4.23.10 Mirror

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the mirror Friday, April 23, 2010

uncm i r r o r . c o m

Volume 93, Number 83

Look in The Mirr or Learning eco-r esponsibility

Page 10 News Students learn beneficial habits Student Public Relations Network hosts an etiquette, manners dinner. PAGE 12

Sports Football ready for spring game The UNC football team’s spring practices culminate with Saturday’s spring scrimmage. PAGE 9

Online West Campus to become campsite Read an article about a camping event students can participate in today at uncmirror.com. Fri:

54 | 41


55 | 40


62 | 32

Mon: 55 | 38

Upcoming Look for an article about a fraternity’s annual children’s carnival in Monday’s issue of The Mirror.




Dolton Bragg, a UNC alumnus, raffles off prizes Thursday in the University Center Ballrooms to conclude World Language Day.

w w w. u n c m i r r o r. c o m C A M P U S N E W S . C O M M U N I T Y N E W S . Y O U R N E W S .


2 The Mirror

Friday, April 23, 2010

Language festival promotes interest in culture UNC, Greeley community contribute knowledge of foreign communication JORDANE HARTBAUER news@uncmirror.com

High school students from across Colorado and southern Wyoming tested their foreign language skills at UNC’s 2010 World Language Day on Wednesday in the University Center. The event was put together by the School of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies and hosted a competition and cultural workshops for all of the students who participated. The World Language Day event was organized by Melitta Wagner Heaston, a professor in the School of Modern Language and Cultural Studies. There were about 40 different high schools that sent 935 students and 65 teachers to the event. “Events like World Language Day are important because teachers need to create outreach for students,” Heaston said. “It provides an opportunity for

them to experience language and culture outside of the classroom, and it also promotes cul-

tural diversity, language immersion, which is an important aspect of our society.”

The events the students were all of the students who were interestable to participate in included the ed in learning them. He also perinstruction of cultural French, formed in the afternoon in the fireside lounge on his Spanish and accordion. German dances, “One of the as well as a main reasons that trans-campus students should scavenger hunt. participate in There were also events like this is several informabecause the tional sessions world is shrinking for students to attend, includvery fast; everying a session on body knows what studying abroad everybody else is and careers in doing,” Tomocik foreign lansaid. “There is a guages. great advantage — David Corder, a junior There were in knowing how French Major also several the cultures of the people from world operate. the community who volun- Festivals like this showcase the difteered to teach classes and run ferent cultural activities that are other parts of the event. inherent in different cultures.” Ron Tomocik, a professional Students contested in varimusician, taught cultural dances to ous language competitions for all different skill levels of second speech mastery. Some of the activities that displayed cultural entertainment were the food tasting, piñata and talent competition. The day ended with a raffle for both the students and the teachers and an awards ceremony. David Corder, a junior French major, was one of the many students from the School of Modern Language and Cultural Studies who volunteered for the event. Corder was the head of the registration board for World Language Day. “World Language Day is important because it lets students experience the languages in different settings than they are used to,” Corder said. “I really enjoy it because it allows students to display their skills.”

World Language Day is important because it lets students experience the languages in different setting than they are used to. I really enjoy it because it allows students to display their skills.


Rocio Hernandez, a sophomore at Abraham Lincoln High School, collects a raffle prize Wednesday during World Language Day in the University Center. The event attracted hundreds of attendees.


Friday, April 23, 2010

The Mirror 3

Student Senate Update Members discuss decisions regarding Quality of Life Act DARIN MORIKI news@uncmirror.com The Student Senate approved a proposal Wednesday that would allow the Quality of Life Act to be forwarded to the UNC Board of Trustees despite last week’s ruling by the Election Judiciary Board to invalidate all the results from the April 14 Student Senate election.

Student Body President Justin Puckett said the proposal was introduced because the Senate was unable to put the opinion poll on the special election ballot. Puckett said bylaw technicalities prevented the Quality of Life Act from appearing on the special election ballot and would have delayed a revote of the opinion poll until next semester.

I definitely think it’s important that we pass this so that the voices of the students are not lost,” said Paige Lewkow, the College of Performing and Visual Arts representative. “I’ve discussed this with a lot of students from my college, and they’re all really happy that it passed.” Maggie Wright, the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences representative, said

she agreed. “Anytime someone asked me about this issue, I’ve brought up the fact that just because the election was nullified does not mean that it was insignificant, since it was an opinion poll,” Wright said. Other Senate members said they believed a decision to pass the proposal would undermine the Election Judiciary Board’s

ruling and compromise its legitimacy as a judicial check on the election process. “I don’t think that this is the best way to go about the election, and I think that it’s a dangerous step to assume that the Election Judiciary Board didn’t have grounds or validity,” said Chris Hansen, the Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Facilitator.

