4 minute read
‘I Think My Childhood Was Ruined Because I Didn't Pursue My Dream’
Who comes up with the contents the most between youandPrincewill?
Edith: I come up with most of the content and my boyfriend does sometimes because he writesscripts.Andothertimes, Icomeupwithcontent,andmy friends chip in some ideas and thoughts so we combine the ideas.
As a celebrated Tiktoker and content creator with over two million followers. How did Tiktok click for you and would you say it has changed your life?
Definitely Titkok has changed my life because this whole content creation experience happened at a very dark phase in my life when I was depressed Due to this, I had to travel to meet my people and I started Tiktok, I didn’t even knowitwouldblowuptheway itdid.
Princewill, How did content creationbeginforyou?
Funny enough, I remember when we were just friends, I always told her how I’ll be popularasanActorandModel.
(Because I was really passionate about these things) Then,she’llalwayssayGodwill do it for you. When she then blew up, it was funny because I‘vealwaysbeentheonewho craved fame and all but then it happened to her first. So yes, whenIstartedcreatingcontent I was shy at first but I knew I wanted to do it because I have always wanted to. Also, Edith motivates me because I tell myself “If Edith that I motivated can do it, I can do it too.”
Edith, do you ever feel pressuredasacontentcreator, ifyes,why?
Yes, I do because everyone on socialmediaexpectsyoutolive up to a certain standard. Also, they try to dictate what you should do For instance, I startedwithcomedybutIknew Icoulddomorethancomedy,I can dance, sing, act, and a lot more. Then Tiktok was only pushingjustmycomedyvideos but I didn’t want to be boxed. Whenever I did transition videos, some people would dropcommentsstatingthatI’m not fine and that I should stick tocomedy.Thispressuredmea lot.
Princewill you’ve loved the craftfromtheonset,nowthat youarebothlivingthedream, what do you love most about thecraft?
Ilovethefactthatwhenyouput in hard work and creativity, it pays off Also, the fact that technology and social media havemadeiteasierforonetobe knownforwhattheylovetodo.
Edith: For me, I love the fact thatI’mdoingwhatIlovetodo the most. Wake me up, I’m ready to create content. I’m livingmypassion.
What scares you both most aboutsocialmedia?
Edith: Trolls! Most people feel popular creators don’t have feelings.Theyfeeltheycanjust say anything to anyone and it hurtssometimes.
PRINCEWILL: Edith is quite emotional, but she is definitely getting better at handling her emotions.
For me, what I fear most is what I’malsoworkinghardtoachieve ‘Fame’. I always say Fame is both acurseandablessing. What regular people can do, famous people can’t. It feels like living your life for other people Fame boxes you up. You can’t shopcarelesslyonthestreet,you have to be security conscious, and you can’t use just every means of transportation. This is whytherearesomanydepressed celebritiesoutthere Ijustadvise people, don’t let the hate speeches or comments get to themsotheycanliveasanelife.
Edith, what’s the darkest place you’ve ever been and how were youabletocomeoutofit?
That’ll be the phase where I was dealing with low self-esteem because no one knew me then and I was so skinny. I was just a model and I honestly hated myself because people always came at me Tiktok was actually the first platform that made me lovemyselfbecauseIhadpeople who wanted to be like me. They lovedmyconfidenceandwanted tobeabletoflaunttheirbodythe wayIalwaysdidonTiktok.
Edith,youbotharen’tafraidto show off your relationship on socialmedia.Whataresomeof the worst comments you’ve receivedforthis?
For me, one of the comments I remember vividly is one where someonesaid“ nobechildabuse be this?” and this is because I’ve gotasmallstature
People think I’m still a teenager. Some others drop comments asking where my mum is and if she doesn’t see how I’m following a man up and down. Some will drop comments asking me to go to school without knowing that I’m a graduate These comments always made me emotional, but my boyfriend always reminded me of the fact that most of the people commenting don’t even know me so I shouldn’t even let theirwordsgettome.
Princewill, do you ever receive comments that imply you are merely attempting to benefit off Edith's fame and wealth because she started producing stuff before you and she is currentlyhighlypopular?
Yes, there have been a few occasions when criticisms have bothered me I don't let criticisms affect me since they shouldn't tear me down if you don't know me. However, one of them really struck a chord with me when we were on her live video.
We got into a fight over this specific one, and we finally had to tell each other to stop saying “how can we be arguing here when the person who dropped the comment might be somewherechilling
The second criticism I received was in reference to a video of us dining at a Chinese restaurant. Duetomyrequest,Iinitially believedIwasdrinkingChinese gin,butIwaslaterinformedthat I was actually sipping Korean soju Ididn'tactuallyunderstand these specifics. Then someone said that Edith was the one paying the bills. I was bothered bythisbecauseIcanfootthebills if I want to This really affected me.
I was the one who dragged him out that day and told him I wanted to pay because it wouldn'thavecosthimanything for him to pay for me or purchasetheseitems.
Edith, what do you hate most about your childhood, and haveyoubeenabletochangeit?
That will likely be my dad stopping me from pursuing my dream course at the university. I wantedtostudyTheatreArtsbut he said it’s a course for only prostitutes. He forced me to majorinsciences.Imeanhewas asoldiersoeveryonedidwhathe wanted I’m only achieving my dreams today because I have never given up on them. He was bragging about his daughter studying in the sciences, while I was in so much pain because I wasn’tstudyingwhatIloved ButnowthatI'mmakinganame for myself in the arts, he’s really proudofme Onedayhesaid,“If dem tell me say my last born Edith go dey do like this today, I no go believe.” On the other hand, I think my childhood was ruined because I didn't pursue mydream.
How old are you both and whereareyoufrom?
EDITH: I’ll be 22 on the 11th of JuneandI’mfromEdoState.
PRINCEWILL: I’m 26 years old andI’mfromImoState
Where do you both draw your inspirationfrom?
Edith: My personality and the whole world inspire me. Cartoons used to inspire me in the past, but now my entire life, experiences, and surroundings inspireme
Princewill: I always look out for peoplewhoaretalentedandwho you can draw inspiration from. For instance, I love Funnybros comedy a lot and she knows. I really hope to meet that guy someday. Also, Edith inspires me a lot. I’m so proud of her because she’s good at almost everything; acting, singing, dancing, so I’m always like If Edithcandothis,thenIcan.
What’s your advice to the youngcreativeouttheretrying tobelikeyou?
Edith: I’ll say consistency matters and whatever you do, please put God first. No matter whatyouaregoingthrough,stay consistent.
PRINCEWILL: I always tell people, there are only two masters you can serve. You either serve God or the Devil, eitherway,you’llmakeprogress. But with God, it’ll lead to everlasting, life, and with the devil, it’ll lead to many awful things. You need to be prayerful becausesomanythingsaremore spiritual than physical. Also, please no matter what you are going through, talk to someone because if you stay silent, you mightgiveup,getdepressedand itmightevenleadtosuicide