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2023 E N W E B I A D A U A R A G O R Rhagfyr 12 2022 - Chwefror 10 2022 N O M I N A T I O N S O P E N December 12th 2021 - February 10th 2022



To stand for election a formal nomination must be submitted online through www.UndebBangor.com. Upon successful nomination you will receive an email to confirm delivery of nomination and subsequent candidacy in the election.

Nominations submitted after the advertised deadline will not be accepted.

By submitting a nomination for election you agree to the following and give Undeb Bangor permission to:

Include your name in publicity and press releases for Undeb Bangor Elections Display your manifesto/written statement and photo in publicity for Undeb Bangor Elections

Display your name and contact details on our website if you are successfully elected

Forward your name, email address and Student University Card Number to the University for them to verify that the information you have provided is correct and confirm that you are a current registered student or a PhD student in their write up period.



Manifestos & Publicity Text


Candidates are strongly encouraged to submit a candidate manifesto Manifestos have a strict word limit of 350 words. They may be submitted in either Welsh or English and will be translated by Undeb Bangor.

Manifestos must be submitted online via the elections nomination portal by the deadline outlined in the Election Timetable.

Candidates are permitted to change their manifesto up until the manifesto deadline. This can be done via the nominations portal online, or by emailing elections@undebbangor com

What is a manifesto?

A manifesto is your declaration of why you are running for election, what you hope to achieve if elected, details of your main policies and why students should vote for you. Think about the following points when creating your manifesto:

What do you want to achieve in this role to benefit other students? What has inspired you to run for this role? Why do you think you'd make a good Sabbatical Officer?

Publicity Text

Candidates may submit up to 300 words to be translated before the start of campaigning by the date outlined in the elections timetable. These must be submitted as a word document to elections@undebbangor.com.



Publicity & Campaign Material

Your candidate publicity and campaign material is one of the most important things to get right. It will be widely disseminated amongst the student body via social media and our website. Therefore, it is crucial that your candidate publicity and campaign material properly sets the tone for your campaign and is a consistent message to voters.

Your budget

Candidates have a spending limit of £30, for their campaign, which may not be exceeded or increased Receipts covering all expenditure need to be submitted to the Deputy Returning Officer by 10AM on the morning of the election count. Undeb Bangor will cover the expenses costs upon submission of receipts.

Posters and Flyers

Candidates may produce poster and flyer designs. Printed publicity is limited to 30 A3 sheets (double sided), which will be printed by Undeb Bangor Designs and the amount wanted must be submitted ready to print by the deadline outlined in the elections timetable. They should be PDF, JPEG or PNG file format. Candidates may not print their own publicity material

** Candidates may increase their printing to a maximum of 50 A3 sheets, by transferring money from their budget at a cost of 25p per sheet. For example, a maximum of 20 A3 sheets can be added at a cost from candidates budgets of £5 (20 sheets x 25p). **



Publicity & Campaign Material Cont.

Manifesto Page Design

Candidates should design two portrait A4 ratio manifesto pages (one English and one Welsh), which must be submitted as a PDF, JPEG or PNG file by the deadline outlined in the elections timetable. These will be used in the online Undeb Bangor Elections Manifesto Booklet to publicise all candidates. These must be submitted to elections@undebbangor.com.

Social Media

Candidates are permitted to use online media such as Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms for campaigning purposes. All posts on social media must be bilingual in line with the rules and regulations.



Publicity & Campaign Material Cont.

Elections Videos

Candidates are encouraged to make videos for campaigning purposes, which may be in the language of their choice – this includes any text included in the video.

Two videos per candidate may be submitted to be uploaded by Undeb Bangor.

One video of 30 seconds which will be used across social media. One video that must be no longer than two minutes in length which will be used on the Undeb Bangor website.

Videos should be emailed to elections@undebbangor com If your video is a large file we suggest using One Drive or WeTransfer.

Candidates are not required to submit videos if they do not wish to However, do bear in mind even if all candidates do not submit videos, any submitted videos will be shared by Undeb Bangor.

All videos must be submitted by the deadline in the elections timetable. We cannot guarantee that any videos submitted after this deadline will be used on our website and across our social media.




The campaign period is when you actively campaign for votes Within the boundaries of the rules and regulations you can be as creative as you like. You can also get friends to campaign on your behalf. You must send us the names of your campaign team prior to campaigning and update this if this changes.

