Spirit of Education

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Make your campaign gift in the enclosed envelope or give online at spirit.


winter 2010 alumni review | north dakota spirit | special campaign edition

Campaign Donors

Mary E. Whalen

Catherine T. Puetz, M.D.

Larry A. Smith, M.D.* & Claudine Smith

R. J. Zavoral & Sons, Inc.

Sally J. Smith

Sidney R. Wold, M.D.

Dr. Leonhard P. Mickelsen

Ruth A. Rand Estate

Thomas H. & Betty Smith

Gary & Pat Woodford

Microsoft Great Plains Business Software

Dr. David & Valerie Rathbone

State Bank of Lakota

Kim & Roger Woods

Richard* & Belle* Stern

Dr. Stan & Toni Wright

DeWayne & Mona Streyle

Betty C. Monkman

Susan & George Register in Honor and Memory of Edward & Ellen Hallenberg

Drs. Joshua Wynne & Susan Farkas

Dr. Richard & Sheri Moser

Residual Materials, Inc.

Earl & Jan Strinden

Kurt H. & Martha Mueller

Rita Foundation

Bob Mullen

Rockwell Collins

Dr. Thomas & Michelle Strinden

Douglas C. & Laura Munski North Dakota Eye Clinic

David G. Rognlie in Memory of Marjorie A. Rognlie

Swingen Construction Company

Jane S. Nelson

Rodney J. Rohrich, M.D.

Dan & Heidi Swingen

Kristi Magnuson-Nelson & Robert Nelson

Alvin L. Royse

TROY Group, Inc.

Robert & Joan Ruud Estate

Faye Troyer Estate

Jay D. & Jennifer L. Neppel

David J. Saggau

George N. & Marion Newton Dr. Corey L. & Wanda Nyhus

Sanders 1907 / Kim & Beth Holmes

Drs. Jon D. & Nancy C. Turner

Dr. Robert & Joyce Oatfield

Scott & Susan Sayer

Dr. George W. Ulseth

Diane Odegard

Cordelia M. (Stayner) Sayler

United Valley Bank

John* & Jean O’Keefe

Don & Sylvia Schmid

Unlimited Partnership

Gil Olson

Ronald & Irene Schmidt

U.S. Bank Grand Forks

Opp Construction / Greg Opp

Dr. Dean & Karen Schroeder

Dr. David & Jane Uthus

Curtis & Dorothy Orr

Dr. Frank & Cynthia Schulte

Vaaler Insurance, Inc.

Orthopaedic Associates of Fargo

Science Engineering Associates

Vaaler Insurance / Dave & Nan Vaaler

Otter Tail Power Company

Donald & Mary Ann Sens

Charles & Leeza Vein

Jack & Kristen Paris

Sensor Systems, Inc.

Vogel Law Firm

Bob & Jeanine Peabody

Dr. Thomas J. & Shirley Setter

Wakefield Flight Services

Lt. Col. A. Paul & Ruth Pederson

Lynus & Debbie Sevigny

Dr. James L. Walker Estate

Dr. Mark Siegel

Burness G. Wenberg Estate

Gary & Nancy Petersen

SimmonsFlint, Inc.

Dr. Thomas & Bonnie Peterson

Sioux Crew

Dwight D. & Peggy Wendschlag

Fernanda & Steven Philbrick

Norman C. Skalicky

Jim & Janey Wendschlag

Walter J. Mellem* in Memory of Esther Mellem

Elsie Pitsenbarger

Daniel P. Michelsen Estate

Molstad Excavating, Inc.


f r i d a y, a p r i l 2 9, 2 0 1 1




Keith & Jo Streyle

Kathryn & Jeffrey Uhrich

Marshall Winchester

Dr. John N. & Linda Youngs in Memory of Nelson A. Youngs & Dr. Philiip Furman Dr. Sandra Zahradka & William Mann in Memory of Buck Zahradka, M.D.

Please contact the UND Foundation at 800.543.8764 if your name was omitted from this listing. We sincerely regret any omissions.

New donors will be listed in upcoming issues of the Alumni Review.

Western Products, Inc.

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Inside this issue


ALUMNI REVIEW • Vol. 93 No. 4 •   Winter 2010



Spirit of Education


Big Shortages in Small Towns

UND alumni lead North Dakota’s tribal colleges.

Primary care physicians are needed in rural communities.

12 Between Cousins

Rick Burgum and Jim Williams work to transform Arthur, N.D., and UND.


2 Message from the Executive Vice President


North Dakota Spirit

17 A Letter from the President Transforming UND. The time is right.

18 What’s New

News from Around Campus

32 Athletics 34 Alumni Class News


Who’s Doing What: News About your Classmates

44 In Memoriam 49 North Dakota Spirit | The Campaign for UND On the cover: Coming from all walks of life, UND students and alumni are the feet on the street moving North Dakota forward. Photo courtesy of Chuck Kimmerle.

49 w i n t e r 2010 1

time, talent,

and treasure impact und dear alumni & friends, I’ve yet to attend a Homecoming celebration that didn’t “ignite the spirit” I felt toward UND. This year, however, was very special for many reasons. We felt we could only do the news justice through a double edition of the Alumni Review, capturing the excitement that has erupted on our campus. The pinnacle came on Friday, Oct. 8, with the announcement of North Dakota Spirit | The Campaign for UND. This $300 million, campuswide fundraising effort will bring UND to new levels of excellence never envisioned before. To date, in the silent phase encompassing the prior four fiscal years, alumni, friends, corporations, and other foundations have contributed more than $201 million toward the $300 million goal. North Dakota Spirit will shift the philanthropic culture of our campus forever, highlighting the tremendous impact everyone can make with their time, talent and treasure, and taking UND from great to exceptional. A significant percentage of our alumni (more than 100,000 people) have deep family roots in North Dakota. Thus, it seems logical that in concert with the announcement of the public phase of North Dakota Spirit | The Campaign for UND, the central theme of this year’s Homecoming was North Dakota. Regardless of where you come from, you understand how UND’s success drives that of the state. Thus, in this edition we are also featuring some of the many who are moving North Dakota forward with ties to UND. Throughout the country, it has been very typical of colleges and universities to initiate fundraising campaigns similar to North Dakota Spirit; in fact, most have already had multiple campaigns. While we may be behind the pack in some ways, the fact our state’s economy is so positive and investment in UND continues to be strong, gives us the opportunity to enhance even more aspects of education, setting us above our peers. President Kelley and his team lead the campaign, supported by the staff here at the UND Foundation. Dr. Kelley, Provost Paul Lebel, and the deans have set priorities built around four key areas: passionate students, inspirational educators, innovative programs, and extraordinary places.

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Alumni Review Winter 2010

Everywhere you look there is evidence - in each college, athletics and many other programs across campus. This issue also announces a capital project of significance. On page 74 we bring you exciting news about the Gorecki Alumni Center, which will not only be the gateway to campus for all of you to call home, but will serve as the welcoming point for all visitors to our University. There is a place for everyone within the North Dakota Spirit campaign and we need each of you to participate. I’m especially proud to report 100 percent of the UND Alumni Association & UND Foundation staff has made campaign donations, as has the president, every University vice president and all deans. All that said, the campaign would not exist without the incredible support of our board of directors and the National Campaign Steering Committee (NCSC), a separate body created to guide the campaign. Again, 100 percent of the 23-member board of directors, and all 36 volunteer members of the NCSC have made financial campaign commitments. These individuals exemplify the definition of philanthropy. In addition to their financial contributions, each has also given tremendous amounts of time and talent, whether by their committee involvements or by interacting with students in classrooms. As role models, they have exhibited to all what it means to give back. We have been especially blessed by the leadership of our NCSC Co-Chairs, Linda Pancratz, ’76, and B. John Barry, ’63. These two remarkable alumni have given incredible time to the effort, and have been the core of the success the campaign has enjoyed thus far. We are extremely grateful to John and to Linda, who exemplify everything North Dakota Spirit represents. Be proud of UND and join us in this momentous effort. We’ve even made it convenient to join financially by including an envelope in this issue. Even easier, you can give online at spirit.und.edu! Best regards,

Tim O’Keefe, ’71 Executive Vice President and CEO UND Alumni Association and UND Foundation E‐mail: timo@undfoundation.org

Universit y of Nor th Dakota A lumni A ssoc iat ion Vol . 93 No. 4 •   Winter 2010

Executive Vice President and CEO Tim O’Keefe, ’71 Executive Director, Alumni Association Doris Cooper, ’91 Interim Editor Amanda Hvidsten, ’01 Designer Kirsten Gunnarson Contributing Writers Chuck Haga Leanna Ihry, ’02 Karen Ryba, ’93, ’05 University Relations Contributing Photography Bruce Crummy Chuck Kimmerle/University Relations Kirsten Gunnarson Megan Weibye BOARD OF DIRECTORS UND Alumni Association Chair James L. Williams, ’62 Vice Chair Carolyn (Howland) Becraft, ’66 UND Foundation Chair Rick Burgum, ’68 Vice Chair Al Royse, ’72, ’73, ’76 Directors: Alice Brekke, ’79, ’87; Jill Burchill, ’76; Steve Burian, ’90, ’92; Marc Chorney, ’81; Kris Compton, ’77; Patrick Dirk, ’71, ’72; Jody Feragan, ’78; Mark Fliginger, ’74; William Guy III, ’68, ’76; Tim Haas, ’68; Bart Holaday, HON ’06; Robert O. Kelley; Chuck Kluenker; Paul LeBel; Lauris Molbert, ’79, ’83; Jennifer Neppel, ’86; Tim O’Keefe, ’71; Linda Pancratz, ’76; Fernanda Philbrick, ’94; Keith Reimer, ’73; Cathy Rydell, ’88; and Lisa Wheeler, ’75, ’82. The University of North Dakota Alumni Review (USPS 018089: ISSN 0895-5409) is published Aug., Nov., Feb., and May by the University of North Dakota Alumni Association, 3100 University Avenue, Stop 8157, Grand Forks, ND 58202-8157. Periodical postage paid at Grand Forks, ND 58201 and other offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Alumni Review, 3100 University Avenue, Stop 8157, Grand Forks, ND 58202-8157. For inquiries about advertising, additional copies, reprints, submissions, or general comments, contact 800.543.8764, 701.777.0831 or alumnireview@undalumni.net.

Moving North Dakota Forward

Within our small but resourceful state, exists a spirit of greatness. It is a common commitment to excel, to improve the lives of those around us and to live up to all we know North Dakota can be. The following stories highlight just a few of the many with UND ties who are our feet on the street moving North Dakota forward. w i n t e r 2010 3

Spirit of Education: North Dakota’s tribal colleges advancing under the leadership of UND alumni. by Chuck Haga

Walking through one of the new buildings at Sitting Bull College in Fort Yates, N.D., President Laurel Vermillion encountered a student, wide-eyed and smiling as she surveyed her new academic home. “She said to me, ‘I can’t believe we’re in this beautiful new building!’” Vermillion said. “And, she said, ‘I feel special!’” At United Tribes Technical College (UTTC) in Bismarck, too, and at Cankdeska Cikana (Little Hoop) Community College in Fort Totten, N.D., the emphasis has been on making Native American students feel at home, supported and special. “Here in Indian country, we have a lot more issues to grapple with,” said Cynthia Lindquist, president at Little Hoop. “We’ve been taught dependency. Our lifestyle was thrown away — our nomadic lifestyle, which was resourceful and resilient. It was based on a communal approach, sharing and taking care of each other. “Tribal colleges teach these things and talk about them. We give the students a place where they can ask questions and challenge things, where they can dream and aspire. We’re more personal, more family and culturally oriented.” Vermillion, Lindquist and David Gipp, president of UTTC, are all UND graduates. They continue to work with colleagues here as they develop programs and send some students on to 4 Ἅ lu m n i R e v ie w  w w w . u n d a l u m n i . or g

four-year and graduate programs at UND. They aim to send students who know who they are, with the skills, critical thinking ability and confidence they need to succeed. “When we started, our people wanted one thing: opportunity for their young people through education,” Gipp said. “Their dream was to have a better life for their people, and that is still the central purpose behind what we do.” Indian students often struggle at “mainstream” colleges, Gipp said, and retention and graduation rates remain poor for those who begin their higher education experience there. “Tribal colleges want to provide education on their own terms and conditions,” he said. “They’re saying, ‘We can do a better job.’ And, the statistics show that those students who go through a tribal college are more apt to be successful in attaining a four-year degree. So we are a great help to those other institutions by helping these students be better prepared. Getting started in their own cultural setting makes them stronger.” UTTC is developing courses to train workers for North Dakota’s booming oil fields, while Sitting Bull College has started a wind energy program, preparing people to work on the wind turbines sprouting across the region. “We know that’s where things are moving,” Vermillion said.

David Gipp, ’69, is president of United Tribes Technical College in Bismarck.

The Standing Rock tribe is “looking toward maybe starting our own wind farms,” she added, and the college has received a grant to put up its own wind turbine for training and to cut the school’s electrical bills. “We’re really good at applying for grants,” she said. “But, those usually are for only two or three years, so we’re constantly looking. We would like to build an endowment so we don’t constantly worry” about finances. Despite that, “I’m optimistic,” she said. “As we see students moving forward toward careers, it’s really exciting.” These are exciting times at Little Hoop, as well, Lindquist said. “We’re thriving,” she said. “We’re providing opportunities to our people, opportunities to enter professions that we need, and focusing on the revitalization and perpetuation of our language and culture. “The tribal colleges are gems in Indian country.” UND also has ties to two other North Dakota tribal colleges, Turtle Mountain Community College in Belcourt and Fort Berthold Community College in New Town. In August, UND President Robert Kelley joined TMCC President James Davis for a tour of the Turtle Mountain campus and discussed continued collaboration between the two schools.

Cankdeska Cikana | Lindquist, a member of the Spirit Lake tribe, grew up on the reservation until she was 13, when the family moved to Grand Forks. She finished high school in Crookston, Minn., graduating in 1969. “I wandered around for a while, kind of lost,” she said. “But, eventually I came back to the reservation, where the leaders were pushing tribal members to go to college (and) providing some financing.” She earned a degree from UND in 1981 and went to the reservation as a health planner. The work led her to enroll in a master’s degree program in public administration at the University of South Dakota, with an emphasis on the Indian health system and supported by the Indian Health Service (IHS). After working as a recruiter at IHS, she became an adjunct faculty member at the UND School of Medicine and Health Sciences, working in community medicine and rural health. She also served as assistant director of rural health. “That led to writing a huge grant called Health Start, addressing infant mortality in Indian country,” Lindquist said. “It provides neonatal care and Healthy Start is still addressing such unmet needs as high-risk pregnancies.” The time she spent at IHS “was one of the best things I ever did,” she said. “It was phenomenal seeing Indian country from a national perspective,

seeing the progressiveness of native leaders and tribal communities. “This bigger world view, seeing where I came from, gave me a positive outlook on our future. I realized that it can be done — we can have economic development and quality education, and we can take over our health care and do it in a new and more cultural way. Working at IHS, I got to see how governments can work together to address these things without always blaming each other for everything and pointing fingers.” In 1997 she returned to North Dakota. “I missed the flat plains, the dark sky, the stars so close,” she said. Following the flood of 1997, she helped the city of Grand Forks recover by working in historic preservation. The next year, Governor Ed Schafer, ’69, HON ’08, asked Lindquist to become executive director of the North Dakota Indian Affairs Commission, a liaison between the state and tribes. In 2002 she returned to UND to help the medical school and rural health office with Indian recruiting and to work on a doctorate in educational leadership, supported by a Bush fellowship. “Then I was asked to come home to be president of the college,” she said. “The college was not in good shape and my tribal community asked me to come home. The college had been w i n t e r 2010 5

placed on probation in 2002 for problems with finances, governance and administration, and I had 18 months before the scheduled visit of the college accreditation staff.” The North Central team visited and, in 2005, granted accreditation. “The Creator has put me where I was supposed

outdoor classroom and amphitheater. Tops on Lindquist’s to-do list: student housing. While most students are Native American, the college offers open enrollment and attracts seven or eight non-Indian students a semester. It employs about 100 people, including 22 faculty members, and it enjoys good relations with UND, North

Commencement ceremonies at United Tribes Technical College.

to be,” she said. “I’m the eldest of 13 children, so I’m good at cleaning up messes. It was a lot of common sense, applying sound management practices and helping the tribal community delineate roles more clearly, so everybody can play the roles they’ve taken on.” The college offers 12 academic programs, including carpentry, construction and medical transcription, as well as programs leading to associate degrees in such fields as Indian studies, environmental studies and nursing, enabling students to move on to four-year schools. “We help create the pathway,” she said. Enrollment, which had hovered around 90 students, has climbed over the past seven years to about 250. “Our goal is 400 to 500 students,” she said. “Physically, we have doubled our capacity and by next spring we hope to double it again. Since I’ve been home, we have added four new classroom sections, an administrative wing, a tech/fine arts wing and a new agriculture classroom building. We opened the doors last week for an early childhood learning center.” The college also is near completion of a stateof-the-art gymnasium and has plans to develop an 6 Ἅ lu m n i R e v ie w  w w w . u n d a l u m n i . or g

Dakota State University and Lake Region State College in Devils Lake. “We sit down and talk with each other and get to know each other,” Lindquist said. “The relationship is improving. Part of that is because people recognize that the vitality in North Dakota is in its reservations. Our people are relatively young — very young compared to the rest of the state — and that will be important in years to come. So the state has an obligation to help us now so our people are getting an education and can be contributors to society.” Sitting Bull College | Vermillion, an enrolled member of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe, was raised in Kenel, S.D., a small reservation town near the Missouri River. “My father was a rancher, and I grew up close to the river and always around cattle and horses,” she said. “I went to a country school four miles away. Sometimes we walked or I rode a pony or biked. “I have fond memories of that time. I was like Huck Finn. I think I had the perfect childhood.” After graduating from high school in 1973, Vermillion took a job as a secretary. “But, I’m a

people person, and I didn’t like sitting there all day with the typewriter,” she said, so she left to work as a teacher’s aide in the Head Start program. Then, one of the founders of what would become Sitting Bull College encouraged Vermillion to enroll. “I was 18 and I had always loved school,” she said. “My country school teacher read to us in the morning and before we went home. She sparked that love within me. I started taking classes at the college. We didn’t even have a building; it was a teacher and five students meeting in a corner.” She went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from UND in 1980 through a grant aimed at preparing Native American teachers. She received a master’s degree in education administration in 1992 and a doctorate in teaching and learning in higher education in 2005. After she earned her first degree, she taught school in Fort Yates for 13 years, using the “cohort” or group study model she had found so helpful at UND. By 1994 she was the principal at an Indian school, and in 1995 she returned to Sitting Bull College as vice president for academics. In 2005 she was named interim president and, in 2006, president. The college offers 19 associate and seven baccalaureate programs, as well as programs leading to certification. Nursing, business administration and environmental science are popular fields. “We’re very proud of what we’re doing,” she said. “We have a very committed staff and faculty. They love being here and working with our students.” The school, which started in a rented building in Fort Yates, has just completed a move to a new campus on the west side of town. “We’re very excited,” Vermillion said. “We’re in the middle of a $40 million capital campaign and we’re probably a little over halfway there. And, we’ve built six buildings in six years, all with grants. We’re just finishing a center for our building trades, tech programs and maintenance program, and with that building, everybody will be on our new campus.” A new financial building was finished in April to house the business office and job placement center. A new cultural and visitor center will tell the story of the college and its namesake, Sitting Bull. The new location also features 18 housing units for students. “Our enrollment is stable at about 330 students,” Vermillion said. “We’ll continue there until we get dormitories and efficiency apartments.” Most Sitting Bull students are from the reservation, but many are looking for a college experience that includes living independently, she said. “Now, some of our top students go off the reservation for school and it’s a big culture shock. Even if they’ve done well academically, they struggle

socially and they come back. We help instill a cultural identity in them, a better knowledge of traditions and love for their culture.” She defines the school’s mission as “providing cultural awareness as well as the academic preparation you’d get at any college.” Each part of the mission is vital to the other. “If they understand and appreciate their culture, they’re more likely to do well with their lives,” she said. “Our students are proud of who they are.” United Tribes Technical College | Gipp was born and raised on the Standing Rock reservation and is a member of the Lakota-Dakota-Nakota Nation. After graduating from a Catholic Indian boarding school in South Dakota, he enrolled at UND and graduated in 1969 with a degree in political science. He worked as a tribal planner and, in 1973, became the first national director of the American Indian Higher Education Consortium. The consortium “was the primary association for the tribal college movement,” Gipp said. “There were six schools when we started. Now there are 37 members,” including United Tribes and the other North Dakota tribal colleges. “The first schools served about 1,500 students in 1973, and members now serve about 30,000.” Gipp, who was one of the founders of Sitting Bull College and assisted in development of others,

has been UTTC president since 1977. “The tribal college movement has been my life’s work,” he said. UTTC began as a training center in what had been Fort Abraham Lincoln, an active Army installation into the mid-1920s, then a base for the North Dakota Army National Guard. It housed Japanese and German citizens taken into custody in the United States during World War II, and after its decommissioning as a military post in 1965 it was used by Job Corps and the Peace Corps. The tribal training center started in 1969 and soon became a two-year college, and in the late 1980s the name was changed to United Tribes Technical College. The school recently added 137 acres to its campus and is raising money for a major facility expansion. About $1.5 million has been spent on infrastructure in the new area, and a $5 million first phase of a science and technology building is underway. Within a few years, UTCC will begin granting four-year college degrees in three fields vital to Indian country: business administration, elementary teacher education and criminal justice. The school has simply partnered in the past with UND to offer four-year degree programs. “We’ll probably see our first four-year degree classes walk out in 2012 and 2013,” Gipp said. Additional four-year programs, especially in public health, are likely.

Enrollment has climbed to about 1,000 students, plus about 500 children enrolled in K-8 and infant-and-toddler programs. With planned expansion of student housing and programs, Gipp expects college enrollment to more than double within five years. “Our focus here is on the American Indian family, which has been pushed, pulled and tugged by various social, political and religious institutions and beliefs,” he said. “They don’t always know who they are. We help them find that as we prepare them to function in a multi-dimensional society.” Tribal colleges, where students experience postsecondary education in a setting more conducive to their success, also benefits families, he said, because they share in the achievement. “In the beginning, mainstream schools were coming in and offering courses and college credits, but the credits weren’t leading to any degrees,” Gipp said. “The arrangement was beneficial to them, but not so much to us. “We decided we should do this for ourselves. This is the road to independence for First Americans.” 

The UND Connection Cynthia Lindquist, ’81, ’06, credits “some really good programs and individuals at UND who helped me realize I was smart” and could accomplish big things. “UND has been good to me,” said Lindquist, president of Cankdeska Cikana (Little Hoop) Community College in Fort Totten. She received her doctorate in educational leadership from UND in 2006. “My bachelor’s degree was in the liberal arts, Indian studies and English,” she said. “I really didn’t know what I wanted to do then — maybe be a lawyer and save the world — but my career path evolved from having that good foundation. It helped me to come to terms with my identity. “I have many friends at UND, people I respect and admire. A lot of them I call colleagues now.” Laurel Vermillion, ’80, ’92, ’05, said her UND experience “prepared me very well to work with teachers and understand what it takes to be a good teacher.” The president of Sitting Bull College in Fort Yates earned her first degree through a grant aimed at training Native American teachers. “Every one of those degrees was through a cohort model, a group of students who work together on a program,” she said. “That’s especially effective with Native American people. We have very strong ties with

our extended families, and because we’re used to having that support from our family, this cohort takes that place while in school.” Her master’s degree in education administration and her doctorate in teaching and learning in higher education also used the cohort model. “While working on all those degrees, I continued to work full-time and was raising a family,” Vermillion said. “The cohort made it doable.” David Gipp, ’69, said that his UND experience prepared him academically but also provided insights into why many Indian students struggle in such settings. “Academically, I never questioned what UND was doing,” he said. “I always felt the faculty at UND included some of the finest teachers in the country. They did a great job. “Socially, we learned early on that we had to create our own ground there, and that led to the creation of the UND Indian Association. We were losing students rapidly; they were dropping out. So we asked for more tutoring, more support and we got that. I’m very proud of that because those things were the direct result of Indians making an effort themselves. We had to take action to take care of ourselves. “There wouldn’t be an Indian enrollment of 400 at UND today without that.”

