UGM June Edition

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DEVOTION #1 Worship Him


DEVOTION #2 The words of my mouth.


DEVOTION #3 Paul & Silas


DEVOTION #4 I’ll still praise You.


DEVOTION #5 Praise is a command.




LETTER from our EDITORS Morgan Kawakami & Sarah Wilson Uncommon Girl Magazine Co-founders

Isn’t summer the best feeling? No school, no sports, no schedules, the freedom to just be still is finally in the air. Something about summer makes the days longer, the sun seems to shine brighter, and the ability to just do whatever you want is allowed. Sometimes if we aren’t careful our summer calendar begins to build up and before we know it, school is back in session. Where did the time go and what did we do with it? Here from Uncommon Girl, we challenge you to keep those calendars clear. Make your free time count! Take a step back from being busy and relax! Take a walk with no shoes, get a sun tan, get lost in God’s presence just because you can, and enjoy those long summer days. I know we will.

Give us a follow: @morgan_kawakami @sarahjwilson14 @uncommongirlmag





WOR SHI P HIM Today’s Verse: Psalm 95:6-7 “Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand.” I used to think worship could just be in church. The maybe fifteen to twenty minutes of praise and worship at the beginning of church, always my favorite part. I’m exposing my age here, but it wasn’t until I got an iPod that I felt like I could worship outside of church! Once again, I was still stuck in the mindset that worship had to be singing. Psalm 95:6-7 says, “Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand.” This verse says it well, to simply worship the Lord because we are His people. It doesn’t say, turn on your music and only worship in church. I imagine when it says, “bow down,” that people would literally get down, bow down, and worship. I’m all for that as well in my time of prayer, but I like to imagine it as just taking a minute, wherever you are, and whatever you’re doing, to acknowledge Him and just thank Him for allowing yourself to be His. Whatever you are doing, know that you can worship Him at any time. If you’re like my old self and find yourself thinking you can only worship with music on, ask God to begin to show you new avenues of thanksgiving and worship. Try during your day just to take a minute and give Him praise for creating you. He is a wonderful God, and He delights in your worship however you choose to bring it.

Today’s prayer:

Heavenly Father, I praise and worship Your name. Open my eyes to see that praising You isn’t just with music. Allow me to see new avenues of worship, and help me remember to worship You throughout my day.

Think about it:

Journal about how you typically worship the Lord. How could you try something different? Journal what His voice says and how you could worship more.


I N T E R V I E W B Y: M O R G A N K AWA K A M I “God’s mercy is infinite. There is no way His grace cannot reach. I was an ardent supporter of Planned Parenthood, one of their biggest defenders, and I had had two abortions myself and was complicit in over 22,000 others. God changed my heart and forgave me. He can do the same for you.” - Abby Johnson


The movie “Unplanned” had not come to my attention until my mom had mentioned about wanting to go see it with me and the rest of my family. It was around that time when it was announced that the woman based on such movie would be attending my church for an event. The event was based on celebrating life and bringing awareness to abortion. It also became the reason why Abby Johnson’s name and her story was mentioned as one of the guest speakers for the event. After watching the movie and understanding her story, I was inspired by all of it, and I am excited to be presenting this interview with you all.

“No situation is hopeless.” - Abby Johnson. Na m e , ag e, stat e o f r esidence, current occu pati o n , h o w m any k id s do yo u hav e? Abby Johnson, 38, Texas, Founder & Director of And Then There Were None, 7 with #8 due June 1.

H o w d i d yo u ba l a n c e yo u r fa i t h a n d yo u r w o r k w h i l e at P l a n n e d Pa re n t h o o d ? I believed I was doing good work, God’s work. I went to a church with my husband. I found a place that supported my work at Planned Parenthood, which W hat is a fun fac t ab ou t you that p eop le wou ldn ’ t k n o w eventually did kick me out when I left the job. I have f rom wat c hing yo ur m ovie? since converted to Catholicism. That my husband and I are about have 8 kids. There is a line in the film where my character tells her boss I n o n e s e n t e n c e , d e s c ri be yo u r s ta n c e o n a b o r ti o n . she is “one and done” and everyone who knows me Abortion is the opposite of love for the mother and cracks up at that line. child. Ho w d id you g et invo lv e d in Planned Parenthood? I was recruited as a volunteer escort in college to walk women from their cars, past the protestors, and into the clinic. I believed they were helping women and I wanted to be a part of it.

