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Homecoming 2011 Get Your Green On! A handy pullout guide to Homecoming activities


Inside this issue ALUMNI REVIEW • VOL. 94 NO. 3 •  FALL 2011





FEATURES 6 Taking Flight EERC builds a better jet fuel that’s not only cleaner, but renewable. BY MILO SMITH

10 The Platinum Standard Great River Energy’s CEO wants co-op to be the model for green construction. BY MILO SMITH

14 Waste Management Grand Forks company is world leader in composting and odor control. BY MILO SMITH

18 The Green Mile UND grad holds patents for recycling worn roads. BY MILO SMITH

DEPARTMENTS 4 Message from the Executive Vice President Getting to work on the Gorecki Alumni Center

20 What’s New News from Around Campus

21 President’s Letter UND is ‘Powered by Green’

30 Campaign News New Education Building is model of energy-efficency and a confirmation of North Dakota Spirit

38 Alumni Class News Who’s Doing What: News About Your Classmates

48 In Memoriam

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Alumni Review

IN THE GROUND DEAR ALUMNI & FRIENDS, The picture accompanying this column could imply I’ve changed vocations, but anyone familiar with my mechanical skills would immediately tell you that there’s zero chance anyone would hire me to operate a backhoe! By association with my role, I had the great pleasure this spring of turning over one of the first spades of dirt for the $12 million Gorecki Alumni Center, which began construction the third week in July and will be ready for a grand opening at Homecoming in October 2012. This project will create our first real “home,” welcoming alumni and friends back to UND and offering the campus a new asset. The theme for Homecoming 2011 is “Get Your Green On,”a call for all alumni and friends to sport one of our school colors during the week of Oct. 17-23. But the theme could also describe efforts on campus and beyond to recognize the impact our energy consumption has on our planet. In this issue of the Alumni Review, you’ll meet UND alumni, students, staff and professors who are working to find alternatives to fossil fuels, reduce our impact on the environment and build energy-efficient buildings. The “green” theme of this issue also carries over to the Gorecki Alumni Center, as we have decided to pursue a LEED Platinum designation, the highest level of energy efficiency and environmental stewardship. We’re thrilled to finally be “in the ground,” and you can read all about it on page 29. The LEED Platinum designation came about in large part because of the persuasion of David Saggau, ’86, ’89. As the CEO of Great River Energy, David knew firsthand the benefits of LEED Platinum after overseeing the achievement of such in the company’s new office headquarters in Maple Grove, Minn. He made the argument that we could set an excellent example for our students and state, and serve as an educational laboratory while benefiting from energy and water savings and improved air quality. Next thing you know, through the generosity of Glen and Janice Gransberg, we’re 4

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Universit y of Nor th Dakota A lumni A ssoc iat ion

Executive Vice President and Vol CEO . 93 No. 4 •  Winter 2010 Tim O’Keefe, ’71

very excited to be “on our way” to LEED Platinum designation. Homecoming 2011 will again see four outstanding alumni receive the UND Alumni Association’s highest honor, the Sioux Award. This year’s recipients are Norm Hoffman, ’59, retired cofounder and President/CEO of Technical Ordnance, Inc.; Gary Marsden, ’63, retired founder and CEO of Marco, Inc.; Dr. Robert Nordlie, ’57, ’60, a retired Biochemistry professor from the UND School of Medicine & Health Sciences and the former Chair of the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department; and Diane Odegard, ’86, a retired secondary teacher and former member of the UND Alumni Association & Foundation Board of Directors who played an integral and continuing role in the development of the John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences. Diane and her late husband, John, ’66, ’67, were founders of what was a concept, and they together drove the development of what has become the world’s top aerospace college. During the same ceremony on Thursday, Oct. 20, we’ll also recognize two deserving recipients of the Young Alumni Achievement Award: Amanda Bentow, ’04, ’06, Community Relations Officer in the Office of the Chief Information Officer at UND; and John Kutch, ’93, the President/CEO of Trinity Health in Minot, N.D. You can read more about these worthy award winners in the Homecoming booklet included with this issue or by going online to www.undalumni.org. In both places, you’ll also find a complete schedule of Homecoming 2011 activities. You’ll notice a new event has been added this year. What’s being called a “Grand Forks Homecoming Celebration” will be held Friday night in the concourse of the Alerus Center. There will be live music, door prizes, a pep rally and appearances by Fighting Sioux student-athletes. I look forward to seeing many of you on campus this fall at Homecoming. We’ll celebrate the past, present and future of this great university together. I hope you can join us! Best regards,

Tim O’Keefe, ’71 Executive Vice President and CEO UND Alumni Association and UND Foundation E‐mail: timo@undfoundation.org

Editor Milo Smith Designer Sam Melquist Contributing Writers Alyssa Shirek, ‘06 Juan Pedraza, ‘02 Patrick C. Miller Peter Johnson, ‘81, ‘82 Jan Orvik, ‘95 Caitlin Slator Contributing Photography Jackie Lorentz Jeremy Jones BOARD OF DIRECTORS UND Alumni Association Chair Carolyn (Howland) Becraft, ’66 Vice Chair Kris Compton, ’77 UND Foundation Chair Rick Burgum, ’68 Vice Chair Al Royse, ’72, ’73, ’76 Directors: Alice Brekke, ’79, ’87; Jill Burchill, ’76; Steve Burian, ’90, ’92; Marc Chorney, ’81; Jody Feragen, ’78; Mark Fliginger, ’74; William Guy III, ’68, ’76; Tim Haas, ’68; Bart Holaday, HON ’06; Robert O. Kelley; Chuck Kluenker; Linda Laskowski, ’72, ’73; Paul LeBel; Lauris Molbert, ’79, ’83; Jennifer Neppel, ’86; Tim O’Keefe, ’71; Linda Pancratz, ’76; Carrie McIntyre Panetta, ’88; Fernanda (Santos) Philbrick, ’94, ‘96; Doug Podolak, ’72; Cathy (Wilson) Rydell, ’88; and Lisa Wheeler, ’75, ’82, James L. Williams, ’62. The University of North Dakota Alumni Review (USPS 018089: ISSN 0895-5409) is published in August, November, February and May by the University of North Dakota Alumni Association, 3100 University Avenue, Stop 8157, Grand Forks, ND 58202-8157. Periodical postage paid at Grand Forks, ND 58201 and other offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Alumni Review, 3100 University Avenue, Stop 8157, Grand Forks, ND 58202-8157. For inquiries about advertising, additional copies, reprints, submissions, or general comments, contact 800.543.8764, 701.777.0831 or alumnireview@undalumni.net.


oing “green” can be as simple as changing a light bulb to as challenging as developing an entirely new renewable and cleaner-burning jet fuel. In ways large and small, UND alumni and friends, students, staff and faculty are doing their part to promote a sustainable future.

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A jet propelled by the EERC’s renewable biofuel shot 20,000 feet into the sky in 2009.



he Mojave Desert has been the scene of a number of jet engine and rocket tests throughout the history of the aerospace industry, so the launch of a small rocket from its flat valley floor near San Diego in 2009 likely looked much like any other. But when the rocket zoomed from its pad and reached an altitude of 20,000 feet, it was historic because it was propelled by a jet fuel made not from petroleum, but canola and soybean oil.


By Milo Smith

The wholly renewable jet fuel was created by researchers at UND’s Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC). The team, made up of a number of UND graduates, worked for years to perfect the process in order to meet the military’s strict standard that the fuel meet all the specifications of petroleum-based jet fuel, or what’s known in aviation as JP-8. “It looks, smells and acts just like petroleum-based JP-8,” says Chris Zygarlicke, ’87, the deputy associate

director for research at the EERC and program manager for the EERC’s Centers for Renewable Energy and Biomass Utilization. Besides the fact that the EERC’s fuel comes from a renewable source, it also has the advantage of fungibility, or being easily able to mix with or entirely replace JP-8. “That’s an exciting aspect of this research,” says Zygarlicke. “You make a fuel that’s fungible in the sense that you don’t have to create a new engine. There are no issues. It goes right

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A rocket test in the Mojave desert in 2009 using the EERC’s renewable jet fuel was a success. The rocket used in the launch was originally built as a test rocket for the Discovery Channel series “MythBusters.”

Watch a video of the launch

into the engine with no problems. It can be blended, too.”


Zygarlicke describes the process as “very simple,” but it sounds like anything but simple to someone without a Chemical Engineering degree. “You take an oil and strip off the oxygen. We crack that in a cracker similar to what’s used in an oil refinery and then we upgrade that. It’s called isomerization. You break the chains into more of a fuel quality that gives you all the properties of a jet fuel.” During its research into renewable JP-8, the EERC discovered that not only could a number of crop oils like crambe and camelina be used in the process, but yellow grease and the byproduct of oil-producing algae work as well.


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The process is viable because it does not take a large input of crop oils to produce a gallon of the fuel. Zygarlicke says it has better energy efficiency than ethanol from corn and could be done without making great demands on U.S. cropland. “If we use land that is a little marginal to grow crop oil and maybe develop other ways to use a lot of the waste oil that’s out there, we could replace a significant portion of the military’s need for hydrocarbon fuel,” he says. As a result of the EERC’s and other labs’ work on renewable jet fuel, Zygarlicke says the military is interested in the product, but for now the fuel is too expensive to produce. “As economies of scale come into play, then the costs definitely will come down per gallon,” he says. The military has other concerns, though, that could make renewable fuel viable sooner

Josh Strege, ‘05, Research Engineer

Members of the renewable jet fuel research team: Front Row (L to R): Paul Pansegrau, ’81, Research Scientist; Tony Snyder, ‘00, Research Engineer; Heidi Vettleson, Research Information Associate; Tera Buckley, ‘01, Marketing Research Specialist Middle Row (L to R): Alexey Ignatchenko, Research Scientist; Marc Kurz, ‘93, Research Manager; Michael Collings, ‘83, Research Engineer Back Row (L to R): Chad Wocken, ‘94, Senior Research Manager; Kyle Martin, ‘01, ’02, ‘05, Research Engineer; Tim Kujawa, Research Specialist.

rather than later. The renewable fuel could prove to be a strategic advantage. What if a military unit — JP-8 doesn’t only fuel jets, it also powers tanks and generators — could produce its own fuel on the battlefield from local crops? Congress might also mandate that a certain amount of JP-8 come from renewable sources in order to reduce U.S. reliance on foreign sources of petroleum. The EERC’s research has also shown that the renewable fuel burns cleaner than traditional JP-8. “They (the military) want to go green,” says Zygarlicke. “Most of the alternative fuels are cleaner burning. Emissions are huge during takeoff.” After years of study, the crop oil refining process is ready for commercial production. “We have a bid-ready design for an oil refinery. The refinery could add on extra equipment, take a triglyceride oil feedstock, and make this 100 percent renewable jet fuel or blend it into a petroleum-based jet fuel. A green fuel is good for public relations and good as a first step to prove to the world that this can be done.”


While the EERC hires research scientists from all over the world, more than half (57 percent) of its 350 employees have been educated at UND. Zygarlicke himself was a teacher for a while before going back to school to get his master’s degree from UND. He says the Chemical Engineering department at UND has a “fine program,” so graduates can get a good salary working for big-name companies around the country. “After they’ve been out there a few years, a lot of these graduates grew up around this area,

On the Web EERC Centers for Renewable Energy & Biomass Utilization EERC Flickr photostream

they have family or they love this area and they want to come back. And we end up hiring people back to the EERC. Three or four key people in our jet fuel project were UND grads that had been hired away and then came back.” The EERC also employs UND graduate and undergraduate students while they are in school, giving them valuable hands-on experience at a world-renowned research lab. “It’s a great model for us to attract a work force,” say Zygarlicke.


