Y Profiad Myfyrwyr a Covid-19
The Student Experience and Covid-19
Gosod yr Olygfa Setting the Scene • Mae Profiad y Myfyrwyr wedi bod yn dra gwahanol eleni. • Rydyn ni'n siarad â myfyrwyr yn gyson am eu profiadau. • Rydyn ni'n poeni bod myfyrwyr yn ffeindio bywyd prifysgol yn heriol. • Rydym yn pryderu y gall rhai myfyrwyr ffynnu o hyd tra bod Covid-19 yn effeithio'n anghymesur ar eraill. • Rydyn ni bob amser yn ceisio casglu mwy o wybodaeth er mwyn i ni allu archwilio'r materion hynny sy'n bwysig i'n myfyrwyr.
• The Student Experience has been vastly different this year. • We’re constantly speaking to students about their experiences. • We’re concerned that students are finding university life challenging. • We’re concerned that some students can still thrive whilst others are disproportionally effected by Covid-19. • We’re always looking to gather more information so we can explore the important issues for our students.
Themâu Eang Mae Myfyrwyr yn Codi'n Rheolaidd Broad Themes Students Raise Regularly Yr Heriau: • Anoddach teimlo'n rhan o gymuned ddysgu. • Anoddach dod i adnabod pobl ar eu cwrs. • Anawsterau technegol sy'n effeithio ar ddysgu. • Anghysondebau rhwng modiwlau. • Mwy heriol i ddysgu'n effeithiol. • Dysgu yn digwydd ar draws gwahanol lwyfannau. Y Cyfleoedd: • Mae rhai myfyrwyr yn ei chael hi'n haws cyfrannu trwy weithgaredd sgwrsio ar-lein. • Croesewir cymysgedd o ddarlithoedd a thrafodaethau.
The Challenges: • Harder to feel part of a learning community. • Harder to get to know people on their course. • Technical difficulties that impact learning. • Inconsistencies between modules. • More challenging to learn effectively. • Learning taking place across differing platforms. The Opportunities: • Some students find it easier to contribute via chat functions online. • Mixtures of lectures and discussions welcomed.
Golwg dyfnach ar bethau Diving into things more deeply Cododd cyfle da i archwilio rhai o'n themâu eang ymhellach a bod yn rhan o rywfaint o ymchwil cenedlaethol
A good opportunity arose to explore some of our broad themes further and be part of some national research
Cyfle i Archwilio Opportunity to explore • Boddhad profiad academaidd a profiad ehangach myfyrwyr. • Teimlad o Gymuned. • Unigrwydd. • Risgiau o adael. • Yr hyn gall Undebau Myfyrwyr a Prifysgolion ei wneud helpu.
• Academic and wider student experience satisfaction. • Sense of community. • Loneliness. • Risks of dropping out. • What Universities and Students’ Unions can do to help.
Yr Arolwg The Survey • Wedi'i greu gydag WonkHE a 30 o Undebau Myfyrwyr • Ar agor drwy'r Hydref. • 7273 o ymatebwyr o 121 darparwr • 306 o ymatebwyr o Brifysgol Bangor
• Codesigned with WonkHE and 30 Students’ Unions • Open Through October. • 7273 respondents from 121 providers • 306 respondents from Bangor University
Rwy'n fodlon â'r profiad academaidd y tymor hwn hyd yn hyn I am satisfied with the academic experience so far this term 5.5% 7.6% 21.1%
43.3% 22.5%
Definitely disagree
Mostly disagree
Mostly agree
Definitely agree
Rwy'n fodlon â'r profiad academaidd y tymor hwn hyd yn hyn I am satisfied with the academic experience so far this term 5.5%
7.6% 21.1% 43.3% 22.5%
Definitely disagree NAND Definitely agree
Mostly disagree Mostly agree
Prifysgol Bangor University
Cenedlaethol Nationally
Boddhad â phrofiad academaidd yn ôl blwyddyn astudio Satisfaction with academic experience by year of study 100% 90% 80% 70% Percent
48% 67%
26% 21%
40% 30% 20% 10% 0%
31% 14% 1 First Year
2 Second or middle years
Year of Study Dissatified
Boddhad â phrofiad academaidd yn ôl anabledd Satisfaction with academic experience by disability 100% 90% 80%
70% Percentage
60% 50% 40%
25% 19%
30% 20%
0% Yes
Reported Disability