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Big Shortages

in Small Towns The UND School of Medicine and Health Sciences focuses on primary care physicians to fill the need in rural communities. by Leanna Ihry

The words, “Love what you do,” are printed in bright, bold colors on the decorative wood sign that sits on the bookshelf in Dr. Heidi Philpot’s, ’06, office. As you watch her interact with the resident doctors at Altru Family Medicine Residency (FMR), it’s clear she practices what she preaches. “Teaching is such a rewarding profession. They [resident doctors] are so unsure when they start and I am able to just see that transformation and watch them grow and become family physicians. This is where they get their foundation,” said Philpot. It is also where she got her foundation – and inspiration. Between her second and third years of medical school at UND, Philpot did an externship at FMR. “I just loved the enthusiasm and I knew the faculty [doctors] was top notch. They taught me that if you are going to be an effective teacher, you have to be trustworthy, and I really live by that each day as I work with our residents,” Philpot said. Currently, there are six docs in training at Altru FMR. As one group graduates, another six come on board. Dr. Philpot, who spends the majority of her time seeing patients of her own, said the Residency offers a broad training base giving the young physicians the tools they need to be successful. “Because North Dakota is such a rural state, even

here in Grand Forks, they get to experience a little bit of everything and have the opportunity to work with those high acuity patients. That sets them up well to be family physicians in a rural community where there are no specialists or other doctors to turn to. It’s just them and they will need to know a little bit of everything.” Of the six doctors who completed residencies at FMR in June, four stayed in North Dakota. Philpot says that’s pretty typical and that the new graduates she mentors usually end up taking jobs within 150 miles of the area. Even so, the numbers don’t add up enough in Grand Forks or North Dakota’s other larger cities (Bismarck, Fargo and Minot) to meet the shortage of doctors in rural North Dakota. “It’s hard to be a family physician in a small town. You have no back up if you are sick or want to go on vacation. The technology isn’t there, so if you need to run a CT-scan you have to send them somewhere else. Yes, there are definitely challenges, but we need to find ways to entice people to go to these small communities and then make it a pleasant experience for them,” Philpot said. The Big Picture | Dr. Joshua Wynne, dean of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS) at UND – the only medical school in

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North Dakota - is making sure his team is doing just that. Since taking the helm in 2009, he’s been looking at ways to address the state’s primary care physician (family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics) shortfall. Nationally, he says the United States will be short an estimated 159,000 physicians by 2025. In North Dakota alone, there will be a need

Primary care physicians cover all ranges of care, including pediatrics. Dr. Philpot cares for one of her young patients in Grand Forks.

for 160 more physicians - many of them in rural areas. “Baby boomers are reaching an age where they need more medical care,” Wynne explained, adding that aside from Florida, North Dakota has the largest percentage of residents older than 85 and is third in the nation for people over 75. Currently, Wynne said there is the need for at least 50 additional physicians in North Dakota. At this time, the SMHS graduates about 55 new doctors each year. Turning things Around | Given this reality, the SMHS is doing everything it can to address this shortage. The three-fold solution: interest even more young North Dakotans in medical careers; retain the doctors UND is producing; and expand the SMHS class size. Wynne believes retention starts with the state’s ability to grow its own doctors. “North Dakota 10 Ἅ lu m n i R e v ie w  w w w . u n d a l u m n i . or g

mirrors the rest of the country. If someone goes to medical school in the state, there is a one in three chance they’ll work here. If they do their residency here, there’s a 40-50 percent chance they’ll stay, and if they attend medical school and do their residency here there’s nearly a 70 percent chance,” Wynne explained. Beyond recruiting, educating and retaining North Dakota’s finest as doctors, the issue involves the number of people becoming primary care physicians as opposed to specialists. “The supply chain of primary care physicians just isn’t there. Young people aren’t choosing to go into primary care because of income disparity for those who choose primary care as a career compared with a subspecialty; the time and demands of primary care can infringe on family and personal time; the expectations of patients to be referred to a specialist, no matter what the cost, and the debt load. The average medical school graduate will have $150,000 worth of debt right out of school,” Wynne said. That debt load, coupled with a lower salary in a small community, can paint a less-than-appealing picture for a doctor who’s trying to decide where to practice. “We need to encourage our own local youth to enter the health care field, to choose a primary care specialty and to stay in North Dakota to practice,” Wynne said. He has a plan to accomplish this. In an effort to get North Dakota kids interested in medicine, the Center for Rural Health sponsors R-COOL-Health Scrubs Camps, designed to interest 5th-12th grade students from across the state in health care careers. Mission Physician, a second program which caters to the youth, offers five weeklong residential camps to high school students from rural schools. Currently, about one in four SMHS students come from towns with fewer than 2,500 people, but Wynne believes more can be done. “We are looking at ways to adjust our admission criteria to do an even better job in selecting students with a propensity to enter primary care,” Wynne said. With the support of the state legislature, the SMHS has also implemented the RuralMed program, which relieves students of tuition expenses for their four years of medical school if they agree to go into family medicine and practice in a designated rural area of North Dakota for five years. This is at

least a $100,000 added value to each student who’s on board. Jessica (Williams) Sobolik, ’02, director of alumni and community relations at the SMHS, says three medical students are currently taking advantage of the program, but up to eight incoming freshman in the Classes of 2012, 2013 and 2014 are allowed to enroll. “We’re finding that freshmen hesitate to commit to family medicine in their first year, so the School is evaluating potential changes to the program to better accommodate the students,” said Sobolik. A second solution is to increase class sizes. Wynne is proposing a 29 percent increase to the M.D. class, a 15 percent increase in the health sciences classes and residency slots would increase by 17 students. While it may sound simple, it’s really not. Only about 17 percent of total medical school costs are paid through tuition and almost 30 percent of support comes from the state. In summary, the cost of each additional student in medical school adds up. That said, the SMHS, with an endorsement by President Robert Kelley, has submitted a proposal to the North Dakota State Legislature asking for additional funding. If passed, the first expanded class would enter the workforce six years shy of the projected shortage in 2025. “There is a shortfall now, but it’s only going to get worse. The average time it takes to train an M.D. is seven years, so we must act now,” Wynne said. He stressed that larger class sizes won’t mean poorer quality doctors. “There are currently five applicants for every one slot. Are these high quality applicants? Yes,” he said. The last approach, which Wynne says is the least attractive because of the cost involved, is to import doctors from outside the state. Given the national shortfall, competition with other states will be fierce and the fact that most of these doctors aren’t North Dakotans makes them less likely to stay. To help with rural recruitment, the Center for Rural Health, housed in the SMHS building, has hired a recruiter to help place doctors in rural North Dakota. Aaron Ortiz came on board six months ago and has been working with critical access hospitals (hospitals with 25 beds or less) to develop recruitment plans. He says some of the physicians he recruits aren’t from North Dakota. “A lot of it is tracking the UND residents who have gone on to other states. People who have graduated from UND

and wanted to go someplace else for awhile are more likely to come back,” Ortiz says. Despite the state and national shortfall, Wynne says the SMHS boasts the highest percentage of students entering family medicine of any school in the U.S. He believes the shortage is truly a symptom of bigger problems: how

Dr. Joshua Wynne, dean of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences, and vice president of Health Affairs.

health care is organized, financed and delivered in the United States. “Until those difficulties are addressed, less access, higher cost and lower quality will continue to exist in health care. Fortunately, here in North Dakota, we are proud to be a high-quality and low-cost state when compared to others in the country. The School is trying to be a positive influence by advocating for activities that improve health care and health care delivery.” And, while the School is doing what it can, the difference may also rest on the shoulders of influential and inspiring doctors like Heidi Philpot - a physician who believes in family medicine and believes in rural North Dakota. “I am really able to get to know my patients as people here. I have one family where I see all four generations. That’s one of the great joys of practicing in North Dakota,” she smiled.  w i n t e r 2010 11


Cousins by Leanna Ihry

The small town of Arthur, N.D., population 400, has more amenities than many tiny towns on the Prairie. There is a mall. Yes, a mall, with a grocery store, insurance office, drug store, post office, bank, and more. Main Street, which is the only road into town, is home to all of these businesses. You really can’t miss it. On each side of Main, you’ll most often find two prominent Arthur business owners, Rick Burgum, ’68, and Jim Williams, ’62, working hard at their jobs. Rick, whose office is on the west side of the road, is chief executive officer of  Arthur Companies, a family business he’s been involved with since 1971. And Jim, on the east side of the street, is president of Arthur Mercantile Company - also, a family business. As in most small towns, just about everybody is related in Arthur, and Rick and Jim are no different. They are first 12 Ἅ lu m n i R e v ie w  w w w . u n d a l u m n i . or g

cousins. The commonalities don’t stop there. They, along with another cousin, John Williams, ’66, own the town bank together, serve on Arthur’s Job Development Authority and have many other similar business interests. “Between all of the businesses Jim and I are involved in, it’s several of the businesses in town,” Rick said. While they are making a difference in their community, they are also giving back to UND in a big way. As fate would have it, this year Jim is chair of the UND Alumni Association board of directors, while Rick chairs the Foundation board. “It does seem like quite a coincidence,” Jim smiled. Both devout UND supporters, Jim’s and Rick’s involvement with the University dates back decades.

Cousins Jim Williams (left) and Rick Burgum.

Over the years, they have given of their time, talent and treasure. Jim’s Story | Jim Williams’ life began in Arthur. He grew up there, and, as a kid, he often helped out at Arthur Mercantile Company, a general store started by his grandfather and great uncle in 1890. Around the same time, they opened a bank in town. “I always knew I would come back to Arthur someday, but I wanted to leave and get an education,” Jim said. That’s exactly what he did. Jim attended UND, earning a degree in business administration. After graduation, the country boy went to graduate school at the University of Pennsylvania before moving to New York City, where he worked as

assistant treasurer of the Bank of New York. In 1972, he returned home to lead Arthur Mercantile Company, which has evolved into a farm equipment dealership. (The farm equipment part of the business was sold to Titan Machinery last year.) Jim also serves as chairman of First State Bank of North Dakota in Arthur and The Goose River Bank in Mayville, N.D. He is also involved in a large farming operation in the Arthur area, which is managed by John Williams. Rick’s Story | Rick Burgum also has a long history in Arthur. He, like Jim, was raised in the small town about 30 miles northwest of Fargo. In fact, to this day he and his wife, Jody (Stibbe), ’74, live in the house in which he grew up. Rick’s grandfather was an entrepreneur and began managing what, in 1911, was known as Arthur Farmers w i n t e r 2010 13

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Elevator. Today, the family-owned business has expanded and is collectively called The Arthur Companies, which includes two shuttle loading facilities, five grain elevators, farms, a bird seed company, and a wholesale fertilizer company. Rick – also like Jim – wanted to leave Arthur to get an education after high school, but knew he would return one day. Rick came to UND and earned a liberal arts degree and stands by the notion that everything he learned about farming he learned at UND. “It gave me the broad foundation I need as I go about each day,” Rick said. Arthur Companies has done quite well under his leadership. “In 1980 we were handling 4.5 million bushels of grain and 10 thousand ton of fertilizer. Today, we handle 30 million bushels of grain and 57 thousand ton of fertilizer,” he said. Giving Back to their Alma Mater | The commonalities are many between these two cousins, but their loyalty to UND may be the most unique. Jim joined the UND Alumni Association and UND Foundation board of directors in 2001, and is currently serving his last three-year term. As chair of the Association, Jim is giving back of his time and talent each day. “We’ve always been strong supporters of UND. Barbara [Jim’s wife, Barbara Wood, and a 1962 UND grad] is from Grand Forks, so we have cheered on the Fighting Sioux since I can remember,” Jim said. He is excited about how far the Alumni Association has come over the last few years, and believes it’s the leadership of people like President Robert Kelley and Alumni Association and Foundation executive vice president and CEO Tim O’Keefe, ’71, who are making good things happen. “I am really excited about the North Dakota Spirit campaign. I believe we will easily meet our goal with the tremendous leadership we have on board [see page 69]. Not only President Kelley and Tim, but the campaign chairs, Linda Pancratz and John Barry, and the entire National Campaign Steering Committee,” Jim said. Rick, too, has been serving on the board for nearly a decade. He took the helm as chair of the Foundation in July. He explains that his loyalty to the University goes back to his days on campus, and he’s happy to give back in any way he can. “The people who are on the board of directors are so interesting and successful. You’re excited about going to the meetings and excited to see the beneficial changes taking place,” Rick said. When asked if they travel to Grand Forks together for meetings, these two UND supporters said not too often, but they do admit it’s quite convenient to get together and “talk shop,” whether it’s regarding their leadership on the board, the latest grain markets or even what’s on the menu at Kelley’s Café (also on Main Street). “Oh yeah, I talk to Jim about every day,” Rick said. “We’re proud to be UND alumni, and I’m also proud to say that even though Arthur is closer to Fargo than Grand Forks, most people here bleed green.”  w i n t e r 2010 15

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What’s New News from ARO


A Partnership with University Relations

President Robert O. Kelley addressed members of the campus and Grand Forks community on September 30 to give the annual State of the University address. Focusing on five key areas, President Kelley provided his vision for the UND’s future, which includes enriching learning, facilitating collaboration, encouraging gathering, improving the quality of life for faculty and staff, and expanding UND’s presence.

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A Letter from the President:


THE TIME IS RIGHT. DEAR ALUMNI & FRIENDS, What an exciting Homecoming! The campus, nearly 14,200 strong with a record enrollment, was buzzing with activity. Perhaps the greatest excitement took place on Friday, Oct. 8, when we literally ignited the spirit. That was the day we made a historic announcement to transform this great University of ours. When Marcia and I first stepped onto campus in 2008, one of the first things that struck us was the incredible spirit that embodies the students, the faculty and staff. It didn’t take us long to recognize how deeply the spirit of North Dakota is embedded in the University. That spirit embodies our culture, our heritage and our vision for our future. Since joining this campus community, I have talked about moving UND from great to exceptional. On Oct. 8, we took a major leap in that direction when we launched “North Dakota Spirit: The Campaign for UND,” the biggest private fundraising effort in UND’s history, in North Dakota’s history. This campaign will involve the entire campus and add vitality to the UND experience for future generations and bring this great University to new levels of distinction. Indeed, to exceptional. There’s never been a better time to solidify a partnership between our public support and private partners. All around us, higher education systems are facing cutbacks. North Dakota, on the other hand, is enhancing its investment in the core needs of higher education. And, that allows us to focus on our core mission of teaching and learning; research, scholarship and creative activity, and public service. The partnerships occurring during this unprecedented campaign will bring UND opportunities for unparalleled growth, particularly in four primary areas. First, we will raise $100 million for students. Our students travel to UND from every state in the nation

and more than 60 countries. Their collective enthusiasm ignites passion in the entire University community. This campaign will provide critical funding for scholarships and stipends, and make invaluable experiences like study abroad and internships affordable and rewarding. We will also build support for faculty by raising $100 million to establish endowed chairs and fund faculty research initiatives. Faculty at UND inspire and shape the lives of students every day and their work enhances UND’s global reputation. Building endowments to support faculty will dramatically strengthen UND’s ability to retain our best and recruit additional inspiring faculty leaders to our vibrant academic community. We will raise $50 million for innovative programs that will connect the strengths of this University and create synergies that have a far-reaching impact. Lastly, $50 million will fund new building and technology initiatives that enhance the living and learning environments on campus. So, all told, this campaign will have a $300 million impact on the University of North Dakota. I invite you to ignite your North Dakota Spirit. I invite you to join Marcia and me in being part of moving the University of North Dakota from “great” to “exceptional.” Nickname and Logo As I’m sure you know, the University is retiring the Fighting Sioux nickname and logo following the directive, last April, of the State Board of Higher Education. UND has until August 15, 2011, to complete the transition. To facilitate that process, I have asked Dr. Robert Boyd to serve as Transition Officer. After more than a decade, Bob is retiring at the end of December as Vice President for Student Affairs, a role he has excelled in much to the benefit of UND. Prior to that, he earned national acclaim for his leadership of UND’s Division of Continuing Education. I am happy to say Bob has agreed to stay on beyond his retirement to continue to help us as we work through the nickname and logo transition. That process is well under way. The Honoring History and Traditions Task group — led by Dr. Bruce Smith, ’70, dean of the John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences and a former UND All-American football player, and Kris Compton, ’77, COO for Alerus Financial — had its first meeting Oct. 12. This is a year of transition, but also a year of transformation. Our University has never been in a stronger position. The time is right to build on a tremendous legacy of success. I hope you will join me as, together, we create a University of North Dakota for the future. Best wishes,

Robert O. Kelley President

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A FIRST LEGO League robot shown by a proud competitor.

Robotics Tournament Encourages

Students to Pursue Science and Math

Combine robots made from LEGO toys with friendly competition and you’ll have the formula for getting future engineers involved in math and science.

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Since 2003, the School of Engineering and Mines has sponsored the annual North Dakota FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Tournament in Grand Forks each January. What’s it like when more than a dozen teams of 9to 14-year-olds from around the region try to get their LEGO robots to complete a series of challenges on 4-foot by 8-foot tables? “It’s like the state basketball tournament – in one day,” said Cheryl Osowski, School of  Engineering and Mines outreach coordinator and FLL organizer. FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) is the brainchild of  Dean Kamen, a New Hampshire entrepreneur and the inventor of the Segway. The primary goal of  FIRST is to encourage youth interest and participation in science and technology. Schools from North Dakota, northwest Minnesota and South Dakota compete for the opportunity to attend the FIRST World Festival tournament at the

Super Dome in Atlanta. Retired teacher Vivian Meiers won the FLL North Dakota Championship Tournament three separate years with sixth grade teams from Bismarck’s Robert Miller Elementary School. Each team went on to participate in the FLL World Festival, which hosts about 85 teams from approximately 50 different countries. “Students love LEGOs and they love robots,” she noted. “They discover that they have hidden talents, and this project opens their eyes to careers in science, engineering and technology. “Sometimes you do a project and wonder if  the kids gained enough for the time you put into it,” Meiers said. “But, with the FLL tournament, you know that the kids are gleaning important information and gaining valuable skills.” That, says Osowski, is the reason UND Engineering got involved in FIRST. “Our number-one goal is to promote the

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college of nursing Dean’s Corner:

Nursing, Nutrition and Dietetics:

A Part of the Solution engineering profession as a whole,” she explained. “We educate young people about what engineers do to make their lives simpler and safer and more fun. We translate that into something that helps them understand why science and math is so important.” FIRST sponsors four different LEGO robotics leagues for students from ages 6 to 18, but UND’s engineering school focuses on the FIRST LEGO League for grades 4 -8 (ages 9-14). “When we looked at age ranges we could work with, we decided the middle school age was where we really needed to target our efforts,” Osowski said. “If you start with kids at 14  -15 years of age, many of them have already decided to take a higher level of math or science. “We need to get kids fired up before they make that decision,” she continued. “We need to get them to understand how much fun learning about science and math can be and all the neat things you can do with that kind of knowledge.” Yolanda Luick, a teacher at Fairmount (N.D.) Public School, has brought a team of  fourth graders to the FLL tournament nearly every year. She knows what participation in the FLL tournament does for her students. “It’s a big step for fourth graders because it’s their first exposure to teamwork, brainstorming and building off others’ ideas,” she said. “What’s fun as a coach is to see how the kids find the areas they’re interested in and explore them. “Some kids don’t like building the robot but they love programming it,” she added. “Once we get into programming the robot, the students realize trial and error works, but they begin to better understand how their math skills come in handy.” Jay Kleven, part owner of EAPC Architects and Engineers in Grand Forks and a 1996 UND civil engineering graduate, volunteered as project judge for the North Dakota tournament last January. He was impressed by the quality of the student projects and presentations, as well as the energy and enthusiasm. “I came away thinking that we’re going to be fine when these kids become adults and leaders,” he said. “Anybody who’s willing to take that extra time to do these competitions, you know that they’re a good kid to start with.”  PATRICK C. MILLER

It is an exhilarating time at the College of Nursing. We entered 2010 – the start of a new decade – just having celebrated 100 years of nursing education on the UND campus. A multitude of students, faculty, friends, and alumni gathered to celebrate this accomplishment during Homecoming ’09 – the synergy was palpable! We celebrated the success of those that came before us; transforming a nursing course into a school and later a College of Nursing – that now offers a full complement of education, from the baccalaureate degree through the research-focused doctorate in nursing. The 2010-2011 academic year brings a new level of excitement in nursing, that of being a part of the health care equation. Despite the turmoil of debate that preceded and followed the passage of health care reform legislation, consumer confidence in health care remains strong. Similarly, the public continues to recognize nursing as the nation’s most trusted profession. Health care is nursing. Nurses are uniquely qualified to provide holistic care to patients – to provide health care prevention and promotion strategies, to manage illness, and to provide physical, psychosocial and emotional care through the lifespan. Modern nursing education, parallel to national health care reform, is undergoing critical evaluation of its curriculum to ensure academic strength. Nursing curriculum must emphasize information management, interprofessional teams, leadership, critical thinking, evidence-based practice, health care regulation, clinical judgment, policy, and safety. Nursing’s colleagues, in the College and in practice, are community nutritionists and registered dietitians. These individuals are key players on the health care team and effect community wellness through a multitude of community-based roles and activities. Registered dietitians conduct medical nutrition therapy for the treatment or control of a range of diseases or conditions. Graduates of this program could see a wide variety of patients, or might specialize in one particular area, such as pediatric nutrition, renal medical nutrition therapy or nutritional support in critical care. Similar to nursing, nutritionists and dietitians are engaged in health prevention and health promotion and might be employed in a health maintenance organization, a wellness center, or in a public healthrelated government agency or advocacy group at the local, state or federal level. Faculty and staff are dedicated to our students and are educating them to be part of the health care solution, offering strategies that are intrinsic and unique. Our goal is to educate highly qualified individuals prepared for a variety of roles and poised to positively affect health care of individuals, families and communities in the state, region, country, and across the globe. Health is a continuum, a never-ending process. Investing in the future of health care now is the right thing to do at just the right time. By partnering with the College of Nursing, which is in its second century of improving health, we can make a real difference in the world. Sincerely,

Julie Anderson, Dean

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Nurse Practitioners

in Rural Health Care Sometimes the best answer to a

problem is the most difficult to see because it’s the most obvious. For example, at a time when fewer physicians are going into family practice and it’s becoming more difficult to attract doctors to low-population areas such as rural North Dakota, how can the state meet the health care needs of its rural residents? Family nurse practitioners – nurses with advanced education and additional clinical training – are a part of the solution and will play an even greater role in the future, says Elizabeth Tyree, associate professor at the College of Nursing and chair of the Department of Family and Community Nursing. “We’re going to have a greater need for nurse

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practitioners, with or without health care reform,” she said. “It’s just going to happen that way.” Not only are there fewer general practitioners, but there are also shortages of physicians in more specialized areas, such as pediatrics, obstetrics and internal medicine, Tyree says. “Some say that 60 to 80 percent of primary care services in this country can be provided by nurses and nurse practitioners in particular,” she noted. Nurse practitioners (NPs) start as registered nurses (RNs) with bachelor’s degrees, typically working a year or more at a clinic or hospital. After completing the two-year master’s program, they are licensed to perform a wider variety of health care duties, such as writing prescriptions, and diagnosing and treating illnesses. They are also involved in health promotion, disease prevention, health education, and counseling. Tyree notes the best way to improve the chances of NPs staying in the Northern Plains is to recruit students from the region who enjoy the lifestyle here. Most students in UND’s family NP program are from North Dakota, Minnesota and South Dakota, she says. “I can see myself staying in this area, absolutely,” says Ann Mason, a Minot, N.D., native and one of 56 students currently enrolled in UND’s program. Besides the family-friendly environment and excellent schools for her two children, she cites other advantages. “I’ve worked in bigger hospitals and I do like the aspect of rural clinics,” Mason adds. “The communities are more than inviting. They welcome you with open arms.” The idea of nurse practitioners serving rural areas is not new or revolutionary. Tyree, who graduated from the first nurse practitioner program at the University of Colorado Medical Center in 1971, was one of the first in the field to practice in a rural area. Today, the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners estimates that there are 140,000 NPs practicing in the United States. Tyree says that many of the 162 NPs who have graduated from UND’s program since it began in 1993 are still in the state, some serving in rural communities and on reservations. “Where I grew up, when I went to the doctor, I went to a nurse practitioner,” said Rebecca Wolf, originally from Bowman, N.D., who’s in her second year of the family NP program. She plans to specialize in dermatology and also wants to remain in the region to be near

her family. “The nice thing about being a family nurse practitioner is that you can work anywhere,” Wolf said. “You can work in a hospital, a clinic, rural health, or a specialty.” Sam Held, who grew up in Rocklake, N.D., followed his father and other relatives into the nursing profession and plans to pursue his practice in North Dakota or northern Minnesota. He decided to become an NP because of a desire to do more for his patients. “What I thought was lacking is that you interact with the patients for a little bit of time in the hospital and then they’d go home,” he said. “I really wanted to be more involved in their care at the home level,” he explained. “I wanted to help them prevent having these problems in the first place and help prevent their problems from returning.” Mason, Wolf and Held are currently practicing in collaboration with doctors and NPs in small community clinics as they work toward completion of their master’s degrees next May. When the three-year doctor of nursing practice program replaces the family NP program in 2012, they expect to further their education at UND to pursue that degree. “To have candidates coming from Bottineau or Rugby or other locations in the state is ideal,” Tyree said. “When they get their education and return to where their family is, it’s a golden opportunity for expanded community health care services.”  PATRICK C. MILLER

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After School Adventure: Beyond Earth UND program introduces Native American school kids to different scientific philosophies Inflation isn’t too bad when you’re

talking UND’s portable planetariums. It’s just enough to get you “beyond Earth”—after school. For faculty members Tim Young and Mark Guy, these blow-up versions of the spectacularly more expensive fixed-place planetariums are just the ticket when they need to create an engaging after-school science experience about the physics of the Sun-Earth-Moon system. Or, take students on a virtual trip through our solar system. Young, associate professor of physics in the College of Arts and Sciences, and Guy, associate professor of teaching and learning in the College of Education and Human Development, have teamed up on several projects to help teachers in the region master the best and latest ways to teach science, math and technology to kids. One of their first science ventures is Beyond Earth: Weaving Science and Indigenous Culture. It’s a unique project that recently got the green light from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to help Native American students—and later, many others—to engage in science and math. Young, the principal investigator on the NSF planning grant, explains, “Beyond Earth—using a Digitalis inflatable dome—is a simulationbased instructional model of learning that gives youth and families experiences rooted in both Native American science and Western science core concepts that will change how they view themselves in relationship to the Cosmos, the Earth, and fellow human beings.” Basically, it’s all about helping teachers and the kids they teach to understand that when it comes to science, there is a lot more besides what you read in your basic textbook. “We aim to incorporate indigenous culture, stories, language—their ways of thinking about science and universe—in after-school programs and teacher training,” Guy said, who is co-principal investigator along with Clarice Baker-Big Back, Fort Berthold Community College; and Kathy Froelich, Sitting Bull College. “Beyond Earth goes much deeper than ‘how does that work,’” said Young, whose research focuses primarily on supernovae, or star explosions. “It’s about how you interpret the world and how you know something. There are many different takes on knowing. It’s about how different cultures understand nature differently.” Project partners include the Grand Forksbased Dakota Science Center, Fort Berthold

Community College and Sitting Bull College. The Native American tribes represented in this initiative illustrate partnerships between the Dakota, Lakota, Nakota, Hidatsa, Mandan, and Arikara. “We deliver a culturally responsive curriculum with the Beyond Earth Moon Module, teacher training workshops and a project website,” Guy said. “The kids love what we’re doing,” Young said. “They are amazed that we do science outside of science class—when you can get that connection with students, it’s great because the science that you do in that context becomes part of their lives, instead of institutionalized science.” Beyond Earth curriculum introduces students to the moon’s appearance, phases and positions in the sky using the Night Sky Planetarium Experience Station. Students interact with it during programs at the Boys and Girls Club (Fort Berthold Community College), Night Lights Afterschool program (Sitting Bull Community College), and Valley Middle School (UND and Dakota Science Center). Students explore core concepts underlying the moon’s phases and eclipses using the interactive Nature Experience Station before engaging in the culminating Mission Challenge activity in which they apply their knowledge to problemsolving situations and projects. Guy also said during the past year, 20 pre-service and in-service teachers participated in professional development workshops. About 80 urban and rural Native youth and family members participated in community programs. Young and company are gearing up for the next round of funding to NSF. The future grant of three more years, if awarded, would carry them into the year 2014.