This summer, the EERC took its research into alternative fuel a step further when it created a JP-8 substitute using biomass and coal feedstocks. The EERC says adding coal to the mix reduces the environmental footprint of the fuel, limits land use in competition with food production and draws on the vast coal reserves of the United States. “With this innovative technology, we can safely and responsibly develop our coal

and biomass resources at home in North Dakota and throughout the United States,” says EERC Director Gerald Groenewold. “We are directly responding to the president’s blueprint for a secure energy future, putting the EERC front and center in providing solutions to the pressing energy needs of the world by teaming with coal, petroleum, and biomass producers.” The new fuel burns cleanly and is now being tested further by the U.S. military. Might it become routine in the future for a U.S. Air Force F-16 to be powered by a fuel grown in a field in North Dakota or derived from a fast food restaurant’s used grease? If so, that rocket test launch from the Mojave Desert in 2009 will likely be looked at as a watershed moment in aviation history. AR

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Platinum Standard




Ἅ lu m n i R e v ie w | Fall 2011

verything old is new again,”

says David Saggau, ’86, ’89, about the environmentally friendly features of Great River Energy’s corporate headquarters in Maple Grove, Minn. Saggau, who became CEO of the energy co-op in 2005, is referring to the wind tower out front and a cistern buried in the ground next to the 166,000-square-foot building. “Think about old farms in North Dakota. They had windmills. They had cisterns to collect rainwater. We have the same stuff here. We collect rainwater from the roof and we use that to flush our toilets. We have a windmill that provides 10 percent of our electricity. A lot of the ideas are not new. They are just being rediscovered.” The cistern and windmill are not the only green features of the building (see page 13 for more). It was the first commercial building in Minnesota to secure Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, or LEED, Platinum status,

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A wind turbine provides power to the Great River Energy building, while 36 miles of tubing at the bottom of a nearby lake are part of the heating/ cooling system.


the most rigorous standard for sustainability and environmental friendliness. The standards are so demanding that there are still only seven buildings in Minnesota that have qualified as Platinum projects. The Gorecki Alumni Center on the UND campus is the first to seek that level in North Dakota. So why would an energy company that derives most of its energy from coal care to build one of the greenest, most energyefficient buildings in the world? Saggau says he gets that question all the time and answers by saying the cheapest — and cleanest — kilowatt-hour is the one they don’t have to produce. “It is so expensive to build new power plants,” he says. “We’ve got to encourage people to use less of our product because the more efficient the buildings, the longer we can wait before we have to build the next plant.” Saggau says it also makes sense from the standpoint of corporate social responsibility. “Quite frankly, we are a utility company. We burn coal. We run transmission lines. People rely on our products. We have a responsibility beyond just the customers we serve. We impact, in a lot of ways, the people of this region. Just from a social responsibility, we have to be leaders in things like energy efficiency and environmentalism.” 12

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Saggau credits his time at UND for leading him to a career in the energy field. The Devils Lake, N.D., native got his undergraduate degree in 1986 and started law school immediately. While in law school, one of his favorite law professors, Owen Anderson, suggested he write his Law Review article on an oil and gas law case. “Had I chosen a divorce case, I would be a family law attorney today,” Saggau jokes. “On the strength of that (article), I got a job with FERC, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.” Saggau, whose glass-walled office is decorated with UND and Fighting Sioux memorabilia, says his years on the Grand Forks campus were influential “I loved every minute of it. My office is an ode to North Dakota. The university is really a special jewel.” It was Saggau who floated the idea that the UND Alumni Association and UND Foundation pursue Platinum status for the Gorecki Alumni Center now being constructed on the UND campus (read an update on page 29). Executive Vice President/CEO Tim O’Keefe says the original goal was to seek LEED Silver designation for the building, but Saggau made a compelling argument for upping the commitment. “He was really persuasive in saying what a shining symbol the Gorecki Alumni Center could be as a Platinum building,” O’Keefe says.

Saggau says he could not be prouder that his suggestion has taken root. “For UND to be pulling the trigger on a Platinum building speaks volumes about the university and reminds everyone that when building starts again (after the economic downturn), this is the example that you want to follow. There will be a lot of visitors who just want to tour the building. And you are leading by example. I think that is very commendable.”


Saggau is also proud of his company’s commitment to energy sustainability, showcased in every inch of its four-story headquarters. “It’s a good representation of who we are,” he says. “It’s efficient and progressive and transparent and cutting edge, and those are all things I would use to describe the company as well. There are a lot of reasons why this building really fits Great River Energy.” The co-op’s mission is built around three core values: affordable rates, reliable electric service and environmental stewardship. “It’s a bit unique for an electric utility, especially a coal-based one, to have environmental stewardship as one of its key points, but culturally that’s just who we are.” While the Great River Energy headquarters building turns heads with its form and function, it is on the balance sheet where Saggau says the building really sells itself as a model for developers. “There’s a real


What makes Great River Energy’s Maple Grove office building a model of energy efficiency?

On the Web GRE LEED building webpage Flickr slideshow of building images

misconception that the incremental cost of doing a green building is 20, 30 or 40 percent,” Saggau says. “For large buildings like this, the incremental costs would not approach this.” In reality, the “green premium” on Great River’s building was closer to five percent, a cost that will be paid back in years rather than decades by using 50 percent less electricity and 90 percent less water than a traditional building. “Conservation is a long-term resource,” Saggau says. “It can’t be judged in a year or even a decade. During this building’s lifecycle it will save a lot of energy.” It’s an uphill battle, though, to convince developers to adopt green building initiatives. Electricity is cheap in the U.S., leaving very little incentive to go green. But Saggau says it’s a movement he’d like to see pick up steam. “The stuff that we are using is finite, and we better figure out how to make it last. Let’s stretch it out if we can. This building is an example of how easy it can be to do that.” Saggau also says the fear of trying something new keeps developers and contractors from thinking green. It’s hard to convince them that they should change the way they’ve been doing things for decades. “I’m a strong believer that buildings today are very inefficient,” he says. “The proven technologies are there today. They are costeffective today. There is no excuse for not building to the highest efficiency level possible.” Saggau says there is only one thing about the building’s construction he’d do differently if he had a chance to do it all over again: “We should have done it years earlier.” AR

Daylighting: A long east-west orientation of the building maximizes daylight harvesting. Windows on the east and west walls, though, are kept to a minimum to reduce unwanted solar heat gain. “A lot of points we got on this building (for LEED Platinum certification) were from daylighting, figuring out where the sun is,” says David Saggau, CEO of Great River Energy, “where the work spaces are and figuring out how to get the most daylight to those areas. It’s a combination of art and science.” The building is also broken up by atriums that help direct light into the interior of the building. Most interior walls are glass, reducing the need for artificial lighting. Water: Rainwater is captured from the parking lot and roof and used for irrigation and for flushing toilets, reducing the use of the municipal water supply by 90 percent. Renewable Energy: Nearly 15 percent of the building’s required electricity comes from renewable sources: an on-site 200-kilowatt wind turbine and solar energy panels mounted on the roof of the building and in the parking lot. Interesting fact: The wind turbine is a recycled unit that has seen service in the Netherlands. Heat Pump: The 36 miles of tubing that make up the building’s geothermal heating/air conditioning system are buried not in the ground, but at the bottom of a nearby lake. In the summer, the system exchanges heat from the building and is cooled by the lake. Warmth from the lake is absorbed by the system in the winter and pumped to the building. The system is so efficient that there is no back up chiller or boiler in the building. HVAC: Under-floor displacement ventilation eliminates the need for blower fans to force air through the building. Instead, natural convection drives the airflow from floor to ceiling. “It’s always the perfect temperature,” says Saggau. “The beautiful thing about this building is we’ve had zero issues with hot spots or cold spots.” Construction: • • •

• •

More than 95 percent of construction waste was recycled. 18 percent of the materials used in the building are post-consumer or pre-consumer recycled content. Fly ash, a byproduct created when coal is burned to generate electricity, was mixed into the concrete used to create the building’s structural frame. Fly ash from GRE’s Coal Creek Station power plant was also used as carpet backing. Local products were used including Mankato limestone and Lake Superior granite. Energy-efficient elevators use 60 percent less power than regular elevators

Other Green Features: • • • • • •

Close to mass transit. Showers provided for those who bike to work. Bicycles can be checked out by employees who need to run errands nearby. Prime parking spaces dedicated to fuel-efficient vehicles. Green space around building is 25 percent higher than what was required by Maple Grove’s building code. Building recycling program includes waste bins for compostable waste.

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A biofilter engineered by BacTee sits next to one of the nation’s largest composting facilities in Rancho Cucamonga, Calif.


van Andrist, ’11, graduated from UND in May with an Engineering degree and had already landed a job with BacTee Systems, Inc., of Grand Forks when he was asked if he could start early.

The organic waste management systems company needed Andrist to fly to China to help work on one of the largest composting facilities in the world. “I was on my way to Beijing before I got my first paycheck,” he jokes. Such is the way of doing business for the firm, which has its roots in the UND School of Engineering & Mines, and whose workforce is predominantly UND graduates. Founder Don Mathsen, ’70, ’74, was a teacher, researcher, the director of development, and a research administrator during two decades with the department. As BacTee’s chief engineer, he now leads the effort to turn waste into earth-friendly compost and filter out the bad odor long associated with such facilities. “We have found a niche, if you will, in the composting world truly on an international level,” Mathsen says.

BacTee has developed a reputation for design and construction of composting and biofiltration systems. It is the latter that initially helped the company gain recognition and acceptance. Composting on a large scale has been around for more than 50 years in the U.S., but BacTee’s chief scientist, Calvin Tininenko, says nearly $8 billion of constructed facilities built in the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s were closed for one principal reason: odor.


“There is no question that there is a stigma in the minds of many people when you talk about siting a new composting facility,” Mathsen says. “The issue of odors, dust, truck traffic, it comes up. But now there are more and more facilities that you can take them to and say, ‘Look, if you do it right, you can virtually eliminate those issues and be a good neighbor.’” One of those model composting facilities is in Rancho Cucamonga, Calif. BacTee designed the 3½-acre biofilter for the facility that processes 150,000 tons of biosolids and 60,000 tons of wood and green waste a year. “When they were

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‘I was on my way to Beijing before I got my first paycheck.’

marketing that facility,” Mathsen says, “they had a saying: ‘If it smells, we’re dead.’” With BacTee’s biofilter in place, they have never had a complaint about smell, he says with pride, even though the facility sits in the middle of an industrial park in a metro area with a correctional institution nearby. The odor is controlled by doing the composting inside a 400,000-square-foot building. Biosolids and other compostable material are blended, placed into piles and aerated. What might take 12 to 18 months to become compost under normal circumstances can be accomplished in 40 to 60 days. The process does produce odors, but at Rancho Cucamonga, air in the building is drawn through the compost piles by fans that then route the foul air through underground ducts to BacTee’s biofilter. The floor of the biofilter is made up of a series of 7-inch-tall, 2–foot-by-16-inch plastic units that help to move air under and then up through a wood chip media. Over a short period of time indigenous microbes attach, grow on the media and form a biofilm. The odorous gases are absorbed into the biofilm and degraded by the microbes. The 38,000 floor units used in the California project were made in Minot, N.D., from recycled material.


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About 20 percent of the more than 7 million tons of biosolids produced in the U.S. each year are incinerated to create electricity, but there are few other options for the waste. Historically, biosolids from wastewater treatment plants were sent to landfills, applied directly to farm fields or even dumped into the ocean. In a landfill, biosolids can lead to methane gas problems and take up valuable space. Farm application is cheap, but it can be a messy job that is burdened with odor problems and it is not always practical in urban areas. Ocean disposal was outlawed by the United States in 1988. Thanks to new ways to control odors, composting, Mother Nature’s recycling program, is back in favor in largescale facilities.

“We understand the value of compost better than at any time in history,” Tininenko says. “We got away from that in the 1950s when chemistry became everything. Some of the soil problems that are occurring worldwide are the result of our dependence upon chemical products and the impact of those practices on soil microbes. We can grow those microbes in the compost world and can really help change that situation. With properly prepared compost you don’t need the fungicides or quantity of fungicides that we’ve been using for years. You don’t need nearly as much fertilizer either, and the soil percolates better.” In California, there was some skepticism about the Rancho Cucamonga facility. Detractors said there was no urban market for the 90,000 tons of compost produced every year and that it would have

Evan Andrist, ‘11, (fifth from left) and Don Mathsen, ‘70, ‘74, (sixth from left) attend a business meeting in China.

The biofilter at Rancho Cucamonga is so effective, BacTee chief scientist Cal Tininenko says you could “almost put a church next to it”and no one would smell the compost.

to be trucked out of town to farms. But in reality Tininenko says it all gets used in the local area. “If they had twice as much, they could sell twice as much,” he says.

The China Factor

The benefits of composting have convinced planners in China. BacTee is doing the design and overseeing the construction of one of the world’s largest composting sites for the city of Harbin. The facility is designed to compost 1,000 metric tons per day of biosolids from a city of 8 million people. At two other sites, for the cities of Nanyang and Xinxiang, the BacTee team is not only contracted to design and build compost facilities, but also to operate them. It is the Harbin project that had BacTee newcomer Evan Andrist jumping on a plane to China in his first week of work. Andrist

On the Web

credits his UND experience with preparing him for the trip. “I was able to hop in right away thanks to the co-op experiences and different classes I took. I was able to come in, understand things and make decisions. They kind of threw me in the deep end and I started to swim right away.” Andrist says the company’s environmental work was key to his decision to take a job with BacTee. “I like to be conscious of the environment,” he says. “That’s one of the things that drove me toward this company. We are taking waste, literally waste, and we are recycling it into something usable. And on top of that, there are opportunities to be as eco-friendly as possible. We are trying to make as small of an eco-footprint as possible.” AR

BacTee website Flickr slideshow

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By Milo Smith


he most recycled item in the world is not aluminum, plastic or paper; it’s asphalt.