W h at w o u l d yo u s ay t o gi rl s o u t t h e re c on te m pl ati n g a n a bo rt i o n ? That you are loved, that there are other options for you, that there is help available. Pregnancy Resource Centers exist for this purpose.

W hat was yo ur invo lv ement there? I was first a volunteer and then was offered a job as a counselor after I graduated. I then rose through the ranks quickly and became the clinic director. I was awarded the Planned Parenthood Employee of the Year in 2008.

W h at w o u l d yo u s ay t o a gi rl w h o f e e l s “s tuc k ” i n a s i t u at i o n , w h e t h e r t h at be a re l at i o n s h i p, j o b, e tc ? Pray about it. God loves you and wants the best for you. Seek out a trusted friend or relative or counselor to ask for advice. No situation is hopeless.

W hat was t he t ur ning p oint for you when you real i z e d yo u want ed t o g et o ut o f t h at p rofession? I was asked to assist in the abortion of a 13-weekold fetus by holding the ultrasound probe. I had never seen an abortion take place on the screen but watched as the abortionist guided his instrument to the fetus, which jumped at the initial prick on the screen. I watched in horror as that baby was sucked into the vacuum piece by piece, right under my hand. And then I saw the empty womb where life had been just moments before. It was then I had to try to justify my beliefs and couldn’t. There was life in the womb. I decided to leave a week later.

W h at w o u l d yo u s ay t o a gi rl w h o f e e l s l i k e th e y ’v e s i n n e d t o o bi g, a n d Go d i s d o n e w i t h t h e m? God’s mercy is infinite. There is no way His grace cannot reach. I was an ardent supporter of Planned Parenthood, one of their biggest defenders, and I had had two abortions myself and was complicit in over 22,000 others. God changed my heart and forgave me. He can do the same for you. I hope that after reading this interview, you are inspired by the idea that no matter what, God can use you for His purpose just as He did with Abby Johnson. In whatever situation you’re in, just know that your story is a testimony for others and can always be used for Him.





Allergy-Friendly Rich Chocolate Brownies (Free from Gluten, Eggs, Dairy and Animal Products)

Ingredients 400g - 14oz can Chickpeas 125g - Coconut Milk (from can, not carton) 125g - Dairy-Free Butter Substitute (I use Earth Balance brand) 1 tsp - Vanilla Extract 200g - Light Brown Sugar 60g - Almond Flour 60g - Dutch Cocoa 1/2 tsp - Baking Powder 100g - Gluten-Free Flour 150g - Allergy-Free/Vegan Chocolate Chips (I use Enjoy Life brand) Optional: 150g - Frozen Raspberries Recipe: Note - Measure everything out with a kitchen scale that you can tare before each ingredient measurement and thank me later for so little dishes! Preheat oven to 325°. Prep an 8” square, metal baking pan with baking spray and parchment paper. Drain the chickpeas (Pro Tip: keep the chickpea “brine” as an egg-substitute for another recipe!) Put the drained chickpeas and coconut milk in a blender and blend until it is a smooth paste. While that’s blending, take your dairy-free butter, vanilla and brown sugar in the bowl of a stand mixer and beat until light and fluffy. Add the chickpeas paste mixture and beat to combine. Add the remaining ingredients except the chocolate chips and slowly beat until just combined. Add the chocolate chips and fold in by hand. Spread the mixture into the prepared pan and evenly spread a handful of chocolate chips on top. Optional- Distribute frozen raspberries over the top of the brownie mixture, pressing each berry slightly into the batter. Bake at 325° for about 45-55 minutes. You want the outer edges to be solid and the inside to still be slightly soft. Let it cool in the pan, then chill in the fridge for at least 1 hour before cutting.