In their latest venture, funded by the North Dakota State Board of Education, Guy and Young are using a GeoDome—a larger inflatable portable multipurpose planetarium—in a project called SITE, Simulation Immersion in Teacher Education. This project involves collaboration among teacher educators, content consultants, teacher candidates, and teachers. K-12 students will be immersed in stunning simulations within a portable GeoDome Theatre to promote their understanding of complex and abstract scientific concepts in astronomy and geology. Live networking with other sites internationally will also be conducted.  Juan MigUel Pedraza

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Entrepreneurship at UND:

Putting More Horsepower in the Field Entrepreneurship in North Dakota is nothing new: using an innovative approach to get through a bad winter or a wet, windy summer, or trying out new seed varieties to improve yield. “It’s about getting things done in new ways, solving problems, economic growth, and jobs,” said Bruce Gjovig, one of the pioneers of entrepreneurship programs in the nation, and director and entrepreneur coach at UND’s Center for Innovation. And, students love it. UND has long been a leader in entrepreneurship. The Center, formed in 1984 and nationally recognized seven times for excellence in innovation and entrepreneurship, was among the nation’s first entrepreneur outreach centers. The entrepreneur program is now one of the fastest growing at UND, with more than 50 majors and more than 200 students enrolled in classes. Over 40 entrepreneur students are enrolled in the Venture Initiation course this semester alone. “I chose entrepreneurship as my major because there wasn’t one thing I could decide I really wanted to do. I more or less

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wanted to dabble in every industry, yet make my own mark, which led me to study entrepreneurship,” said Oxbow, N.D., native Megan Talley, a fourth-year entrepreneurship major who plans to graduate next May. “With resources such as the Center for Innovation and Dakota Venture Group (UND’s student-run venture capital fund), I have been able to take full advantage and utilize my UND education,” said Talley. Steve Moser, associate dean of the College of Business and Public Administration and part of the team that helped to formulate the entrepreneurship curriculum, said, “We are still improving it. For example, this year we are introducing several curriculum changes that will result in a better laid-out program, helping our students take more courses in a more helpful order.” Dennis Elbert, dean of the College, added, “Entrepreneurship education at UND has been a 15-year, overnight success. We have been at this since the fall of 1996, when Gary Marsden, one of our alums, gave us some ideas about how to get started.” Marsden, ’63, established Marco Business Products, Inc., in St.

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Cloud, Minn. It’s an employee-owned company named among the Top 25 Best Companies to Work for in America by the Great Place to Work Institute in 2004 and received the Minnesota Work-Life Champions Award in January 2006 and 2008. “The concept of entrepreneurship isn’t new—we’ve just put a name to it,” Elbert said. Launching UND’s entrepreneurship program

Entrepreneurship at UND got a big boost early on from the country’s leading entrepreneurship academics, including Fran Jabara, who went on to develop a pioneering entrepreneurship program at Wichita State University. John W. Altman, businessman and entrepreneur, also helped to shape UND’s entrepreneurship major and certificate programs. “Both Jabara and Altman came up and helped us develop curriculum and sell it to University stakeholders,” Gjovig said. “By 1999 we had the major and the certificate in entrepreneurship approved. Ryan Foltz—a Grand Forks native—became the first entrepreneurship graduate in 2001.” “Today there are entrepreneurship programs established across the country, but UND’s was one of the first,” said Elbert. “That experience pays. We’ve been ranked nationally for our entrepreneurship programming because our emphasis is on experiential learning, internships, mentoring, and other innovative approaches connecting academic content to the real world.” Early faculty members in the entrepreneurship program included Jim Faircloth, now a senior vice president at Alerus Financial in Grand Forks, who ran the program for a time. It is now led by Larry Pate, professor and Burwell Endowed Chair in Entrepreneurship; and Craig Silvernagel, entrepreneurship director. The entrepreneurship major, like all of UND’s accredited business programs, is rigorous. It requires completion of a 31-credit pre-business core in accounting, economics, information systems, math, political science, and communication; and then, upon admission to major status, and another 24-credit selection of required courses in marketing, management, finance, economics, and accounting. Finally, students complete 21 required credits in entrepreneurship, plus some additional elective credit. The whole process is tied together as each student develops a business plan, gaining definition as the student moves through the course work. In the end, the plan should have sufficient sophistication and substance to be financed and implemented. Help comes from fellow entrepreneurs

The families of Melroe Manufacturing entrepreneurs Eugene Dahl and Roger Melroe established endowments through the UND Foundation in 2004 to foster entrepreneur activities among UND faculty. The entrepreneur chair position was initially funded by venture capitalist James Ray. Ray and his late wife, Joan, developed a cattle vaccine and founded the Ray Foundation, through which a $2 million endowment was established within the Center for Innovation Foundation to support outreach to young entrepreneurs. It is also funded by Rod Burwell, ’60, ’61, who started Proform Inc. to manufacture a patented river barge cover. Burwell then went on to launch a company to build underground fuel tanks from high-tech materials. And, as Moser points out, “The Kansas City-based Kauffman Center has been a good supporter. Kauffman funded a dedicated program that allowed us to send students out to become

Social Entrepreneurship at UND jason jensen of the department of political science and public administration in the College of Business and Public Administration has been leading an effort to bring social entrepreneurship programming to UND. Other partners include the department of entrepreneurship, the department of sociology and the nonprofit leadership program in the College of Arts and Sciences, as well as the Center for Community Engagement. “As an emerging field, social entrepreneurship addresses social and societal problems using entrepreneurial principles, often expressed through nonprofit organizations,” Jensen said. “The proposal for a new graduate certificate has received initial approval, is currently in the final stage of planning and approval, and will hopefully be available in the fall of 2011.” “This innovative social entrepreneurship program is going to take entrepreneurship at UND to the next level,” said Dennis Elbert, dean of the business college. 

entrepreneur interns. Fifty percent of the dollars come from Kauffman and the matching half is provided by businesses. Later, former Kauffman executive Kurt Mueller funded an internship program that operates out of the Center for Innovation, which has helped over 120 students.” Dakota Venture Group

The Dakota Venture Group (DVG) ties entrepreneurship to academics, said Moser. Students who participate have to pass an interview though it’s open to any student who might be interested across campus. Students like Talley feel this is an opportune experience. Seeded with $300,000 from retired venture capitalist Bart Holaday, HON ’06, and his wife, Lynn, DVG is making major waves in the world of student venture funds. It wasn’t the first, nor is it the biggest, venture capital organization run by students. But, DVG is the buzz of the exclusive world of student-operated venture capital funds, well ahead of Yale, Stanford, Michigan, and MIT. The strategy of DVG includes making investments in high-growth ventures started by entrepreneurs in Minnesota and North Dakota. DVG also has a priority to invest in companies started by UND students and alumni. All investments are made with the goal of fostering statewide economic growth. Plus, they are challenged to fill out the investment rounds through syndication with angel funds and individual angel investors. Quality, not quantity, counts most

Ultimately, innovation and entrepreneurship at UND go hand-in-hand with a quality academic experience. “We don’t measure ourselves—our success—by how many people go out immediately after graduation and start businesses,” Moser said. “Our entrepreneurship program does our students a great service in terms of teaching them to be critical thinkers, becoming individuals who know how to evaluate, weigh options and able to make entrepreneurial decisions within companies, successfully managing projects in a corporation.”  Juan Miguel Pedraza w i n t e r 2010 23

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Family and Community Medicine faculty member, Dr. Roger Schauer, listens to presentations via a video network by UND medical students currently at clerkships across North Dakota.

Tapped In Med school’s electronic network keeps physicians informed When Don Larson pulls the switch on the School of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS) videoconferencing network every Thursday morning for the Surgery Morbidity and Mortality Conference, he’s usually connecting a presenter in one place with doctors across the Northern Plains. The presenter could be a physician such as UND’s own Dr. Randy Szlabick, talking about new ways to handle trauma surgery. Physicians and other medical professionals watch, listen and converse at any one of the medical school’s many events that use videoconferencing. These electronic conferences also include surgical residents who are reviewed on camera by their colleagues and preceptors concerning their patients who have either had interesting outcomes or complications during the previous week. Larson—coordinator of video services for the SMHS—plays signal master, using a statewide system of disparate videoconferencing networks and individual sites that connect to each other through the SMHS communication hub. That hub integrates advanced technology videoconferencing resources such as those found on North Dakota’s 24 Ἅ lu m n i R e v ie w  w w w . u n d a l u m n i . or g

Interactive Video Network, or IVN for short, with hospital networks, stand-alone videoconferencing cameras as well as enabled desktop and laptop computers. Larson, who came to UND in 1989, spends most of his time Monday through Friday helping the state’s and the region’s medical experts, medical students and other allied health students talk with each other to share the latest information, while also saving a lot of time by avoiding the travel usually required to attend such vital training sessions. “It’s really all about education,” said Larson, a former high school and college math teacher, and computer education coordinator, who also farms near Niagara, N.D. “It’s about providing an efficient access to information for all the state’s health care practitioners, especially those in rural communities.” “This service is critical in the department of surgery,” said Szlabick, assistant professor in surgery at the SMHS, who carries special training in critical care and serves as trauma director at one of the department’s residency training sites. “Surgeons from around the state participate in various departmental activities through distance learning technologies such as IVN.” Behind the scenes

“It’s all in the digital world,” said Nasser Hammami, the medical school’s chief information officer. “At the beginning of the wireless revolution a few years back, we developed ‘Internet in a box’ units each costing about $3,300,” Hammami said. “We created about 30 boxes with a laptop computer

and a wireless router, together with wireless access card, and sent them out to our remote sites so that those students would have Internet access and be able to take courses online. “Today we have similar capabilities all integrated into laptops that cost $300 to $400,” Hammami said. “But, there’s a lot more to the technology we use to deliver course content online or set up videoconferencing than the machines you see. We need to move video and contents from one place to another—from UND to Dickinson for example— and that means each site needs a coding-decoding device in addition to the cameras and microphones.” The biggest challenge in technology usage is coordinating everyone involved in getting it to work. “What I’ve seen in the past few years is a significant increase in the demand of using of this technology,” Hammami said. “It is a very difficult task to accomplish simply because the knowledge base is simply too big and there are many factors involved in a given videoconference — there’s no way one person can capture all of the information necessary to carry out these functions without dividing tasks among ourselves. We’ve turned to an economic specialization model: the division of labor to increase production.” New mobile technology like Skype has made content delivery much more flexible and much less expensive. Just about any laptop you buy now has a camera in it, and with the right kind of software, you can usually participate in any of the school of medicine’s videoconferences. The SMHS delivers about 160 hours of IVNstyle programming every month. About 10-15 percent of that programming is delivered on the statewide IVN. The rest utilize other resources. “Most of our videoconferences just connect whatever equipment happens to be available at each rural and urban site,” Larson said. “There’s some conference or other going on all the time. As the price of gas goes up, the number and frequency of these videoconferences increases; as winter comes on, the number of conferences increases.“ Because the SMHS videoconferencing network is part of the critical flow of health information in North Dakota, the over-arching goal of delivering the product efficiently to end-users, regardless of the details underneath, is the most important part. “Basically, we deliver professional educational content at a distance,” Hammami said. “We do it every week: surgery grand rounds, neuroscience grand rounds—those are the settings where we have physicians around North Dakota and the region presenting a lecture for their colleagues, and they participate in an active discussion on that topic. Other medical specialists present about their specialties, too, but mostly it’s physicians.” And it keeps getting better.  JUAN MIGUEL


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alumni and friends, When was the last time you thought about what your Alumni Association does for you? I’ll admit that I didn’t until I became involved with the UND Alumni Association and UND Foundation board of directors. And, I didn’t fully realize what you do for UND. The impact is really quite incredible. I am thrilled to tell you that after 121 years, the UND Alumni Association, which now has about 112,000 active alumni and friends, is going to have a place on campus for you to call home. You will read on page 74 of plans to build an Alumni Center. This exciting project will be a gateway to campus that reflects your astounding accomplishments and the impact you make at your alma mater. This center is one example of the commitment your Alumni Association is making to help you connect, engage and grow with UND. Connect | The best place to start is www.undalumni.org. Our website is available whenever and wherever you are with news, announcements and information to help you along with way. Join us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, as well. As an alum, you will begin staying connected through publications we produce: the Alumni Review and AroUND, our e-newsletter. Be sure to visit our website soon and register. When we have your current mailing and e-mail addresses you won’t miss a step! Engage | The UND Alumni Association provides many opportunities 26 Ἅ lu m n i R e v ie w  w w w . u n d a l u m n i . or g

for you to engage with the University and fellow alumni. Every year we host events throughout the country that bring you together. We have many active alumni chapters that gather throughout the year, too. Learn about these opportunities on our website and watch for a UND Alumni Association invitation in your e-mail and/or post office box! Every year, the Alumni Association invites you home for a weekend of Homecoming festivities. This issue of the Alumni Review is filled with highlights of the 2010 event and will give you a flavor of what to look forward to when you come back next year! Grow | Our online Career Center can help you navigate your employment journey. Alumni connections around the country provide networking and mentoring opportunities. Post your resume and view job openings across the U.S. from companies seeking UND graduates. As an alum, you can post job openings and recruit fellow grads – you know they’ll be well-educated and hard working! Many generous alumni and friends support the foundation for the education UND provides. Gifts provided through the UND Foundation, our sister organization, enable the University to grow its scholarship support to students, enhance programs and make necessary campus improvements. In the fiscal year that ended June 30, the UND Foundation raised $27.8 million in gifts and commitments to benefit the University. And, as you’ll see in the special section of this issue, your involvement is a catalyst spurring an exciting fundraising effort that will indeed move UND from great to exceptional. Sincerely,

Jim Williams, ’62 UND Alumni Association Chair

Hom e coming Re cap There’s nothing better than the excitement and pagentry (and candy) of a parade on a sunny fall morning. Photo taken by Shannon Dahl, ’08.

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1 Youngsters patiently wait to gather more candy during the Homecoming parade.* 2 Members of the Panhellenic Council energize the crowd from the back of their vehicle.* 3 Parade participant with Sioux 1 airplane float.* 4 Participants danced their routine for the Yell Like Hell competition. 5 President and First Lady Kelley participated in Homecoming Parade. 6 Runners take off from the Wellness Center for a 5K run Saturday morning. 7 Young Alumni Achievement Award recipient Ryan Kopseng celebrated with UND Alumni Association Executive Vice President Tim O’Keefe, College of Business & Public Administration Dean Dennis Elbert, and UND President Robert Kelley. 8 Dancer from American Indian Science and Engineering Society in full attire.* 9 Henry C. “Bud” Wessman, Greg Page, Mary Wakefield, and Howard Dahl, received the 2010 Sioux Award, highest honor given by the UND Alumni Association. 10 Sioux Award recipient Bud Wessman and his wife, Lorraine, were chauffeured in parade by Mr. & Mrs. Reg Urness in their nostalgic 1931 Model A. 11 Kappa Sigma alums gather in front of their house to watch the parade.* 12 Matt Bahr and Joey Furst enjoyed a “Slice” of UND spirit at the Empire Arts Theatre. 13 UND’s Marching Band entertained crowd throughout the weekend.* 14 Wide receiver Greg Hardin celebrates after snaring seven-yard touchdown catch in the first quarter of the Homecoming game against Southern Utah. Photo by Kory Wallen, North Dakota Athletics 15 Homecoming Court, from left to right: Jody Trandem, Matt Johson, Elliot Bowman, Sarah Straley (Homecoming Queen), Grant Hauschild (Homecoming King), Theresa Rerick, Kevin Kraft, Myrtyce Remus, and Ashley Kuntz. 16 Class of 1960 gathered at J. Lloyd Stone House for breakfast before the parade.

* Photos taken by Shannon Dahl, ’08.

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17 Peter Johnson, associate executive vice president of University Relations, joined the parade’s Ignite the Spirit entry. 18 The porch of the J. Lloyd Stone House was the setting for Class of 1960 to enjoy breakfast before parade. 19 Gumbi handed candy out to youngsters enjoying the Homecoming parade. 20 One of the Spirit Competition banners displayed at the Alerus Center during the Homecoming football game. 21 The Class of 1990 gathered for a social before the football game. 22 UND senior Ross Cochran chases down Southern Utah quarterback Brad Sorenson. Photo by Kory Wallen / North

Dakota Athletics


Sioux Award recipients, Howard Dahl and Greg Page, are ATO fraternity brothers and they weren’t alone in celebrating their achievement. Celebrating with them and pausing for a reunion picture were (front to back): Mike Hilgers, ‘75; Dick Kornkven, ‘74; Jim Rutherford; Greg Page, ‘73; Mark “Bunnzie” Hall, ‘73; Tim O’Keefe, ‘71; John Mohn, ‘71; Bob Anderson, ‘60; Jim Page, ‘77; Mike Rohrer, ‘75; Bob Solberg, ‘69; Loren Kopseng, and Gary Marsden, ‘63.




thank you for helping us


we look forward to

s e e i n g yo u ag a i n at

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Making a Name For Himself by Jackie DeMolee

Grand Forks native Lamoureux takes his turn in the spotlight

How does Mario Lamoureux compete with his silver medalwinning twin sisters, Jocelyne and Monique, who debuted in their new Fighting Sioux sweaters in late September?

He doesn’t. There’s very little doubt that the Lamoureux family is competitive, but when it comes to the attention given to Mario’s sisters or to the rest of his family’s accomplishments, he beams with pride. “I’m proud of what they [Monique and Jocelyne] have accomplished, but I’ve never felt pressure to live up to what they’re doing,” Lamoureux said. “We just all want to win and it’s carried over into everything.” Lamoureux feels no pressure to live up to any of his family members’ accomplishments. And, those accomplishments stack up so high that Sports Illustrated dubbed the clan the “House of Hockey” in February. “It’s a great honor because my entire family was recognized; not just my siblings – my parents were recognized, too,” Lamoureux said. Father Pierre and mother Linda were both student-athletes at UND. Pierre played on the 1980 and 1982 NCAA championship hockey teams. Linda was on the swim team. Jean-Philippe, Lamoureux’s oldest brother, stood in goal for the Fighting Sioux from 2004-08 and spent last season with the Portland Aces of the American Hockey League. Brother Jacques is a senior this season for the Air Force Falcons and brother Pierre-Paul is the assistant video coordinator for the Fighting Sioux men’s hockey team. Besides joining the Sioux this year, Monique and Jocelyne won Olympic silver medals in late February of this year. There’s no shortage of advice – giving or receiving – amongst the Lamoureux siblings when they are together, and even while apart. “I don’t get to see Jacques a whole lot, but whenever he comes back we try to skate together. I always have open ears because everyone has something to offer, no matter who it is,” he said. 32 Ἅ lu m n i R e v ie w  w w w . u n d a l u m n i . or g

Lamoureux has worked his way into a steady spot in the lineup as a forward for the Fighting Sioux over the past two years. Last season, he played in all but one game and scored career-high points, receiving UND’s Cliff “Fido” Purpur Award for “hard work, determination and being a creator of excitement on the ice.” Off the ice, he was a WCHA All-Academic team selection and emerged as a key leader in the Sioux locker room. “The past two years have been the best years of my life. I want to keep building on what I’ve done, on and off the ice. At the end of the day, my personal goals coincide with the fact that the ultimate goal is to win a national championship,” he said. Some mornings he hits the ice or weight room early to improve his skills. He’s so passionate about the sport that rebellion against the family’s hockey tradition was never even a consideration for Lamoureux. “I played football, baseball and soccer growing up, but I knew that I wanted to be on the ice more than anything and that I didn’t want to hang up my skates,” he said. “I came to UND because I wanted to improve as a player. I will accomplish things that my brothers haven’t and they will accomplish things that I won’t.” On the list of unique accomplishments is his budding career as a TV personality. During the first season of Brad Miller Time, a weekly online hockey show, Lamoureux made several appearances with his teammates. Last season, he helped co-host the show with fellow forward Brett Hextall. They’re both set to resume co-hosting duties this season. “I certainly enjoy doing Brad Miller Time even though it’s a lot of work,” he said. And, who knows, all that work may come in handy down the road. “It would be cool to go into sports broadcasting,” he said. The show can be viewed online at FightingSioux.com and YouTube.com. Realistically, Lamoureux has thought a bit about his future and isn’t counting anything out. He has toyed around with the idea of one day starting his own hockey school or working in the junior hockey ranks. “Whatever I do, I try to do my best because playing hockey doesn’t last forever.” Regardless of how the story unfolds for Lamoureux after he crosses the commencement stage at the University of North Dakota, it will certainly add to his family’s legacy. More importantly, it will add to his own. 