Professor discusses details, legalities of capital punishment JACQUELINE LOMAX news@uncmirror.com

Capital punishment has been a controversial topic for centuries, and people will remain to have their own opinions on it. James Acker, professor of criminal justice at University at Albany State University of New York, spoke to about 70 people Thursday in the University Center regarding the paradoxes of capital punishment. The Criminal Justice Department hosted the event as part of the 2010 Cleere-Francis Lecture Series. This was the first event of a soon-to-be annual event. Acker explained the discrepancies between the written law of capital punishment and the law as it is put into practice. He went into detail about the inconsistencies with the death penalty by comparing it to getting struck by lightning. Acker also said they are both cruel and unusual, and the number of deaths from capital punishment is insignificant because if society followed the written law, then there would be a lot more deaths via death penalty. “It used to be that all felonies were punishable by death,”

“I learned a lot,” said Jessica Acker said. Many students attended to get Johnson, senior criminal jusextra credit for a statistics and tice major. “It was a very good presentation.” research class A c k e r taught by Ryan touched on disRanda, an assisparity and how tant professor of race is a major criminal justice. factor in deter“I wanted them to get expo- — Ryan Randa, an assistant mining the punishment of the sure to other professor of criminal justice death penalty. opinions besides He said it is more common for mine,” Randa said. Some of the students who went someone to receive the death penalsaid the presentation taught them ty if the person who they murdered is a white male. more than they thought it would.

I wanted them to get exposure to other opinions besides mine.

“I liked how he talked about disparity,” Johnson said. “It was really interesting.” Acker has written several books about capital punishment. He is the co-editor of “The Future of America’s Death Penalty: An Agenda for the Next Generation of Capital Punishment Research” and “Wounds That Do Not Bind:

Victim-Based Perspectives on the Death Penalty.” Acker is also the author of “Scottsboro and Its Legacy: The Cases that Challenged American Legal and Social Justice.” His work on the death penalty has been cited by the United States Supreme Court and in several lower court decisions.

Editor: Josh Espinoza

4 The Mirror

Friday, April 23, 2010

LETTERS The Mirror appreciates your opinions. You can submit your columns or letters to the editor to editor@uncmirror.com. Columns can be no longer than 400 words. Include your name, year and major.

POLL This week’s poll question: Do you think the special election was the appropriate course of action for Senate?

Cast your vote at www.uncmirror.com

Mirror Staff 2009-2010 KURT HINKLE | General Manager khinkle@uncmirror.com JOSH ESPINOZA | Editor editor@uncmirror.com ERIC HEINZ | News Editor news@uncmirror.com JORDAN FREEMYER | Sports Editor sports@uncmirror.com RUBY WHITE | Arts Editor arts@uncmirror.com TOD DIDIER | Visual Editor photo@uncmirror.com COREY DYBEN | Advertising Manager ads@uncmirror.com LAUREN CANNON | Ad Production Manager adproduction@uncmirror.com

Editors’ endorsements for 2010 Student Senate For this year’s Student Senate special election, we’ve chosen to endorse the following candidates based on their experiences and platforms they expressed during the campaign trail. President: Matt VanDriel. Out of all the candidates for this position, VanDriel has acquired a great deal of familiarity with the proceedings of Student Senate as he has served on cabinet for the past three years. We’re confident that his knowledge will be an essential element to the progress of next year’s Senate. Director of Academic Affairs: Benjamin Schiffelbein. What really stood out in Shiffelbein’s platform was his unique stance on the plus-

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Mission Statement The Mirror’s mission is to educate, inform and entertain the students, staff and faculty of the UNC community, and to educate the staff on the business of journalism in a college-newspaper environment.

About us The Mirror is published every Monday, Wednesday and Friday during the academic year by the Student Media Corp. It is printed by the Greeley Tribune. The first copy is free; additional copies are 50 cents each and must be purchased from The Mirror office.

