The Queen Anne’s Development Campaign
It is our responsibility to inspire the girls to be confident, compassionate and to love learning. We want to take this further than our business finances allow. We plan to offer more places to talented and financially-deserving girls, to create inspirational, new facilities and to be truly imaginative in how we equip the girls to be entrepreneurs, employees and citizens. As the pace of change accelerates, we owe it to our girls to be ambitious. To do all of this we will need help. Through outreach and partnerships with local schools, we also plan to share what we have at Queen Anne’s more widely.
a culture of support is developing Already a culture of support for Queen Anne’s is developing. It is very encouraging to know that old girls, parents and friends share our vision for the school to the extent that they will ‘back’ us. Now we have brought together our development plans under one campaign, which expresses our vision: Creating Tomorrow. We hope that more friends of the school will contribute over the coming years and will feel a sense of pride in being associated with a school that is becoming ever more modern, innovative and distint.
Julia Harrington Headmistress
...modern, innovative and distinct.
Three areas of focus: FUTURE CAMPUS
The Space, our most recent facility development, has brought huge benefits to teaching and learning, but there is more we can do. Our development plan identifies areas, such as sport, where further investment in facilities will bring real opportunities and will help the girls reach even higher standards.
We plan to give more talented and financiallydeserving girls the life-changing opportunity of a Queen Anne’s education. This will mean being able to fund greater numbers of really significant bursary awards - hence the launch our new Scarlet Fund.
A programme of activities and initiatives to encourage creative thinking, risk-taking and leadership. Our aim is to give our girls critically important skills to aid business-creation, employability and citizenship.
We owe it to our girls to be ambitious.
CREATING TOMORROW FUTURE CAMPUS We have assessed how our teaching and learning will develop over the coming decades and what this will mean in terms of equipping ourselves with the right facilities. The result of this assessment is our development master plan.
Phase 1: The Space
Phase 2: Music and the Heart of the School
Phase 3: Sports Facilities
Facilities create opportunities.
PHASE 1: THE SPACE Completed
PHASE 2: MUSIC AND THE HEART OF THE SCHOOL Construction now underway
We have raised £500K so far. We will need to raise at least
£1M PHASE 3: SPORT FACILITIES Coming soon...
over the next three years.
Bursaries change lives
20%: our long term goal. 12%: what we do already.
Number of girls receiving bursaries.
CREATING TOMORROW FUTURE AWARDS: The Scarlet Fund Queen Anne’s has a history of providing bursaries to talented and financiallydeserving girls. Now we plan to build on this with a new fund created with generosity. The Scarlet Fund will grow from donations and legacies from old girls, parents and friends. The aim: to provide the life-changing opportunity of a Queen Anne’s education to girls for whom a really significant bursary (70% or more) is essential to their place at the school. Each funded place is precious, so our criteria for Scarlet Fund Awards will have rigour and integrity. The programme is an opportunity for Queen Anne’s to be imaginative and to bring value to the whole school. We will search out suitable candidates who will contribute and benefit the most.
Adding to what we do already Currently, 12 % of girls at Queen Anne’s receive bursaries of up to 100% of fees. Bursaries are integral to the school; sharing excellence and opportunities fits with our values. Talented pupils inspire those around them both pupils and staff. And a mix of cultures and backgrounds is healthy preparation for life beyond school.
Pound for pound Widening access to a Queen Anne’s education is so fundamental to our development that the school will match every donation to the Scarlet Fund pound for pound.
To raise a fund of
£1M 5
by 2025
to allow for
Longer term: to be able to offer bursaries of up to 100% to 20 girls in the school.
A good education must prepare a pupil for life. This ultimate objective has become ever more challenging with the acceleration of change in the world. While we take academics very seriously, a Queen Anne’s education has always been about much more than what goes on in the classroom. In her years here a girl will have opportunities to perform, to take responsibility and to grow as a person. Now we want to place even greater focus on what we offer beyond the curriculum, with the objective of equipping our girls to be confident, to make the right life-decisions, to land fulfilling jobs and also to be resilient - because things will not always go their way.
An advisory panel Queen Anne’s is fortunate to have the support of talented, forward-thinking parents and old girls. We intend to draw on this. Through the creation of an advisory panel, comprising old girls and parents, we will tap into expertise in order to create the ideal programme of activities and training.
... even greater focus on equipping our girls to be confident.
• Create a network of parent and old girl career mentors
Some of these initiatives will require extra funding, but we believe we can achieve a great deal by tapping into the skills and experience within the Queen Anne’s community of old girls and parents. So the most obvious funding requirement is staff resource and budget to facilitate the whole programme.
• Develop our programme of inspirational speakers • Presentation training • Negotation training • Inspire entrepreneurship • Smart use of technology, such as cybersecurity and managing social media.
This is an area where old girls and parents can help directly.
THE ROLE OF PIONEERS While many people will give to an emerging success, it is the entrepreneurial donors – those who give at the start – who breathe life into a campaign.
‘entrepreneurial donors… to inspire a new culture’ Our aim is to create a new culture of support for Queen Anne’s that will bring benefits to generations of girls. The process has started, but we need more ‘pioneer donors’ to help build momentum and inspire others.
‘advice as well as support.’ From the outline plans set out in this document, fuller details will emerge over the coming months - particularly in the case of Future Leaders. Feedback and input from pioneer donors will be critically important in this process. So we welcome your advice as well as your financial support.
We welcome donations to the Creating Tomorrow Campaign as a whole. We also appreciate that you may wish to give to a specific area of focus. Future Campus You can donate now - especially as we need funds to complete Phase 2. Or, if you would like to wait until we have more detailed plans and a schedule of Phase 3, you can make a pledge, i.e. a promise of an amount once we are ready to go ahead.
Future Awards Building our new fund starts now. You can simply make a donation to the Scarlet Fund, or you might consider funding a specific award – yourself or with friends.
Future Leaders
You are welcome to make a donation now, but we also welcome pledged donations on the basis that donors may wish to see more details of the programme before committing funds.
We would like to acknowledge generosity by naming rooms, buildings and even bursaries. So please let us know if you would like to discuss this.
Making use of tax and time If you are a UK taxpayer, Queen Anne’s can claim Gift Aid on your donation. If you pay Higher Rate tax, you will benefit from tax relief on your donation (see the right-hand column of the table). You may wish to spread your donation over a number of years. We are planning our development cash flow on the assumption that many donors will wish to do this.
Queen Anne’s School Henley Road Caversham Berkshire RG4 6DX office@qas.org.uk 0118 918 7369 www.qas.org.uk Queen Anne’s School General Charitable Trust, Charity Number 296618