Minutes 30th September 2020

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Bangor University Students’ Union Trustee Board Meeting TB30092020 Minutes of the meeting held on 30th September 2020 – Microsoft Teams


Henry Williams (HW)(Chair), Iwan Evans (IE), Harry Riley (HR), Katie Tew (KT), James Avison (JA), Jeremy Harvey (JH), Sarah- Jane Taylor (SJ) (Ian Roberts (IR), Caroline Cartmill (CC), Morgan McDougall (MM), Richard Hayton (RH).

In attendance:

Llinos Gashe (LlG) (Minutes), Mair Rowlands (MR) (Director), Sharon Brown (SB) (Presentation of Union Accounts)

Agenda TB30092020-01 Welcome

Discussion i. HW welcomed members to the meeting, followed by individual introductions to include all in attendance. ii. HW as chair read through the Union’s Public Benefit Statement. iii. The following were circulated for information and guidance to all Trustees:  Annual Cycle of Business  Code of Conduct  Reminder of Responsibilities – Trustee Statement of Responsibility  Charity Commission Essential Trustee Guidance The Board noted the resignation of Llinos Roberts as External Trustee. The Board thanked Llinos for her contribution to the Board.

TB30092020-02 Apologies for absence

John Slater

TB30092020-03 Declaration of Interest TB30092020-04 Minutes of the previous meeting TB30092020-05 Matters arising from previous minutes Standing Items TB30092020-06 Election of Deputy Chair

No declaration of interest noted HW presented the minutes, which were accepted as a true record of the meeting held on 25th June 2020. No Matters Arising

HW reported that in line with the Union’s bye-laws the Board of Trustees requires to elect a deputy chair which must be an external trustee.


Sarah-Jane Taylor was elected as Deputy Chair. TB30092020-07 Annual Statement of Legal Compliance (*attached for approval)

MR reported that the Annual statement is presented to the Board annually and the report assures trustees that legal and reputational risk are being considered and controlled. It was noted that information to the Audited accounts and Data Sharing

Agreement have been updated. COVID-19 has been added to the statement. The Board approved the amended statement. TB30092020-08 Management Accounts

a) Period 12 Accounts (up to July 2020) SB reported that the P&L balance stands at a surplus of £56,298 against a predicted deficit budget forecast for the year of £26,569 resulting in a favourable variance of £82,867 at the end of the accounting period. As mentioned within the report, we have processed a considerable number of accruals and all these have been reflected within the accounts. It was noted that the favourable variance was largely because a lot of activities were ceased due to Covid-19. b) Period 1 Accounts (August 2020) It was noted that the P&L balance currently stands at a year to date deficit of £9,765 against a predicted deficit budget forecast of £22,893 resulting in a favourable variance of £13,128. SB sated it would be beneficial for the new trustees to have a session with her to explain how the accounts work. c) SU Budget MR reported that the University Executive has approved had committed to providing the SU with the same level of funding as last year for 2020/21. SB briefly went through and explained the budget.

TB30092020-09 Director’s Report (*report circulated prior to the meeting) TB30092020-10 Operational Plan

The Board approved the Budget for 2020/2021. MR briefly went through the circulated report. No further questions were asked. MR reported is attached for information. Clarification was given on the colour coding:

TB30092020-11 Sabbatical Reports TB30092020-12 Subcommittee Update: i. Executive Committee ii. Finance Sub Committee iii. Subcommittee membership (*minutes and reports attached for information only)

Completed - Green In Progress - Yellow Stalled - Red Sabbatical Officer briefly went through each report. HW reported that the Governance and Health and Safety Committee Meetings have not yet taken place, dates for these will be arranged for October. The Sub Committee Membership for the Finance Committee was agreed in the meeting held on the 17th September. Student Trustee Membership for the following subcommittees were approved at this meeting: Governance Sub Committee – Richard Hayton Health and Safety Committee – Caroline Cartmill It was noted that Trustees can attend any of the sub committees.

TB30092020-13 Risk Register (*papers attached for discussion) i. Risk Classification Matrix ii. Risk Register

MR briefly went through explaining both the Risk Clarification Matrix and the Risk Register and highlighted the minor changes made.

TB30092020-14 Strategic Plan Development

MR reported that due to the Covid-19 pandemic in the March meeting of the Board of Trustees the board agreed to postpone further work on the Strategic Plan development and review again at the end of the Academic year. In the meeting held on the 25th of June it was proposed that the SU investigates creating a shorter plan of 2/3 years with online focus groups with stakeholders starting again during the next academic year. It was also passed that another interim operational plan was created bridging the gap before the creation of the new Strategic Plan that is launched in the new year. Following a meeting with Al and the sabbatical officers to introduce the work already done on the strategic plan development to date, and the possible next steps it was suggested that Undeb Bangor could facilitate two sets of conversations with stakeholders but there would be an increase in pricing, and this has been reflected as an option in the proposal circulated. Al has reduced the overall costs of running all the sessions twice as he appreciates this would not have been budgeted for as part of the strategic development

process. The Board approved for Al Powell to continue with work on the Strategic Plan to include additional funding for phase 4 plus. Items for Discussion and Approval TB300920-15 AOB

TB30092020-16 Date of Next Meeting


NHS Track and Trace App – IR asked if it was compulsory for Students to download the track and trace app. MR reported that students are encouraged to download the app, but it is not compulsory. Student are encouraged to use the University’s testing arrangements. There is a testing centre based at Ysbyty Enfys for students. There is a link on the website for students to record a positive test. ii. MR reported that the Board needs to advertise for a replacement for Llinos Roberts. The Board agreed that the are of expertise should be within HR/Finance and legal. iii. Buddy Scheme – It was agreed to initially group trustees within the sub committees they are members of, however, anyone can speak to each other outside of these groups. th 17 December 2020

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