What makes Elliott the appropriate candidate for this position is her time spent as Director of Student Organizations Shane Vaughn’s assistant. Her credentials make her the most qualified person for the position. Director of Student Affairs: Ryan Gibbs. Although only a freshman, he has sat on various hiring committees, which we believe will be a valuable asset to this position. He takes campus affairs seriously and has shown a great interest in the student body’s well-being by volunteering for the Bear Branding. Director of Finance: Sean Jiang. As a business accounting and finance major and treasurer

of his fraternity, Delta Tau Delta, Jiang has the applicable skills to effectively fulfill his role as the director of Finance. Director of Legislative Affairs: Tyler Ames. As president of the Interfraternity Council at UNC, he has proven his ability to efficiently lead, make decisions and work collectively with various sectors of the campus. Director of Diverse Relations: Azhia Long. As the incumbent, she has efficiently promoted relationships between the cultural centers and the student body. Long has proven she is apt at positively immersing different groups of students.

Mirror Reflections are the opinion of The Mirror’s editorial board: Tod Didier, Josh Espinoza, Jordan Freemyer, Eric Heinz and Ruby White. Let us know what you think. E-mail us at editor@uncmirror.com.

Will UNC school spirit vanish because of Boyle’s departure? Mitchell WOLL

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minus grading system. Although he agrees with his opponents that there needs to be a consistent campus-wide grading system, he disagrees with the necessity to get rid of plus-minus and emphasizes the students’ responsibility in acquiring desired grades as opposed to blaming the current system. Director of University Relations: Ryan Shucard. As the incumbent, Shucard has greatly demonstrated his commitment to increasing Student Senate’s recognition on campus, as well as assisting the campus rebranding campaign earlier this semester. Director of Student Organizations: Katelyn Elliott.



ad Boyle’s departure from UNC could potentially have a greater effect on the campus’ attitude than just on the success of the men’s hoops team. Students new to the University of Northern Colorado may not understand how sweet it was to have a successful team and a shred of school spirit. Ever since I was a freshman, writing sports for The Mirror and watching ESPN on a daily basis, I felt like I was missing out on true

school pride. I saw that UNC lacked a certain craze that other schools had. Many discussions with the editorial staff at The Mirror during my stint as sports editor had to do with UNC’s lack of school pride, and not only in the athletic realm, but overall. Finally, that pride evolved from the men’s basketball team that made a school-historic postseason run. It was a fun time to be a UNC fan. I’ve covered a lot of campus sporting events, but none were as rambunctious as UNC’s win against CSU this past season. I thought my doubts about UNC’s school pride were false, but I really didn’t mind being wrong. Then earlier this week, Boyle left UNC for CU. That got me

thinking about what would happen to the school spirit stemming from the hoops team. I once thought about leaving UNC, too, and transferring to CU during my freshman year. I even sent my transcript and was on the verge of getting accepted. Obviously, I didn’t transfer and I don’t have any regrets. But I can see why Boyle left. CU is a bigger school on a bigger stage that offers a bigger paycheck. It has bigger challenges and bigger payoffs. It adds even more sensation to the Greeley native’s success story. Meanwhile, I can’t help but wonder if Boyle and maybe even the greater amount of people who work or attend UNC view the university as just a steppingstone. I

confess that I did during my considerations about transferring. I thought of it as a quick stop before moving on to something else. Furthermore, seeing UNC as a mere steppingstone is maybe the reason why it lacked school pride. But when the men’s basketball team had an awesome season, maybe some people who weren’t excited before got excited about being here. If somehow the basketball team were to tank – not saying they will and hoping they won’t – maybe that school spirit Boyle talked to the crowd about left with him. But time will tell. — Mitchell Woll is a senior journalism major and a sports reporter for The Mirror.


Friday, April 23, 2010

The Mirror 5

Students trash private information BENJAMIN WELCH news@uncmirror.com


Steve Dowdy, a UNC security employee, delivers old citation envelopes and parking tickets to be shredded Thursday at the Green Clean Up Day in the Kepner Hall parking lot.

To celebrate Earth Day and promote secure methods of disposing important information, a free shredding service was offered Thursday in the parking lot of Kepner and Carter halls. The Secure Document Shred Fest attracted dozens of students, faculty and administrative members looking to dispose important information that would be highrisk for identity theft if it fell into the wrong hands. “What you put in the trash is not always private,” said Ryan Rose, who works in UNC’s Information Technology Department and was one of the directors of the event. The Shred Fest was sponsored by the College Credit Union of Greeley, and a Cintas truck was

laptop could also be destroyed. onsite to perform the shredding. “It’s not all about the bits and the “Any information that would be considered private to a person or bytes — the electronic portion of it institution (should be shredded),” — the physical aspect of informasaid Jessica Behunin, another event tion is just as important,” Rose said. Rose also director. said the event “Identity theft was spearheadis on the rise. ed by the Higher People are after Education information to nformation use against both — Ryan Rose, an employee ISecurity Team, individuals as a group of repwell as institu- in UNC’s Information resentatives tions. So, we Technology Department from various want to make sure we are disposing of it properly.” campus administrative departParticipants received a certificate ments. They decided the event of destruction verifying their impor- would be a great way to dispose of tant papers would be shredded unneeded documents and proimmediately and not left stagnant in mote saving the environment. a trash bin. In addition to items that “Students’ information is very could be shreded, hard drives, USB important in the Financial Aid drives, cell phones and small computer equipment up to the size of a See Documents, Page 11

