April 28, 2010 e-Mirror

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s e r v i n g t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f n o r t h e r n c o l o r a d o s i n c e 1 9 19

the mirror Tuesday, April 28, 2010

uncm i r r o r . c o m

Volume 93, Number 85

Look in The Mirr or UNC sophomor e stands out

Page 10 News Business fraternity hosts banquet Beta Alpha Psi business fraternity hosts experts to discuss the ethics of accounting. PAGE 2

Arts Quirky British ar tist returns Kate Nash releases her second album and provides listeners with spunky lyrics. PAGE 6

Online Journalist talks about North Korea Read about a journalist’s experience while repor ting in Nor th Korea at uncmirror.com. Wed: 80 | 38 Thur: 52 | 39 Fri:

54 | 31


55 | 33

Upcoming Look for an article about the Women’s Recognition Reception in Friday’s issue of The Mirror.





Loni Love entertains students Tuesday night during UPC’s Comedy Club. Love brought up controversial issues present on college campuses.

w w w. u n c m i r r o r. c o m C A M P U S N E W S . C O M M U N I T Y N E W S . Y O U R N E W S .


2 The Mirror

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Professionals, fraternity serve lessons of business ethics at annual banquet JORDANE HARTBAUER news@uncmirror.com


Mary Medley, a member of The Colorado Society of Certified Public Accountants, speaks to business professors and students Tuesday in the UC Panorama Room during the Beta Alpha Psi Spring Banquet.

UNC’s Theta Psi chapter of the Beta Alpha Psi business fraternity hosted its spring banquet Tuesday in the University Center Panorama Room. Mary Medley, a member of The Colorado Society of Certified Public Accountants, treated people who attended the banquet to a lesson in business etiquette. Awards and

scholarships were given to students at the end of the event. Allen McConnell is the director of the School of Accounting and CIS and the faculty adviser of the fraternity. “Beta Alpha Psi is an honorary fraternity for accounting majors,” McConnell said. “The purpose of the fraternity is to help strengthen students’ backgrounds in accounting and to teach them community service and to show the students how to act professionally in the field. Members are required to attend a certain amount of professional events and social items each year and complete a

Beta Alpha Psi is an honorary fraternity for accounting majors.

— Allen McConnell, the faculty adviser for Beta Alpha Psi business fraternity

certain numbers of hours of community service.” Students and business professionals were not the only ones who attended the banquet. University of Northern Colorado alumni and many See Banquet, Page 8


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Mirror 3

Student Senate finalizes special election results DARIN MORIKI news@uncmirror.com

The Election Judiciary Board unanimously ruled Tuesday two grievances filed by Timothy Andrews, a director of Academic Affairs candidate, against political rival Benjamin Schiffelbein were not meritorious in a decision that officially ended this year’s special election. In his first grievance, Andrews, a junior secondary education major, alleged that Schiffelbein violated an election bylaw and committed an act of election fraud by providing free T-shirts — that were advertised on a Facebook fan page — to potential voters as a part of a campaign to garner support for his candidacy.

Special Election Results President: Matt VanDriel Student Trustee: Michael Johnston Director Academic Affairs: Ben Schiffelbein Director of Student Organizations: Katelyn Elliot Director of Legislative Affairs: Tyler Ames Director of University Relations: Ryan Shucard Director of Finance: Sean Jiang Director of Student Affairs: Salynthia Renee Collier Director of Diverse Relations: Paige Lewkow

Schiffelbein admitted the Tshirts were to endorse his candidacy, but argued they were only given to those who asked for them and already supported his cause. “In order to wear a T-shirt with a political preference tattooed on your chest, it is implicit that you are a very passionate supporter,” said Schiffelbein, a sophomore political science and philosophy major, in his testimony to the Election Judiciary Board. In his second grievance, Andrews alleged that Schiffelbein committed an act of defamation after Schiffelbein’s brother, Will Schiffelbein, a sophomore political science major, replied unfavorably to a campaign email sent to students through a

class Listserv. Andrews said he used Blackboard to send emails out to candidates endorsing the “People’s Choice Ticket,” which encouraged students to vote for nine specific candidates for Student Senate positions. In response, Will replied with an e-mail sent on the Blackboard Listserv that denounced the ethical decision of candidates to campaign on class Listservs and criticized the current practices exercised by the Student Senate. Benjamin Schiffelbein said he had no knowledge of the e-mail’s content prior to the Election Judiciary Board hearing and stated that his brother’s actions do not reflect his own. Schiffelbein withdrew his grievance after the second ruling was announced.