Please note, you are responsible for the conduct of anyone campaigning on your behalf.




Voting is held completely online through www.undebbangor.com on the dates shown on the election timetable Voting is done using the alternative transferable vote system, which means;

You vote with numbers instead of a tick or a cross, giving the number 1 to the candidate you like the most

You then rank the candidates in order of preference, number 2 for your second favourite, 3 for your third and so on.

Once voting is completed, all of the first preferences are counted and if no one has achieved 50% plus one of the vote, the lowest ranked candidate is eliminated and their votes transferred to the next preference. This continues until a candidate passes the 50% plus one threshold, or until there is only one candidate left.

This system means that your vote continues to influence the result of the election even if your first preference does not win.

Re-Open Nominations is included as a candidate within all elections

The Count

The count will take place once voting has closed and will commence only if the Returning Officer is satisfied that all complaints relating to the conduct and administration of the election have been resolved. Complaints after the count has commenced may only relate to the conduct of the count. The count will be conducted according to the guidelines laid down by the Electoral Reform Society where possible, or as agreed by the board where no guidelines exist.

The candidate or their appointed representatives or any other member may, if they so wish, attend the counting of the votes, as observers only.

Any Member wishing to observe must apply to the Returning

Officer prior to close of voting.



Nominations open Monday 12/12/23 09:00

Candidate Information Wednesday 14/12/23 14:00 – 15:00 Drop-ins Thursday 15/12/23 15:00 – 16:00 Wednesday 1/2/23 14:00 – 15:00

3Nominations Close Friday 10/02/23 17:00

Candidate Briefing Monday 13/02/23 18:00

Campaigning Workshop Wednesday 15/02/23 13:00-14:00 Marketing Workshop Wednesday 22/02/23 13:00-14:00 Introduction to the Wednesday 01/03/23 13:00-14:00 SU with the Director’? Manifesto, Promotional Text Wednesday 15/02/23 12:00 & Candidate Match Deadline

EVENT DATE TIME 350 word limit on manifestos

Translations back to Candidates Friday 24/02/23 17:00 Deadline for Video Submission Monday 27/02/2 17:00 & Final Designs (i.e. posters etc.)

Campaigning Period Begins Friday 3/03/23 12:00

Candidate Question Time Week beginning 06/03/23 12:00

Voting Opens Friday 10/03/23 After Candidate Question Time, roughly 2pm

Voting Closes Tuesday 14/03/23 17:00 Results Counted Tuesday 14/03/23 17:45 Election Results Announced Tuesday 14/03/23 19:00 Please send all submissions and questions to elections@undebbangor.com

Elections Rules and Regulations 2022/23

The Undeb Bangor Sabbatical Officer Elections are governed by Bye-Law 7 – Elections, of the Undeb Bangor Constitution (which can be viewed here - ) and by the rules and regulations set out below, as approved by the Undeb Bangor Trustee Board and Elections Committee. Breaking any of these rules may result in sanctions being placed on a candidate, campaigner, or campaign.


1 A candidate is only entered into the election when they have successfully attained the following criteria:

1 1 Nominated themselves using the online nominations process by the nominations deadline 1 2 Is eligible to stand in the elections as defined in the Articles of Association and Bye-Laws 1 3 Attended the Candidates’ Briefing, or received a verbal briefing from the Deputy Returning Officer if they were not able to attend because of special circumstances 1 4 Agree to be bound by these rules and Undeb Bangor Bye-Law 7 – Elections

Candidate Briefing

1 All candidates must attend the candidate briefing 2 Candidates who do not attend the candidate briefing will not be permitted to stand in the elections 3 If any candidate is unable to attend the candidate briefing, the process will be: 3 1 The candidate must submit special circumstances to the Deputy Returning Officer within 2 working days of the date of candidate briefing 3 2 The candidate must provide details of their special circumstances and why they are/were unable to attend 3 3 The Deputy Returning Officer will decide whether to uphold the special circumstances 3 4 Where candidates cannot attend the briefing due to special circumstances, in line with the above, the Deputy Returning Officer will arrange another opportunity for the candidate to receive a verbal briefing 4 To be entered into the election, candidates must have received a verbal candidate briefing within 4 working days of the initial timetabled candidate briefing This includes those who may have submitted special circumstances in line with the above Only in exceptional circumstances, and at the discretion of the Deputy Returning Officer, will candidates be allowed to stand in the election if the above have not been met