What you put in the trash is not always private.


6 The Mirror

Friday, April 23, 2010

Candidates use open forum to express campaigns to students DARIN MORIKI news@uncmirror.com


Student Trustee candidate, Michael Johnston, who is running unopposed for the position, speaks to students Wednesday at the Student Senate Open Forum in the University Center.

The Student Senate hosted its special election open forum on Wednesday to provide candidates a final opportunity to express reasons for running for a position. “I know there’s a lot of mixed emotions out there about how we got to this process and how we got to this point (…) but I’m excited that students are excited,” said Student Activities Director Evan Welch, who has also assumed the role of election commissioner for the special election. “I think it’s good that

I think it’s good that — for better or for worse — it had sparked passion in the students — whether they’re glad to run because they didn’t know about the last election or whether they’re mad as hell because they don’t think Student Senate knows what they’re doing.

reached 26 stu— for better or dents at its for worse — it highest particihas sparked pation rate. passion in stuWelch said this dents — year’s special w h e t h e r e l e c t i o n they’re glad to marked the run because highest candithey didn’t date pool in the know about the last four stulast election or dent governw h e t h e r ment elections. they’re mad as “Students hell because are not knowthey don’t ing one of the think Student most imporSenate knows tant things on what they’re this campus, d o i n g . — Evan Welch, the director and that’s elecStudents are of Student Activities tions,” said fired up, and that is one thing that I have been Dan Beal, a junior communicatrying to do through my posi- tion major, who is a non-tradition, but I didn’t necessarily tional student and a presidenthink that this would have been tial candidate in the special election. “This tells me that the call to action for students.” Welch said the amount of there’s a communication breakcandidates running in the spe- down somewhere. We have to cial election is a large improve- analyze what’s going on and get ment in comparison to previous years — the pool of candidates See Election, Page 11


Friday, April 23, 2010

The Mirror 7

2010 Student Senate Candidate Profiles Voting for Student Senate began Thursday and will continue until 7 p.m. today.

President Dan Beal: “I am a non-traditional student. I believe that the Student Senate can benefit from a student that has experienced life for a little bit longer than others. Being a non-traditional student should not be held against me, if anything, it should be a lesson to the traditional student in learning that an education is very important, as well as taking one’s education seriously.”

Cody Harper: “To improve communication through the student body and get new blood into office. It is time for something n e w , because the old student government isn’t getting it done!” Matt VanDiel: “I am running for Student Senate to serve the students and be a leader on campus. The students of U N C deserve the

best representation, and I believe that is me.”

Student Trustee: Michael Johnston: “UNC has become my home. I embrace the community, I’m thankful for what I’ve been able to do as a result of attending this great university, and I’ve spent the last couple of years giving a substantial amount of myself to improving life here on campus. But I’m not done yet. There is considerable work left to be done, and I would like to continue to dedicate myself to that work’s accomplishment.

Academic Affairs: Tim Andrews: N/A Josh Divine: “I am running for Student Senate because I believe I can represent the voice of the general population. Too often, the voice of the average student is silenced, s i m p l y because of the sheer magnitude of the university. I have two years of indirect experience with Student Senate, having worked with the UNC Connection for two years, and I have seen how two different councils have dealt with issues. I have learned from their mistakes, and I

can take from what they did well so that I can accurately represent the student body.” Benjamin Schiffelbein: “I want to improve the academic integrity of UNC by closing the debate on the plus-minus grading system, combating grade inflation, bringing awareness to our academic support services, increase awareness of graduate programs and graduate assistantships, and allowing every student a voice in university decisions.” See Profiles, Page 8


8 The Mirror

Friday, April 23, 2010

2010 Student Senate candidate profiles Profiles from Page 7

University Relations: Chris Delaney: “I am running for the director of University Relations because that office is supposed to reach out and inform the students about the Senate, and I believe this can be drastically improved.” Ryan Shucard: “I believe that the Student Senate is worth perfecting. I am a common student representing common issues among the student body. Last year, I started building a bridge between the students and the university. Like all great structures, they take time to complete. I am running for re-election to complete that bridge.”

