it makes me feel closer to the Lord and it makes me feel like I’m doing something good for other people and not just myself.


Patrick Risk, a senior business major, picks up trash as part of volunteer project Saturday organized by the Church of Latter Day Saints. The church’s UNC location is behind the University Center, 2030 10th Ave. ing to one of the missionaries often found on campus. “One of our goals is good

publicity; we want to show we’re just a big group of kids that want to have fun,” Risk said.

Play leaps over language barrier Play from Page 5 “We usually tour in the mornings to elementary school kids, and they really get into it because they don’t really know theater etiquette yet,” said Mehry Eslaminia, a junior acting major, who was the lead in the play. “It’s really inspiring, and it’s a lot of fun.” Eslaminia said she has loved working with the cast and crew, particularly under the direction of Provenzano.

“Sam is seriously one of the most genuine and fun people to be around,” she said. “It was great because most other rehearsals are stressful because the director is a professor. But with Sam, we were all in it together as students, doing everything together; so, it was great.” Gillian McNally, a theater professor and the production supervisor, also said she enjoyed the play. “At every school we’ve been to, the biggest compliment I get is from

the teachers, councilors and principals; they are amazed we captivate (the children’s) attention for 45 whole minutes,” McNally said. She also said she is proud of Provenzano and the effort she has made to put on a successful show. “Instead of giving this to a faculty member, I gave it to a student, which says a lot about her ability,” McNally said. “She came up with the ideas and gave them to Andrea Moon, but it’s really her idea and her brainchild.”


Monday, April 19, 2010

The Mirror 7

Opera closes out season with two shows Concluding weekend performances feature contemporary, classic settings “I prefer the Schicchi,” original lanfocuses on a guage,” said family that disDerek Hall, a their Soaring arias dominated covers sophomore dead uncle has Friday and Saturday in the vocal music Union Colony Civic Center as left their inhermajor, who UNC Operas offered its final itance to a played the show of the season. The week- monastery. In — Lilly Herreria, a sophoNotary in end presentation featured two an attempt to “ G i a n n i one-act operas from “Il acquire their more psychology and vocal Schicchi.” “The Trittico,” a collection of three i n h e r i t a n c e , music major English transthe family shows first produced in 1918. The first, “Suor Angelica,” is enlists the aid of the merchant lations just tend to sound a little Schicchi. Schicchi more ridiculous to me — you say the tragic tale of Angelica, a Gianni noblewoman who has been agrees only at the insistence of some very interesting things.” Although the pieces were banished to a convent and longs his daughter, who plans to only for contact with her family. marry one of the family mem- presented in the original lanAngelica’s wishes are met when bers. In the end, Schicchi swin- guage, certain liberties were her aunt arrives at the convent dles the family and uses his taken with the staging. “Suor to force Angelica to sign away newfound wealth as a dowry for Angelica” had a traditional monastery set, but “Gianni her inheritance. Angelica even- his daughter. The operas were presented in Schicchi” featured characters tually yields upon discovering that her child is dead, and ends the original Italian; English and sporting iPads and cell-phones. Both shows — despite Spanish supertitles were providup taking her own life. markedly different tones — The second, “Gianni ed for both acts. were well received by some. “The vocalists were very strong; they filled the room, they took the lead and it was a very balanced performance,” said Lily Herreria, a sophomore psychology and vocal music major. Audience members also said they appreciated the contrast between the tragic “Suor Angelica” as an opener and “Gianni Schicchi” as a more lighthearted end to the evening. “I don’t think I preferred one to the other,” said Anne TerezSchwarz, a freshman vocal major. “I think ‘Suor Angelica’ was tragic but beautiful, incredibly gorgeous. I think Gianni Schicchi was a great way to end it.” The show was rehearsed DAN OBLUDA | THE MIRROR three times a week since February. It marks the end of a Katie Dukes, a vocal performance graduate student, sings the vibrant season for the group, lead role in “Suor Angelica” Saturday at the Union Colony Civic which has hosted four major Center. The performances were the last of the opera’s this year. TOD DIDIER news@uncmirror.com

The vocalists were very strong; they filled the room, they took the lead and it was a very balanced performance.