Manifesto Text

1 To run with a manifesto, candidates must submit their manifesto in Welsh or English by the deadline in the elections timetable 2 Manifesto text limits are; 2 1 Undeb Bangor Councillor Elections: no more than 300 words in whichever language it has been submitted in 2 2 Sabbatical officer Elections: no more than 350 words in whichever language it has been submitted in


1 Candidates and campaigners who through their involvement with, or who hold (or have held) positions of responsibility within Undeb Bangor may not use resources available to them and not to other students This includes Undeb Bangor purchased equipment and clothing, any central Undeb Bangor mailing lists and official Undeb Bangor social media groups This list is not exhaustive but does not include any individual club or society held social media accounts

2 Campaigners may only use mailing lists where it is lawful to do so In most cases this will require explicit consent of the members on the list to use their details

3 Candidates are responsible for all campaign activity carried out in their name; this includes the actions of third parties on their behalf

4 Prior to the start of campaigning, campaign teams are permitted to use Facebook, WhatsApp or other social media groups to plan and organise internally, but these groups should be closed, private and limited to the core campaign team.

5. Candidates and campaigners may not:

5.1. Force, coerce or in any way intimidate students, particularly when they are near or in the act of voting.

5.2. vote on behalf of another student

5.3. intimidate any participant in the election 5.4. deliberately sabotage any campaign other than their own 5.5. deface another candidate’s materials, publicity, online media, social networking site etc 5.6. make an attempt to defraud the election

5.7. make any attempt to influence the impartiality of the Returning Officer, Deputy Returning Officer, Elections Committee or Undeb Bangor staff 5.8. discuss the personal traits of another candidate

5.9. Misrepresent another candidate’s views or make claims about themselves or any other candidate that are untrue.

5.10. Set up their own 'voting station', hand voters an electronic device for the purpose of voting, supervise or watch a voter in the act of voting, or demand that voters take out their own electronic device in order to vote immediately 5.11. Be sponsored by an external company or body

5.12. Be endorsed by a University department, School, Service or Staff member.

5.13. Benefit from University staff sending emails to students on their behalf.

5.14. Use official central University social media groups, pages or accounts to aid in campaigning, if they are not also available to all other candidates. This includes, but is not limited to the following types of accounts; College, School, Halls, University Services etc.

5 15 bring the election process into disrepute

6 Candidates and campaigners must:

6 1 Uphold the letter and spirit of the election rules and the Undeb Bangor Equal Opportunities, Zero Tolerance to Harassment and Bilingual policies at all times

6 2 Follow the laws and regulations of both the land and the University at all times

Elections Spending

1 Candidates have a spending limit, which may not be exceeded or increased 2 Spending limits are the following

2 1 Undeb Bangor Councillor Elections – £10 2 2 Student Trustee Elections - £10 2 3 Sabbatical Officer by-election - £30

3 Everything used in the election is given a cash value by the Returning Officer, or their nominated Deputy (excluding items listed in Section5 1 below) For clarity, this rule applies to ‘campaign gifts’ which may have cost you nothing but hold a ‘real world’ cash value

4 All resources and methods that you use in your election campaign that could be given a monetary value should be available to all of the other candidates It is the responsibility of the candidate to check this before using them with the Deputy Returning Officer

5 No candidate may be sponsored by an external company or body

6 The following items for example are readily available to all candidates and their supporters and so their fair use does not carry a cash value:

6 1 Old T-shirts; Paint; Old bedsheets; Marker Pens; Blu-tack; Pre-used cardboard; Old wood; Pencils; String; Sticky tape; Pins, Pre-owned Fancy Dress items This list is not exhaustive and any questions should be directed to the Deputy Returning Officer

6 2 This rule has been included to assist candidates in making election time exciting, vibrant and high profile. The returning officer and their deputy are aware that this rule may be open to abuse and will be closely monitoring campaign resources as a result. Please remember that they are the people who determine ‘fair use ’ .

Printed Publicity Material

1. Undeb Bangor Councillor Elections

1.1. No printed publicity material is permitted in the Undeb Bangor Councillor Elections

2. Sabbatical officer Elections

2.1. Printed publicity is limited to 30 A3 sheets (double sided), which will be printed by Undeb Bangor. Candidates are not permitted to print their own publicity material.