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Jay Schuler’s venture began with one distributor in 1996. GIANTS Sunflower Seeds now boasts 150 distributors across 35 states, and the product can be found in well over 10,000 retail locations. Robert Schuler is a key cog in the ever-expanding GIANTS footprint. In his role as marketing manager, Schuler spends nearly 60 to 70 percent of his time on the road. “I am currently working on growing some of the areas where our product is new, and expanding (our) distribution,” said Schuler. “I work with the majority of our sponsorship partners, advertising and brand design. We do often wear many hats in a small company, so every day usually presents something new other than day-to-day activities.” Two of the company’s most high-profile sponsorship agreements are with Major League Baseball’s Minnesota Twins and Colorado Rockies. Those agreements, according to Schuler, have been instrumental in growing the GIANTS brand. For Schuler, his apprenticeship with the family business officially commenced when he began attending UND’s business school in the late 1990s. From 1997 to 2001, Schuler spent his summer months as a company sales representative, helping grow the brand of the burgeoning company. Those years provided a multi-faceted education for Schuler. “My education at UND was extremely helpful,” said Schuler. “The business school and, in particular, the entrepreneur program, was invaluable. It prepared me for many different aspects of business beyond just startups. I still have many great contacts and mentors from my days at UND.” One of those mentors, says Schuler, was former business school professor Howard Dahl. “I have always been inspired by his passion, business knowledge and his character,” said Schuler. But, Schuler’s education was not limited to the classroom or summer sales work. He also found valuable lessons on the golf course as a member of the Sioux; lessons that helped prepare him for the business world. “As a student-athlete, there is such a demand on your time for both sports and school,” said Schuler, “that I think the biggest thing it helps is time management. You are responsible for your own success in both.” After graduating from UND in 2002, Schuler moved to Phoenix, where he spent the next three years in sales with a Toshiba dealer. But, the family business brought him back home to Wahpeton in 2005. The company, like Schuler, is North Dakota-born and raised, and those roots will always remain a vital part of the Giant Snacks Inc. philosophy. “Being a North Dakota company is something that we are very proud of and it is a conscious part of our business model,” said Schuler. “On the back of very package we make you will by Jayson Hajdu find ‘Product of USA Wahpeton, ND.’ It is, in some way, a business card for North Dakota. We are very conscious of that fact and it drives us to continue finding ways to make our product better. We contract many of our acres within 100 miles of our facility and many with North Dakota farmers.” Despite the recent economic downturn to which, Schuler says, Giant Snacks Inc. was not immune, the company remains as strong as ever. The vision remains the same. “Our long-range plans are to continue finding innovative ways to increase our quality and find innovative new products,” said Schuler. “Our growth remains strong and we hope that continues. We still only have seven percent of the national sunflower seeds sold, so there is plenty of room for increased sales. We have a few new items on the horizon, which is exciting for our team at GIANTS. “It’s also pretty neat to have a dad who started 10-plus businesses to bounce ideas off of.” 

Former Sioux Golfer now a Giant in His Industry His product has been chewed up and spit out by millions, but Robert Schuler, ’02, has helped build and grow a thriving family business with plenty of staying power. Schuler, a golfer at UND from 2000 to 2002, is the marketing manager for Wahpeton, N.D.-based Giant Snacks, Inc., the manufacturer of GIANTS Sunflower Seeds. The company is, and always has been, a family affair for the Schulers. Robert’s brother, Jason, also a UND graduate, is the sales manager. Their father, Jay, created the GIANTS Sunflower Seeds brand in 1995 after several companies declined the opportunity to produce a larger, premium sunflower seed. Already the owner of a manufacturing company in Wahpeton, Jay Schuler made the decision that Giant Snacks would try to packet the product from home. The mission, though simple in verbiage, was ambitious in scale: Provide the absolute best quality sunflower seeds you can find in the world.

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Alumni Class News

Find out what

your classmates are doing now!

Pageantry and glamour are part of the fun of parades. These lovely ladies represented UND as their float drove down Demers in East Grand Forks, Minn. Look closely, and you can see the original Whitey’s Cafe. Are you in this photo or know someone who is? Let us know we’d love to hear from you! Send an e-mail to alumnireview@undalumni.net or call us at 800.543.8764. Photograph courtesy of Elwyn B. Robinson department of special collections/Chester Fritz Library.


Remember when, in 1946, J. Lloyd Stone was appointed as director of the Bureau of Alumni Relations? 1945

Shirley (Hubbard) Martz, ’45, was named Bismarck-Mandan Quotarian of the Year and Quotarian of the Year on the district level. Martz’s Quota Club service spans 61 years of Quota’s 91-year history. She was founder and principal shareholder of Brady Martz & Associates and practiced for 40 years. She resides in Bismarck. 34 Ἅ lu m n i R e v ie w  w w w . u n d a l u m n i . or g


Remember when, on June 1, 1951, the Memorial Student Union opened? It was built as a memorial to 162 University alumni who were killed in World War II. 1955

Marlowe Olson Arnold, ’55, a retired children’s librarian and children’s book reviewer for Scripps Treasure Coast

Newspapers, recently published the book On Butterfly Wings, a collection of her paintings and poetry. She resides in Vero Beach, Fla. 1958

Earl Strinden, ’58, was elected as chair of the board of directors of The Children’s Village Family Service Foundation and The Village Family Service Center in Grand Forks, where he and his wife, Jan, reside. Earl is the former executive vice president and chief executive officer of the UND Alumni Association and UND Foundation.


Dan Jerome, ’59, received a Bush Foundation Fellowship Grant, awarded to only 15 individuals annually. He received the prize in the category of art, which recognized his skill working with crafts closely related to his Métis heritage. He and his wife, Bridget, live in Belcourt, N.D.


Remember when, in 1964-1965, UND became triple champions? The hockey team captured

The group of pie-covered guys pictured in our Fall 2010 Alumni Review brought a lot of smiles, including one from alumna Mary Lyons who recognized her family member. She wrote, “I just got my Alumni Review and on page 32 there is a photo with three men in a pie throwing contest. The one on the far right with his head sticking out of the hole, I believe, is Jack Wentling, Sigma Chi. He’s my cousin and I’m not sure what year he graduated but I’m positive it’s him. He has since passed away. I love getting the Alumni Review, keep up the good work.“ Thanks Mary! And for all those who knew Jack, he graduated from UND in 1965.

top honors in the league, the football team tied for first place, and the basketball team won the conference title! 1961

William Gehring, ’61, ’63, is a physician at both the Richardton Clinic and Richardton Health Center. He and his wife, Gloria, reside in Hazen, N.D. 1963

Jack Marcil, ’63, ’68, was selected by his peers for the 2011 edition of The Best Lawyers in America in the specialties of alternative dispute resolution, personal injury litigation and product liability litigation. Marcil has received this distinguished honor every year for more than 20 years. Jack and his wife, Kathy, live Fargo. 1964

Mel Gores, ’64, has written and published the book Addicted to Laughter, Humor in Hospitals by Patients and Staff. Gores is a retired senior executive with the VA Boston Healthcare System. He and his wife, Florence, live in Tuscan, Ariz. Gay Dybwad, ’64 and Joy Bliss, ’65, published their seventh book, Pitching My Way Through World War II: Letters Home to North Dakota. The biographical content is based on transcribed personal letters from Joy’s uncle, Vernon Ellingson, while serving with General Patton’s Third Army. Ellingson attended the University (Model) High School, which was located in Woodworth Hall on the

UND campus. Dybwad and Bliss live in Albuquerque, N.M.

strategy and trade. He lives in Las Vegas.



Susan (Haas) Morrissey, ’66, has been working as an artist and as an art educator. Her work has been exhibited throughout the country since 1979 and can be found in university, corporate and private collections in the United States, Great Britain and Australia. She and her husband, Mike, live in Valley City, N.D.

Dennis Gad, ’71, received the 2010 Touchstone Energy Cooperatives Brand Champion Award during the annual Connect Conference in Kansas City. The award recognizes people who have made outstanding contributions to the development, growth and success of the Touchstone Energy brand. Gad is member media coordinator at Basin Electric. He and his wife, Lois, live in Bismarck.


Ed Schafer, ’69, HON ’08, former governor of North Dakota and former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, joined the Bion Environmental Technologies, Inc., management team through the end of 2013. Bion Environmental Technologies has provided environmental treatment solutions to the agriculture and livestock industry since 1990. Ed and his wife, Nancy, live in Fargo.

Joyce (Becker) Hinman, ’71, ’81, principal at Will-Moore Elementary School in Bismarck and a long-time Bismarck Public School District reading coordinator, was elected to the International Reading Association board of directors. She and her husband, Michael, ’70, ’73, live in Bismarck. 1972


Patrick Daley, ’72, associate professor in the department of communication at the University of New Hampshire, was awarded the Covert Award in Mass Communication History. He was selected from 11 nominees for his article, “Newspaper Competition and Public Spheres in New Hampshire in the Early Revolutionary Period,” that was published in Journalism & Communication Monographs in Spring 2009. He and his wife, Beverly James, reside in Portsmouth, N.H.

Ronald Egge, ’70, received a fellowship to study at Oxford University in England for the summer of 2010. His area of focus is global

Rick Wilson, ’72, is assistant coach of the National Hockey League’s Minnesota Wild. Wilson has worked


Remember when John (Gino) Gasparini was named head hockey coach at the University of North Dakota? Gasparini’s teams went on to win three national titles.

with the Dallas Stars and most recently the Tampa Bay Lightening. He and his wife Carol, reside in Coppell, Texas. 1973

Please send your news to alumnireview@undalumni.net

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Larry Isaak, ’73, ’96, former North Dakota State University System Chancellor, is the new president of Capella University, an online university based in Minneapolis, Minn., where he and his wife, Ruth (Senechal) ..’74, reside. Marlys (Zorn) Bryan, ’73, earned her doctorate of physical therapy from A.T. Stills University in Mesa, Ariz. She and her husband, Brooks, live in Fairbury, Neb. 1975

Shawn Dunlevy, ’75, ’80, was named to the 2010 Minnesota Super Lawyers. Only five percent of Minnesota lawyers are awarded this honor each year. Dunlevy’s practice focuses on loan workouts and lender support, bankruptcy and creditors’ remedies, business, banking, and commercial law. He resides in Duluth, Minn. Dr. Thomas M. Seaworth, ’75, ’81, ’83, received the Charles E. Kupchella Preventive Medicine and Wellness Award, which recognizes the achievements of an individual who has worked to improve health and wellness through lowered rates of disease and disability by developing and delivering effective health promotion and prevention initiatives. Seaworth is a clinical assistant professor of family and community w i n t e r 2010 35

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medicine at the UND School of Medicine and Health Sciences, and practices family medicine for MeritCare in New York Mills, Minn. He and his wife, Mary (Langlie), ’74, live in Detroit Lakes, Minn. 1976

Gwen Bartolacci, ’76, associate professor of occupational therapy and director of the weekend program at Misericordia University, was presented the Judge Max and Tillie Rosenn Excellence in Teaching Award. She resides in Dallas, Pa.

and past president of its California Coast chapter. She has also served as settlement master in Santa Barbara Court and as a Teen Court judge. She resides in Santa Barbara, Calif. Richard Lofthus, ’76, ’79, ’83, ’88, was selected as Mount Marty College’s 2009 -10 Teacher of the Year for his dedication to the college, excellence in teaching and ability to inspire students. He has taught history at Mount Marty College for 21 years. He resides in Yankton, S.D. 1977

Jo Bullis, ’76, ’83, received the prestigious 2010 Sunshine Peace Award honoring extraordinary individuals working in the domestic violence field. She is among just 15 individuals across the country to receive this honor. Bullis is executive director of  Women’s Resource Center in Traverse City, Mich. She resides in Mancelona, Mich. Donna (Dunkelberger) Geck, ’76, will join the bench of the Santa Barbara Superior Court. She is an attorney with Hager & Dowling and has specialized in general insurance defense since joining the firm in 1995. She is an associate with the American Board of Trial Advocates

Ralf Swenson, ’77, ’89, is the new superintendent of Grossmont Union High School District, East county California’s largest high school district. He and his wife, Christine, reside in Merced, Calif. 1979

Charles Hanson, ’79, was one of the chip leaders at the main event in The World Series of Poker, winning more than $20,000. Hanson lives in Sioux Falls, S.D. Kent Hoerauf, ’79, ’81, was presented the Dean’s Special Recognition Award for Outstanding Volunteer Faculty by the UND School of Medicine and Health Sciences. He is a clinical

associate professor of internal medicine. Hoerauf and his wife, Cheryl, reside in Hettinger, N.D.


Remember when, in 1980, the UND logo with the eternal flame as part of the lettering was selected as the official logo for the University?

his peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America 2011. Ron is a partner with Pearson Christensen & Clapp, PLLP, and is recognized in the areas of personal injury litigation and commercial litigation. Ron and his wife, Maria (Lucy), ’79, ’92, live in Grand Forks. 1981


Rose (Hall) Hutchison, ’81, ’83, worked at Towner County Medical Center’s Cando clinic and hospital last summer. She and her husband, Gary, ’91, ’96, live in Belen, N.M.

Jeani Borchert, ’80, tribal consultation coordinator with the North Dakota Department of Transportation, received a 2010 Dr. L.I. Hewes Award, a national transportation award. She was recognized for her outstanding contributions to national highway development programs. Borchert and her husband, Anthony Knopik, live in Bismarck.

Richard Sather, ’81, received an Advocacy Achievement Award from Legal Services of  Northwest Minnesota, which serves low‐ income and elderly residents of 22 northwestern Minnesota counties. The award recognizes legal work making a difference to the disadvantaged. He and his wife, MeiWen, live in Thief River Falls, Minn.

Michael Brezinski, ’80, joined Kroff Well Services, Inc., as a senior research associate. He is responsible for developing new products in the oil and gas fields. Michael and his wife, Patricia, live in Duncan, Okla. Ron Fischer, ’80, was selected by


Thomas Arnold, ’82, ’84, earned the Dean’s Special Recognition Award for Outstanding Volunteer Faculty at the UND School of Medicine and Health Sciences. He is a clinical assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology. He and his wife, Marie,

>>> climbing to new heights Jean Trudel, ’78, (left) climbed Mt. Fuji on July 31, 2010. The Deer River, Minn., native retired in August after 32 years as a civilian engineer at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. Most recently his focus was on a high quality water systems project in Yokosuka, Japan. Jean is married to Sandy Morris Trudel, ’76, who served as a teacher in the Bremerton School District until her retirement this June. They have two sons, Jamie and Joel, and make their home in Bremerton, Wash.

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Kimberly (Howe) Despeaux, ’82, was named senior vice president, federal policy, regulatory and governmental affairs at Entergy Corporation. She is responsible for developing policies and implementing legislative, regulatory and executive branch strategies at the federal level. She resides in Covington, La. John Gezelius, ’82, was named Of Counsel to the H & Y Law Firm in

Shanghai, China. John practices in southern California and resides in Tustin, Calif. Joe Larsen, ’82, received the James Madison Award from the Freedom of Information Foundation of Texas. Joe is special counsel for Sedgwick, Detert, Moran & Arnold, LLP in Houston, where he and his wife, Marie “Josee” (Lavergne), ’82, live.

Special Recognition Award for Outstanding Volunteer Faculty from the UND School of Medicine and Health Sciences. He is an assistant professor of both family and community medicine, and internal medicine. He and his wife, Lisa (Davis), .. ’84, live in Bismarck. Susan Ness, ’84, is marketing director for Minot Area Development Corp. Currently, she resides in Minot, N.D.


Jay Huber, ’84, received the Dean’s

Scandinavian-American Hall of Fame What do John Odegard, Lloyd Omdahl and Melanie Griffith have in common? They are all part of this year’s Norsk Hostfest – North America’s Largest Scandinavian Festival. This fall, the Scandinavian-American Hall of Fame inducted four individuals of great accomplishment. Each has done their Scandinavian-American ancestry proud. It is even more special that two such inductees are part of the UND family. The late John D. Odegard founded UND’s renowned aerospace program. What started with two donated aircraft and a closet-turnedoffice is now widely regarded as the top aviation education program in the world. The John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences currently maintains the largest fleet of civilian flight training aircraft in North America. Odegard graduated from UND in 1966 and 1967 and began making his concept of a flight training school a reality. He died in 1998, the same year the School was named in his honor. Along the way, Jean Haley Harper, ’74, passed through the program and went on to become the first female pilot for wide body jets at United Airlines. Harper presented the posthumous induction. Lloyd Omdahl, ‘53, ‘62, HON ‘02, is somewhat of an institution in North Dakota, having served as lieutenant governor and state tax commissioner of North Dakota. He also served UND, working as a professor of political science. Today, he continues to share his insights and influence by writing columns for

Dean Opp, ’84, ’91, accepted an

appointment to serve on the North Dakota Council on the Arts Board of Directors. He teaches speech and drama at Red River High School in Grand Forks, where he and his wife, Mary (Haslerud), ’75, ’82, reside. Todd Sando, ’84, was promoted to North Dakota’s state engineer. He has previously served as the state’s water commission engineer and director of the commission’s water development division. He and his wife, Lunette (Lipp), .. ’86, reside in Mandan, N.D.


live in Dickinson, N.D.

Please send your news to alumnireview@undalumni.net

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various newspapers across the state. U.S. Senator and UND grad Byron Dorgan presented Omdahl for induction. So, what about Melanie Griffith? Other inductees for 2010 included Griffith’s mother Tippi Heden, an esteemed actress under Alfred Hitchcock and Charlie Chaplin’s direction; and famed University of Arizona basketball coach Lute Olson, whose Wildcats won the NCAA Championship in 1997. The Scandinavian-American Hall of Fame is an enduring means of honoring those persons of Scandinavian descent in North America who have achieved greatness in their fields of endeavor and/ or whose efforts have contributed significantly to the betterment of mankind. Through the recognition of these outstanding individuals, it is hoped that others will be inspired to strive for meaningful accomplishments as well.  AMANDA HVIDSTEN

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Lew Olson, ’85, is author of Raw and Natural Nutrition for Dogs, which sold out of its first printing. Lew rides in Magnolia, Texas. Jay Skabo, ’85, vice president of operations for Montana-Dakota Utilities Company and Great Plains Natural Gas Company, has been elected to the board of directors for Midwest Energy Association, and serves on the Strategic Direction Committee. He and his wife, Linda, live in Bismarck. 1986

John Harju, ’86, associate director for research at the UND Energy and Environmental Research Center, was appointed to the National Petroleum Council for the 2010-2011 term. He and his wife, Patty, live in Grand Forks. Nyla Schock, ’86, was inducted into the North Dakota Music Educators Hall of  Fame by the North Dakota Music Educators Association. She resides in Mandan, N.D. 1987

Kevin Bagatta, ’87, president and chief executive officer of Real Alternatives, received the 2010 Fidelis Award from The Saint Thomas More Society of Central Pennsylvania. The award was in recognition of  his commitment to the Catholic faith, his interest in justice, his commitment to life, and his dedication to the ideals of Saint Thomas More. Kevin and his wife, Karla (Gellner), ’88, live in Palmyra, Pa. Steve Dusek, ’87, is president and chief executive officer of  Dakota Certified Development Corporation in Fargo. Steve and his wife, Suellen, reside in Westbrook, Minn. 1988

Brian Rohde, ’88, is director of aviation security policy for the National Security Staff for the White House in Washington, DC. He and his wife, Suzanne, live in Alexandria, Va.

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Remember when, during the 1993-94 school year, UND celebrated its 75th Homecoming? 1990

James Cron, ’90, is vice president of engineering for Ward Williston Oil Company in Westhope, N.D. He and wife, Claudia, live in Bottineau, N.D. 1991

Stephanie (McNall) Goroski, ’91, is director of  women’s and children’s services at St. Alexius Medical Center in Bismarck. She and her husband, Gary, ’91, reside in Mandan, N.D. Staci Hartman, ’91, is vice president of client services for HEALTHCAREfirst, Inc. She resides in Springfield, Mo. 1992

Tony Weiler, ’92, ’98, was appointed by Governor John Hoeven as North Dakota’s labor commissioner. Tony and his wife, Sheila, live in Bismarck. 1993

Beth (Mohn) Johnson, ’93, is a licensed social worker and vice president for quality assurance at HIT Inc., in Mandan, N.D. She and her husband, Don, ’89, reside in Bismarck. 1994

Mark Klimpel, ’94, a certified public accountant, serves as a financial analyst III at MDU Resources Group Inc. He is also a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the North Dakota Society of Certified Public Accountants. He and his wife, Melissa, reside in Bismarck. Hai Nguyen, ’94, a Navy reservist, was selected for promotion to the rank of commander. On the civilian side, he is a Delta Connection airline pilot for Mesaba Airlines. He and his wife, Kathy, reside in Minneapolis.


Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Sean Kennelly, ’95, serves as engineering supervisor of the newly created Turf & Utility Vehicle Platform Electrical Systems Design Team in the Ag & Turf Division of John Deere. He and his wife, Marion, live in Holly Springs, N.C.

Heather (Woolsey) Rusten, ’97, ’01, earned a doctor of osteopathic medicine degree from Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences. She and her husband, Loren, reside in Leawood, Kan.

Michael Schirado, ’95, received the Dean’s Special Recognition Award for Outstanding Volunteer Faculty from the UND School of  Medicine and Health Sciences. He is a clinical assistant professor of radiology and resides in Bismarck. 1996

Peter Buffington, ’96, released Squawk 7700, an autobiography, which chronicles his adventure into the world of aviation to achieve a professional airline pilot career. From student pilot at age 15, to flight instructor, to nighttime cargo pilot, and finally to first officer aboard the ATR 42 and ATR 72 Turboprop airliners island hopping across the Caribbean, Buffington relates his personal experiences. He has been a licensed commercial pilot for 15 years. He and his wife, Julie, live in Stoughton, Wis. Jennifer (Lykken) Shepherd, ’96, was named one of   “20 Under 40” in Duluth, Minn., by the Duluth News Tribune. The award honors 20 people under the age of 40, who are making an impact in the Duluth area. She is a veterinarian and owner of Cloquet Animal Hospital. She and her husband, Paul, reside in Cloquet, Minn. 1997

Laura (Magelee) Lizakowski, ’97, ’05, is the new medical director for Altru’s Home Care and Hospice. She and her husband, Chad, reside in Grand Forks. Tim Prinsen, ’97, returns to the Canadian Football League’s Edmonton Eskimos as the team’s offensive line coach. He played for the team from 2000-04. Tim and his wife, Audra (Bushaw), ’95, reside in


Melissa Wilson, ’98, is the head baseball, and girl’s track and field coach at Fargo Davies High School. She resides in Fargo. 1999

Hunter Berg, ’99, is head men’s basketball coach for Williston State College and was named North Dakota College Male Team Coach of the Year by the North Dakota Associated Press Sportscasters and Sportswriters Association. He led his team to the Mon-Dak regular-season and tournament titles, and the Region 13 championship. He and his wife, Julie, reside in Williston, N.D. Joel Bird, ’99, was named one of North Dakota’s 40 Under 40 by North Dakota Business Watch. He is a financial advisor for Ameriprise Financial in Bismarck and is working on attaining his Certified Financial Planner designation. He and his wife, Jennifer, reside in Bismarck. Daniel Nagle, ’99, ’03, is a partner at Kelsch Kelsch Ruff & Kranda in Mandan, N.D., where he resides. He practices in all areas of  law and has served as the Mandan municipal prosecutor since 2008. Kristie Toman, ’99, joined the pediatric and adolescent medicine department at Mid Dakota Clinic in Bismarck. She completed a three-year pediatric residency at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis and was employed at Park Nicollet Clinic in Burnsville, Minn. She resides in Bismarck.


Remember when, in

2009, Greek life at UND celebrated 100 years? Since the first days of Sigma Chi back in 1909, fraternities and sororities have been a vibrant part of our campus and home to nearly 10 percent of the student body.

for The Seattle Times, was part of the staff that won the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News Reporting. He resides in Seattle, Wash.


Todd Medd, ’00, is an architect with JLG Architects in the Fargo, where he and his wife, Brittney, reside.

Jon Fisch, ’00, assistant sports editor

Michael George, ’00, is principal of Champlin Park High School in Brooklyn Park, Minn. He resides in Coon Rapids, Minn.



Mandy (Ode) Gienger, ’01, works for American Bank Center as a retail market supervisor in Bismarck, where she and her husband, Timothy, ’02, ’04, reside.

Brad Berry, ’02, is an assistant coach with the National Hockey League’s Columbus Blue Jackets. Berry previously ran The Hockey Academy at Ralph Engelstad Arena in Grand Forks. He and his wife, Suzanne, live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Kevin Karls, ’01, ’04, is a physician with the gastroenterology department at Mid Dakota Clinic in Bismarck, where he and his wife, Kim, reside.

Andrew Brandt, ’02, joined Ohio Wesleyan University as an assistant professor of psychology this fall. He resides in Lewis Center, Ohio.

Please send your news to alumnireview@undalumni.net

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>>> the spirit of grand forks: keeping the past alive Leah Byzewski, ’96, director of the Myra Museum and Campbell House in Grand Forks, came to UND when she realized that she wanted to study history and loved her hometown. In 1993, while in her first year at UND, she began volunteering at the Myra Museum and after two weeks was offered a job. She was thrilled because it allowed her to be mentored by Ted Jelliff, director of the Myra Museum at that time and her North Dakota history and government class teacher from high school. She quickly got caught up in the mystic of the Campbell House, the first of many buildings on the Myra Museum property and the birthplace of Tom Campell, UND’s first engineering graduate (1904). She turned that experience into a career of a lifetime and now inspires other UND students to keep an open, adventurous mind when considering their own careers. Leah became the director of the Myra Museum and Campbell House in 2002, enabling her to showcase her favorite research topic—the history of Grand Forks and Grand Forks County. Telling its story and sharing the forward-thinking vision of our founders has been her passion. Leah beamed when she spoke about how the settlers who moved west and how quickly Grand Forks began to thrive. Community leaders wanted to create social organizations to attract highly educated people, so the Franklin Club and Masons were established in the 1880s. The State Mill and Elevator were built thanks to donations from business leaders. Likewise, George Walsh wanted to create a university.