Joel Sutliff, a vocal performance graduate student, plays the titular character during a dress rehearsal in place of his father, guest artist Richard Sutliff, for the opera “Gianni Schicchi.” events this academic school year, and some audience members said they thought it was the highlight of the program this year. “I essentially see a lot of performances, and I think this is one

of the better ones,” Herreria said. Information about the Opera Program and upcoming shows can be found online under the College of Visual and Performing Arts Web page at www.arts.unco.edu/music.


8 The Mirror

Monday, April 19, 2010

Students sacrifice voice for victims of hate Day of Silence pays respect to those bullied because of their sexual orientation

After the presentation, stuStraight Education Network, Walker-Hoover was taunted by dents walked out to the Northern schoolmates and called “gay.” Vision statue to scream and end their silence. Not a whisper could be heard Although it was Jael Esquibel, never estabfrom those who dedicated their the graduate day to silence. Members of the lished if he was a assistant of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, homosexual or the GLBTA WalkerTransgender and Allies commu- not, Resource nity paid tribute to victims of Hoover hanged Office, gave a hate crimes by participating in himself before speech sumthe National Day of Silence his 12th birthday. marizing the “It serves as a hosted Friday in the University purpose of the reminder as to Center Fireside Lounge. event. She said Mario Hernandez, an advo- how early these the advocates cate for the GLBTA Office, gave acts of bullying didn’t speak Mario a short welcoming presentation begin,” all day to about the day. He said those in said. “Bullying acknowledge actions — Jael Esquibel, the grad the GLBT community are forced and the challenges other uate assistant of the into fear and unable to accept toward of those people affects who they truly are. who’ve been Hernandez also said this everyone; how- GLBTA Resource Office oppressed. year’s Day of Silence was dedi- ever, nine out of “We will let everyone know cated to the memory of Carl 10 gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender students say they have that we will no longer be silent Joseph Walker-Hoover. According to an article pub- experienced some sort of harass- and that our voices will be heard,” Esquibel said. lished by the Gay, Lesbian and ment in some way or another.” Following her statements, a UNC College of Performing and Visual Arts roar was let out by the attendees School of Theatre Arts and Dance to conclude the formal portion Presents a World Premiere Performance of the event. “Taking a vow of silence is a A bilingual play for very personal thing,” Esquibel children and families said. “I would say a good handful of students took the vow today. I think (the silence) creApril 17 ates awareness of the issues of 2:00 p.m. oppression. Usually when a stu& dent is silent, they will have a card explaining why they’ve 7:00 p.m. decided to not talk, and I think Conceived & directed by that’s a way to educate others.” Samantha Provenzano Patrick O’Brien, a junior psyWritten by chology major, was present with Andrea Moon turquoise tape fastened across his mouth. Hensel Phelps Theatre “I’ve been called names; even today someone came up to me Union Colony Civic Center while I had my tape on and deliberately asked me what time it is, Tickets and information: (970) 351-2200 just to be a jerk,” O’Brien said, ERIC HEINZ news@uncmirror.com

Taking a vow of silence is a very personal thing. I would say a good handful of students took the vow today. I think (the silence) creates awareness of the issues of oppression.


In appreciation of Day of Silence, Colleen Eagen, a sophomore political science major, talks about promoting awareness of crimes against the GLBT community Friday at the UC Fireside Lounge. after he broke his silence with the rest. “I’ve also had transgendered friends who have been called horrible names and have had horrible things done to them.”

The event concluded at New South Hall with the viewing of “Prayers for Bobby,” a film about a conservative Christian mother who rejected her homosexual son.

e j a i V El z i r t a e de B



Jenny Simpson, left, an undeclared freshman, and April Casados, a junior sport and exercise science major, stand ready to break their silence Friday at the Northern Vision statue.

Editor: Jordan Freemyer

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Mirror 9

Wolverines maul Bears in twin-bill Baseball team takes one of four in weekend series against Utah Valley PARKER COTTON sports@uncmirror.com

The UNC baseball team beat Utah Valley 10-4 on Friday to start a four-game series against their conference foe. But it all unraveled after that. Junior right-handed pitcher Joe Sawicki went eight innings in the Friday win, allowing four runs on seven hits with five strikeouts. Junior infielder Kyle Hardman hit his seventh home run of the year, a three-run shot in the seventh, to seal the win. The plan for Saturday was a doubleheader but rain prevented the second game from advancing

very far. Sophomore left-handed pitcher Joe Willman took the mound in game one and allowed six runs on 10 hits, leading to an 8-5 loss for the University of Northern Colorado (14-18, 5-3 GWC). Wolverines sophomore first baseman Goose Kullunki, went 3-for-4 with 3 RBI in the game. In game two, senior southpaw James Quisenberry allowed four runs and left the bases loaded with one out on Saturday before rain brought the game to a halt. The game resumed at noon Sunday with senior Forbes Scott on the hill. UVU sophomore outfielder Jason Zundel sent a 3-2


UNC sophomore infielder swings at a pitch in the Bears’ 18-14 win over Air Force last week. Coy is hitting .296 this season with 12 runs batted in.