2.2. Candidates are responsible for the design of their own publicity 2.3. Candidates may produce as many designs as they wish.

2.4. Candidates may increase their printing to a maximum of 50 A3 sheets, by transferring money from their budget at a cost of 25p per sheet. For example, a maximum of 20 A3 sheets can be added at a cost from candidates’ budgets of £5 (20 sheets x 25p).

Non-Printed Publicity Material

1. Social Networking

1.1. Facebook: 1.1.1.Your page name must be bilingual

1.1.2.You should have your introduction, manifesto and the election timetable and voting instructions displayed Bi-lingually

1 1 3 Status updates, notes, wall posts and discussion topics may be displayed in the language of your choice 1 2 Twitter

1 2 1 You may campaign in the language of your preference 1 3 Other social media

1 3 1 Where applicable you should have your introduction, manifesto and the election timetable and voting instructions displayed bi-lingually 1 4 Elections Videos

1 4 1 You are encouraged to make elections videos and publicise these on social media

1 4 2 Videos may be in the language of your choice

1 4 3 Any text in videos can also be in the language of the candidate’s choice

Other Publicity Material

1 Candidates are permitted to produce and/or purchase other publicity and campaign material in line with the rules set out under elections spending Translation and Bi-lingual Policy

1 Your manifesto text and ALL of the text for your publicity and campaign material (posters / leaflets / flyers / banners / t-shirts etc, ) must be handed in with your nomination by the publicity deadline

2 Your text will be translated, checked and returned to you It is your responsibility to ensure that you give Welsh and English equal prominence on your publicity and campaign material For consistency we recommend that Welsh is to the left or above the English Examples of previous election publicity exist on the Undeb Bangor website to help guide you

3 The translation limit for publicity prepared before the start of campaigning is: 3 1 Undeb Bangor Councillor Election – A total of 350 words This includes 3.1.1.Your manifesto – 300 Words 3.1.2.Your slogan – 10 words 3.2. Sabbatical Officer Elections 3.2.1.Your Manifesto – 350 words 3.2.2.Your Slogan – 10 words 3.2.3.Other publicity text – 300 words

4. Following the translation of all of the publicity received by the deadline candidates may submit further designs or text for translation if they so wish but should allow the translation unit a reasonable amount of time to carry out the work. Delivery of this translation cannot be guaranteed, although all efforts will be made.

Incumbent Candidates

1. Incumbent candidates must not campaign when on work time and must take annual leave for any form of active campaigning. This includes any campaigning on online platforms and social media.

2. A timetable must be submitted to the Deputy Returning Officer detailing work time and campaign time. This must also include evenings. This must be submitted prior to campaign activity and not in retrospect. A template will be provided to candidates to fill in.

3. Undeb branded clothing cannot be worn when campaigning.

4. Undeb social media accounts, for example, Sabbatical Officer Facebook accounts or pages, cannot be used for campaigning or promotion of elections.

5. Undeb mailing lists cannot be used for campaign purposes.

6. When visiting groups to campaign, it must be clear that incumbent candidates are not in attendance on Students’ Union business, in their Sabbatical Officer role This must be detailed on timetabled campaigning time

7 Students’ Union resources must not be used to aid campaigning


1 All complaints made about candidates, campaigners, election officials or the voting process should be submitted using the official Elections Complaint Form, by e-mail, to the Deputy Returning Officer Only complaints submitted using the official Elections Complaint Form will be considered The complaint must be factual, contain clear evidence of a breach of the rules and highlight the election rule that has been broken

2 In the first instance the Deputy Returning Officer will consider a complaint and make a ruling within 24 hours If it is a deemed to be a serious matter the Deputy Returning Officer may refer it immediately to the Returning Officer for consideration

3 Complaints regarding the conduct of the Deputy Returning Officer should be made in writing directly to the Returning Officer

4 Complaints must be submitted before the election count has taken place Only complaints about the process of the count itself will be considered once the count has started, and these must be submitted within 24 hours of the results being declared

5 The sanctions available to the Deputy Returning Officer are: 5 1 Warning a candidate of their future conduct

5 2 Taking steps to level the playing field to right an election regulation breech 5 3 Fining a candidate through either reducing the amount of money they may spend, or by confiscating printed publicity material

5 4 Prohibiting a candidate and their campaigners from campaigning for a period of time (up to 24 hours)

5 5 Banning a campaigner from the rest of the campaign (where the campaigner is not the candidate)

6 In addition to all of the above sanctions, the following are available to the Returning Officer:

6.1. Suspending a candidate from the election pending an investigation 6.2. Suspending the election process pending an investigation 6.3. Recommending to the elections committee, and to the University, that a candidate be disqualified 6.4. Recommending to the elections committee, and to the University, that the election be re-run or a vote annulled.