Student Senate candidate for director of Academic Affairs, Ben Schiffelbein, a sophomore political science and philosophy major, listens to the issues discussed Tuesday at the Election Judiciary Board meeting in the UC.

Editor: Josh Espinoza

4 The Mirror

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

LETTERS The Mirror appreciates your opinions. You can submit your columns or letters to the editor to editor@uncmirror.com. Columns can be no longer than 400 words. Include your name, year and major.

POLL This week’s poll question: How prepared do you think your are for next week’s finals?

Cast your vote at www.uncmirror.com

Mirror Staff 2009-2010 KURT HINKLE | General Manager khinkle@uncmirror.com JOSH ESPINOZA | Editor editor@uncmirror.com ERIC HEINZ | News Editor news@uncmirror.com JORDAN FREEMYER | Sports Editor sports@uncmirror.com RUBY WHITE | Arts Editor arts@uncmirror.com TOD DIDIER | Visual Editor photo@uncmirror.com COREY DYBEN | Advertising Manager ads@uncmirror.com RYAN ANDERSON | Ad Production Manager adproduction@uncmirror.com

Senate fades once-shimmering Goldman Sachs People have been asking lately, “What’s wrong with Wall Street?” The question that should be asked is, “Was there anything right with it?” Like the testimony of Tiger Woods’ mistresses, more embarrassing excuses from financial giants continue to be exposed as a result of the failing economy. Goldman Sachs, a fullservice global banking and securities firm, has been accused by the United States Senate of selling investment products the company officials allegedly knew were bound to fail. The hedge-funds sold to

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Mission Statement The Mirror’s mission is to educate, inform and entertain the students, staff and faculty of the UNC community, and to educate the staff on the business of journalism in a college-newspaper environment.

About us The Mirror is published every Monday, Wednesday and Friday during the academic year by the Student Media Corp. It is printed by the Greeley Tribune. The first copy is free; additional copies are 50 cents each and must be purchased from The Mirror office.

Goldman Sachs has also been accused of the typical misdeeds of allocating the money made off their poor investment schemes to company bonuses. Greed is not good — not at the expense of the wellbeing of small businesses in America. In an article published by CNN, Daniel Sparks, the former head of Goldman Sachs’ mortgage department, said he denies the charges and has no regret for what has happened. What happened was billions man foreclosures and irresponsible lending was made by the firm under Sparks. It should be more

than regret that Sparks feels, but humility and shame, as well. Large corporations who carve out the center of the strongest mass the nation has are an infectious cyst to the commonwealth and deteriorate our economy. These large organizations deserve the criticism and relentless berating given by the Senate. Many wonder why they lost their jobs, why there’s no money for their kids to go to college and other important decisions on a daily basis. Fingers can point to the Armani suits oozing with disingenuous intentions to answer that question.

Mirror Reflections are the opinion of The Mirror’s editorial board: Tod Didier, Josh Espinoza, Jordan Freemyer, Eric Heinz and Ruby White. Let us know what you think. E-mail us at editor@uncmirror.com.

How to have a ‘not-so-glum’ summer term in Greeley Alexandria VASQUEZ

Contact Us Advertising 970-392-9323 Editor 970-392-9327 Fax 970-392-9025

investors were under a debt collecting operation that would collect the inevitable debt. According to www.cnn.com, the firm has collected about $3.7 billion as a result. While large corporate fraud is far from the problems faced by UNC students, it is a reminder to all that willingly deceiving those you serve will never amount to any shroud of success. Even with small group assignments, students need to understand when people are counting on them they need to be clear with the group and those they consort with.



