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From Fun to Fame
The digital space has seen a lot of Content-preneurs in recent times and there's no denying that! Afrobeatsglobal presenter, Chioma Ezeh, and the Uncutxtra Magazine Editor,CharityAbukehadanamazing time with Amarachi Amusi popularly known as Ashmusy, one of the top content-preneurs in Lagos, Nigeria as theydelvedintoawidearrayoftopics.
Her Childhood
Mychildhoodwasquiteaninteresting time,tosaytheleast.Oneoftheperks wasnothavingtoworryaboutmoney But what truly made my childhood special was having my siblings by my side. We may not have had much, but wemadethemostofwhatwehadand foundawaytosurvive itworkandriseabovethenoise
How Social Media Has Impacted HerBusiness
Intoday'sdigitalage,socialmediahas become a game-changer in the world of sales and marketing. My social media fame has had a significant impact on my success, helping me reach a wider audience and boost sales. While social media does come with its own set of pros and cons, I firmly believe that the benefits outweighthedrawbacks.Infact,Ican confidently say that, much like how Kizz Daniel never produces a bad song,Ihaveneverexperiencedafailed businessventureonsocialmedia.It'sa powerful tool that, when used wisely, cantakeyourbusinesstonewheights!
Ihavealwaysbeenafunanddown-toearthperson.So,oneday,Idecidedto sharemyvibeswiththeworldthrough social media The response was overwhelming - people absolutely lovedit!Andthat'swhenIknewthatI hadtokeepthegoodtimesrollingand continue to spread positivity in whateverwayIcould
How She Started Creating Content CareerChallenge
Whilesomemightviewbeingfamous as the ultimate dream, it's been a double-edged sword for me - I never asked for it, but here I am. One of the toughest challenges has been navigating romantic relationships, as many guys can't help but feel wary when it comes to getting close to a famous lady like myself. On top of that, I've had to deal with being misunderstood and the constant barrage of rumors and negativity that comeswithit.Butdon'tgetmewrong - I'm not one to back down from a challenge.I'mdoingmybesttomake
Business Strategy Changes
She Would Make Both Online and Offline?
Branding!! While there may have been other tactics I could have employed to boost my business besides twerking on social media, it's hard to argue with the results! This playful approach is true to who I am, and it's certainly been lucrative so far After all, who says you can't have fun whilemakingmoney? Well, my twerking days will certainly cometoanendonceItietheknot.It's time to bid farewell to such activities, and I’llfocusonproducingmovies
If She Will ever stop Twerking Online?
Ihavehadveryexhaustingdayswhere all I craved was a good rest, but the thoughtofgivinguphasnevercrossed my mind I firmly believe in taking chargeofmyemotions,seekingsolace in prayers, and relentlessly pushing forward toward my goal. I am a very focusedperson,Ialwayskeepmyeyes onthegoal My inspiration comes from the most unexpectedsources.Sometimesit'san unforgettable experience that sparks my creativity, while other times a movie or a piece of music sets my imaginationablaze.Andwhenallelse fails, I let my mind wander and freestyle,conjuringupnewideasfrom the depths of my subconscious. The beauty of it all is that inspiration can comefromabsolutelyanything.
Minimum Product Influencing Earnings
When I first began creating content, I was earning 15,000 naira, but with time I've progressed and now earn about 15 million naira. It's been an incredible journey, and I'm thankful foreachstepthathasledmetowhereI amnow.
As a public figure, I've heard my fair share of baseless rumors over the years, but the absolute craziest has to be the time when someone claimed I was romantically involved with Dino Melaye and even accused me of being involved in shady "runs". It's crazy how far people will go with their imaginations.