Leap into literacy

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Beth yw Llamu i Lythrennedd?

Mae Gwasanaeth Addysgu Canolfan Miles yn cynnal rhaglenni Llamu i Lythrennedd, gyda golwg ar wella medrau darllen, ysgrifennu a siarad. Mae’r rhaglenni hyn yn cynnig cymysgedd cytbwys o weithgareddau dysgu i grwpiau, parau ac unigolion, yn y Gymraeg neu’r Saesneg, dan oruchwyliaeth ein staff addysgu arbenigol.

Mae ein dull o addysgu wedi’i gynllunio ar gyfer plant mewn addysgu uniaith neu ddwyieithog, ac mae’r rhaglen yn addas i unrhyw blentyn a allai gael budd o hyfforddiant a chefnogaeth ychwanegol gyda llythrennedd, wedi’u haddasu i’w hanghenion unigol.

Rydym yn canolbwyntio ar sgiliau darllen ac ysgrifennu, ochr yn ochr â gweithgareddau i ddatblygu iaith lafar.

Ble cynhelir y rhaglen Llamu i Lythrennedd?

Cynhelir y rhaglen Llamu i Lythrennedd yng Nghanolfan Dyslecsia Miles ym Mhrifysgol Bangor.



RhaglenÊaddysguÊsyddÊwedi’iÊdatblygu’nÊ arbennigÊarÊgyferÊunigolion,ÊynÊdarparuÊ hyfforddiantÊunigolÊacÊmewnÊgrwpiauÊiÊ blantÊoedÊysgol

Cysylltwch â'r Ganolfan am ragor o wybodaeth am rhaglen a’r gost:

Pa fudd gaiff fy mhlentyn o’r rhaglen Llamu i Lythrennedd?

Cyflwynir y rhaglen Llamu i Lythrennedd gan staff addysgu profiadol, arbenigol Canolfan Miles, gyda chymorth gan ein seicolegydd addysgol, ac ar y cyd ag ôl-raddedigion ac israddedigion o fewn yr Ysgol Seicoleg.

Pryd mae Llamu i Lythrennedd?

Cynhelir rhaglenni Llamu i Lythrennedd bob hyn a hyn trwy gydol y flwyddyn, ar ddwy ffurf, sef naill ai ar fore Sadwrn am 6 wythnos yn ystod y tymor, neu wythnos o gwrs dwys yn ystod gwyliau’r haf.

Sesiynau nesaf ar Fore Sadwrn: Cynhelir y rhain yn ystod 6 sesiwn, yn cynnwys un asesiad cychwynnol, yn yr wythnos yn dechrau ar 3 Chwefror. Bwriedir cynnal y sesiynau bob Sadwrn, o 12 Tachwedd hyd at 17 Rhagfyr 2022.


ffoneg darllen dealltwriaeth iait

sillafu abc llawysgrifen


Ar ddiwedd y rhaglen, caiff y plant sy’n cymryd rhan becyn gweithgaredd, yn cynnwys taflenni gweithgaredd a thystysgrif gyflawni, i fynd adref.

Mae adroddiadau ar yr asesiad sgiliau, yn nodi cryfderau ac anghenion, hefyd ar gael ar gais. Am fanylion a chost y rhain, cysylltwch ag aelodau o’r Gwasanaeth Addysgu. (j.dunton@bangor.ac.uk neu ruth.elliott@bangor.ac.uk)

Sut rydw i

Am ragor o wybodaeth a manylion am gost y rhaglenni Llamu, cysylltwch â Ruth Elliott or Joanne Dunton on 01248 382 203 neu ebost dyslex-admin@bangor.ac.uk.

dysgu gwrando
brawddegau rhuglder berfau
enwau rhigymau atalnodi geirfa rhagenwau


What is Leap into Literacy?

The Miles Centre Teaching Service runs Leap into Literacy programmes, aimed at improving skills in reading, writing and oral language. These programmes offer a balanced mixture of group, paired and individual learning activities delivered in English or Welsh under supervision of our specialist teaching staff.

Our teaching approach is designed for children in monolingual or bilingual education and the programme is suitable for any child who may benefit from extra tuition and support in literacy, tailored to their individual needs.

We focus on reading and writing skills alongside activities for developing oral language.

Where will Leap into Literacy take place?

Leap into Literacy weeks will be held at the Miles Dyslexia Centre, Bangor University. We are located in the Brigantia building on College Road in Bangor.

MilesÊDyslexiaÊCentreÊ presents LEAPÊINTOÊLITERACY

AnÊindividualisedÊteachingÊprogrammeÊ providingÊgroupÊandÊoneÊtoÊoneÊtui onÊforÊ school-ageÊchildren.

For further information about the programme and cost, contact:

WhatwillmychildgainfromtheLeapinto Literacyprogramme?

Leap into Literacy is delivered by Miles Centre's specialist, experienced teaching staff supported by our educational psychologist, and in collaboration with graduate and undergraduate members of Bangor University.

When is Leap into Literacy?

Leap into Literacy occurs termly throughout the year in two formats; either Saturday Mornings for six weeks during term time, or a weeklong daily intensive course during summer holidays.

Next Saturday Morning Sessions: These will take place over 6 sessions, and include a baseline assessment before the start of the course. The sessions are scheduled every

At the end of the programme participating children receive take home activity pack including activity sheets and a certificate of achievement.

Skills assessment reports pinpointing areas of strengths and needs and detailing your child’s gains over the course of the programme are also available upon request. For details and cost of these please contact members of the Teaching Service. (j.dunton@bangor.ac.uk, or ruth.elliott@bangor.ac.uk).

For more information and cost details about the Leaps programmes, contact Ruth Elliott or Joanne Dunton on 01248 382 203 or email dyslex-admin@bangor.ac.uk. Full contact details and website address can be found at the back of this leaflet

phonics reading comprehension language spelling abc handwri ng literacy learning listening
fluency verbs adjec ves nouns rhymes punctua on vocabulary

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