Arlis Kadrmas, ’87, who has made a career of working in the field, says about 85 percent of the asphalt you see on roadways, when it serves its useful life, will be recycled in some way. The Chemical Engineering grad is an expert on recycling asphalt. He owns a number of patents on processes for removing old material, adding asphalt emulsions to it and putting it back in place without ever leaving the job site.


Ἅ lu m n i R e v ie w | Fall 2011

“Basically, you are kind of renewing the road to where it was when it was originally placed,” Kadrmas said. “The patents are on the design process, not the application process. The in-place recycling of roads has been done for decades, but improvement in the design technique make it more acceptable to road departments.” Kadrmas has patents for two different recycling design processes. One called hot in-place recycling involves heating up the pavement, adding material to it and putting it back in place. The other

Arlis Kadrmas, a 1987 Chemical Engineering grad, has patents for road recycling processes.

process is cold in-place recycling, which eliminates the need for heat, making it safer for road construction workers. “It’s very green in that it is done in place,” Kadrmas said. “You don’t haul it in and out, which eliminates the fuel used to move it.” Kadrmas’ techniques also use more environmentally friendly solvent-less emulsions. “It’s analogous to latex-based paints versus a solvent-based paint in painting your home,” Kadrmas said. “It reduces VOC (volatile organic compound) emissions greatly by reducing the solvent and doing the process in-place. To specifically design those emulsions for the cold and hot in-place recycling processes is where the Chemical Engineering degree from UND came to be very helpful.” Kadrmas is understandably proud of his patents. “It’s extremely nice to say these are out there, especially the cold in-place recycling. It’s patented in China, Russia, Mexico and the United States.” Kadrmas says the Russian patent is an especially prized possession for a person who grew up during the final years of the Cold War. “If you had told me in the ’80s that I would have a Russian patent in my name, I would have told you [that] you were crazy,” Kadrmas said. Kadrmas finds the concept so entertaining that he has put the Russian patent certificate on display. “I have the Chinese and Mexican versions in my file cabinet, but the Russian one I have on the wall next to my U.S. patent.” His patented process has been used on projects in numerous states across the country, with a few projects in the Dakotas, Montana and Minnesota. One of his patented processes was used to design the annual best cold recycling project three times as determined by the Asphalt Recycling and Reclaiming Association. The Manning, N.D., native started out as a physics major at UND, but soon changed to the Chemical Engineering program. There he found a mentor in Professor Tom Owens. “He was a great person to have as an adviser, and a great leader in the Chemical Engineering department. He told me how Chemical Engineering is such a broad degree to have, that you could do a lot of different things with it.” That broad knowledge came in handy as he worked with a civil engineer as a co-inventor to study and perfect the processes involved in the cold

An asphalt recycling project near Red Lodge, Mont.

‘If you had told me in the ’80s that I would have a Russian patent in my name, I would have told you [that] you were crazy.’ in-place recycling patents. “You have to broaden yourself. If you just focus on the chemistry part in making emulsions, you don’t understand how they are mixed together. I love to learn and I continued on and learned how to make these products better by improving the design technique.” Kadrmas’ curiosity and desire to learn have not abated. He just received his fourth U.S. patent; this time for a pavement preservation technique. AR www.undalumni.org  19


Randall Bohlman, technology advancement coordinator at UND Facilities Management, holds one of the new induction cobra street lamps that will replace current high-pressure sodium vapor cobra lamps in UND parking lots.

What’s New News from ARO


Photo by: Jackie Lorentz

A Partnership with University Relations From plans to green up the coal-burning steam plant to the use of recycled materials in its cafeterias, UND has focused on green initiatives in recent years. Read all about them and the people behind the “Powered by Green” push.


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UND President Robert Kelley is proud of the display outside his office door which features work from UND’s extensive art collection. The display of rotating work could serve as a model for the remodeled Education Building and new addition. Dean Dan Rice wants the building to feature UND and North Dakota artists who demonstrate a sense of place in their work.


Powered by

DEAR ALUMNI & FRIENDS, The University of North Dakota is “Powered by Green,” as this issue of the Alumni Review demonstrates. As we continue to become an “Exceptional UND,” one of our drivers is a focus on sustainability and being as green as we can be. This issue showcases some of these efforts, from the work at the Energy & Environmental Research Center and the School of Engineering and Mines to the “greening” of Dining Services. For example, a shining new star in our constellation of buildings is the newly remodeled Education Building and its addition. It is the “greenest” facility on our campus to date. We have recently broken ground on the Gorecki Alumni Center, which is being built to the highest LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) standard. Both projects are excellent examples of North Dakota Spirit | The Campaign for UND, as these buildings will be among the most energy efficient on campus. Using about 24 percent less energy than comparably sized facilities translates into cost savings in the long run — another way of being “green.” You will also learn that evoking a sense of place — of North Dakota — is a strong focus in the new Education Building and addition. Dr. Dan Rice, dean of the College of Education and Human Development, wanted to remind folks that they are in North Dakota. The story on page 30 explains how the color palette, for example, provides a rich connection to the crops of the region and the endless azure sky. The Education Building was created as a state-of-the-art teaching facility by integrating the most current technologies. UND has made great strides in this area, so much so that national companies providing this type of technological support for universities see UND as a model. The North Dakota Legislature, as well, in recognition of UND’s growing technology leadership, appropriated funds for the construction of the North Dakota University System’s Information Technology building on the UND campus. This system-wide project is being led by UND’s chief information officer, Dr. Joshua Riedy.

The University of North Dakota is truly “Powered by Green,” from the color that drives our athletic teams to the focus on sustainability that drives our facilities management. It is just one way we are creating an Exceptional UND. EXCEPTIONAL STUDENTS You can’t have an exceptional university without exceptional students, and we are fortunate to have many examples. I want to mention just two, our Student Government President Kylie Oversen and Vice President Nate Elness. I am delighted and impressed by the outstanding leadership we are already seeing early in their term. Kylie is a member of my Cabinet, where she has been a thoughtful and strong advocate for students, and she engages the rest of the Cabinet with her intelligence and dedication. Nate has been equally effective. Together, they make an impressive team working for students and for an Exceptional UND.

Best wishes,

Robert O. Kelley President

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Photo by: Jackie Lorentz

Larry Zitzow, Director of UND Facilities Management, stands in the storm water filtration system behind University Place. Selective planting helps to remove pollutants from parking lot runoff from getting into the storm sewer.



BIG PATCH OF UNMOWED GRASS AND WEEDS: THAT’S WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE. But look a bit closer. There’s a storm drain in the middle, protected by a domed grate. The “weeds” are actually native prairie plants that act as natural filters and a “brake” for fast-flowing storm water. And the soils and vegetation along the way reduce the amount of water that actually gets to the drain through absorption. What ends up in the city’s storm drain from this catchment is relatively clean water that requires fewer chemicals to purify in the city’s treatment plant. “This is a progressive piece of the University of North Dakota’s systematic approach to sustainability


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— a catchment that collects rainwater from the roof of University Place and delivers it cleaned-up to the Grand Forks storm drain system,” said Larry Zitzow, director of UND Facilities Management. University Place is UND’s newest student housing complex that includes several “green” technologies, including the storm water management system. “The plants in the catch basin filter out heavy metals, too,” said Rebecca Molldrem, an architect and sustainability coordinator for JLG Architects, the company behind University Place, the Education Building project and the new Gorecki Alumni Center. The Center is pursuing LEED Platinum certification. “That will include a special parking lot designed with previous pavement and a trough down the center of the parking lanes to a drain below ground that will

filter the water as it slowly travels to the city’s drain system,” Molldrem said. These are just some ways in which the University is “powered by green,” as President Robert Kelley puts it. He and his Cabinet have been strong advocates for the University matching its practices to its institutional color. “Sustainability and environmentally friendly construction are a core part of UND’s long-term ‘green’ strategy,” said Zitzow, whose division has supervised scores of energy upgrades and sustainability projects across campus over the past decade and more. “There’s a lot more going on with sustainability than changing light bulbs, though we’ve changed close to 20,000 of them, with energy savings equivalent to taking 600 homes off the power grid.” “We didn’t just start this yesterday,” said Zitzow, who chairs the University President’s Council on Sustainability. For Randy Bohlman, the sustainability guru in Facilities Management, it’s a lifelong professional commitment. “UND’s sustainability efforts really got going when former President Charles Kupchella signed the climate commitment, which was endorsed by President Kelley when he took over,” said Bohlman, who has managed the University’s two $1 million North Dakota Department of Commerce federal flow-through awards titled “ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) Energy Efficiency Improvement Program for State Facilities.”


A key chapter in UND’s sustainability plan is the Climate Action Report — first issued in March 2010 and updated since then — a living document that’s posted online and reflects the work of more than a dozen committees and subcommittees. The report encapsulates very specific strategies across campus to save energy, reduce carbon impact, and reinvest saved dollars into future sustainability efforts. The Climate Action Report also benchmarks actions and quantifies the dollar savings of completed sustainability and green energy projects—in other words, it measures, in a very public way, the return on sustainability investments. The report is keyed to the University’s Greenhouse Gas Inventory, updated this past year, and also posted online. The GHG Inventory documents exactly where and

how UND activities — including students, faculty and staff — impact the University’s carbon emissions. The GHG Inventory was performed and managed by graduate students and faculty from the UND Department of Earth System Science and Policy; ESSP also does the updates. “Energy projects started real hot and heavy with 2001 state legislation,” Bohlman said. “Since that time, the University acquired $8 million in several grants to make improvements to our facilities. The best thing is that we’ve repaid that $8 million through energy savings. “That legislation allowed us, for the first time, to be our own performance contractors, thus saving the cost of putting these services together by doing a lot of them with in-house expertise,” Bohlman said. “It’s a remarkable effort on the part of the University and underscores the administration’s commitment to sustainability,” Zitzow said. “At a time when the state’s economy is as good as it is, we continue to make strides to continue to save taxpayer dollars.” The showier brick-and-mortar projects aren’t all that’s going on. “We use all green cleaning products now,” Bohlman said. “We’ve condensed our former list of about 35 products down to about 12 green-certified products, including no ammonia products.” UND also is big on recycling, Zitzow noted. “It’s becoming even a bigger item as precious metals have become more valuable,” such as those found in computers and other high-tech electronic equipment, Zitzow said. “This has increased the need to salvage these materials and actually make the effort worthwhile. It all equates to less going into the landfill.” Facilities Management also is working with UND’s food division — part of Residence Services in the Vice President for Student Affairs division — on future sustainability developments, such as an industrial-grade composting site and an herb garden, Zitzow said. The UND Department of Chemical Engineering is examining ways to use waste grease as a renewable fuel source. AR — Juan Miguel Pedraza, University Relations On the Web Find UND’s Climate Action Plan, Greenhouse Gas Report, recycling information and more.

UND Steam Plant to Burn Cleaner As the University of North Dakota forges ahead with sustainability strategies, “Powered by Green” is becoming even more of a reality. A major goal: burning cleaner and greener fuel. That includes the University’s coalfired steam plant, which supplies live steam to the campus and several surrounding facilities. Soon, the UND Steam Plant — built in 1909, upgraded several times, with a 13-mile pipeline network rebuilt after the 1997 flood — will add an environmentally friendlier, renewable energy source to its fuel mix: glycerin. “We’re going to blend 10 to 20 percent glycerin into the coal to increase the energy value of the fuel,” said Randall Bohlman, technology advancement coordinator at UND Facilities Management. “This glycerin will be produced in a plant that will be built in Grand Forks starting this fall.” The University’s proposed glycerin-coal blend will reduce the total amount of coal burned at the UND Steam Plant by about 105 rail cars per year; the plant currently burns 536 cars of coal annually, Bohlman estimates. Energy Partners CEO Mark Bateman said the planned 21,600-square-foot plant will employ about 30 people when it becomes fully operational. The facility will process glycerin from several biodiesel plants located in the region.

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‘Green’ Means


Orlynn Rosaasen, director of Dining Services, holds a reusable to-go container that students can use and return. Rosaasen says it’s crucial that Dining Services uses eco-friendly materials to cut down on waste.


Photo by: Jackie Lorentz

LL ACROSS THE COUNTRY, HOMES, BUSINESSES AND SCHOOLS ARE BECOMING “GREENER,” and the University of North Dakota’s Dining Services is doing its part to help the university join that trend. Dining Services operates three dining halls that serve about 7,000 people every day. Orlynn Rosaasen is the Director of Dining Services and is also a subcommittee chair of UND’s Council on Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability. He explains how going green is important: “The initiatives are to foster the local economy, and environmentally it is the correct thing to do. We are looking at how we can do our part to meet the goals of the institution.” Many new sustainable techniques have already been implemented to lessen the University’s carbon footprint. One of the largest initiatives is purchasing food locally. This includes food that has been grown, raised, produced or processed within 150 miles of Grand Forks. Currently, the University receives a variety of food from 17 regional manufacturers. Purchasing food processed or produced closer to UND is an effective way of cutting down on transportation costs as well. Rosaasen points out that food quality has also improved as a result of Dining Service’s “green” efforts.


