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The Queen, Her Guts & Her Crown
Hannah Iribhogbe is a Nigerian actress, model, and beauty queen from Edo State, professionally known as Montana Felix. She is the founder of The Montana Initiative, an organization that feeds 10 millionchildrenalloverAfrica,and the newly crowned Miss Universe Nigeria 2022. The Nigerian-born beauty queen speaks with
Afrobeatsglobal presenter, Chioma Eze @chioma_ezeh, about her journey so far, her family, and whatsheisouttoachieve
Hannahisa21-year-oldactressand beauty queen who has been modelingsinceshewas14, I am smart, confident and a true Christian who is passionate about impactingtheworld
How did you get the name MONTANA?
I got it from the movie HANNAH MONTANA When She is Hannah, she’s a normal girl but when she is Montana she is like a different person, smart, energetic, and a superstar I decided that I’ll bear it after I was asked to pick a nicknameandIwasblank.Butthen I realized that Montana can be my nickname. When I am home I can be called Hannah, but when I am out, Montana is the name, because that’sadifferentpersonality
How and when did you kickstart yourModelingcareer?
I moved to the U.S. when I was 11 with my family because we won the lottery visa and that was when everything changed I won my first prize when I was 14 Back in texas. I was bullied because I was African in America for a while so I was in my shell but eventually i modeled my first show AFRIMA’ and that’s when everything changed because that was when I knew that modeling is something I wanted to do for a long time. At first, my parents were not comfortable with my modeling dream but eventually,theyadjusted.
When you enrolled for the Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria pageantry and saw your fellow models, were y o u a t a n y p o i n t intimidated?
I definitely wasn’t, although there was a little bit of bad blood here and there because they thought I came all the way from the US to take their crown, I was able to meet amazing people and build greatfriendships
Did you get comments about your hair when you represented Nigeria at the missuniversecompetition?
No, funnily enough, my roommate from Ghana also hadshorthair
My short hair has always been my power I cut it after high schoolin 2018/2019
It is my tool, it gives me the confidence that even with my shorthairanddarkskinIamstill beautiful I will never feel intimidatedbyanyonewithlong hair because I believe we are all beautifulinourownway
How has the experience been sinceyourwin?
It’s been amazing, but it gets overwhelming and frustrating. Even though I am 21 years old andthere’sawholelotthatIwant to do, I cannot because I know now that there are a lot of young girls looking up to me, so I have togetusedtoit
What is influence to you and what do you want to be known for?
Iwanttobeknownformakinga great impact in not just Nigeria but globally. I want to be known as the little girl who didn’t have so much but found a way to make things work out because she had a dream. Especially for women and kids, I want to be known for making life better for them. I want to be known as One of the most successful womenthatcameoutofNigeria butintheworld Thegoodthing aboutthisplatformisthatIhave been given access to people globally,sonowIcancollaborate and achieve great things with them
Has your modeling career at any point in time stood as an obstacletoyoureducation?
I would not say that it affected me from going to school but I’ll say it made me not to be interested in a course I initially wanted to study. My dad is a lawyer so I wanted to study law, but this made me realize that I ammoreofanentertainment abetterversionofmyself,Iwant to go into politics I feel like women are not in that space enough even though we have so many intelligent and out spoken women, so for now my projects and title will be taking front stage,butI’lldefinitelylovetogo intopolitics
(Laughs)Iinitiallythoughtthere was no need for a relationship because I wanted to be focused but I met someone during my national pageant and it’s been amazing. He ’ s been so supportive
I think it’s important for women toknowthateventhoughweare a l l a b o u t w o m e n ' s empowerment we also need a man.
(Laughs) I am not the type to disclose my relationship, especially on social media because I believe what they do notknowtheycannotdestroy,so Iprefertokeephimprivate
What other things are you passionate about. And should we look out for any new projects from you in these areasofpassion?
Charity, mental health for kids, and women empowerment. I have been working on the project since I won my crown My advocacy is for feeding kids andnotjustinNigeria and business person, this made me change my course from law to business management and fashion, so I wouldn’t say it affected me, But it impacted me tofocusonwhatIlove.
I have one year to focus on my reignandatthesametimeIwant to use this year to focus on my selfandbecome
Who is one person who has alwaysbelievedinyou?
My kid sister and she is only 16. thereweretimesmyparentswill scold her for supporting my modeling dream but she never stopped.
She has been my Cheer leader andbiggestsupporter
What’sthecraziestthingabout themodelingindustrythatyou think most people do not know?
Thebeautyqueensaretooafraid to speak up because they all are tryingtolivetheperfectlife. Theygothroughalotbutactlike thingsareokay
While I was in camp, I asked some of the beauty queens how the journey has been for them and got to find out that most of them were left on their own to handle everything. A lot of agencies do not support the beauty queens and it is mentally draining because girls go into it every year not knowing the situationofthingsandthenthey have to pretend everything is perfect
Therivalrybetweengirlsalsois alarming but I am hoping thingswillbebetterforgood
What’s the darkest place you have been in and how where youabletocomeoutofit?
It’s been a lot, I recall when my mum sold firewood to survive, how my dad lost his job I remember when I had an accident and had my first surgery when our house got floodedanditwasawholelotfor us but I won’t focus on that, I think I will talk more about my experiencelastyear
IwassoconfusedIdidnotknow where God was taking me and during that period I wasn’t getting along with my family also I would see my friends doing well and feel like I am not doing so much but I think that happened because God wanted totestme ButIamgratefulthatI did not give up because I was so close to quitting but 6months afterIamhereholdingacrown
How were you able to hold on despite the challenges you facedlastyear?
Any time I want to give up I remember that I am just 21. I could decide to sit at home and wait for my parents to handle everything or I could be in school but no I don’t want to do that because I am a hustler and I remember where I come from. I know it gets bumpy and lonely, but if the dream is big enough and the passion is strong enough, you are going to continue going just always remember where you are comingfrom
What’sthethingyouhatemost about your childhood and do youthinkyouhavebeenableto correctit?
Iwouldsayitwasmyneck.Back inmiddleschool,Iwouldalways getpickedonbecausetheysaidit wastoolong, sothatmademealwaysslouch.4 years growing up I was always that kid slouching because of how I had been picked up but now I know that my neck is one of the most beautiful things about me so I do not even mind Iloveit
What’s your biggest weakness andstrength?
My heart… funnily enough, this is my biggest strength and weakness. Some people have taken advantage of it, because of how good I am, but it’s not something I am not willing to trade because it is also my biggeststrength.
What’s your advice to the young models out there who hopetobelikeyousomeday?
Put God first before anything first. Ask yourself why you want to do this, once you are able to answer the question sincerely, you’ll know what to do next. Be confidentinyourself
If you can dream it then you can have it, back it up with actions andtakestepstoachieveit. Pagentary is expensive, it’s not something you prepare for in 2 months, start one year before becausethetruthisitgetshard