But, only a few years later, in the 1890s, North Dakota’s governor cut the university’s budget so only the president and the janitor would get paid. Determined not to let the university fail, community residents paid the staff out of their own pockets. “Our community has a lot to be proud of,“ Leah says. “Our state’s population didn’t continue to grow like the leaders expected, but no one knew that the Great Depression was going to hit, and no one knew that the locusts were going to sweep through the countryside.” Leah is proud the Myra Museum celebrates this rich history and she is motivated by the groups of people who stop by to share their stories from long ago. “I was born and raised in Grand Forks and am very proud of this community. What I’ve done here is my gift to my community. I hope I do this place proud.”  KAREN RYBA

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Ivan Graf, ’02, was promoted to director of managed services, a new position at NRG Technology Services in Bismarck. He resides in Mandan, N.D. Nicole (Ressler) Larson, ’02, is a marketing coordinator for the Minneapolis office of Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services Inc. She and her husband, Nathan, live in Minneapolis. Patrick Swanson, ’02, is director of UND men’s hockey operations. He has spent the past five years as UND’s equipment manager. His wife, Amy (DePaolo), ’05, is a social worker with Altru Health System. They reside in Grand Forks.

in the Twin Cities area. They live in Richfield, Minn. Jacob Nesvig, ’03, ’07, is a business banking officer at Starion Financial’s Mandan, N.D., location. He and his wife, Pamela (Job), ’01, ’05, live in Bismarck.

Shari Olson-Nikunen, ’04, is interim Anoka Technical College president. She and her husband, Rick, live in Thief River Falls, Minn.

She and her husband, Luke, ’05, live in Mandan, N.D. Katie Tyler, ’04, ’06, is the 4 -H youth development specialist for North Dakota State University Extension Service. She resides in Lansford, N.D. 2005

Janice (Kotlarz) Porter, ’03, is division manager for Innovis Health Park Rapids, Walker, and Menahga, Minn. She currently resides in Grand Forks. Amy (Tallackson) Suda, ’03, ’08, has joined Truyu Aesthetic Center as a nurse practitioner specializing in dermatology. She and her husband, John, reside in Grafton, N.D.



Patrick Chaffee, ’03, is a certified public accountant and senior manager in the Fargo office of  Eide Bailly. He and his wife, Erica, reside in Fargo.

Christopher Dehen, ’04, recently received his Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from Purdue University. He is employed as a research chemist at MED Institute in West Lafayette, Ind., where he resides.

Taryn (Marthaler) Krumwiede, ’03, and her husband, Ryan, founded a nonprofit called Ella’s Halo in memory of their daughter. Ella’s Halo provides comforts of  home to Neonatal Intensive Care Units

community relations, management, and education. Michaels resides in Bismarck.

Shelle Michaels, ’04, is a professional education manager at Rasmussen College in Bismarck. She has more than 20 years of experience in

Brian Peterson, ’04, is a certified public accountant and manager at Eide Bailly’s Fargo office. He and his wife, Allyson, live in Fargo. Jason Senti, ’04, a poker pro who writes for bluefirepoker.com, made the final table for The World Series of Poker Main Event this November, guaranteeing him at least $811,823. He and his wife, Jessica, live in St. Louis Park, Minn. Patty (Frankberg) Teagle, ’04, a marketing coordinator at EAPC Architects Engineers, has been selected as one of  North Dakota’s 40 under 40 by Business Watch. She is a volunteer with Young Life in Bismarck, and the Young Professionals Network. Teagle recently served as co-chair of the marketing committee for the Great Plains Young Professionals Summit.

Joel Downs, ’05, ’07, is a research engineer in the energy conversion systems group at UND’s Energy and Environmental Research Center, focusing on projects related to fossil and renewable energy production technologies. He and his wife, Heather (Combs), ’07, live in Grand Forks. Derek Flanagan, ’05, is a certified public accountant and manager at Eide Bailly in Fargo, where he and his wife, Jenica (Elsperger), ’04, reside. Nicole (Stremick) Koons, ’05, has been promoted in the credit analysis department at Starion Financial in Bismarck, where she and her husband, Ryan, reside. Tatum O’Brien Lindbo, ’05, earned the Dalwhinnie Award for exemplary trial work from the North Dakota

>>> spirit of life On Sept 23, David Williamson, ’70, was honored at the 2010 Spirit of Life Gala, which is an annual event for The City of Hope in Chicago. Pictured from left: UND President Robert O. Kelley, First Lady Marcia Kelley, Gay (Shemorry) Williamson, ’69; David Williamson, and Steve Brekke, ’83, UND Foundation director of development athletics.

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Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys. She is an attorney with Kennelly and O’Keeffe law firm, and resides in Fargo. Michelle (Fendt) Schumacher, ’05, is a certified public accountant and manager in the Fargo office of Eide Bailly. She is on the board of directors for Junior Achievement of Fargo/Moorhead and is a volunteer accountant for Valley Water Rescue. She and her husband, Nick, ’05, live in Fargo. Marlena (Frey) Zaun, ’05, works in the loan closing and escrow department in the Bismarck office of North Dakota Guaranty and Title Co. She and her husband, Darren, live in Bismarck. 2006

Rachel Aufforth, ’06, was a guest presenter at the 15th Congress of the European Society of Surgical Oncology in Bordeaux, France, presenting her research in the area of pain management following breast cancer surgery. She is currently serving St. John’s Medical Facility in Detroit, as Chief Surgical Resident. She lives in Saint Clair Shores, Mich. James Gallagher, ’06, graduated from the North Dakota Highway Patrol Academy and is stationed at Grafton,

N.D. He resides in Grand Forks. Irja Gardner, ’06, graduated from the Carlson Executive MBA program at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, which included an international residency. She and her husband, Gregory, live in Mound, Minn. Garett Jerde, ’06, has been assigned as regional sales director of  Beechcraft Sales, Southwestern Europe with Hawker Beechcraft Corporation. He resides in Dalton Gardens, Idaho. Matthew Larsgaard, ’06, has been named president/chief executive officer of Automobile Dealers Association of  North Dakota and the North Dakota Implement Dealers Association. He will be responsible for overall corporate management of ADAND and NDIDA. Larsgaard resides in Horace, N.D. Kadie (Paton) Stoltz, ’06, is an operations assistant at Cornerstone Bank in Fargo, where she and her husband, Tyler, reside. 2007

Jackie Kuehn, ’07, has joined Altru Health System’s Outreach Therapy as a physical therapist in Thief River Falls, Minn. She resides in Circle Pines, Minn.

Ivan Hirst, ’07, is the principal for the Breckenridge High School in Breckenridge, Minn., where Hirst and his wife, Cheryl (Christopherson), ’96, ’00. William Hultberg, ’07, has joined Cottingham Insurance Agency in Underwood, N.D., as an insurance agent. He resides in Bismarck. 2008

Ashley Benz, ’08, a member of  Pacific University College of Optometry, was presented with her White Coat during the university’s White Coat Ceremony. She resides in Portland, Ore. Per-Olof Jensen, ’08, is a Linux developer at Bolder Thinking in Fargo, where he resides. J.P. Lamoureux, ’08, signed an American Hockey League contract with the Abbotsford Heat. Lamoureux played four seasons at UND, leading the Sioux to the Frozen Four as a senior in 2008. Currently, he resides in Grand Forks. Kayla (Mattfeld) Hagfors, ’08, is an accountant for Vanity in Fargo, where she and her husband, Matthew, reside.

the Michigan State University/ Kalamazoo Center for Medical Studies. He received the award for his teaching in the pediatric intensive care unit. He and his wife, Alison, live in Portage, Mich. 2009

Jordan Brown, ’09, graduated from U.S. Army basic combat training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C., where he resides. Sharon Heidler, ’09, a speech language pathologist, joined Altru Health System’s Outreach Therapy. She resides in Walhalla, Minn. Benjamin Huffman, ’09, is a research scientist in the applied geology laboratory at UND’s Energy and Environmental Research Center, and works on projects related to the Bakken Formation and the geology of the Williston Basin and northern plains region. He resides in Minnewaukan, N.D.

Please send your news to alumnireview@undalumni.net

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Jake Kvasager, ’09, has joined the Grand Forks Herald as a major account representative. He resides in Grand Forks. 

Justin Reisenauer, ’08, won a residency teaching award at

>>> reunited Old friends and UND classmates reunited at the home of Earl and Charlotte Heitzman in Mariposa, Calif., in August. Pictured standing from left: John Dahl, ’64, ’66; Tom Holmgren, ’67; Sharon (Fandrich) Dahl, ’64; Ron Paulson, ’65, ’67; Charlotte (Fandrich) Heitzman, ’66; Jerome Larson, ’66. Seated: Earl Heitzman, ’68.

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Additions Celebrations


If you would like your addition or celebration to be included in the next Alumni Review, send a high-resolution photo to alumnireview@undalumni.net. Photos will be published in the order in which they were received, space permitting, and at the discretion of Alumni Review staff. We look forward to helping you celebrate! *We do not accept Facebook or mobile uploads.

Additions #1 Dr. Andrea Andrud, ’04, and her

husband, Chris Declama, ’05, welcomed a son, Xavier. #2 Melissa Burkland, ’05, and Dr. Grant

Syverson, ’01 ’05, welcomed a son, Isaac, on June 10. #3 Leanna (Anderson) Ihry, ’02, and

her husband, Calvin, welcomed a daughter, Emilia Kate, Sept. 22. Emilia joins big brother Caleb, 17 months.





#4 New cousins, Katrina Cary

Lindstrom (left) and Emerie Marion Ellenbaum. Katrina, born May 5, is daughter of Aaron, ’02, and Kasey (Mickelson) Lindstrom, ’03. Emerie, born July 23, is daughter of Luke and Kelli (Mickelson) Ellebaum, ’00, ’01.




#5 Philip and Sarah (Olin) Krump, ’05,

welcomed a son, Henry Thomas, on June 17. He is also grandson of Rod and Judy Olin and Mark, ’77 , ’81, and Mary (Kraft) Krump, ’78. #6 Daniel and Sarah (Smith) Owens,

’03, ’09, had twin daughters, Victoria and Elizabeth, born May 5, 2009. #7 Matt, ’05, and Gwen Solum, ’06,

welcomed Paxton Dillon on June 13. #8 Patrick, ’02, and Amy (DePaolo)

Swanson, ’03, ’05, are parents of Carter (left) and Bronx. #9 Maxim A. Lennon Thon was born

July 7 to parents Carole, ’98, and Matthew Thon, and brothers Walker and Aiden. 42 Ἅ lu m n i R e v ie w  w w w . u n d a l u m n i . or g




Celebrations #10 John, ’09, and Meghan (Hopps) Borsheim,

’07, were married August 21 in Walker, Minn. John is attending Northwestern College of Chiropractic in Bloomington, Minn., and Meghan is assistant director of the Fighting Sioux Club for the UND Foundation. They live in Bloomington. #14 #11

#11 Tahira Hashmi, ’03, and her husband Sanjay

Gurav, ’06, were married December 9, 2009. They make their home in Naperville, Ill. #12 Danielle (Elbert), ’05, ’06, and Matt Hoyt

were married in July in Grand Forks. The couple is stationed in Japan. Photo courtesy of Mike Hess.

Please send your news to alumnireview@undalumni.net

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#13 Erin (Barney), ’99, and Jay Isenhart married

#15 #16 #12

on July 17 in Michigan, N.D. The couple resides in the Omaha, Neb., area where Erin works in marketing for Medico Insurance Company and owns a photography business. #14 Lacey (Paulus), ’07, ’09, and Jackson Long,

’07, ’08, were married on February 13 in Bismarck. The couple met at UND and several UND alumni were in their wedding party. Pictured from back left: Dustin McNally, ’06, ’07; Drew Zander, ’09; Jackson Long, Aaron Flynn, ’07, ’09; Christopher Graf, ’05; and Wade Walker. Front from left: Ashleigh Bentz, ’07; Natalie Leer, ’06; Lacey (Paulus) Long, Danielle Paulus, Robyn (Nehring) Vetter, ’06; and Sharona Schroeder. #15 Lauren (Hansen), ’08, and Rory Manke, ’09, #17


tied the knot this summer in Bismarck, with a wedding party full of UND alumni. Pictured from left: Brady Trenbeath, ’08; Molly Hayes; Reed Manke, ’07; Carly Hansen, ’14; Lauren (Hansen) Manke, Rory Manke, Meghan Ibach, ’08, and Ryan Manke, ’05. Photo courtesy of Carly Kolbo of Oh! Studios. #16 Staci (Rutherford), ’05, and Kyle Metzger

were married in Las Vegas on April 16. Staci works for the Community Violence Intervention Center and Kyle is an electrician in Grand Forks. #17 Megan (Monson), ’07, and Nick Seagle,

’06, were married in Edina, Minn. Nick is a pilot for Mesaba airlines and Megan is a Kindergarten teacher. They live in Savage, Minn. w i n t e r 2010 43

in memoriam 1930s Ruby M. Nelson, ’31, Long Beach, Calif. Solveig R. (Christenson) Tribur, ..’36, Lincoln, Calif. Trygve M. Brye, ’37, Stafford, Texas Marcella M. (Heim) Schetter, ’37, Mountain Air, N.M. Donna E. (Larson) Moody, ..’38, Riverton, Utah Gladys M. (Risem) Waldorf, ’38, Las Vegas Will N. Spear, ’39, Wellington, Fla.

1940s Lois M. Simpson, ’40, Bisbee, N.D. Rebecca E. (Onstad) Smith, ’40, Tucson, Ariz. Robert W. Baldwin, ..’41, Langdon, N.D. Richard J. Halldorson, ’41, Cavalier, N.D. Francis T. Haxo, ’41, La Jolla, Calif. Will N. Spear, ’41, ’42, ’43, Wellington, Fla. Cort F. Langdon, ..’42, Bemidji, Minn. Lyle F. Stayner, ’42, Everett, Wash. Alf A. Aanestad, ’43, Burnsville, Minn. Robert R. Sand, ’43, Killdeer, N.D. Bert L. Wilson, ’43, ’49, Mesa, Ariz. Catherine M. (Hofto) Bear, ’45, Wilmington, N.C. Stuart B. Simon, ’45, Norman, Okla. Harold J. Gahagan, ..’46, San Antonio, Texas Dorothy A. (Durick) Benson, ..’47, Columbia, Mo. Ardythe (Gunderson) Christianson, ..’47, Longview, Wash. Laurence C. Linfoot, ..’47, Grand Forks James G. McClintock, ’47, Rugby, N.D. William W. Personen, ’47, Henderson, Nev. Eunice M. (Lien) Schwenzfeier, ..’47, Washburn, Wis. Dorothy J. (Molenaar) Stewart, ’47, Mandan, N.D. Ordean S. Rinde, ..’48, Manchester, Mo. Charles E. Murry, ’49, ’50, Bismarck

1950s Bruce B. Bair, ’50, Mandan, N.D. John W. Bartuli, ’50, Grand Forks Lois M. (Chester) Bond, ’50, Bullard, Texas James J. Miller, ’50, Jamestown, N.D. William M. Nagatomo, ’50, ’53, Fergus Falls, Minn. William W. Personen, ’50, Henderson, Nev. Mervin L. Evenson, ..’51, Evanston, Wyo. Harriette A. (Jensen) Johnson, ..’51, Drayton, N.D. Harvey L. Knauss, ’51, Tigard, Ore. Mildred F. (Lewis) Koth, ..’51, Grand Forks Timothy W. Vavrosky, ’51, Detroit Lakes, Minn. 44 Ἅ lu m n i R e v ie w  w w w . u n d a l u m n i . or g

Bruce B. Bair, ’52, Mandan, N.D. Donald M. Juelke, ’52, Tracy, Calif. Frank F. Povhe, ’52, Glendale, Ariz. Robert R. Sand, ’52, Killdeer, N.D. Philip E. Fluvog, ’53, Seattle, Wash. Kaye H. Herzer, ’53, Spokane, Wash. Randolph R. Hublall, ’53, Raymondville, Texas Richard H. Picken, ’53, Miles City, Mont. Gregory J. Schneider, ..’53, Broomfield, Colo. John A. Pushor, ’54, Columbus, Ind. Rosemary E. (Burke) White, ..’54, Highland, Mich. Walter W. Faleide, ’55, White Bear Lake, Minn. Eileen H. (Hammerel) French, ’55, Newcastle, Calif. Irvin L. Hultin, ’55, Minot, N.D. Bayard Lewis, ’55, Wahpeton, N.D. Donald C. Lovegren, ’55, Grand Forks Philip L. Ness, ’55, New Buffalo, Mich. Francis M. Schreder, ..’55, Detroit Lakes, Minn. Roger L. Amundgaard, ’56, Geneseo, Ill. Kenneth L. Gilchrist, ’56, ’57, Glen Ellyn, Ill. William J. Power, ’56, North Fort Myers, Fla. Adrian E. Reichenberg, ..’56, Lincoln, Mont. Carl Maslowski, ’57, Wilton, N.D. Paul B. Ross, ’57, Wheaton, Ill. Marilyn J. (Elofson) Thibeault, ’57, Sergeant Bluff, Iowa MeDonna L. (Lauber) Fryer, ..’58, Bismarck Charlotte E. (Upham) Patterson, ’58, Sun Lakes, Ariz. Donald L. Purfeerst, ..’58, Scottsdale, Ariz. Courtney J. Sather, ..’58, Jamestown, N.D. Charles L. Wimpfheimer, ..’58, Cavalier, N.D. Henry Balliet, ’59, Coeur D’ Alene, Idaho David C. Boknecht, ’59, Lewiston, Idaho Richard L. Charrier, ’59, Park River, N.D. Byron B. Holman, ’59, Donnelly, Minn. Wayne C. Kobberdahl, ’59, ’60, Council Bluffs, Iowa Marjorie A. (Zutz) Walters, ’59, Atlanta, Ga.

1960s Robert D. Henry, ’60, ’62, Newburg, N.D. Raymond N. Johnston, ’60, Mesa, Ariz. Diane L. (Young) Paddack, ..’60, Hagerstown, Md. Vincent E. Sonju, ’60, ’62, Moorhead, Minn. Paul J. Aamot, ’61, Willmar, Minn. David C. Boknecht, ’61, ’64, Lewiston, Idaho Merle A. (Berg) Fugere, ..’61, Casper, Wyo. Robert B. McCullough, ’61, Casa Grande, Ariz. Charleine H. (William) Riepe, ’61, Omaha, Neb.

Michael O. DuPaul, ..’62, Minot, N.D. Sallie J. (Hovland) Munn, ..’62, Onalaska, Wis. Larry G. Nason, ’62, Arlington Heights, Ill. Murray R. Pearce, ..’62, Gilbert, Ariz. Stuart R. Ringham, ’62, Benedict, Minn. Neil M. Bengtson, ..’63, Pelican Rapids, Minn. Gail M. (Severson) Brunson, ..’63, Jonesboro, Ark. Raymond J. Hozempa, ..’63, Newfane, Vt. Stephen W. Ludwick, ..’63, Fargo Thomas J. Trevillion, ’63, Duluth, Minn. Victor C. Volk, ’63, Silvis, Ill. Alan J. Borg, ..’64, Hendersonville, N.C. Thomas J. Fogarty, ’64, Tucson, Ariz. Gerald J. Gervino, ’64, Chevy Chase, Md. Duane F. Hennessy, ’64, Grand Forks James W. McCord, ..’64, Bismarck Joanne H. (Simon) Noreen, ’64, Grand Forks David Rubin, ’64, Grand Forks Richard H. Annis, ’65, Mesa, Ariz. Richard A. Ault, ..’65, Grand Forks Karen M. Kawado, ..’65, Des Plaines, Ill. Lawrence A. Larsen, ’65, ’67, Towson, Md. James F. Marquardt, ’65, Dry Ridge, Ken. Louetta M. (Rohe) Schafer, ’65, Goodhue, Minn. Charles T. Wenaas, ..’65, Mayville, N.D. Wayne W. Lanz, ’66, Ankeny, Iowa Herman A. Moe, ’66, Grand Forks Donald T. Murray, ’66, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada James E. Ellinger, ’68, ’69, Evergreen, Colo. Doreen E. (Price) Rubin, ’68, Grand Forks Gerald D. Wilson, ..’68, Princeton, Minn. William E. Fennell, ’69, Crosby, N.D. Dennis C. Kane, ’69, Jamestown, N.D. Nancy B. (Njaa) Sande, ’69, Bismarck

1970s Marvin R. Aho, ’70, ’71, Aurora, S.D. Terry A. (Herreid) Hammond, ..’71, Madison, Ga. Deborah A. (Olson) Heine, ’71, Newtown, Pa. Roger M. Klimpel, ’71, Rochester, Minn. Gary R. Moody, ’71, Granbury, Texas James W. York, ..’72, Fargo Avis P. (Anderson) Lowe, ..’73, McHenry, N.D. David Rubin, ’73, Grand Forks Bernice J. (Hager) Summers, ..’73, Kansas City, Mo. Kevin P. Burkland, ..’74, Henderson, Nev. Fredrick L. Shuman, ’74, Bellevue, Neb. Russell S. Crawford, ’75, ’77, Deer River, Minn.

Hugh D. Depaolo, ’75, ’77, Casper, Wyo. Charles A. Dunnigan, ..’76, Grand Forks Ann M. (Bollinger) Smith, ’76, ’80, Bemidji, Minn. Nancy E. Furstenberg,..’77, Ann Arbor, Mich. Susan M. Mosolf, ’77, ’80, ’84, Imperial Beach, Calif. Michael B. Unhjem, ’78, Fargo David J. Friedenbach, ’79, Chandler, Ariz.

1980s Madeleine F. Tellmann, ..’80, Grand Forks Houshang J. Rezaie, ’81, ’82, Minneapolis Dona M. (LaPlante) Rowland, ’81, Eden Prairie, Minn. Margery A. McCanna Jennison, ’84, Minneapolis Marcella E. (Hoffman) Kaul, ’86, Bismarck Perry S. Nakonechny, ’87, ’88, ’93, Grand Forks

1990s Beverly K. O’Keefe, ’92, Grand Forks

Linda C. Olson, ’92, Grand Forks David C. Sinkula, ..’92, Minneapolis Laurie E. (Domier) Berry, ’96, ’00, Mayville, N.D. Joseph M. Hintz, ’96, Greeley, Colo. Brent A. Kary, ’08, Bismarck

FRIENDS Melvin G. Askew, Friend, Cavalier, N.D. Hilma Blaich, Friend, Bismarck Alvin Cull, Friend, Hamilton, N.D. Richard E. Dormont, Friend, Minot, N.D. Charles H. Gowan, Friend, Oslo, Minn. Archie N. Hill, Friend, Iron, Minn. Sy A. Miller, Friend, Grand Forks Ed Kramer, Friend, Smithville, Mo. Patricia D. (Dixon) Lander, Friend, Grand Forks Jeanne Ludwig, Friend, Sequim, Wash. Treumann J. Lykken, Friend, Grand Forks Margaret J. (Ruud) McClain, Friend, Grand Forks

Mary J. McCoy, Friend, Larimore, N.D. Conrad Ryan, Friend, Inkster, N.D. John R. Schaffer, Friend, Langdon, N.D. Judd B. Sondreal, Friend, Grand Forks Elphie Sorlie, Friend, Hillsboro, N.D. Ernest H. Blaich, Friend, Bismarck John A. Stewart, Friend, Gilby, N.D.

FORMER FACULTY/STAFF Joannie H. Bina, Former Faculty/Staff, Grand Forks Marcia D. Gragert, Former Faculty/Staff, Warren, Minn. Gary L. Pilak, Former Faculty/Staff, Grand Forks Henn H. Soonpaa, Retired Faculty, Grand Forks Milton O. Stai, Retired Staff, East Grand Forks, Minn. Thomas J. Zimmerman, Former Faculty/Staff, Thompson, N.D.

w i n t e r 2010 45

Staying connected & investing in your health —

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Alumni Association Blogspot




Mediterranean Inspiration Alumni and friends enjoyed a break from the norm with an Oceania Cruise from Venice to Rome Port highlights included Venice, Dubrovnik Kotor, Corfu, Amalfi, Sorrento, Florence, and Portofino. On board were John, ’71, and Largo (Radyke) Callenbach, ..’71; Terry Block, ’73, ’86, and Ilene Lee, ’78; Bruce, ’78, and Robbie Quick; John, ..’80, and Kristi (Knutson) Eickhof, ’02; Jack, ’55, and Betty (Geisen) Cox, ’54; Lynn, ..’62, and Virginia Vreeland; Gary and Jane Schulz, ’00; Gerald and Patricia Heim, Laura, ’81, ’10, and Rick Block, ..’89; Nicholette (Fiergola), ’66, and Norlyn Schulz, ’69, and Brian and Yvonne Smith. For your opportunity to travel the world with fellow UND alumni, visit www.undalumni.org. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Runners Reunite

UND track alumnae reunited with Coach Clay. Pictured back from left: Coach Dick Clay, Kristin Murch, ’07; Jessica (Neva) Nygaard, ’04, ’09; and Jessica (Williams) Sobolik, ’02. Front from left : Suzanne (Bergantine) Goddard, ’00; Traci (Korynta) Kovar, ’99; Missy (Berg) Heilman, ’01, and her daughter Jazlyn; Becky Erickson, April (Maine) Lokken, ’01; Jackie (Auwater) Larson, ’02, and Beth (Morris) Hirt, ’03.

