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A Local Banker Bonds With Her Butterflies elaplane resident Lisa Burnside has a decades long reputation in the banking world. She’s been a financial services leader and wealth advisor to countless clients. Her world has been fast-paced and number-driven but staying closer to home during the pandemic gave her time for reflection. It also provided the opportunity to spend more hours in her five-acre garden area. That’s where she discovered something very special. “It was really a fluke accident,” said Burnside of her decision to cultivate a few milkweed plants. The monarch is a milkweed butterfly. The green leaves provide the perfect place to lay tiny eggs and clusters of them first caught her attention. She started watching them. Pretty soon those tiny eggs turned into tiny caterpillars. If left undisturbed or not eatPhoto by Anita Sherman en by predators, these caterFinancial planner Lisa Burnside has a pillars attach themselves to new passion in life, helping protect the underside of the milkweed Monarch butterflies. leaves to form a protective green sac (chrysalis). From there, the stunning predominantly orange and black monarch butterfly emerges. “It was fascinating to watch,” said Burnside, who soon started researching and learning all she could about Monarch butterflies. The entire cycle of laying an egg to producing a butterfly takes on average about 32 days. Burnside bubbled with enthusiasm as she shared photo after photo of the various stages of the soon-to-be Monarch butterfly and her new mission to save as many of them as she could. Once the Monarch has hatched and has enough energy to sustain itself, it instinctively begins its annual southward migration from the northern and central United States and southern Canada to Florida and Mexico. Burnside’s butterflies will cover thousands of miles with a corresponding multigenerational return north. “Can we come and watch?” is now a request Burnside receives from friends, family and neighbors. Burnside’s husband, Steve, is equally captivated. He’s helped erect butterfly cages (finely netted tent affairs) to protect the developing chrysalis