7 minute read
If shameless has a face, It’s undoubtedlygoingtobethatofthe Nigerian artiste Habeeb Okikiola, popularly known as Portable His personality is the pictorial representation of the word ’shameless’. Emeka Nobis captured it best in his book title ‘shameless marketing’
Portable’s personality is one that can not be hidden, especially considering how popular he has beenandcontinuestobeinvarious dramas.
Most of the information we have about him was forced on us by his ceaseless shenanigans on social media, thanks to the algorithms thatfavoroddity/controversy
However, it is perplexing how despite the plethora of negative criticismshurledagainsthim; he hasn’t given up or bowed down, rather he appears to be surfing the waveofthecriticisms.
This brings to mind the short story told by Ram Shankar Nikumbh in themovie‘Likestarsupontheearth: On Solomon Islands when the natives want a part of the forest for cultivationtheydon'tcutthetrees.
They simply gather around the tree and shout abuses to their heart's content.Theycurseit.Inamatterof days the tree withers and shrivels. It diesonitsown.
Portablehasproventhatcurses,criticisms,andabusesdon't kill every tree LOL if it does I am sure Portable has gotten morethanenoughabusethatwilllasthimalifetime Makes onewonderhowtruethebeliefis.
While it is almost impossible to tell which is more, between his haters and his fans, we can’t deny the fact that the controversialartistehasremainedconsistentwithhisbrand and he recently got verified on Instagram, something most artistes, content creators, influencers and others in the entertainment industry with more ‘valuable content’ hasn’t beenabletoachievewithinthesametimeframe
Anddidsomeonejustsay ‘ ourpathdiffers?LOL
I know that right, but there might be a thing or two you can takeoffPortable’sbookifyouareobservantenough.
As much as some people find Portable’s shenanigans very disturbing, you can’t take away the fact that he has an Exciting Personality. A perfect scenario was when Portable dragged the Nigerian artiste Davido Adeleke, popularly known as OBO for unfollowing him on Instagram because hecampaignedforhisuncle’s(formerlySenatorAdeleke) opposing party After Davido’s Uncle ‘Senator Adeleke’ emerged winner of the gubernatorial election in Osun state Nigeria, the same Portable was seen jubilating and congratulatingDavido’sUncleoverhiswin.
Or when he called out Olasunkanmi Quadri Taoreed professionally known as Kogbagidi, an international show promoter popularly known as ‘Kogbagidi’ for allegedly ripping him off the financial benefits he received from shows.
Recall also when he called out Iweh Pascal Odinaka, one of the most popular dancers in Nigeria popularly known as PocoLee,forowninghisgloryforhissong‘Zazoozeh’ There are countless scenarios where one minute Portable is annoying and have you wishing you can have him taken totally off your timeline, the next minute, you are laughing overhowunseriousheis.
Having grown up in the streets of Lagos, we can say he has mastered their language. His usage of EXCITING SLANGS especiallyinhissong‘ZazooZeh’ wasoneofthethingsthat drew many people to him. It is almost like he has ways of relatingwithalmosteveryonewhohasbeeninthestreetand thosewhoarestillinthestreetwithwords.
I think this is one of the qualities someone like Obi Cubana led him to sign an ductforthestreet nguage the street ell the product as ended for a while Wahala!” Even the uses these words cially if you are a g ‘dey carry us go osaythatPortable arlance in 2022. I whatheisgoingto p in the street but t because of what uslyonadifferent y Tom, Dick, and duct of the street. uldbestudied list loves him and te with them and uisance,theydeem ncert’ held in Lagos, ro-pop recording popularlyknown mospherechanged age. azoo crooner enjoys him inspiration on n that he does too ymore
Well take it or leave it, he is making his money, in the words of the CEO of Creatrix Empire, Emmanuel Alade ‘No publicityisbadpublicity.
Society loves drama, controversial issues, or personalities and the likes of portable, Ayra Star, Mike of Lagos, Korra Obidi, Toyin Lawani of Tianna’s Empire, and others know this for a fact, and they are serving it hot. If not, how else do you expect to stand out or be known, especially in a society swarming with talents?
Another case scenario was Portable’s recent arrival at a show in a casket. Like whatthehellman??