Sioux-Per Gala

The 2010 Sioux-Per Gala is near! Mark your calendars for April 29, 2011, at the Betty Engelstad Sioux Center in Grand Forks. Proceeds support all of UND's Fighting Sioux Division I athletic programs and student-athletes. For more information or to donate an auction item, please contact the UND Foundation at 800.543.8764.

Mail Permit


w i n t e r 2010 47

Mediterranean R E F L E C T I O N S Oceania Cruises: Venice to Rome (Civitavecchia)

October 10 - 21, 2011

From $3,699 per person double occupancy (Including airfare)*

To book your trip or to view other alumni travel options visit www.undalumni.org and click on Events & Travel. Or call 800.543.8764.

Encounter idyllic Mediterranean ports and celebrated destinations as you cruise on the elegant Oceania Cruises’ grandest and newest vessel, Marina. Lose yourself at sea in the comfort and luxuries of fine cuisine, upscale amenities, a staff devoted to your every need, and lavishly-appointed staterooms. Depart from Venice and traverse the deep blue sea to some of Europe’s most enthralling ports. Discover ancient hill towns, legendary architecture, glorious scenery, and stunning monuments in Italy, Croatia, Montenegro, Greece, and Monaco. *Special price reduction: 2-for-1 cruise fares with free airfare if booked by January 31, 2011

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C a m pa i g n R e p o r t




Inside this report


North Dakota Spirit • Campaign Report •   Winter 2010


52 Message from President Kelley From Great to Exceptional

54 Raising Three Hundred Million 61 The Big Give 62 Campaign Goals 68 The Philanthropic Spirit National Campaign Steering Committee

74 There’s No Place Like Home A New Alumni Center at UND




On the cover: On October 8, 2010, more than 2,000 people packed the Chester Fritz Auditorium to “Ignite the Spirit.” w i n t e r 2010 51

Great to Exceptional

C ampa i gn

R eport

UND President Robert O. Kelley UND Foundation Executive Vice President and CEO Tim O’Keefe, ‘71 UND Foundation Associate Executive Vice President Chief Development Officer Campaign Manager DeAnna Carlson Zink, ‘86

Dear Alumni & Friends, The University of North Dakota is committed to enhancing North Dakota and our society through teaching and learning, research, scholarship, creative activities, and service. These tenets form the foundation upon which we will continue to build. My vision of the future is one in which the UND student experience will make a demonstrable difference in the values, the talents, and the critical thinking and problem solving that graduates must be able to bring to a global society. UND aspires to be an institution known for providing students with the foundation for a fulfilling career, able to be accomplished across both general and specialized fields. UND is about the educational development of students, involving an integration of the liberal arts and humanities with other specialized courses of study. UND values innovation and creativity in literature, music, visual and performing arts, history, sociology, philosophy, languages and linguistics, as well as science, technology, engineering and mathematics. All must be valued parts of the vibrant intellectual environment at this University. North Dakota Spirit | The Campaign for UND is the means to bring this University to new levels of distinction. We must become a leader in fulfilling every individual’s quality of life by embracing both intellectual and physical pursuits: arts and humanities, including music and theater; STEM programs

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(science, technology, engineering and mathematics); leadership and professional programs, such as public administration and business; physical exercise; intelligent conversation on issues of the day; travel and an informed interest in what’s happening around the world; and personal relationships. UND’s top priority—and our legacy—will always be our students and our graduates. Our legacy will only be as strong as the opportunities we provide them to excel in the classroom, laboratory, studio, clinic, cockpit, business incubator, or in athletic competition. UND can make a difference in preparing for the society of tomorrow. We have the talent, the commitment, the collegial and collaborative attitudes—and we have you—to show others that the University of North Dakota is indeed a special place. I invite you to reignite your North Dakota spirit and join us in our most ambitious campaign ever. Your partnership will support UND’s commitment to its passionate students, inspirational educators, innovative programs, and extraordinary places. Every college and unit at North Dakota’s flagship University is committed to a shared vision that will redefine UND. Your support of this campaign is your chance to be part of moving UND from great to exceptional. I invite you to join us.

Robert O. Kelley, President University of North Dakota

Editor Amanda Hvidsten, ‘01 Designer Megan Weibye Contributing Writers Patrick C. Miller Laura Dvorak Contributing Photography Bruce Crummy Megan Weibye Kirsten Gunnarson National Campaign Steering Committee Co-Chairs B. John Barry, ‘63 Linda Pancratz, ‘76 Members Karen Bohn, ‘75, ‘76; Rick Burgum, ‘68; Rod Burwell, ‘60, ‘61; Carla Christofferson, ‘89; Howard Dahl, ‘71, HON ‘10; Jacque Everson, ‘66; Dr. Lloyd Everson, ‘65, ‘67; Roger Gilbertson, M.D.; Dr. John Gray, ‘87; Gov. John Hoeven; Mikey Hoeven; Valerie Hoekstra, ‘82; Phil Jackson, ‘67; HON ‘08; Larry Jodsaas, ‘62; Marcia Kelley; Robert O. Kelley; Loren Kopseng, ..’67; Paul LeBel; Doug Mark, ‘86; Gary Marsden, ‘63; Dan Martinsen, ‘73; Dale Morrison, ‘71, HON ‘99; Al Olson, ‘61, ‘63; Greg Page, ‘73; David Saggau, ‘86, ‘89; Sally Wold Smith, ‘79; Bob Solberg, ‘69; Kris Solberg, ‘69; Lee Stenehjem Jr., ‘67; J. Patrick Traynor, ‘88, ‘91; Jim Williams, ‘62; David Williamson, ‘70; Gay (Shermorry) Williamson, ‘69; Tom Wold, ‘60, ‘62; Tim O’Keefe, ‘71; DeAnna Carlson Zink, ‘86; Laura Block, ‘81, ‘10.

“We call it North Dakota Spirit.”

w i n t e r 2010 53

R a i s i ng

Three Hundred Million by Doris Cooper

54 C am p a i gn R e p or t  www.spirit.und.edu

Alumni and friends share a toast to UND & to North Dakota.

The University of North Dakota and UND Foundation launched the public phase of a comprehensive $300 million fundraising campaign to a full house of more than 2,000 people at the Chester Fritz Auditorium as part of the Homecoming 2010 celebration. North Dakota Spirit | The Campaign for UND is the first fundraising campaign of its kind at UND and the anticipation couldn’t be greater. With momentum coming from the President’s

office, coups in research and education, a move to Division I, a thriving state economy, and one of the most dedicated alumni bases in the country, the time is right. The time is now. The total goal for the campaign is $300 million. The goals that make up the total are spread throughout every college, as well as among students, faculty, programs, and places. The first goal is to support UND’s students with $100 million in additional scholarship support. An additional $100 million will be raised and endowed for faculty support. The third goal is to enhance UND’s academic programs with $50 million. Finally, $50 million will be raised to improve existing or add new buildings and technology. As of October 8, the launch of the campaign’s public phase, more than $201 million has been committed through cash gifts, pledges, bequests, and other means. The first, and still the largest single gift to the campaign, was w i n t e r 2010 55

a $20 million contribution from the Engelstad Family Foundation in 2007. When the gift was made, the family foundation released a statement, noting, “Economic stimulation has been a strong motivator in the philanthropic history of Ralph and Betty Engelstad. This $20 million gift to support scholarships, faculty and other projects at the University of North Dakota continues this passion. “The Engelstad Family Foundation recognizes the impact a UND education can and does have on individuals. Those individuals become equipped with the tools to positively affect their own communities and professions as best as possible. It is our hope that this gift will be paramount to the capability of Ralph’s alma mater to stimulate action and innovation within students and faculty.” Since that gift, 431 alumni and friends have made major gifts of $25,000 or more to grow initiatives within eight of the University’s colleges and athletics. It is this type of momentum the University needs to move from great to exceptional. As the University strategizes to meet the future educational needs of students, businesses, industry, and research, each college and unit has defined goals and priorities that, with private funding, will help transform the impact UND has on the state of North Dakota, as well as communities throughout the world. “We call it North Dakota Spirit,” said President Robert Kelley, “because as our state’s flagship university, we carry the spirit of North Dakota in all we do. This campaign will not only have a positive impact at UND, but the ripple effect will be felt throughout North Dakota, through the work our students and faculty do to further economic and community development in the state. “The University of North Dakota is about teaching and learning. This is our core mission. The resources needed to create an environment that supports teaching and learning requires support for our students, our faculty, the academic programs within the University, and the facilities necessary to make those programs effective,” he said. While the state continues to build its investment in the core needs of higher education, Kelley says the timing of the campaign will give UND an unprecedented opportunity to rise above peer universities facing cutbacks due to struggling state economies. “A public–private partnership of this caliber will play a significant role in moving UND

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from great to exceptional,” he said. UND alumnus B. John Barry, ’63, Fargo, and alumna Linda Pancratz, ’76, Edwards, Colo., co-chair the UND National Campaign Steering Committee, a volunteer group of 36 alumni and friends from around the country who are leading the fundraising initiative. “To bring UND to the highest level of excellence requires the financial resources that will come as a result of this successful campaign,” said Barry. “It is a responsibility of all of us to give back to support UND higher education because the leadership we need in a global economy requires people with higher education degrees.” “UND is a very special place where an ordinary person like me can get an extraordinary education. An education that changes opportunities and changes lives. That’s what we want to give to future generations,” said Pancratz. “With all the issues we face as a nation, education is part of the solution. We need innovation, creativity, entrepreneurial spirit, and visionary leadership. All of those things really capture the North Dakota spirit and the essence of University of North Dakota.” She continued, “The national campaign is designed to move UND forward ... further ... faster. Together we will create a legacy of which we can all be proud. Together we will make great things happen.” Tim O’Keefe, executive vice president and chief executive officer of the UND Foundation, said, “Too often philanthropy translates itself focused just on treasure. It’s about time and talent commitments as well. What we really hope to do with this campaign is raise awareness on all three of those fronts to benefit future students and faculty, and the University of North Dakota.” O’Keefe said during the campaign’s silent phase, campaign volunteers have led efforts to build a solid foundation of support. During the public phase, which will conclude in 2013, O’Keefe said the goal is to involve all alumni, faculty, staff, students, and friends of the University, as well as business and corporations. “This will be a pinnacle achievement in the University’s history. This will be a launch pad for what progresses as we go down the road,” he said. More information about North Dakota Spirit | The Campaign for UND can be found at www.spirit.und.edu 

National Campaign Steering Committee Co-Chair Linda Pancratz, ’76, told the audience, “An education changes opportunities and changes lives! And, that’s what we want to give to future generations.”

With unusually warm weather, ice cream was a big hit. Hundreds of students, alumni and faculty came to the Chester Fritz Auditorium for UND Champion Chip ice cream before Ignite the Spirit.

Michael Morgen, a recent UND graduate and flight instructor at the John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences, wowed the crowd and literally “ignited” the spirit with his fire dancing performance.

UND’s Varsity Bards were among the campus talent showcased at the public launch of North Dakota Spirit | The Campaign for UND.

w i n t e r 2010 57

58 C am p a i gn R e p or t  www.spirit.und.edu

TOP The Pride of the North Marching Band and Feature Twirler Holly Baker helped audience members show their UND spirit. Sean Johnson, senior associate athletic director, helped serve up ice cream to students, faculty, staff and alumni. A donor social followed the public announcement of North Dakota Spirit | The Campaign for UND, giving all who have made financial contributions another chance to celebrate UND. CENTER More than 2,000 came to Ignite the Spirt and have a chance to give away $10,000. UND Foundation Executive Vice President & CEO Tim O’Keefe thanked alumni and friends for their commitment to UND. Joyce and Ray Wiper, ’63, and Kristin A. Jackson, ’89, were among nearly 200 alumni and friends who celebrated the fundraising campaign’s success to-date at a donor social at the North Dakota Museum of Art. BOTTOM Guests at the Campaign Donor Social enjoyed food and conversation. Champion Chip ice cream was a big hit with local children on a sunny Friday afternoon.

w i n t e r 2010 59

Cell phones lit up a darkened Chester Fritz Auditorium as about 1,500 students, faculty, staff, and alumni participated in a contest, sending a text for a chance to give away $10,000 to any area on campus. Fire dancer Michael Morgen also lit up the Fritz with his incredible routine.

60 C am p a i gn R e p or t  www.spirit.und.edu

Mary Coleman revealed her choice—the clinical lab sciences program in the School of Medicine & Health Sciences— to receive the $10,000.

The Big give Students, faculty and staff had heard for weeks

Ben and Dorothy Gorecki enjoyed visiting with UND Foundation Director of Development Dave Miedema. The Gorecki’s made a $4 million gift to help build a new alumni center on UND’s west end of campus. The grounds outside the Chester Fritz Auditorium were festive, helping draw a record crowd to Ignite the Spirit.

that on Friday, October 8, one lucky person would win a chance to give away $10,000 to any unit, program or area of UND. Members of student organizations, faculty committees and staff from all across campus packed the Chester Fritz Auditorium with cell phones in hand. At a few minutes past 3 p.m. nearly 1,500 people texted “spirit” to a designated number and anxiously waited to see who would be the lucky winner. Only a few minutes later, Associate Professor Mary Coleman, ’72, ’85, ’96, left her seat and entered the lobby of the Fritz with a big smile. She had received the coveted text message letting her know she would be giving away the $10,000. “I was really shocked and thought it was a joke,” Coleman laughed. “I told my friend, came out into the lobby and they told me it was real!” Without hesitation, she designated the funds to support the clinical laboratory sciences program within the pathology department at the School of Medicine and Health Sciences. As a long-time member of the department and advisor of the medical lab science club, she was thrilled to support CLS in this way. The program teaches students to do lab testing and her hope was that the money would go toward new equipment. “We need a new slide stainer and that costs $10,000 so that’s going to be my vote,” she said. Coleman graduated from UND, earning a bachelor’s degree and two master’s degrees. She reminisced, “I’ve had homecoming parties with my undergraduate roommate just about every year and she’s here with me today!” This year will, no doubt, be one of the more memorable celebrations. The chance to give away $10,000 on campus was implemented as a way to involve everyone on campus and in the community with the campaign launch, and also offer all in attendance a first-hand experience with philanthropy. The funds were donated by the Hal and Kathy Gershman Family Foundation. This unique give-away earned tremendous buzz on campus, inspiring people to think about which aspects of UND they wanted to support.  w i n t e r 2010 61

Fi na nc i a ls

North Dakota Spirit Campaign Goal: $300,000,000 Raised as of October 8, 2010: $201,346,147















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Fi na nc i a ls

Passi onat e

Studen ts G oal: $100,000,0 0 0 D ollars R ai sed: $ 6 2 ,831,0 5 5 UND is currently able to provide scholarship assistance to about 20 percent of its students. Nearly 70 percent of UND students are working up to 30 hours per week in order to support their education and living expenses. That’s why one of UND’s highest priorities is increasing the number of private scholarships available to students.

Insp i rati ona l

Educators G oal: $100,000,0 0 0 D ollars R ai sed: $ 2 3 ,748,7 0 7 Exceptional teaching is a hallmark of a UND education. Faculty inspire and shape the lives of students, and their scholarly work and research enhances UND’s global reputation. Building endowments to support faculty will dramatically strengthen the University’s ability to retain our best and recruit additional, inspirational faculty leaders.

utilization, renewability and sustainability, and the development of sustainable policies for our environment • Research and scholarship in the basic and applied life sciences • Preparing health care professionals for rural service and increasing access to health care and levels of wellness in our state and nation • Increasing UND’s international and multicultural presence, both on campus and abroad

E xtr aor dinary


G oal : $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 Dollars Ra i sed : $ 1 2 , 1 2 9 , 8 1 9 To remain among the top public research universities, UND must continue to provide places and infrastructure for students and faculty to study, live and conduct research. Building and infrastructure priorities include: • Enhanced laboratory spaces • Continued investments in technology • An indoor athletic training complex • An alumni center • A new College of Business & Public Administration

Innovat i ve

Annua l

G oal: $50,000,0 0 0 D ollars R ai sed: $ 4 2 ,898,7 5 3

Dollars Ra i sed : $ 5 9 , 7 3 7 , 8 1 2

Programs Building on a key priority of the University to provide a strong liberal arts education, UND will strengthen programs in the following areas: • Research and application related to energy

Excellence Annual gifts are important to enable the University to address immediate needs. They provide flexible resources to allow the president, deans and department chairs to invest in any of the four campaign priority areas.

Beginning in fiscal year 2006 the UND Foundation began tracking gifts according to industry recognized standards from the National Committee on Planned Giving (NCPG). The Guidelines for Reporting and Counting Charitable Gifts provide a methodology for showing how all types of gifts contribute to an organization’s fundraising goals. The numbers in this report reflect these NCPG standards.

w i n t e r 2010 63

Fi na nc i a ls

D onor D emo g r ap h i cs

S ilen t phase Prior to the public launch on October 8, 2010, the campaign was in a silent phase. Counting for the campaign began on July 1, 2005. During the silent phase 26,942 donors contributed a total of $201,346,147 for the benefit of the University of North Dakota. Donations are tracked by Fiscal Year.**



Parents: 5%

Gi f t s b y T ype






Friends: 13%

Faculty & Staff: 2%


Non-graduates: 7%

Businesses & Organizations: 4%


Graduates: 69%










Donor Participation

Annual Gifts: $25.6 Million | Provide UND, colleges and units resources to respond to immediate needs and opportunities. Major Gifts: $84.1 Million | Cash and commitments of $25,000+, fulfilled over a defined period, establish endowments and fund larger campus priorities. Planned Gifts: $86.4 Million | Commitments made through wills or trusts will impact the University in the future. Other Gifts: $5.2 Million

64 C am p a i gn R e p or t  www.spirit.und.edu

FY06 |


FY09 |


FY07 |


FY10 |


FY08 |


FY11* |


* All FY11 numbers are as of October 8, 2010 ** FY06 = July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006 FY07 = July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007 FY08 = July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2008 FY09 = July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009 FY10 = July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010 FY11 = July 1, 2010 - October 8, 2010


Fi na nc i a ls

Goa ls B y C o l l e g e = goal John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences

= gifts raised

% = percent of goal met



College of Arts & Sciences College of Business & Public Administration


School of Engineering & Mines College of Education & Human Development




School of Law School of Medicine & Health Sciences College of Nursing




Athletics Centers & Institutes $0

526.3% $20 MILLION


John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences


Goal: $30 Million

Students and faculty at the John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences are driven to reach for the sky – and stars – seeking new possibilities and challenging limits. With your support, they will continue to set the global standard for aerospace education.

Inspirational Educators


College of Arts & Sciences

Goal: $20 Million

Passionate Students


$1,332,347 $3,369

Excellence in the College of Arts & Sciences forms UND’s intellectual core. Your commitment will provide an exceptional liberal arts education to the next generation of leaders, scholars and citizens – no matter their program of study.

Passionate Students


Inspirational Educators


Innovative Programs


Innovative Programs


Extraordinary Places


Extraordinary Places


Annual Excellence


Annual Excellence


Dollars Raised


Dollars Raised


w i n t e r 2010 65

Fi na nc i a ls

College of Business & Public Administration

School of Engineering & Mines Goal: $30 Million

Goal: $100 Million Leaders epitomize success. Great leaders are graduates of the College of Business & Public Administration. With your involvement, UND’s premier college will transform into a nationally-revered business and public administration hub, making an elite UND education available to future leaders and ensuring program and faculty success.

Passionate Students


Passionate Students

Inspirational Educators


Inspirational Educators



Innovative Programs


Extraordinary Places


Extraordinary Places


Annual Excellence


Annual Excellence


Dollars Raised


Dollars Raised


School of Law Goal: $20 Million

Goal: $10 Million Students and faculty in the College of Education & Human Development are committed to helping people – as educators, coaches, social workers, and mental health and wellness professionals. As rural populations face uncertainty, your commitment will help shape professionals who will step into these communities prepared to meet the challenges ahead.

Passionate Students Inspirational Educators



Innovative Programs

College of Education & Human Development

66 C am p a i gn R e p or t

The School of Engineering & Mines will have a direct impact on the future sustainability of North Dakota, the region and world. You can help prepare engineers who will address pressing challenges to preserve natural resources, fight poverty, meet growing demands for national security, and find solutions to health care advancement.

$180,693 $81,840

UND’s School of Law fills a critical need in North Dakota, providing leadership on key legal issues that also extend across national and international borders. Your support will be the boost to help the School make a transformative leap to exceptional.

Passionate Students Inspirational Educators

$1,391,557 $75,976

Innovative Programs


Innovative Programs


Extraordinary Places


Extraordinary Places


Annual Excellence


Annual Excellence


Dollars Raised


Dollars Raised


Fi na nc i a ls

School of Medicine & Health Sciences

College of Nursing Goal: $10 Million

Goal: $35 Million UND’s School of Medicine & Health Sciences touches the lives of North Dakotans every day. A national leader in rural medicine and rural health, the state of North Dakota is this school’s campus. With your generosity, the nation’s path to optimal health care will start in North Dakota.

The UND College of Nursing has positioned itself as a frontrunner in education and research for nursing, nutrition and dietetics in the upper Midwest. Your investment today in the future of health care is the right thing to do at just the right time.

Passionate Students


Passionate Students

Inspirational Educators


Inspirational Educators

$137,219 $52,145

Innovative Programs


Innovative Programs


Extraordinary Places


Extraordinary Places


Annual Excellence


Annual Excellence

Dollars Raised


Dollars Raised

$596,509 $1,082,976


Centers & Institutes

Goal: $30 Million

Goal: $15 Million

Your commitment to UND Athletics will catapult UND to become an instant contender in Division I competition in all 20 programs. You will impact more than 450 student-athletes who, every year, strive for academic and athletic excellence.

Across campus there are numerous units which operate outside a specific academic unit with a shared visionary spirit that is critical to UND’s transformation. ($8.9 million raised) Unrestricted donations allow University administration the flexibility to choose how dollars will be used campus-wide to benefit students, faculty, programs, and facilities and move UND from great to exceptional. ($70 million raised)

Passionate Students Inspirational Educators

$21,221,859 $1,391

Passionate Students Inspirational Educators

$28,945,877 $269,733

Innovative Programs


Innovative Programs


Extraordinary Places


Extraordinary Places


Annual Excellence Dollars Raised

$3,130,159 $26,993,357

Annual Excellence


Dollars Raised


w i n t e r 2010 67


The philanthropic spirit is alive at the University of North Dakota.