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Beef patties, bulk ground beef and whole chicken are 100 percent hormone- and antibiotic-free. Seafood purchased meets the “Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch” guidelines, a program designed to help restaurants choose seafood that is fished in a sustainable way. Because so many students, faculty and guests are served every day, Rosaasen says it’s crucial that Dining Services uses eco-friendly materials to cut down on waste. They offer reusable mugs and to-go containers at the dining centers, and use compostable, renewable products for cutlery, cups and plates. A 50-cent discount is given at Stomping Grounds Coffee Shops when customers reuse a ceramic cup. Trayless dining was introduced as a voluntary program for students in the dining center. Recycling wasted food is another area where Dining Services uses sustainable practices, Rosaasen noted. All pre- and post-consumer food scraps are run through a pulper. Edible food is donated to the Northlands Rescue Mission, a Grand Forks homeless shelter, and cooking oil is recycled for biodiesel production. All dining centers practice traditional recycling of aluminum, cardboard, glass, paper and plastics. Dining Services’ green initiatives coincide with the UND’s climate action plan. UND has signed the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment, which holds the University responsible for implementing new ways to reduce its contribution to greenhouse gases. Rosaasen says most feedback received from students about the Dining Services changes has been positive. Dining Services picks up ideas for green initiatives from various student committees, other universities and national organizations. Dining Services continues to provide a great example to students on how to better protect the planet. AR — Caitlin Slator, University Relations Student Writer

Coal and clean air:



AN YOU REALLY BURN CLEAN COAL? Yes, says Gerald Groenewold, ’71, ’72, director of the University of North Dakota Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC). Scientists at the EERC and their corporate partners have developed technologies to burn coal with little or no emissions and can design a coal-fired power plant that emits zero emissions. The cost is about 40 to 60 percent more than current technology and is expected to decrease as the technology is enhanced.


“It’s estimated that energy demand worldwide will increase by 50 to 100 percent over the next few decades,” Groenewold said. “You can’t double petroleum and renewables, at triple the cost of coal, won’t grow dramatically. The bottom line is that there are enormous coal reserves, especially in China and India. Coal is a resource they will use — it’s abundant and costeffective.” As the world’s population grows, more people will demand a better life. “The only way to meet the demand is by using the most abundant resource — coal — in an absolutely clean manner.” That global outlook and expertise in developing and commercializing new technology to help protect the environment have helped the EERC thrive. With 11 nationally and internationally recognized Centers of Excellence, 26 buildings on 15 acres, $194 million in contracts (83 percent of them with private entities), and over 1,100 clients in 51 countries and 50 states, the EERC is one of the world’s leading developers of cleaner, more efficient energy and environmental technologies that protect and clean our air, water and soil. The secret to their success? The EERC’s staff develops commercially viable technology that clients cannot find anywhere else in the world. “We invent things people want,” Groenewold said. For example, the EERC demonstrated a particulate control technology at the Big Stone Power Plant, a coal-fired electric generating station, near Milbank, S.D. That technology

Gerald Groenewold, ’71, ’72, serves as director of the UND EERC.

consistently removed 99.99 percent of emitted particulates and was recently licensed to a Chinese company, Fujian Longking. “The people here are very smart and extremely honorable, with a burning desire to do something useful with their lives,” Groenewold said. “People who work here want to improve the world.” One of the EERC’s greatest strengths, he said, is that the Center is able to hire many of its staff from the region. Sixty-five percent of them have graduated from North Dakota institutions, and 57 percent are UND graduates. But there is also a strong global presence. The 330 people who work at the Center come from every inhabited continent except Australia and speak a dozen languages. “We are a family of like-minded, practical, creative people, who receive no state funding,” Groenewold said. “Everything we do is pulled by the market.” AR — Jan Orvik, University Relations On the Web EERC Coal Utilization Technologies Center

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Steve Benson, director of UND’s Institute for Energy Studies (IES) envisions the University’s steam plant as a facility for testing new technologies and educating energy experts.

Photo by: Jackie Lorentz

Thinking Locally,


Acting Globally


AKING THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH DAKOTA A PREMIER ENERGY UNIVERSITY ISN’T ONLY ABOUT EDUCATION AND RESEARCH; it’s also about making the campus cleaner and greener by putting eco-friendly technologies to practical use. For example, Steve Benson, director of UND’s Institute for Energy Studies (IES) and professor of Chemical Engineering, envisions the University’s steam plant as a facility that not only provides heat for the campus, but also as a place to demonstrate cleaner, more efficient technology while serving as a functioning laboratory for students. “We’re planning to use proven, ultra-clean technology that provides competitive economics, reduces carbon dioxide emissions and is designed to meet changing environmental standards,” he explained. “It will be a


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platform for testing new technologies and a platform for educating the next generation of energy experts.” Two and a half years ago, Hesham El-Rewini, dean of the School of Engineering and Mines (SEM), proposed the IES, a coordinated effort to bring together UND’s diverse expertise in energy-related fields. Administered by Engineering, the Institute provides a framework for these entities to work in collaboration using a comprehensive approach focused on solving energy issues locally and globally. “This is a great opportunity to put ourselves on the map,” El-Rewini said. “To become a premier energy university, it can’t just be Engineering; it needs to be the entire University. We’re here to help our community, to help our state and to help our nation, and that’s what we should be doing.”


Transitions: Dean Bonoit

10 Years of Visionary Growth Benson pointed out that with UND’s long history of energy research and a multitude of schools, centers, departments, programs and initiatives specializing in various aspects of energy issues, it could already be considered a premier energy university. But the IES brings that expertise together, enabling faculty and researchers to share ideas, develop proposals and work on projects as a campus-wide team. “The way we look at energy is from the perspective of a system,” Benson said. “Energy involves science and engineering, business and economics, policy and regulation, society and behavior. It has all of those components. We’ll make UND a premier energy university built on professional integrity, ethics, safety and good management practices. It utilizes all the assets of the University.” Among the assets at UND are the School of Law, which provides expertise in policy-making and energy law. The College of Nursing is currently engaged in studying societal issues related to the oil boom in western North Dakota. The School of Medicine and Health Sciences conducts research on human health. The College of Business and Public Administration provides insight on the economic feasibility of new technologies and technology-related businesses. “When dealing with energy issues, some will tell you that engineering is the easy part,” said Mike Mann, ’81, ’88, ’97, Engineering’s associate dean for research and chair of Chemical Engineering. “As a scientist, you can develop a great technology that never gets used outside the lab. You also need the politicians, the sociologists, the business people and the legal people to help you understand the practical side of how everything works together.” In addition, UND has world-class programs and facilities through the Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC), the SUNRISE program (Sustainable Energy Research Infrastructure and Supporting Education) and the Petroleum Research Education and Entrepreneurship Continued on Page 28 uuu

Dear Alumni and Friends, It has been another busy year for The Graduate School, as we continue to grow enrollment and program offerings for students both on campus and at a distance. More than 2,500 students are receiving an exceptional advanced education from the University of North Dakota in more than 125 graduate programs. In March, we celebrated 10 years of The Graduate School’s annual Scholarly Forum — a wonderful showcase event highlighting the significant research and creative scholarship of graduate students and faculty. Oral presentations and panel sessions filled six rooms in the Memorial Union while the Ballroom was brimming with research posters and art exhibitions. This is the only event on campus where the UND community can discover the breadth of graduate scholarship in a two-day conference. A featured event of the Scholarly Forum was the Dean’s Lecture Series presentation by Dr. Jianglong Zhang (Department of Atmospheric Sciences), who is researching the effect of aerosols on climate Joseph Bonoit change. The next lecture in the series will be presented by Dr. Krista Lynn Minnotte (Department of Sociology) during the fall semester and will feature Dr. Minnotte’s research on balancing work and family. The Distinguished Dissertation, Thesis and Creative Exhibition Awards were presented in May to three outstanding graduates. Biswaranjan Pani, Ph.D., Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, was nominated by his advisory committee for his dissertation, “Functional Regulation of the Transient Receptor Potential Canonical 1 by Caveolin 1 and Stromal Interaction Molecule 1.” Dr. Pani is continuing his research at UND with a Postdoctoral Fellowship. Lisa Linrud received her Master of Arts degree in English, and recently published her collection of poems, “In Grain” (Finishing Line Press, www.finishinglinepress.com). The Distinguished Creative Exhibition Award was presented to Matthew Anderson for his work, “(un)Natural.” Matthew received his Master of Fine Arts degree from the Department of Art and Design. This year, The Graduate School is pleased to support 11 faculty and 8 doctoral students with their Wayne E. Swisher research through the Summer Research Professorship and Summer Doctoral Fellowship programs. These programs provide financial assistance to faculty and doctoral students facilitating continued research during the summer months. We continue to discover talented students who are engaged in a variety of research projects across campus, and those who have since moved into successful careers. I encourage you to learn more at this website. If you would like to share your experience as a graduate student, we would love to hear from you. Contact Susan Caraher at The Graduate School for more information.


Joseph N. Benoit and Wayne E. Swisher Dr. Benoit was Dean of The Graduate School from August 2001-June 2011, and recently left UND to take the position of President at Mount Marty College in South Dakota. Dr. Swisher has served as Associate Dean of the Graduate School since 2005 and is presently serving as Interim Dean of The Graduate School.

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Center. The University also has initiatives in advanced power systems, carbon management, electricity distribution and storage, bio-energy development, solar energy and geothermal power. “When big companies relocate to the U.S. or another city, they look for nearby universities,” El-Rewini said. “They value our scientific objectivity and credibility, the ideas and the supply of talent from the faculty, and the supply of future employees from the students.” With a growing world population seeking to improve its quality of life, Benson said that the demand for energy is expected to double by 2050 and possibly triple by the end of the century. Meeting these needs will require energy innovations. “To meet the energy challenges of today and the future, universities need to step up and take a larger role because they’re going to be educating the next generation of energy experts,” he said. “The landscape is changing. We face problems involving national security, safety, societal trends and concerns about the environment. These are issues, as well as opportunities, for us.” The three legs of the IES are research, education and outreach, all of which are equally important, El-Rewini said. Educating the public through outreach and working with government and industry are key objectives of the institute. “We’re not focusing on one energy solution,” El-Rewini said. “We are looking at a diversified portfolio of energy solutions from fossil-based to all forms of renewables to improvements in energy efficiency. I’m a firm believer that there is no one solution that’s going to be the answer. There will be many solutions.” If, in the process of meeting global energy challenges, UND can also provide greater education opportunities for students and a cleaner campus environment, so much the better. “Greening the campus is something that’s always on our minds,” Mann said. AR — Patrick C. Miller, University Relations


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Green Facts • Since 2000, UND has achieved an 11.5% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. The goal is to reduce emissions to 49% below 1990 levels by 2050. • 65% of electricity purchased for the campus comes from renewable sources. • UND’s recycling program diverts nearly 500 tons of waste from landfills every year. • The campus lighting efficiency program has eliminated the use of the equivalent of 164,000 100-watt bulbs. • Energy use per student decreased 8% between 1993 and 2007. • The nearly $4 million cost of the first phase of UND’s energy efficiency projects was paid for in savings in just over six years.



• Help keep water clean by using biodegradable and environmentally friendly cleaning products. • Buy locally or grow your own food. • Plant native species in your garden. • When purchasing goods, opt for sustainable, recycled or reused resources. Choose items in less packaging. • Share your commitment to the environment on social networking sites like Facebook. • Check your tire pressure. Americans driving on underinflated tires waste 4 million gallons of gas each day. • Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) are great energy savers, but remember to take them to a recycling center when they burn out. • Setting your work computer to automatically go to sleep during short breaks can cut energy use by 70%. • Conserve water by installing low-flow fixtures. • Recycle! Source: epa.gov & sierraclub.org

Bonus Tip! Ask to receive your Alumni Review electronically. Email your request to save paper, printing and shipping costs to alumnireview@undalumni.net

Photo by: Milo Smith


Gorecki Alumni Center


T TOOK ALMOST TWO MONTHS FROM CEREMONIAL GROUNDBREAKING TO THE ACTUAL BREAKING OF GROUND AT THE SITE OF THE GORECKI ALUMNI CENTER, but planners say the project is still on schedule for a Homecoming 2012 grand opening. Backhoes and trucks have been moving dirt at the site since late July, a few weeks later than originally planned. The change came about mainly due to the decision to pursue Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum status for the building. Originally, the Alumni Center was seeking Silver status, but the choice to go for the highest and most rigorous category required several design changes. The construction is still scheduled to be completed by the fall of 2012. “LEED Platinum created new challenges for the design team,” says Bob Knutson, chief operating officer for the UND Alumni Association, “especially in the area of mechanical systems.” Nothing goes to waste under LEED guidelines. Trees removed from the site were ground into mulch, and the trunks are being dried so they can be cut into boards that will be used inside the building.