7. Candidates may appeal against decisions made by the Returning Officer and their Deputy by submitting their appeal in writing, by e-mail to elections@undebbangor.com, within 24 hours of the decision being made, following the appeal procedure detailed below:

7.1. First stage appeal is heard by the Returning Officer; if the candidate remains dissatisfied then, 7.2. The second and final stage of appeal is to a Pro-Vice Chancellor or their nominated deputy. 7.3. A request for an appeal should be on the following grounds, including but not confined to: 7.3.1.A review of the procedures followed at the complaint stage 7.3.2.A consideration of whether the outcome was reasonable in all the circumstances 7.3.3.new material evidence which the student was unable, for valid reasons, to provide earlier in the process.

8. Any e-mail communication to the Returning or Deputy Returning Officer will be acknowledged via email return within 24 hours, if this is not received please do not assume that we have received itcontact 01248 388000 to check.

Sabbatical Officer Job Descriptions

Annual Salary: £21,197

Term of Office: July 1st - June 30th

Shall be lead officer of the Union and head of the sabbatical Officer Team. Shall be the lead representative of the Union to the University, liaising between the Students’ Union and University Executive.

Shall be the chief representative of the Union to the local community and local and national media

Shall maintain contacts with other students’ unions and relevant external organisations.

Shall be responsible for oversight on the creating and drafting of the Union budget on behalf of the Board of Trustees.

Shall be responsible for the drafting and implementation of Union strategy and shall oversee operational policy in conjunction with the Trustee Board and the Students’ Union Director.

Shall make a report on the work of the Sabbatical Officers to every Undeb Bangor Council and Undeb Bangor General Meeting. Shall have delegated line management responsibility for the Students’ Union Director between meetings of the Undeb Bangor Trustee Board

Shall be the lead officer on matters relating to staffing issues within the Union. Shall chair meetings of the Undeb Bangor Trustee Board.

Shall be the lead officer on matters relating to Union democracy and shall be responsible for upholding and interpreting the constitution.

Shall be the officer responsible for the Union’s community remit, including students in the community project work, local and global community campaigns, the citizenship agenda and liaising with residents groups and the local council. Shall lead on matters relating to University Quality Assurance. Shall work closely with the Vice President for Education on matters relating to education.

Sabbatical Officer Job Descriptions

Annual Salary: £21,197

Term of Office: July 1st - June 30th

Shall be the officer responsible for the Union’s Education remit, with particular focus on matters of national and local education policy, funding and quality This shall also cover all matters dealing with postgraduate education. Shall regularly liaise with the University Executive on matters relating to education.

Shall work closely with the UMCB President on matters regarding Welsh medium education

Shall be the officer responsible for the coordination of the Students’ Union Course Representative system, ensuring regular liaison with the University and individual Academic Schools.

Plan and facilitate Course Representative Council. Work closely with the Course Representative Cabinet and Course Representatives on initiatives, events and campaigns.

Shall work closely with the UMCB President in the coordination of the Welsh Language aspects of the University’s course representative system. Shall support the Students’ Union’s Academic Research work. Shall support the Students’ Union in the production of reports relating to academic experience.

Sabbatical Officer

Job Descriptions

Annual Salary: £21,197

Term of Office: July 1st - June 30th

Shall be the officer responsible for the Students’ Union’s Societies and Volunteering remit, liaising closely with University and representing students on matters relating to Societies and Volunteering.

Shall be the officer responsible for the Union’s societies and volunteering remit, including being responsible for its operation and finances, and ensuring that its societies have the resources and information they require to function Shall liaise with the Vice President for Sports and Is-Lywydd Myfyrwyr Cymraeg / UMCB President in coordinating a comprehensive training package for committee members of AU, Societies, Volunteering Groups and UMCB groups

Shall encourage and promote recreational activity in the University, offering assistance through the Undeb Bangor Student Opportunities Team.