Themau Data Ansoddol Qualitative Data Themes Mae'r sylwadau negyddol yn canolbwyntio ar y themâu canlynol: • Anodd dysgu ar-lein • Ddim yr un peth a dysgu wyneb yn wyneb • Rhyngweithio â chyfoedion • Dosbarthiadau llai deniadol a ddim yn ennyn diddordeb • Disgwyliadau a addawyd yn erbyn realiti • Llwyth gwaith na ellir ei reoli • Problemau technegol • Ddim gwerth am arian • Profiadau ymarferol • Materion trefniadaeth • Diffyg cydraddoldeb rhwng modiwlau
Negative comments centre around: • Harder to learn online • Not the same as in person • Interaction with peers • Less engaging classes • Promised expectations versus reality • Unmanageable workload • Technology issues • Not value for money • Practical experiences • Organisation issues • Lack of parity between modules
Themau Data Ansoddol Qualitative Data Themes Mae sylwadau cadarnhaol yn canolbwyntio ar: • Ddeall yr heriau • Staff cefnogol
Positive comments centre around: • Understanding of the challenges • Supportive staff
Beth sy'n digwydd? What’s going on? • • • •
Mae myfyrwyr yn ei chael hi'n llawer mwy heriol dysgu ar-lein ac yn poeni faint maen nhw'n ei ddysgu mewn gwirioned • Mae angen i ni nawr feddwl am yr effaith ar asesiadau. Mae myfyrwyr yn teimlo eu bod wedi'u datgysylltu ac yn colli rhyngweithio cyson â'u ffrindiau cwrs. Mae myfyrwyr yn ei chael hi'n anodd parhau i ymgysylltu â darlithoedd ar-lein ac maent yn siomedig na allant gael mwy o addysgu wyneb yn wyneb. Mae llawer o fyfyrwyr yn teimlo fel nad ydyn nhw'n cael gwerth am arian, eu bod nhw'n “talu £9250 i ddarllen sleidiau PowerPoint ac yn methu â theithio adref” ac nad yw dysgu arlein “yn agos at werth dysgu wyneb yn wyneb” Mae llawer o fyfyrwyr yn teimlo bod maint y gwaith yn uchel iawn ac nad oes ystyriaeth wedi bod i fod mewn amgylchedd arlein yn bennaf mewn perthynas â llwyth gwaith. • Awgrym bod dilyn yr holl ddarlithoedd wedi'u recordio, darlithoedd byw ar-lein a darlithoedd mewn person yn heriol. Gwahaniaethau enfawr i fyfyrwyr unigol yn eu profiad ar draws modiwlau.
• •
Students find it a lot more challenging to learn online and worry about how much they are actually learning. • We need to think about knock on impacts for assessment now. Students feel disconnected and miss consistent interaction with their course mates. Students find it hard to stay engaged with online lectures and are disappointed that they can not access more in person teaching. Many students feel like they are not getting value for money, that they are “paying £9250 to read PowerPoint slides and not be able to travel home” and that online learning is “no where near worth the same amount as in person teaching” Many students feel as though the volume of work is very high and that consideration to being in a primarily online environment has not been considered in relation to workload. • Some suggestion that keeping up with recorded lectures, online live lectures and in person lectures challenging. Vast differences for individuals students in their experience across modules.
Yn fyr... In short… Mae myfyrwyr eisiau mwy o ddysgu wyneb yn wyneb, ond maent yn deall bod hyn yn heriol.
Students want more in person face to face teaching, but do understand that the situating is challenging.
However, with primarily online learning they are: Fodd bynnag, gyda dysgu ar-lein yn bennaf mae • Worried that they learn less online. myfyrwyr yn: • Dissatisfied that they are not able to benefit • Poeni eu bod yn dysgu llai ar-lein. from the social aspects of learning. • Anfodlon nad ydyn nhw'n gallu elwa ar agweddau • Unhappy that they are not getting value for cymdeithasol dysgu. money. • Anhapus nad ydyn nhw'n cael gwerth am arian. • Believe that what they were promised does • Credu nad yw'r hyn a addawyd iddynt yn cyfateb i'r not match the reality. realiti. • Are frustrated with technological and • Rhwystredig gyda materion technolegol a trefniadol organisational issues. • Meddwl bod angen ystyried llwyth gwaith yng • Think that workload needs to be considered nghyd-destun dysgu ar-lein. in the context of online learning.