To see another lowscoring game at Jackson Field with Mark Shannon on the mound should give us some confidence. — UNC baseball coach Kevin Smallcomb.

pitch from Scott to left field to make it 8-0. The Wolverines (1714, 7-1) made it 10-0 by the end of the first and it just got worse from there. Six Bears pitchers combined to give up 21 hits as UNC went on to lose, 23-9. “The first one was a debacle from yesterday and it was carryover,” head coach Kevin Smallcomb said. “They did a great job. They can swing the bat — we know that. We didn’t execute offensively.” Seven Wolverines had at least two RBI in the first game, and four Bears errors added to the disappointment. “I’ve never been a part of something like that,” senior outfielder Mike Raudenbush said. “We could have come out here and won that game, but both offensively and defensively, we just didn’t get it done.” Game two on Sunday was the complete opposite of game one. There was no score until the sixth inning when UVU senior third baseman Jace Brinkerhoff singled to plate the first run. Zundel hit a solo homer in the top of the eighth to make it 2-0, but Raudenbush tripled with two outs


UNC freshman pitcher Tyler Wallace throws a pitch in the ninth inning of the Bears’ 13-5 win over Montana State-Billings earlier this season. Wallace is tied for third on the team with eight appearances. in the bottom half to score Hardman from first. UVU added another run in the ninth to win, 3-1. Freshman left-handed pitcher Mark Shannon went eight innings for the Bears, allowing two runs on eight hits with four strikeouts. Afterward, UNC hitters said they were upset they didn’t provide any run support for Shannon. “Mark pitched great like he always does,” junior infielder T.J. Berge said. “We just weren’t able to hit together.” Despite losing three of four, all optimism was not lost for the Bears. “To see another low-scoring

game at Jackson Field with Mark Shannon on the mound should give us some confidence,” Smallcomb said. “That young man can pitch.” UNC looks to get back on track Tuesday at Air Force before welcoming Houston Baptist to Jackson Field for a four game set starting at 2 p.m. Friday.

Next Game: Air Force 3 p.m. Tuesday Air Force Academy


10 The Mirror

Monday, April 19, 2010

Track sees good results with split squad STAFF REPORT sports@uncmirror.com

The UNC track and field team split squads over the weekend to compete at the CSU-Pueblo Invitational and in the Mt. SAC relays in Walnut, Calif. Despite the smaller squad in Pueblo, the Bears managed to finish sixth in the overall standings while

getting standout performances. Freshman Natasha Bruins won the women’s long jump with a jump of 18-5.25 meters on her third attempt, which was a season-best mark. In the men’s 100-meter dash, junior Garrett Kidd posted a time of 11.10 seconds to place fourth. Kidd followed up in the 200 meters with a time of 22.31, which

was good enough for third place and set a new season-best for him, as well. Friday afternoon at one of the most prestigious events in the nation, the Mt. SAC relays, the remaining Bear athletes also impressed, with many setting new career bests as well. In the women’s 100 meters, junior Abigail Weedor finished

with a time of 12.33 which put her 27th overall and fifth among all Big Sky Conference runners. The Bears were most impressive, however, in their team events, the men’s and women’s 4X400 relays. The women’s team clocked in at 3:49:39 to finish ninth overall, defeating Big Sky rival Northern Arizona. Their time was good enough for the

third best time in the conference this season. The men’s relay team and finished second with a time of 3:13:93, giving the Bears the fastest time in the Big Sky this season. The University of Northern Colorado will be back in action as a full squad Saturday in Fort Collins for the Jack Christiansen Invitational.