Student Organizations: Katelyn Elliott: “I am running for Student S e n a t e because I believe that the students are the most

important part of the university, and they need representation to get their opinions heard.” Felicia Joy: “I am running for Student S e n a t e because I want to b e c o m e m o r e involved on campus and take on the positions of director of Student Organizations and clubs. I really want to be more of a leader on campus and ensure that all clubs and organizations have a voice on campus and on Student Senate.” Kyle Yeager: “I want to raise student participation and awareness in the amount and variety of student clubs we h a v e . Students should not have to sign up to receive information about clubs at UNC.”

Director of Student Affairs: Salynthia R e n e e Collier: “I’m running for the position of Student A f f a i r s because I love being

able to give opportunities to students and getting them involved.” Ryan Gibbs:“I am running for director of Student Affairs for a number of reasons: I want to get involved with this university, and I feel that this position suits me the best. I have many plans for what I want to achieve if elected; and top of the list is getting involved with the student body and really try to bring back more school spirit. Also, to let the students know what is going on within Student Senate.” Benjamin Welch: “I want to instill in the student body a renewed sense of pride in the university and the willingness to participate in campus-sponsored activities.”

Director of Finance: Sean Jiang: “The reason I’m running for Student Senate is to serve as a representative and secure students’

voices and concerns. I want to use my knowledge to allocate the resources available. Most importantly, I want to act as a record-keeper for all financial documents and keep them accurate and up to date.” Kevin Bettenhausen: “Student senate needs to become a larger part of student life. Before a week ago I had only heard of the Senate in passing, no wonder the voters are disenfranchised. I want to make a change. I want the senate to work for the students, not the other way around.”

Director of Legislative Affairs: Tyler Ames: “I care about the student body. I love this campus, and I strongly believe that with my drive and passion, I can make a positive impact here at UNC.” Dulce Herrera: “I’m running for Student Senate because I think that it is a great way to be involved here at UNC and in the community. I want to represent the students, be a role model and help make a difference.”

Director of Diverse Relations:

L u k e Belsito: “I find politics interesting and have a love of people.”

Paige Lewkow: “I want to be a voice for under represented students at UNC. I want to promote diversity on campus and increase cross-cultural connections. I’m looking forward to representing the cultural centers and the nearly 8,000 diverse students on campus.”

Azhia Long: “I will offer programs which cater to the diverse population. Also, I use these programs to educate those on campus who are not aware of diversity and the beauty it holds.”

Students can vote on any on-campus location, including the computer labs and cultural centers. Voting can only take place on URSA.

Editor: Jordan Freemyer

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Mirror 9

Football gears up for spring scrimmage PARKER COTTON sports@uncmirror.com

The UNC football team is looking forward to its annual spring scrimmage 11 a.m. Saturday at Nottingham Field to showcase the improvements it has made throughout this spring’s practices. “It’s a big day for us,” sophomore quarterback Dylan Orms said. “It’s a chance for us to really come together and one last opportunity to show everybody what we got and how far we’ve come this spring.” Offensive coordinator Greg Peterson said he is pleased with the progress and work ethic of the team. “We’ve made a lot of progress since day one, and there’s some good things on both sides of the

football, and the spring game will give us another chance to compete against each other,” Peterson said. “Another thing I like about where our football team is right now these guys are saying they wish they had another 15 practices this spring. When you have that kind of attitude, and you want to work, good things will happen.” Both Peterson and defensive coordinator Cody Deti have outlined specific goals for their respective sides of the ball in the spring game. “We talked about managing the football – no fumbles, no interceptions,” Peterson said. “I’d like us to go out and play hard Saturday and manage the football; and if we do that, we have talent on offense to be a very good offensive football team.”

Deti said he wants the defense to play fast, play physical and use the spring game to get some inexperienced players in some game situations. “We’ve had some younger players in spring practice that haven’t taken a whole bunch of reps, so those guys are going to get some work in,” Deti said. “We’re looking at it as a practice and another day to get better.” The Bears said they are hoping to improve on last season’s 3-8 record and the spring game will be a big part of that. “We’re trying to win the conference for sure,” junior safety Max Hewitt said. “That might seem like a drastic improvement, and an unreasonable goal to some people outside of our team, but we got the people here that believe we can get it done.”