Argymhellion Recommendations 1. Rhaid rhoi ystyriaeth i’r ffaith bod myfyrwyr ddim yn teimlo'n hyderus y gallent berfformio ar eu gorau yn eu hasesiadau. 2. Dylai ysgolion hwyluso mwy o gyfleoedd dysgu cymdeithasol.
3. Rhaid uchafu dysgu wyneb yn wyneb lle bo hynny'n ymarferol bosibl. Rhaid i hyn ychwanegu gwerth at yr hyn sydd eisoes ar waith. 4. Mwy o gysondeb ar draws yr hyn a brofir ar draws modiwlau. 5. Ystyriwch y llwyth gwaith sydd gan fyfyrwyr yng nghyddestun dysgu ar-lein. Mae hyn oherwydd yr awgrym y gall ceisio dilyn darlithoedd wedi'u recordio, darlithoedd byw arlein a darlithoedd wyneb yn wyneb fod yn heriol.
6. Angen cadw mewn cysylltiad gyda myfyrwyr yn rheolaidd. Maent yn adrodd bod hyn yn hynod werthfawr ac yn cael derbyniad da.
Consideration must be made in relation to students not feeling confident that they can perform optimally in their assessments.
More social learning opportunities should be facilitated by schools.
Maximise in person teaching where practically possible. This must add value to what is already in place.
More consistency across what is experienced across modules.
Consider the workload that students have in the context of online learning. This is due to the suggestion that keeping up with recorded lectures, online live lectures and in person lectures can be challenging.
Check in with students regularly. They report that this is extremely valuable and well received.
Rwy'n fodlon â'r profiad academaidd y tymor hwn hyd yn hyn I am satisfied with the wider student experience so far this term
27.9% 23.0%
Definitely disagree
Mostly disagree
Mostly agree
Definitely agree
Rwy'n fodlon â'r profiad academaidd y tymor hwn hyd yn hyn I am satisfied with the wider student experience so far this term
6.7% 13.4% 27.9% 23.0%
Definitely disagree
Mostly disagree
Mostly agree
Definitely agree
Prifysgol Bangor University
Cenedlaethol Nationally
“Dydy o jyst ddim yr un peth” “It’s just not the same” Yn anffodus, gellir crynhoi llawer o sylwadau trwy ddweud:
Unfortunately, many comments can be summed up by saying:
“Nid oes llawer o brofiad myfyrwyr ehangach i gael eleni”
“There isn’t much of a wider student experience this year”
Mae'n debyg y gallwn ddweud yn glir, er bod pethau'n digwydd, nid yw'n teimlo fel y profiad yr addawyd iddynt na y clywsant amdano, neu brofiadau mae nhw wedi cael o'r blaen.
We can probably safely say that although things are going on, it just really doesn’t feel like the experience they have been promised or heard stories about, or experienced before at Bangor.
Pa mor aml, os o gwbl, ydych chi'n teimlo'n unig? How often, if ever, do you feel lonely?
Every day
Every week
Less than weekly
Pa mor aml, os o gwbl, ydych chi'n teimlo'n unig? How often, if ever, do you feel lonely?
Yn unig, yn ddyddiol neu wythnosol Lonely weekly or daily
Every day
Every week
Less than weekly
Pa mor aml, os o gwbl, ydych chi'n teimlo'n unig? How often, if ever, do you feel lonely?