W R I T T E N B Y: M O R G A N K AWA K A M I THE WO RDS O F MY M O UTH Today’s Verse: Psalm 71:8 “My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendor all day long.” I went through a season, as I think we all have, where I was just down on myself all the time. My face would break out I’d think, “Ugh, you’re so ugly,” I’d mess up at something I would hear, “FAILURE.” My mind was so filled with negativity that eventually these thoughts became my words, and these words, began to overtake my praise. I heard the saying a lot growing up, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” Basically, Psalm 71:8 backs that up, “My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendor all day long.” I know this is such a hard one to live by. To have praise continually on our lips. I would like to say now I have come out of that negative place, and I have worked really hard to praise God throughout my day, even when things don’t go my way. I found the more I praise Him, the more I want to, and the easier it gets.

Today’s prayer: I know sometimes I do

not worship throughout my day, please forgive me for that. I want to make worshiping more apart of my life every day. May Your praise be on my lips and in my heart all day. I love you.

Think about it:

Write down two verses that you can memorize.

I challenge you, if you don’t already, find a new song that you like that you can sing to God throughout your day. Try taking some verses and memorizing them, rehearse them during the day or doodle them after you finish a test. The more you begin to praise God continually, the more you will want to!




IG: alexiszballet W:

Alexis Ziarkowski Burleson Age: 26 A u t h e n t i c i t y . A word that instagramers love to identify with. Aside from our feelings of being “real” from the safety of our phone, only vulnerable to the extent we allow, do we really allow ourselves to be authentic with God? W o r s h i p, i t i s a w o r d w e hear a lot and stereotype as raising our hands when the music is moving and the m o o d - l i g h t i n g o n p o i n t . But if you are honest with yourself, how would you describe worship in your own life? W o r s h i p s i m p ly m e a n s t o c o n n e c t with God in a vulnerable state: to be authentic. God’s deepest desire is to be t r u l y k n o w n . In a c ulture ce ntered around connectio n thr ough soc ial media, it is s o easy to think y ou are conne ct ed w hen y ou are only reve al i ng what is c omfor table to l e t other s see. So how do y ou ge t p ast all the noise and beco me comfor table with God?! H a v i n g s t a r t e d a d a n c e c o m p a n y, Unity Dance Troupe, at the age o f 1 6 , I d i d n ’ t r e a l ly k n o w a l l I w a s g e t t i n g m y s e l f i n t o ! All I knew was that I wanted to love God through dance and help others learn how to express themselves in an honest way. Dance involves the body AND the heart. Not only does dance allow for the expression of authenticity, but it also allows the worshiper to be FREE. In the dance world, most of us know that the drama and comparison games can get brutal. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Dance is an invitation for more. To reach more of God and deeper passions and to see yourself. It shows us that there’s more to the human heart than meets the eye. So regardless how you express y o u r w o r s h i p, i t i s a n i n t e g r a l piece of the human existence to become one with God, our source o f l i f e . I encourage you to let dance be a part of your life so that you can find God on a new level. Without the comparisons or the “right image” to portray on social media. I encourage you to be real through the expression of your body.


T o day I declare that You are g ood and that Your ways a re perf ec t. You deserve to be pra ised. Even w h en I d on’t see what You see, still I choos e to g ive You worship. Ta ke my eyes from worthles s thing s and give m e st r ength to make decisions that honor Yo u. I pr ay that You would be my greates t j oy as I am Your greatest j oy. You delig ht in me an d I p r ay I would delig ht mys elf in You. It is o nly t h en that I find the fulfillment that I so d e sp e r at ely seek. You alone s atisfy. My heart c rie s o u t in search for more, Lord, let it be f o r Yo u r heart that I find. My very s oul was d e sign ed by You, let m e des ire to bring You g l ory b ecause of that. I love You because You ar e al l t hat I need. You g ive me res t, You give m e h o pe , You fill me with pleasure, You quiet my h e ar t. I t hank You for this, G od. Teach me Your ways t h at I may lead a life for Your purpose.

