affo be David Mars
Snider Snider Healthy Water Means Healthy Water Means A Healthy Home.
A Healthy Home.
Snider Snider
is Salamander Resort’sby New General Manager By Linda Roberts
“W Healthy HealthyWater WaterMeans Means AAHealthy HealthyHome. Home. $75
That’s correct Daisy. I just returned from a week long training session!
So Franklin, I hear that you are spearheading the Free Water Test campaign !
e have an incredible team of people here who are working with a great company that has wonderful values,” said David Mars, who, this past January, was named general manager of Salamander Resort & Spa in Middleburg.
Is Your Water Safe? all you need to do is draw a sample
of water from your tap, bring it to my
Marshall office and I’ll test yourready Chlorine protects water from bacteria until you’re water right in front of you! to drink it - like the plastic wrap on packaged food. But you don’t eat food wrappers, right? So whywater should you bacteria drink chlorine? Chlorine protects from until you’re ready
Snider Safe? Is Your Water
• We will test for TDS, chlorine residual, iron, Ph, manganese, Healthy Water Means to drink it - like the plastic wrap on packaged food. Our safely remove chlorine before and affordable hardness. systems A Healthy Home. But you don’t eatOur food wrappers, right? you enjoy your water. reverse osmosis drinking • Bring it toSo us or we can come to you. Meet our team in person. whysystems should you drink chlorine? water are the convenient, • Call us and we’ll explain how to draw a proper sample. affordable, environmentally-friendly solution for Our affordable systems safely remove chlorine before Chlorine Chlorine protects protects water water from from bacteria bacteria until until you’re you’re ready ready better water for you, your family and your pets. •you Bring some pictures of your stains. Pictures of your mechanical water. Our reverse osmosis drinking to enjoy drink to drink ityour - like it - like the the plastic plastic wrap wrap on packaged on packaged food. food.
IsIsYour YourWater Water Safe? Safe? If
With many years experience within the field of luxury hospitality, Mars David Mars, Salamander Resort’s was previously with Salamander’s New General Manager sister resort, The Henderson, in Destin, Florida. Long-time Middleburg resident Sheila Johnson owns the Middleburg property and its parent company, Salamander Hotels & Resorts.
Prior to joining Salamander, Mars, a graduate of the University of Nevada-Las Vegas, spent over eight years with Montage Hotels & Resorts, including serving as general manager at Spanish Peaks in Big Sky, Montana. His experience also includes corporate management with luxury resorts in Utah, California and Las Vegas. John Speers, vice president of Salamander Hotels & Resorts, referring to Mars and his new position, said in a statement, “I have had the pleasure of working with David since 2018 and his leadership and embrace of Salamander’s core values has led to extraordinary success.”
room isBut helpful. Take a picture of theconvenient, model & serial numbers But youyou don’t don’t eat eat food food wrappers, wrappers, right? right? Protect your home and your family water systems are the So why Sous why should you you drink drink chlorine? chlorine? on by yourcalling water heater and we’ll tell you the age of your tank forshould your FREE in-home water test.for affordable, environmentally-friendly solution Our affordable affordable systems systems safely safely remove remove chlorine before before • Our For proper Ph test results we need tochlorine have your fresh water better water for you, your family and your pets. you you enjoy enjoy your your water. water. Our Our reverse reverse osmosis osmosis drinking drinking sample within 2November hours. Special water water systems systems are are the the convenient, convenient, Protect your home and your family OFF Reverse Osmosis Drinking • $75 We have a drawing for a Reverse Osmosis drinking water affordable, affordable, environmentally-friendly environmentally-friendly solution solution forSystem for by valid calling us for your FREE in-home water test. Isfirst Your Water *not with other offers or prior service ~Safe? offer expires 11.30.2020 better better water water for you, for you, your your family family and and your your pets. pets. system for the 25 people that come by or set up an in Chlorine protects water from bacteria until you’re ready to drink it -your like thehome plastic wrap onyour packaged food. homeCall appointment. Protect Protect your home and and your family family us about our FREE Potable But youlimited* don’t eat food wrappers, right? Water Test
“You learn how important it is to work for a company that has the same values you have,” said Mars, adding that it can be voiced simply as “taking care of people.” One of Loudoun County’s larger employers, Salamander has a staff of 350 and Mars couldn’t have been more complimentary toward the people he works with. “We hire the best of the best,” said Mars, who believes Salamander’s staff is one of the resort’s greatest assets. “You must never take this for granted,” he said, adding that “when you have a quality team, its members tell others, leading to possible employment for additional talented employees.”
T ap November Special
by calling by calling us for us your for your FREE FREE in-home in-home water test. test. should you drink chlorine? perfomed bySo awhy certified lab. (*first 10 water who apply)
Our Reverse Marshall test lab is located atus a call. $75 Osmosis If youOFF are in need of any type of plumbingDrinking services, giveSystem November Special Special *not valid with November 11.30.2020 8125 East Osmosis Main St,Drinking Marshall, VA $75$75 OFF OFF Reverse Reverse Osmosis Drinking System System Our affordable systems safely remove chlorine before you enjoy your water. Our reverse osmosis drinking water or systems the convenient, other offers priorareservice ~ offer expires affordable, environmentally-friendly solution for better water for you, your family and your pets.
*notCall *not valid us valid withabout with otherother offers offers orlimited* prior or prior service service ~ offer ~Potable offer expires 11.30.2020 11.30.2020 our FREE Water Test Protect your home and your familyexpires
Tap Into A Healthier Life. calling us for your FREE in-home water perfomedbyby a certified lab. (*first 10test. who apply)
Call us about us about our limited* our Potable Water Water Test Test is full of If waterCall runs through it, limited* we FREE do FREE it!Potable Hope your summer November Special perfomed perfomed by a by certified a certified lab. lab. (*first (*first 10 who 10 who apply) apply) If youfun are &insun! need ofOFF anyReverse type of plumbing services, us a call. Thanks for your business! Joey give & Kristi $75 Osmosis Drinking – System
540-687-5232 • 703-771-3308
*not withany other type offers or of priorplumbing service ~ offer expires 11.30.2020 If you If you are in areneed in need ofvalid any of type of plumbing services, services, givegive us a us call. a call.
Call us about our limited* FREE Potable Water Test perfomed by a certified lab. (*first 10 who apply)
Tap Tap Into IntoAA AHealthier HealthierLife. Life. Tap Into Healthier Life. Tap Into A Healthier Life. If you are in need of any type of plumbing services, give us a call.
540-687-5232 540-687-5232 • 703-771-3308 703-771-3308 540-687-5232 540-687-5232 ••• 703-771-3308 703-771-3308
On 340 acres, with 200 of that acreage in scenic easement, Salamander is a Forbes Five Star property featuring 168 rooms, a hunt country-themed interior design, renowned dining, and a popular equestrian center. Its lavish spa is one of only 30 in the U.S. that has also been recognized with a Forbes Five Star ranking.
Mars said there are a number of exciting plans in the future for the resort, including development of 49 high-quality residences on the property. Construction has already started on some of the luxury dwellings and he anticipates completion and delivery of the first 10 homes in early 2023.
Among the summer plans for the resort is the second “Family Reunion,” a gathering that will take the food and wine experience to a new level while celebrating diversity in the hospitality and culinary communities. Also, the resort will serve as a United States meeting point for a warm-up race for the prestigious 1,000-Mile Miglia race event in Italy.
Mars, his wife, Nicole, and their two children, Maddie and Christopher, have relocated to the area and he’s definitely bullish on his new home, and the resort he now runs. “As a luxury company,” he said, “you have to ensure that you never lose sight of your culture.”