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Wilson Steele
Purchasing Department
City Hall, 101 East 11th Street, Suite G13
Cha<anooga, TN 37403
RE: Solicita6on No.200544 – Licensed Real Estate Agent
Dear Purchasing Department:
On behalf of Wilson Steele Commercial Real Estate Group, LLC (“Wilson Steele”) thank you for the opportunity to respond to the Request for Proposal (“RFP”), SolicitaQon No. 200544 - Licensed Real Estate Agent and to collaborate with the City of Cha<anooga (the “City”). We have reviewed the RFP and all related documentaQon and believe that Wilson Steele offers the greatest advantages available in supporQng the City of Cha<anooga across all requested transacQon services including, Acquisi'on and Disposi'on of real property and Leasing Services in the capacity of Landlord or Tenant on behalf of the City.
Wilson Steele is proposing a local downtown Cha<anooga based team with deep and highly specialized transacQon experience. Our team is equipped with direct access to sophisQcated industry leading systems and technology pla\orms necessary to provide best in class workflow management, strategic planning, market analysis, expense analysis and access to capital. Sim Wilson, an award winning 35-year commercial real estate industry leader, will serve as the City’s principal agent and will act as single point of contact (“SPOC”) to the City, working directly with department leadership and City representaQves as may be directed by the City. Throughout our response to the RFP, we hope to detail and emphasis a world class and unified service delivery through the following elements:
• Empowered by Experience: Wilson Steele’s single point of contact Sim Wilson, has specific experience in represenQng the City of Cha<anooga on past real estate acquisiQons. Sim uniquely understands the key personnel and processes impacQng and interfacing with the real estate transacQon processes for the City.
• Sophis6cated Transac6on Exper6se: Wilson Steele’s principals have been responsible for some of the most notable transacQons in Cha<anooga and are specifically experienced in Municipal TransacQons, Investment Sales, Land Sales, User Sales, MulQ-Market Corporate DisposiQons, AcquisiQons of owned or leased faciliQes, Tenant RepresentaQon and Landlord Leasing for all property sectors including office, industrial and retail assets.
• Seamless Implementa6on: Wilson Steele’s service delivery to the City of Cha<anooga is one company with local decision making, working efficiently and effecQvely to ensure the highest quality service available to the City.
We are accountable, experienced, qualified, and commi<ed to the success of our partnership with the City of Cha<anooga. We would be honored to serve as your agent, advisor, and partner. Please do not hesitate to call if we can respond to quesQons.
Wilson Steele Commercial Real Estate Group LLC
Wilson Steele Commercial Real Estate Group LLC
Sim Wilson
Sim A. Wilson III,
President, and Founding Principal
651 E. 4th Street, Suite 200
Cha4anooga, TN 37403
Office (423) 498-2800
Cell (423) 336-1086