28.1% 34.8%
Every day
Every week
Less than weekly
Prifysgol Bangor University
Cenedlaethol Nationally
Pa mor aml y mae myfyrwyr yn nodi eu bod yn teimlo'n unig yn Ă´l y math o lety How often students report feeling lonely by accommodation type 100% 90%
60% 50% 40%
30.8% 52.6%
20% 10%
26.2% 5.3%
0% All
Uni halls
Private Halls
11.1% Owned
Private Rental
Accomodation Type
Every day
Every week
Less than weekly
20.0% Remote
Teimladau o unigrwydd yn Ă´l blwyddyn astudio Feelings of loneliness by year of study 100% 90% 80%
First Year
Second or middle years
60% 50% 40% 30%
20% 10% 0% Final year
Year of Study
Lonely Daily/Weekly
Lonely Less then weekly/Never
Rwy'n teimlo'n rhan o gymuned o staff a myfyrwyr I feel part of a community of staff and students
9.0% 17.5%
29.5% 28.4%
Definitely disagree
Mostly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Mostly agree
Definitely agree
Rwy'n teimlo'n rhan o gymuned o staff a myfyrwyr I feel part of a community of staff and students
15.7% 9.0% 17.5% 29.5% 28.4%
Definitely disagree
Mostly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Mostly agree
Definitely agree
Prifysgol Bangor University
Cenedlaethol Nationally
Pa mor aml ydych chi'n ystyried gadael y Brifysgol? How often do you consider dropping out of University? 5.2%
Every day
Every week
Less than weekly
Pa mor aml ydych chi'n ystyried gadael y Brifysgol? How often do you consider dropping out of University? 5.2%
Every day
Every week
Less than weekly
Prifysgol Bangor University
Cenedlaethol Nationally
Risg o adael yn Ă´l teimlad o gymuned Drop out risk by feeling of community 100% 90%
Percentage Feeling like dropping out
15% 58%
60% 50%
40% 30%
20% 10%
25% 15%
7% 4%
Community Negative
Community NAND
Community Positive
Feeling of Community Feel like Dropping Out Every Day
Feel Like Dropping Out Every Week
Feel Like Dropping Out Less Than Weekly
Feel Like Dropping Out, Never
Risg o adael yn Ă´l boddhad profiad myfyrwyr ehangach Drop out risk by wider student experience satisfaction 100%
90% 80%
60% 50% 40%
30% 20% 10% 0%
24% 10% 1% NAND
12% Dissatified
2% 1% Satisfied
Satisfaction with Wider Student Experience
Every day
Every week
Less than weekly
How often consider dropping out
Risg o adael yn Ă´l boddhad academaidd Drop out risk by academic satisfaction 100% 90% 80% 70% Percent
76% 97%
50% 40% 30% 20% 10%
24% 3%
0% Negative Academic
Positive Academic
Academic Experience Consider dropping out - Daily/Weekly
Consider dropping out - Less than weekly/Never
Risg o adael yn Ă´l anabledd Drop out risk by disability 100% 90% 80% 70% Percentage
50% 40% 30% 20% 10%
0% Yes
No Disability
Less than Weekly/Never
Risg o adael yn Ă´l unigrwydd Drop out risk by loneliness 100% 90%
80% 70%
50% 40% 30% 20% 10%
21% 6%
0% Lonely Daily/Weekly
Lonely Less then weekly/Never
How Often Feel Lonely Consider Dropping Out Daily/Weekly
Consider Dropping Out Less then weekly/Never
Themâu Data Ansoddol Qualitative Data Themes Mae'r sylwadau negyddol yn canolbwyntio ar: • Gyfleoedd i ryngweithio'n gymdeithasol. • Chwant am fwy o gyfleoedd wyneb yn wyneb. • Darpariaeth clybiau a chymdeithasau. • Teimlo bod rhaid derbyn y sefyllfa a’i fod yn anorfod. • Cyfleoedd i gydweithio. • Teimladau o gael eu gorfodi i fod ym Mangor yn ddiangen. • Cadw mewn cyswllt / Cefnogaeth • Myfyrwyr Ymchwil Ôl-Radd yn cael eu anghofio • Hygyrchedd ar gyfer anghenion pob myfyriwr
Negative comments centre around: • Opportunities to socially interreact. • Craving more in person opportunities. • Club and society provision. • Feeling resigned to the situation. • Opportunities for co-working. • Feelings of being forced to be in Bangor unnecessarily. • Checking in on students / Support • PGRs forgotten • Accessibility for all student's needs.
Themâu Data Ansoddol Qualitative Data Themes Mae’r sylwadau cadarnhaol yn canolbwyntio ar: • Ddeall yr heriau. • Clybiau a chymdeithasau yn gwneud be mae nhw’n gallu
Positive comments centre around: • Understanding of the challenges. • Clubs and societies doing what they can.