Softball beats ISU for first PCSC wins STAFF REPORT sports@uncmirror.com The UNC softball team took three of four games against Idaho State over the weekend, marking the Bears’ first Division I conference wins. The University of Northern Colorado (11-28, 3-8) came into the weekend having lost 13 of its last 14 games, but came out on Saturday and swept the doubleheader against the Bengals (9-28, 3-5), thanks to brilliant pitching performances. In game one, the only scoring took place in the first inning as senior outfielder Jesse Schoepflin tripled to lead off the inning, an RBI groundout by junior outfielder/pitcher Kelli Henderson brought home the run and supplied all the run support junior pitcher Jamie Juelfs would need. Juelfs allowed only six hits while striking out five Bengal batters in a masterful complete game shutout as the Bears took the opener, 1-0. Not to be outdone, Henderson followed up just a few hours later

with a gem of her own in the nightcap. Henderson too went the distance, striking out seven hitters and only allowing one run in the Bears’ 2-1 victory. The Bears dropped the third game of the series in the opener of Sunday’s doubleheader, 6-2, but managed to hang on to win game four, 8-6, and take the series. The three victories were historic as they gave UNC its first wins in the Pacific Coast Softball Conference, which were also the Bears’ first victories in a D-I conference. The three victories over the weekend moved the Bears into a tie for fourth place in the PCSC with ISU. UNC will be on the road Tuesday against in-state rival Colorado State at 4 p.m. before getting back into conference action against Weber State at home next weekend. The Bears and the Rams split a two-game series earlier this year played in Greeley. Each team will look to claim bragging rights Tuesday at Ram Field in Fort Collins.

Friday, April 19, 2010

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University, Greeley community prepare for three days of music Jazz from Page 5

The smartest thing as a drummer to do would be to listen to what he did with it and try to emulate that,” Hamilton said in a phone interview. “If anyone said I sounded like Jake Hanna, a big smile would come across my face.” On Sunday, Hamilton will take a seat behind the drums with the Woody Herman band in a memorial service for Hanna, who died in February. Time is indeed short. Hamilton will be one of the drummers featured in the Drum Summit, along with Soph and John Riley. The drummers will sit with UNC Lab Band I as the band plays the arrangements that were recorded with those specific drummers. One drummer should play

three or four tracks and then hand the sticks to the next. Hamilton spent six months with the band, starting in 1977, and then subbed and occasionally recorded with the band for the next several years. There was some pride involved with being in that band,” Hamilton said. “I did a lot of homework to the recordings of Jake Hanna and Ed Soph, and to sit in that same chair that they occupied meant a lot.” The Jazz Festival is attempting to capture that same sense of history, maybe more than in past years, said Dana Landry, director of jazz studies at UNC, given that it's the festival's 40th anniversary. On Thursday — the festival's opening night — Grammy nominee Patti Austin will perform at

the Union Colony Civic Center. Austin, whose biggest hit is “Baby Come To Me,” will take part in that night's Ella Fitzgerald tribute. Along with the Herman tribute, that is the third tribute to an artist in the last two years, as last year trumpeter Wayne Bergeron paid homage to Maynard Ferguson. Even the return of the Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra is a nod to the past, as the band played here in 2007 to one of the most well-received shows of the festival's history, Landry said. A featured player is Snooky Young, a 91-year-old trumpeter known for his mastery of the plunger mute and his participation in just about every landmark big band, including Count Basie, Thad

Jones/Mel Lewis and the Tonight Show Band. We want to celebrate the past and the future this time,” Landry said. Jazz lovers shouldn't expect a tribute to a great artist every year, Landry said. That's just the way it's worked out lately. The chance to put on a drum summit was too good to pass up, as there have been many tributes to Herman, considered one of the greatest big-band artists of all time, but a summit to honor his drummers has only been done once or twice. We do want to pay tribute to the history of the artists,” Landry said, “and not only those who are no longer with us but the artists who have played with them as well.” Clayton-Hamilton has its own

modern sound, with bassist John Clayton writing the charts and arrangements, but history is a big part of the band as well. Many of the players performed with Basie and Herman and other greats. “And John writes for the strengths of the band, just like Herman used to do,” Hamilton said. “When we have a hot blues player, we'll have a great shout chorus in a chart, and if we have a great modal player he writes for that.” Plus, even if Clayton may write a different arrangement for a classic chart as a way to keep it fresh, Hamilton doesn't believe he ever loses that connection with history. “I still love to sit down and play those Basie charts,” Hamilton said. “There's nothing dumb about that at all.”

12 The Mirror

Monday, April 19, 2010

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