Help me to be a peac ema ker a nd a sower of righteousness. Let me wa lk in integrity so that I may wa lk sec urely. Sec ure my path a nd keep me from swerving to the left or the right. Lord, may m y eyes be fixed direc tly a hea d of me. I c onf ess that I need You this day a nd every day. You a re m y light a nd my shield. Your Word guides me, Your kindness draws me. When my hea rt hurts or my mind spea ks untruths, I will trust that You a re greater tha n my hea rt a nd that through Your strength, I will overc ome. I pra ise You, f or I a m wonderf ully ma de by You.





PA UL AND S ILAS Today’s Verse: Acts 16:25 “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.” Have you ever been through a difficult time where you found yourself wondering where God was? Maybe you’ve been praying about that same thing for months, you haven’t seen change, and you’re beginning to find yourself weary. Paul and Silas in Acts had been beaten and imprisoned for their faith when the word says, “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.” If you go on to read, God hears them, and ends up setting them free from that prison. How powerful! In the middle of truly a crisis, they began to praise God and their whole situation changed. In life there will always be things happen to get us down, or things that will try and shift our focus off of praising God. Be encouraged and know that praise will get you through. I’m sure the last thing Paul and Silas felt like doing was worshiping when they had beaten, and were shackled up. But they did, and their praise set them free; it turned their circumstance around. If God did it for them, He will do it for you!

Today’s prayer: I thank You that You have the power to set me free, and You have the power to turn my situation around. When I am in a trial, help me to praise You instead of focusing on my problems. I praise You because I know You have the power to break to every chain. Think about it:

Write about a time when you were going through something and God brought you out.






Continued on page 22

“ It’s j u st all I ’v e ever know n. I’ve neve r h a d a pl a n B. ” - br ook e si mpson

Dreams. Dreams coming true have always been the stories that have left an impression on people. There is something about seeing someone say, “I’m going to do that,” then watching them fulfill their very words, that leaves a sense of hope and inspiration. Seeing someone rise from the bottom to the top, watching the one with a rough up bringing go on to be very successful, and witnessing the classic nobody becoming a somebody; these stories create such a happiness that for a while we forget about all the bad in the world, and believe that anything we want to happen, can. No one sets a better example of this than 28 year old Brooke Simpson, a girl who truly has left the imprint on many that with God’s direction, dreams do come true, and they can become a reality. Brooke was your small town girl, born and raised in North Carolina. She grew up in a family of Evangelists where every weekend she found herself traveling, and singing so her family could make a living. In Brooke’s words, “It felt pretty normal because it was all I knew.” In the midst of all the traveling at times Brooke found herself being homeschooled, but she wouldn’t have traded that for anything. You may occasionally find kids who loathe being around their parents all the time, but Brooke’s were really setting her up for success. She said, “I always loved my upbringing. Now, it seems the older I get the more I treasure and appreciate it. Seeing my parents be their own boss, constantly being around


music, and having a solid prepared me for where I a

Growing up, Brooke alwa do something with musi known. I’ve never had a ing high school, she set off Cleveland, Tennessee; Lee knew a lot about music s had a lot more to learn. “I self-discovery and growth Carolina, there really wer so I was always on call fo big fish in a small pond. I r choir as a freshman, and i I remember hearing a girl tion” and I realized that I fish in a huge ocean of tale ful for that time because writing much more seriou journey of trying to figure as an artist.”