UNC sophomore quarterback Dylan Orms (5) and sophomore center Alex Shapiro (65) participate in a drill during spring practices. The practices culminate with Saturday’s spring game.

Baseball to host key series Hoops recruits re-affirm STAFF REPORT sports@uncmirror.com

The UNC baseball team is currently on a four-game losing skid and hopes to right the ship this weekend as it hosts Great West Conference foe Houston Baptist for a series at Jackson Field. On the current losing streak, the University of Northern Colorado has been outscored by 20 runs and has committed seven errors. The Bears (14-19, 5-3 GWC) will need to get their bats going and play better defense if they hope to have success in the series against the Huskies (14-

19, 5-3) who have lost five of their last seven. HBU has five everyday players who hit above .300, led by sophomore utility player Robbie Buller, who is hitting .376 with six home runs and 34 runs batted in. On the mound, the Huskies are led by sophomore righthander Dalton Schafer, who is 5-3 with a 5.46 ERA. UNC sophomore outfielder Jarod Berggren is bringing an 18-game hitting streak into the weekend series against the Huskies, who swept the Bears in a four-game series last season. Berggren, who is batting .364, leads the team in batting

average and RBI, and is second in home runs with seven. Junior first baseman Kyle Hardman, who is hitting .286, has nine home runs and 25 RBI on the season. Joe Sawicki, a junior righthanded pitcher, and Mark Shannon, a freshman left-hander, lead the Bears’ pitching staff with a combined record of 6-2 and 64 strikeouts. UNC is currently in a threeway tie for second place in the GWC and to have success in this series would certainly help build confidence going into the last month of the season. The series starts at 2 p.m. Friday at Jackson Field.

commitments to UNC STAFF REPORT sports@uncmirror.com

New UNC men’s basketball coach B.J. Hill has hit the ground running in his first few days as the team’s head man. On Tuesday, Hill traveled to Texas to meet with incoming recruits Paul Garnica and Tevin Svihovec, both of whom reaffirmed their commitments to the University of Northern Colorado. Hill was UNC’s lead recruiter under former head coach Tad Boyle, who accepted the same position at the University of Colorado on Monday.

Garnica, a 6-foot guard from San Antonio, has tremendous 3point range and broke the city’s high school scoring record that was held by current Chicago Bulls guard Devin Brown. He scored 3,012 points in his career while running the point at San Antonio’s Lee High School. Svihovec is 6-foot-2 and can play both guard positions. He has been compared by Hill to both current Bears guard Devon Beitzel and former guard Robert Palacios. Additionally, Hill has extended offers to remain at UNC to assistant coaches Shawn Ellis and Terry Anderson.


10 The Mirror

Friday, April 23, 2010

Events around campus help promote earth-friendly habits MADISON CAPPS news@uncmirror.com

Students, faculty and community members came together Thursday in honor of Earth Day to mark the end of UNC’s Earth Week and conclude with environmentally safe exhibitions. The Green Clean Up Day behind Harrison Hall attracted those who had old computers,

televisions, batteries, shoes and other “e-waste” to be recycled. The shoes donated were given to the University of Northern Colorado Campus Recreation Center to be used in its re-sole campaign. The computer monitors and towers were given to the Colorado Corrections Organization to be recycled and resold by prisoners all over Colorado.

“The ‘e-waste’ is the most important thing to be recycled here today,” said Angela Rockwell, a graduate student and a staff member with Utility Systems & Resource Conservation. “Unfortunately, a lot of people want to do the good thing but don’t research the companies that are handling their waste, so they think they are preventing the waste from being

shipped to China, but instead it gets smuggled into China.” The Earth and Spirit Poetry Reading also took place Thursday at the University Center Fireside Lounge, it was open to all who wanted to listen. Michael Knisley, an English professor, volunteered to organize the reading. In the three years that the Honors Program has taken the responsibility of facilitating Earth Week, it has really tried to engage the community,” Knisley said. Students were also involved in the education of their peers on the importance of Earth Day. As a class assignment, Bianca Cadloni, a senior communication major, and a group of her classmates promoted the Fort Collins Bike Co-op at the University Center. “UNC students will bring their bikes here and never ride them because we have such walkable campus,” Cadloni said.

