6 minute read
HowArtificial Intelligence Is RedefiningThe Entertainment Industry
The growth of the entertainment industry has been aided by AI. According to many experts in f i el d s i nclu d i ng g ame development, film production, advertising, and suppliers of otherentertainmentservices, the usage of AI has brought about an entirely different approach to creativity.
In ord e r to m a x i m i z e expenditures and focus on providing top-notch content that meets consumer demand, the entertainment industry will adoptAIevenfurtherin2023.
Artificial intelligence and robotics can be used to give customers amazing experiences and entertainment from the future Industry leaders in entertainment and technology, i n c l u d i n g B l i z z a r d Entertainment, Walt Disney World, Google, Microsoft, and Intel, are participating in developing,releasing,and i m p r o v i n g A I - b a s e d technologies AI automation helps entertainers deliver compelling content while spendingmoretimehoningtheir craft.
By analyzing important data, an AI solution can also enable firms to make informed decisions regarding marketing and advertising.
Bothaudioandvisualcontentare tailoredbasedonpreferencesand priorexperiencesanywherefrom music apps to OTT platforms. It makes recommendations based on user demographics and activity, such as their favorite genres of movies, music, and videos.
AI uses deep learning networks and sophisticated machine learning algorithms to deliver personalizedcontenttousers.
Additionally, media or entertainmentorganizationsmay beabletoincreasetheiruserbase and outperform their rivals by offering consumers a highly customizedexperience.
Online Advertising With Targeted Audiences
AI is used to make online advertising more accurate and productive with targeted audiences for higher conversion rates.
The best examples are Google AdSense and AdWords, which can leverage user history like what things users are looking at or searching for on websites or ecommercesites.
Additionally, the AI can deliver adverts tailored to the user's tastesthankstothiskindofAI- based sensing. The correct audience may be targeted, in order to get maximum result fromtheads.
Regulating The Transmission Of Online Content
AI is useful in locating and removing offensive content
Before displaying such information, AI can determine a user's age and gender It can also automatically filter out problematic content before broadcasting it with audience category ratings such as for childrenoradultsonly.
Categorization And Classification Of Content
There are tons of contents available to stream online. To make it easier for users to access relevant material, content providers must improve their search algorithms. AI is a great tool for this project It can examine the objects and data connected to the inclusion of a specific kind of material in a specific category for this purpose Forinstance,AI systems can recognize and examine various elements in variousmoviesequences, aswell asfactsaboutthegenre,cast,and crew, to determine which categoryismostappropriate that AI-powered search engines deliver the appropriate content to the appropriate user. Conclusively, artificial intelligence in the entertainment sector is a powerful player for major reform that will changethefaceoftheindustry Businesses within this AI-driven sector need to be equipped to manage cutting-edge technologies with solid solutions and tech-savvy technicalteams.
Adopting AI enables automatic text, visual, and voice search optimization and makes it possible to give some of the most r
Technology has a big impact on how customers find brands and howsearchenginesrankcontent. Brand owners will need to pay closer attention to how their media content is organized on websitesinordertomakesure
A variety of skills are needed for f i l m m a k i n g , i n c l u d i n g storyboarding, budgeting, site scouting, shot lists, recording, scheduling,andediting. AI's entry into the entertainment industry has helped to automate sound production. AI can offer a platform that can automate operations like screenplay segmentation, shortlist creation, storyboarding, schedule building, and strategic planning in the film industry.
Cindy Mahlangu
Photographer @yusufmithaphotography stylist- @phuphogumedek make-up -beezglam_studios hairstylist - tthaircouture interviewer - @yusufMitha
The influential issue of the prestigious UK-based magazine, UncutXtrafeaturesoneoftheleading influential figure in Johannesburg, SouthAfricainthepersonofAwardwinningversatileactress,model and mother, Cindy Thando Mahlangushe is gracing the cover of this edition following the theme of the edition designed to celebrate notable individuals who are actively pushing to make the African communitythebeautyitis.
Who are not only breaking frontiers across continental borders, but are also beaming positive narrativesshe takes us through her journey in the entertainment industry alongside beinganewmothertoherlovingher son, and how she ventured into the SouthAfricanMovieindustry
Cindy Mahlangu is a girl from a very small town called Standerton, Mpumalanga,SouthAfrica, whoworkedveryhardtogetwhere sheiscurrently,anactress.Istudied FinancialAccounting.
Your profile states that you are a model, actress, and TV presenter, eventhoughyoureadaccounting, atwhatpointdidyouventureinto the entertainment industry, and howhastheexperiencebeen?
I feel like acting found me. I was studying, and a friend called me andsuggestedIshouldauditionfor a particular role,which ended up to bemyfirstroleon‘TheHerd’.But,I just went for it and I loved it very verymuch.Iwasverynervous,and you know when you are nervous, you know something is meant for you. know anything by the way when it comes to acting, the entertainment industry But yeah, that’s how it started, from my audition that I got for Dumazile on ‘TheHerd’
How would you describe yourselfinthreewords?
Very shy, hardworking, and Godfearing
What has been your most challengingrolesofarasan actress?