Did I hear someone say ‘who does that? Well,nowyouknow,Portabledoesthat.
Probably, the question on his mind anytimehehasto step out hasto be ’ How do I get these people talking about me? And he seems to always have a weird concept
Portable is an incredible performer, who never leaves his drama and energy at home And might I add, he is talented as well. If not, people (even if not the majority) and foreigners alike won’t be payingtoattendhisshows,wouldthey?
Someone once said that society is clueless aboutwhatitreallywants,tillyoushowor give it to them, and I totally agree The truth is that society criticizes bad behaviors but consumes bad behavior more, and as long as controversy sells, Portablewillalwaysbeinourfaces.
Yes, the backlash won’t be stopping anytime soon, but as we said earlier, controversy is a part of his brand language/identity, and he obviously understands this and is using it to his advantage Youdon’treallyhavetolikeit.
Someone once said that society is clueless about what it really wants, tillyoushoworgiveittothem,and I totally agree The truth is that society criticizesbadbehaviorsbut consumes bad behavior more, and as long as controversy sells, Portablewillalwaysbeinourfaces.
Yes,thebacklashwon’tbestopping anytimesoon,butaswesaidearlier, controversy is a part of his brand language/identity, and he obviously understands this and is using it to his advantage. You don’t reallyhavetolikeit.
He recently created another drama roundwithhislatesttrack‘Apostle’ alreadybrewingateenyweenybit agitation among some Christian folks. But in the midst of all the agitations, a greater percentage of netizens were applauding him for finally having the courage and boldness to say what most people havebeenafraidtosay
While there were those who are of theopinionthathehasanamazing talent and has grown since the release of the hit track Zazoo Zeh, some others claimed that he is probably going to be another Fela Kutiinthemaking
Youcantakeeverythingawayfrom Portable, but definitely not his boldness or transparency, especially whenhefeelsheisbeing cheated or used to achieve a cause
Anothercasescenariowaswhenhe outrightly admitted that a certain political party in Nigeria paid him to slander the candidate of their opposingparty.
WhilewehopethatPortablefindsa more decent way to deal with the negative news hovering around him, it will also be a wise decision to learn the tactic of not allowing people’s comments or backlash to stopyoufromattainingyourgoals. Like Portable, you can decide what to do with the abuse and criticism societythrowsatyou
However,wecanonlyadviseyouto becarefulthoughoryoumightlose theHeadiesLOL
It is uncertain if Portable can sustain his relevance in the industry on a long-term scale but manyarelookingforwardtoseeing his character development so that where his talent fails, his character canupholdhim.
ConclusivelyinthewordsofVenus Williams, don’t focus on what you are up against. Instead, focus on your goals and try to ignore the rest” You don’t have to be a Portable to stand out, but you will definitely have to go blind, go deaf to societal’s definition of what ‘normal’ is if you must stand out. StayFocused,MyFriend!
Growingup,IrememberoneofthethingsIstruggledalotwith was eye bags. Not sure why though, but with time I understoodwhyithappenedmosttimes. For someone who was very self-conscious, it gave me a hard time especially when I had to stand before people or talk with someone.
The hardest part was looking them in the face knowing that theirattentionwasgoingtobedividedbetweenwhatwasonmy faceandwhatIwastalkingabout.
YouareprobablywonderinghowIknewthat.Well,I’dprobably dothesame Maybeitisjusthowthehumanmindworks.
Humans generally have a short attention spans and it seems to be getting worse with each generation. So anything that seemingly isn’t normal becomes a distraction and sometimes evenalifesaverespeciallywhenyouwouldratherbesomewhere elseoryouaregettingbored.Yourmindstartswandering,then itfinallylandsonsomethingitdidn’tseeatfirst,andsuddenlyit hassomethingelsetomunchon.
Eye bags puffy eyes as it is popularly known are not very welcoming as they usually create an appearance of tiredness or sleepiness.Butitcanbecausedbyvariousreasons
Agingisoneoftheprimaryreasonsofpuffyeyes.Becauseofthe thinness of the skin around your eyes, any aging-related changesinyourbodyarehighlighted
Your eyelids' tissue may deteriorate over time This may cause thefatinyouruppereyelidtodropandrestinyourlowereyelid
As you age, fluid may also be more likely to become trapped in yourlowereyelid.Edemaisthemedicaltermforfluidretention. Youreyelid'sthinskincanmakefluidretentionhighlyobvious, whichleadstopuffyeyes.