“We are trying to give people resources to donate their bikes for a good cause — to make sure your bike is donated to a place where someone else will get to use it. It is more important to think about being ‘green.’ This is the planet you live on, and you should take care of it.” There was also a presentation on the Greenhouse Effect given by Russ Schnell, a contributor to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change — the panel was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. Schnell gave the presentation in UNC professor Youngjin Song’s science education courses as part of the Earth Day recognition. Other events were promoted throughout the day on campus. Students had the opportunity to dispose of many other unneeded, hazardous waste that can harm the environment. For recycling information, visit the www.northerncoloradodisposal.com

Friday, April 23, 2010

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The Mirror 11 June, July, August Rent 1/2 Price - MADISON AVE APTS! Studios & 1 bedrooms avail. Close to UNC. A/C, hardwood floors, 11’ ceilings, secured building, On-site laundry. $425-$605/mo, Deposit same as rent 811 15th St. 3469189 Three bedroom apartment one block from campus. Includes offstreet parking and dishwasher. Available in May. $750/month. Call 970-330-7427. 1 bedroom, $475/month. 18081/2 12th Ave. Craigslist #1674110840. Available May 1st. 970-454-3078. ONE BEDROOM BASEMENT APARTMENT. W/D Comcast included call Matt 970-405-1469. Arlington Apartments. Studio & 1 bedroom. Close to UNC, pool, heat paid, gated courtyard and onsite laundry. $450 plus electric, $250/deposit. Contact 353-6519. JUNE, JULY & AUGUST RENT 1/2 PRICE - CRANFORD APARTMENTS. 4 bedroom house, 2 bath. Free wireless Internet and basic cable. Walking distance to UNC. $1,400/month plus electric, $1,400/deposit. ALSO-1 bedroom apartment, off-street parking, onsite laundry & walking distance to UNC. $525/month plus electric, $250/deposit.

3 Bedroom / 2 Bath College Park Condo for Rent! Great location! Newer flooring throughout, washer/dryer in unit. $800/month (utilities included!) 2820 17th Ave #101. Call 813.464.9744 or 719.392.2805.

Houses For a great place to live, call Mark. I have housing suitable for 3-6 students. Fair prices. Call 3978468. 4 bedroom, 1 block to UC, W/D, off-street parking. 2210 10th Ave. $900/month plus gas/electricity. 970-222-1537. 4 bedroom 1/2 bathroom house available anytime between May 1st and August 1st. Rent is $300 per person plus gas and electric. DEPOSIT ONLY $150 per person.Call 388-5754 Deposit Special of $150 per person.4 bedroom, 1 1/2 bathroom house available at end of semester. You can move in May 1 and pay 1/2 months rent. Rent is $300 per person plus gas and electricity. Call 388-5754. TWO BEDROOM W/D DISHWASHER. Near campus comcast included. Call Matt 970-405-1469.

Special election attracts largest pool of candidates in four years Election from Page 6 the word out to students.” The revision and standardization of the plus-minus grading system and the increase of communication between Student Senate and the campus community were the main topics addressed by candidates during the open forum. “I’ve talked to several hundred students over the past couple of months concerning this,

and the general consensus is that nobody likes the A-minus,” said Josh Divine, a sophomore mathematics major, who is running for the director of Academic Affairs. “If I’m elected, that’s one of the first things that I’m going to try to get rid of. Director Bradford has been trying to do that so far, and it hasn’t worked.” Benjamin Schiffelbein, a sophomore political science and philosophy major, who is currently running against Divine for

the director of Academic Affairs, said he disagreed. “I actually enjoy the plusminus grading system because I think it allows professors to be more exact with their grades,” Schiffelbein said. “If the problem is that I got a 90 percent as opposed to a 93 percent and I get a little less of a score on my GPA, then I think the burden falls on me to maybe spend an extra five minutes studying and 10 minutes doing my paper.”

Seven bedroom house 1 block from campus. $275 per room plus gas/electricity. Huge living room with hardwood floors, dishwasher, washer/dryer, off-street parking and large front porch. Call 970330-7427. CLOSE TO CAMPUS! Three-bedroom, two-bath house. W/D hookup, DW. Available June 1st. No smoking. $900 + utilities. (970)590-4132. 5 bedroom house. Reasonable. Walking distance to new & old campus. 2 baths, 2 kitchens. Non-smoking, no pets. W/D. Available May. 371-9050 or 356-4347. JUNE, JULY & AUGUST RENT 1/2 PRICE - 1932 8th Ave. 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath, all utilities paid. W/D included. Off-street parking. Close to UNC. $1,200/month, $1,200/deposit. Contact Vintage Corporation 353-3000. Completely remodeled 5 bedroom house. Includes washer/dryer, dishwasher, open floor plan with a bar and off-street parking. $295/per person. Call 970-3307427. 3 bedroom, 1 block to UC. W/D. Off-street parking. 2210 10th Ave. $750/mo. plus gas/electricity. 970-222-1537. 2ND FLOOR CONDO FOR RENT. 1100SQ. FT. 3 Bed 2 bath. W/D, D/W, M/W Range Refrigerator C/A $800+ Gas & electric. Call Bill 970-302-7681