CEO Tim O’Keefe thinks he might be able to help move some dirt at the site.

“It truly is amazing to see work finally begin on a project that has been in the planning for more than a decade,” says Tim O’Keefe, executive vice president and CEO of the UND Alumni Association and UND Foundation. “To know that it is the first LEED Platinum building in North Dakota, and likely the first alumni center in the country to seek that designation, makes the start of construction even more special. The generosity of our incredible alumni is inspiring, and we expect that strong support to continue as we finalize our fundraising effort for the Gorecki Alumni Center.” Follow progress on the Gorecki Alumni Center here.

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The addition now links the Education Building to Gillette Hall.


Photo by: Milo Smith


1950s-era Education Building gets addition and upgrades

t is hard to know what Dr. Dan Rice, ’84, ’86, is most proud of when you talk to the dean of UND’s College of Education and Human Development about the new addition and remodeled Education Building that comes online as students return for the Fall 2011 semester. Certainly he is proud that UND will have one of the “greenest” academic buildings in North Dakota. Designed by JLG Architects Ltd. of Grand Forks and built to LEED Silver standards, the Education Building and addition will incorporate the newest concepts in sustainability and environmental consciousness of any higher education teaching and research building in the state. And, the frugal dean points out, these features will yield tremendous cost savings over time. The project was designed for optimized energy efficiency — up to 24 percent less energy use than other buildings of comparable size and type.


To say that the building needed remodeling is an understatement. Until the work began, it looked much like it did when it opened in 1954 — but with more than a half-century of significant wear and tear. He takes great pride in the “connectedness” of the addition and the building. The addition physically bridges the Education Building with Gillette Hall, which houses many of the College’s programs. Rice likes the way the addition literally and conceptually ties the two buildings. Students, he says, will no longer have to go outside in the winter to go from one building to the other. To Rice, “connectedness” also means advanced technology features, including wireless Internet throughout the building; interactive projectors for every classroom; model “Smart II Classrooms” with the latest advances for teaching — which befits a building where the teachers of tomorrow are taught; pop-up electrical and hard-wired Internet connections in some desks; a



Ἅ lu m n i R e v ie w | Fall 2011

“Extraordinary Places” is one tenet of North

Dan Rice, Dean of the College of Education and Human Develpment, sits in one of the new faculty offices located on the third floor of the new Education Building. Photo by: Jackie Lorentz

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) classroom outfitted with special microscopes and a cart full of iPads, courtesy of a $25,000 gift from Xcel Energy; four dedicated distance education classrooms which faculty can use to connect to students literally around the world; and more. While the renovation and addition are funded by federal stimulus dollars allocated by the state of North Dakota, much of the furnishings, equipment and technology has been made possible through generous donations from alumni and friends of UND. “Donors have funded a special reading/literacy classroom for preparing elementary teachers, and another donor has furnished a wonderful student lounge, something that has been missing in the old building,” said Jena Pierce, ’01, the college’s director of alumni relations and development. “We are offering students the professional environments they will enter into in their careers, through the generosity of our alumni.” Dr. Barbara Combs, associate dean for teacher education, also put technology in perspective as it relates to sustainability: “The more we are able to use the ‘cloud’ [virtual working

space and storage capacity that can be accessed anywhere through a wireless or hard-wired Internet connection] and laptops, the more likely we are to use less paper.” Not to mention other kinds of technology improvements, such as energy-saving motion detectors, ENERGY STAR appliances, water-saving restroom facilities and special water stations that allow folks to fill water bottles with the push of a button. As UND President Robert Kelley would say, the building and addition are “Powered by Green.” Clearly that is true for the small greenhouse just off the STEM classroom. It will feature specially engineered fastgrowing plants, which will allow faculty to include science curriculum-building exercises, and which education students can use in designing science projects used for students in schools.


Rice may be most proud of what he calls the “sense of place” that the addition and remodeled building will evoke in students, faculty, staff and visitors. Rice wanted a building that would remind people of where they were — in the heart Continued on Page 32 uuu

Dakota Spirit | The Campaign for UND, and UND’s Education Building will truly be an extraordinary place on campus. The LEED certified building and addition will provide a “green,” high-tech, engaging learning and teaching environment for students and faculty. The $300 million North Dakota Spirit campaign seeks to direct $50 million to UND’s extraordinary places, and the alumni and friends of the University are helping us to reach that goal by supporting the College of Education and Human Development Building Fund. Julie Williams Barner, ’70, ’71, and Michael Barner have given more than $30,000 to name the lobby. Thanks to Xcel Energy’s $25,000 gift, the STEM room will be outfitted with iPads and special microscopes to prepare students for teaching using today’s technology. Allocations from an endowment and a direct gift, established by Val, ’82, and Marten Hoekstra, ’82, will name the Hoekstra Family Reading Room. A group of donors are coming together to name a conference room after emeriti professors Dr. Don Lemon and Dr. Don Piper, with a lead pledge by Dr. Sherryl, ’88, ’95 and Bernie Houdek, ’88. Dr. Kathleen Gershman, ..’81, has provided a gift for a student lounge. It will be a place where students can study and relax in a warm and comfortable environment. The family of Lowell, ’62, ’70, and Donna Thompson have named a faculty office in their honor. And because of our many other generous donors, the building will be furnished with the latest office equipment and technology. To find out how to show your North Dakota Spirit by supporting the College of Education and Human Development Building Fund, log on to spirit.und.edu. www.undalumni.org  31


of the Red River Valley in the great state of North Dakota. “One of the visions I’ve had with the buildings is that they will communicate a sense of place. The color theme, for example, has been selected to represent the state of North Dakota so that it feels like being in North Dakota,” Rice said. The colors represent wheat, red potatoes, sunflowers, North Dakota’s deep blue sky, and green grasses. The remodeled building and addition aren’t “green just in terms of energy savings,” Rice jokes. Rice points out that the North Dakota theme will resonate through the artwork — paintings, photos and sculptures — displayed in the building. Some will come from UND’s own extensive collection. He hopes to use the space to showcase regional artistic talent and to entice regional artists — American Indians, among others — to donate or lend their works for display. Finally, Rice said being “green” is also about a healthy “mind-body” connection. The vending machines, for example, will offer healthy foods and drinks. Real plates, glasses and cups will save money and cut back on paper products. And plenty of natural sunlight, thanks to some innovative design work, will flood the building and addition. One of two lecture classrooms, for example, can be lit exclusively through special skylights. Want to use the projector and screen? No problem. The skylights can easily be dampened. Likewise, office doors have a sidelight to allow for as much natural light as possible to filter through the building and addition. Not only will that save money on electricity, it will also be healthier for the students, faculty and staff, and will help those affected by SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Better control over their environment, from lighting to heating and cooling, will help make for happier and more productive workers, Pierce said. AR On the Web Read more about the Ed Building Project



EXCELLENCE Simona Barbu named Burgum Endowed Chair of Cello.

his fall, the UND Music Department continues to build a regional culture of musical and artistic excellence as it adds a new face to its professorship lineup. Simona Barbu has joined the University of North Dakota as Assistant Professor and Burgum Endowed Chair of Cello, focusing her talents on teaching, recruiting, performance and community outreach. “She has a demonstrated record of accomplishing exactly what the position promises. She will certainly make a huge impact on the musical culture of the region, and will build the national reputation of UND music,” said Michael Wittgraf, Chair of UND’s Department of Music. Barbu, a native of Romania, started her musical involvement at age 7, when she began playing the violin. But in the seventh grade, despite



Ἅ lu m n i R e v ie w | Fall 2011

Simona Barbu has joined the UND Music Department as the Burgum Endowed Chair of Cello.

being the best violinist in her grade, she decided to switch to cello. “I was so determined to prove myself,” she said. And to this day, she continues to prove herself. In 2002, she graduated as a cellist with the highest distinction in performance at the Conservatory of Music in Timisoara, Romania. In 2004, Lynn University in Boca Raton, Fla., named her valedictorian of the music department. She went on to pursue her master’s degree at Southern Methodist University in Dallas and became a Doctor of Music Arts at the University of Memphis while teaching for the past four years at Mississippi State University in Starksville. Barbu says she plans to take some of her experience at Mississippi State and apply it here. At MSU, she started a strings program from scratch. The first year she had no players, but by her third year she was able to lead an orchestra that performed a concert every semester. “You have to adopt thoughts and ideas to do what you can with what is there,” she said. At UND, she plans to place a great emphasis in the beginning to recruit students, to reach out to the community, and perhaps eventually establish a Strings Department within the Department of Music. The Burgum Endowed Chair is the first of its kind in the College of Arts and Sciences, and was made possible through a generous endowment set up by Rick, ’68, and Jody Burgum, ’74. “The University is more than the business school, the School of Aerospace, or the sports programs. Some knowledge of the arts is critical to the overall learning students need when they graduate. We think the cello chair will be part of that


education opportunity,” Rick Burgum said. The gift helps North Dakota Spirit | The Campaign for UND reach its goal of dedicating $2.5 million to endowed chairs. In all, the $300 million campaign aims to direct $100 million to the University’s inspirational educators, who hold the keys to our academic quality. Exceptional faculty push the boundaries of knowledge and learning in all disciplines through research, scholarship and leadership. Alejandro Drago, who is Barbu’s peer in the Music Department’s strings section, said the gift represents a milestone in the development of UND. Drago, who hails from Argentina, said the establishment of the Endowed Chair embodies the North Dakota Spirit because it is “historical in showing the commitment of successful North Dakotans in supporting humanities and disciplines other than sciences.” As a newcomer, Barbu links North Dakota Spirit to UND’s connection with the community. “The University is very much appreciative. It welcomes innovative ideas that inspire the community and people, not just the students,” she said. To learn more about endowed chairs and North Dakota Spirit | The Campaign for UND, log on to spirit.und.edu. AR

Do you pay taxes in North Dakota? Do you have a desire to make an enduring impact at UND? The North Dakota state legislature has made it even more enticing to consider making a gift to an endowment through the UND Foundation. Endowments build on the University of North Dakota’s investment in students, faculty, programs and places of learning as well as help us achieve new levels of excellence in all college endeavors. Endowments create a legacy with the power to change lives. With a gift of at least $5,000 to an endowment, you could benefit from a federal tax deduction AND an additional 40 percent of the gift on your 2011 North Dakota state income tax. There are three ways to give to an endowment: create an endowment, support an existing named endowment, or benefit one of the “Exceptional UND” endowments. For more information, contact us at donorrelations@ undfoundation.org or call 800.543.8764.

www.undalumni.org  33


The 2011 SIOUX-PER SWINGS were held this summer in Grand Forks, Detroit Lakes, Minn., Fargo, Park River, N.D, and the Twin Cities. Proceeds support Impact Scholarships for UND student-athletes. To everyone who participated, FOR MAKING A DIFFERENCE!

Thank you


3 6

4 7

2 5 34

Ἅ lu m n i R e v ie w | Fall 2011

1 David Hoogsteen, ’03, putts while men’s


hockey Assistant Head Coach Cary Eades, ’84, ’86, and the rest of their team hope it sinks June 13 in Prior Lake.

2 Hoping for a hole in one on the par 3, 17th at the Legends Golf Club in Prior Lake, Minn.

3 The MacNaughton Cup enjoyed the day in Detroit Lakes on July 21.

4 UND men’s basketball Coach Brian Jones,

basketball letter winner Ben Brickson, ’98, and men’s basketball graduate student manager Tom Dryburgh, ’09, hang out at Legends Golf Club in Prior Lake during the Twin Cities SiouxPer Swing.

5 Prizes at the 2011 Fargo Sioux-Per Swing included autographed Fighting Sioux memorabilia.

6 Patti Sell, ..’82; Matt Lammers; Bryan Bienek, ’08; Ron Hanson and Dennis Beck played on the Ralph Engelstad Arena team at the Fargo Sioux-Per Swing on June 20 at Oxbow Country Club.

7 Clint Nelson, ’71, participates in the putting contest at Fargo’s Oxbow Country Club.

8 UND Director of Athletics Brian Faison; John



Ysteboe; John Stewart, ’78; Tom Larson and Darrin Vatnsdal pose for a picture July 14 at King’s Walk.

9 Shelley Robinson, ’92; Pennie Hanson, ’93;


Julie Hinschberger, ’96; Kimberly Miller, ..’93 and Janet O’Hara golf July 14 at King’s Walk in Grand Forks.

10 Unfortunately, nobody walked away with the

keys to the 2011 Honda Accord from Rydell Honda, which would have been given out for a hole-in-one at King’s Walk!

11 Eric Jorgenson, ’94, ’97; Blair Neameyer,

’87; Dean Flanders; Rick Robinson, ’90; and Dick Schultz, ’87, hoist the MacNaughton Cup at the Park River Sioux-Per Swing.