You may notice that your eyes appear puffier when you get up in the morning. This could be the result of edema. Once you awaken and beginblinking, youmaynoticethatyoureyes starttolooklesspuffy.
In addition to aging, there are other reasons you may have puffy eyes, such as:
High-salt diet: Eating a lot of salty foods causes you to retain water and leads to swelling.
Allergies: Congestion and inflammation from allergies can sometimes exacerbate under-eye puffiness.
Medical conditions: Some health conditions such as thyroid problems can cause the eyes to become swollen.
Genetics: Having under-eye bags can be a physical characteristic that runs in your family.
Regularly getting a good night's sleep will help you get rid of swollen eyes. Adults require between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night. Establish a bedtime routine and follow it to make sure you'regettingenoughsleep.
It's crucial to keep in mindthat your nighttimeroutinebegins far beforeyougotosleep
To get a good night’s rest, the Mayo Clinic suggests that you should:
Get Enough Sleep
To prevent moisture from gathering around your eyes while you sleep, place a few pillows beneath your head. Try lifting the head of yourbedalittletoachievethesameresultifyouhavetroublesleeping atanangleonawedgepilloworstackofpillows.
Toachievethis,placeapileofbooksoranotherwedgeunderthefoot ofthesideofthebedwhereyousleep Ifyouobserveachangeinthe frequency or intensity of your eye puffiness, think about a more stableremedy,suchasbedrisers.
Prop Yourself Up
If you experience seasonal or year-round allergies, consult your doctor Your eyes may become red, swollen, and puffy due to allergies. This might make you rub your eyes more, whichcanresultinfurtherpuffiness.
Address Your Allergies
Afriendoncesaid,nomatterwhatyouaregoingthrough,always stay hydrated Eye puffiness can be the result of dehydration. Makesureyoudrinkplentyofwatereverydaytokeepyourskin healthy The general rule of thumb is to drink eight 8-ounce glassesofwaterdaily.
Drink Enough Water
Did someone just grumble? Well this is probably like asking a chronic cheater to leave women alone, but hey! No harm in tryingright?
Trytolimitoravoidalcoholandotherdrinksthatcanmakeyou dehydrated. Dehydration can result in puffy eyes, so it may be besttohaveaglassofwaterinstead.
Ifyou ’ retiredofplainwater,infusingitwithfreshfruitisagreat way to stay hydrated and refreshed Try adding your fruit of choicetoawaterbottleforinfusedwaterthatlastsalldaylong.
Avoid Alcohol
Consuming excessive amounts of salt can make your body retain fluidsevenmore.Additionally,itcanresultinotherhealthproblems likeahigherriskofheartdiseaseandstroke
Salt levels are frequently excessive in prepackaged foods like quick soups. You can spot salt that is too salty by reading labels. It is advisable to consume more whole foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables.
Pass On The Salt
You might want to raise your potassium intake because it can assist your body get rid of extra fluids. Bananas, beans, yogurt, andleafygreenscanallhelpyoudothis.
If you already consume a diet high in potassium, discuss with yourdoctorifyourcurrentpotassiumlevelissafeorwhetheryou shouldstarttakingapotassiumsupplement.
Eat More Potassium
By placing a cold towel on your eyelids for about 10 minutes, you can reduce eye puffiness. This can aid in draining extra fluid from your under-eye area.
Green or black tea bags compressed may also work. Caffeine and antioxidants in the tea help narrow blood vessels and lessen inflammation.
Use a cool compress
There are numerous eye treatments available that could reduce puffiness. Chamomile, cucumber, and arnica are a few ingredients to search for in an eye cream. All of these have qualities that might lessen inflammation and tighten the skin. Eye creams and makeup with caffeine may also help reduce puffy eyes.
Try An Eye Cream
If lifestyle changes or other treatments don't relieve your extreme eye puffiness, you might want to consider blepharoplasty surgery also known as eyelid surgery
An eyelid's extra skin, muscle, and fat are moved or removed by a doctor during this surgery
Talk To Your Doctor About Cosmetic Surgery