Work closely with, and chair, the Societies and Volunteering Executive committees, supporting initiatives, events and campaigns.

Work closely with society and volunteering committee members to support initiatives, events and campaigns Aid in the monitoring of Society and Volunteering activities. At times this may be during evenings and weekends, outside of regular office hours. Shall aid in the planning and facilitation of inter-university Society and Volunteering events.

Sabbatical Officer

Job Descriptions

Annual Salary: £21,197

Term of Office: July 1st - June 30th

Shall be the officer responsible for the Students’ Union’s Sport remit, liaising closely with University and Bangor Sports Department, representing students on matters relating to sport.

Shall attend all relevant meetings of BUCS and BUCS Wales.

Shall be the Athletic Union President, responsible for its operation and finances, and ensuring that its clubs have the resources and information they require to function.

Shall liaise with the local community and national bodies on sporting matters Shall liaise with the Vice President for Societies and Volunteering and the UMCB President in coordinating a comprehensive training package for committee members of AU, Societies, Volunteering Groups and UMCB groups.

Shall encourage and promote members’ participation in both competitive and recreational sport in the University, offering assistance through the Athletic Union. Work closely with, and chair, the Athletic Union Executive, supporting initiatives, events and campaigns.

Work closely with sports club committee members to support initiatives, events and campaigns.

Aid in the monitoring of Athletic Union and sporting activities. At times this may be during evenings and weekends, outside of regular office hours

Shall aid in the planning and facilitation of inter-university sports events.

Sabbatical Officer

Job Descriptions

Annual Salary: £21,197

Term of Office: July 1st - June 30th

Shall be a Welsh speaker and represent all Welsh speakers and learners. Shall be the officer responsible for the Students’ Union’s Welsh Language remit, liaising closely with University and representing students on matters relating to Welsh Language

Shall be the President of UMCB, being responsible for its operation and finances, ensuring that its groups have the resources and information they require to function

Shall liaise with the University, local community and national bodies on issues regarding Welsh language provision and widening participation amongst Welsh speakers

Shall work closely with the Vice President for Education in the coordination of the Welsh Language aspects of the University’s course representative system and on matters regarding Welsh medium education Shall regularly meet with Welsh Language Course Representatives. Shall liaise with the Vice President for Societies and Volunteering and the Vice President for Sports in coordinating a comprehensive training package for committee members of AU, Societies, Volunteering Groups and UMCB groups. Shall encourage the inclusion and promotion of the Welsh language and culture in all University and Union affairs.

Shall work to engage the local Welsh speaking community in the work of the Union and liaise with the President and Vice President for Societies and Volunteering on community work.

Work closely with the UMCB Executive and UMCB society committee members to support initiatives, events and campaigns Aid in the monitoring of UMCB activities. At times this may be during evenings and weekends, outside of regular office hours.

Shall aid in the planning and facilitation of inter-university Welsh Language events Shall sit on University Council.




Decidewhatpositiontorunfor. Nominatemyselfonlineat www.undebbangor.com/elections.


SubmitmyManifesto(Max350words)viathe nominationsportalwww.undebbangor.com/nominate.

Submitmyslogan(Max10words)viathenominations portalwww.undebbangor.com/nominate.

Submitanyadditionalpublicitytext(Max300words)for translationtoelections@undebbangor.com.


DesignmyPublicityMaterial. Submitmypublicitymaterialforprinting. DesignandsubmitmyManifestoPage.

DecideifIwanttosubmitatwo-minuteelections videotoUndebBangor.



Campaignandencourageotherstudentstovote. Submitdetailsandreceiptsofallelections expendituresby10amon17/03/2023

Please send all submissions and questions to elections@undebbangor.com

SabbElection HintsandTips


This document will outline some hints and tips on how to communicate with the student population online.

1. Set up a Facebook page or group.

a. A page is public profile created for a specific cause or organisation. Unlike your personal profile, you will gain fans and not friends. You can invite your friends from your personal profile to like yourpage and you can also post a link to the page so that people can view your page.

b A group is created for people who share common interest to share information and files. Anyone who is a part of the group can post.

2. Set up an Instagram page.

3.You can find each club and societies’ e-mail address on the Undeb Bangor website.