espite the dreary weather as of late that has been trying to convince us otherwise, summer is fast approaching. Once classes — or “hell,” as I like to call it — are over, we have just one more week of stress and finals to deal with before we’re free. Words cannot express how much I am looking forward to experiencing the sound sleep of someone who has absolutely no reason to wake up the next morning. It seems like everyone has a

fun-filled summer in store for themselves this year. If they aren’t studying abroad for a few weeks or going on spur of the moment jaunts to Europe, most people I know are at least going home for the summer. It would seem that the entire world is escaping Greeley for the next few months … everyone but me, of course. If you’re like me and find yourself bogged down with the burden of living in Greeley for the next few months (and seemingly forever), have no fear. I’ll share with you some very key secrets as to how to survive in Greality while it seems like everyone else is off having the times of their lives in real cities. First off, make note of who else will be here for the summer. I know it seems like most everyone

will be gone, but if you ask around, you’ll be sure to find a few people staying behind to work or take a few summer courses. Exchange numbers if you haven’t already because these will probably be your best friends for the next three months. Second, figure out where all the local pools are. If you think you’re too grown-up for the community pool, think again. You can have some tame, relaxed fun during the day and work on achieving the perfect tan. Everybody loves tan people. Besides, Centennial Park Pool has a waterslide. Need I say more? Lastly, familiarize yourself with Greeley’s community events. I know it seems like Greeley is nothing but a cultural wasteland, and honestly that’s pretty much

exactly what it is, but Greeley does have a few things going for it. Take the Greeley Stampede, for example. Boasted as the “world’s largest Fourth of July rodeo,” it’s one of the lesserknown gems of the Greeley experience. If rodeos and big name country concerts aren’t your thing, don’t worry about it. There are plenty of questionably safe carnival rides available and booths advertising almost anything you can imagine deep-fried and on a stick to keep anyone happy. And as any native Greeleyite will tell you, just make sure to dress well as you will undoubtedly run into everyone you’ve ever met within an hour of being there. — Alexandria Vasquez is a junior human services major and

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


The Mirror 5


Danielle White, a senior human services major, informs Tyler Weaver, a sophomore chemistry major, about how harmful non-prescription drugs can be at the “Prescribe This” booth Tuesday in the University Center.

Event gives prescription facts CARMEN BRADY news@uncmirror.com “Prescribe This,” an event that will continue throughout the week in the University Center, is

an awareness project hosted by the UNC’s Center for Peer Education. The purpose of the event is to raise awareness of the See Pills, Page 10

Editor: Ruby White

6 The Mirror

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Comedian provides laughter, words of wisdom JOANNA LANGSTON arts@uncmirror.com

All formality was lost Tuesday night in the University Center Ballrooms, as the comedic calibrations of Loni Love graced the stage. Love’s rambunctious, bawdy style was warmly received by UNC students and community members, who gathered en masse to watch her standup routine. The evening opened with prize giveaways by University Program Council members to unsuspecting attendees. A handful of lucky people walked away with an iPad, iPod Touch, a flat screen TV and other electronics. Then, Love came out to a makeshift theme song of loud applause and immediately began bringin“I’m here to represent my people,” Love said, issuing a loud cheer from some attendees. “No, not black people. Fat people,” she corrected, gaining even louder applause. Gabrielle White, a senior journalism major, said, “A lot of people were very enthusiastic to

come to this event, and I’ve seen her on Chelsea Lately and she was hilarious.” The Ballrooms were packed; a few latecomers were reduced to sitting on the floor. The crowd

was immediately at ease with Love, one person even holding up a sign that read “Follow me on Twitter.” Love proved her comedic skill by cracking jokes sponta-


Loni Love speaks to students about what to do and what not to do in college during Tuesday night’s Comedy Club event in the University Center Ballrooms.

neously with and about the people in the crowd and calling people on stage for little contests. Men gave their best pickup lines and sang their favorite romantic songs, and then the scene switched and ladies came onstage to give their best pickup lines and do a little seductive dance. Competitors won by noisiest crowd cheers, and after the boisterous and amusing activity, Love held a talent contest. People sang, danced, flipped, spoken word, and had a dazzling time, overall. Most of Love’s jokes circulated around the topics of food and weight, but there were some not so subtle musings upon race, gender and sexuality thrown into the mix. When explaining that Christ was a black man, she recalled the time he was asked if he was the Son of God “and Jesus said ‘I be he.’ That’s ebonics!” Love’s jokes were, at times, careless as to who she might be offending, but her demeanor was warm and welcoming and her performance in general was

peppered with inspirational gems, such as, “It’s better to cheat than repeat!” and “find love early, because after 35, you’ll be on the Internet!” Her vivacity was infused throughout her routine: “Always put a positive spin on it. I’m not fat; I’m full. You’re not ugly; you have a unique look. You’re not stupid; you think different. You’re never unemployed, you’re always on vacation!” Elizabeth Pena, a senior human services major, said she was “excited for her to come. Its nice, its different.” Whether Love spoke about everyday topics or famous people like Barack Obama, Kanye West and Tiger Woods, she found a unique and hilarious perspective on everything. She ended her routine with “I Will Always Love Food,” a modified rendition of Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love You” and welcomed the audience to come meet her and take pictures afterward. Every bit as down to earth as she is entertaining, it was clear that UNC loves that Love.