In Brooke’s relentless pur opportunity arise to try Voice in 2013. After not m that to be her last hoorah had other plans for her l was living in Florida when The Voice, asking her to c “This call came in the mi

d spiritual foundation has am, and who I am today!”

ays knew she wanted to ic. “It’s just all I’ve ever a plan B.” After graduatff to a Christian college in e University. Though she she quickly found out she It was definitely a time of h. My whole life in North ren’t any other “singers” or stuff. I basically was a remember my first day in it was like a reality check! l sing at our “choir inducI was an extremely small ented people. I’m so grateit led me to taking song usly. It really started my e my voice and who I am

rsuit of music, she had an out for the TV show The making it, she considered h. Little did she know, God life. Four years later, she n she received a call from come and audition again. idst of a huge low season

of my life. It just felt like a GOD thing. I booked the first flight I could to Los Angeles, did the audition, and that led me to being a finalist on Season 13 of The Voice.” Now, Brooke and her husband reside in LA, where she is fulfilling her biggest dreams and living out her calling on her life in music. In the craziness of her schedule and all her traveling, when asked what keeps her grounded, her response was Jesus. Of course! “My relationship with God is absolutely vital for my sanity. It is what keeps me from forgetting my calling when I feel discouraged. It keeps me grounded when I have a lot of success and feel on top of the world. It keeps me and my husband constantly on the same page and what makes us a strong team, and it keeps me from forgetting who I am. I couldn’t make it in these LA streets without Jesus!” Brooke is inspiration to us all that dreams can come true. God placed a gift inside her, and He intended that gift to reach multitudes of people. Sometimes our dreams don’t really match up with God’s calling on our lives, and sometimes they do. At the end of the day, the most important thing is that we are doing what God has called. From the small town girl, “IF GOD PUT IT IN YOU, NO ONE CAN TAKE IT AWAY FROM YOU.”


Sarah Wilson is the co-founder and editor of Uncommon Girl Magazine. She lives in Cleveland, TN with her husband Dustin and their daughter, Riley Marie. Enjoy getting to know her!

Why Uncommon Girl Magazine? Following my cancer diagnosis, I spent way too much time drowning in fear. It was a feeling that at times would suffocate the life right out of me and crippled me from moving forward in the call I knew God had for my life. When I made the decision to start putting one foot in front of the other by walking out that calling, it felt as if I were snatching back my voice, my mind and my freedom from the enemy. If death is what I ultimately fear, then what better way to put fear under my feet then to LIVE, and live with purpose! I don’t know what all God is going to do through this magazine, but I do know that He is doing something! If my story, or your story, can help just one girl reclaim her freedom in Christ, then the journey has already been worth it. You can check out Sarah on social @sarahjwilson14




I have recently re-discovered my love for grunge. Truthfully, I used to attempt the grunge look in high school, but I could never quite figure out the perfect balance, so I might have taken it a bit far! Yup, thats right, I was “that girl” sporting the studded neck chocker! I might have stepped up my fashion game a little since then! HA! Mom jeans and oversized men’s sweatshirts are becoming my daily wear. I think I’ve found a good balance between, “ok you’re too old to be wearing that”, and “hey, that looks pretty good on you!” If you’re looking for a good pair of mom jeans, I would check out or Those are two of my favorite stores to shop at! Below are some pieces I’ve recently bought. No matter what your style, wear it with confidence and have the best summer ever! Mom Jeans Black Acid Wash $59.95 Stretch Mom Jean Stonewash black $39.99 High Neck Tank Top Dark Gray $17.95 Men’s Sweatshirt Dark Blue $14.99




I ’ L L STILL PRAIS E YOU Today’s Verse: Matthew 16: 23 “Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head and fell on the ground and worshipped.” I don’t think Job is a very popular text to just sit down and read. I hear people say, “ Whew! I finally made it through Job!” On the flip side, Job is popular because it is a text many will turn to when they are going through a hard time. If you think you’ve ever had it bad, read Job, I promise he had it much worse.

Moral of the story is praise is power. Praise is power over anything that may be standing in your way. Instead of fretting, trying to figure things out on your own, asking people for advice, try praising God instead. He will honor your faithfulness, and your outcome will be victorious.

In this verse Job 1:20 it says,“Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head and fell on the ground and worshipped.” Right before this happens, Job loses all of his children, dead. What is his response? To fall down and worship! How crazy, huh? I don’t think if anyone in my family were to die my initial response would be to fall down and worship. Job did though, and if you go on to read the entire book, in the end God restores everything to Job.