4. Check out who is following Undeb Bangor and Bangor University on Instagram and follow them yourself, you might just get a cheeky follow back.

5. Most clubs and societies have a Facebook page and use that to communicate with their members There isn’t a comprehensive list of these pages but they are simple enough to find.

a If you type in Bangor University into Facebook’s search bar it will come up with a long list of pages associated with Bangor University. You can usually request to join these groups

b. Some of our clubs and societies have their Facebook and twitter links on their Undeb Bangor page Go through these and you might just find a few useful pages.

Please send all submissions and questions to elections@undebbangor.com


Writing an election manifesto needn’t be something to tear your hair out about. Essentially, your manifesto should state what you would plan to do in your time in office, and what changes you would make.

Remember, it isn’t an excuse to bad mouth your opposition, or make unrealistic promises. Take some time before you write it to think about what you believe you can achieve and what the voters would respond to.

Some top tips for writing your manifesto;

Be concise and use clear language. Avoid long, complicated words–you won’t win awards for being clever and you might just alienate important voters. Think carefully about layout and remember that the finished manifesto will be bilingual. Try to design it bilingually from the start. Set out your goals for your time in office and ensure they are realistic & achievable

Your manifesto is about you and not about your opponents. Avoid discrediting and disrespecting others as it is not professional and ultimately it could lead to a rule breach!

Be relevant. Think about what is needed for the role and focus on that. Instances where you have shown leadership, tenacity, and tact would indicate to voters your suitability for the role.

Stick to the word limit (350 word limit). They are the rules, and, after all, voters will want to read what you have to say. Think carefully about how to get your main points across.

Be creative and inspiring, just remember to stay within the rules. If you ' re unsure, always ask

Youmustsubmityourmanifestoatwww.undebbangor.com/nominations by12:00,Wednesdaythe15thofFebruary,2023. FOR EXAMPLES OF MANIFESTO TEXT AND POSTERS, PLEASE VISIT WWW.UNDEBBANGOR.COM/MANIFESTO


Candidate match will be used to identify to students your stance as a Sabbatical Officer Candidate on various issues that affect the student body Let us know how you feel about the issues below! You will be given the chance to submit a 100-word statement discussing your stances and the reasons for your answers


Caiff daliadau'r ymgeiswyr i'w ddefnyddio i ddangos i fyfyrwyr beth yw eich safiad fel ymgeisydd ar amrywiaeth o faterion sydd yn effeithio ar fyfyrwyr. Rhowch wybod i ni am unrhyw broblemau isod! Cewch gyfle i ysgrifennu datganiad 100 gair, i drafod eich safiad ac eich rhesymau am eich atebion

www.undebbangor.com/candidatematch Go to... Ewch i... Deadline | Dyddiad Cau: 15/02/2023


Top Tips on Running an Effective Campaign

A workshop outlining some top tips on running an successful campaign and how to make sure you plan effectively

15/02/23 at 1PM

Marketing Workshop

A session to go through what works and what doesn’t, when trying to communicate with and engage the student population

22/02/23 at 1PM

Introduction to the SU with the Director

A session with the Director of Undeb Bangor introducing you to the SU, explaining our structures, governance and strategy and the sabbatical officer role within the Union, it will also be an opportunity for a Q&A with the Director.

01/03/23 at 1PM

Sabbatical Officer Elections Complaint Form

or the voting process should be submitted using this form and sent by email, to the Deputy Returning Officer, on elections@undebbangor.com

The complaint must be factual, contain clear evidence of a breach of the rules and highlight the election rule that has been broken Complaints must be submitted before the election count has taken place. Only complaints about the process of the count itself will be considered once the count has started, and these must be submitted within 24 hours of the results being declared

Whoyouwishtocomplainagainst(this canincludecandidatesandmembersof theircampaignteam): Electionregulationthatwasbreached (pleaserefertoelectionsrulesand regulations): EvidenceofBreachofRegulations(please attachanyadditionalevidencetoyour email): Detailsofcomplaint:
form must
communication will
acknowledged via
Date: Name: StudentID: TelephoneNumber: UniversityEmail:
be submitted by email to
Officer on elections@undebbangor.com. Any email
within 24 hours, if this is not received please do not assume that we have received it - contact 01248 388000 to check All complaints made about candidates, campaigners, election officials
Please read the following carefully before completing this form

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