HOME IS WHERE THE ART IS... The secret to enjoying your collection at home is awareness, expert help – and keeping the most vulnerable pieces out of reach of children’s sticky fingers Words by Anny Shaw
ART IS MADE TO BE lived with. However, there are myriad issues to contend with when installing and caring for a work in the home, from framing, security and insurance to those moments when you need to call in the specialists – to repair a torn canvas, perhaps, or remove cornflakes from your Jean-Michel Basquiat painting. According to Pandora Mather-Lees, an art historian and conservator, the first thing a collector should do is create and maintain a catalogue of their collection. “If a work is catalogued from the outset, with all the data and images that go with it, you are starting off on the right foot. And if something gets damaged or stolen, having good records means insurance companies will look more favourably on you.” It’s also vital when it comes to knowing where your inventory 30