Think about it:

What are you going through right now that feels like a defeat? Write down truth over that situation.

Today’s prayer: Father, I want to praise You in every situation that I go through. I want our relationship to be like a marriage where I am faithful to You in good times and bad. I know in the end of every obstacle You will bring me out as an overcomer.


Read With UGM

Scripture referen

July: Worship

Ce n t e rin g you r heart on God so you can truly prai se Hi m

Monday 7/1: Psalm 47:1-9 Friday 7/5: Psalm 43:5 Monday 7/7: Psalm 51:10-12 Friday 7/12: Habakkuk 3:18 Monday 7/14: Romans 15:5-7 Friday 7/19: Romans 12:1 Monday 7/21: James 5:13 Friday 7/26: Hebrews 13:15-16 MONDAY 7/28: Break


M Summer 2019

nces found in NIV

august: FINDING STRENGTH C en t e rin g your h e a rt on G od so you can truly prai se Hi m

Friday 8/2: Psalm 121:1-2 Monday 8/5: Psalm 121:7-8 Friday 8/9: 2 Sam 22:33 Monday 8/12: Nehemiah 8:10 friday 8/16: Philippians 4:13 monday 8/19: Hebrews 13:6 friday 8/23: Matthew 11:28-30 monday 8/26: Exodus 15:2 friday 8/30 Colossians 1:10-12





PRA IS E IS A COMM A N D Today’s Verse: Psalm 150:6 “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.” I remember being in kids camp years ago learning the ten commandments. We would sing a silly song, march around, we had motions and everything. Obviously praise is not one, but now that I am older I am starting to adopt it as one for my life. Praise, just do it. Psalm 150:6 declares, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.” That is you my friend! If you are alive and breathing, God placed that breath in you, and you should be using it to praise Him. There have been many times in my life where I have felt like everything has just hit the fan. I’ve been going going going, and not stopped to give any of myself to God. Then that’s when the inevitable happens, and I fail miserable. It’s in those moments that I have to come back to God, repent, and begin praising Him. Everything in my life seems to go so much better when I’ve given God the praise He deserves. The next you get in you car, instead of turning on the radio try worshiping God all alone. When you feel confused, misguided, hurt, or even happy, let praise arise in you, and God will get you through. Allow it to become a commandment in your life. Praise, just do it.

Today’s prayer: Father, I praise You. I want to bring You more praise and

worship in everything that I do. I want to do my best to praise You every day, happy or sad. I lean into You, I trust You, and I thank You for all that You have done in me.

Think about it:

Giving praise to God is basically like writing a love letter. Try writing God a letter, giving Him praise, and simply telling Him how you love Him.


Hillary May age 27

You are having a bad day so you hop in your car, crank up “healer” by Kari Jobe, and have a good cry with just you and God. Trust me I’ve been there. If we are honest with ourselves most of us girls that have grown up in church, or have been in a relationship with Christ for any extended period of time, probably have. When it comes to worship, what is it suppose to look like? Is it raising your hands in church, clapping on beat (or off beat—no judgement), or is it crying in your car to Kari Jobe, and kneeling at the altar during a “good” church service? I’ve realized that worship is not about what it looks like on the outside, but about a connection and reverence to our Creator that happens within our heart. It should be more than just a “feel good” moment to get us through a rough patch, it should be a continual posture. One of my favorite scriptures is, “through Him [Christ] we both have access by one spirit to the Father” (Ephesians 2:18). In Hebrews 9 we find that the veil symbolized the people being separated from God and only the high priest had the authority to enter into the presence of God. The ceremonial washings that the high priest went through just to enter the Most Holy Place represented the level of spiritual purity that God required of those who approached Him. That veil that symbolically separated the people from God’s presence was ripped in two at Christ’s death. Now, instead of approaching God through a human intercessor we have direct access to God Himself. Knowing what a privilege it is to now be able to have access to the Father means we should consider it a great honor to be able to worship Him. There is no one in existence that has the power to sew the veil that was torn for you back up. For me worship has meant that the peace of my soul doesn’t have to constantly rise and fall with unpredictable people and situations. Because having a posture of worship is recognizing the presence of Christ in the midst of our trouble, joy, and every moment of our lives. I would encourage you today to reach out to our Creator from behind your walls. Worship may require stepping out of your comfort zone into God’s design for your life that happened because of the cross. 32 UNCOMMON GIRL MAGAZINE June 2019