English vocalist’s eclectic style expressed in ornate new album Alexandria VASQUEZ





y Best Friend Is You,” the second album from English singer Kate Nash, was released in the United

Kingdom last week. Nash rose to fame in 2007 with the release of her single “Caroline’s A Victim” and the subsequent release of her debut album, “Made of Bricks,” which went to No. 1 in the UK charts. Nash is renowned for her unique style of music, which can only be described as interesting. Listening to her songs might call to mind a toy store after dark, wherein all of the toys come to life on their own

and run around merrily chiming, ringing and buzzing. Her approach to vocals straddles the line between a vaguely singsong-y style and actual singing. For the most part, she manages to keep it from getting annoying. As always, she does a good job of writing seemingly silly songs but singing them with enough honesty to make you really listen to what she’s saying. The album opens up with

“Paris” a song that reminds the listener just why they probably loved Nash in the first place. It’s the same old infectious pop her fans fell in love with, pulling off the perfect blend of keyboard and handclaps. What I love about this album is its straightforward lyricism. There are no hidden meanings; Nash prefers to take issues head on and speaks plainly about things I’m sure all women can

relate to easily with tracks like “Do Wah Doo” and “Later On.” “Kiss That Grrrl,” for example, addresses the envy and insecurities that women can fall victim to even when in a secure relationship and no actual reason for jealousy is in sight. “Mansion Song” is a standout hit for its mere unconventionality and raw feel to it. In what could be considered See Nash, Page 7

Arts & Entertainment

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Mirror 7

Listeners provided with fresh stylings, creative lyrics Nash from Page 6 more of a rant than a song, Nash takes on the dirty-hipster-rock-and-roll scene with her signature sarcasm and directness. The problem I had with this album, and her previous album as well, is Nash’s tendency to go off the deep end every once in a while. While the twists and turns she takes with her songs

are certainly interesting and usually tickle my fancy, she just has a way of letting it all go on a little bit too long. Things can go quickly from engaging to boring, as did a few of the songs toward the end of the album. I found myself wanting to skip songs like “Pickpocket” and “You Were So Far Away.” Rather than coming off as slow-paced

as Nash probably intended, they just end up putting the listener to sleep seeing as they refuse to pick up the pace even a little. Luckily, Nash is able to snap the listener back to attention with the last track, titled “I Hate Seagulls.” It’s an endearing, slow-paced song about simple likes and dislikes that come together to paint the pic-

ture of a couple ensconced in a love that can only be described as comfortable. I give this album a 3.5 out of 5 stars because although it tends to ramble a little, it still stands to be an accessible compilation of pop songs. — Alexandria Vasquez is a junior human services major and an arts and entertainment writer for The Mirror.


8 The Mirror

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Business organization awards finest achievements Banquet from Page 2 members of the professional community who were involved any of the fraternity’s yearly events also attended the ethics banquet. Emma Watson, a senior accounting and finance major and president of the Beta Alpha

Psi chapter, was a key component to hosting the banquet. “Tonight is when we induct the new Beta Alpha Psi and the professional accounting association members, and we also turn over officer positions for the year,” Watson said. Theta Psi is UNC’s honorary chapter of the Beta alpha Psi

fraternity, and students who are inducted into this portion of the fraternity are required to have a 3.0 GPA and pass the upper-level accounting courses. Beta Alpha Psi offers several different programs for accounting majors throughout the year. These events include a “meet the firms” night, accounting

career day and a fraud and ethics day. Katelyn Teel, a junior accounting major, will be next year’s Beta Alpha Psi president. Teel helped put the banquet together and handed out some of the awards. “We are (part of) a national organization, and every year we

attend a national conference,” Teel said. “Our chapter is recognized among a few in the United States as being at the top in the accounting world and having qualifications and members who participate and complete their requirements. This is a really good recognition for our program.”