FOUR-BEDROOM HOUSE. Twobath, W/D, DW, garage, large lot, Comcast cable included. $300/room. Call Matt (970) 4051469. JUNE, JULY & AUGUST RENT 1/2 PRICE - 2003 9TH Ave. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, on-site laundry. Close to Wiebking Hall. Off-street parking. $650/month, $450/deposit. Contact Vintage Corporation 353-3000.

Wanted Employment The UNC MIRROR NEWSPAPER is accepting applications for Photo Editor for the 2010-11 school year. You must be a full-time UNC student to apply, and applications can be picked up at the Mirror office at 823 16th St., or contact Editor Josh Espinoza at editor@uncmirror.com. Online Bookkeepers or Account Rep needed ASAP to earn $200 per duty. Registration free. C o n t a c t f123.anderson@gmail.com. !BARTENDERS WANTED! Up to $300/day. No experience necessary. Training provided. Age 18+. 1-800-965-6520 *247.

Event destroys documents Documents from Page 5 Office, and this shows that their information is secure and we’re not handling it in a manner that is unprofessional,” said Jennifer Fitzwater, a senior communication major. Fitzwater, who works at the Office of Financial Aid, said she came to shred students’ unneeded documents. “It’s not very expensive, and it doesn’t cost much to shred information,” said Ben Jenkins, a senior accounting major. “Students may take the easy

way sometimes; (the event) is providing a service more secure than throwing things in the dumpster.” However, the event was not geared toward students shredding their past, only unneeded documents that may have important information listed on it. “We’re not asking anyone to get rid of any documents that may need to be preserved for legal or personal reasons, though you’ll find that a lot of people leave information that they think they need that they don’t,” Rose said.


12 The Mirror

Friday, April 23, 2010

Etiquette expert serves lessons of propriety with dinner FIZA JOHARI news@uncmirror.com

Success in business relationships may depend on manners and etiquette. Because of this, UNC’s Student Public Relations Network organized an etiquette dinner Wednesday for attendees to enjoy a three-course meal while they learned about business etiquette. Katherine Mason, president of Jon D. Williams Cotillions Social Education Program, began her keynote presentation with a brief definition of manners and etiquette. She said manners refer to how someone acts and etiquette is a fancier word for rules on what we should and should not do. “What is the very first thing you do when you sit at the table?” Mason asked. “You take your nap-

kin, fold it diagonally in half and it stays on your lap until the end. There can be up to 10 utensils on your place setting, and if you are not sure which utensils to use, work your way outside in.” Mason said etiquette is a lot like language and also a part of our everyday culture. The key is to be comfortable and make people who are nearby comfortable as well. She said it takes about seven to 10 seconds for an impression to be made. In that time frame, about 11 assumptions are deduced. “Don’t do anything at the table that you don’t want to see others do yourself,” Mason said. Mason also demonstrated how silverware should be held in ones’ hands and the different styles of eating: European Continental and American. European Continental

style involves using the same hand to cut and the fork’s tine is facing down when eating; the American method, on the other hand, sets the knife down and switches the fork to the other hand to eat, with the fork’s tine facing up. Mason provided some specific tips when practicing dinner etiquette. She said some dining rules have exceptions, such as always passing to the right, unless the person is sitting directly to your left and how it is customary to rest your elbows/forearms on the table when there is no food on the table. “The SPRN wanted to do something big for students from business and journalism and mass communication,” said Chelley Knight, secretary of SPRN and a junior journalism major. “It was definitely fun to meet new students


Katherine Mason, the president of Jon D. Williams Cotillions Social Education Program, speaks to students Wednesday at the Student Public Relations Network Etiquette Dinner in the University Center. and for them to network — very helpful and informative.” Nicole Creger, a UNC alumna

who attended, said the tips were informative, even though she said she knew many of the things taught.

Tips for getting the MOST Cash for Books: 1. Sell back as early as possible during Finals Week 2. Keep Books in good condition. 3. Return ALL components that were originally with the book such as CDs, etc. 4. Bring your student ID! UNC CAMPUS

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