To me, worship is any act or heart posture that focuses its’ gaze on Jesus and His beauty, and exalts Him from that place. To worship is to respond to the truth found in the gospel - whether that be in act, thought, or in any expression you can think of. It is to include the Lord in everything I do, and to give Him the adoration and attention He deserves. Within the context of my artwork, worship then definitely has a place! The God we serve is so relatable, and so multidimensional. Since we were created in His likeness, we get to identify with certain aspects of Him. For me, I get to identify with God the Creator. To notice details in the portraits I draw, the little things that are often overlooked by people in passing, my eyes are opened to the intentionality and care of a God who sometimes seems too big to notice the small things in me. Therefore, my focus on even the tiniest details pushes me to accept the truth that my God does the same thing when He interacts with me. He has made each individual incredibly different, and each individual incredibly beautiful. It’s really easy to simply associate worship with just church - but worship is so much more than that. Worship can be done throughout the day, any day. I challenge other girls to find ways to acknowledge how they relate to God in different aspects of their lives, and to work to respond to the truths that they find with adoration of a God who cares about them enough to create them to relate to Him. Give Him attention, seek Him through hobbies and activities, and respond in awe and reverence when they find Him. “So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female he created them.” Gen 1:27 NIV

Ellie Sikes age 20


Nyah I. Hamilton age 12

I believe that worship is a way to have fun with God. Like a play date. It’s representation of how you feel for Him. I worship through prophetic art; sometimes I do this in my room with music or during worship time at church. He speaks to me by sending an image in my head and it sometimes is a visual that ends up in one picture. Then He says words that are in scripture and I put it on my drawings so it can speak to people. 1 Timothy 4:14 (TPT) says, “Don’t minimize the powerful gift that operates in your life.” I like this because I used to deny that I was good at art, and it wasn’t until someone prophesied that I would have a special gift given from God that I realized it was art. This scripture encourages us to not deny what we have, but to use it to glorify God. I encourage you to believe that there is something you can do to worship that only you can give to God. Whether that is singing, dancing, or just being you. There is something that you can do individually that is special to Him.


My name is Nissi Cox. I am 13 years old. To me, worship is a way of life. Worship is a powerful thing. It has the power to shift atmospheres, bring healing, and it draws us to a place with God that we could never reach without it. I love to worship because it brings me to a place of such rest that I can’t achieve any other way. It is not just singing a song or dancing when music is played. Worship is a constant choice that we can make every moment that we are alive. When we make this choice, we can use our words, actions, and even thoughts to glorify God. Worship shapes all of who we are. It shows us and reminds us who God is. Worship is for us; not for God to be reminded of how worthy He is, but for us to be reminded. Worshiping to the melody of someone else’s song, dance, or music is such an amazing gift, but when we choose to express our worship with our own gifts, it becomes so much more personal. I could worship to Bethel all day long, but when I choose to sing, dance, play piano, or write a song of my own, it reveals something about the Father to me in a way that was created for me to understand. When you worship with your own gifts, it becomes so much more real to you. Psalms 95:6 says, “Come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our maker.” We were all created to worship. Not only that, but we were all given individual gifts, talents, and different ways to express worship to our maker. We need to walk in the purpose of our creation. Constantly striving to get in the presence of our Father, to that place of rest. The only time in the entire Bible it tells us to strive, is when it says, “strive to rest.” (Hebrews 4) We achieve no greater place of rest then when we are in worship.

Nissi Cox age 13


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