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The tech industry is basking in the limelight across the globe and there's no denying that! Afrobeatsglobal presenter, Omobola Val, @OMOBOLANLEADIGUN_, had a captivating conversation with one of the most influential YouTubers in Nigeria - 'Valor Reviews'. The duo delvedintoawidearrayoftopics,rangingfromValor'spersonallifetohis careertrajectoryandeventheever-evolvingTechspace



My name is Olatunde Shobajo I used to be quite the adventurer beforeIstartedcontentcreation. Ilovedtraveling,andusedto have a bike with the plate number ‘Valor’ so everyone called me Valor. Butasfatewouldhaveit,Ihadtostopridingwhenmywifegavebirth. During this time, I found solace in watching content creators like Fisayo Fosudo, and other tech enthusiasts, and was absolutely hooked ontheircontent.However,myoldYoutubeaccount(whichwentbymy real name) was hacked! So, I had to start all over again, but this time I decidedtousemyalreadyknownnickname,'Valor',asmybrandname. Andvoila!'ValorReviews'kick-startedinApril2019.

Valor review

What influenced His Content creationNiche

I absolutely love smartphones and laptops! They are my constant companions, and I use them a lot. It was only natural that I would start creating content about what I love so much.

Irememberonedayatwork,acontent creator came into the store where I was working to purchase a gadget for content, and I thought to myself, "Hey,Icandothattoo!"Andfromthat moment on, I was on a mission to createamazingcontentabouttech.

When it comes to tech, you could wakemeupinthemiddleofthenight and ask me anything about it, and I would have the answer ready It's so much easier to create content about something that you ' re truly passionate about and knowledgeable in,andthat'sexactlywhatI'mdoing.

How Lucrative Is The Content CreationIndustry?

Contrary to popular belief, the real money isn't in tech - it's in tourism. JusttakealookatTayoAinaandSteve Ndukwu - they're raking in the cash withtheirtravel-focusedcontent.

Why, you ask? Well, it's all about the audience The majority of their viewers are foreigners, which means theirYouTubechannelshaveahigher CPM (that's cost per thousand views, for you non-YouTubers out there). So while I might only make a measly $1 03 for every 8,000 Nigerian viewers, Tayo and Steve can make upwards of $13-$15 for just 1,000 American viewers That's some serious earning. But on the average, it’snotthatbad Wemaynotberolling in the same cash as the tourist creators, but we still have a few revenue streams of our own. First up, there's YouTube AdSense, which can bringinaround$1,800permonth.

Then there's brand product reviews, whereyoucanchargeaprettypennyup to a cool 2 million Naira, depending on your clout. And let's not forget about Instagram, where you can charge anywhere from 8001.5 million. Let us not forget that equipmentcanbequiteexpensivetoo.

For Those Feeling Pressured To MigrateIntoTech

To embark on a journey into the tech world, you need passion and determination. Because, without it, you’ll struggle if you don’t know anythingaboutTechanddiveintoit.

The language of tech may be unfamiliar at first, but with time and consistency,youwillbegintograspits intricacies and complexities. If you have a background in tech, you are already at an advantage, so use that head start to your advantage. And don't forget to take inspiration from your favorite tech influencers /mentors by watching their videos and replicating their techniques. As you progress, you will find your unique style and approach to the world of tech. It may take a year or more, but with dedication and hard work, you can carve out a niche for yourselfinthisever-evolvingfield

The Challenges Content Creators FaceinNigeria

Starting as a tech creator in Nigeria can be a daunting task. Unstable power supply, the deafening roar of generators that threaten to ruin the audio in your videos, and to make matters worse, getting access to the latest tech devices can be a real headache we can even get our hands on them. By that time, dozens of videos about the product have already flooded the internet, making it difficult to stand out from the crowd. Fortunately, Transsion, the company behind Infinix and Tecno often launch their devices first in Nigeria, giving us an upper hand over other brands like Samsung. So, despite the challenges, we Nigerian tech creators can still make our mark in the industry, thankstoourresilienceandcreativity.

Ever Being Dragged By a Troll/Brand Because of a Review?

The occasional accusation of paid promotion - is a common plight for those of us in the tech review industry. Of course, it all depends on the brand and platform involved. Post a review of Infinix or Tecno on Nairaland, for example, and you might find yourself bombarded with skeptics who think it is just a mere paid advertisement.

WhileintheUS,creatorscangettheir hands on the latest products right after launch, we in Nigeria have to waitforuptothreelongweeksbefore

To avoid this, I've learned to be selective about the platforms I use And while someofthecriticismcanbehelpful,it'simportanttodevelopathickskinifyou wanttosucceedinthisindustry.AsIalwayssay,"Ifwordscouldkill,we'dallbe sixfeetunderbynow


I do something that most people are too afraid to do: I compare. I put different brands and models head-to-head to help end users decide which product to choose.


Well,notallofmycontentissponsored,I have a genuine interest in about half of what I put out there. Take for instance, when Starlink made its grand entry into Nigeria,IwassointriguedthatIwillingly purchased it and even did a review But yes,theotherhalfissponsored

AdvicetoAnyonedelvingintoYouTube asaContentCreation


Sure, some brands might not like it, but I believe in giving consumers the knowledgeandtoolstheyneedtomakethebestchoiceforthem,andsometimes thatmeansrufflingafewfeathersalongtheway Ialsolovetodipsmartphones inwater,justtoseehowtheyholdup Becauselet'sfaceit,accidentshappen,and youneedaphonethatcankeepupwithyourlifestyle. It would have been attending the Mobile World Congress in Spain. But as fate wouldhaveit,Nigeriahadotherplansforme.Mypassportdidn'tcomethrough in time But, receiving my YouTube 100k plaque wasa major milestonefor me Only two people in Nigeria have achieved this milestone before me - Fisayo FosudoandEricOkafor.Andnow,I'mthethird.Thatmeansalottome

Sure, there were plenty of people who started before me, but in just four short years, I've managed to climb the ranks and secure a spot among the top tech reviewersinthecountry I'mproudofwhatI'veaccomplished,andIcan'twaitto seewhatthefutureholds.

When I started, with 100,000 naira I could easily purchase two smartphones for review and sell them at a loss. However, times have changed, and the valueofmoneyhasdwindledtothepoint where you can barely afford a decent phone with 100k My advice is to Immerse yourself in the vast world of tutorial videos on YouTube, learn everything there is to know, and create your own content. Share it with your friends for review and critique, and don’t grow followers illegally. It’ll take some time to grow but enjoy the process and take it easy, and before you know it, your hardworkwillpayoff.

Thetechindustryisbaskinginthelimelightacrosstheglobeand there's no denying that! The UncutXtra magazine team had an amazingtimeastheydelveintotheworldofonethemostinfluential YouTubersinNigeriaEricOkaforwheretechnologyreignssupreme Eric is a tech-focused content creator based in Nigeria, with over 900,000 followers combined on all his social media platforms. We delvedintoawiderangeoftopics,rangingfromhispersonallifetohis careertrajectoryandeventheever-evolvingYouTubespace


In 2013, during my NYSC days, I spent countless hours watching smart phone reviews by top creators like 'Flossy Carter' and 'MKBHD'. Then in 2015, I landed an executive position at TECNO Mobile We were about to release a new smart phone model, and I suggested filming an unboxing video. With no professional equipment, my boss held a phone over my shoulder and filmed the unboxing. I uploaded the video on the day of the launch, and that's how my YouTube journey began. Little did I know, this was the start ofmyYouTubecareer

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