After meeting with then-UND President Charles Kupchella and reviewing the University’s strategic plan, alumnus B. John Barry saw an opportunity to help bring the plan to life. With a strong commitment to excellence in higher education and a dedicated interest in the state’s vibrant future, B. John Barry, ’63, knew he wanted to be part of a movement taking UND from great to exceptional. Barry’s personal and family philanthropic philosophy stems from a lifelong passion toward giving back and a belief that our youth and their education are the keys to North Dakota’s future. It is that spirit of philanthropy that ignited 36 distinguished leaders to join him in forming UND’s National Campaign Steering Committee (NCSC) in the summer of 2006. The NCSC effort, co-chaired by Barry and Linda Pancratz, ’76, has raised more than $201 million from 25,000 donors throughout the campaign’s silent phase. At a time when our nation’s economy is struggling, and fundraising efforts are even more challenging, UND’s visionary leadership and NCSC, in partnership with dedicated alumni and friends, are committing their time and resources to work toward the spirit of North Dakota and the spirit of this campaign. Inspired by the success to date, Barry and Pancratz believe that with passion, persistence and persuasion, the goal of the $300 million North Dakota Spirit | The Campaign for UND will not only be reached, but can be exceeded. In raising awareness of UND’s Campaign, the NCSC recognize its best resources are its people – those who care about the future of North Dakota. Barry, Pancratz and the NCSC invite you to learn about the campaign, and to invest in the philanthropic spirit -- the innovation, creativity and entrepreneurism that is the essence of UND. “We have a successful alumni base, and a dedicated and dynamic leadership team that are committed to building productive partnerships and moving UND from great to exceptional,” added Pancratz. She also sees that, “With all of the issues we face as a nation, education is clearly part of the solution. We need innovation, creativity and entrepreneurial “North Dakota spirit is decency, civility, spirit, and visionary leadership. And, that really is the North Dakota a can-do spirit, a spirit of not seeing spirit and essence of the University of North Dakota.” obstacles but seeing some opportunities Each member of the committee has made similar statements of how things can be better. There is when talking about why they’ve dedicated so much of their time, a real spirit of optimism, not knowing talent and treasure. limits, a willingness to tackle things.“ Howard Dahl, ’71, HON ’10, has been on the committee since the beginning. He says, “You don’t do anything well without - Howard Dahl, ’71, HON ’10 resources. To go to the exceptional level in areas we want to take the University is going to take resources. The best source is people who care about UND and care about the future of North Dakota. We do have something worth preserving. Our University education has provided a great career path for more than 100,000 alums through an affordable education and a quality education. To continue at a level we all 68 C am p a i gn R e p or t  www.spirit.und.edu

Campaign Committee

would like will take the support of a lot of people.” Lee Stenehjem Jr., ’67, ’70, says with Dr. Kelley’s leadership, he’s confident UND will make advancements that elevate the impact the University has on the state. “You need funds in order to accomplish that. People need to be generous toward the University if we’re going to make that next step,” he said. “This is a very exciting time to be in North Dakota and connected with the University of North Dakota. President Kelley’s goal of moving the University from great to exceptional will be reached. It will need the help of the citizens of North Dakota. When that help is forthcoming, the benefits of reaching that goal will be felt in the state of North Dakota for many generations.” Kris Solberg, ’69, said, “By the University of North Dakota having a big campaign such as this, it will make people aware that giving is important every year. This campaign hooks us into the University of North Dakota as being part of our annual giving and what they have given us we do give back to them.” “You don’t get what you don’t ask for. We have these things we’re trying to get done,” says Larry Jodsaas, ’62, in reference to President Kelley’s vision for UND’s future. “What is it you can do to help us make that move forward, make us more successful,” he challenges. 

National Campaign Steering Committee Members

B. John Barry, ’63 Committee Co-Chair Fargo Owner, MidAmerica Capital Partners, LLC Founder & Chairman, The Barry Foundation

Linda Pancratz, ’76

Karen Bohn, ’75, ’76 Edina, Minn. President & CEO, Galeo Group LLC

Committee Co-Chair

Rick Burgum, ’68

Edwards, Colo. Chairman & CEO, Mountain Capital LLC

Arthur, N.D. President & CEO, The Arthur Companies Inc. w i n t e r 2010 69

Campaign Committee

Rod Burwell, ’60, ’61 Minneapolis CEO, Burwell Enterprises

Fargo Retired President & CEO, Meritcare Health System

Carla Christofferson, ’89

Dr. John Gray, ’87

Los Angeles Attorney, O’Melveny & Myers LLP Co-owner, WNBA’s Los Angeles Sparks

Plymouth, Minn. Physician/Nephrologist, Kidney Specialists of Minnesota

Howard Dahl, ’71, HON ’10 Fargo President & CEO, Amity Technology

Jacque Everson, ’66

70 C am p a i gn R e p or t  www.spirit.und.edu

Roger Gilbertson, M.D.

Gov. John Hoeven Honorary Committee Member Bismarck Governor, State of North Dakota

Mikey Hoeven Honorary Committee Member

The Woodlands, Texas Community Volunteer

Bismarck First Lady, State of North Dakota

Dr. Lloyd Everson, ’65, ’67

Valerie Hoekstra, ’82

The Woodlands, Texas Vice Chairman, US Oncology, Inc.

New York Educator

Campaign Committee

Phil Jackson, ’67, HON ’08 Honorary Committee Member Los Angeles Head Coach, NBA’s Los Angeles Lakers

Larry Jodsaas, ’62 St. Paul, Minn. Retired Chairman & Co-owner, PolarFab

“North Dakota spirit is the spirit I think has formed the basis for the lives of all of us – honesty, hard work, intelligence, creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship, helping your neighbor. We’re all in this together. That comes from the hardships our early residents encountered when they first came to North Dakota. The things they learned to survive have carried over all generations since.” - Lee Stenehjem Jr., ’67

Marcia Kelley

Gary Marsden, ’63

Grand Forks First Lady, University of North Dakota

Clear Lake, Minn. Co-Founder, Marco

Robert Kelley Grand Forks President, University of North Dakota

Loren Kopseng, .. ’67 Bismarck President & CEO, United Energy Corporation

Dan Martinsen, ’73 Redmond, Wash.

Dale Morrison, ’71, HON ’99 Toronto, Ontario, Canada President & CEO, McCain Foods, Ltd. w i n t e r 2010 71

Campaign Committee

Greg Page, ’73 Wayzata, Minn. Chairman & CEO, Cargill, Inc.

“North Dakota spirit is an entrepreneurial spirit that perseveres, is creative and innovative. It is a strong character that embodies integrity and a strong work ethic.” - Linda Pancratz, ’76

David Saggau, ’86, ’89 Minneapolis President & CEO, Great River Energy

Paul LeBel

Sally Wold Smith, ’79

Grand Forks Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost, University of North Dakota

Edina, Minn. President & CEO, Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar

Doug Mark, ’86 Minneapolis Founder & Managing Partner, Northstar Capital, LLC

Bob Solberg, ’69 Houston Chairman, JDR Cable Systems Ltd.

Al Olson, ’61, ’63 Chanhassen, Minn. & Tucson, Ariz. Former N.D. Attorney General; Former N.D. Governor; Former U.S. Official, International Joint Commission of Canada and the U.S. 72 C am p a i gn R e p or t  www.spirit.und.edu

Kris Solberg, ’69 Houston Nurse, Childbirth Educator

Campaign Committee

Tom Wold, ’60, ‘62 Lee Stenehjem Jr., ’67, ’70 Fargo & Scottsdale, Ariz.

J. Patrick Traynor, ’88, ’91 Fargo President, Dakota Medical Foundation

Fargo Attorney/Partner (retired), Wold Johnson P.C.

Tim O’Keefe, ’71 Grand Forks Executive Vice President & CEO, UND Alumni Association & UND Foundation

DeAnna Carlson Zink, ’86 Jim Williams, ’62 Arthur, N.D. President, Arthur Mercantile Company

Grand Forks Associate Executive Vice President & Chief Development Officer, UND Alumni Association & UND Foundation

Laura Block, ’81, ’10 David Williamson, ’70 Hudson, Wis. Executive Vice President, Sales & Marketing, Office Products Group of Mead

Grand Forks Associate Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, UND Alumni Association & UND Foundation

Gay (Shemorry) Williamson, ’69 Hudson, Wis. Community Volunteer w i n t e r 2010 73

74 C am p a i gn R e p or t  www.spirit.und.edu

Your Gifts at Work

Home There’s No Place Like

by Amanda Hvidsten

Arches, domes, clocks, or bell towers, university campuses are famous for their iconic structures. Many have historical legend attached and certainly all are a part of the memories university students share. w i n t e r 2010 75

Your Gifts at Work

Benedict, ’62, ’63, and Dorothy Gorecki made the lead gift to the Alumni Center.

76 C am p a i gn R e p or t  www.spirit.und.edu

Buildings and other structures on a campus have tremendous importance – they are where we learn, where we create, where we discover, where we collaborate. They are the hallowed halls of the academic and personal growth adventure we know as college. The newest addition to our UND campus will create a home for one of the University’s most valuable assets: our alumni. The University is pleased to welcome The Gorecki Alumni Center (pronounced go-rets-key) to campus in the near future. As we launch the public phase of our North Dakota Spirit campaign, it is exciting to see enthusiasm from donors around various projects that benefit multiple audiences. The alumni center is one such example. The mission of the facility right in the heart of campus is to capture the spirit of alumni, students and friends, who gather to connect, engage and grow. In many ways it will become the face of UND by showcasing the accomplishments of our alumni, welcoming future alumni (students) in a warm, inviting environment, creating a bridge between the greater Grand Forks community and the University, and also by celebrating UND’s rich and proud history. “The Gorecki Alumni Center will become the front door to our campus, welcoming alumni and friends, current and prospective students, and visitors. Within the Center, we’ll capture the diverse and fascinating heritage of our University, and be able to highlight the uncommon achievement of our alumni,” says Tim O’Keefe, executive vice president and chief executive officer of the UND Alumni Association and UND Foundation. Additionally, the University has every intention of building the center as an iconic landmark, capitalizing on space already available on campus and throughout Grand Forks. Plans are for the alumni center to be built on University Avenue, immediately west of the Chester Fritz Auditorium. As Rick Tonder, UND’s associate director of facilities planning, explains, this site allows for the center to be easily accessed by visitors to campus, be they

alumni, families or potential students. The building will accommodate everyday operations with office space, but even more so, it will complement other facilities and offer meeting and interactive space our campus has recognized as an additional need. An alumni center has been a part of UND’s master campus plan for nearly 15 years. Legislation allowing for its construction has been in place since 1997. Fundraising for the project actively began in 2007, and to date, $7.3 million in commitments have been secured. The goal is to raise $10.5 million. A significant portion of the donated funds are from the center’s namesakes Benedict, ’62, ’63, and Dorothy Gorecki. Longtime supporters of the University, the Goreckis felt this project was the right fit for them. “It has more to do with furthering education,” said Benedict Gorecki. “The fact that the UND Alumni Association and UND Foundation connects alumni with each other and is the fundraising arm for the University really appealed to us.” The Goreckis have donated more than $17 million to various educational and health-related projects in Minnesota, and made additional contributions through the UND Foundation. Their spirit of philanthropy and what they do to help those around them is unwavering. “We don’t have any need for the money and our family is taken care of,” said Benedict Gorecki. “There are such needs in society for the elderly, people with ill health and for education. This has been a team effort by my wife and me. She put me through school and took care of the money, and I took care of the technical part. We have been married for 57 years.” Together, Benedict and Dorothy founded Gorecki Manufacturing in 1967. Located in Milaca, Minn., the company began providing products and services to companies like 3M. Since that time, the company has greatly expanded as a diverse contract manufacturer. The Goreckis continue to make their home in Milaca. UND President Robert Kelley explains, “We are very appreciative of Ben and Dorothy Gorecki, who have stepped up to provide the lead gift for a new alumni center. Nestled just west of the Chester Fritz Auditorium - itself an excellent example of alumni generosity - the Gorecki Alumni Center will provide a showcase gathering spot for our alumni when they return to campus, as well as a much needed state-of-the-art home for the University of North Dakota Alumni Association and the UND Foundation.” Whether through dollars given or word-of-mouth excitement, alumni have a lot of enthusiasm for this project. “I take a lot of pride in the fact that I’ve received my education from UND,” says Damon Miller, ’00, of Denver. “The UND community, along with its strong alumni base, is a very unique and special community to be part of.” He views an alumni center as the spark to foster an entirely new relationship campus and alumni. While there’s an obvious connection directly to our

Your Gifts at Work

more than 100,000 graduates, an alumni center reaches out to current students just as well. Student Body President Matt Bakke and Vice President Grant Hauschild discussed the project and see it as a welcome asset. “It’s a place to create a connection between alumni and students,” says Hauschild. “For a lot of students, ‘alumni’ feel like people that are far-off, not here. This is something that will make a connection.” Bakke sees the alumni center providing meeting rooms or other group spaces students can use. Having that opportunity in an alumni center, specifically, is great because, “just being around an alumni center in general, and who is involved with the alumni center, creates a connection and an awareness right away. You may see alumni and start talking with them or you might not, but it creates awareness,” he says. He also added that many of the banquets or ceremonies student organizations hold recognize their senior members. Hosting such activities at the Gorecki Alumni Center subtly and fittingly highlights that transitional step for those students. Ideally, all of this establishes an opportunity for synergy between students, faculty and alumni that is authentic, convenient, welcoming, and second-to-none. As O’Keefe notes, they will create first-class and multi-faceted public space unlike any available today. Members of the surrounding community will also be welcome guests in the alumni center. Located by the Chester Fritz Auditorium, the President’s residence, and the Hopper-Danley Spiritual Center, as well as having accessible parking, the alumni center will be a natural fit for a range of activities small and large. Certainly emotional and nostalgic ties to the alumni center will be built over many generations, and new students or alumni who left campus long ago may not feel an immediate bond. Yet, Bakke is quick to note how even this very new addition to campus can impact us all. “I will still want to see the football field or the Union, and Grant may still want to go to Delta Upsilon, but the alumni center is for everyone. It’s for all alumni,” he said. “Coming back to places that I’m making memories in now will always be meaningful, but having a place to interact with friends from all across campus will be an important connection. I think everyone will really see this over time.” Whether for formal or informal events, indoor or outdoor activities, for longtime alumni or soon-to-be alumni, the Gorecki Alumni Center aims to be the next great jewel of our already outstanding campus. And, as O’Keefe, proudly notes, for our 100,000-plus alumni, this center will for the first time create a home, a point of great pride representing each of them; a place they know will always be welcoming. If you would like more information about the Gorecki Alumni Center and how you, too, can participate in establishing this iconic opportunity for UND, please contact the UND Foundation at 800.543.8764, or visit www.spirit.und.edu for more on our entire North Dakota Spirit campaign. 

The Gorecki Alumni Center will be built on University Avenue just west of the Chester Fritz Auditorium and serve as a home for alumni, as well as students, families, and the community.

w i n t e r 2010 77

Your Gifts at Work

Leadership, Mentorship & Hope Relationships need to be

Lynn Luckow, ’71, (left) has mentored his fellow Hettinger, N.D., native Sam Ericksmoen since Sam was 16.

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transformational and what the University needs are caring individuals who can help transform students, says Sam Ericksmoen. He has personally benefitted from such a relationship and it’s literally changed his life. Lynn Luckow, ’71, and Sam have been in an active mentor / mentee relationship since Sam was 16 years old. Both from Hettinger, N.D., they share a lot of the same history, as well as family friends. Both also came to UND right out of high school and looked at it as a significant step toward their futures as leaders. Lynn’s UND experience opened his eyes to a whole other world. He remembers people like President Clifford, Dean Robertson, J. Lloyd Stone, Earl Strinden, and Loren Swanson each taking time to listen to him and to help him discover all he could reach toward. “It was people reaching out and telling me that I could do more. It was a framework,” said Lynn. Lynn and Sam met when Lynn and few fellow Hettinger natives decided to renovate an old bowling alley into an art gallery and coffee shop. Sam was hired to work there. “I was told I could play my sax when the shop wasn’t busy so I thought that was cool,” joked Sam. He explained how by hap and circumstance he went from making lattes to being the assistant gallery director. “I wanted to get Lynn’s input on how the gallery should be - I don’t even know how I thought of that at such a young age but I did. I sent Lynn this very formal e-mail because I didn’t know him and he was living in San Francisco. I started it ‘Dear Mr. Luckow,’ and he wrote back that was his dad and I could call him Lynn. He was

great. Our relationship really morphed from there,” he said. Lynn described their relationship as growing out of Sam’s ability to ask interesting questions, and Lynn’s own ability to listen and engage in conversation. “He’s a wonderfully talented young man, who has interests in the arts as much as he does in business and entrepreneurship,” Lynn said. “In a mentoring relationship, one of the deepest questions I ask is what will be your impact in life? In other words, what do you want to change? How will the world be different in ways because Sam Ericksmoen was on this earth? At any age, it’s a challenge to address what impact you want to have, but discussing what you deeply care about in your community or organization can lead to insights to an area of passion that they can then build skills around.” Sam sees part of his own impact as building a business. “I’d like to be in some kind of management situation - I love the idea of starting a company, but I’m also interested in coming into a company and growing it. Taking a structure that’s already there and developing it.” On campus he’s been trying to accomplish something to that same effect through Emerging Leaders, a program that focuses on developing the strengths of promising students who may become campus leaders while they’re at UND. He describes it as not just leadership for leadership’s sake, but rather as leadership to an end. He talks about it as translating success to significance, and moving the notion of leadership from nice to necessary. “These are the frameworks for how I’ve tried to shape the organization,” he said. Leadership has been a key point of discussion between Lynn and Sam. Lynn’s years of experience as president and chief executive officer at Northern California Grantmakers; president, CEO and publisher at Jossey-Bass, Inc; and now as CEO of Craigslist Foundation give him a lot of insights for Sam. “The key thing that Sam has said to me is that I’ve given him different ways to see things, different lenses to examine things,” said Lynn. “One example is that in my career we’ve discovered that no one is responsible for the common good. We just assume if we create a few partnerships, everything will be fine. It’s really, though,

Your Gifts at Work

that healthy communities are what we need. We can’t build a healthy society if we can’t build healthy communities and neighborhoods. We have to ask how people connect to sense of place or belonging in a geographic sense, not just a virtual sense. So, the leadership program at UND is looking at the context of how we make a better community – not just the University, but Grand Forks.” Sam credits Lynn’s honesty for a lot of his personal growth so far. “Sometimes the things he suggests are very blunt but honest, and I need that.” The value of mentors, for students to get an outside perspective from someone actually doing what they want to do, is unbeatable, Sam explains. And, even though in most mentorships it is the student, not the teacher, who gains the most perspective, Sam and Lynn say they may have both grown equally. Lynn was expecting some two-way enlightenment, particularly because in this day and age the generation gap now is so small. But, that was only part of what he got. “One of the things I didn’t expect was hope,” he said. “I think there’s way too much cynicism from adults about young people today. Through my relationship with Sam I really have confidence in this democratic society that we can take things to the next level, that people in the future won’t see things as business or public good. They will see it together.” This two-way transformational relationship is something that many UND alumni and students attribute to their personal successes, for helping them overcome obstacles that seemed impossible, or even for turning their lives around. This may be one of the unique and underlying aspects of UND spirit. “When I look at all of the things that have made me grow and learn, I can’t think of one experience that has given me more than the mentorship with Lynn,” said Sam. “Not one.” It’s the people who have taken an interest in who he is. It’s about that transformation.  Amanda hvidsten

Primary Concern:

Primary Care Years ago, Dr. Stefan, ’61, and Sue

Laxdal made it a priority to teach their six grandchildren about other cultures while instilling volunteer service in their lifestyles. “[Sue and I] have always felt blessed with our lives and lifestyle, and we want to give back in some way,” said Laxdal, who earned his Bachelor of Science in Medicine from UND and worked as a radiologist in the Minneapolis area before retiring in 2005. To do just that, the Laxdals established the Dr. Steve and Sue Laxdal Scholarship Endowment, which benefits students interested in either radiology or primary care. “I love radiology, but the biggest need is probably in primary care,” Laxdal acknowledged. It’s important to them their endowment is perpetual, providing scholarship support every year because, “the need won’t go away,” he said. The Laxdals have committed more than their money to helping others, they’ve committed their lives. They volunteer time to groups such as Global Volunteers, founded with assistance from his wife, to specialize in short-term, vacation-abroad opportunities. Thus, when each of the Laxdals’ grandchildren reach age 15, they are given

the opportunity to choose where they travel with their grandparents to conduct volunteer service—anywhere in the world. “Stephanie (Johnson), who is now in pre-med at The College of St. Scholastica in Duluth, Minn., went to Italy four years ago,” Laxdal said. “Dylan (Johnson) went to Crete, Greece. Kaylie (Laxdal) went to Italy, and Samantha (Laxdal) just went to Poland. The other two, Kassidy and Chase (Laxdal), are waiting in the wings. We see this as part of our legacy to them.” In addition to trips with his grandchildren, Laxdal has also taught English to Chinese medical students, and helped aboriginal Australian students with community development. He has done volunteer work in Peru and India. “The Chinese experience stands out most,” he said. “It was impressive to be there as it blossoms into a global power, and to see its culture and experience the tremendous energy of the younger generation ... It was very rewarding work.”  Above: The Laxdal family travels the world volunteering and giving back.

w i n t e r 2010 79

Your Gifts at Work

Honoring Kulas and Koppenhaver Accounting graduate Henry Herr, ’68, ’71, still recalls his days as an undergraduate and graduate student under department heads Louie Kulas and Dick Koppenhaver. “They, and the rest of the accounting faculty, took great interest in their students individually,” Herr said. “They wanted to know where you were going and what you wanted to do. They instilled questioning and curiosity in students, teaching us there wasn’t just numbers, but something behind the numbers. That helped me in my career.” Herr’s appreciation for the influence of these two accounting professors and the rest of the accounting department prompted him to become a significant contributor to the Kulas Koppenhaver Memorial Technology Fund, which funded the renovation of a second-floor classroom in Gamble Hall. He has since established the Kulas Koppenhaver Faculty Professorship Endowment and supports annual priorities in the accounting department of the College of Business & Public Administration as well. Herr’s career began Henry Herr stands at Gamble Hall. at accounting giant Arthur Young, now Ernst & Young, where Kulas and Koppenhaver contacted recruiters to recommend Herr for a job. He met his wife, Judee, there. At Arthur Young, Herr worked primarily with health care clients and developed an interest in that field. After several years there, he left the firm to gain operating experience in the investor-owned hospital business. In 1981 Herr and four others left a large health care company to start Healthways, Inc., which has focused primarily on improving health outcomes through chronic disease management and wellness and prevention. Today Healthways is an international, publicly traded enterprise. Herr also participated in the founding and management of AmSurg, Corp., a publicly traded outpatient surgery company, which today has approximately 200 surgery centers in the United States. Both of these companies are based in Tennessee, where the Herrs live today. Herr continues to spread his instructors’ advice. “I tell new accounting grads entering the workforce that the best attribute they can bring to their work is their sense of questioning and curiosity,” he said. “Learning doesn’t end when class ends. The difference-makers are the ones looking to make positive change and improvements from the status quo.”  80 C am p a i gn R e p or t  www.spirit.und.edu

Newborn and twin Alina Villarreal is cared for by Altru NICU nurses Michelle Omdahl and Kim Haug.

Your Gifts at Work

Mentoring and the Circle of Life Kim Haug has been a mentor to

many nurses over her 27-year career, but Michelle Omdahl, who graduated from the UND College of Nursing last May, is different. They work together in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Altru Hospital in Grand Forks, where Haug is a neonatal nurse practitioner. Cindy Omdahl, Michelle’s mother, was Haug’s nursing instructor at UND and her clinical instructor when she first began working at Altru. Cindy became Haug’s mentor and they also became best friends. Michelle became best friends with Haug’s daughter. “I call her my other daughter,” says Haug who has known Michelle since she was born at Altru Hospital 24 years ago. But, despite her exposure to nursing, Michelle didn’t consider it as a potential career. “My mom always encouraged nursing but I had no interest in it,” she recalls. “I steered clear from the electives I needed for it in high school.” Omdahl went to the University of Minnesota on a swimming scholarship where she graduated with a degree in kinesiology. Just before she left for college, her mother was diagnosed with cancer. She did all she could to help her mother battle the illness. “People would visit the hospital and say, ‘Oh, you should be a nurse. Look at how well you’re taking care of your mom,’” Omdahl says. “I kind of dismissed it. It was my mom. I was obviously going to take care of her.” Half way through Michelle’s junior year, in December 2006, Cindy died at the age of 50. The experience changed Michelle’s view of nursing. “When my mom got sick, I started to get interested in nursing,” she recalls. “Caring for her during that time sparked my interest.” Haug noticed the change. “Michelle took over her mom’s care and she was a fabulous nurse,” she relates. “Her nursing skills just came out many times and showed that she had this compassion for people.” Recognizing the potential, Haug readily agreed to allow Omdahl to job shadow her at Altru.

“She was highly motivated,” Haug remembers. “I could just see the fire in her eyes. She was very serious and when Michelle is serious about something, she goes for it 110 percent.” As a result, Omdahl decided she wanted to be a nurse. She enrolled in UND’s nursing school, graduated last spring and accepted a job working under Haug at Altru in the NICU. “Once I landed a job here, it was perfect,” Omdahl says. “It’s a great opportunity to learn and grow. Kim is so willing to invest her time and share her knowledge with me.” From the time Omdahl decided to pursue nursing, Haug mentored her, just as she had other student nurses. “My motivation for mentoring comes easily for me because I love to teach,” Haug says. “I love to just take my knowledge and give it to someone else.” Omdahl has learned – like Haug and her mother before her – that working with critically ill infants can be rewarding when they are made healthy and sent home with their families, but it can also be stressful and emotional. She recounts her reaction when a baby was sent to another hospital for additional care. “I was crying and I said to Kim, ‘I don’t know how you do this.’ It was just so sad to see the baby so sick and the mom saying goodbye,” she recalls. “I asked Kim for advice and she told me that it will get easier. I know that she’ll guide me through whatever happens.” Haug draws on her experience in advising nurses in the NICU. “The rapport you develop with the families, you take that more than you take the personal loss,” she explains. “I’ve kept in touch with some families that I’ve lost babies with. It’s with those families where you gain it back. You don’t focus on the death, you focus on the family.” Life, so it seems, has come full circle for Haug, who is teaching and guiding Michelle Omdahl – her “other daughter” – just as Cindy Omdahl – her mentor and friend – once taught and guided her.  PATRICK C. MILLER

w i n t e r 2010 81

Your Gifts at Work

The Dakota Venture Group competed and won at the RISE X 2010 Global Investment Forum.