Beth sy'n digwydd? What’s going on? •
Mae myfyrwyr yn daer eisiau mwy o gyfleoedd i gymdeithasu â'i gilydd. Nid yw hyn o fewn gweithgareddau allgyrsiol yn unig. Dealltwriaeth allweddol yw eu bod am i hyn fod yn rhan o'u dysgu, ar eu cyrsiau, fel eu bod yn cael rhyngweithio'n gymdeithasol â'u ffrindiau cwrs. Mae myfyrwyr yn dyheu am fwy o gyswllt wyneb yn wyneb. • Maent eisiau mwy o gyfleoedd i gysylltu a chydweithio â'u cyfoedion wyneb yn wyneb. • Mae nhw eisiau mwy o gyfleoedd i gael gweithgaredd cymdeithasau a chlybiau wyneb and wyneb. Mae llawer o fyfyrwyr yn teimlo yn ymostyngol ac yn ddigalon. Mae angen i ni fod yn dryloyw ac yn onest gyda myfyrwyr wrth gydnabod bod angen i ni wrando a gweithredu ar yr hyn maen nhw'n ei ddweud wrthym. Mae myfyrwyr ymchwil Ôl-Raddedig yn rhwystredig iawn ac yn teimlo eu bod yn cael eu anghofio ac yn “ôl-ystyriaeth” i'r Brifysgol. Maent yn teimlo bod angen canolbwyntio mwy ar gefnogaeth iddynt. O ystyried llawer o'r uchod, mae myfyrwyr yn teimlo bod angen cael cyswllt yn amlach oherwydd y sefyllfa heriol. Mae llawer o fyfyrwyr yn credu eu bod wedi cael eu gorfodi i ddod i Fangor yn ddiangen pan fod ganddyn nhw rwydweithiau cymorth cyson o'u cwmpas gartref.
• • •
Student desperately want more opportunities to socialise with each other. This is not just within extracurricular activities. A key insight is that they want this to be part of their learning, on their courses, so that they get to socially interact with their course mates. Students crave more in person contact. • They want more opportunities to connect and work collaboratively with their peers, in person. • They want more opportunities to have society and club activity in person. Many students feel resigned and despondent. We need to be transparent and honest with students whilst recognising that we need to listen and act on what they are telling us. PGR students are highly frustrated and feel forgotten and an “afterthought” for the University. They feel more support needs to focussed towards them. Given much of the above, students feel like they need to be “checked in” with more often due to the challenging situation. Many students believe that they have been made to come to Bangor unnecessarily when they have consistent support networks around them at home.
Beth ellir ei wneud? What can be done? 1.
Gwneud y mwyaf o weithgaredd wyneb yn wyneb o fewn a thu hwnt i addysgu.
Maximise in person activity within and beyond teaching.
The University to allow and support the maximising of in person society activity.
Increased, clear and compassionate communications to students.
Acknowledging that the students are having a challenging time at the moment.
Y Brifysgol i ganiatáu a chefnogi'r mwy o weithgaredd wyneb yn wyneb i gymdeithasau. Mwy o gyfathrebu, clir a thosturiol â myfyrwyr.
Cydnabod bod myfyrwyr yn cael amser heriol ar hyn o bryd.
Deall awydd ac angen rhai myfyrwyr i beidio ag astudio ym Mangor oherwydd amgylchiadau personol amrywiol a natur heriol y sefyllfa bresennol.
Understand the desire and need of some students not to study in Bangor due to the varying personal circumstances and challenging nature of the current situation.
Wrth symud ymlaen, sicrhau fod y disgwyliadau a addawyd yn cyfateb i’r realiti.
Going forward, ensure that promised expectations match realities.
In spite of many challenges not being unique to Bangor, maintain a bespoke response in line with our desires as a sector leading institution and meets our students’ needs.
Enhance the support networks who can regularly “check in” with students. For example, peer guides, personal tutors, mentors etc.
Er gwaethaf nifer o heriau nad ydynt yn unigryw i Fangor, rhaid cynnal ymateb pwrpasol yn unol â'n dymuniadau fel sefydliad sy'n arwain y sector ac sy'n diwallu anghenion ein myfyrwyr. Gwella'r rhwydweithiau cymorth sy'n gallu “cadw cyswllt” yn rheolaidd gyda myfyrwyr. Er enghraifft, arweinwyr cyfoed, tiwtoriaid personol, mentoriaid ac ati.