12 Roger Woods, Minto, N.D., sinks a birdie putt at the Park River Sioux-Per Swing.


13 Local sponsor Northwestern Mutual The


Bohannon Group representatives participated in the 2011 Sioux-Per Swing on June 13 in Prior Lake, Minn. Click on the city for more Photos on Flickr Fargo Detroit Lakes Grand Forks Park River Twin Cities

www.undalumni.org  35


North Dakota Spirit Campaign Goal: $300,000,000 THROUGH AUG. 5, 2011: $229,093,956 $100 MILLION


















One of UND’s highest priorities is increasing the number of private scholarships available to students.

Building and infrastructure priorities include: • Enhanced laboratory spaces • Continued investments in technology • An indoor athletic training complex • An alumni center • A new College of Business & Public Administration

INSPIRATIONAL EDUCATORS Building endowments to support faculty will dramatically strengthen the University’s ability to retain our best and recruit additional, inspirational faculty leaders.


UND will strengthen programs in energy, life sciences, rural health care and more.






Ἅ lu m n i R e v ie w | Fall 2011

ANNUAL EXCELLENCE Annual gifts provide flexible resources to allow the president, deans and department chairs to invest in any of the four campaign priority areas.

thank you DONORS The University of North Dakota and UND Foundation extend a sincere thank you to all alumni and friends who have made gifts and commitments to support students, faculty, programs, and places at UND since July 1, 2005, when North Dakota Spirit | The Campaign for UND began. The following donors made campaign commitments of at least $25,000 between Dec. 31 and June 30. *

indicates deceased

MAJOR $499,999 - $999,999


AMITY TECHNOLOGY Allocations from the Eugene Dahl Leadership and Ethics Endowed Chair will be used to provide financial support to a faculty member working in the areas of leadership and ethics in the College of Business and Public Administration.

$100,000 - $499,999

$25,000 - $99,999

Amundson Family Funeral Home Dr. Richard D. & Trisha L. Anderson Barr Engineering Company Ronald & Jacqueline Belschner Dr. Charles & Janine Bridgeford M.V. Collette, Inc./Dale Collette Construction Engineers, LTD Dakota Wildlife Farmers Union Insurance Dr. Robert & Kay Hedger Dr. Gordon & Patricia Henry Carol* & John* Hinz Home of Economy in memory of Bob Kiesau Vicky R. Jensen Jim & Joanne Kack Rick & Holly Lowenberg Chester E. Nelson, Jr. North Dakota Bar Foundation, Inc. Northrop Grumman Don & Janene Oppegard Dale W. & Cheryl Stauss Unlimited Partnership

Barbara G. Beach James H. Bushaw* Cecil H. Chally, M.D. Emerson Process Management & Rosemount, Inc. Bill & Marilyn Guy Dr. Norman G. & Charmaine Hepper



North Dakota Spirit | The Campaign for UND seeks to raise $300 million for the benefit of the University of North Dakota. Any private donations dedicated to UND’s passionate students, inspirational faculty, innovative programs or extraordinary places count toward the $300 million goal. Most of our upcoming campaign-related events will be held during Homecoming week, Oct. 17-23. Oct. 18 Mellem Business Symposium Panels from 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Gamble Hall Keynote speaker, 7 p.m., EERC Oct. 20 SEM Alumni Academy Induction 1 p.m., Harrington Hall, School of Engineering and Mines Sioux Award Banquet 5:30 p.m., Alerus Center Ballroom Oct. 21 Dedication of Hoffman Energetics Collection Resource Center 10:30 a.m., Harrington Hall, School of Engineering and Mines Education Building Dedication 2 p.m., Education Building, College of Education and Human Development

McKinnon Company, Inc. Keith & Stephanie Reimer Dave & Karen Senger Dr. Jody & Robert Treuer Thelma E. Willett Estate

www.undalumni.org  37


SPRING CLEANING UND students have long taken an interest in cleaning up not only the campus, but the Grand Forks community as well. This photo features President Thomas Clifford helping during the 1976 Spring Cleanup event. Do you recognize the students helping President Clifford with leaf pickup? Send an e-mail to alumnireview@ undalumni.net or call us at 800.543.8764. A number of readers who took part in the 1960s production of “Carmen” shown in the summer issue offered to identify those in the photo. Gerry Eggers, ’65, ’71, was in the cast and his wife, Liz (Skarperud) Eggers, ’65, ’83, played piano for the production. He identified those in the photo as (from left to right) Kirk Murchie, ’65, Pam Wilson, ’65, Duane Kramer, ’64 and Sharon (Ronan) Walters, ’65. He wasn’t sure of the names of the other two women in the photo, but as luck would have it, Pat (Bettschen) Dietz, ’60, ’68, called in to say she’s the actress with her foot on the chair on the far right and she identified Karen (Kline) Cameron-Brook, ’65, as the woman sitting on the floor.


Ἅ lu m n i R e v ie w | Fall 2011

Kari (Wilson) Swanson, ’72, emailed to say how thrilled she was to see a photo of her sister, Pamela, in the magazine. Sadly, she reported that Pamela died in 2005 after battling lymphoma. Finally, an alumnus wrote in to say that while she wasn’t in the cast, she vividly remembers the signs all over campus that said “Tryouts for Carmen.” Carmen (Kittler) Anderson, ..’65, says classmates, friends and especially her dates had a good time making jokes about the posters!

Remember when, in 1961, the Chester Fritz Library was dedicated? 1967

Walter Greene, ’67, was elected “Dean of Fellows” by the Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Green spent 40 years teaching business administration at the University of Texas-Pan American. He and his wife, Gloria, live in Edinburg, Texas. Dean Hornbacher, ’67, has been inducted into the Hall of Fame of the UND Sigma Alpha Epsilon social fraternity. He retired in 2010 as president and COO of Hornbacher’s Foods. He and his wife, JoAnn (Palmer), ..’67, live in Horace, N.D.

Richard Carik, ’71, has been inducted into the Hall of Fame of the UND Sigma Alpha Epsilon social fraternity. He owns a number of liquor stores, bars and restaurants in the Fargo area, where he lives with his wife, Kathleen (Kuball), ..’73.




Susan Rhode, ’72, ’74, has been re-elected to a three-year term on the board of directors of Moss & Barnett. Rhode is a co-chair of the firm’s family law practice area. She lives in Plymouth, Minn.

John Palenberg, ’77, has returned from 14 years in Europe to rejoin the New York office of Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, an international law firm. He is a partner in the firm focusing on capital markets and corporate finance. He and his wife, Chieko, reside in Manhattan.


Dr. David Blehm, ’73, ’79, ’81, has been hired by Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota as the medical director of the medical management division. He and his wife, Dr. Julie (Bjerke), ’79, ’81, reside in Fargo, N.D.

Wayne Stenehjem, ’74, ’77, has been named the “Alumnus of the Year” by Bismarck State College. Stenehjem has served as North Dakota’s Attorney General since 2000. He and his wife, Beth (Bakke), ’93, live in Bismarck.

Terrance Zich, ’77, recently joined PT&C Consulting Services, P.A., where he is the Geotechnical Branch Supervisor. He and his wife, Kathy, live in DeLand, Fla.


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r Fritz Library.


Marilyn (Walter) Guy, ’69, ’71, ’76, has been selected as this year’s recipient of Temple Beth El’s (Fargo) Robert Feder Humanitarian Award. Guy has served as the chair of the education department at Concordia College (Moorhead, Minn.), president of Oak Grove School (Fargo, N.D.) and president of the Fargodome Authority. She and her husband, Bill, ’68, ’76, live in Fargo.


Remember when, in 1973, the Thormodsgard Law Library was dedicated during Homecoming? 1971

Owen Anderson, ’71, ’74, will serve as director of the John B. Turner Master of Laws Program in the University of Oklahoma College of Law. The program will be the first LL.M. in the country to focus on the fields of energy, natural resources and indigenous peoples. Owen lives in Norman, Okla., with his wife, Kathie (Ryckman), ’72, ’81.

A GRAND DAY A number of UND grads helped make St. Paul’s 38th Annual Grand Old Day a success. The event is the Midwest’s largest one-day festival, drawing more than 200,000 people to celebrate the start of summer. Pictured from left to right: Jerry Lucke, ’68 (volunteer), Jason Hendrickson, ’00 (volunteer and sponsor), Jaimee Lucke Hendrickson, ’00 (organizer), Peggy Lucke, ’72 (volunteer) and UND senior Alexa Nelson (event intern).

www.undalumni.org  39

Please send your news to alumnireview@undalumni.net



Dr. Mary Aaland, ’77, ’78, ’80, ’82, has joined Sanford Clinic in Fargo, N.D. She specializes in surgery, critical care and trauma. 1979

Randy Bina, ’79, has been named the director of the Bismarck (N.D.) Parks Department. He and his wife, Elizabeth (Larson), ’80, live in Bismarck. Dr. Julie Blehm, ’79, ’81, has been elected governor of the North Dakota Chapter of the American College of Physicians. Blehm is the chairwoman of internal medicine at Sanford Health, Fargo, and assistant dean of the UND School of Medicine. She and her husband, David, ’73, ’79, ’81, live in Fargo.


Remember when, in 1982, two women with UND ties competed for Miss America? Jeanna Wolf, a junior from Rugby, represented North Dakota, while UND grad Eileen Clark, ’81, was crowned Miss New York. 1980

Bob Sannerud, ’80, was named “CFO of the Year” by the Twin Cities Business Journal. Sannerud is the CFO of Life Link III, a medical transportation company. He was also named this year as vice chair of the Minnesota Society of Certified Public Accountants Board of Directors. He and his wife, Kim (Janke), ’81, live in Edina, Minn.



Alan Anderson,’82, has been appointed to head up the North Dakota Department of Commerce. Anderson had recently retired after a 30 year career working for Tesoro. He and his wife, Kelly (Davis), ’81, live in Mandan, N.D.

Scott Mahar, ’84, ’94, has been promoted to assistant vice president of Program Management at CoreLink Administrative Solutions, in Fargo, N.D. He and his wife, Michelle, reside in Fargo.


Kevin Byron, ’83, is now assigned as an attache’ to the U.S. Embassy in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. He was previously at the U.S. Embassy in Port au Prince, Haiti. Mark A. Ruelle, ’83, ’86, will become president and chief executive officer of Westar Energy when the current CEO retires. He and his wife, Sandra (Moore), ’83, reside in Techumseh, Kan.


Denise (McCann) Hays, ’87, has joined Bismarck, N.D., law firm Larson Latham Huettl LLP as an associate attorney. 1988

Sarah Carlson, ’88, ’94, is a performance auditor for the Montana Legislative Audit Division. She and her husband, Chuck Council, live in Helena, Mont. J. Patrick Traynor, ’88, ’91, has been elected to the Gate City Bank board of directors. Traynor is president of the Dakota Medical Foundation. He and his wife, Jamie, live in Fargo. Courtney (McDonald) Koebele, ’88, ’91, is the director of advocacy at the North Dakota Medical Association. She and her husband, Anthony, ’00, live in Bismarck.


Remember when, in 1991, exclusive video of the start of the U.S. air raid on Baghdad was captured by UND alum, Fabrice Moussus, ’73, who worked for ABC News. 1990

CONQUERING NEW HEIGHTS Two UND alumni took their love of adventure and their love of the Fighting Sioux to new heights this year. Mike Laschen, ’03, left, and Dr. Garret Rock, ’01, took this flag the top of Mt. Hood in Oregon in May.


Ἅ lu m n i R e v ie w | Fall 2011

Steve Breidenbach, ’90, has been named engineering manager at Nodak Electric Cooperative in Grand Forks, where he lives with his wife, Cindy (Adams), ’85.

Mike Dorsher, ’90, is the co-author of “Controversies in Media Ethics,” published by Routledge in June, and is president of the Fulbright Alumni Association Minnesota Chapter. An associate professor of journalism at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, he lives in St. Paul with his wife, Sharon Kessler, ’76, ’90.


Theresa (Ellwein) Brorby, ’93, ’97, has been promoted to accountant II at Minnkota Power Cooperative in Grand Forks, where she lives with her husband, Ronald. Rachel (Kovar) McKinnon, ’93, has joined the Flint Group in Fargo, N.D., as a research specialist. She and her husband, Kevin, ’94, live in Fargo.

Amy (Suda) Hornbacher, ’90, is the vice president of corporate compliance/risk management at St. Alexius Medical Center in Bismarck, N.D, where she lives with her husband, Jason, ’89, ’97.

Mike Rene, ’93, has been named a field manager with Farmers Union Insurance. He will be responsible for product sales, hiring and training of insurance agents in southeastern North Dakota. He and his wife Dawn (Olson), ’93, live in Jamestown, N.D. 1994

Jeanne (Devine) Narum, ’94, ’97, has been promoted to vice president of compliance, audit and corporate ethics at Noridian Administration Services in Fargo, N.D. She and her husband, Christopher, live in Horace, N.D.