Uhm, I feel like all of them are challenging, I really can’t pick one, they ’ re all challenging in a very good way because i feel like with every role that i get, i learn something from it, i am always learning, you can neverlearnenough,soevery roleischallenging You became popular in 2018 after you landed the position of Dumazile in Mzansimagicsupernatural series, before then, what wereyoudoing?
How did you feel when you gottheroleofZamaBolton inBlood&Water?
I was in disbelief to say the least, I was so so excited I neverimaginedmyselfbeing partofNetflix,sofarmethat was like a dream come through. So yeah, I was just veryexcitedandgrateful
What was your favorite part of being Zama in the Blood and Waterseries?
(Laughs) I feel like just being young and carefree, Zama is young, carefree and she just wants to live life, it was just so nice to come out of my shell and portray thecharacterofZama
(Laughs) When I was comfortable letting the world know that I am a mother,andthatIhavegivenbirth. ButIreallyjustwantedtotaketime offduringmypregnancyjusttobe true with myself and the beautiful beautiful bundle of joy that was growinginsideme
In what ways has motherhood changedyou?
Every artist or movie star has that one project that sold them out, what movie would you say madeyoubecomeknown?
In all the roles you have been in; Phumzi In Kings of Jo'burg, JewelinYena,ZamainBloodand Water etcwhichofthecharacters bestdescribesyourpersonality?
In so many ways, I am so patient you know, my baby means the world to me I feel like you have a newmeaningoflifewhenyouhave a child, everything just turns upsidedownbutinverygoodway
(Laughs) None of the above, that’s whyIalwayscomeoutofmyselfto portray every character, so far, no character is similar to Cindy Mahlangu
How do you handle NOs or rejectionsinthemovieindustry? Especiallyafterauditioningfora role you really wanted and gettingturneddown
Shoot! It’s very difficult to handle rejection to be very honest with you,itisnevereasy,butI'vealways told myself what is meant for me will always find a way to me So if it’s not meant for me, something elseisoutthereforme
You were offline for a while and then you came back on social media with a baby, at what point didyoudecidetogopublic?
What’sthedarkestplaceyouhave beeninandhowwereyouableto comeoutofit?
Not getting to where I want to be, that feeling alone is tasking emotionally, and also just being myowncritic.Thatisagoodthing andabadthing,butcanalsoaffect youemotionally Thathastobethe darkestareaIhavebeenin
What’s the thing you hate most aboutyourchildhoodanddoyou think you have been able to change?
I don’t hate anything about my childhood and wouldn’t change anything, because I feel like everything that I went through taught me something, I learn something, I’m still learning, so I really wouldn’t change anything about my childhood. I loved every moment
I feel like they all have bits and pieces. For example, When we look at South Africa, we are speaking about Dumazile in 'The Herd. That was the first time I did anything, andfromthereIwentto Netflix, which was more international. So then, a bits of both, the South African part and theinternationalpart
What is the most interesting aspectofyourliferightnow?
(Laughs) Definitely, me being a mother and just growing with me being a parent and also juggling my career.So I just feel like a new person all together, but mostly it hastobemebeingamother
As a thriving actress and a mother how do you handle pressure?
(Laughs) Honestly, I just try to do certainthingsthatmakemehappy, me being an individual. Aside from being a mother, an actress and being career driven, I just try to deal with myself. It could be going for a massage, could be readingabook,couldbereadinga bible That’s just how I try to surround myself with peace duringthestorm
(Laughs)Myson,everythingismy son,Ifeellikemysonismybiggest, biggest weakness and also my biggeststrength.
What’s that one thing you just can’tstand?
I can’t stand people who feel entitled with the way a person should live their life, and certain decisions that they make. I can’t stand anyone who feels entitled to having opinions about someone else’slifeorchoices.
W h a t m a k e s y o u f e e l accomplished?
Ticking my bucket list, yeah, and seeingmyvisionboardcometolife
Ifyoucouldswitchliveswithone personforaday,whowoulditbe?
TylerPerry!Yeah,Ijustreallywant to see how he maneuvers around everything, Hollywood, and also I lovehisshowsandhowhedoeshis stuff, like he is very talented and I really just like to see and learn fromeverythingthathedoes.
What’s one thing you’ve always wantedtotrybutyou’vebeentoo scaredtodo?
Start a business definitely! I am also into interior designing, but I amabitskepticalorprobablyIam scared to actually just go out there anddoit
What’s the one talent you wish youhad?
To read people’s minds! Yeah. I wannaknowwhatthenextperson isthinkingyouknow Forexample auditions.When we go for auditions, you just read what they are actually thinking, so that you can fix it and do the right thing (laughs)
What are three words that describe living in Johannesburg, SouthAfrica?
(Laughs) Loan Shedding, nature, gold! Africa, Johannesburg is where the money is. If you really want to hustle, come to Johannesburg.
Is there any international actor/actress you would love to be on set with someday? If yes, whoplease
Taraji!Ilovethatwomansomuch! Youcanfeelhercharacter,youcan feel the different person she is trying to portray in every single character she is in. I feel like that’s myultimatefavorite
Are you married, single or in a relationship?
What is the funniest story you haveheardorreadaboutyourself online?
Itisquitealot,andalsoIdon’tread whatpeoplehavetosayaboutme,I reallydon’t.