Education) Global Investment Forum sponsored by the University of Dayton in association with the United Nations Global Compact. With 302 universities from 73 countries represented, 50 of the top performing funds entered their portfolios in RISE X. The three-day event gave students the opportunity to interact with leading thinkers in economics and finance. Students learned about investment strategy by putting their strategies to the test while managing real money in this annual competition. The five officers that represented UND in 2010 were Chris Femling, Jeff Payne, Knut Lindaas, Preston Page, and Sarita Pottorff, as well as faculty advisor, Dr. Steve Dennis, chair of UND’s department of finance. “We attended the RISE 2010 conference in Dayton, Ohio, leaving the conference not only with validation on our performance, but also with a greater appreciation for what the faculty and students have accomplished here. Schools all over the world attended and many asked for our input on how they can be more like the University of North Dakota SMIF; that speaks volumes for SMIF students, our faculty advisor, and the College of Business as a whole. The first place finish was great validation, but the admiration, respect and recognition gained for UND was greater testimony,” said Payne. A group of 30-40 students comprise the Student Managed Investment Fund each year, and are admitted based on application. The investment goals are to meet or exceed the comparative indices, the S&P 500 index for equity, while maintaining a relatively low-risk portfolio structure. With the addition of the A. Kirk Lanterman Investment Center, students are allowed to experience Wall Street first hand, in a real trading room environment. The investment center exposes UND students to portfolio construction, risk management, financial engineering, trading strategies, and corporate governance issues, and transports UND finance students to the fast-paced world of financial markets. Through the direction of Dr. Dennis, the College of Business has seen tremendous growth in the student involvement of the organization, as well as the success in their investment strategies. “We have been working on our student-managed investment fund for more than three years trying to reach the goal of a win at the RISE Competition and it has finally paid off,” said Dennis. Through the investment made by our donors such as Jim and Nancy Seifert, Robert Foley, A. Kirk Lanterman, and the Lee Stenehjem Family, we are able to provide an enhanced education to our students, and offer them experience to launch into a successful career in finance.  Laura Dvorak

Investing in Our Future Beginning in the fall of 2005, the College of

Business and Public Administration (COBPA) joined a growing number of business schools by providing students the opportunity to manage and administer an investment portfolio. The student managed investment portfolio started with $100,000 from the UND Foundation. Currently, students are managing a $900,000 portfolio with gifts from Jim and Nancy Seifert, Robert Foley, A. Kirk Lanterman, and the Lee Stenehjem Family. The COBPA believes strongly in experiential learning. Through this program, students receive hands-on experience in the field of finance by allowing them to manage an actual portfolio instead of using simulations. Students work in small groups conducting research and analysis, and present formal investment recommendations to the Investment Advisory Committee comprised of faculty and professionals. Students are responsible for managing all aspects of the Investment Fund: research, investment management, administration, and client services. “The experiences that I have gained from the Student Managed Investment Fund have been fundamental in my college career. In SMIF we strongly believe in experiential learning. In the world of academia, very often we are taught various techniques and formulas without being able to see the benefits first hand. SMIF allows students to make decisions using the tools learned in the classroom and see the outcomes benchmarked against the market,” said Jeff Payne, UND senior and SMIF officer. In spring 2010, the Student Managed Investment Fund (SMIF) won first place in the undergraduate division for their growthstyle portfolio at the RISE X (Redefining Investment Strategy 82 C am p a i gn R e p or t  www.spirit.und.edu

Your Gifts at Work

Choosing North Dakota Education Jackson Long received two degrees from UND, largely thanks to the

Jackson Long (right) was elected Homecoming King while studying to become a teacher.

One Hundred


generosity of alumni through scholarships. A native of Lisbon, N.D., Jackson spent a semester student teaching in Australia and graduated in May 2007, with a bachelor’s degree in elementary and middle level education. In 2008 he received a master’s degree in education through UND’s resident teacher program. This program allows graduate students to teach fulltime, while completing an advanced degree. Jackson is very reflective of his time at UND.

“I’ve learned a great deal through course work and field experience, but some of the greatest things I’ve learned have come from lessons outside the classroom.” Currently, he is teaching junior high school in Bismarck. He was offered a full-time job in Australia, but turned it down due to his desire to teach in North Dakota. “Your gifts and donations are making it possible for us to have access to a wider range of teaching experiences and resources,” he said. 

UND Alumni Association and UND Foundation staff are among campus groups investing in North Dakota Spirit | The Campaign for UND. One hundred percent of the staff are donating to support the campaign. Pictured are: Back row (from left): Sierra Woods, ’08; Roberta Beauchamp; Dave Miedema, ’76; Marla Anderson; Nancy Nelson; Karen Ryba, ’93, ’05. Third row (from left): Melissa Garceau; Dan Muus, ’94; DeAnna Carlson Zink, ’86; Tim O’Keefe, ’71; Josh Morton, ’96; Cindy Filler; Amy Warner; Becky Greer, ’90. Second row (from left): Kim Woods, ’82; Sandy Kyllo, ’92; Bob Knutson, ’79; Jeannie Tvedt; Nancy Pederson, ’90; Stephanie Peterson, ’99; Deb Wilson. Front row (from left): Megan Weibye; Steve Brekke, ’84; Katie Compton, ’09; Susanne Straus, ’89; Laura Block, ’81, ’10; Leanna Ihry, ’02; Kirsten Gunnarson; Amy Grabanski; Doris Cooper, ’91; Barb Merrill; Mark Brickson. Not Pictured: Meghan Borsheim, ’07, Pam Laffen, Carrie Kachena, and Sigrid Letcher. w i n t e r 2010 83

thank you donors Campaign Donors

The University of North Dakota and UND Foundation extend a sincere thank you to all alumni and friends who have made gifts and commitments to support students, faculty, programs, and places at UND since July 1, 2005, when North Dakota Spirit | The Campaign for UND began. Through October 8, 2010, 26,942 donors have made gifts and commitments to support UND. The following donors are supporting the campaign at a level of $25,000 or greater. *

indicates deceased

signature $5,000,000+


Roy* & Elnora H.* Danley Funded construction of the HopperDanley Spiritual Center as well as campus programs.

Engelstad Family Foundation Funding student scholarships for underrepresented, late bloomer and high achieving students, as well as men’s hockey student-athletes.

The B. John Barry Family Funding the 3:1 match challenge leveraging support for endowed faculty, student programs and student scholarships in the College of Business & Public Administration.

Rick & Jody Burgum Gifts provide funding for scholarships and an endowed chair in the College of Arts & Sciences as well as the Alumni Center.

84 C am p a i gn R e p or t  www.spirit.und.edu

Dr. Eva L. Gilbertson Foundation Funding supports the Eva L. Gilbertson, M.D. Distinguished Chair of Geriatrics in the School of Medicine & Health Sciences.

Linda & Mark Pancratz Supporting programs within the College of Business & Public Administration, including the Pancratz Career Development Center.

Campaign Donors


$1,000,000 - $4,999,999


Dr. John & Betty Ericson Funding scholarships for students in the School of Law and School of Medicine & Health Sciences.

Blue Cross/Blue Shield of North Dakota Supporting the Human Patient Simulation Lab within the School of Medicine & Health Sciences.

Helen Baird Fait* Established the Newell E. & Helen B. Fait Endowment to support program needs within the University and UND Foundation.

Dennis & Carol Buck Supporting scholarships within UND Athletics and program support for the men’s hockey program.

Louise S. Ferguson* Funding High Achiever scholarships and supporting program needs within the University.

Rod & Barbara Burwell Funding the Burwell Entrepreneur Endowed Chair in the College of Business & Public Administration.

Howard & Ann Dahl Funding scholarships in Athletics and the College of Business & Public Administration as well as programs within the University.

John R. Fischer, M.D. Funding an endowed professorship within the School of Medicine & Health Sciences.

Benedict F. & Dorothy J. Gorecki Supporting construction of a new Alumni Center on the University campus.

w i n t e r 2010 85

Campaign Donors

Dr. John Gray & Karen Schmidt-Gray

Norm & Ann Hoffman

Gifts support the Alumni Center, as well as scholarship and program needs within the School of Medicine & Health Sciences.

Established the Ann & Norman Hoffman Chair of National Defense & Engergetics within the School of Engineering & Mines.

Dr. Thomas & Carolyn Hamilton

Bart & Lynn* Holaday

Providing program support within the School of Engineering & Mines.

Providing program support to the Center for Innovation.

Mike & Lori Hendrickson Funding scholarships for accounting students in the College of Business & Public Administration, and supporting the humanities and integrated studies program in the College of Arts & Sciences.

Henry & Judee Herr Gifts fund the Kulas Koppenhaver Faculty Professorship in the College of Business & Public Administration.

86 C am p a i gn R e p or t  www.spirit.und.edu

Larry E. Jodsaas Funding initiatives within the School of Engineering & Mines to further entrepreneurship and innovation experiences.

Norman & Floy ann MacPhee Supporting program needs within the University.

Campaign Donors

bill & Jane Marcil

Glen & Diana Peterson

Gifts supported construction of University House, the president’s residence.

Supporting program needs within the University.

James C. Ray Gary & Jane Marsden Funding the Marsden Professional Sales Center within the College of Business & Public Administration.

Funding programming needs at the Center for Innovation, and supporting scholarships and programs within the John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences.

Wes & Vivian Rydell Carol* & Robert Middleton Supporting scholarships within Athletics as well as University program needs.

Supporting scholarship and program needs within Athletics.

Sanford Health Established the Dr. Roger Gilbertson Endowed Chair in Neurology within the School of Medicine & Health Sciences.

Dale & Barbara Morrison Supporting programming needs within the College of Business & Public Administration.

Robert & Kristine Solberg Supporting the petroleum engineering program within the School of Engineering & Mines.

w i n t e r 2010 87

Campaign Donors

M. Duane Sommerness M.D. & Marge Sommerness Supporting program needs within the University.

Thomas & Ardys Dahl Mark & Cindy Fliginger

Richard & Kristine (Hefta) Brindle

Henrietta Stone Fox*

David A. Brown

Vera Fritz Estate

Alan & Jill Burchill

Dr. Donald & Marjorie Meredith

Audrey & Russ Burfening

Myers Foundation

Steve & Barbara Burian

Wayne & Christi Rae Papke

Dr. William & Norma Cape

Laraine L. & Steven E. Rank

Dakota Medical Foundation

Darold & Lyla Rath

Denis J. & Josie Daly

Larry H. Roles

Tim & Maxine Davies

Jim & Nancy Seifert

Jim & Barbara Williams

Bryce & June Streibel *


Lori L. Dietrich & Steven J. Piazza Patrick & Mary Dirk

Helping fund construction of a new alumni center.

Wayne A. Drugan Estate

$100,000 - $499,999

Bob & Vivian Dunbar Bob Erickson & Claire Fallon Winnifred T. Falkanger Estate

Advanced Engineering & Environmental Services, Inc.

Bernie & Sue Feland

Alerus Financial

Gladyce E. Foster Estate

Amity Technology

Frandsen Bank & Trust

Dr. Arden & Bertha Anderson Estate

Allison & Bud Gentle

Carol E. Anderson

Randy & Joyce Gershman

Jeff Anderson*

Philip & Patricia Gisi

Drs. Robert Arusell & Janelle Sanda

Florence Golde Estate

Russell T. Asleson Estate

Great River Energy

Bard & Nicki Baukol

Clayton* & Evelyn* Grove

John W. Behl

Ava & Salvator Guerrera

Carol J. Berg in Memory of John C. Berg

Dale & Sue Hadland

Ed & Marjean Bender Edwin J. Berge Estate

Donald O. Bergquist

Bob & Louise Harris

Kathleen M. Branley Estate

Marilyn A. Bjerke

Marcus & Lynn Chorney

Fred & Albena Blumhardt Estate

Carla J. Christofferson

Bremer, Grand Forks

Fern C. Haugen* in Honor & Memory of Clifford O. Haugen, M.D.

Allan & Marvel Williamson Helping fund scholarships for students as well as providing program support for the men’s track program.


$500,000 - $999,999

88 C am p a i gn R e p or t  www.spirit.und.edu


Robert F. & Marian* Foley

Hal & Kathy Gershman

Grand Forks Herald

Fleurette Halpern Estate

Campaign Donors

Kenneth S. Helenbolt, M.D.

Roger W. Melvold

Walt & Norma Swingen

Richard & Lynn Hentges

Dr. Lois J. Merrill*

Tango Corporation

Marten & Valerie (Wessman) Hoekstra

Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing

UND Aerospace Foundation

John & Kaye Hoffert

Lauris Molbert & Jane Grove

United Community Bank of ND


Myra Foundation

Ronald & Carol Vantine

Bauer Honey

Dr. Akey C. F. Hung in Memory of Amy Hui-Mei Chen Hung

Arlys J. Netland

John & Agnes Vennes

Barbara G. Beach

Harvey & Melanie Noteboom

Jeff & Kim Vigen

Carolyn & Mike Becraft

ICON Architectural Group

Tim & Becky O’Keefe

Lisa J. Wheeler

JLG Architects

Lee D. & Marlene Okeson

Betty Wold Johnson / The Wold Family in Honor & Memory of Karl Christian Wold, M.D.

Dr. Richard A. & Ann* Olafson

David J. & Gay C. Shemorry Williamson

Bellerud Transport / Great Clips / Johnson & Johnson Insurance / Dale Lian

Robert M. Olafson

Dr. H. David Wilson


Al & Barb Olson

Thomas C. Wold

Richard L. & Laura J. Block

Drs. Thomas & Sandra Olson

Xcel Energy

Chuck* & Cory* Johnson

Greg & Susan Opp

Karen M. Bohn & Gary M. Surdel

Dr. Karl* & Carolyn Kaess

Alpha J. Ottis Estate

Marvin L. Kaiser

Otto Bremer Foundation


Associated General Contractors of North Dakota Aviation Education Foundation Bank Forward

Border States Electric Supply

$25,000 - $99,999

Ray* & Shirley Bostrom

Harris & Ardyth Kenner

Dr. Rene’ & Barbara Pelletier

Dr. Robert & Dawn Boyd

James & Elizabeth Kertz

Dr. John S. Penn Estate

Robert & Betsy Breckner

Eugene F. Kralicek, M.D.

Richard J. & Eunice Peters

Dr. Brad & Gayle Aafedt

Roger* & Darleen Breezley

Duane R. & Audrey F. Krohn

Mary O. Aaland, M.D.

Duane & Mary Jane Breitling

Peter & Eunice Kuhn

Dr. Bruce A. Porter & Sharon Vaughn

Donald B. Achttien

Alice & David Brekke

Dr. Charles & Adele Kupchella

Tamar C. Read

Acme Electric / Tool Crib

Paul & Rita* Brewer

Dr. Robert & Charlene Kyle

Keith & Stephanie Reimer

Brown Corporations

A. Kirk Lanterman

Cathy & Chuck Rydell

Advanced Business Methods, Inc.

Irene G. Larson Estate

Albert & Carol Samuelson

Altru Health System

Jerry & Nancy Bugliosi

Dr. Suzanne Laudert & Robert Stremick

Michael H. Schlax Estate

Dr. Edward J. & Kathleen Hagen Endowment established by American State Bank & Trust Co. of Williston




Kraig S. Lerud, M.D.

Dr. William & Florette Schwartz

Dale & Paulette Lian

Dean S. Shingler Estate

Dr. Ronald L. & Rebecca Lien John & Eunice MacFarlane

The Gertrude E. Skelly Charitable Foundation

Jack G. & Kathy Marcil

David M. Sloven, M.D.

Doug & Katie Mark

John D. & Jodi Stewart

Erwin & Colleen Martens

Ethel M. Stone Estate

Jessie K. Mayer Estate

Lawrence L. Suda

Philip & Michelle Amundson Arizona Medical Group of Mesa, Ronald Maurice Smith, M.D.

Dr. Glenn & Harriet Brown

Canad Inns Destination Center Cargill, Inc. Dr. Bruce M. & Nan Carlisle DeAnna Carlson Zink & Wayne Zink Judge Jim & Bev Carrigan Cessna Foundation Virginia W. Cheng, M.D.* Choice Financial Group

w i n t e r 2010 89

Campaign Donors

First International Bank & Trust

R. Joseph & Trisha Hoefs and Family

Dr. Donald & Linda Lamb

First State Bank Buxton, Grand Forks, Thompson

Curtis E. Hogfoss

Dwight A. Lang

Stanley O. & Dorothy Hoistad

Dr. Steve & Teri Lantz

Mary K. Fischer

F. D. & Margine Holland Jr.

R. Douglas & Sally Larsen

Corey & Joyce Colehour

Edward Fogarty, M.D. & Carolyn Fogarty

Joanne C. Hubbard in Memory of Don V. Hubbard

Franklin G. & Jo Andrea Larson

Community Contractors, Inc.

Fran* & Mary Lou Fox

Edson* & Margaret Larson

Kris & Michael Compton

Friends, LLP

Michael J. Larson

Robert S. & Nancy K. Cooper

Robert & Ann Furst Jr.

Innova Industries Inc. / Dick & Lorna Young / Jeff & Cyndi Young

Charles & Betty Corwin

Gerald N. Gaul, M.D.

Professor Fran Jabara

Stefan & Sue Laxdal

Jack & Yvonne Cronquist

Jeff & Cathy Gendreau

Dorothy Cooley James

Rick & Lori Lee

Jack & Eileen Crystal

Virginia J. P. George Estate

JC Chumley’s, Inc.

Bill & Joan Leifur

Dakota Commercial & Development Co.

Gerrells Sports Center

Johnson Airspray

Leighton Broadcasting

Gowan Construction

Donald T. Johnson Estate

Shirlee & Lynn Leininger

Dakota Sales Budweiser Company, Inc. / Roger & Joan Kieffer and Randy & Kim Kieffer

UND Physicians

Rodger D. Johnson

Janice M. Granum

Russ* & Vivienne Johnstone

Margaret R. (Hjalmarson) & G. Thomas Lesher

John “Jack” & Ellen Gray

Jeffrey & Deborah Jonson

Dr. Chien-Wei & Kam-Wei Liao

Greenberg Enterprises

Todd M. Jorgenson

Ritchie A. Loerch

Dorothie O. Dekko

Matt Greene

Dick & Kathy Kampa

John A. DeKrey, M.D.

Dr. Robert & Marcia Kelley

Devils Lake Athletic Club

Jamie S. Gronowski & Ann Kearney-Gronowski

Lunseth Plumbing & Heating Company / William O’Connell

Donald J. Ehreth

Dorothy C. Grovom

Eide Motors

Lillian Gullekson

Dr. Dennis & Dora Lea Elbert

Bill & Marilyn Guy

Emerson Process Management

Tim & Joey Haas

Janet, James and Peter Klosterman in Memory of Annette Klosterman

David & Erinn Hakstol

Emery N. Koenig

Dan & Mary Martinsen

Robert & Diane Enebak

Edward & Barbara Harloff

Loren R. Kopseng

Marvin Windows

Armond & Nancy Erickson

Dr. J. Raymond & Jean Harrie

Paul J. & Lynn E. Korus

Richard D. & Mildred McConn

Dr. Lloyd & Jacquelyn Everson

Hatton Processing & Exporting Company

Stephen P. Kramer Terry & Wendy Kremeier

Sherri Bonacci McDaniel & John McDaniel

Fargo Jet Center, Inc.

Dr. Al & Nancy Heising

Ralph & Eleanor Krogfoss

Jim & JoAnn McKay

Dr. Colin & LoriAnne Fennell

Dr. Norman G. & Charmaine Hepper

Faith D. Krueger

McKinnon Company, Inc.

Kenneth & Nancy Kuk

MDU Resources Foundation

Hilton Garden Inn Grand Forks / UND

John Kuklenski

Robert & Linda Medhus

Jill & Steve Cholewa Clarion Inn Tom* & Gayle Clifford Midwest Coca Cola of Grand Forks J. Randal & Sharon Cochrane

Duane & Jody Feragen Dr. Cal & Dodie Fercho

90 C am p a i gn R e p or t  www.spirit.und.edu




Dr. Michael & Ronda Kincheloe

Mike & Tanya Kuntz

Dr. Craig & Jewel Lambrecht

Sheena & Jon Larson

M. International, Inc. Dr. Charles* & Florence* Magner Michael & Trisha Marcil F. John & Sharon Marshall

Campaign Donors

Mary E. Whalen

Catherine T. Puetz, M.D.

Larry A. Smith, M.D.* & Claudine Smith

R. J. Zavoral & Sons, Inc.

Sally J. Smith

Sidney R. Wold, M.D.

Dr. Leonhard P. Mickelsen

Ruth A. Rand Estate

Thomas H. & Betty Smith

Gary & Pat Woodford

Microsoft Great Plains Business Software

Dr. David & Valerie Rathbone

State Bank of Lakota

Kim & Roger Woods

Richard* & Belle* Stern

Dr. Stan & Toni Wright

DeWayne & Mona Streyle

Betty C. Monkman

Susan & George Register in Honor and Memory of Edward & Ellen Hallenberg

Drs. Joshua Wynne & Susan Farkas

Dr. Richard & Sheri Moser

Residual Materials, Inc.

Earl & Jan Strinden

Kurt H. & Martha Mueller

Rita Foundation

Bob Mullen

Rockwell Collins

Dr. Thomas & Michelle Strinden

Douglas C. & Laura Munski North Dakota Eye Clinic

David G. Rognlie in Memory of Marjorie A. Rognlie

Swingen Construction Company

Jane S. Nelson

Rodney J. Rohrich, M.D.

Dan & Heidi Swingen

Kristi Magnuson-Nelson & Robert Nelson

Alvin L. Royse

TROY Group, Inc.

Robert & Joan Ruud Estate

Faye Troyer Estate

Jay D. & Jennifer L. Neppel

David J. Saggau

George N. & Marion Newton Dr. Corey L. & Wanda Nyhus

Sanders 1907 / Kim & Beth Holmes

Drs. Jon D. & Nancy C. Turner

Dr. Robert & Joyce Oatfield

Scott & Susan Sayer

Dr. George W. Ulseth

Diane Odegard

Cordelia M. (Stayner) Sayler

United Valley Bank

John* & Jean O’Keefe

Don & Sylvia Schmid

Unlimited Partnership

Gil Olson

Ronald & Irene Schmidt

U.S. Bank Grand Forks

Opp Construction / Greg Opp

Dr. Dean & Karen Schroeder

Dr. David & Jane Uthus

Curtis & Dorothy Orr

Dr. Frank & Cynthia Schulte

Vaaler Insurance, Inc.

Orthopaedic Associates of Fargo

Science Engineering Associates

Vaaler Insurance / Dave & Nan Vaaler

Otter Tail Power Company

Donald & Mary Ann Sens

Charles & Leeza Vein

Jack & Kristen Paris

Sensor Systems, Inc.

Vogel Law Firm

Bob & Jeanine Peabody

Dr. Thomas J. & Shirley Setter

Wakefield Flight Services

Lt. Col. A. Paul & Ruth Pederson

Lynus & Debbie Sevigny

Dr. James L. Walker Estate

Dr. Mark Siegel

Burness G. Wenberg Estate

Gary & Nancy Petersen

SimmonsFlint, Inc.

Dr. Thomas & Bonnie Peterson

Sioux Crew

Dwight D. & Peggy Wendschlag

Fernanda & Steven Philbrick

Norman C. Skalicky

Jim & Janey Wendschlag

Walter J. Mellem* in Memory of Esther Mellem

Elsie Pitsenbarger

Daniel P. Michelsen Estate

Molstad Excavating, Inc.


f r i d a y, a p r i l 2 9, 2 0 1 1




Keith & Jo Streyle

Kathryn & Jeffrey Uhrich

Marshall Winchester

Dr. John N. & Linda Youngs in Memory of Nelson A. Youngs & Dr. Philiip Furman Dr. Sandra Zahradka & William Mann in Memory of Buck Zahradka, M.D.

Please contact the UND Foundation at 800.543.8764 if your name was omitted from this listing. We sincerely regret any omissions.

New donors will be listed in upcoming issues of the Alumni Review.

Western Products, Inc.

w i n t e r 2010 91

Make your campaign gift in the enclosed envelope or give online at spirit.


winter 2010 alumni review | north dakota spirit | special campaign edition

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