Barbara J. Hample, ’94, has been recognized with the “Dean’s Special Recognition Award for Outstanding Volunteer Faculty” by the UND School of Medicine and Health Sciences. Hample is a physician’s assistant with the Fargo VA Health Care System. She and her husband, Gary, live in West Fargo, N.D. Jenni (Mund) Picard, ’94, ’05, was recently awarded the North Dakota Reading Association’s “Celebrate Literacy Award.” Jenni is a 6th grade Language Arts teacher in Bismarck, N.D., where she lives with her husband, Chuck, ’94.

Paul Nistler, ’90, has been promoted by Choice Financial to assistant vice presidentbusiness banking for the Grand Forks market. He has worked for Choice Financial since 2008. He and his wife, Barbara (Bostrum), ’81, live in Grand Forks. Jeffrey Swope, ’90, has joined AgriData as a web developer. He lives in Grand Forks with his wife, Tammy. 1991

Shawn Mechelke, ’91, recently joined Telvent Environment in Minneapolis as senior vice president of Operations and Strategy. Mechelke is responsible for overall business operations, strategic planning, mergers and acquisitions, and leads daily operations of product management, software development, customer service and meteorology services. He and his wife, Jill (Becker), ’89, live in Minneapolis.

TAKING STOCK Robert, ’69, and Kristine (Aarthun) Solberg, ’69, took to the floor of the New York Stock Exchange this summer to celebrate Hyperdynamics Corporation’s listing of its common stock on the world’s largest stock market. Robert is the non-executive Chairman of the Board of Hyperdynamics, an oil and gas

exploration and production company based in Houston, Texas. Bob and Kris are members of the National Campaign Steering Committee for North Dakota Spirit | The Campaign for UND and their generous support helped establish the Petroleum Engineering program at UND.

www.undalumni.org  41

Please send your news to alumnireview@undalumni.net

Bob Bye, ’90, is a certified financial planner with Eide Bailly Financial Services in Fargo, N.D, where he lives with his wife, Heidi (Brien), ’91.



Dr. Monica Mayer, ’95, has been appointed to serve on the Infant Mortality Committee of the Health Resources and Services Administration. She lives in New Town, N.D. 1996

Kay (Lobsinger) Schraeder, ’96, has been promoted to accountant II at Minnkota Power Cooperative in Grand

Forks, where she lives with her husband, Daniel, ’97. 1998

Dr. Jason Moe, ’98, has joined the staff at the Mid Dakota Today Clinic in Bismarck, N.D, where he lives with his wife, Tonya (Martin), ’95. 1999

Rendi Johnson-Ebach, ’99, has been hired as the manager

of Social Services at Northwood (N.D.) Deaconess Health Center. She and her husband, Shane, live near Northwood. Kate (Sullivan) Austin, ’99, has been elected partner in the Minneapolis law firm Oppenheimer Wolff & Donnelly LLP. Her practice focuses on the area of mergers and acquisitions for both public and private companies. She Glinda and Richard Crawford (seated) relax with their daughter, Melanie, on their Missouri farm, where they blog about their experiences running an organic operation.

Photo by: Jeremy Jones/ Mayapple Photography

LIVING GREEN Retired UND professors Richard and Glinda Crawford, along with their daughter, Melanie, ’93, are not only living a green lifestyle, they are sharing what they have learned with others. The three run a small farm in northeastern Missouri that focuses on sustainability, restoring the health of the soil and living as lightly on this earth as possible. The Crawford family maintains a blog that is part instruction on organic farming and part rumination on taking the road less traveled. Here are some samples of Glinda’s posts on the blog this past summer. You can read more here.


Ἅ lu m n i R e v ie w | Fall 2011

May 31 It seems like being a Farmer, a person’s ear is always to the ground. The other one is focused on the weather just over the horizon. I kind of forget the things that consumed our attention when we lived in the city. June 21 Who would have thought that we would have left the City Life 4 years ago and wound up with all of these new Adventures right here on this little Farm? Who would have thought that with all the education that we have between us that the learning just picked up speed? A lot of people kick back in retirement, or so they say. We didn’t re-tire. We’ve re-treaded.

lives in Minneapolis with her husband, BJ. Joel L. Bird, ’99, has achieved certified financial planner certification. He is a financial advisor for Ameriprise Financial in Bismarck, N.D., where he lives with his wife, Jennifer. Kristi Schlosser Carlson, ’99, is a staff attorney in the legal and governmental affairs June 28 Those Tomato Plants are really growing. Richard checks them daily and makes sure they are growing straight up inside their cages for support. Some are beginning to blossom and a few have fruit. Bear in mind that Tomatoes do not like wet conditions. It is very important to keep their leaves above the Soil, which spreads disease. The Straw Mulch keeps the mud from spattering up. Stay tuned. July 7 When I was teaching Environmental Studies classes from 1996-2005, the standard was that the average distance traveled by a Food item on one’s plate was 1,500 miles. Of course, location of the meal makes a difference and season does too. We 3 C’s take comfort that most of the Food we eat comes from about 50-100 feet away. And we used our own 2 feet to get it to the table. Richard just picked Green Beans, Onions, Carrots, and Potatoes for dinner. And he just walked out to the Garden with a colander in hand, picked the produce and then walked from the Garden back to the House. I guess the colander was our trailer and Richard was the truck. Eating what we produce tastes way better that way. It’s healthier for the Humans and for the Earth. We produce less toward Global Warming, which is a huge issue for we 3 C’s and for Humanity. Plus, I think this practice binds us intimately to the Land that is sustaining us. She takes care of us and we take care of her.


Remember when, in 2006, physic professor Timothy Young and computer science professor Ron Marsh went to Turkey to webcast a full solar eclipse. 2000

Kelly Howe, ’00, is an engineering technician with AE2S, where he will provide design and drafting expertise. He and his wife, Emilie, live in Fargo. Melissa (Punton) Oberlander, ’00, is the new care coordinator for Community of Care, a nonprofit that provides a variety of services for senior citizens in rural Cass County, N.D. Oberlander and her husband, Jay, ’09, live in Ayr, N.D. Krissi Super, ’00, has written a book called “Munki Tales: Animal Rescue Stories filled with Peace, Love & Compassion.” The former Sioux basketball player is an assistant women’s basketball coach and women’s golf head coach at Bemidji State University. She lives in Bemidji with her husband, Jeremy Popp.

Osten Richter, ’02, has been hired as an ag sales representative with Butler Machinery in Minot, N.D. He and his wife, Katie, live in Bismarck. 2003

Daniel Fillion, ’03, is a First Officer with Air Canada Jazz. His wife, Lynne (Magne), ’04, teaches grade 5 English and Math in Winnipeg. Dr. Kristin (Tews) Luckenbill, ’03, has join Medcenter One in Bismarck, N.D., as a clinical chemist. She assists medical and technical staff in blood and chemistry-related matters. She lives in Bismarck with her husband, Michael, ’97, ’02. Benjamin Spain, ’03, has been hired as the manager of a Moods of Norway store in Los Angeles. He lives in West Hollywood, Calif.



Justin Allen, ’04, is a captain for Compass Airlines. He lives in Minneapolis.

Dennis Newell, ’05, was selected as the NSIC Women’s Cross Country Coach of the Year. Newell coaches the University of Mary women’s team, which finished second at the conference championship last fall and placed 11th at the national meet. Newell lives in Mandan, N.D.

Seth Custer, ’04, was named the Music Teachers National Association “Distinguished Composer of the Year.” Custer is a music professor at Bob Jones University in Greenville, S.C. Matthew Rothchild, ’04, has written a political adventure novel entitled “I-29.” The story, set in the Red River Valley, follows a young UND alumnus in his transformation from apathy to engagement. The book is available in e-book format from Theseashellbooks. com and in paperback from Amazon.com. Matthew lives in Minneapolis.


James Cronin, ’06, ’08, has been named clinical director at Luther Hall, a psychiatric residential treatment facility for youth in Fargo, N.D., operated by Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota. Scott Johnson, ’06, has been hired by the Mozilla Corporation, based in Mountain View, Calif., as a Platform Engineer working on the company’s Firefox browser. Scott will work remotely from his home in Roseville, Minn.

MR. SPEAKERS Two UND alumni who have served as Speaker of the House in Minnesota were recently photographed together. Kurt Zellers, ’93, a native of Devils Lake, N.D., is the current leader of the majority GOP in St. Paul. Ernest (Ernie) Lindstrom, ’53, who grew up in Litchfield, N.D., served as majority leader during the 1971 session.


Dr. Tracie Mallberg, ’02, sits on the North Dakota Head Injury Association board of directors, where she advocates legislative action on behalf of patients with brain injuries. She was also recently named the West Fargo YWCA’s “Woman of the Year in Health Care.”

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Please send your news to alumnireview@undalumni.net

department of Minnkota Power Cooperative in Grand Forks. She and her husband, Ryan, ’01, have been living in Fargo.



Jay Christensen, ’07, has joined Vision Bank in Fargo, N.D., as a credit assistant. Heather (Dunn) England, ’07, has received the “Healthcare Provider of the Year” award from the Metro Area Mayors Committee on People with Disabilities. England is a physical therapist with ProRehab Physical and Occupational Therapy in Fargo, where she lives with her husband, Ryan. Alissa Bercier, ’07, has been hired as an Intensive In-Home Therapist with The Village. She will work in the area around Belcourt, N.D. Rhiannon L. Gorham, ’07, ’10, has joined the Handy Law Office in Grand Forks as an associate attorney. Her emphasis is in family law.

Ryan Messer, ’07, has been hired as an account/budget specialist with the North Dakota Department of Commerce in Bismarck, N.D., where he lives. Lucas Rengstorf, ’07, has been hired by AE2S as a Geographic Information System specialist in the company’s Grand Forks office. Breanna Smith, ’07, is an advertising manager at Agency MABU in Bismarck, N.D. She is responsible for maintaining client relationships by meeting their marketing and advertising needs. 2008

Casey Hansen, ’08, ’10, has joined the staff at Milnor (N.D.) clinic as a physical therapist.

Dr. Jane Ostlie, ’08, is the recipient of the William Buckingham North Dakota Resident of the Year Award. She is set to begin her practice as a family physician with Sanford Clinic Mayville in September. Adam Rollins, ’08, has completed U.S. Navy advanced flight training in Milton, Fla. The nine-time All-American swimmer will report to Atsugi, Japan, where he will fly the H-60 Bravo helicopter in the Korean peninsula. Christopher Lee Schroeder, ’08, has joined AgriData as a web developer. He lives in East Grand Forks.


Heidi Demars, ’09, received the North Dakota ASPIRE TRIO “Achievers Award.” She is an outreach coordinator for the Dakota Resource Council, a non-profit environmental group. She lives in Bismarck, N.D. Eric Klebe, ’09, has been hired in the sales department at Indigo Signworks in Fargo. Kristen Nelsen, ’09, has been hired as the new county emergency manager for Ramsey County (N.D.). She lives in Leeds, N.D. Shawn Smith, ’09, has joined DFC Consultants as an accountant. He lives in Dickinson, N.D.


Remember when, in 2010, students created Frank White bobblehead dolls to raise money for a scholarship in the Sociology professor’s name? 2010

Brett Ehrhardt, ’10, has joined Drees, Riskey & Vallanger, Ltd in Grand Forks as a staff accountant. UND President Robert Kelley and Drew Groves, George Walsh’s great-greatgreat grandson and a UND freshman, remove a ribbon from the Walsh bust.

WALSH BUST DEDICATED TO UND FOUNDER A nearly 1,500-pound pedestal and bronze bust of George Walsh, the man credited with writing the legislation to put the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks, was publicly dedicated in early August. UND President Robert Kelley welcomed several descendants of Walsh who were in attendance at the ceremony. According to the history of UND, Walsh submitted to the Dakota Territorial Legislature “A Bill for an Act Locating the University of North


Ἅ lu m n i R e v ie w | Fall 2011

Dakota at Grand Forks ...” It was the first time the term “North Dakota” was used, as statehood was not reached for another six years. In addition to being a colorful territorial legislator, Walsh was editor and owner of the Plaindealer, the first newspaper in the Red River Valley, which was later bought out by the Grand Forks Herald. He went on to be a land developer. Walsh County is named in his honor, as is a UND student residence hall.

Jeffrey Payne, ’10, has been promoted to the rank of staff sergeant with the North Dakota Air National Guard. He serves as an avionics maintenance technician. Elisabeth Pederson, ’10, has joined Drees, Riskey & Vallanger, Ltd in Grand Forks as a staff accountant. Braeden Nelson, ’10, is a junior ag lender with Choice Financial in Grand Forks. Savanna Wissbrod, ’10, is a credit analyst with Choice Financial in Grand Forks. AR

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Jon Fargo, ’03 and Christina (Elbert) Fargo, ’03, welcomed a son, Mason, shown here with his big sister, Addison.