Editor: Jordan Freemyer

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Mirror 9

Infielder continues family tradition PARKER COTTON sports@uncmirror.com

Apparently, UNC junior second baseman T.J. Berge’s baseball and leadership ability runs in the family. Berge’s father, Jordan, was an All-American outfielder for the University of Northern Colorado in 1982, holds a place on the top10 list of numerous statistical categories at UNC and was drafted by the Cincinnati Reds in 1983. The younger Berge credits his father for getting him involved in baseball. “My dad put a bat in my hand when I was about 2 years old, and I’ve been playing ever since,” Berge said. “I always wanted to be like him. He played in the minors. I just wanted to follow in his footsteps.” Not only did Berge take up his father’s sport, but he also made the decision to play at his father’s alma mater, but, for a

while, it looked like that wasn’t going to happen. Although he was recruited by the Bears out of high school, Berge signed with Yavapai College in Arizona. “I signed with them in February, and Coach (Ryan) Strain recruited me that summer,” Berge said. “He came to my house and offered me a scholarship to play here, and I told him I would come here, but I already signed with this other program. I don’t want to renege on that to come here.” After one semester at Yavapai, however, Berge said he decided that Arizona wasn’t the right place for him and came to play for head coach Kevin Smallcomb at UNC. Smallcomb said that he wanted Berge in the program because of his offensive abilities, but also said Berge has become better defensively and as a leader. “We wanted him here because he could hit,” Smallcomb said. “He’s really

Pitcher earns GWC honor STAFF REPORT sports@uncmirror.com

UNC junior right-handed pitcher Joe Sawicki has been named the Great West Conference pitcher of the week for the second straight week. Sawicki threw a complete game against Houston Baptist Friday; he allowed only one earned run against a HBU squad that went into the game batting .309 as a team. It was Sawicki’s first complete game victory of his career. The Bears’ victory over the Huskies pushed Sawicki’s record

to 3-0 in his three starts during Great West Conference play; and he has posted a 3.09 earned run average in GWC games. The University of Northern Colorado junior is 5-2 on the season with a 4.71 ERA. Sawicki is still the only pitcher in the Great West Conference who has handed the conference leader, Utah Valley, a loss this season. Sawicki and the Bears will continue conference play this weekend at North Dakota. First pitch of the four-game series is scheduled for 2 p.m. Friday at Kraft Field in Grand Forks, N.D.

developed as a defensive player. He makes some very good plays at second base, turns the double play pretty well, and he’s a team leader. We’re glad he’s here.” Junior first baseman Kyle Hardman also said he recognized how much Berge brings to the team. “He brings a lot,” Hardman said. “He’s great on defense. He’s able to cover range and make some good plays, and he’s also a three-hole hitter for us. He’s consistently on base, taking good atbats and being an overall leader.” Berge, who is batting .364 with three home runs and 23 RBI this season, said he goes into every plate appearance with the same mindset. “I don’t feel like any pitcher can beat me when I’m hitting,” Berge said. It’s been ‘like-father, like-son’ so far for Berge. Bears fans should be excited for what the future holds if this trend continues.


UNC junior infielder T.J. Berge prepares to lead off an inning during the Bears’ series against South Dakota State earlier this season. Berge is hitting .364 with three home runs this season.

Men’s golf takes second place at America Sky Championship tourney STAFF REPORT sports@uncmirror.com The UNC golf team made a final round surge to fall just three strokes shy of an American Sky Conference Championship at the Las Logos Golf Club in McAllen, Texas. The Bears began the final round eight strokes back of the leaders, Texas-Pan American, shooting a team score of 302, good for 20 over par, and were led by junior Troy

Sidabras. After an 8-over-par 80 in the second round, he cut six strokes off that score in the final round to lead the team and take fourth overall as an individual. Junior Steve Bidne also bounced back from his disappointing second round as he shot a 76 on the final day and finished the championship at 16 over par. Bidne and Sidabras were both recognized for their play as Sidabras was named first team allconference and Bidne was named

second team all-conference. The Bears and Texas-Pan American were the only two teams in the running for the championship the last day as UNC had the third place team, Sacramento State, covered by 12 strokes. The upcoming 2010-’11 season for the Bears’ golf team looks promising, with all but two players returning. Next year’s roster will be full of experience and the team will continue to build off its successful 2009-’10 campaign.