Mike Lukas, ’98, and Kristi(Kjelland) Lukas, ’97, and big brother, Kyle, welcomed Sierra to their family on March 1. The family lives in Maryville, Tenn.


Kate (Sullivan) Austin, ‘99, and her husband, BJ, welcomed a daughter, Isabelle Patricia, on January 7. Isabelle’s middle name is in honor of her grandmother, Patricia Sullivan, ‘92, who passed away on December 20. Isabelle is pictured with mom and her brother, Ashton, watching the Sioux/Gopher game on her one week birthday.


Katie (Lund) Anderson, ’05, and Jeff Anderson, ’05, welcomed a son, Brody Charles Anderson, on March 1. The family lives in West Fargo.




Ἅ lu m n i R e v ie w | Fall 2011

2 4

Owen James Austin was born on May 3 to Stephanie (Moore) Austin, ’05, and Clay Austin of Minneapolis.



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Jonah Laumeyer (pictured at 15 months), son of Amy and Marty, cheered on the Sioux during the 2011 Men’s Hockey Road to the Final Four. Amy (Hoffarth) Laumeyer, ‘96, ‘09, is a teacher in St. Cloud, Minn.


Samantha Nelson, ’10, and Brandon Wong, ’10, wed on January 7, 2011, in Grand Forks, where they now live.


The July 2010 wedding of Ryan Tranby, ’06, to Nicole Tranby was attended by a number of UND alumni. They are: (Back row leftright) Lynn Johnson, ’77, Darlene (Haugen) Hamm, ’81, Tim Brown, ’73, Caroyle (Haugen) Brown, ’73, Keith Hamblin, ’06, Tony Haugen, ’75, Ryan Tranby, ’06, Lee Reierson, ’77, Diane (Beneda) Reierson, ’79, Cory (Legler) Haugen (’77), Aubrey (Magstadt) Foss, Craig Foss, ’06, Amy Vibeto, Kelsey Vibeto, ’05, (kneeling from left-right) Amy Berntson, ’07, Nicole Tranby, Mark Steiner, ’05, Jon Nyre, ’07 and Kellen Utecht, ’05.


Nicolette (Weaver), ’04 and Jason Toso were married on October 2. They live in Devils Lake, N.D. Other UND graduates in the picture include Ryne Weaver, ’00, Trinity Lang,’01, and Michelle (Omlid) Hahn ’03.





Sean Foss, ’06, married Jessica Mostad, ’08, at a lake cabin near Bemidji, Minn.

www.undalumni.org  47

in memoriam

1930s Caroline (West) Knutson, ’33, Sterling Heights, Mich. Rosalie (Foogman) Schmitz, ’35, Mesa, Ariz. Helen (Alfonte) Lind, ’36, Seaside, Calif. Graham Lund, ’38, Palm Desert, Calif. Donald Reinarts, ’38, Preston, Minn. Doris Wilk, ’38, Pasco, Wash. Donald Jorgenson, ’39, ’48, Great Falls, Mont. 1940s Anne (Kittel) Reese, ’40, King City, Calif. James Budge, ..’41, St. Paul, Minn. Mary (Harnett) Hennessy, ’41, Pacific Palisades, Calif. Lorraine (Ellis) Larance, ’41, Littleton, Colo. Kenneth Lucien, ..’41, Billings, Mont. Harriet (Johnson) Kling, ’42, Bismarck, N.D. Jerry Riley, Sr, ’42, ’48, Detroit Lakes, Minn. Gil Olson, ’43, Bismarck, N.D. Orris Rollie, MD, ’44, ’44, Debary, Fla. Shirley (Hubbard) Martz, ’45, Bismarck, N.D. Helen (Tulloch)Avery, ’46, Hampton, Va. Shirley (Mayo) Forbes, ..’46, Cavalier, N.D. Dorrene (Putman) Konzak, ’46, Chandler, Ariz. Elroy Balke, ’48, Kansas City, Mo. Pauline (Olsen) Hewitt, ’48, Mesa, Ariz. Dorothy (Brenna) LaFournaise, ’48, Anchorage, Ala. M. Edwin Nuetzman, ’48, Bismarck, N.D. Merrill Schalow, ’48, Fargo, N.D. Duane Wolsky, ..’49, Murrieta, Calif. 1950s Daniel Aaker, ..’50, Lakota, N.D. James Jungroth, ’50, ’50, Jamestown, N.D. Margaret Stellon, ’50, Davenport, Iowa Jerrold Corbett, MD, ’51, ’54, Sutter Creek, Calif. Jerome Krogh, ’51, McVille, N.D. Martin Schmidt, ’51, Clinton, Wash. Patricia (Crum) Scott, ’51, Bend, Ore. Albert Uhler, ’51, Dickinson, N.D. Roy Winchester, ’51, Braxton, Miss.


Ἅ lu m n i R e v ie w | Fall 2011

Gordon Ellis, ’52, ’59, Fargo, N.D. Curtis Homme, ’52, Anchorage, Alaska Bruce Johnson, ’52, Willmar, Minn. Allan Buchanan, ’53, Willmar, Minn. Donald Cecil, ..’53, Billings, Mont. Robert Constantini, ’53, Iron Mountain, Mich. John Nero, ..’53, Cedar Falls, Iowa Donald Paul, ’53, Kennewick, Wash. Kenneth Purpur, ’55, Rapid City, S.D. Myrle Rice, ’55, Henderson, Nev. Fritz Roth, ’55, ’63, Sun City West, Ariz. Vernon Duenow, ..’56, Apopka, Fla. John Helsper, ’57, Bellevue, Wash. Karen (Nelson) Jensen, ’57, Colorado Springs, Colo. William Feeney, ..’58, Watford City, N.D. Rodney Hagen, ’58, East Grand Forks, Minn. Roger Ophaug, ’58, Lansing, Mich. Robert Stone, ’58, Crookston, Minn. Robert Walker, ’58, Kent, Wash. Gilbert Gimbel, ’59, ’62, Hillsboro, Ore. Viola (Thoen) Keller, ’59, ’69, Bisbee, N.D. Francis Wald, ’59, Dickinson, N.D. 1960s Morris Callahan, ’60, Fargo, N.D. Ken Machovsky, ..’60, Inver Grove Heights, Minn. Glen N Olson, ’60, San Antonio, Texas Larry Gausen, ’61, Bemidji, Minn. William Geary, ’61, Adams, N.D. Everett Ridlon, ’61, Hibbing, Minn. Jean (Holland) Holland, ..’62, Grand Forks Marvey (Dewing) Weigold, ..’63, Liverpool, N.Y. Betty Brecto, ’64, Crookston, Minn. John Baumgartner, Jr, ..’65, Linton, N.D. Norlee (Davis) Keyes, ’65, Happy Valley, Ore. John Waxvik, ’65, Woodstock, Ga. Judy (MacKay) Barron, ’66, Bemidji, Minn. Gloria Mae Johnson, ..’66, Moorhead, Minn. Bruce Logan, ..’66, Bothell, Wash. Charlotte (Molstad) Johns, ’67, Faribault, Minn. Arvid Dittbenner, ..’68, Plymouth, Minn.

Gerald Mikkelsen, ’68, Langdon, N.D. George Rohde, ’68, Fargo, N.D. Lynn Walker, ’67, ’68, Havre, Mont. Bonita (Lerud) Welch, ’68, Peru, Ill. Howard Hoganson, ..’69, Winter, Wis. Marvin Kollman, ’69, Mandan, N.D. John Paul, ’69, Sioux Falls, S.D. Linda (Krese) Wallette, ..’69, Rolla, N.D. 1970s David Bitney, ’70, Gooseberry Hill, Western Australia James Brown, ’70, Winnipeg, MB, Canada Orvilla Brunson, ..’70, Minneapolis Lawrence Budish, ’70, Fargo, N.D. Gary Fish, ..’70, Bella Vista, Ark. Lois (Skalbeck) Lennon, ’70, Portland, Ore. Eleanor (Opedahl) Overvold, ’70, ’71, Velva, N.D. Duane Shuck, ’70, Bloomington, Minn. Wiley Wilson, ’71, Fargo, N.D. Diane (Riskey) Johnson, ’72, Spring Branch, Texas Larry Willnow, ’72, Regent, N.D. Edward Gagnon, ’73, Oakland, Calif. Michael Golden, ..’73, Bismarck, N.D. Gregory LaBarre, ’73, Webster, N.D. Glen Peterson, ’67, ’73, ’75, Dunnellon, Fla. Mona (LaRocque) Prellwitz, ..’73, Dunseith, N.D. Dennis Unger, ..’74, Moorhead, Minn. Neil Cofell, ’75, Bismarck, N.D. Esther (White) Kannenberg, ’75, Meridian, Idaho Jay Gustafson, ’76, Albert Lea, Minn. Timothy Monicken, ’76, ’76, Minneapolis Lawrence Juneau, Jr, ’77, Grand Forks 1980s Douglas Dubourt, ..’81, Walhalla, N.D. Timothy Horski, ..’81, Fargo, N.D. Diana (Mjoen) Stadem, ..’81, East Grand Forks, Minn. Lary Troutner, ’81, Lafayette, Ind.

Tilmer Ruff, ’74, ’85, Brooksville, Fla. Robert Rudh, Jr, ’75, ’86, Crookston, Minn. Todd Linde, ’88, Victorville, Calif. Patrick Peck, ’88, Colorado Springs, Colo. Michelle Zeleny, ’89, East Grand Forks, Minn. 1990s Todd Durand, ’93, Grafton, N.D. Dr. John Vennes, ’51, ’52, ’96, Sun City, Ariz. Reginald Hamley, ’00, Rolette, N.D. Mary Cripps, ’96, ’06, Grand Forks Mitchell Jones, ’94, ’08, Sioux Falls, S.D. 2000s Matthew Larson, ’10, Bismarck

FACULTY/STAFF/STUDENT Mark Solberg, Grand Forks Mitch Mitchell, Durham, N.C. Carol Roemen, Renner, S.D. Doris (Hanson) Hustad, Fergus Falls, Minn. Angeline (Austin) Aus, Grand Forks Lorraine (Sondreson) Gunderson, Grand Forks

Don Partlow, PA, East Grand Forks, Minn. Gerald Pokrzywinski, Grand Forks Theron Strinden, Litchville, N.D. Alice (Brathovde) Taylor, Topeka, Kan. Evelyn (Ramstad) Thomforde, Grand Forks Marilyn Tiensuu, Midland, Mich. Randy Trontvet, Grand Forks

FRIENDS Helen Cook, La Conner, Wash. Harvey Hanson, Sun Lakes, Ariz. Ada McLellan Haraldson, Saint Paul, Minn. Vivian (Osen) Hoghaug, Devils Lake, N.D. William Nelson, MD, Grand Forks Nina Nordby, Grand Forks Phyllis (Maresch) Oihus, Grafton, N.D.

Two periods (..) before the date indicates a person attended UND up to that year, but did not graduate from the university.

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UND Athletics sells ‘Flood Fight 2011’ T-shirts


UND Athletics is assisting American Red Cross efforts to help flood victims in North Dakota by selling “We are One. We are North Dakota. Flood Fight 2011” T-shirts. Thousands of North Dakotans have been, and continue to be, impacted by severe flooding. Of your $20 purchase, $18 will go to the American Red Cross. The t-shirts will be sold exclusively at the Sioux Shop at Ralph Engelstad Arena, the UND Bookstore, and online at siouxshop.com.

Greek Celebrations


The Alpha Pi chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the chapter at UND this fall. On Saturday, Sept. 24, there will be a Celebration Ball at the Betty Engelstad Sioux Center followed on Sunday by a brunch for alumnae at the chapter house. For more information, visit www.kappaalphatheta.org/chapters/alphapi or email alphapi100th@hotmail.com. Delta Upsilon will mark its 50th anniversary with a weekend of activities Nov. 4-6. Alumni are invited to a gather at the Clarion Inn at 7 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 4. Saturday’s events include a breakfast, tailgating, and a dinner and dance at Touch of Magic in East Grand Forks. The celebration weekend will wrap up with a breakfast Sunday morning at the Clarion Inn. More information will be posted soon at www.nddu.org.

Find the Flame Winners!


Find the flame winners from the Summer 2011 Alumni Review: Linda Reiten, Dustin Kuhn, Kirsten Gunnarson, Rebecca Grandstrand and Megan Petersen all won a prize package from the UND Alumni Association. Don’t forget to try to find the flame on the cover of this issue!




In our summer edition of the Alumni Review, we erred in a story about the Kampus Kings, the swing band started in the late ’40s that was later known as the Gene Allyn Orchestra. It was Allan Gillespie who studied at Juilliard and went on to become band director of the University of Connecticut, not Zane Gray. Ἅ lu m n i R e v ie w | Fall 2011

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Alumni Review University of North Dakota Alumni Association 3100 University Ave Stop 8157 Grand Forks, ND 58202-8157

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