Sports & News

10 The Mirror

Local high school star has become standout for UNC BEN WARWICK sports@uncmirror.com

Sophomore catcher Erin Wilkinson may be one of the newer members of the UNC softball team, but she is definitely one of the key reasons the team is riding a six-game winning streak. Wilkinson, a Windsor native, has played softball from an early age. She said her family has been her biggest support since the beginning. “My dad never misses a game,” Wilkinson said. In 44 games this year, Wilkinson is hitting .313 with two home runs and 18 RBIs. Wilkinson’s success doesn’t come without effort — it comes from a lot of hard work. “I think that’s what I really pride myself in is I always am working hard, no matter if I have a good game, bad game, I’m always working hard,” said Wilkinson, who lettered all four years at Windsor High School. She was named honorable mention All-State for the Wizards in 2006 and 2007. She also lettered twice in basketball. Wilkinson’s coaches and teammates said they recognize her effort, as well. “(She’s) pretty much a coach’s dream,” said University of Northern Colorado softball coach Jennifer Schunke. “Does whatever you ask. Works her tail off, wants to learn,

she’s just great to have.” Wilkinson is popular with her teammates, as well, who Erin Wilkinson said they has become a respect her standout catcher for the presfor the UNC softence she ball team. brings to the dugout. “She’s a teammate that will always have somebody’s back,” sophomore infielder Alex Neely said. “She’s a good leader by example; she works hard all the time; and she’s a definite leader on the field and off the field. She brings a lot of knowledge to the game, especially behind the plate.” Schunke said not only is Wilkinson consistent on the field, she’s also a leader off of it. “She’s become a huge leader for the program and for our pitching staff behind the plate and at the plate,” Schunke said. “At one point, she was leading the team in hitting for a few weeks, so she pretty much does it all for us. We’re really grateful to have her.” Wilkinson will lead the Bears into another Pacific Coast Softball Conference series this weekend in Seattle against the Redhawks of Seattle University.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Students get medicine abuse info Pills from Page 5 abuse of prescription drugs. The center has set up a booth with informational pamphlets, a game to help understand the risks of drug abuse and staff to answer questions students may have about prescription drug abuse. The event also provides information on alternate ways students can deal with stress, and contains contact numbers in case anyone may need any personal help. The event began Tuesday and

will continue 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. today through Friday on the lower level of the University Center Chelsie Hess, a counseling education graduate student, oversaw the event Tuesday. “This event specifically reaches out to college students to educate them on the effects of prescription drug abuse,” Hess said. Danielle White, a senior human service major, has volunteered with the informational event. “It kind of seems to be where some of the trends are headed is

using prescription pain killers that aren’t prescribed to you — say Ritalin or Adderall,” White said. “We’re seeing more use of that.” Countney Day, a junior elementary education major and a member of CPE, said she agreed with White regarding the importance to be knowledgeable about the problem. “I don’t think that students really know that when they take Adderall to enhance their studies, they’re actually hurting themselves,” Day said.

Transgender and Allies Resource Office and Colorado AIDS Project — hosted a day of free and confidential HIV testing for students Monday at the University Center. The testing was open to anyone

and included informational material about the virus. Chelsie Hess, graduate assistant of DATE, was instrumental

Programs help provide free HIV testing

JORDANE HARTBAUER news@uncmirror.com UNC’s Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco Education program — along with the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual,

See HIV, Page 11

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Personals Aug. 1. Female roommate for 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath townhome. Washer/dryer, dishwasher,air conditioning, covered parking. $350 includes utilities, satellite TV, wireless internet. 970-590-4324 or sammi_b8990@yahoo.com.

For Rent Apartments June, July, August Rent 1/2 Price - MADISON AVE APTS! Studios & 1 bedrooms avail. Close to UNC. A/C, hardwood floors, 11’ ceilings, secured building, On-site laundry. $425-$605/mo, Deposit same as rent 811 15th St. 3469189 Three bedroom apartment one block from campus. Includes offstreet parking and dishwasher. Available in May. $750/month. Call 970-330-7427.

The Mirror 11 One & two bedroom apartments available in May and August. One bedrooms $450, two bedrooms $575. Apartments include high speed wireless Internet and heat. Tenants pay only electric. Call 970-330-7427. woodyinvestments.com. 2 bedroom, 1 block to UC. W/D, off-street parking. 2008 9th Ave. $480/mo. plus gas/electricity. 970-222-1537. 3 Bedroom / 2 Bath College Park Condo for Rent! Great location! Newer flooring throughout, washer/dryer in unit. $800/month (utilities included!) 2820 17th Ave #101. Call 813.464.9744 or 719.392.2805. JUNE, JULY & AUGUST RENT 1/2 PRICE - CRANFORD APARTMENTS. 4 bedroom house, 2 bath. Free wireless Internet and basic cable. Walking distance to UNC. $1,400/month plus electric, $1,400/deposit. ALSO-1 bedroom apartment, off-street parking, onsite laundry & walking distance to UNC. $525/month plus electric, $250/deposit. Arlington Apartments. Studio & 1 bedroom. Close to UNC, pool, heat paid, gated courtyard and onsite laundry. $450 plus electric, $250/deposit. Contact 353-6519.

1 bedroom, $475/month. 18081/2 12th Ave. Craigslist #1674110840. Available May 1st. 970-454-3078.

Houses 4 bedroom 1/2 bathroom house available anytime between May 1st and August 1st. Rent is $300 per person plus gas and electric. DEPOSIT ONLY $150 per person.Call 388-5754 3 bedroom, 1 block to UC. W/D. Off-street parking. 2210 10th Ave. $750/mo. plus gas/electricity. 970-222-1537. 4 bedroom, 1 block to UC, W/D, off-street parking. 2210 10th Ave. $900/month plus gas/electricity. 970-222-1537. Deposit Special of $150 per person.4 bedroom, 1 1/2 bathroom house available at end of semester. You can move in May 1 and pay 1/2 months rent. Rent is $300 per person plus gas and electricity. Call 388-5754. 1,2,4 bedroom houses for rent. All included, no smoking, 1 pet OK, washer/dryer, garage. Walk to campus. $400-$1200. Available June 1. Call 970-980-6481. Please leave message.

CLOSE TO CAMPUS! Three-bedroom, two-bath house. W/D hookup, DW. Available June 1st. No smoking. $900 + utilities. (970)590-4132. 2ND FLOOR CONDO FOR RENT. 1100SQ. FT. 3 Bed 2 bath. W/D, D/W, M/W Range Refrigerator C/A $800+ Gas & electric. Call Bill 970-302-7681 JUNE, JULY & AUGUST RENT 1/2 PRICE - 1932 8th Ave. 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath, all utilities paid. W/D included. Off-street parking. Close to UNC. $1,200/month, $1,200/deposit. Contact Vintage Corporation 353-3000. Seven bedroom house 1 block from campus. $275 per room plus gas/electricity. Huge living room with hardwood floors, dishwasher, washer/dryer, off-street parking and large front porch. Call 970330-7427. 5 bedroom house. Reasonable. Walking distance to new & old campus. 2 baths, 2 kitchens. Non-smoking, no pets. W/D. Available May. 371-9050 or 356-4347. Completely remodeled 5 bedroom house. Includes washer/dryer, dishwasher, open floor plan with a bar and off-street parking. $295/per person. Call 970-3307427.

JUNE, JULY & AUGUST RENT 1/2 PRICE - 2003 9TH Ave. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, on-site laundry. Close to Wiebking Hall. Off-street parking. $650/month, $450/deposit. Contact Vintage Corporation 353-3000.

Wanted Employment Online Bookkeepers or Account Rep needed ASAP to earn $200 per duty. Registration free. C o n t a c t f123.anderson@gmail.com. The UNC MIRROR NEWSPAPER is accepting applications for Photo Editor for the 2010-11 school year. You must be a full-time UNC student to apply, and applications can be picked up at the Mirror office at 823 16th St., or contact Editor Josh Espinoza at editor@uncmirror.com. !BARTENDERS WANTED! Up to $300/day. No experience necessary. Training provided. Age 18+. 1-800-965-6520 *247.

Participants receive private results with virus detection HIV from Page 10 in bringing testing to UNC. “The Center for Peer Education is invested in this project because a lot of times sexual activity is intertwined with your overall health and well-being,” Hess said. “Also at times, sexual activities are affected (…) when you are under the influence.” All the test consisted of was finger prick and 10- to 15minute wait for the results. Jael Esquibel, the graduate assistant for the GLBTA Resource Office helped put together the HIV testing and

was in attendance with resources and information. “We are a part of the free HIV testing because we support people knowing about HIV,” Esqibel said. “We think it is important for them to come on campus to offer this free testing as a way to make it more open and to allow students to take advantage of it.” Chris Granno, the prevention director for the Colorado AIDS Project, said the organization has a prevention department that provides testing to more than 700 individuals each year .


12 The Mirror

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

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